S Pork-C'.umd:1 short cut, $21.50 ; 1 heavy mess $19.50. I Smoked and Dry Salted Meats-- ! iLong clear bacon, tons 11 cases |11c; breakfast. bacon, 14; hams, 18 {to 13c; rolls, 11c, shoulders, 10c; `backs. 14c; green meats out of pic- ikle are quoted 11!. 1c less than smok- - 1. `ct I....l u*:.......,.. 1n:a.. .__u,_ 4.- 1 |'l'he nuIing.1nTe}a in Live Stock | and Breadstulfs. Toronto, November 19.-Whea.t- TMP0 1'9 :1 fair demand and it 19983119 to look as it the home mills will absorb more of the Ontario crop than expected. The market. is rm at 68: to 69:: for new red and white middle Heights. Goose wheat is steady at 64c for No. 2 cast and 63 for No 2 middle freights. Spring wheat is steady at 684: for No 1 east. Manitoba wheat is rm at 84{c to 85: for No 1 hard, B2it: to 83 (or No 1 northern, and 78c to 79 for No 17 northern, grinding in transit, and 2c less for local delivery Toronto and west. Finn.-_mI... am.......1 :. t..:.. ......a .1... .Lu1'UnbO anu WCSE. llour~-The demand is fair and the (.n`erings are light, and the market. is steady at $2.65 bid and $2.70 asked ifor cars of 90 per cent. patents in buyers bags middle frcights. and 15c to 20c more is asked for choice brands`. Manitoba our is firm at $3.70 for strong bakers and 84 for .Hungn.n'an patents in car lots, bags lincludcd on the track Toronto. Mill :-u!_.lu in anon! An-nn-ul ..-"I nuuluucu U1: LDC [l'8.CK '.l'0X'CnE0. Millh-ed--Is in good demand and firm at $16 to $16.50 for cars of shorts and $13.50 for bran west. Manitoba shorts are quoted at $20 .a.nd bran at. $19 in car lots, I-'.m:;;s i included. Toronto frcights. . I;JIl!V;-]h .<:I.-Inalv 119 !'({'u- fnr WA 1 B.1rlcy-'-15 steady at ."}(`-c for No 1 east: No 1 is quoted middle frcights `at 55c, No 2 at 52c. No 3 extra at 350: and No 3 at 471: Buckwhcat.-ln steady at 50c cast. and -19c middle frciuhts. . Ryt-ls in demand and steady at |5h: to 52c cast and 50; to 51: mm-| `mu c....:..s... ilH13"|U'~3U- 'l'0l'OYlL0 ll'ClghLS. I-JLLJ Ll n) -TC `die freight: Uni-n._lu [LEADING MAHms.1 nu: u.L'ny,nI,~. I Corn-Is in demand and rm. Cars .0! new Canada. yellow sold at. 50c and 51c wc,-zsc. and old Canada, yellow ii:-1 quotcu an. 57c bid west. American! No 3 yellow is quoted at 67c rn track l`orontvo. l\nu_A.-.-. :.. ....a:.... .a,....._._.1 1--. l.l'u,l3h 10l'()uJ. I ()ats-.*\re in active demand for` shipment to the Province of Quebec; for shipment to New York on low; frcights and for home milling. There; is also at big short. interest In this-xl` Province. which helps to keep up prices. One Ontario dealer is short 50,000 bushels, which he sold on thci basis of 310 on truck Toronto, show-, a. loss of about 10c per bushel on` -prc.~:cnt. market values. No 2 whitej are quoted at 42-50 to 43 cast or} `low frc-ights to New York, and for` _shipment, cast or for mill.-4 they are '..nnon.I nt 40.. ...:.I.n.. c....:...u.a.. 2 '.l'elcv,:hone 1:5. nu: quuuzu at 135-36 In ow 'quoted at 42:: middh-. ! Pnn 2.. A van Sn frntutl `quuu.-u at. 4:0 mmum 1rcu:nu,-, ` `-uu: gruuuu. 9 1 P,f'A" in 130C! demand fol` The result. of Prof. ShuU.le\\'orth s *'-*`N1'~U"F-I and U10 market is rm utnumxlysis of the products from the, -750 L`f-St. 750 middle freights and `Me 5v;u'ious localities, which is published 'n0rth um! west. bc;ow_ shows mg, mg beets grown ---- i_n the I eterhoro' plots yielded the lynovlsloxg largest percentage of sugar, being no} - less than 17.3, while Port.~l crry; 310$ I`0dUCtS have not 110011 "1 Such .came next. with 16.6 per cent. Peter-I Food demmld um` 'ek "3 f"9"ly- `bore also led in percentage of purity} |l'he_lumber camp-S do not seem `.0 be I reaching {)0 6 with Port. Perry a1gnir.' "5'"'8 50 lunch and are pro`nab|y'secon1 mm :su.:3 per cent. In aver-E using more of venison than 0! pork. .,,_gc yjeld per acre wmtby hczuls the ~ lpmes are Stead Dressed hogs archist. with 22 tons 83 pounds. and Al- steady and cm` lots sen occasionally vinsgom Lammon County, ,c,q_-cond 0" ""3 `milks here at 87- LOJ'd-S M0 with 21 tons 876 poum':s. At. each 53-03-01 ` point. the experiments were under-` l Prk'-"`` "1: taken by several farmers, ranging` mess {mm 18 to 28 in number. I Snmkecl and 1).-x. Ssullml Moms... 1.. 4.... ..........a......... Al n..._-o m..`.- um that next good week Ibo,-0' `The lumber 1,-caching 1 buying proivablysgeconcl wi using . age Prices steady. : on the tracks hm-n nl 9.7, Ln:-dc: nrn ...:u. an 4 Ull. Lmd-'l`ierc:s 103e, tubs 11c and pail-1 11{c. &l|\IlJ|J\Jl'Ja I ButLcr-'l hc demand is good and: there are libenu offerings of all 'clas.:-cs, purticnlmly the low grade and medium stu'.l s. which sell Very How Good dt\iric.~4 are in excellent {demand and croamorics. also sell] briskly. We qt-.)Y.c_ : Cremx-cry printr; 20c to 21 dn snlirlu 10- On 10- LJl\'UlL'l.'I'y }H'l".l.`5 .. do solids .. Dzury. |)o:nw rails. do large mils . . . . .. do tubs... do medium and luv Eggs-Arc in good l'C`JL'i[HS are good. at 1'. c for the best for ordinary and 13 `nned. I-`rash -spliis I111. and limer! split- l oultry-Receipt,s are omy fair and` the demand is improving on account of the cold W(`ath(`l'. Prices urc steady at 86 to 9c for turkeys, 6c to 6} for geese, 40c to 45 for ducks, 30 to 50 for dressed chick- ens and 301: to 45 for live. ll-,.rnn._'1`hn IT...-:n.-.. ....,. ....:L.. In. cure uuu -1\._'C LU am: 10!` live. G-.nmo--Thc om-rings are quite lib-E era] and the demand is fair. Prices are quoted as folIows:-Canvus back, 31; black sum mallard, 75 to 90; red heads, 60:: to 65; pintails und blucbilla, 40c to 45; butter balls,` teal and hthcr small bird.-?, 200 to: 30. V \7....:,.,-.. n....-;-_._ ,.._ .,_.,._ -I OIIIJ. Venison--Receipts urc large and: there is a. good demand. Much of` the venison is sold to lumber camps without, coming to 'l`orom.o. Prices; are quoted here by dealers at 6c to; Sc for car-cases and 10:: to 12: for` for saddles. ` `n..a........ run... ..A-._..:...._ ,.-.- ,--I .4... v_. .,v . V--- ..-..-.-.... . Toronto, Nov. 19.-Busincss was good and prices were firm at the cattle market. today. Choice export sold at $1.60 to $4.90. Ilulls, 83.50 to $4. Ilmvy feeder:-w were selling from $3.26 to $3.75. Picked butcher cattle were worth from $4 25 to $4.50. Export lambs are wanted, weighing not. less than 110 lbs., ew._g and wethcrs. Th:-y are worth 33 all Navy grass calves are not wanted. only .liht.veal q.:aIAv;4_i_w_1lll.,eell at present. l_1oss._verc .nnc}3unged go. y it 35,5010! the best. The day`; I , OI-new nun RlBlDI!\`CB:-CdI'llOl` Owon And Collier Susan. Butte IUI BIIUIIIUE. I otat.oc9-'l`hc offerings are small and the ma?!-not is steady. Cars on the track here are quoted at 50c. Potatoes out of store will sell at 60a to 65. V nAAQ\n1 Ann 3-: `lu:cn pl--.._...;I .....-I ..4_._ UUD IIU `JIDL. Beans are in fair demand and sten- dy at $1.60 to $1.65 for hand-pick- ed and $1.50 for unpicked. Buled Ha.y-Is oering more lretr Iy. The market js steady. Cars on the track here are quoted at 88.50 in S9 ' LU O31. Baled Straw-ls steady. the track here are quoted to S6. LIVE STOCK MARKET. COUNTRY PRUDU CE. 1..- nvu__ .1 ,. , lu nu-m.. .:u.jv.. LU 10121 nlis . . . . . . .. 15: to 16 ...... we to 00c nrmd low 10c to ]3c 2 good demand and the good. Prices are steady the fresh. 154: to 16a 1 to 14 for good -h are quoted at .or! splits at 9c. LI. '.l'u'\4 ur '1uu Ultsb st 3c frcixzhts. I 3 ' rest. Cars on at C1 . zn delivery was 71 loads, with 1,069 head of cattle, 1.896 sheep and lambs, 1,080 hogs. and 30 cglves. Export cattle, choice nwt... S410 2490 1351)`)! la I-Il|alolI'.', InllI.ll\-A} cwt... Export. cattle, light, out, .,, HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ETC. Lute Resident Physician and Surgeon of the Toronto General lhapsuu. with special attention to Dszcmses of Women and Nose and Throat wmk: and also Surgeon to Emergency Hospital, Toronto. lnIn4_1Ynal-ln- In (In; \lnl'Vun-I!-my Illnmlo -u-v luapun cwt.. Bulls, Bulls, our} nausea, U4-yvs v. 55.nov, cwt .......................... .. 3.50 Feeders. heavy... . 3.25 Feeders, light .............. .. 8.25 Stockers, 400 to 800 lbs 2.50 Butchers cattle, choice... -1.00 Butchers cattle. good 3.60 Butchers common... 2.75 Butchers picked .......... .. 4.25 do oi!-colors and heifers 2.00 Butchers bulls ............ .. 2.50 Light. tock bulls, cwt.... 2.00 Milch cows ................. ..30.00 * Sheep export ewes, cwt... 3.00 do bucks ................... .. 2.00 Sheep. butchers` each .... .. '2.00 Lambs, each... 2.50 do per cwt .......... .. 3.00 Lalves, per head .......... .. 2.00 llogs, choice, cwt. ........ .. 5.50 Hogs, light. cwt. 5.25 .--:--q__-._.. lsum BEETS GRUWWELLI C I The results of the experiments in`. sugar-beet cultivation, conducted by the Ontario Government at thirteen dilierent points in the Province dur- ing the past season. have be-tn made! public by the Departm.ent'of Agri- culture. They are 0! u. particularlyi interesting character, and show a{ considerable gain in the quality of] the beets, as compared with the` three experiments last year. Duringl [the season just closed Prof. Shuttle-L worth, chemist at the Agricultural |College, was in direct charge of the experiments. Through himself andi {his assistants the farmers who grew ;bee-ts were visited and instructed re-I garding planting and thinning, and 1 afterwards as to cultivation. Hon. f Mr. Dryden said yesterday that the. results of this year's 0X} !Cl`ll!lCnlS were very satisfactory. It should be !remembcrcd, however, he said. that: `this was an exceptionally fuvoruhlcl `year for sugar beets, Lt-cause of the, `.ldry autumn, which permitted the: juice to develop without being drawn `off into the-soil by the moisture in` }thc ground. l . n-u._ n...l_.u We 11..,.: uI...ool.\n-....lIn-'._.; I EXPERIMENTS THIS SEASON VERY SUCCESSFUL. Peterboro Farmers Head the List With 17.3 Per Cent. of Sugar of 90.6 Per Cent. Purity. weunnu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...|'t.-t -1'x.:1 Newmurket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5. 84.1 The Government bulletin describing [those experiments estimated the cost. gpcr acre of a. sugar-beet crop, up to 'the time they were placed in pits in the (all, and not including haulinm! at. $26, including seed, cultivutioma etc. Under the act passed by the} lLegi.~:lature last session the farmer} will be paid 34 a. ton for all sugar; beets. delivered during the ilrst year; ;in which the bounty will operate. Unl ithat basis his gross income at Whit- 'by would be above 888, Iron: which! the cost, when subtracted, would. leave in the neighborhood 0! 860 clear to the acre. The lowest aver-_ age yield reported in the experiments 1 was at Cayuga, fourteen tons 1,665; pounds to the acre. Even on that `yield the prot would be above $30 . I... .......~. `l4'n..iI-nu-vnnrn no-a-nrolinn H'Onl 16 1.0 :6 In nuxuucr. x In the experiments of last year the' following was announced as the ro-1 sult. of the last analysis 0! the season at, the various experimental points : Per Com. 2 Sugar Purity. Aylmcr ....................... .].3.9 86.8 I u.- .. . 11 A an n .... .. . Welland .... .. Newmurkct. |.K.'l Illlly. ()1 course: these experiments are not ' [conclusive proof that Cl. great. beet-1 Ethis Province. but they show that ;witlv careful attention and care, and ya continuity of purpose on the part.` `of the farmers, they should be ME llcast at very profitable crop. { ! 'l`h(- fnllnwinn urn tho rr-cult: nf tho 5 `sugar industry will be developer! in I Ul'U|IIUu ` (mice--Ups!niru In the llcCa.rlr.y Block. ml to |Ic(,`urlh_v :2 Co : Ollk-es. two door: can of Duncan Bros. Furniture more. Phone 105. :9 wua any uuyusu, luu acrx yield wou Ito the acre. Furthc 't0 the act. during 1 `third years of the torics must. pay 33 J for cvc1'_v 1 per cem. the boots contain. ( Petcrhoro cxpcrimcv ceivc $5.76 per ton cw-L.-.;-n I` (run: In -u.-.n .. 6 I i IIJIJBI4 ll. vcI_y pxuluullll: Cl`()p. The following are the results of the various cxperinlcuts :- . Vinlgl nu... Alvinston Bcllevillo . . . . .. Clintpn . . . . . .. Cayuga . . . . . .. Dunnville .. Lindsay . . . . .. London Mount 1-`orcst. Port. Perry Peterbon-0' Walkerton Whitby .. Berlin I Assault Police 3:; Create Disorder? at Shanghai. l A dcspatch from London says :- A despatch to the Times from Shanzhai says that considerablci trouble has been lowly caused by the disorderly conduct of German soldiers, ivho have nssault/ad police; and others. Their oiccrs do their: best to preserve orner. but the men show the some eplorable luck 01' discipline, tlIe_t_ ' too often die- Pllin-Jldtlt inn, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. export, heavy cwt. export. light, if RIOTOUS SOLDIERS . ' Ilclll [KT Per cent. acre. Sugar. 1 urit,y. Tons. Lbs. 1 5 1!) RA 1 -11 syn: trim: the second and uf bounty the lac-h ,v 1-3 cents per ton r .cent,. of sugar which! uin. On this basis thc ncrimcntors would rc- r nnd the Berlin : average of sugar was is year. would rcceivo , instead of 84. which the prots very mew! L lll'lHf.'l'lllUFC, i|l'.CUl'Ulllg f v w 1 l ..Il).iI ..]/L4 1K DR. J. Co SMITH. PBYSICIAN. SURGEON 10 OI-new nu) Rm1mcxcz:-Carnox- C -34.40 1 Yield per 3 nrrn I xuuvu you. according ; nnrl n and A3]. 1!": 11.! Ily ilF,LIIl'.' L the` =. `, sccond.T rc , ranging`! 84.90 1 ,398 I-JUN. ! 876; I `Hug o. I-1fi3ro1\T. L,la-I 662 ` x 11512` I A tlcsputch from Geneva saxys:-~A man muned Ccrbelli. :1 convict in the 59 _prison at Wilzwyl. in the Canton 0: 5;mHcrnc, who _\vus undergoing tl. long 156 gtcrm 0| imprn:~:onmen1_. was informed 18 ilhc other day that Ins sonu.-r.1cc had "701 iboen reduced on account on his good 93 iu)ndm't and the lniscry his wife and 308 children were sum-ring In his all)- ' lnnnnn and Hm: I... u-.... r...... ---- DOMINION. _ A $30,000 public school is being built at Carman. Han. , Strathconu post-ouicc. near bd- monton, was robbed of 8900 in N5- rrs... ..............I 4.. nu-crnnivtl :1 kilued robbed ot u_ruu m c_uan- 'l`he_ proposal to lrrgaunzq u kIlu_.-d regiment has been rcwvcd m lhuml~ ton. nu... n....|.... ~n.......| ...' nnnnh wants ton. The Quebec Board of Hcal_th wants all lumbermcu in the provmcc vac- dnntcd. rm... u....o......| nan... (`mnmiHc-e cuuucu. _ The Montreal Police Comnxagtcc have decided to make u. campung 7 against indecent shows. 'I'hn Vnlknn h-It-n1'n.nh has been COD)- ugaunm. lllIICl'e|'Il: IIIUVVI. Tlio Yukon telegraph has been com- pleted to a. point about four miles north of Dawson City. Major Woodside, the census com- missioner, places the population of the Yukon at 20.000. Another suit to restrain a. factory lrom emitting smoke and soot has been commenced at Hamilton. An effort is being made to estab- lish an orpha.ns' home for Indians in the Burl.-son [my district. A coul steauner from Norway to Sydney to loud coal for the home market is on ` her way ucross the l\lIl\aI n ' IIIIAI I I court. mews BRIEFLY TOLL] Joel J cromc, toll-gate to save hiyn $15 in I `UULVEULV G DAHJISLVI, Ulhlhl 38 In GOAL of All limit. in: rtod ` not from the mines; alto 1.1! mt! sunglou, With and Grey Lune, Pluteren-~ IL: Erver Pipu llro Brick. Fire 01:5`. mum or Paris (Samoan, on-.. me: but '*'- *:.*.:.':*+`...`.."'a.".':':-`*'*-*9'- ROI! -0 3 1" N vmunmnnou-1. on "M the Very Latest Items From All Parts of the Globe. ll llI|.I.U|\.ll"ul C. Ross as pm to improve the tawn city comic lV....a.... 4 .... I ; J-II Ii `Quaker uratlo. ` n: 4 ]{d:V'. l`-.\thm' Wi_-czorc.-k, 1n'ivst at St. 11.-dgcwick's Polish Catholic Cllurch. in Toledo, Ohio, has he- queuthcd to the parish his entire! lortunc or $100,000. Hugh McKeuna, who shipped on .tbc x-atcalner Syracuse when it. I1.-It Bualo for l\lilwaul-:cc. coxxnmitletl suicide utter going insane from grief over the death of a. sister. 1 Capt. Brouards, an urtic explorer, ireports that [mm the northern shores inf Kotzcbuc Sound to the Arctic All:-non u Ah.-l.-nun 4.! ann iv1:'l\xI :.. I llll.ll` VII.ll.')ill'lI. I ! .._ `Pathetic Death of a. Released Con-` i vict. uv.:wa, uuu IlI|llIL`uHll.(.'l_Y Hogan [0 `dance with joy and pack up his civil- ian cloth:-:4, which were handed to him. Everything being ready. he prepared to leave the prison. 110 had hardly, ('l'0SS(:l| the thrcs- hold of the prison gate when he fell `down at the fact of the gcndnrmc `who was accompanying him. When gthc doctor a.rri\'cd Ct-rbolli was quite idcnd. VIVI... .... _.n-,_ n ucuu Thc; medical examination proved that the man had succumbed to coro- mxl apoplcxy, brought, on by excess at 101. u-u cu wvlu Bu mic:-. and that Corbelli was` 133- 8- 1' VIVIAN Q HOMO-101'A'l`BIS'l'. 156 Damon Street. name. ours-11 to 1 ; 7 to 8. Residence nnd Olllre. micipc ' ll . u ,1. aailull-IAIJIII. nun uuurl xcr his .-;cnu:ncc ducod account g ; 1 md that he was from.-. >lli astonished M and immediately In-gar -ohl. :.... ..._.I ._,..I. .._ n,n_ _ tnllnb III; III! Ill.".'. the I In-gun to a, erylhing n Ixlnnvn `kn nuian... l"OH.ElG.\'. ;-Siberian rt! vlctcd, us the is free fro lard Oil rust. in the nssociution with Mr. csident. will endeavor personnel of the 0!.- -il LII. W. Stewart, of Win- cr C.P.R. grades in at Field, D.C., at n. An; - H. nurulcr, fllll ll ten cents. It cost. he llzunlltun police lU LIXU IITCLIC I 300 miles. is bituminous coal. WESTERN msunmcs C01 -03- 'l`O_RON'l`O.- r\\ll, ll.'Hll. L, Miss Mint ng Imptizcd `: nnl his: lI I'-A uilway is - Thnuniun-: V-lA(.'lU I3 and the uuu` as-p IAUHIUBIII II Ivvvwuu u -- ---.--. ..... _ _ Snh. Doors. louldlugs. Wood Turnln gs. Etc. Band Suwln Ind Re Paving Done on the short- (-3! notice. oars. ab. lloulthmrs. Eu-.. dried by Smith : Patent Dc-troll Dfylnz nun. Omce and factory. Hayeld 80.. Barrie. In_;u.|u;l- v- - LUMBEEHWINDUW iiRFAE' itmns . . .._. I\.'nn4` 'l'urnInox Rn- cos. couzn Ann cmmnrou 313. West of Open Bonn. L\'VENTFZD IN CANADA .. ACCUML`LA'l`l'1D FUNDS IOTAI. ASSURANCE INCOME. OVER. . . . . . . Carries the but apartment of reasonable and rarhiouble Inponed and Canadian gouls I: will at reasonable prices. Fm and wot! gur- amm-d. Give us null. If you have you on: wood: brlng I: along. STANDARD ..LlFE.. Canadian Bmnchollloe. Head Olc-e. IONTKEAIA Io0.VDO.\'. ENGLAND I II. C. Hnmuw. BAI. J. Pmux. Branch Manager. Manager . . A'I'L.~A5 I V VV'5 mQ&IVl annwrxcn. sol. '1 '03. . soul; . zvmcmnw unultv -rn Iniu out -um a-....._n.u. o..... !Tl1e La Beams Tails! (:0. % M:n Inunnclr K IVlII'I).IN`7 STRONG AND VIGOROUS. Every Organ of the Body Toned ' up and lnvigoratod by I .r-r-rs jg In. I`. w. M rs, mug st. 15., Berna, 0nt., says: " suerod for ve yr with palpltation, shortness of bren I Ileopleunoss and pain in the heart bi` one box of l-lilbnrn s Heart and N o Pills completely removed all these d - 12-easing symptoms. I have not suffered since taking them, and now sleep well | and feel utron and vigorous. llllbutns can and Nnrvn Dill. ...... anu wen Huron and vigorous." llllbums out and Nerve Pills own Ill discuss arising from weak hem, ' worn out nun tissues, or Inter; blood. `J D. RODGERS I. GALLIE c01 [PA Mamtfncturcnol and Dealers in J . \V u. BARRAND ASSUBANGLOUMPANV. MARR|AG_E__ .1o_i-I__g_~:__ __R-5EnoN The Whole Story r in a 1 er: 7Gi!::3$!\e? ` v VIIIUVIIVVQU (`nut nnw.) From (`L C. P. 1.0 e. Ponce Fmkn .\`u. 5. lion :-"Wu roqnenuy u e rum-1 D,.v1n'h!":|:;-gnnxznlfgrlpafrngnlnbtlae aiml- nc,r munch Illu,cn'- 518356. crmupo, `ad lIl"Il\IOI|I which befdlnuin our poumou. I have when- utlon in laying at PAII-Kxuzn 0 the but mud; to Inn near :2 hand." Uud lnurlnlly and Extornplly. ' Two sun. tie. and toe. homes. TVIVUVUIIIV `J IIIIVI IV'II`Q WIN! mu wootly. [Intent u. of any 5 on-10.9: WWW. ........ _ n3Z.".." &`l1 TO OONSUMPTIVES 113 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO. 4':-ly Tnnol: MARI! Dumas me n Stolzvcluou-rrs is. `1*' din] I tide on In our opinion frat V max .`:'.'i.'A':l.'. &S`?i`.'..'3';u."' 'r`3..c..."` - on I (no. ( est agency for scouting punuu _ tl__tIloIg__l rqugh lIn_1n_g (o. roceho MERCHANT TAILOR -xuauncuy GVDIHOHIIII. IIIIIGDOGIOII I'll-$0 Ides: tn nun 1 h Ilunn tau). u. Llioldl mnnnnd vnklv. Instant. nu. bus. At lb diet and In the owning at as llnry Street TI" . F. W. M King St; E., Be-rim, nvs: snnrad for vn vnrn ' nu. nnvnnn A. wu.soN. rook!) n, New York. Bank of Toronto Buildha , Owen wet. I"I` I|&1"& lnsnl-zmcc Agent-. Fire and Life. P. O. Box 2|-I. BARRIE . _...... -._..-_ -,_.....V, am-. and win gmmnlen : dm':rcnt olrpnrtmenu. -63 A117; 3717 .. 2 JIM ..a.t 1`Y4mo ilzsi b.4!J.O` WORLD ; 14. R. O. P. t 8.. Edlnburg. II. F. P. E 8.. (ilnsgow. Ilelnber of British Ophthalmoloszical Society. Imam-olsmts or In In. TIIIMT an lost 0co-M Dunlo Street. BothIroXl's Block. Bu - Ilo. oppodu: Post mm and Runway station. Phone 54. R0. Box 96. IJIII W- 3' 1-91-0238!` I Donut. Barrio. : vum cooknown. ovary Wednesday.` Ule-Rou Block. East or the Post once. Buno. om-c-Over Henderson : Hnrdvrm: score % linmm-e. Owen Street. 34-Iy out of town In and 3rd Mondsys. II Inna Wdlhm otol. 808 PIIYSGIAN SURGE: Orncru um Nwm i(r;eIar.m.=r:: I lock Ivunlo 8t.. Bumio. '1:-leph no I1 UOCABTBY. BOYS & IUBGBIBON. _ ......m-.u-..~ on! nun-nnu I..- L J-CTZ T A slinrunco Com pu ny. 3| . 06.000300. Founded me. pyllculon Iorms turn!-bed and rate: quoted by GEORGE PLAXTON. Assn. Barri: Lu. Once In lccsrthv mock. Slices-porutod 1851. Ll nutadgl. vuavnxnnunn. Cc NI '1' \ . \`v9u. "n=mx`?au'3."-n-5'au"X':`u`{s.'mea";""A c omm dol Once--ll-Canhrn Block. South Side Dnnlox. Buemhurru. 0 kl. UIIJCOI : HOII BIOCI, Bllt . 0 B. an son. A. I. H. cnnncn. 3A\RRlB'l`ERS. SOLICITORS &C.. DUNLOP 8'l`REE'1`. BARBIE. _____. A |1..n._`.-no \V_ A Ray. K Gino-0| D|||lop;t.--l7.ou"llo_elf `vulva mt tddcuoe. 01 Owen St. 0 wlzuuu nqllnd. to-ly luv u I-I\l=l` D `C JAMES EDWARDS. PM. ooatvntutosn. . LI. .-.. -..a l_ 4.. ._...n__ -L .. ..,,,,, ... romvsos a snm'.uw'r. Daft.` III! in LK)LI. of All kinda- Imnnrhd HEWSOI G OIESWIOKB. . gnnnnvnnn n-u-n--_ 1-.. AL- I3... R. W. A. ROSS, L.R.C.S. Ediu. I". C. P.. London. DR-. J. ARTHUR R088. ` MARRIAGE LICENSES _u. W . A. nub I'.. `IIIIVDI VI A ABILIETERS E olic!lon for the 8_|1P|'m Cong: of iudtcnturo for Onlvrno. PM an Notuneu.0 nnveynncern,et.c._ Mono! ` Ian. Omcol Roll Block, Bum E.H. DH. H. In. IIIBRHTON. DINTIIT. DR. W. D. HIOLAIEN `hnntlnh IIAIII-In, ROI! 8 310307831. nvnm nu 1-t\l vnv-nnnn F, M. MONTGOMERY. AGENT. mmmz. DR. R. S. BROAD. up v.\v nun nvvI1r\ln.\\V vscnn . c..w- 1-LA:-rou. ranw.-n uni Invausn I.. r., uonuon. PIIYSUI A N S URG EON. &c. ;u um Nmn-r I-LBIDI-.)N.`-H: Bram.- nll3lUI'Iu MONEY T0 LOAN. l'llYal(`lA.\'l. ' W. AUNT. STRATHY & ESTER AllBlb'1l|`.1u~, sol citon xu night 0011:: 0 Justice, Notaries l'ub_lk-. Conveyance: : Overnnnk or '.l,'oronto.n.. .' . none in sum of 02.00 and upwn-!:, to nut per (-cm. H. man-nv. K.C. G. H. Earn. Il(?I3I.l.Ah'EI|l7.9 OFFICIAL ISSUED BY "|.TcEN'sEs nut: mu. nnnnuu. W. A. Bovs. The fruit hus xuntured in its season. The sunshim-. has ripened thc'se1-.11, Then let us sing praise to the her- vest, A. song of thanksgiving indeed ; The mom and the noon have passell hv nu 9. 9 THANKSGIVING. Bare and brown in the shadows, The meadowland meets the sake. Where the bold, blithe bee went. sock- ing Its sweets in the summer days. The honey is stored in plenty. So what 2! the winter is near ? The time is not one for repining-- The (lay of thanksgiving is here. Jill.` IIIUTII illlu LIIU I100 IIILVIJ [ iI.:uiL'U1 by us, l Tis the sweet nttcruoon of the] year, 1 So let not your tribute be lacki.ng- I The day of thanksgiving is Lere. Cream 0! Celery Soup. ' Roast Turkey. Crmnberry Sauce. Potato Puffs. Glazed Sweet l`oto.t.ocs Roasted (Dnions. l)1\naO `l'\.unl.v llrnnn .YnIlu J.) uuavuvn u---.---. .-......-... Jzrrnw A. Mciunnnr. D. U. Iwncnlsoxl. llono toloan trom Glob pert-cnt.on Im- proved arm propetly. ' In the menu everything with the ex-: ception of the turkey um! vegetables `. may he prepared the day before; '1`hauksgiving, and even these may be` made neady partially the evening l_;e-l (ore. A young, plump hen turkey, weighing eight to ten pounds. is the! best. selection. See that it has soft` and pliable feet, 1: pliable bl'east.-I bone, and that the scales on the legs; ....n and Inn"! Qivuy-n I0 Ir.-nll nntll UUHU, illlll ll`ilL IJIU SL'illl.'b UH LIIU lL'_x',a are not hard. Slngc it well and draw, lming sure to take out the lungs, which lie in the cavities near the backbone. and also the windpipc should `not be overlooked. Take out all the fat. that is possible and cut. out the oil bug. Look cmcfully for unsightly pin-leathers, and then, it you have not induced your market- nmn on (In it fnv vnu, rnmnvn the you nuve not. lnuucqu your l.llitl IU:L` men to do it to-' you. remove the tendons in the legs. Have the feet. out on` an inch and a halt below the first joint, then pick up and draw out the eight or more tendons from the esh in each leg. Leave the short piece 0! the leg on until thei turkey is taken from the even, when l it will have become brittle and will 4* snap of? easily. This will leave thel end of the first joint more sightly QC than it cut on at lirst. Rinse thelh turkey, after having cut. the neck on close to the body. but do not let it F` lie in water to soak out the avor-._ Hung the turkey up to drip ' before i stuffing. Put the neck into water to it cook for _ the gravy. ln scpamting: the gull from the liver ,cut down,` well into the liver to prevent the? '. ' possibility of a bitter taste. Tukegs. ` out the contents of the gizzurclp; which is an easy matter it the tur-`.1 key has not been frozen. Toke theft clotted blood from the heart and` wash it. then put all the giblets into 1` boiling water to cook. 5]] The old-fashioned cook will make (1. Id crm-.l.er smiling, nnd {or an eighth `pound tviziury will allow two cups all rolled CI'acker.<. to whicli one-lml! cup! of melted butter . is to be added. I] Muisten the crneker with not quite two cups of hot. milk and season I` with one level tenspoonful of salt, a: scant quarter of u teaspoonful oi`; I pepper uml two level tcnspoonfuls of .1 . sage. Add it well-beaten egg. Put.` considerable of the stuffing into the breast, which should not have been . ' cut. open. as the stufling can be put. through the neck. `I I A 1-Innu.-nui ufninn in n\~:u.lInuI rnnpln u L\UiLBL|:L| l'lllUl|.`. Roast. Duck. . Grape J Potato Croquettes. Lettuce Salad. Wu: Mince and Pumpkin Pies. 'l`h:.nlnu.-{vi nn iSHi\|JL'. I Now rub the turkey with suit and; 'spread with our third cup of butter and one-quurter cup 0! our, which have been c`-reamed together. This` paste may be put, on easily with (ll knife, and is at great improvement: over trying to make our and butter} stick on when applied sepa.rutely.3 Put the turkey on a rack in El. drip-1 ping-pan and dredge the pun withj our. Bake at-. eight;-pound turkey` in a. moderate oven !or two hours; and a hall. Buste the turkey once in ` ten or fteen minutes. using at rst one-third of a cup of butter melted in one-hall cup of water ; alterwnrd use the gravy in the pan. This care ful busting and dredging will give a, frothy crust. ` when the giblcts have cooked a lit- tle `while take them out. chop ne! and return to cook until tender.. Drain some of the fat from the rim! in which the turkey was cooked, nndi to each cup of liquid allow a table- spoonful of our for thickening. When the gravy has cooked smoothl add the chopped giblets. For cranberry sauce. pick over and wash three cups of cranberries ; put them into a. stewpan with one and u E quprter cups `o! sugar and one cup , of hot water. Cover and cook ten _ minutes. then skim and cool. 5 i ! llH'UUf_{ll uu: Il(.'l2l\. I_ A chesnut. stuiug is excellent made (mm the lurm: :ltcst.m|1.:~.', which are called }"H.llCh chcstmlts because French cool .-a first used them in cookery. They cost about twenty- ve cents a qua.rt;. Put. a. pint. and a half of the chestnuts into boiling water and cook until tender. then` remove the shells and outer skin and press through (I. vegetable ricer or mash tine. Add one-qua.rt.er cup of butter. 3 teuspoonful of salt. a salt;-i spoonful 0! pepper and one-qua.rI.e1-I cup of cream. Add one cup of crack- er crumbs mixcd with one-quarter cup 01 melted butter. Do not `addl any .-reasoning to destroy the pleas-. ant. avor oi the chestnuts. An. 4|... 4...... :. ..o..n-...I ........ u? Hun, llll.V()l" OI lll(.' CHCSLXIIILN. I ; After the turkey is stullcd sew it; `up. Fasten the neck skin over on` {the mack with a. small skewer, fasten` `the wings and thighs closely to the; body with skewers, then tie the legs; together and carry the string around` the Body from skewer to skewer, like .u Inn-non: in l-non H in 1-nmnn-:1-f nu shape. `In!!! Potnm ;puT requires one pint fol; *' hqpmasholi potatoes, -to wpich _`is added one tcaspoonm! of salt. `one THANKSGIVING DINNER. BARRISTER. SOLIUITOR. PROCTOR. ;N0 I`AR.Y. CONVEYANCEB. ETC; 8 peck! attention In the Drawing and Probaum: o! Wnlls. omumlns boners or Admmmmuon Ind Guudhnnhlp. and collection or u.-counts, kc. Money to Loan. Ooes: Boas Block, Dunlap street, Barrie. uuuy ITUIII SKl.'\Vl' I harness, tn keep nn JCUIIIIVKIII I.'ICI- 1 Thlmksgjving I`u(lding.} Fruit`. Nuts. ` Cue. lllull . Jelly. nnuntfnu U rs:-\c\vv.u , nun: it in compact. Ics on um Jugs ; t 2 `well C , I ,9 mt! 'l`nI(n nnl ll I Walters. SR3 ; Mince uncut, tlmt. will be Luuthsolnc, ' that will Leon well and will furnish material for nlmut. eighteen pies, may _ iqs gbe made as follows :-Cook together ; 1 d . t`:Il`e one pound of suck. untnl tender, and cu, cool in the `water in which it vms dpipe O0kCll. Clzogw the meat very Ilne ` It Slldlllll make {our cups. Add eight. ' cups of chopped apples, the suet. and _' foil`. and cut. in pieces. an(>hull pound of `two nntl at half pounds lean meat and ; stock, two pounds of raisins stoned ' '_k'_L_ cltron cut line, one and one-half cups of :nolau~:sr:s, one quart of sweet cider, three cups of brown sugar, one and 0nn-l1uli cups 01' white sugar, two` and one-lmll tublespnonfuls of sull one tablespnonful each of ullspxcc 51nd i cinnamon, one and one-half tea-, the spoonfuls~ol mace, two teaspoonfuls, of clover. onc~hull` teusmoonful `of ipeppcr and one nutnxeg grated. Sun- 3 : :1 l umimer this mixture one and one-half `mylhours. then add one and one-lmli E uwlcups of brandy, the juice 0! two _k 0 lemons and one and onc-lm.lf cups of [ct preserved strawberries. _ I [W0], Use plain paste for the under crust. _ctm,lnul good cl1opy_>:,-(I or puff paste for ilhc upper 4-rust. or , *;;;; SE15 i{;. ' cool `cooked. it. shuul t . c lpipe ; saltspoonlul oi pepper, one-hall salt.- spoonlul oi celery salt, one table- spoonful *0! butter and hot. milk to moisten. When partly cool add the yolks ot two eggs well beaten. and then the whites beaten stin. More nnlllp Ia ennui {Inna f.\.- .....l:n.-nu. .....L.1._ IJICLI $1: VVIIIIU-" ueuwn SEMI. more milk is used than for ordinary ma-sh- ad nntntn nu Olin nnum VII-2|.-n in Au" ARKISTERS, SOLICITORS. ` NOTAHIES. CONV `YANCLRS. &c. 0lceo-B In: of '1`. ronlo Bu ings. lhrrxe. Branch om-e. Colawuter. Money to Loan. Donn. Rosa. LL.B. J. C. Bnoxovsu Inns 1: uuuu ulun xor orumary ma.sn- ed potato. as tlw eggs make it dry. Bake in a pudding dish n minutes. For glazing select. a half-dozen sweet potatoes of uniform size, par- boil them ten minutes, then cut in halves lengthwise. Make n nvrnn nf nnn.hnH nun nf LIIIVCH ll-'l.IlJl\`.'l5(. . - Make a syrup of omrhult cup of sugar and three tublcspounmls of water by boiling it. three minutes; then add :1 tcqspoontul ofbuttcr. Butter at pan. lay in the potatoes. brush over with the syrup and bake twmty minulc-9 in 11 hot oven. Ba-ste twice with the syrup in the pan. When done the potatoes should up- pcar `go be varnished. 3! ,Wm: If an onion is roasted without. peel- ing, it. will have a strong avor. A better way is to peel and soak them for halt an hour, then cook in boil- ing salted water twenty minutes, pouring on the wn.u.-r once and re-i newlng with boiling water. Drain oi! the water. put into a shallow pan and season with salt. and pepper. For twelve mclium-slzcl onions mix one-third cup of butter with one; third cup of hot. water. Pour onc- nthird over the onions, and reserve the rcmuindr.-r for basting. Cook in 11. hot own about forty minutes. I _ ,,,__, A lesputch from Montreal s9.ys:-A| `Hnwsuit, involving a. claim of not less ,,1,lu-.n $20,000,000 is about to be en-u ;5lc.`r-.d against the city and the Hem- ljimzry of Montreal. llormisdus Hur- 3 tubiso of Biddesinrd. Maine, claims L that l1is'd-ceased parents by their ilasi. will left him all the land com- lipriserl between the mountain and I. Notre Dame street. The land. it is; , alleged, was once the property of the 5 ele.imant. s grandmother. who handed liit, on her deathbed to her daughter, L who is: the claimant's mother. Rev. , M. Godln, udnzinlstrator of the Sem- _ inary, states that claims oi this -l|:ind have for ynrs past been {re- Hqucntly made, but in" each case the Hclaimnnts were. unable to prove their exact title and their actions tell I Ithrmigh. .__--..L'.-.-_- I For the celery soup wash one head; of celery and cut. into places. Add` one pint of hov. water und cook in a. double boiler until very soft. Boil. one pint of milk and one tablc.<'poon~, ml of chopped onion together ; add- tlmis to the celery and rub through :1. |SlCVc Melt n tnblcspoonful of but- itcr, add on`: (able.-spoonful of flour,` lund stir Into the hot. soup; add, also. ! in. teu:~:puoul'ul of salt. and a. salt- ;:spoom`ul of pepper. Boil live nninulcsl zscnc with croutuxm. ' i 'l`Imsc who are particular we ask] -for some of the turkey drcssing| ishouhl remember that a. dressing is `something poured over an article of food, while :1 stuing is encased in it. Hence it is correct to speak of lthc stuing. A nhnn nlnldin--' hr-nun'ht in Ilan. 11- - - --+ r 1"9Pl!e' cent. oi-`hon are cqlor-I B mild: only one per edit. 0! girls. - (Ill! WILIJIIIIB. ! A plum pudding brought. to it-able lighted is r. pretty sight as 1 -blue Ilumcs curl about it, but digestive organs suffer as :1 con qucm-.: of this illumination. : I I A dcspatch iron: Ottawa so.ys:-| 'I`ho rates of ocean transportation: from St. John to South Africa. forg the outs which are being purchased! in Alberta. being better than the De zparmient of Agriculture had origin- "u.ll_v counted upon. the result is a better price for the Northwest. farm- er. 'l`hc Department will now pay _30 cents per bushel. f.o.b., at points .I>etwcun Edmonton and Calgary. and the not price to the farmer is to be not less than 27 cents per bushel. ,'I`his is uu increase of 8 cents per hush:-1. as compared with the figures xed by Prol`, Robertson, when he i was in Calgary. lk-livery so far is gver_v good. both in quantity and igqvmlity. \ l -..:---A-._....-.- lilllllll. ABDMH. WWII I BROWN. BABRXSTERS. S-Jlcltors for obtaining pro hula or win. gnnrdlunshlu and admlntstra um. and General bollcilors, Nouns: . convey Inc-era. ele. AUGBTUI Lnxnox. ALEX. Cowu. Huuonn auxmun. 6.1-J.J. Bnown 1.3.3. Bsln-on: Hinds Block. No. 6 Dunlap Sheet. me. Branch Olces-Lennox & Munch. Graven- hum; Lcnnux. Ardasn, cowan In Brown. Cree more and AJIMOII. unulrv vrn IDAN Ennrrzn PRICBY 156; Tranmszn. Honors Henped.-`;.pon the Family ; of Li Hung Chang. A despatch from Pekin says:-Thc Empress Dowager has issued another !edict L-ulogizing the late Li nung Ichang, and ordering the erection of in memorial arch near his birthplace. The edict also directs that the right 0! Marquis, conierred upon the old- nct unn nl than Inf Chinese states- OI marquis, cunxerreu upuu uw unr- est son of the late Chinese states- lman in his own right, shall descend through twenty-three generations. It confers high rank upon the other rooms of Earl Li, upon whom the posthumous rank 01 a. mu-quis has been bestowed, and confers dlgnlties upon his grandsons, together with lperptlve omces. -Y . _ . ` . !And Threatens to Sue for it- ! Claimant Lives in Maine. i cuums PART *?"i`Y M?BESS IS GRATEFUL. Now Get 27 Cents for Oats f or South Africa. ' I g the! Lhei ubout the consc-' ....:.....:.... I Y6!` 1;1;)NTREAI.. THE BARBIE EXAMINER. THURSDAY. NOV. 2:. I90] n. -E. ;.ia-.a:"`" Oouxwu cnmuz, will be at mu ommn the (Juan House. Bl`l'io., every Batnrdny Retidmce and P.O.. Oookutown.