F and in the Champion D! I `fmlwl Iht3`;i:3wri-.1 9: lesinl-tin; M llcv. Mr. lr!'.[>lIVl`L:(ElllI I)I`H(IIlIH`(`.\ London lnlqlxllh-.4, Lulu llmo. lnur, Ilvc, nix seven. and Ill 0! --xglxl, uxcupt (nun! ' unu [cut ulght lnchel an Nuxllx ainlu Wu! 5 itlhxul !\\'I!l||l) L011!!!- turn :uulnix(<-ru Jinn! Mlnllnnxl Avenuux Inn t\\'|}\L', nlxlumt Iml uuienn, Wu! Quun . uuml. mu: 1[|nn| lur Mlu h I 'ubliu Ant.-lion, to um am a deadlock had enmd for some time, so evenly where the two contending puking ba!u1cd,and so biiterlj weraQue'n}:c Ind Ontario arrayed the on agnixlgltlxu other. A Government mung enough to govern the. country bein5,undcr ` uch cir- ELIEICBMDG, an iu1posr4i'..viliy,S uhuMac- dtonnld and his friends, and the law Hun. George Brown and his friends, wnaulwd together and brought about Cunfederntion. The great objects sought to be amined by I Fedml Union were, the cementing of the ~ seven! Pmvincca of British Noxlh America WIN XVHVM-urn"... d AND COUNTY SIMCOE ADVOCATE 1 ` >= '"'-' nrwxu. runs or comm: c 0 A1.1angh, and alter ovmoming nmny diculea, ma Salisbury has succeeded rn (arming |Gavernme.nt. Whether, however, ch: Mlnim-yin rtrohg one Limo Alone w-111 tall. Bum had need be rLmrrg,for its path hnitlu with for-mjdnbie web and pitfalls Itturymp, Lndita downnll_ may procipii Mu reign of democracy. The composition of the Tory Cnbinet i: an follows :-Prima - Minister Ind Secretary for Foreign Aair-I, ullnqnin of Balirbury; Fintlard of the `hang, Sir Srnbrd Northeola; Channel- lnr of the Exchequer, Sir Michul_Kic1u Bach; lard High Chmoellor, Sir Endinge Ginrd; IardPrivy Bed, the Ear1ofHar- rowby; Secxvhry (or Home Department; 31': Richnrd Auhet/an Oran; Secmfary for Coloninl Department, Col. Frederick Sm- lvy; Secmnry of War, Right Hon. William H. Smigh; Secretary of Shoe for India, Imd Rudolph Churchill; Fint Lord of tho Adminlty, bard George Hunilmn; Presi- dent of thalncal Government Board, A. J. Bdfmu-1 Pmident of d1eB0nrd of Trade. . Bmzm, THURSDAY. JULY 2. '1 --------..___.___.__ -dsllu-at @112 xamiuer. ,,_ _......... onrnn mv0CA'l' ___<.?---L 'BlIKlaI1d's Tory lllnlslry? bu 15:15 Lhantliree bye-elections for Meat 11 in [He I/Jcal Assembly were held on Friday. land we on Monday. in each and all of E I.! ._\`.\`0S. In Lennox th mntextvrun close and ex- citing, but in spite of the most. vigorous eifom but forth to elect the Opposition um- did.1bc,-Mr. Blackswck, n glib Toronto . Livryr:r,-Mr. Enwloy, the Ministerial can-i dirlatc, and highly respected resident of the` riding. vmahmd at the close of the poll on 3 ,3. Friday. True, the maloricy_'Inamn11,-only .. some 13.-bu(: tho wonder in there was any