Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1915, p. 10

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BANK OFTORONTO BRANCHES AT BARRIE AND ALLANDALE. A Savings Department at every Branch. Money Orders and Drafts.sold._ Travellers Cheques and Letters of Credit issued. Safety Deposit Bnxes for Rent. Your Banking,business and acrnunt. snlicitvd with our assurance of careful and accurate attention. CAPITAL AND RESERVE FUNDS $11,300,000 uaurulll D0. IIXUIIIO, 3}'z.mnuk.. Zam-Buk is 1 skin of little childrfyetl of-Inna lpgrc nlnnnli-n ,, I, _. _. __._--' --.--un. u-I (uc UCIIOZIE childrenfyet I-erful_enough to heal chronic sores on yearisunding. drIgouqnduotu,5oc.petbox, 310: 1.25. ./ 0 We appreciate the position taken by the man or woman who says :- If your prepuntion is what on claim, you should have no objection to letting us txy it be e spending our money on it. To every peno taking this View we say. send one cent stamp (to pay return poange) and name and dete ol this paper to Zuni-Buk Co.. Tomato, end we will mail you 3 free trial box ofzau-Bok.. purely herl. suitable for the delicate ehildrenfvet nowerfnl onnnnh in 1.-.: .1... __z. --_. - 11:31` zuu-nun A1` ouh nxrsusm INCORPORATED 1855 A GENUINE OFFER. Buy the Genuine, `Well ~Scneened,' Clean tcmnton `Gail from The little l'Pd schoolhouse" on the 5th can. has received a new mat of paint cm the inside. (Too late for last week.) Bert Willson of Tortmtn spent ithe Christmas holidays under the parental roof. C. Wilson at Estevan, Sask.,. is visiting Dr. L. Sloan. Wedding bulls are ringing very loudly amund this vicinity. Miss M. Willsnn spent Sunday with friemis at Thornton. Thursday, January" 1. 1015 nun. uuuuu: mt me delicate owetful enough uldrno-iunnnd-an... nu. -.- LA H. A. SIMS, Manager. CHURCHILL One day a f try Lydia E. Compound helped by it. soon got we] natural again perfect he-alt} so`well in my Vegetable C many women letter will he! )ishit."--Mrs Comer, Lond George Monkman Women wh ing ills peculi doubt the abil Vegetable Co health. If you ha that Lydia ble Com pou tn Lydia E. (condent vice. You read and a 3nd held 1 IIIl'lI-"_" TOl'Unlu U p.m. North n:1_ Points-- North Bay 0rillia-3. Meafnrd :11 (opvn m. mail). J `VIV Alland Painsv Turtm m tiun M {(11} Ii London, 0 and I very 1) Dagg. Restored ` E. P_inI1 V - _I'!;KER:"- Corner Elizabeth and Small ! streets. `Phone 250. ll: Ba} West` I\_n I \l` Mi: Ixj'.'.' FARM ALMO 33' Hf I III? HlH.H's|:\ H2ll`l'i4- and pa ; BREAD. yxsrnv -M -7 IVIII Thuroda "F. M! H14 STORE--E. '1`. Tyre:-'5 aid stand at the V Five Points. 112 ..M.i. \uu T01 II1 nV\'I M4-: 'A'n' Br: un, Ma Listl WEDDING CAKES of Best Quality ` CONFECTDNERY Chocolates, Candi. Bon Bonn. Barl P:-nit-a-tiveo in oold'by;l`l dealen at 50c. 1 box, 6 for $2.50. :1:-io.lA size, 25. or will be sent tpnid on receipt of help. by PI-u 9-1.9111`. jnuitgd 'onuaam' Issuer of Ian-Iago Lloonooc. Fruit-a-tives cures weak, sore. aching Kidneys, not only because it strengthens these organs but also be- cause "Fruit-a-tives opens thebowels, svyeetens the stomach and stimulates the action of the skin. Many -people do notrealize that the Skin-is one of the three great elimina- tots of waste matter from the body. As a matter of fact, the Skin rids the system of more Urea (or waste matter) than the Kidneys. 'When there is Kidney Trouble, Pain In The Back and Acrid Urine, it may not be the fault of the kidneys at all. but be due to faulty :in`Action, or Constipation [of the Phonon 255 & 59: afooging Block $35 III (II; boweh. Fomution bf Uri: Add In The Blood. Onlylonody That Acts 0: AThru Of ;l'l|o OIIVIII Ruponuiblo For The "Fruit-1-tives Have Proved Thai: Value In Thouundn of WUNDEHFUL HEGOHII [IF A WONDERFUL BIJBE WRlD S EREAIESI KIDNEY REMEDY REPRESENTING : CANADIAN EXPRESS C0. C. BROWN REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE City, Town and Farm Prop.`-can bougm aoid ma Exchnngod. FOR SATISFACTION Wholeule and Retnil LIMITED " is ;-';"i..'.'n':'.;:'.," .'n'.i'F;'.3?{,"2;uaa'ys Edwards, Herbert, Pratt ( absept) . Cecil Dunsmore (absent). _.l_._A_ fl... I! -I_!__ A A _ '.!.__ Primer_-Jlm Robinson, Jim Bowman, Jack Robinson, Murray Avison (absent). Mary Robert- son (absent). Frank Anderson. .- --ww - --v nan-vs: - urlay .Ed;va\r:ls. Aura ... nie Kenny (equal), Grace Rob- ertson, Britton Dunsmore. - IAJ , _ -....-'_ _----.v..-`.---u Jr._ II.--James Clements; Reta Quantz, Reta Hoover. Marjorie Black, Fred Foster, Jean Suth- eriand, Edgar Thompson. 1'I___I 'AI_`_Al up JIUUIIIUI \GUHUIIIa[ - Jr. III.-Grant Robinson, Al- ma Quinlan, Annie Bowman, Gordon Caldwell, Pearl Pratt (absent), Ernest Pratt (absent). fI-_-_I-__ T.I.I_._-_J- A Any farmer desiring a copy of this latest bulletin on "Swine" 3Wi`1l receive one free by writing to the Department of Agricul- ture, Toronto. N - Iii:--Lucy Mcwaters, El- mer Black, Joe Black, Clifford Webb._ - Lavena McWaters,' Herbert Beelby. Rachel Foster, Nelson Mcwaters, Clara Beelby, Bessie Hunter, Eddie Webb, Willie Guest, Willie Black, Fraser Sutherland. "dPr'imer 1-`:-v.i'z;.c:k`.u`Il\l:lt;'VVaters. Irene Clements, Milton McConk.. ey. ' Monthly Report of 8.8. No. 19. Sr. IV.--Dav`i'&'.-Iohnston. Fred Robinson, Evelyn Quinlan, Alice Aconley (absent). 1 . III n___4 n_u_:___ J .1 `st:-oua Public school neport, Fall Term, 1914. S1`. IV.--Hilda_.Hoover, Lillian Whitney, Edna Beelby. Margaret- 'Sut`herland, Wilfred Booth. UCV " '}}?.eF'.C.n .{Y'3Bi3B}1't. Mor- ley Webb. Elwood Guest. f,,1._-__, an ICU A -__.---w -....-~.-', ---a vu .-Iv ago I Jr. '1v.-B'e'rna:-d BaEon, Al-4 `Ian B1ack, Hazel Guest, Gordon` Sutherland. _ A valuable chapter is that ole-'1 voted to the common diseases 1 of swine. Many of,these are de-fa scribed, and their treatment is": covered in so full and practical 4 a manner as to make every hog- ] raise-r practically his own vet-_: erlnary. 1 ylvug uuau uuang [15 xiuuuuuo | Pref. Day places great em- phasis on the selection of both sire and dam, and his counsei in this regard is much needed. `Every `feature pertaining to mat- ing is thoroughly dealt with, the description of the breeding pen being especially helpful. The management of the sow during and after gestation is thorough- ly handled, and will likely save lmany a litter to the swine-rais- [er who will read this bulletin. aThe advice on raising young pigs is intensely practical Hints on dealing with rupture and oth- er troubles are also given, to- gether with excellent counsel re- garding exercise. , With the desire pf placing an up-to-date handbook on swine raising within the reach of every farmer in the Province. the 011-g tario Department cf_ Agricrulture` requested Prof. G..E. Day of the .AgriculIural Cnllwze, Guelph,; {one of Canadafs lcadingpauthoiu. ;ities on live stuck, to prepare lsnch a work, which has been lissued in the form at Bulletin 31%. 225, entitled Swine," -c0n_j taining 80 pages, profusely il-'- .; in-strated. V l 11 It is a `most practical and! icomplete statement, covering; 7 onuurv wouuiio 1'ou.Er " in hand glasses, combs, bruahea. manicure sets, perfumes. toilet waters, creams and lotions are here in all the exquisite elegance and high grade concoctions I0 dear to the feminine heart. A: side to beauty our skin foods are unexcelled. Our array 0! toilet articles will suit the most fastidious. `The author goes fully `into methods of feeding, prescribes the -best rations, gives the caus- es of soft bacon, and how `to ;avoid that and other drawbacks ito a perfect carcass. His hints on pasturing and soiling` crops `in `hog raising, especially where he compares rape with clover i and -alfalfa, are particularly sug- gestive. He also gives valuable :directions as to the feeding of |roots, potatoes, pumpkins, ap- iples, -and dairy products. I 15.. -.n 'I\ , 5 andel` lcomplete covering every point -helpful in the sel-] ection, housing. feeding, and}, general handling of ithe bacon I `hog. The bulletin /opens with i the place of the pig on the Tarm.]` Prof. Day very plainly, showingr] `the Why as well as the How.'Thel` various types of swine are 'then'.] described. with photo-engrav-1` ngs of iprizewvinners at somelr `of the leading live stock sh:ows.,A' ' `TL- A_. GM of the Foundations 0? On- tario's Agricultural Prosper- ] uy Thoroughly Dosorlbd. THI IIOON HOG.- fl It is regretted that some fimembers who have recently s,joined the Company have con- - tinually absented themselves without leave, which evidently {shows that they hold their mili_ ; tary duties very lightly. -As this jstate of affairs cannot possibly - be allowed to continue all those 3`members who are absent with- -:out leave on Tuesday, 5th Janu- 3"ary, and who have been previ- l ously absent without leave will - be discharged from the Company -as they are of no possible bone- fit to the service. As the idea 1' of a military compa y is to train ` men to defend their country in I case of need such training can - only be procured by prompt at- tendance at each of the four .drills a month, merely joining a v company and not playing the game shows poor patriotic and _` sporting instincts. Those members of the Com- pany who desire to serve with the -'I`hir"d Contingent which is about to be raised will send their names in to the Captain as soon as possible. C. K. S. MACDONELL. Captain, 1') (V H12!!! II-_ 02:1. n-_.1--.,- ' ('I;hos;: members of the Com- pany who have not procured gtheir full equipment will do so Tuesday night as the required luniforms have arrived. Final arrangements will be made Tuesday night for n mili- tary dance to be held during the month and the various commit- tees will be appointed. ALL THE AOOEOOOII OF I Barrie, 2nd Jan., 1914.: The usual weekly drill of the Company will be held on Tues- day, 5th January, at 7.30 p.m., and all members are ordered to be present promptly. H 3 The Saturday Market was a! V fairly large one, especially in, '!the meat line, a great -deal `off 3` pork, beef` and lamb 'being' brought in. A load of live South- -idown sheep were offered at $8.00, ' apiece, or $7.00 each for the lot. Some pens" of R.I.R. chickens al-: ` Sn were for sale. Seven or eight 1 loads of wood were still on the -gmarket about noon.` $6.00 was; 'iqunt(~d for the 4-foot and $6.50: ,for the 2-foot. Potatoes re- Hnxain firm at 50c a bag `ifor retailers. Eggs and butt.er `have not yet taken the prophe; "cized slump. Some nice dry- ` picked chickens were quoted at ' 15c a lb., and this is a pretty - good price. ' Butter .. .. .. ..28c.-30c. lb. Chickens .. .. ....i5c-16c lb. ',*Fow1.. .. .. .. .. .. ..13clb.` -1 Geese .. .. .. .. ..14c-16clb `Turkeys .. .. ._. ..17c-18c lb ; Apples .. .. . .20c-35c basket; Parsnips .. .. 100, small basket` fCarrots .. .. .. .. ..15c peck Celery .. .. .. .. .. ..5cbunch Onions .. .. ..35c-5oc basket` Pickling Onions .. .. ..l0c qt. Sage .. .. .. .. .. ..5c bunch Thyme .. .. .. .. .. ..5cbunch Summer Savory .. ..5c bunch Squash .. .. .. .. .. ..10ceach Citrons .. .. .. .. ..10c-15c. l Cabbage .. .. .. ..5c-iOc each `Turnips .. .. .. ..7c-10c. r V Potatoes . . . . . . .500 hag Cream .. . .. I.30c qt. Buttermilk, 96 gal. .. .. .. ..5c. Lamb, fronts .. .. .. .`. ..15c Lamb, hinds .. .. .. ...17e Beef, fronts .. .. ..$13.00 cwt. Beef, hinds .. .. ..$13.50 ewt. Pork, fronts .. .. .. .. ..Hc Pork, hinds .. .. .. . . . . ..i3c Hay .. .. .. .. ..$18.00-$20.('0 Wood, 4-ft. x .. .. .. ..$6.n0 Wood, 2-ft. .. .. .. .. ..$6.50 Potatoes, per basket . . . . . .200. Magistrate Perry, of Goldeklr, B.C., believes in making a ood thing knnwn. Writing of Zorn-Buk, the great household him, he snys :--After I very lair trial I have proved Zun-Buk > eminently sitisfutory. In my one it cured a skin rush of ve ears standing which noxloctor had been able to do any good or. I would certainly eilcunrdge any person to kee Zam-Buk in his home." The magistrateia uite ri ht. Every _me needs Zara-Buk! Uneanaed fur cntnftmng inning ..-...... 5.1....- -- W, r_-...... .v -wv up-nu-an:-. magisttateiutuite h . Every `Que needs Zam-Buk! Uneqnaed in: cuts, ms, uises, ecauu, blood poisoning and all skin discues. All notes and dmggiuucll it at 50 cents I box. Sure cute fot pile; By Captain 0. is. Macdonoll, commanding "E" coy., 35th Regiment. MAGISTRATE SPEAKS FOB ZAM-BUK J! BAIIIE SITUIDIY MARKET . ...u.a. pan ; Illl `TI-i`;'.`(.1 <;y-.,` 35th Regimennl All count:-in. A31; to; our INVEN- k .LDVI8ER.wh1ch will be sent tron. TI-ll IARRII Ixumun Ann snrunohv uonuma COMPANY ORDERS 00280 ens .. ....i5 I.'.f{4 1 .:' :'T'2oE.35 ips smt 5' '. .' '.' .'.'3-sb as, per basket ..20c .. .. .. ;.30c nilk, .`. hinds . . fonts ...$1.3.00 inds `routs xinds $18.00-$20.00. 4-rt. 2-rt. ..28c.-30c. lb.` . ....i5c-16c .... ..13clb. ... ..14c-16clb. lbw 1.200-350 ....5cbunch} 3 . .. ..5c bunch y . ..i0c each , .. .. ..50c asket .._.. . . ;aL .... H VSVI-i..':).ting is the order of the day `around here._ I John Speirs came home from Niagara for the Christmas holi_ day. ,,,- -. _.-. .-u- as V: I uucuullg `spent a few days with her father, James Erwin. I-load 0fnoo--41 Dunlap Street. Yard Ofoo--Foot of Mary street. Allandulo 0fl1.oo--0pp.. Post 011100. I Mrs. c. sage visited her moth- ! u : week. I i 'i`he storm lasvtu week blocked most of the roads running north and south so they had to be dug; gout. ' ="l'\:[is-s Patian is spending the Xmas and New Year's holiday at` `her: home in London. | Mrs. T. E:`_IEirkpatrick is spending Xmas holidays in To- ronto. Dec. 27th. Thomas Smith spent. Christ- Imas yith his son Thomas E. - Mis Maggie 'KelleVy i`; s-pend- ing the holiday with her mother, Mrs. John Kelley. _ ! David Kenney of Toronto spent Xmas at home. I 3 Miss Isabell. Jordan is spend- _ing the holiday at her home in Lindsay. " 9 `ll 77, V J. I I M; Kenney made a business :'trip to Elmvale last `week. The Sarjeapj "ii-rs. M. Burk 7 (law. unit}. 1.... of Penetan 1.1L 8: A Chiago nan hssjustdied from bloodpoisom ing stising fton neglect of a small sore. Don ! neglect a cut, s. of eczema, or an open son ol any kind. he air is full of poison gems. waiting to start up their eviftesnlts in neglected sores, wounds, etc. In_ Zam-Buk is safitj. Zam- Buk is so highly sntisptic that appli to any skindiseasc or iqnry it makes blood poisoning`in- possible. In using lam-Buk you have the: prooessss going on at once for Zsu-Bahia healing soothing and antiseptic. Try R without delay. norr nc_L5't:I THAT sons: Mr. and Mrs. ~Wm. Armstrong` of Hamilton are spending the holiday with the latter s parents, |Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilts. I wish -the Examier and Sat- urday Morning and readers a happy and prosperous New Year.` Patric]; Doranmvi;i't_e`i his sis- iter, Mrs. John Smith of Oro. family spent Xmas with the lat- ter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. |Wanless. Wedding bells are ringing ex- tra loudly around here. Coal - Coal I

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