Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1880, p. 1

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the size of his oatsblilhmont. _ During thii time he bu paid out vut mums for animgln, pne firm of nnimnl impor- ter: having rqcdivod from him for wild bent: over $300,000 Tn um sun of ndv.az-timing -hi: xnondi- $300,000. , In the way of advertising `hi: expendi- ture: have bean Itupandoul. In one tant- ` ing sauna only he paid I single printin uico 842 000 beside: large -addition Iumlhbo ot or rm: for prinung and l$tho`- ` amp I. . . ` ` r .995, bunt;go,ot_ up viacarsinnbhod - ins.` `Wu! ;,ur9ughha nealudqd lane: b I`l onn:'thll= *_lot,wh'9np'chu-eane`only ` ` 'fou.-ty or fty Rona? lthfors. Ind bought d ' _ ,.':2I `19v_o1:o' nooel1o2y'bung_poop1fr * , anus to~my- no-in s-~r!Iv.v- dq-.n` P8113? - E u ;i3;_,m6n_dy,'-3b\:,Vtho -I:,o'voi-`fo tg:`'%6-I!i9: 1 ..=. -umivudv rand-n ' am` " `trues; incfmiik =` -`1'-`Jnugti in Jun stprznni-wb6n'-P fnxioyth-fo!7 Ci!I_II; : _ snd_1 an vntklou '7 ienguu without` v;gcr!nangq~ny- o!-'to : uvbn-'vi1ln6t;~1>vhn_JI~ to plsy ; my viglin ant, `. feasts. - your nlzvqnt, They hive` jun! `Iinoeto ;:iepdn!;iI,i o joys`: fee'IingI.' I Qdlplfo 1 air ,_ _Ol _ than modern plnloionhy. us I 1 feengs. 1 Qdmigo weir ,l,noz"a.u 1: `od ,' `_ , " "I " ~u.`;1`.-.'u..`.'l' : -73."~v`.- .:; Ia 3.29 3. ? shoal he in dnviijtg-r64oma" wh: wdul-1' ridicule ma. _ ' ` ` `avg: ed,'iI;"-Va found that he had be- `qbch three thousand francs (20 each of I -tho` rs, his furniturg to the old wo- tizil' pououion, the Crown of Weber, t Ieuod. . ' "nun who w,a_.itad'9n him, innd hi: much 51 city of Munich. This was an be p.- 1 grgshl. V ince abandoning wuggon travel he bu Iroved his show by,rn.il exclusively, having bad constructed, at bin ngvn expense, three trains of care, including sleeping combo: for his business emf, and performers, and musiciene. . ` Torn. . traversed by his allow, ,1: may be. IIIIOG that it has tt-averted` from men: to ocean -lrom tho Psoiofuz Sun Frsneiuoo, Cali- fornia, to tho Adnnti,. st Lynn,`MuI.,a.nd from Pal-kend, Manila,` to San Antonio, Whiln moat ciraunl and-menuuriu no ` `.`N.I!. 8?` thin injnu and_do`I_C{, .n..` duiasvil I liow a Buihr` J30} bcciune 1. Great shawnnun. j--c-_ . musicinnn. gt 3 um 10 of tho wide range of count traversed y his chow, jt be. list tt-averted Toxn. While most ch-ouqu V and-menagoriu run by companion mule up of several cupi- talintu or corpontions. Faropnugh has neither backer: or psrtnern. Rarely shunt from his show he givgn the most minute 11:- tentinn to dntnill. In Lh_e mnnagamont he in ably nuiuod by hi: nephew, J. A. Fan- pnugh, win is to the minor born, and seems to inutinotivol know how to direct nain About: great I out. - 1 Adam Favanc.uzh.'jr. , I lad of eightoen, nboutu gr-entlnhow. Fanpsugh, jr. , eightoen, hu litonlly grown n with the show, bping complotoly infutupt with the buuinau, he has been pot-mined` to follow tho bent of his own inclinations.` .~.Gitnd with u won- derful control our horns. and wild snimnln of all kinds, hohu developed into the best alonhanc an-former and trsinor in the of all kinds, bohu developed mso the best elephant _ armor world, an nlbhough a mare `youths: he in, ntanda Iupairior to Any x-in in Europe or Amoricn. Young `Forepnugh not oniy perform: 5 nuts: number of olophnnta uimultanooum y, but their evnlutioun are porformod with more ooIarity,nnd are morn nlttnctivo and dicult than thou oxbihitad `by any othor tninart , . 0! lute voarl For-omuth has mud.-ht: tninar. 0! Into year: Fonpcugh undo-hi: urinal purahuu abroad, thoroby" scouring the pick of tho fonign market: and Mom'- :i tho vary but Ipocinxetu of chi rgrpst on main. - A Fnnmuah make: a bone. which In in animals. > For-span hmskos s bout which by always ra yto substsntisto ins rou;s#gQ'gm' (Jr sweet=ohsrity s ssko," thst ho owns, controls, snd oxhibin in his one sud only show, mots vslgn in show p apart than II ownad sud cont}-H1051 by uyi Widnsl rm or not-nantunsI...m 8 world. . A ju-y-, (From lhqsundagiy Courier, New York.) buts. " But, 2 `haw .2111 $59 xinwoinn act to wed: with boid-I n that umninhnd his nloddimz rivals. :1 '91: : gqr-Imen, ,t3;iug:' -9, . v-:- `9.-* .'9==` *6 dviqht o;;:fu_;urx". 1'>0:?I1,.;:d'.0n?7 ~5rll`a . bDQtnJlnp6[ibnl xioduiit to eve`; _i `Ivliich.'ii` gt; ' `largo ' frtuxtgnf ' ' 1: in: .eh _T:zo1` :s;-*_.. page _ nu xnoomo no can . loose nd wbut went, following hi: ` ` ii and Ric'nmond,Indin.pI,, I attention to duty~1'norgu- |.QI.' . his income he cut loose "I n-`nt. want, fnllnwina hi: M21 and` tucnmond,l_nlu.pn,, Lvattontmn duty*1na9u- {om time to than until t.I_1?, . P0955.-`_. - - __ in ` :2 % 1.13802-%`{.3: One Dolllr Per Annu`m',~ strict-ly in /3.d.vaM .n'ce. M l ;; th` *9? ma pnpulnnty nab:-y oOl,006 I to this time_| Int ophiionu I _ nnd l In'1p! our noun `or 1 LOFIQOO have Organ. , A Mr. Burns had 1396! 19 id ' ghgagp. gpdfur novnrsl ni%btIa"Il5o' he ind ntirqd. " ;w_'g; djuturbod y I 5 mumbling main in tin chimney. followod by the night. o II ud-0at stories In Utah. Apropos of hunting and hiring, did you over but of 5 wild-cat tslriugbpnuonou of a spare bad in an inhabited on In 1 Such 3 one roally occurred this wink-pr if: this . vwinity, At the ha:-d-j1ouu ol"O,yQ:holt _, ,A Mr. Burns hid bqn 19 ii ` V clung. Andfur neural ninhtnfsuar he ind _ohA,.Q9d f_ur eovernl ni%htI'_II`l'/he had djuturbod ' hoiujy. tlyghunney, by eight of two, lenu ery eye-belle in the o o- Iite_l:`e<;`.`pu .wl)eu he (Burns) move par Inido 3 noise the low, erce growl of some, wild euinul. -This kind of thing `occurring for several nights in euoceuion, IO decom- posed Bum: thett l.\e`nel| vemooud the nnoh, and for Iometirnli. e intruder lied thing: his own we) . With plenty of fut beef and venison in etore he must have come to the conclusion tlnt he had struck comfortable qusrterq. John Garrison, I Inlner, heeriug of the olroumetenou mode hie way to the herd-home, determi ued to interview the bout that had taken pone!- ei W hen he arrived sit the renche,; ebout 4 clock .m.,, be was somewhel um-prised nd t e animal in bed end die to ght for the Geroalonnted eetebl lament - bu at eight of the gun the miner carried he Iv up the chimney and into the brush. Gerrieon hung around until after dork, then went to bed, piecing hie gun where he I could reach it, end quietly united for Mr. Out. About 10 o'clock he heard 3 mumb- ling in the monster chimney, followed by the sound of etenlthy footete eerou the oor end the eight of the eming eyes- eoring out et him from the I re bed.. ohn cerelull niud hie rie, too as good -.im as he can :1 in the gloom and derkneu . The sparrow Pie cuqsglgns M sum` the introdnoti 0! a-use __ 7 link epu-now into thevS.:h. the " multiplied wonderfully: henbeen ~ ` ~ ` e nuinnoe in none loan, ; enmnt ~ their destructive - _ :- with tlge plump ttle: - _. aaochmng !:_he heedgzot-a ?`- V like the bud: lo:--yeind `nd dohlggetie ;v!eyI,-~but'*who%do . . -. ' t in . etteeluj W- -destroying-mane than $50! ' " A writer in uepo-in .v 'oI!'nAl'Iho.he1 ' gieen the subject duo reble thouit, nye : 1`h_eVepeu-out inn gppdjl/not unfe- rjor to my game birdthet greoeeour tel: on in` delicacy and hweebneu .of esh. It in . pbeitively uurlad that if 9:0 , ' ,;~ ' l it in e.dieh'tto_eet.before' _ -, o:_nn Amen-ioen.,-citizen. .. end at, end -the meet The are very little tr - - , the roilingiran, net-he! 5 ,_ - b out very-eieily. Per w 95" ? have used the bird: en I - - ?';-ti '- 4 in ench glowing tornu'thtt1~ _ ~ - uyiq 5 the rnoush,o! en eicure wetgft n to" them. And why u aald they end tootluome ; they feed `on `$53) - . ' through theyinter monthe, and in ' 5 they are found by dozen: end habit 4' ,. , .e_ur grein efde end at our-vine: when -- v ' the purple clusters of good and wholesome grapes. <'1`hey are e p gue` end`: nuiunoe to the farmer end Imus grower, and if they `V are em!` for food, why not eat them."-- I N`. . Sunday Cou ' A . ~/ I John csrs!ul_l nissd his rie, took good | sim as ho cou_d gloom dsrknnss_ st the shining orbs, sn nd. The report. of tho rio was followed by aw short scream of agony, than the sound 0! struggling in thb ppposito bunk. ~`Th'u intropi hunter Itruok s light, sri_d there! sun enough, was hll ost, fully v fut an length, lxing in the bad, its tits b ood slowly oozing t rough a bullet hone in its bl-out sud bodsbbling vith its crimson strum tho blsnksts on , which it hsd sought ro;5oso.'-Sslt Lako ` Oily llerald. . .._..__`.._..... 33,0011` (or food, way Sunday Couriir. but gdour poor (ignorant; it may he) think- ing, nothing has our been` put invprint`. or kept hidden us A prooioun jun]: that will even npbronoh this in bonulmbrlll sncymnd The llellenlc VIOW on lpeuuu. < . ' The Oontnmporary Reeiew eeye : But` it '. the Greek view of beeuty be fen_nd to beve 1 been Pentheietio only, end th|t_ 1_n,tbe The- ietio eeriee--eo that the Attic omeen reelly thought the olive: of hie Academe bed eomething of an unknown God in them, or mnnifeeted God to him_-then it in no nu trying to eppeel to hie life on edleu, or to hie ert en in-eliginue. He d d not know God, but he eerteinlybouzbt eft_er Him` He wu, no doubt, tether eu retitioue, en St. Peuftold him; and u been re marked of him in enother tone by '.l`hunydl- do: 00 year: before. Hie Deudunnonte. sometime: did him more he:-mthe_nwod; but he did, after hie fuhlon, belteve in God, end feel alter him an menifeehfi b `nature! things. lie thought nye: be live in the etreome. end Dryede in t e oelu, end tlnt Athene wee epmewhere -ebout Athens, chiey in the Peithenon. ` But he thought Athena wee hie god, f . nod earnest, and that the mighhbg tntion of the one theion; end,` 5 er, ` that the Nymph; end D|'Y|!-ltwotll know,` if he polluted the lend by murder, or other evil deede, beneath >their oelu, or b that! -' etreeme. He believed in I. Theion V ' ity, and in I kind of wetchful ` ol epiritl and local heroee deed end gone be- fore, who would not hove their lend 01- luted by hi: sin. .And;!or e tine, "end 5 ~ manure. be tplad himnelfeoeordilggzy. _ Lg ,1 the Perioleui, or Pheidien `ere, : ' nlen- eoldier, eeemen, end about the lee; person in the I , to u on eypple of "NetpQ`e;' on . A G , . glut:-ah` 1 far O!` I not ." ""1: our Go `uggpnon mm: churolg u for modern `mg: =t;4::-(tibia. qr oon _ late as dagudad otchnirnuoobupnn undj. _r roveronu go Phoidiu And ~10- timna, who oortninfy boliavpcf `W g); more in God than the xnodorp Bequoat. it the Pnrthggpn, 19 : Juan}: 0!, tipt u an ~ '1'*!"."!i`75!I 10: 934*! sgunmd . T ` In-owou word: of 0ol.1pgurpoll tho ` `boagtilul /than past or wm-d- ` II )1 d,_va;_givou`to theworidp We ` cub? V9` '1-nweh if their import oon!d.`boo o'yont- `A y_ wlien, up lovingly lpokan vhyothor -"now doc: qnb gnu: ov_o;- stick 1 -' v.g.9fir%_ `, `hf. . I`: . ;S"_ "f_ug-in. or u 0. II*>oIn_ :' -,r,ee_ne..5c.Ltzo?.-`rtaos`v=i--s;:.1=s'z=-.- . - I}; .n6`b'i){I!"ei;~il!3IiBgl,'bE9j. """hii~ ~ undividdd timd `andstteneion, ' tints!-` and nummor to hi: Ihow-I:ho apple of hit ~ `+y'n 1 - The llelleinc View of Beuutil "Fla. an Innnnnrnru Racism Inf: 1 BIN`-` ho nllqod dn (IA Add to have on- o ration was not liable. om-rod sitar 5 V9,? eav run norm chant *9 % that ki - 8.-andun`.&h 3:3 Eiywgf B`I)u'oh,', s7o'(au:siag;lhioI: ` `you Mr: Sullivan had a pntdn tho Goun- nil),neithor the on one I: . volu, no fur nkudwn. Olrrd tl:otlr:`ul|i- .om'nV -.:u'`2 a.. `.;35..ua;`3 ``a"Eu. mopitimo lhn_buildings'wau raised 3 hot, Itch; fonudncuann put uu<}or, and othqumo rep ' ~. [Q I ` In Committee, having an-afully ooh- ? tithe pr0!V1iiIi0DI :2 11? Mnbv-l`A r an auto: 5 mater nun? nits, tioxn xuguutlug that `3xn;;in`oir of u. manti- pa. it o `mung an ' Ill not In sgainnuho cori>o:-ation of v?ioh,ho its member to automq that claim, is: man unnlunl prooabding, und a clan! violation at (.110 spirit, iV not the letter, of the Munici- nl Act; and in this qpinion your Oommlto ea in fun box-no_om:. by the rgmurku of Mr. Justice Amer-on on the C138. Moved Mr. Pu:-Vin, iaoouodod by Mr. Morrow, but the Committee on Firi and Pnliim bu instructed to consider the ldVill- oi?-rad auxin vs neggsrun Isorm alkali to rstwee in a' `-an an`, 9 3rd day of Mu'oh,', s7o'(au:sg;wuou soon . _og.3-afu_lly_oon- Council. In euewey to the Reeve, Mr. Purvie eeicl that it we: at town night. watch that we- needed, and for the Front. etreet in perman- -ler. which, with other looelitiee, were et. thevmeroy of thievee end ineendieriee, end he did nut believe the rate eyere generelly would object to pey for t err protection. Although the Hook end Ledder Co. were eoonor at the lute re then they ever were before, yet had they been there ve min- ute: enoner the tire could heve been con- ned to Mr. G1-alum : etore. He there- fore ho ed the Committee would report fevereb y. `The moalon we: then declared carried. Moved In the Reeve. eeeonded lav Hr. v h non has not `2119 suyiglhixu to di- it: upnolt , tract ogmuo or cause I Inuor quyuntity 0! water to `dour "' than than would naturally do 138: bun toyed. beyond :1! rouonnblgdou t: and in _ inch; to the jury, MI-Juuioe Cameron utntod t t, under the circumstances, the `; ration not liable. vphy L. n_,._.,-I.: __.u , __.1 __...n u_. nllqoddn UIAIIidto.h&Ve . Morrow, That the Committee Fire and Polie bu instructed oonuider bility of appointing an all night watch, and report thuroon It the next meeting `of the! Council. In Answer to tho nave. Mr. carried. Moved by the Reeve, by Brown, and resolved, That the Mayor be requelted to name It Committee of three to nice charge of the Town Park. Hie Wor- Ihi nemed Menu. Short:-eed, King end Die -union. Moved bv the Reeve. seconded bv Mr. v Moved by the Run, seconded by Mr. Eu-rison, and reached, That law be gruntyqd to the Union Orickot Club to build `as Grnnd Stand on the north aid: of th- Town Pu-k, to be upprbvod of by the Psrk Ootnmittpe. The Council then ndiom-nod. Mme. Do Romuut, speaking of NA - loan writes as follow: I--I mu edunato ,1 he nid, at. A military lohool. Every on: aid. to me, `That child will nova be got-d for anything but geometry. '1 I had chosen I little corner of the uohoolggroundn where I ooulcl lit and drum at mgvenluor I lnvu Always liked nvario. hon my oom~ mnionl tiled to unurn Imudunion of thin Always liked nverio. Wham pnnionl unurp oudunian corner, I dolmdod it_ wit. ' nll `my might. I :1;-95 jun: by innlinomhnt my will wu to Hut. of (then, and chug/what. I mo ago to halo! to um. I was not - flkod. Iohool. It tn `on than ts; ., 2.511222 .;. .`."i"1{.".`3.`3?.'x'.".`.'.'.7.Ii.$..a;" I "" one : loll liked ma ovon vhln 1; thin to do, I Ii RQQIL vquoly no t no to Ion. nlorod u IQ! noon got circa at you-iqou works. .2 . to rut! novel: a.pdv.thI,y lntd .-duply. I oven trial in Wl'_9*. ,. anon ht myu dtouk just might utonnrdu ' the com nu o! In 2:: :3. ::.':`..:::..;.,%..; ~J sun I mgea uulyIu,_and'.. "s.u-ions is Jon, I the v ._&.'-`,1-;*l`.~s. ...%-,..;i?x.; nivo mo 5 w idu: a -". * as *......*. I all I pr I F 1 % _ "" E?` :`s1,`.31'u3:r i:2i.."&% road and onnx-med. . TutoIlowhgO atciz, on x we I H .v.Q x. `. W -,=,.:'.. .2`? . % '.KiiU"lllb0tt.|f_ `nt'h_'~'l'h`I "` gnaax - ,-2 to -uqoonct * ' M, vyiohhidehondn-trqydbxpusio - apt-Nntiagfor val. ` V , T f ' lb. Mwm o!"Ibi ludigpqt . -' _ ..`!|!Iw$&le,1890Qd~O!l9|bIs.;2:n$vith.- )ick-union. Moved by the Run, seconded by Iu-rison. reached. Jommitl-pa. - The Council then udjogn-n_o Napoleon. V %;;;"r.:.;. .A ` _ L Ti!-TMABJW . . . ,:.',.,h_ Pqruo. : _. - _ `~!l'nk'mg.ana a:uauaz:e2-.A:n=_ ahng eptspnen `or_ raw, -.Preiviatm=e old age, 3 mid pony othev-`dae:;e'n mat tud la Iuoanuy or-`chm runny! , a _a rye-gruztwre Grav e, at; of _1-hiha a rut: "4, 'eauto;3"b1i-15:1-tatfing rruntinvpat. , .. at g1wiire'3..;.;i_ n! Inllftatvu,-_e. " The ' Spud)! ldfctne lb"-rile:-e:_-an ! '91 aft:/a_ ucdg, pad many .~ Iygar; in` tieatkngrtlnahecpeeituldtacaua, `fahsphkt fr bzrfndll.` "The Siwelc ~Hedto'n Ct aa&av-[as YrjO5,- or wtllbe cultfby malla recap! like moedbil addreutmr =, 5'. ' - , - 8 THE G3LY_-IEDIC NE COHPAUI , 5" r, j - 31". . " - ~ ' `ran-onm,~on4z ' `-.f),':_}Izsv cia:equen'o;e' Savjxbui ac Lain! ` ' `,....:;- 4, .)u:n.Il1.aalude.'1'am 'ha`.Bak ' .,azr2;o,yazz `D1-u'gy"lu{t1 :1 `per 1xicI:itve,`or ax, -' 1 ' Pt9gif1'esl}I[V""1.'1?1.i1Ii` _ ,___ __. .4-.. _--_._-_, a_-_._.... aon hand 0} done to ordefl.-'~, Pgitfpi oqr riruz nnyxhin'i I,-be |b0V.e lin ;.IfO In.-. Riitpd` L1 git 4 mil _bef_ore purchss abaIt.":=~/V .. ..-. clog- '. ' V. . . , Sl;o.w Me ,- the - {up 19, Vasily qvuemzd ha is L} - , inhb wllllndvnlue by bad 'jQQ&$ 1-jut .w--wry--- - am Pinter, `Barrie. doing -his posting. Run-rs Connurrzn and Servant: provI:le_!.. `Hang _ your banner: on thg outer wall. 7-l_y. I Q chaice lot 0 _ Straw Goods in (Jim- .d,ujm_'!, Mi'ue,I' ggd ants Hutu. A Gill is V iolioltgd, BARBIE HAT & FUR B'1 DB_._l.; " ha.` su vmoiTsT . `V : P303 HATS HAT A nnecihltv Fine Hints. 7-l_y. ---p-- _....._._..-, ` > guotiomer, 3;: Eaate, Loan and 1n:u1:"- V` uncne Agent, Gonvayancer, 6:4. go L`!-7l--5-1)-1;; fa1'm.8,=1u'ifq/ at ` very low 343: ... V " 'I::I' . v --~ - u_-_ `rm:/zluvinsr r o'sshz11- f8!i_:'l;t_i.\' 7 -,."; ~T 1/5..-*a"!1`?.'T*4!r'L'- *,"'F. number 9f Furl; _ toga.-u.le ch9n.pnmi lon& I { M SlMM(i.li.7 .i"|?a15t}`d"fur`Store! SLEEFZ E r;r: blag In--lv. nuqlnaru 'I7'.nu'HnI: an v Girlbb III Dsnfnr `Rm-u-In. A-lnhnz-hln nontlmr. R2111 an II I nan: -turn. I .lf`z"ornwthe bulzmskers, Engliuh angv A|'n9_1`i_0Q|3; kept - . . 4--ndnannn 1 n: n 1.11 Ar 1- . -V-r.-v WM re .9 amemad th1!._I*,Ia,n wnludynzme bayrjfiz '-.` 3 r. .n-.. >` 5 lot Straw Goods in CH!- u n.' Mines and ` 2 _ 4 .pecj`u.l,y in Hats, -.---`-au .5 ;- L n_n'1\'1u_r,;uuls. -. Q1- ~ u` if " _. ` in , attraction, ni1K-'ws1kad' . benizfp Wrp` at/3, who Igero on their way 3 gom-'gxrls who oanhot r- linen." V ,, olf*8l1'i!5_Kut, violin.` 1? Iron` for return (apt. _ I: is igogauiblb to waltz to _ , `so 3 o . ' ~~ V V ` `;jright," rbpllea-tho young man; tervnls of tho country dnnciu -wd bf '" ' ii ` tho'o1d Father to play In one of `his iflnd he never refuses. `Ah I sir, 1,hsy'x_npvo` In to the heart just as In! ihskr gs gri.in"un.doi- the ail; there are tomb of ` help: wrapping 0.: they '* I hasten ed forward xiiid uni icon below 2 ,__,__,. A few you-I 520.13 wu advised 137 y-ny phyf aicianl fto trytha eacl: of the vutoit at that buutif_u1_ plgoo ~ih ."Gex-many, Spa.` `Th: _ noise`; "the nsyotjr. a'nd' tl'up`co_mta.nlr- fates On one hr! 111. day Iv'va.I It1`olIing throifgh the hamlet o _ W/albien- g, vghore. the small popplatjon of; two,o_r three,hqn_drdjinhabit- Ants were`holding_ the`? `0l1[3l_l`r`fB IlL`_ - IL level bard piece of ground,` Iyithj `no ofher rocf than the sky, nunoutidg` `by vioodon `benchs, _served for a ball-zoom." ' Dancing _ no clad. no midnight excitement, folf it be- "gnxgnt 2 o'clock and ended. 'wih'tha rting ' `day-lright- '1`all, r'obust girls; ii: 9l_id'a' veoitums, tting subjects for the jsenoil .B.uben_l; and ` young men ` with hearfl `faces, were looking earnestly in one direc-' `tion, where I hould discern nochiiyz bufa` V deep sandy road, pnahaded by trqas. A mu `mug `of impntinog was `through thyconfmed wundvof miceu. "Whani no thev eideotimz 7 I asked` came worgs I - blo,f Quite 5 rest muncian." , `in : In 5 ng time ago. air, or at hint , thef Entered ne by saying I0,` but now the air: I play to than good people are only the re` znbriancei of buthful follies." n Trfn thin" ninzrnlnr nld man. Will ~ ~`f,Ar5la lollies` `(rink I bud commit'.ed,"' ~` ;1bl8 lulel 'L'Vial1 I. hid comnu&'.ed," b_ Irto thin` singular old man. Will yoor me wiih your company at brash- fut tdrmm-yaw mqrningat the house where I pm staying I" ` ` f`A thousand thanks; but I never take A Lpxn staying l ` f`AA thanks; moukouhot my own house; it`; an old man : fancy. I on ht to be u proud u 3 youn .man,is, st eig_ ty-two years _of age. But perceive that you are a muswum; no we are brotherm. If you will exliend your walk to the little village of Both, over the owery turf, you will hear the birds lingin in the branches, which "is for ner than saber : waltz, and when you reach my home I will givh you fresh egg: and water from the . hills. '. , - ,."'1'o'-m'a:`rorw,I,wj,ll come," uid 1, prong L aing the old man cordially by tho hand, more pleased with the invitation ting if 1: lud.,buerk to ope of the" ,a.ndc_|f. chltnux. '1`eIo'gloc|r on the to lowing day found ' upon`: in, ~ ` ` Way; I but his own wife to win and "h woo; _ Oh! uent tho right ofmlntortunawerv cloning. To run ukethn morning uar, dsrllnz Ilka yon. b'!ut,if!I1. 91! xi -"Gem-uy. Spa` H16 npup ,_'the gnyoty, and 119` c9;1tanl7- H010, howevu`-. not in` uhilbn with _ m nniritl. md nmduoedso enstvatinz a rera" an n&y,.yot huoyo gnu rammo `_ ppnpn-. .: ezfregction niu ysuthfnlfiro 39 '= w7u.nlL59odnou,uI ho abogon :- thn hamjltot tho young ozm , L not :04? I ranndlum. _u ~ -~ ' -2. : ,.A1eo9p.c:y -mmstgol seldom pleuelcttw 7:9; ` ` .1114. to uspo.ron1.the' noilar Jll futon heat, I turned away to ajmall ; >`mp,af, baochuysnd bqzan to road the 4 ` 1 ;wbibh Wu, cpnntsnt congpnnion. 3 baud saundaxsa a.oit.p-ne,trat.- , _weaI;.vtbatshe nmzwry of them >1 ln9Yi.bo.a1fI9I 1- LI.n.mvQ9e9l;We- I `beg ; wdhuugxucuted by nr maueri _h'n.nd onar1"`a'xi:'H,l tvialin.` 'f"h':-one"/'h`rreturn` 1 u` it In nnrnatin attraction. snK-'ws1ked < . liven... .` I ` ' ha.sie;1ed' xihd wpi IOOII thqjdanlr; `-`Friand, I said without pream- ` bid,` pp no test muncian." , play good people only ..-.-. - -..- AAA-vvvnn yy..- .7 -v--.- -....v,., ._..._, M - .9. '.;. `" 7: ` ` ' 1` mm`. of sorrow _Ihon`1d .1551` oi: m y dull` ,3 - F . Very kind,hnca" 1_ny whglo urawoL`11d 4,, 'rowa1-lhIm;-~- - 7' - -_ *- -~ !`0|l`p0;Q _I'd aqqug and 1x,1yudnnu`I'doIVu`u-`, v. _ Hy Learns S` trmht -w`euln g upwardjor avpr ;. Who: I thlnkof my trurlovo bynlght arby . my.-. ; --- - mm. hon:-'t kupl in mm: Ilka cwut aowmg river. ;' -v - - ` . * Which mi-bu roravor. and sing: on as V, _ `I hgvejhynabtu full of pgaoajax bland! to, repolo 7 f ___ ` ` tho_confu`a5d sound of voiceu. "Whoni udthei ekgenting of an old mgtron pegte . at she and of a bench.` E -A _ ' . `Eh. mu-bleu. thevhre wait-inz for the bench.` `Eh av,`-blsu, they `are whiting data " Father. He is always no exact.` 3!l'(l1 1,';'Q"d,0Il.' hildl`6ll'. would have been clinucng `by this time had he npt_ bqen ~do- nye . ' '3 - . _-./ .., 1:. ed. '4 . [ understood than mt aha m_n a,'_lp'lI_ing, of the village ddler, and teningked-3 sort of dais rsised'w'iiin'th5 `ciiclis; ' `Ihwal composed of `a botmi laid. pr) 1 tum ha:-(pk-4 and tin. choir pl- ib of Its solitude; an old desk ntood :` ' hold. the nunin. -Soumu. ivovoun -xhnt't` That in night hnvo npwcgnnggx yae nu! ':`F 1' W0 Id v . ; V , _ /l`be1-9 : ."n.r"E{' 'xg'. 1;n11f-1-t!g;,_,ynko- m _- 1 unreal niacin!-"` '- 2: Pcho must: have `Undue. "Wars I but his own wile t9'cuIdoilH guard, I . I"` ` H V '.. ., '", `i 4 ,_ . 11.811 .. - ngood , ' hold the w".*it=.- ~59v.ns& J'!?&J'9 f'5`!I .- came lg-om the peasants, nnd I YiA I - poor, old man, hobbling pain! ,1_ru`gh` the dust. , Hiuhpad was` nneu ; bin: in farm ya: massive, and the , 3 still h_a.ndsom o, {Ha I1ppesred_ tbdht hwy, ygt hutgyo mu ratn.n_zo `g,p9`|',_on-. . e regctwn nut: , 19 V wnanlllmodnouu ho abotxon " hgdpyen of the" ,a.ndc_|l. chltnux. Ten cfgloclr the lowing an baforatjdntschod cottage` clnan, small and plounnl:ly1hadEd, bani -2. running In-enm. Tho aldjnnn came C9." meet me, and his tnbla was 3 read wi.h iho but fare he could provido. ban I asked him about his name. he uid : Sir. the pennant: havo could provido. When I asked him about name, he Sjr, peasant: given mu tho Iiumo of the Father, because 'uyon GI-ll guui I um still cheerful in old age, but my run! name in Vrangel." vrnngef! I cried, of }(un'inl} 1" "Yel, be annwargwimglyr` ' The teacher of j master to the - ,' , "Why not 9?" The illult Y3`-, enunge m1nurc1_ , 2 - ' ` ' _ Ay, my on cl!\i9; I!hi' lit, which provee to you that Vtnjngel is I Chrietinn philosopher. Music bu been thepueiun of my his ; but it has cdunad me um euk- Able sorrow rand disappointment. wee the King : profouor, And be loaded me `with money end honors, I taught the noblest women in my country, and they paid for their leeeone with old. I have givenyny children and` udo ildren slave` of the ballunueio, the eelin which make: it eloquentpcbe science wine gives it cor- reotnoee. Thue I know mvhfe fun not ' Thus 1 know mylifo hu not ' boon uulhu :1}! Inn 31 tut prize, which I would not` ' ` or any- thing ue on-ch can otter." , - And what in thin nrim 2" I nnkad. T}: `Lu: roaaby hu'd!nllI_ -r.d.d myhfo bu uuibu HI krentut un uuv uulu-uuuusw, vup_I-Iuu IVIIIUII IIIIIEII ' r".,""" ` "' jj"_" -"v ' ` '1 o9i1d `bIqnom' I rrdnv, ,, hlhln.nd., -~' '- v-v " knddthau-01 hula! I would-;-by thognri ` _ own- , 4.4! 3 : rdungnxmkhanonnrogouzpoornrukarknuad. T111 mm quantum with: my. gm ` . "own; . . A `` _'._ 1 "And .WhI.Q i-I Hill 1" I asked. , , `;*2::':...':`r, .':~;;..:.-::.;h:. u 2 man . '1 entered a. very Imn!l_ ivhitewuhed goom, :r.I_aer9 lu:;ln1}|5 wobci bod tncoduled on: ma u u 5 . a row tl!ou back, and I Iv opmien at-min of laurel in I frame. Beneath-was written, "v"`1":pn xzx fa{o`r:,d x'1,d oxcollont. profqnor, s-,'v shgom ma. witlutrembling .worlu.". ' 2;; "ram. um "thingy-I ptailut mo. th .9 -itdf .a... ..2.`en.c...`'. .` thing Wu tumult 1.; the yqpngoit d! any ,;~.`1'!ho any of othonV,r.!l|`hocguuoo= In my -non u Iohsnolvmubr. A` banks: in ' my Into and qua V:-angel.-.-Wlll.-" . ' Sn-, , `uid Chi old mm, fivoico, `fflpjgjtnytho crown tint All the B : 7 u , _ _ lent `Wain: lter thoy hqih _ Friuch ,. , 5110:: of his was-" ~ '! `= 5tliI;fU} odd 3 110, every ilrltvmo. 1: ; Q 'my wits and yonnzoit my am, who and of zero, howevci-. not Ln` unuon mm ' Ipiritl, and wduoegso ensrvating run t ;hst, '_ ates of-oluizxg--1uo;:1~g:-mivunlly bo- mme wousi (tn 5 hlldtvolllug-.vaI d_vend `in! mm `ho might owonnhg; me an me} n._._.._ _ .,,,-~aB..'--, .`c..'.un , -v"_. rnza, wuwn L wuluq nut: UIDQXKB luv hing time And what in thin Prize 1" I asked. _Qomg with me, Quid tho_ old 1 rnmaopnnx cnows. % L; -%;APBztJii`.?9; . _ '.l.`ho nnwoomor ant to wet}: with I bo1- nou that utonuhod -hi: plodding rivals, who had been moving ..in a. heated track for 5 quarter of 5 aontuty. The tont;_nhowlgu- signs in Oh; Unibod Staten hsd bdou mono- - rpolized by 5 Iorrmu thug unloub. {mm ` two to thus amill shown Ipiaognnd for manv tun mananod to control jho bulk of buuinou. ' , . .Oloa.1-ly perceiving tint it was A buninou requiring personal attention And csloulnted. to tutu:-n.sprotif conducted on libcnl ' 'principlu,ho withdraw frolnall othutndor` sud-`embarked in it viibh ohanotoriltic om CEIV. ._ ' .' . wivol, f{heir`cliildA`o`n; 'nud-:tHizf Q -nah;-.; .`.'rna `Ivliiqh.'iI` :n`e_o; ; ` "!85!"` rap; in.`t19 _.[o,1t,L9f '.t.!=-2.. hutnqn lgqorc, 1:13;: thq food and ufh9]t_ea'. ' Each_,Id!' hjmnel; ,_'Lth.`s, go: _! of ygpvjyd,` ` in the univotul rq hgibx`:. ,. gem `thojybz-E-F ' mu: tip to the cppitalist; qvbry auto ` jhi ` it. Vnllnges which are fa.r1_ro1'n' ` ` `com-' 7 .n:orcial ontrljiiya xjot. ybt` ` plague. But it wi sdyico sndfigivgdej _; them ; thoggh I shall hlvn`f6pd'Ipy fpit before thntpccuu. Uur pusma 19_1':il:`tl{o` ' . _ u thev nvor oovbt vblir horie. vonr`.`u"11n"n"d`r` . would :-idicnle me." 6 _' ~ Out convbnation was carried Q}; 3. long tim, and I promiuil to 5v3uIo ind us ' him the followin `I-am 36`?-but 1' to nd the door 1o ua. .. .Tl;_%';g bohnv(:!el1_'{ no longs; on the roof; nu 0`g<-ba.rkd n lxidntrwolpomo. An old woman I met _tld Iiffthlt tlxjrnuaioinli had. died the pre- V`i-Q1x,_:'Fobrup.ry. All the villagers around but wdpt qver Iii: tomb. When his will :`}:::'i%`aneii, ii;"-Vita found thh he `had be- AH u-an thnnmnd fights: to nnnh nl I-oac"' '13'-'5' "?u`5i. " " "W " - -On-V `_ eo:pm1.a.1phi.'. and hi! bp bminau Ind .inj+th9~.P" V ( cl cattle sud horn, in which In _ gegmnrluhly suooouiul, dispen- `u 10,000.hornosin . 3. ninglo purchuod ntngo 1inu,which yoir;i*- 0, _ yrovgj. ' . no_:-ntiyu and added to his tut mm`! .;:cspxal. -- gal. of I bill of , horse: to a. circus Jnsnngar he became intqreatod in the circus buuinou. .Clnn.rlv nnraaivinnr thgt it in: I. bulinnll -Klee, than In the height at Jun populnruy, no.1. pnid/him tlu onbtmoln ulu-y ofl,000 3 week for three years. Up time 3 monuguio averaged about ten ongu ouch, slid one or two alaphan1'.1_woro ulna ex- hibited. For ght yell`! Foupaugh_ put ' ullhis on-ninszl 1:: his nhow. inoroumg it hlbited. For night ronpaugn put all his earning: in Ihow, inorouin rutto twenty cage: of Animal: and t. 1: running the unprecedonbod numnr of forty two. Meanwhile the fossils of tho Aron: pro- phesied failure and bnukmptcy, hut in place of diuntor came competency and suc- oesu. wivu, rIeir`childfen. uuc}:tliQir`l['1q they nvoroov t1 pIir hone, ydur` `a nlzvqut, ` hey have Just op! sincere lriendnhiocitmo joys sad" 1 Adan} Forep4ugh,'sola"prop.riotor of aha. great -' show which bears hit. nuns, who count: his fortune byhundrndlol thousands, began life in A very hnilnilo any in his nntivo city, Philadelphia; at. I salary of _ Jollsra I month, ado dqllsra tuck,"- ' _, dollar: a. -yea:-.v In addition to ' i;ct;l;:'a`ompanue hex-eceivod hi: to tlu-no amill shown spinal," and for man ygnrs managod u tho ulmesl. , A `At the first duh Fnrnmuuh nmzuled DAD tho buaineu. d x A `At 1. e rgt uh Farnpnugh or 5 d Dan -Rico, thin in" the height of bin Bgogglnrity, no.1 Dnid/him onormoun ulu-_y otI8l,000 In sixteen years Forepaugh hae had no- thing but uninterrupted Iucceus,every seq; son has shown 1 prot and an increase of size of his establishment. Dllrinxz this time unid

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