Dist-uuinc the value of the Down breeds and their crosyes tor the pro- iuction of mutton Ind lamb. J. P. Ron says in Farm and Fireside: The `breeds we treat of are the Shropnhires, :o...o|..l-____ -- - - `BEST amsens run ~ MIJTTON AND LAMB. IOUTIDOWN PIIII Wllnlll. rur; say. an we mermaids in Sea- , ville have turned red headed with I jealousy." uualuj II U0)` 1 ' Some people advocate an apple sprout. but I have found that a swift I kick elevates boys more quickly." Eiynicus. I What is a good method of raising a o boy?" ` S 0|Dnlaln:- 1| I-..._QII unlxa by n Prillhh What sort nun". She Is a decided type. as What typo? 7 lawn can, I should any. 3 ( Chap. I'd have you understand that I am nobody`; tool." Is that so? "It Is." "Here's a dollar." Thank you. What of it? You are mine now." rllfd Llflo Do you truly love me. Percy?" "Madly." What would you do for me?" Your will. Then go away. Go away !" "Yes. so the other boys will have a chance to make love to me." At what chance?` `Chance of getting shot. llumlllon. onl. Sim: PAIIIL