sift ` 11633;`-sT_7`tIuntio *9 urmi made on lIIOf . - \ _ K: ' IE LOWEST POSSIRIE F ELANED LUNBER -- ..._22II"- =.--'- * um-uznnxn xs x-umasp -no gvxuxnq Doors, Mou1ding,_ Window- Frames, Blind; dzc., HENRY Jmgs. nu Pa-no.1-"IEnl>.nf.n, `Lhnn nut: an , uu.....5.-.., v..-. GEO: MAUNDRELLLSR TRY THE fe:.%_ZM% EOBGEN. I _j-- QM ;;1iHUHsDAY,- A1?RIJ-~15 you can gut. in body to have you." Indeed !" mid rather pi uad, "there no only "too many. I rafraiu ram : "lect- ion for fear of breaking other haurtn. How fond all tha ladies we of me," I added, coa- ceitoly, though I can't; see that I am 'fmrtim~lnrl_y fascinating." N eit.har can I, said Susy, with an air I told her I wan aubjocb to such nttgcks, sud the gysy inure mo 3 leaturo on the subject of salt , winding u: with : The best thing you can` 0 in to gel: 5 wifeto take/care of you, buy} to _keep you from ovor-study. I advise you to do it, if body to have you." piqued, jmrtinulnrly fu.scinatmg." ` Neither of narfoct -imnlicity. Cn.n 4: you I. I hoped -ho d -- - Oh, that dreadfully aztentivg Lee of hers! That is, Misl Susy, I thought perha n--oh, my hand, my head!" An I buried my has in the cushion. Does it ache so Very badly! the naked, tenderly. Andaheuput .119! cool little hands in" tenderly. - Andnhe put among my earls. I felt the thrilfher nger: gave me all a. fancy to anybod,y,_J. a_no1uu love mm dearly, .T_|_9l'$}?1," Ihe would u carelessly, I neviar saw gnybbdy yet wort laetting my thoughts 1: on, I triodinsthouan ' wykys to make her betmy some interelt in myself. - . Propose outright I could not. She had 3 way, whenever I tried it, of lboking in my face with an air of grave at.- tention, of profound interest, that was ` oquirvalent in its effect, of knocking me ` down. nger: gave the way to the toes of my boots. My head being reaily very painful. I In obliged to leave, but all the way home the soft, co: I touch of little nger: lingered upon {y brow. - Sopnmfter thin it became necennry for down. _ One evening, whlle there, I was mind with a violent headache. . I told her aubiocb such attacks. ms: to I ave home on blnineu. One hing was certain; I could not leave home ft ): months, erhapl yearn, without acme anuwer from uay. . ing deancg. ' :=~1&-7 ' She daclared her intention to be in. old I maid-Input ornpha.tica11y,nd in the next sentence woulsfadd : _ V `II never did love, but If I should (ska my brow._ _ Sopnmfter this xt I home bunineu. Gnu Jxino wag certain: I could not leave I ulo b"_tII." nro/rn:"VrAoB" nome from Susy. Full `of hope I went to Mr Arnold's. Sway was In the parlor at this piano, ~ alone. `She nnddad anvlv an I came in. but non- . go home, certain that one more interview Susy ~A.I-nold was me molt bewnomng. I would pee: an evening with her, end would make me the happiest of `men; but the next timeI met her, A eoql ned end in- dilferent glance threw down all In `` She was very cautious. ~ V Not 3 word did we drop to nuke me 33-` ' lieve that nhe loved me; uni yet help would linger in nzine, her color `fa-inc. ` `I looked my feelings, and her eyeei ' 9 to be raised again in an instant, full bf?-, h deance. :=~1-7 lentonde yvouldhdd ` love, fnncyto anybod,y,,_I a_hould love him ulv. de,a.I'1Y.\thoI_lBh:." the say alone. `She nodded gayly as I came in, but con- tinued her song. It mu : l v9 Iomethina "vent to tell friend, and 1o_1 1 was qeapgracely In lava. She was I lxttlo, fan-y-hke gure, with `long brown out-la owing over a snowy neck and shouldars, and falling down on the waist hf anenchsnting sky-blue dress. Het"la_1-`gs drk'])l`ue eyes: were full_ of hf tmenchsnting sky-blue dress. Her large dark blue eyes full uuoy light; yet all`, how tender and loving` they could look. ` " ' ` Of all the nrovokinz. tautalizimz coauettea - they could jook. Of provokin , tantalizing coquettes that ever teased the ea`;-I; of A poor man, Susy ~A.1.-nold the molt bewitohing. ' put evening her, you. " : At the word: `.`I love you! I adore you!" she gave me such I. glanco. I was rsaiv to D.'onI:"a.te mvnlf: but. between his case and yours. Min Arnold, I came up this evening to tell on that I-1 ' " ow aha was glisbenin . A bri he thought atruc me. I won d tell bar of my journey, And in the emotion she was certain to betray, it would be easy to declare my I95/o. ' "Miss Susy, I am going on L journey to- 'L'hree`}yeare ago I. fell in love. I did not walk inte is quietly. weighing my idol`- perfeotidns ngninlt her defects; I `ll: in, heed and care, two segvonds after the intro- rlucliion. ` . J-wry <------------p- friend, nnd lo! I desperately in love. little. fairy-like gure. with 5' ~,-W77.-. w- 1- I -r-' usur.---r - p pr... 5=.W{P1f tinned. her Iomething you." you! you!" she such gumco. reaiy p.'ont|' mynlf; but, -aweoning back the curls, with laughing db- nnao, she warblod : , But I m talking in my sleep. " Thep,~Icried, you lqve me when you ' slang? May I think so? 11, yes, if you choose; for Rory 0'Moord ea 3 that dreams go by contrarioa, you know." sat down beaido her. Ali ! I said, aighiug, "Rory s idgl dreamed ' ,aho lmted him. " Yen. said Snav. "`l:lm.h was Hm riiffnrnnnn ,aho lmted him." Yea, said Susy. "`tha.l'. was the difforonco between his and yours." Arnold. urn cveuinn morrow. She swept her hands nccrou the keys of 1 piano into a Btm-my yolks, I tried to see her ace, but 110.! curl: 1 over it. I listened for the Hobs I fancied the music was intended to conceal; but throwing back {she cLl1rlsdw"it1zl1.s11dzhv:x1 toss, she ah`-uck the astcxorsotme 0 man sa'.i : -- Going away ?':p dry y Yca-for some months." "Dear me, how distressing. Just stop at my lin'en-drn.per s as you go home, and order me some extra. poolwt-haudkerchiefu for this melancholy occasion, will you Y" "You do not seem to ruquim them, I said,- melancholy occasion, will Y said!- mther iquenj. I than may some months. We 1 Vynhe to pa, won't you?` And if ygu ._,;. ..__ _.. .1:.. __ ,____u. , iqued. I 1. write won t you ? if gag married, or die, or anything, let mknow __ Q_.. : -.-do. V w. amid, detennined to try her, and if 1 mcept it, MI havemme thought of doing, I shall mover retutn. ` Her -face did not change. ' `The old, Itigg . lpqk _ was still there an I fthnt one little hand cloud I havoin 0301- to be yea-trnar in 3 bank," I I But, mother, Art thoti livingbzvet, " `~' And dont than will remem 'r me? I Ibmetimes think thy soul come: back - From o'er the dark and silent -tregm, vi ( l - .W'hex-e last we watched the silent tfack To those green hills of which we dreung Th loving Arms around me twine; ~ ' y cheek blooms younger in thy breath. My younger ix ' thou art Inineng I am th `Witho t n. _thougrp,po_g q And yet t tiggea my` "35; Wnth are` or her annot A Oh! mo er. art hhnu livina v t ptil d, like the murmux- oi, the main, Grown deeper when` the storm is nigh. I know the brightest stun that not ` _Return to bleu theyotrning us; , _ ; But, mother, thou livin yet, `~"$4- thou still renmm 'r ma! ` The springtimea bloom, the Iummors tado, The water: `blow along zn wny. = But over e_very_ l.ig_l_x_t or I _ ` ,/ The memory lives y mg and day ; " Itsoothe: to leap my wil eat pain, _ LAika:_om9,nweet song that cannot lio. Itsoothe: sleep wildest Like some sweet And, like the deeper nigh. - An undoIiRE" 5 care I.n_d strife. Th tender ` an upon mo shine, V from aids; gloriad. Ti11_`I am thine utmiqm. And I forgot that thou hast dxed ; I almoatjou etch vain rogrqt In visions ot_a. life tuba; C But, mother are t.hou` K3. And dost .t_hou. still rezmm no I rlth violent headache. N her aubjocb nttpcks, and nzvnsv nave .'\..-.,. -:v.~:w='-` 5.13:1`:-1'1io"c 1""`t)'." 1' i`ii:""`9`9?.* ' . hob owzng-' tweet tribute tcagieii full` of tender meaning, and is worthy of the p0et-ingBr who} ~ In there no gund immortal Iphere Be and the realm of brokgn ties, ' 1 To thnwnnta that mock us here, * ` ` -And drive the tears fro` neping eyes- Where winter melts in elmflpng. ,3` . , And June stands near with dogthlou cwora, Where wgeuny hear the dear ones qing - . - I : V11o lav` d us in taxi: world of ours? _ x 4 m c tmvot - With tears for in: I cannot no; A Oh I mothe_x-,r.n.rt living yet, ` . And dosfthou _l dwhlmbot ma`! Iieel ' " o e"nothrill Thou " ,_nenge1ofiny1i'e; ` H Ihea.r_th _' undnushrill, ' Anun o Thv ve: unon me nhinn. Three` yeari I fell in love. I did vnlk intb quietly. waiahinu my idol`- sy declare 195/o. arrow. `xi loving ' thy breath, 1 thou} zninegnd. thine. % "Fire. In; ~?r9?'93 .5i9-7:` E x. - , _ > ' EQ The subscriber beg: F0 intimate to the ' putflio gepgully that ho. is at all times pre- , - `- ` and 159 sxdputp olden in" Centres of the Q` about pgzernl and design: in the Province " L ' and at rmonnble rhte I. . n. ao1d,IIiLl9 -1D9,k,wIa ` __ ,, __,i`t1wonelittlohsndc1oa9d I !p:r.v;kr.atoh-chdn, I ? ""`` "A_"' "; The moet thrilling end ndly suggestive tem erence lecture in the night of a once nob e, talented ma.n,_left in ruins by intoxi- cating drink. A Walhington paper tells of I ragged beggar, well known in the streets of that city, who once held an important commend in the army, having been p'.'0- mutod, for perlunal bravery, from a cavalry lieutenant to nearly the highest nmk in mi- litary urvica. Una night recently, when he had been too euccoelful in obaining li- quor I0 eata hie craving, and while lying helpleul drunk in the rear partof a Third ntreet Inform, some men thought to play a joke on him by stealing his shirt, and pro- ceeded to strip him. Underneath -his shirt, and suspended by needed strip him. shirt, suspended by . I Itring from his nook, was a Imnll oanvwi bag, which the men opened and found it containad his commiulon an brevec-lua.jnr- enernl, two congratulatory'a---one tom General Grunt. and one from Prenident Lincoln-- in photograph of n. littletgirl, and n curl of hau--a. chestnut uhufow that doubtlon one day crept over th some loved one. . Whnn M-Lana thimn were discovered. cvan brow of tljunl a few miles on`, so as to enter D103- 0 w in state. -I at once set oil` in a sleigh e. d rejoined my friends. We remained q iotly within twenty miles of the scene for 0 e week; and then travelled to Kharmu, going thence to friends at Odessa. Here we all shipped for Turkey on board the Italian steamer Flnrentiue, I being in fact employed ll an engineer. From ConsLan~ tinople we took pnspsga to France, by way of the Levant."---Eugli.-sh paper. loved When than things were discovered, the half-drunken man who found them felt a respect. fur the man : fat-mar greatness, and pity for hi: [fallen oonditIon,a.nd quietly returned the ha and oomenu when: they found them, rep swing the sleeper`: clotheu on him. Whann nnm-tar triad to interview the told_ me all was right, and the Czar wna oommg, and an the train passed I red the mine, `hoping to see the Emperor blown to th& winds. The fwreck of the iraih war; blow; Ypy_.fro1n the house, but to my_ sobii learnt that the Czar, think- 0 V II ing muelf Info from danger, had changed tzjuinu few miles off, tn enter Mos- nur in state. -I at once sat off in a nlsiuh uncanny QSIOFXDOII by DGWIPBPHF 0UlT6B- charge: had been lfeoifea a laid, `the nchmu near! fell through owing to the diicuity of obtaining the electric battery necesaary to re the mine, which was only got from the Moscow electrician the duly before the catastrophe. Having ' mado all ready, Harbmann dismissed his gtndautl to a friendlypensantsomo twenty `miloio and himseif awaited the coming of the ` 0 Bl train. Ho proceeds: The Out`, I ha boeltwarned to expect, would trove , the goods train, so you see I at [out not stupidly blunder about the train. My exploration is simple enough. Wu -w to kept tho!-on hly infovrmod. by ofniol rienda of the? 1- : znovemantl. ..We. 1' oived warning that. numlihu his` ` him. When 5 reporter triad interview man, and ondenvored to learn sdnxothing nf hi: life in the put few yuan, he declined to cummunicnte anything. He oriod lilo A ohxld when told how his IlA_|W=_i. 'l5lglVVl'\l'I 9: . Doxivgynzicer 3 Inc ' inn Brokr or_gio:T"i`a ;thDu`.9!t-QI1\4:n_,`. ' ~ ..'Inon-so. - -'u`-u-`st I Anna. 1` disposition, mnmuun. en.rneIt.m-=3 or put`.- peeo, capacity for business, ruliabilit in friendship in proportion as the hair is , no. Very ne hair indicate: an even disposition, - I readiness to furszive, with 3 delire to add to the happiness of others. Persons with very lightnuburn hair, inclined to curl or jpizz, are quick-tampered, and are given t9 `resentment or revenge. Light brown hair inclined to redness, with B frecklod akin, is ecerain indication of deceit, treachery and edilpolition to do something mean to A friend who can no longer be used to advan- tage. We ' J. !!I_M.ion no we nd iipnd in e be - inch liking: gener- I:l'C.' `> ___._";. .u._I.:GnD coxlfnsslbzr or Ekrxutx. The M ' ` snsgatexnent, Cord? _ ' ,7-`ii!iox!1;;t-ho" French overnment refund to give upio ` ;Buesia, glad who immediately came over to _ th'ia'5o'untry, confesses to have been the moving spirit in the attempt orrthe Ont Moscow. Hartmann (which, however, g; _th_eman's real name) says he an oeen 13} the Nihi1ist;co;pynitcee`(Dz' K , ` mph to diu'-6Hthe " Doylf. train on agcount. of hirpraotical knowledge of milizr opera- tions and the force of explosions. e went. to Moacolv dressed as a laborer, hired a house`; few miles from the city and within forty ynrdlVof__tl_w_ railway, and Jet to work with two tried companions. He describes thela ing of insulated wires to the spot, and t 0 glancing of about four pounds of dynamite n ahole dug beneath the lleepere of the railway, but says nothing of the tunnel from the house to the line no gra- hioally described by nhnrann had hnnn ' :$ii7Tn7"$ 'r anything. ` right name and former position were ucar~ tamad, and with tears trickling down his cheeks, laid : For God : nuke. air. don't nublilh mv Each of our foaturea is supposed to have In I angunga--ayan, nose and mouth. But the lxmgul-`go of the hair has been formulat- ed in the following manner : Straight, lanlr, a`.ringy~lnoking hair indicate: coward- ice. Curly hair denotes a` quick temper. Frizzy hair, not on one`: head as if each in- indi'vidua.l hair was ready to ght its neigh- bor, denotes coarseness. Black hair denote: .-.-v-ninlgnlr rn-nlnhnn in nnnnunnlinlllnn an Black hull` denote: parsillont resolution in nccnmpliahiug an object, also natrong predispmitiun to avenge wrongn nnrlinsuhl, real or f.mciud. Brown hnia denotes fondness for life, a. friendly diupoaition, ambition. eurneltncuu of rioao. capacity reliability cheeks, laid For God ulna, air, publilh my degradation, or my name, at ldaat, if you are determined to say something about it. 'It is enough tlmt 1 know myself how low I have become. \Villyuu premise that much? It will do no good, but will do mqy friandg a. real: deal of hnrm,u,fort.unntely,they think died in South America, where 1 went at the clone of the war." . Intompennco and tha gaming-table, ho said had wrought his ruin. A I-DI['I'I|IlG to later. . nvo can 0! lndunnu with Ouurrh _ I onpoynucn om! mlury. In *r'-..P_`- :...,',:~ln{". l.J .Fl do Kgnohoacn. N.H -nor 1:4 -=:: :r .~;:--.'~`::*~=-1.. an o . oh '9 cu? n_ {II E lnorlt ingioynhen nd In-1 x-urn xnmnus Later my arm inoix-clad tho brown dun, the brown curls fell upon my `bx-out, u;d my lip: warq 19 W_1th-a.n- `other pair. ' 1 ,. .- __ ' What I said I 1:: wife can tell you. Eivo minutes la '1i11?lII1'n:1-r zl-I'uI.-u-la`:-\a\I|n n -v~.~ with the said _' ' i Yes, :1 ma vain; thin 0110." may or Sho locked 311140 111 face. _ What. she read on I cannot say: bat if ayes ever tried to talk, mine did then. - _ Epr color rose, the white lids fell over the uiiful hand to my lips. A Sad Story of a Wrecked` Lire. rested on the arm of {mg sofa. The contrast betwserfthe block . and the flesh named to ntike her. W hM> a. ppetty little hand. " A brilliant idea Qaslqd throw: 1: my brain. You may *hn.vo ltvif you wilf I said, oEu'-_ ' it. ` /~ ugh) book it between her own, and. toying j 'th ch A `d ya; -I ! florioun cyan, and the tiny hand struggled to Kroeitaolf. .. ` Wu Iqugh to rsleasa it! What I said I know not, but I dare uy my wig: $911 you._ - ' . slcm? an .,n A 9 Yea, 1` he -``-thought-'" - ' 0113`! t, gt-a.vve_,!ace. .My'chukI id, my hnndsnhnd feat `aoexnn tifiiroil, and I felt ooldphilla all over. I could not go on. V I broke down for tbs third time. _ ` V There Wu 9:: awkward ailengq. ,9~,r..4-g - Me IE{1a.need'atSusg. 4 . ,. ~" er eyes were resting on my hand, which = the_sofa. '1 betwsen the block Tum-nhgir ayes tnbd to talk, mine did then." Ear role the flex-ions Anni '...`*-', ;-..;.,.-..- . . . ' - `.._`.`Ye;f It mi tclumge aumy plan; if my nbsne w d eve on-" , allygmlzns?" ' I I 3, Oh,ft ~ H: `My chuck! hands Ind - uemod "1 Icould ;.-:.~ _ Pa ,;.-,-r.v`;,- v mi.` 30 ;_g1a.nced' at Susy. ,,. , - 111* V "4 `:1 I write later inoix-clad >1-own upon xnv _~~- ' .v.. 7 ifiiscow Explcfsnan. u._z.:aaD coanfissxbzr '01- nL`rxntz7. Phe, m.m;.1... . ........... Ljtncnazcof the `nag:-,, 2-genius 203134 3- ' One D6113: Pe,r'T-Agznnm; Strictly in Adva.nce._ ______...___.._..._..__.________.________ I i . Accnfdir-g {'0 a Parliamentary return, the following exhibit relate: to the sale of ub- lio Innduin Mnnitobn nnd the North- out during 1879 :- ` Total number of. acres: sold during the 882. - The number of acres sold in quantities of 6-10 norm or In-n.`-e to enuh individual at one or nmre times during the your aggregate 83,400 acrou, and ware divided among 123 purchanera. Five persons purcihued more than 960 EOTEB. 5 There were 7,667 Lcrea sold wherein the purchases are more than 969,on which I portion of the purchafue monoy ucill ra- maius unpaid. ` me pt-ogresI_ of free thought in religion, Ill InV__o_ducetion, Q3) . . inuitu-. edly Iuppreued by t e ---4"` ' Europe, sometimes in spite m _with the cordial-approbationofs - ` clergy; in 1759 bo Port id" 1764 France, in 1767 by Spain, ' _ mt` ,' decree. It did more than z-nye '- _ gunization to keep England on the - ~ ` ereligiouswar from the aooeuien of - ` R v V VI. to the death of Queen Eljnebeghi ,; _ to keep France in civil war irohi the Ooh - aion of Frnncitrll. to the eeoeenion of the House of Bourbon. The deillnd. of the French eople for it: expullion he: been ex- pressed y its lower house with nch r phaeis that no ministry oouldd `($3 3 `demand and maintain it : ignition; '?*"Thg Ordertpsn once 0 expulsion y'Iubmit1.igg to thel'iIn an obteining;e.n euthoniqetiou ` `e Government; and there are very` ` ble indication: that imposing thin` - ve` upon them accord: with the `gm! gjuntiment of all European peo lea. 'IV'eL~-present Popehse already yxelde the suprexngcy of the ounl powereoyer the ac- cleeiaeticul in Germany by oicially declar- ing in a published to the Arehbi:hop__of_Oo- logne that we rmit the name! of V tho`; ` priest: chosen y the bishops u fellow! workers in their diocese in the cure of,.|oulI the Prussian Government." This permu- sinn` promises to end the long and bitter etrif,e,t.h_era; the same principle `in lubItan- tially embodied in the rdportedydirecticn to to the hierarchy of HollencN:wQdglt_,teech- er: and children of the eommimrechoola to nnnimnnir3n`:` and if annlied in France to be primarily submitted for spprovll by `r during 1879 during roar, 247,315. ` Tutu] nulnlmr an nurnlnuarn of the nuns. purcluuera. persons purcihued each, but tho name: of the purchasers no not given. " One Charles J. Gregory purchased 2,075 anq ox tne commmruanoom to conimlmionk` and if appliad in France would fequire the M: proiont lllgalnocim ties, some if not all of whichnre nvowadly inimicn to the Republic, to abate their hot- tility a (1 submit to the lawn. _ Exile 13!! Lnqds in am North-West. . ? ._ _ teachers made the attenlpt. :-"A n.cr1llg1- ous son of Beliul, who suffered from bron- chitic, lmvmg oxlmusted his nances in order to make good the decit, reselve to, ally himself to I comely, lenient,nnd docile young lady of the Malay or Oeucsssisn `race. He accordingly urchesed e eelliope /and A coral ne klnce 0 a chameleon hue end securing IT hutel, he engaged the head winter as his co- ndjutor. He then despatched a letter of the most unuxpeptionul aeligraphy extent, inviting Llierydung ls.dy tn u matinee. She revnlted e the` idea, refused to ( amide: herself secricible to his dc-:'sn-es. and sent I polite note of fefusal; on receiving which, he procured ii carbine-end bowie-knife, Qai he would not now forgo fatten hy- _mone ` the queen, went to en isolated e ot,severo hisjugulnrvein,encldisohsI-ged 1 no cnntent|_ of his carbine into his ebdo- man." suite of rooms at a. principal V , PXRAtIsIs., :_ A__...j_-.v_`...|_~r .. ..v.v.__ - __ iv-_i:>1;9I=t:-i |1'*jun.`nt_sryuf u or-`.~n.~.n_u. L t.1....i.. .4 `(LIL \ ~ , J A copy of \Vubnt.ur'a Unnbrid ed Diction- ary wan nurud M n 'I`m-xahern nntitute in Pennaylvumin In any teacher who/would read the following paragraph and pronounce ovary word corroctlv. No one auooedod in earning the Dicni-mary, although nine teacher: made the attempt :-A n.criligi- Beliul. in nu its way to we hr:-. Elantrnoxty 1: most. iugeniuualy omlplnyed. When Chi kg in nppliud to nn :1 arm box in any part of he city many things are performed nutomM.ti- onlly/at the engine-house; tho re nulubor is told by an indicator. while at the some time it in being rung out on 3 gang and re- gialerod on a tape, to prevent miatake; tho clock slop! and/n nconcl hand in started to register the" lisngth of time aonuumod in evting away; the gas is turned on`, the lathe: are pulls/d of! tho bodl. :3 the uleoping room door opened; the ho rgpp` unlutchadgnc/I ta thny go to air ~`_ the whiluueo, which in Iulsondcd. var; _ horn : follow; 5 to And ipu down to it: pladqlnn the angina; auiy Lourin; to the 1-Chip nnd poles must be sdjnitzod y ;. lrn.ndy= mid the front dndn, whioh open 51;?` . ` comically, olou by.h'o ._!un_ |gQI!%$ the engine Dlllllmtt. ~ ` ` " b - house in an elegant in its appointment: II I private house. Fifteen aocondl, at tho out- side, after the alarm in aounded,|Lhe engine Lhe re. Electricity in most. iuueniuutslv omnlnyed. "kg: ul real dlli:-.ulr.,,v in the problem. How shall a free State dual wich such an enemy '0 The Society of Jesus is essentially a. militer or- implicit and absolute obedience to the Gen- eral. Loyalty to his command in put ebov; obedience to either the bishop: 1 th powerful machine`in the State, openly and avowedly recognising a nu reme allegiance to 5 power without the hate. and uncon- eenledly devoted to the task of preventing the progress of free thought in religion, ganization. Its fund.-:.mem.el princip e in ` Church or the laws of the State. t in e V uirxin education. mam. \ An nriiateur reman of Syracuse, I re- cent graduate of Cm-nail University, has been mmii Fire Commissioner of chm. city, in recngnition of his arvicu to the fire de- parmynt. It. in his hobby to keep, _M. pri~ vate oxpenu,g large chemicni engine 99;! ./ outt of horse: and men. The enguim in its appointment: nrivate tomlcally, emu angina puqnme. - , .. . , --. _,'I'he Christian Union says: The inltinctive ' Sympathy of American: will be with the right of religious societies to live where they like and tench what they please. But for Fran enuitism is a. real danger, and there in real iii:-.ulr..,v in the problem. free enemv The -".l`he_:ec'klesenees of the 0ttnwa. Adminis- kttntion `with regard to overight u to de- ta_.I in the department: is" sixnpl disguet- ing; It in now dincovered, in a dition to the pamphlet 'ob, that the Postrntnter General issued at full lome 10,000 copiee of what is called in pastel guide in which were found aming advertisement: directly decrying Canadian `free grant and other" lands and priieing the grunt: to be obtained in Arkansas. The publication of this guide I was givenn: 3 cop to the Chetham Tory or- gun which is owned by Mr. Ruful Stepen- son, M. P.,~t.ha Rykerien member `event of London. It was pun into ciroulationlsnd no "doubt accomplished its zniuion. It in dicult /to believe that the Minhten would enter into arrangexnementh `with Yankee land, companies and advertise their scheme: at the exaensc of this country, but it csnnot be denle that they heve been guilty of criminal negligence. Every effort should be made to counteract its e'eotb.-Rams'l- Inn Times. not given. Gregory purchased LOVES. our, Z4'l,i$l0. Total number on purlluuera of the Quinn `.82. ' - Klitlrsnravga ""*".' ` 7? .- ~ . L an `inn: mn nnun-n r ml! `lit `a? t that there is a very general revival of trade in England, prophoticnlly -Adding that it in em-e to last. The dept-e_uion.wnioh in now `passing away is owing, She Premier thinks, a to the succession of ad harvests. What 1nenns'Lerd Benconseld. ha `of knowing that the era of bad hu'vutn`ha.a passed he "does not let the world know; but many Briton: never ueition than windom or the prophetic ineig t of - tlmrleader of the Jin- R6ol ._--0Iu'cago Tribune. _-._- Lord Bencbnseld has been 1:. ing the ntteiing unctioi: to the soul of J n "Bull that there is propheficnlly -_sddin'g. .h_nt __.... .. I--. :_.---. can-em ii`ti1n1:i':"" A" = :1 IE u] jPJ" `den [:33 ` M vernmg. Tl in not contrary to good brooding to ' laugh in company, and even to laugh heart- ily, whenthere us anything amuuing going on; this in nothing more than being Loci. bla. To regain prim and precise on such in occasion 1': sheer a.'ecta.uou. ` r If. unan the entrance of B viaitm-vnn nnn. oacuxon is sheer Mfectamou. If, upon entrance B visitor-you orm~ tinue A, conversation begun before, yuu uhould niwnyl explain (Tho subject to the new comer. ' better. ~ - Convorution ahnuld be studied as an art. Style in conversation in natimpormnt. and II capable of cultivation an Lyle in writing. The manner of laying t u'n B in what gives them their value. Avoid nrnvinninlinmn in vnnr Iununnrrn Jlnmv, I xing to Lnoxuiw In Ip'e|kI5\g ymlr own 0 Ii rennevar aster` an " in" them -in sfvolaking tan other people of lhuirn. do ' not ring out to 0 In. In the uni: of language, nvnid inn grunt.` formality of ixpreuion, and an nffnnmtinn` of precilenon. It is batter to my, "I dnn r.` _ V " or I cam'tte1l,"- than I db not. know," or I onnnag tell. Pu-uuorva n `proper medium, avoiding ~ pumhmlera` m_\ the one hnnd, Ind vulgarity on tho Mhdr. In In one: spank plainly. with proper em- phuin nnd inection, n_either druwlilnguxunr mumbling, nor chattering. nor splnuorxng, nor apenkxng through the nose, nor month- imz. like antnqe-pl: er murdarin Shaka- onre, nor whining ika I whippo school- oy. There are I thousand yulszu-itin :11 `once; "dost." for doe|;j"wulgI.r'_` for v > pronunciation and exprouion which it "smpnuihle tn emnnorata--such M 6not"\ ` ` and the mat. In rnlntina A n nirnnutnnnn ti) Luann _ . There cannot be 3 custom more vulg r `of 'o'ennivu than that of taking 3 person guide to whinpur in a room with company, yet this rule is of frequent occur:-auce-nnd that with I pnraon who ought. to know butter. fYnnvn\rnAHnn Ahnnld kn nhxrnrl an an nv-f tnem mou- value. Avoid provincinlinma in your language and renunciation. ` VVa1k 1- in the stand- urd or pronouncing in the but moiety both in the United States and England: Profans swearing. which formerlv ner- omauy round )n is very low and ninnstruo- tive clan`, it in. in fact, ll very vulgar and rnsoriborl mdtle of speech. Nevertheless, it is still used occmionally by person: of nq humble rank, eIpeaia.lly'hy the young, though chiey for the purpmm of giving nn emphasis to lpaech, or perhaps simply to give token to B redundancy of spirits, nnd a high state of excitement. Tu tlmsu who give guilty of it for these ransons. it is Qnly necessary to point mil , that no well-infiirur ed paraou can ho M. the least loan, with llv genuine wards of the English l:ux_~r:x'w-v. cu exprosu all legitimate iiluus and and that to use either profane word: is, at the least, the sure of 3 very low taste and an info. standing. A direct, pure. mainly use of our nntivu "I5-"" . Avoid gnnd word: and phr|loI,pIrtio_ulttI{ whqgpnu no sure you can ups 1. om (trout , be exposed to the ulna? V ' worthy lady with man m NIB United Eta! and lnglnnd swearing, formerly per- vaded every rank of society, in now to be chiey fuund in low and uinnatruo- clan`. in. fact. vorv vulxmr standing. pure, mainly language in an object which nll may culti- vate in I greater or Ian degree; and we have invarisbly observed, th-~ 1!: life, that the moat virtuoun, parse . are thu the moat oxempt from the use of menm and ridiculous phraneology ,a.n_d monkey tricks 0! L11 kinds. ` I Mnntino An nnnunintnnca nrnnhu at I-nun. and um mat. In relating Q I oirunutnnoo 0.6 nnyaggla Q not. be constantly nying-you` know!` you undol-ttsnd"--t`you ukq" Do my at Iwory nix word: put ! oh," `-.`,_`u.{ Iduho,"whioh l_ut I hnvo-la `vlol ' ld in uhoi-Mm Into I cont be expound to the nmmm worth lady willy m 3!! ing, w o, in doniribin 4 hpncl wujbout to In Ln.n>-l.`Pi&ls'7'on ' u II nosoqnuqerea good tucajor a. lady to: OI , and no, r," to I genr- Qhtly to int!` mm the word _ her sentence, unless she deuii` "`;oxceedingly reserved to- ward` the pagan with whum she in con- vol-ulna. 01 Ml kmdn. , Moating In ncqunintunce amohg strain,- at-s-in the street, or I coffee-hnuee--m-vur addrou him by name. It in vulgar and an- noying. ` Never tau1o---nor reneat in one nocietv noymg. repeat society any Icandal or personal matter you hear in another. Give your cwn opinion of ample if you pious. but novor repeat 1. mt uf 1: you others. othqrs. 4 You are not required to defend your friend: in com Any, unless the convaru- Lion in nddrogau to you; hut yuu may our- ,1-ect A statement of fact, if you know it to be wromz. be wrong. Do not call, people by their names: in skin; to them. In speaking of Iildrennevar Maater" and "Min" -_in nankina tn nthnr nnnnln nf lhuirn, (In ,, _L -' " due. 11 t Ibldrfhggiivo hon n(.,v ,'&u_~ Mr. B." `Ihin ` ' la, in ac V emu `ough nnrnnna` nhgiviu anon found but one r-emogo from the anon? tlly vulgar. Well bred por- `so3n," unsung!!! of a. Eendewomnn," or of ` Mothers should be on their gusrd not to repent nursery anecdotes or bun mots. us however interuting to thexnselvet, they are seldom so `to others. Long stmiea should always be avoided, so, however well told, they lnterru pt general con venetian, and " ,, leave bhimpresslon that the narrator thought h"e circle dull, and consequently endeavor- ed to amuse IBM" 5' Never use the term entael." Do not ` "speak of "genteel" psop e; it is a low esti- Jnqte of good breeding, used only by vsin persons. and from their lips implies that union of nery. ippgnoy and ssetatiun, often found but essen- tlly vulgar. -Substitute Wellbred um. to melt utaem (or him, and the-' that his -lnbou eminently whatever part of the rd : vine may in cut in the tutu:-o.-Ro3'. Pruby. Clerk. r .l3aeIi.-d9,vn'lJo-.--V.-Bgyeld Si. Barn-1;. __end 16. Vy. B. Miller-d,1ni_ni.|tere; 9 -- J. `1KcL_:.Steveneoz_1, George`Sgwert, J. ' unwell, jr., R.`Llttle, James Gpw, end .. .. eorge Eodgetu, elders. The Home 3 onion bueineee of the Presbytery. -wu _een- ` elderedet length. Claim`: on the Home ' ' Fund, for the"e'ix months, in- ddwsthe 25 per cent. deducted in April, ` { ' agreed on. The total emonnt 3 _ ie}100. I Mr. E. W: Penton. resigned the -oinge ofedford and Second WeetQwil- Iiznpuq, with the van.-l@la' ' 'teting"the ten`:-engementof these oongregetioneend . other: adjacent. The resignation was laid over, and the Clerk was directed tecite the session and congregntion of Second Went Gwillimbury to up rat next meeting for their intereete. t we: hoped that the re- arrangement, whioh has for some time en- gaged the attention of the Preebytery, would be completed at this meeting. but the reeignetion of lIr.Pnn.`.o-n1I` another post onement neceunry. econ - tionpof Singlnrrpton end Mnplo fey were temporerily reduced to the atatue cf miuion etetiune, and Mr. J. K. Wri ht was appointed to theoherge of them for v. e next eix monthe. The Home Mission Oornnaittee wujnetmxeted to procure supp`! y for Second Inni! oongregetion for the ume am.` It he: been long felt by mem- bere oftlrle Preebytery, in w one bound: eo nnny itudent mieeionu-iea are employed every season, thet theeollege terms might be changed with greet advantage to` the zniuionery work. '1`he_Preebytery resolved to give expreuion to, ite desire for a `ehnn e by overturing the Auunbly to make t e opening and efoeing union: of ".Knox Col- lege end of the Montreal P_renbyterinn 001- ' loge e. month leter than under existing ur- ieting Arrangements. A reelution in` con- nection withereeignetion of Mr. J. A. Mc- Connvll wee edopted. It teatied to the regret of the brethrenin pertin with him. to their esteem him. t e`r1` `- . `en wrxvannnhll nun -av`;-own. AI svauluuu I. with than-esteem him, e-`rli -lube:-I may eminontlv 1: o!'_ Bu ) hlywgot st Bun-is on '1 vs: 111 {and sat, wit I m`.-9., t. 5.2.. .. ..--. r. (jive opuunn of eople plane, repent. hat Converputloh. &c. to bill} "Mr. I." ""LIl'I. U." 7" ' aka. Nothing in morg nbomim o n. gpiiak of hot ' >~ Mr. B. ` 1s.uxnl.n.---'1`1"'\"~P '1'uosdny,23r& I , with en; umil next day. The -hplilft ;.wg1.a:.Ir dsdulacncc. The Spzz.-in I, `,0 Inc 15313;!` 4 _t(/1 ugrdy, and many ,, , H > . '4! eating meaetpecial din-ant. `Pompktctrree by . ,ua'euspacmo nearer: to cold by all Drugyiite at 81 pgr package, qr dz ml5W72y_for 36, or d;1l_l;_Qg, pyyby mail on recap! "itlu monevbuaqdr _ _ _:;v Irrtw (:1: Av It-mvsrrarur-Isl T:i!rVm; ~-...__- -pa... --..,.~._. 3. ALEX ,0 ERAL: Rm .5 ` _ nunatx-ecl'v_ed, a M .cnm-:%Lsha.nusmwnr `ilxjd D_!E[LfG gloae i_)1_Fi.'nt-clan : Myles _. 1_|..- - .:. .1nI=IN BEBAETIN. ., n... o. _..-- 'SEYJs1s,9,,|4--Amuuuvxsau r'Anm.s run 'sI1QIf`5hC. 1_ioi51ity~of,BArxiei Also, 8 ':T0rjn."Lota:_ Iviph and without ` >1). MORROW. '3` PBIL T1_Z'})`LI8TB Acantra T iec'aJs CORNAMENTAL ST mm womg , 3, . (I{;-dag": 02:-,` ZxiI'./`o;w:`"ix;:g Vpurompllly D; A `.M_ooR7E * ` mssenwc. .4;'ana..-.__.__-_;_.. n ____ u > ;g1:qi:no,Vja%Aa:.gNz rx9%'iff . ?>-i'z R o w" 5 .AUE'r1ou' MART AND 4 Elcctrican Galvagiiat, Barrie. 24.7, T . ""`*r"-v-. _----~~ 77' E `jxAiJE7 T0 ommn. v LTAIC. ELECETRO MACHINES, PEO- ' 5l',;.,1l3lEEiSI-IORTEST - GOLD AND - IIJ-.BR ..1>.LA'r1NG new JJKEAPLY. ggsldi - ROOMS 0.0;;-x wijnl. up on- jn-: yo-mini 5':i:":- noon K E Emil s E I 571131 Dunn. ill! 4.... r-`Q55 a$Inva. II VI 931.7` qlba hbou `establish- ;;.._.-yh~.p~?ubllo patronage. ,_ wgypg gay kind rocaived "P93" -..`_n..-- 0.; n.- vuu us _.: no cur...--- -.., --. Joan SEBXSTI8... :.A` LAWE. EN . `pf !!! 9.%i,I9uf.9."1;'_..tho E _ qodl; ~ ;afl.1 Times, :npu'notuu'My;mi`ed. ` v:0PVPO_B11'3__'"41`Vl*;75!:`l i'-?.`l:V b ansn; .WM. :MACEY. u.-op ; uuum, I ' ' yr `THE ., Picnics, Socials; Soirees-I Wninan Jpn -nnnlinri nut nhnrfnnf. nnljnnnd on Q nuance, -vvvowv-iv -wwoo vv-v Weddings. &o., supplied at shortest noticdand on reasonable terms. A trinlhlolioited. .. ,The undersigned otferl for Hale the {ol- lowing stock from his Nursery :- The beat sorts of Appes, $20 per 100 trees, Enghh Cherries, 400. each. White GM: 43 urmnh, $3 per doz. Smith Sud ing Gooseberry, the only kind that will not mildew. 82 net (102. Smith Smiling Gooseberry, the only kma thnt will mildew, $2 per Red Oheny Currant, $2 per doz. 9 Black Naples Currant, 82 par doz. Strawberry Plu.pt5',`50c. per 100 or $4 per 100 n .1... ,z:m.....;.`o -..'.-;.m`.. n: n.-gm... I ., - . To parties wiahin to have an Orchard planted I would say would and will plant the trees and insure their gt-ow1h_, and mks n goodfnote for one year. . ' Toronto, Ont 17- B..The demands of 9n r.-business have naoassitated ant vemovin to Toronto. to which P11-co please address all In my communication. For sale by ' ' ustxM,nsr7 wn rn, annnamnr Delivered fresh dnily.f|.o Ml Ea":-ts of 'lhe_\ town 3 Alaol gen uuuu ..-.._, ,. ...r.-..,-__. T" V`- _, ,._ r_, __ , 11 the ditfereht variegies of Grapes. Aombdrdy, Popular, 0 untain Ash, or any Lther vnrioty of Shade Trees, at ugually imw prices. , "I guarantee all t:e-e;-t:ue':na.1ne. Any- thing not in stock will be procured from HaltonvNut-very, Burlington, Ont. 1-urn. M` A rtnrnnn-r.Tf 3.. DWIWBGII 0! Vu-tun, Premature old can, ._g.nd many other duaacn that lead to I ruanay or lmlzzttan and a Preature Gr-`av c, all of which a I my 17:11:11 caused by devlat my /rcmthe 1.aI rt -.u;i.a:.Ir tn`: ifuge -'4 ,o_u/c ' men menial on lmltstlon of Rosewood. nmI . from mm of the landing Establishment: at uetroig. Also Shrouds, Linivnga, Kaindles, Plates, and all r ulsltea for` funara_l)- lmslufing a First Chum, earns. Rqteaijapnabla, and order inpIini3tIiiliy;ed. "'0PPOBlTiTl OU :1: Hanan; 1; :911and%i i.?ak91! ` Snow P1-nch Kudogzlo euros smmlmaaa 1;? an n rv use ro- gtngn outghxzory u:1oun imz)? xnonuto mnrrlagohof-out doprenion, etc. 7 DO! box: I `2I.1r;yuA`z`a: n`f> F." J2 ?.`eS7' sX 5 ...-u -........-1...-.1..a l\II .....-a..>..o.-...a.. `.1.-1....- nnrigo T-on dopreuiion, 734190:-box: (or OR. 50 :1 lg drugginsn evorywhara. Wholo uh--LYIEAN B08. 1!: 00., Toronto. Iont by nui.l,ueou ol un.lod.onx-oooipto! riu. Add:-cu imperial Annual. 89: BO. Tomato. , iii:-'5-i}!il`I1"3B'6."E'('36.. "i")r6i-{t2{' int un.lod.on rooaipto! 'I. oron60 l51.m_n_.! the % 1'35 Bill Potter, Barrio, doing hm posting. RE rs- Com.:o'u'.n and Barvanu` nrovlded. Rang vnur banner: on the outor wan. 7-ly. Cox.u:o'rn_n prov! your banner: thy DR-WILLIAM GRAW8 `SPECIFIC .MDlG.lNE \ Also a choice lotnf Straw, Goods in'Chil- dren'a, Misses and Gents Hats. A Call is nnlinited. BARRIE HAT & FUR STORE. iwniys on hand or `d`o`ue an order. Pvnx-tl.I~` rqqu rim; anything in the above line. are in ;u!1O3aI7 ey_for36 ' wt; ' b` 1' \mu ntonu/bu/'33ar 3" THE ms ur 'M.E}DIOINE `con?-RY.. M Tornnta Misses and Gents hats. A Uall xs solicited. BARBIE . - __.._ - 1 nlwn sou hand done PM-tlol anything line, are in vitecl to give a call before purchasing ello whore. -- [ --- '- HEATS! ;Ho`l"E1. 3 I.E,l"?:'-- _' A R-SIMMONS. - `PROP. -.-.-- .- - V -.,-:-Y,;.,... Auctioneer, Rea} Estate, Lbah and Insur- sncoe Agent, Conveyance;-, &o. _ Zllonty to? iinoeaf on good farm security at ' _,1:er_'_u lawrrqtu. \ LBAMIE-sAs{g!_ ' fngcroav. , J gggjpbnonnxn PBIIAIIJ5 rtrzxnn .*:l'.'hn new Pronchihdloino spbrma torrhava IIQPOTEN (211. Ind 311 =.".* *!)2!!%*!?,`.' "3: uq_;v....~.~, . . . . . . . . . . _ ._ STfFF&. soi=-rs nun. Huh Ixn-h mnlrnrn 'Il`.nr1Hnh and ,The undersigned o'ei'l for male the i_'ol-` owimz Nursery .-w " HIIQHHLY POLISHED ICQFFINS, LI` `_"""" "T" """" "' , u;naI.recelved, and will keep 0011- stantly in u_ock, ,3 lot of p-en. --. 17 1-sr\v'rrulI'l1`l\ nnnrnvxrc Ghaz;-l .;WsiV-'_I:I"iE_:.~x\"::ry mu n.\.L-.- Ran-In. drnn bin nogtlnw. '1 y.-q up --.__ _ V __ V _. W;_)o Ia rony what) and no In the n whn wll'. advertise by up\'tng __ .. - _-\ ._j_ J URSERYSTOOK.. WANT "A |.0 A'F or ` nu-v 1 .-...-.._..~ ;::=%s=;<= `P1 arrrg. . u._ 11...... .. Inga. shortest notice I W at: mturad in the. County. 3:233 k:pt din ntanuy oxrnnnd at low prices. BRITISH . rnnnnqm A-`-L O.O}V1AL _RIGE'.|.'3._ ;VERAL.` REQUISITESI I ...-a ........|l.....a .....I ...nI Irnnn nnl ' QT - A upecialty in Fine Huts, nnjj LLS u mph