Lavery, John (Died)
- Full Text
Caistor Centre - It was with feelings of deepest regret that the word was received here on Thursday morning, Mar. 11, of the passing away of Mr. John Lavery at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, aged 73. Mr. Lavery was a prominent and very highly respected resident of this place for a number of years, coming here with his parents from Trafalgar, Halton County, when but a boy. In early manhood he went to California, where he spent about 25 years of prosperity. He returned to the old homestead in 1893, remaining here until a few years ago, when he sold his farm and moved to Toronto, where he resided until his death...The remains were brought to Grimsby where they were laid to rest in Queen's Lawn Cemetery on Saturday morning. There remains to mourn his demise a widow, Toronto; two daughters, Mrs. A. Swayze and Mrs. H.H. Marsh, Grimsby; one brother, P. Lavery of Caistor, and one sister, Miss M. Lavery of Hamilton.
- Media Type
- Genealogical Resource
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Obituaries
- Notes
- Newspaper located at the Grimsby Museum.
- Date of Publication
- 17 Mar 1915
- Date Of Event
- 11 Mar 1915
- Last Name(s)
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 43.20011 Longitude: -79.56631
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Grimsby Public
Agency street/mail address:Grimsby Public Library
18 Carnegie Lane
Grimsby Ontario