Qlwugednlyoel not qeemo wudbylonhurpenditm ollloq ' Impggwr. I'het_ovnia,onLhe _' u-may.`-an :2 Toy In-,pe9*9r., in quite Mllpetenz lomnke 5` upocan`al`it|m vaIl.I,eel1nn, r -diIinI, vumnaeI. gm, ind MY umwznrn n Jn&nlllP1ll- WI 0 an In nu nu-vnn unlynpirrahended. Weve n", .l09M1Ip Vilhmdenturewinowv lb 1_haIato_:j;oHaa`l5`rn-j;_ggigp3uedwnp- `Q: I|IEldfh1Mp0cwrDnth.Pmwmmen- In " ptllnlimtdnleahh. BMVBBDI? .7. ~ notAt\|nlenu : ', nmvnsyheedntiheiz had. _:$ey ` ` cinettauev.IuBouamn-yuu_uz1i . iisiuiqibioot ap! `I M . _ algal inllnibyu ' lull Immg co Iwncea dIn._ mniahighume fneigainity - ruxyh ant; ichu bondonedloo ~ an nfetynnd vellbeing v Anh0'IlIIl1]l1l!IlVBl- ~ `punislununtdne cg thejrcqmeg .______} .~lIrduurllnsanit1- _ . .,._.. `k.'lId.I_iRa_ibynear}ysverygood`ci- ll uneonnylf-hat itil p thouund =5 due to {he}: cums p!aI;`|nd,Iterbamgcanned llnulylnm fan few weeks or jhqhnbeenwen eon: " "of: I m||dytheynmrhnd,orwex-elikely uwunymhg ;WNIAH-heAct.|1 Eannt_ofnchmo1uid 3 E-. Jn-"aim`r~b-ndl ~ "lithe? ";`z%. V -Illhrn. Wu known! louliea wlure ';oQll|I3n5lI5nwl Air; bntnnmmphiut ' hlolgtdfnqmlllikeofolundipgnthorwiw it '_ ut, wits, Indvutpu-not yhnlpl Iindovu unnob befpeuad with: "_'f.9."E .,`: 1: na} Hut . ' ' to luv in hnulqlrlad ma. In .uwu"&$'w Pgrlinnnenyl . .--.--- Euuiol nohmhmmmnm but to Pgdkmnmvhkln Ilammauiueommdmnutlum _.a:~, ~ . IMW |lloI lml lab 5 l.i|'Nm , Illmlgrggu --,--.7. . .f`5'r- - ` udpwgdguinlulpretanlianl tenements H lanlmybeu luug in A bgklgzlulz pgdyugdl; ~ inApeoting,'In,~he begun kw:- "`,.,`.`*.'ms.%"'1;* | . 1 '} Idmlq vain. the Ghbe '.!!|dI|3,-Ddbhhhnvnu V >bo allowed in in whrlinnwnt I. latuuouaiarwmmtlmnuuupn ; i uvanmzu `did Qlwon, we |_nn denouncg Bocuntuvep , notguilty" on the ~ lll bI.i71fjt],u buing'._oonh1ry'0a ff nhinhunepmmimd IodwMid- V; Ilylmi for_m indenite I -1I_n,&c||iofi_:nbo1z|n|{arhervpm!`}ii[;1ish -_ YIIVJIBCOIIIB. ` '`-1aI_IluIuent,n lndingknglinh ma a1u1- . , nnnl;:nnoalinzonthoh'3:J.AsyII.hnt E?3'id'iheh._u. Hnidmuxm n glpnugunpol avidancewshow V gII_l_llngo,tot_i|er,!.u`l:Vn|bee/nin. 1: L. L.I1 . ylt,-nnu,anwnn-u, gum, mm 5 $`. e"""` .25; `$;*a";gu`i`;x 5 IV ' ' yto we ' ' tho '1 `n. ' nu .UwToI;1n0ouqa'.!|l'a_47y:]{,|:1re- umot, >- amh.-bvl vowof 3094 uwlyhxfbwnwddinub 1, no name rm9voIa,thaGIo u3.unu5,` qdnotbhhnvnla ont.heAcl 1. n, . : 3 Bill has penned ' \l mmona, and win `~' :1 . u -, .2...a.uc,ua:.lnn trouhloin ingthu Susm. Thnnkntoythe snismnpzilumof `J fhepponlion, the Bill been sham of (H mm; of ihimoatobjectiomblo features, but u in 5111] intennelyxnmxpnnndwxu not needed; ,1 ll E anyway. _ r ` AT1DAY, Hm Fourth of July. wad cele- !. bmwd withtlm usual forms of rejoicing in B theUnifAd Eintes. ` M Salt lake! Utgsh, f` V. ._-+---- 1| ' meUmd'ssm.;. man mic, Uh?-11. E however, the national ag--vm displayed at H half man on all pi1blicbui_1dingI)`x.1ml thf : `lyuac;-x)_f` nmny;)`Io1-mona, in ofxdiencc. it iauid,-tnmordcr from tho head of the i5 Mormon Church. H . --o-2 - pwied; u nbohhvnvovt his line trie; , the mm9f.hbnhbynE w ' al.hn._ Indthomeogmono nghu u afIn_:2mm:y ovu__ both pper and Imvar i` EK!`Pt- ; cg . gm... _ . f An interelfing uegon xm beonruerved I foljngmentby 0 full mum court of " lourtoaxrjudges. A mm nuned Axbwell ll ukMl_| n` ..he1oan.of I Ihilling, but "` E'e'Zo .er'E`;.`IZ&'. 'f.35.?;`.`.".'f;3. .a e';i 5" for bgoeny; sud thequenbion in whether, an "' *1en5n| no guilty,knov(1edge'or I8 intent in the inking, llnrlubteqnent reflual L to r'ebum'd:e money eymtituw luoeny 8 Etqnt t}; lhaflubieqnent refusal '1 r'et.um_'('.\:e wmtituw " unnum.1.w.._. _ '- A 5; 6. Tn plea iniawadunced thahit wnI|` 9 new intended Lint the Syndicate should '1 ' us in in m%13in the buiidlngof the WW " nnmdn acic . Yetitianqwxjioux 3 Q Yet itiaiowrioux ` that dmtoontnct nu not given an Ihe1ow- 1 0 enbidder, lhenawnvudymceftbeiqg mg} 1 v `tint dmroontncu `at given udv|nced' being that en biddr, the reuonv the Syndiute were men any dug _th1>_en_te__rprise. n 1: of wealth and could _" ' eana ; Emenwmm. vi Ifit wan meant ' h that nothing but Government mmieynhould belpent, 1 upgrwlddbud the twin: 1' vellun "onure. : ` . . , Juvuuvu .... -'--o-: I Tm: Salisbury Cnlfmet proposes to name `ue Em -i awe-ea P! rwzidiy; .923 5 were v7iLnZ=.aaed by animm y kpecmnn. In the eveni 13}? ` 4"?" '3' hi 1' " . t Tn! corner ntonefof the u H1l,T9rynm,were ldsixl ' __+__ 1 0 ';:i:53tTrG}incf Idge oio'e}I.} pro- oaodmgg pauedo` with gm.`/ec1ac,md!' 9 wmmaed animmenu eonqoumof ` y kpectamn. 1;: Que evep{n_g\`l{Inq}|et visa 3 5 I eoncpnrue-ox -'1 kpectbtnn. evenin banquet '1 held in Albert hull, at whic uldreuu were E delivered '0 prominent member: of the I` om-,ua by Pmfeuox-Goldwin Smith {, andother leading citizens. The ball will ` ooIt,wlth the gmuid,vrhen built, about E $40,000. - H colt, with gmuid, when nuuz, anouv ; ---o--- mltanueu Witnu lay: um Gabriel Dumontin going on 1 um-ring tour through the United um wlechre ' Hhe Eng- lish. He will baqulten win to theFe- Hillikeneu will up in the Irish World, nearly u lnrgeu s, u that of the hold patriot who conquered tho British Em~ ping, made the old British lioh run hwny ll . ,,_. .-...:L. __o-__.` M unaw that, it wnl 1 be '1 .',.t ..In . Tz in ma; ingended mg mg Bygni; -* ----or-- is Tgonon the nnrwunhemem in now made 1` than the Salisbury Cabpmt in Council have 5 denitely rewlvad lo .nbn;:don conrcion in V 11511911, in iu littla dllv.-ult to mom. the 9` V ideiwilh entire mqaiancg. Thu ndlion N ' thAM%':Tnriu are oi wdealmorefenlly 11 with 3 E ' lnui thnn a harsh! hmnnneia oontildioted by ieirvghalu hinlary. Thoy hm beantha author: of new oyel-3 ~'n of v. app;-euinn dub hm rip the n 1. lion: between the two wuntu. Theta ix. .5 on mcml"on6 gmioul or ooent act of ' 17 Mini: mwmjd Irnlb Iince tho Pl - O htryu xiavad the in! my of the T1-.4 -I Ii 0 I DI Union by wlwlmla b bery, Budlhun In 1. N13 rqmite of Cnth lic emnnaiputhm ' a` whic itwu uwmpnlaerh Eyunl_u1:., . reuw` "dun vs grmdth'ar-1.Iiom "- " Enntwogundtgu. Tim-ah. Mn Thsfalln` lng rneolullon wax recently a yr ` lo nbmof : "wry gumlm Hing llh 8' ".I i II I 01% uluilw 01-illin Preabyluuriuu[E}hI|rl;ln:LE:PTl1?: SI`: *9 htryuxiaved thain! myof I' . f Iionhnvlnglenrnnd tlmulwunnta nfKnux u ' . Oollagu hnnoufen-ed upon you, the. Ilov. - John Guy, M. A`, I'nuorEmurim: of the it wu scwmpnn ad. Evan Hit 1]., ' con rsgntlnn, and A member a! this cpun, tn! emancipation nllhuughmmh hyn the onor of Duulor in Dilinivy, lmiro tn pry Minimy, Wu on {ram them by conenlulnle Dr.Umyupnnclllarecaguilim }|-atbpnd the immi em. danger of ncivil 1-y hilllms mam olhiong and, faithful up-;" tllalhaflaa {ue up itionaftlzv: o1-vicestalhircongregnliou,Ind In~ ihn To '1 George 13, Tim aryM)'nj| rhurch of which ho hrnmeun All lumru-ell of plug pnopregentulryaa ind pzelnglmgnqllurfar `pver30 yam. Thn gm 'a1e'cced m uu;c&imnom in 1: 9 ngnimt tha 1ut'genen{l aleclinna. `A `l;n'_lk;l-1`uiai:I I until the eounh-y'ia ' Ii; nbolitivn of the tne; ment of. hibute by him Tm; Keith bean tho reputation of being one of the best managed short lines extant. Few uccidenia eru railrmy,s:\ya the Tclegmm, occur in occur are 1 of `minor character. It n|ns_ through :5} {inc istrict of country, and M. many of the stations good taste is t1ispL1yo_(1 in arrungiug miniuture ower urdeua. But the mind run uncouscionnbly afhnr. It takes ultogetlncrloo iohg'lu go from Toronto to Barrie, foi' cxumjiiu. The distance is sixty- four milcd, :u_ul the time in ne\'erlcsatl1.1u Lhrcehou . At this season vi the year, when 50 y c:un'pcrs nml holiday n1; 3 [ nneclion with it, und such us do nyro ngT1-1` , `nus of lnglmilxn 9 is cunm1cIte upon with emphasis. `Surely it nlxuuldjbu rssiblc_ to rm_1_tl1o at .1 leu nlid of i K neighbo 1` d \ -~-- T5eTory pmizan it would mm can nevarba honent. TheTory leader onen trick: npd denim them who trust in him. He propliaedlho Ornngemnn a Dominipn eeall llhe Scott lot, He led them t ; believejhe amendments madatakhaz Ac` *1 this Ieipiln by the Senna would be ndopzf A bytheoule ulommnmif not in thei .\ entirely yet in xuch n nhnpo an would behaflctory tolham, and he left them in I, Ihelurch preciuely ne heleh thuorangeman. N 51 It would have been easy for hlm an the " `h Div iqnliltlhowa to have eccnred` Ihe K ` pueage ofthe amendments to the Scot: Act. ` ` vx 2- e - I lmlidny-nmkera inc, t1ms}u\\'nm of UI(:(millE a of the Dominion \vhoo`emdtl1cir service to 11 'theGov+rnmenc{or the purpmo of quelling n the inmurectlvn in tho North-\\'ut mm the E 1 nml 1ony.u.mn N 0,0. nu-l mun: (m..p.my 1*, I u 47t||I!.ma[I'un, Capt. flmmas Kelly, hw- liauwnaimonmlfnrty|nrveN-(1.0. nwl mun; Company G,57th B`.\tJlion,C1pI 'l'|1n1:uaX\1\l:u " twu lieulunnxmi nml lnrty-Iuur N1/`.0. ru:tl ! Com[\.1ny H,4L|1 lhthliotl. Capt lixhvnrnl U IIum`snn,tv.'uHnutcmntsnmlfurtytlncu C. U 0. and men; Sargcunt-Mnjor, '1'. L..' , I Qunrlerlnnular-Scrghunt,Louis V. M Don Hull; [1 `lznyxnlautcr Sergeant \\':.1zu'-s v 0|` crly 1` ' fame}, ll1nlnfeJul|I1 Tucker Wllllnms, Ixq., II.N.,lxin|nulI1cr buingndn\1ghlsr of the Into Thus,\\'nrk` Esq` Jormer go uI'.l1e Surmgnta Courlnf lhn }V'owcasllu dininict. rindjulcr (liq l{.c;;istrnr of ti Cgumy` 4,~ Durham. Tnu1u`a.Jo1.n T. Williams had- N! ' bvenn commander in lheRoyn1NAvy,nmlon W his rcliromem smiled in Partllnpn. During 1 the rebellion 1837-38 he comnundetl n rcgi` ,5 ment from the County of Durlmm, nud _ Tome ngud and 1r|n,H\onourirhin;,vnn- ' 'ng pruperitcs of Ilulninsurh P110 [1 Exn|1L1inu',:ivu n-ncwud slmngln yancyvfapirils. .\l\\':\yn ask for R01-.iuaun:1'lmsp}.orized Iimulsiun, nml bu S aura yuugcl it. v an. wm-, mul umunnu, In. | Imm M 1 Dr.Prleo's'cream Baking Powder -1- Dr. I'rlce"s Lupulln Yensioms, umm n m ` Price Baking Powder 00., Cmuaco, In. El. Loull, Mo. wr u saaps sm; ori r`mm- nr nu:n1`.) On MONL p._ `wan; Mm ms HAND mnn mmw|,uumI[ um |IIvu,| mm] pl- u. acnllnz mun ,m \lu!ondn8p.m.. Uun aunu. 8|'v.m.,nu `Wlnrton|.|ll.I!y.m.` . live y Wednesday and Sitnrdny. u yu- live'y Wednesday and Hltnruny. Inr mmay. M-mm-nxng. mu}. Cm-nut. In . onn. um nu. 9 |nlIh'l|lvu. Alum: am `Tlanmlan. mac. n nu. umaa. Rlnhudn. and 1: 11113:. and 1 819171; ! 61`)! PIIARIE. Tun Enuudny Imam en) Wng. nu. C mm at oocxhnm D _ C run`s...Q:gr$a-Hnnalyiaoounmp Wand. v E.!?)f;.9H!1R.&'!!?.`!E%L..'i9,.E*Ea... Pm Baum! avu Monday Ind Thuudny II 1y.m.mIuxn|u;;t Mun! uvgnlua. I nyinl I,IaIIunhornum'e'.` .: . I 1 the Tmm Caunc' Itlddauo Run proposition lonppoint I 2 forth/ion1'1,bynlngo[A "V vuqthnzaaio In wcontagiou ., hniu-tifylnzthaaxpondihlm 1: lWil.|IjI.k1Wh;q}l9a;md1hhaAct b, i_!illI!'|'|FP9`5F`9*.?fI*=1_m1nid 3 iEa.`x'.`h5.`. E!3|`(..'v`4`:'f:.'. ounu"'.'.`.',.``f'aax Thuud I ljnlni ruIuxx;|i1:4l nmnuvin nI.Dn m.m nnulny and nmnytoxuut . Owou Hound, mIKu'l \VIAmn.Llnn| uuu, . Ul_ub wl ` ml Al lb \'I(IT0l(IA H()Tl*IL, 0' thu Iirll |1rCB4l,|\II4| re vialcml In Hm Axxucylcall; may um Igm. i v , %JJLEHFXf?W --8.9410 PHOTOGRAPHS? {; P` llutluwnll`-Mack. ` IOI{` SA 1'; LA??? For Service,` E. Iahlflnu |l(1IWcL`|| Ma nmnhm four and llva, vn chnhug nml Ilxty-eight. Huh, mom or Inn, In a paint. Thcncu mullurly panllcl to Ilkl rnml nlluwunm helwmm. lhn tint and uoond cmmuulnnl, nineteen uhnlnl Incl nlnlty-u liulu, mom or Inn, to div pm: 0! nnlng couuniulnn by nrlmuuuromcnl [arty glib I11` .. Iawm-tcmh acre-I. ha {ha aura mop or lull. In n u.nA\nrBv ' mum, raunspmmm 9,1s's5. ...-..V_-__-T . ._ ` ` 8h'arW0o.SlmmI.' -ah=rm'.om.um:u,M-y9th.|0I9- WE T A_LFRED Ybi; mu mt. llu.-nco mumly pmllul lothu lA`l1K;)ll!|l(1W'cL`I| lull nmnhm four and u, ` paint. 'l'l|c_*ncu |oull\_erlyn[u_nll! Ink! I u :1 cancuulum, (Mr! ~nnu cluluu nnrl (`I alxlm I. mu'ro or ion, In tlm Ina lntwuunlou . nu_mhm [our nml vn, _Ihunee wuhrly along (ha lino botweuu nnl loll number - ~ uhnln and two . four and va. In-nlva uhnlnl ' llulu, morn or Ian, to I point. Thlnol zoullnurly nrnllol In nlnl nllovunu far and lwlwoen ha nt lllll Iocnml oanceuionl, | ulavnn clmim um! ulnrun ljnlu, nIq_ra_ng- Inga, .4... ma. non, II nu nnuun unm. mun ; COURT HOUSE, fl -um; ' :;'row_N or BARMRIE. V n [In M... ..m...\.. A-um. mm. unnu ` Cons-;'r or Sumo: On HON DAY. thu N}-n-V, - Twnnlyinnrth day 01 Augnu. A.D, 1885, uh: the She:-ll`: Oiu. In I o , vcnlu.-n chnlnl and nvunly-vu st. Tlmm-u nnrthnrly, 111111 on {or mud lwtwuun In rlt muulum, lhhly-nnu T. D. MWONKEY. Shad! On. Slum. ..-..`_xmm.1au. ml uncut. urn o1="c'o_n`n-'rv E ' I