` ll; ' to run I Iwscnyuou maul mending: mnqmcmhu m::u}`', ' Inn to unaibl: tnggestion wu mud: fhitbetftr column or illnr wnnld be an lnltutlon [or some chhri bl: object. The ~ daoeued ufcligg wu uginmdy clnrnable and L.` ....... ....-`mm-hn with your Kidnuyn, Livurar Bowola, if ym ' " IuurlmmConaliu|iouaud piles, if you ` nrunviclim of rfmunulilnl or Mnlnrin, " I|mK1t1nny-Wort.` You will 0nd it tho .1 The dhcovovy al the inalnuluneouaprocaul ` h nlukln phulounpn lm baen qulukly 1 follow in tho mmllcnl world by a pa`! A.` I. nhdlnxtnnunoonn nnnudy for all nuv.u is when and mini, ll Nuurnlgin, Tuolhnuha, Rhuumnliannulc. Thin valunblu ruvlxpdy ' throat, bronchial and lung troublcI,c cold: and canaumplivq I/mdeucien. ` nmvn 11* nvn: `I Rhul1mnlia'r:1.ul'c-. vilunblu rumrdy I. incnllnd Fluid Lightning, and in Hnhl n!. m `I0 cunt: nlmtllu by (Jun, Monkmnn, Drugv >. girl, 1- Lvulluuuuun \ hl_uk(ngphqlour|p'_1_| _lu lggen qulu_kIy ` `_`Fl_e 1 Than myuungu one: A monngol an extremaly . Euncinted .!| And mroely able to wnlk. Nuw Inn: Gnlningglrengthl and FIeIK1" H ' d * And hinlly n'day puueibu! what I All: b 1 ['4 Brnxgwvg rl --gop Bmr!-1 J, Iulrd two nmllea ..;w;*"",`t".`.:';Ei11`!dz`li may suffer! ,.er""'J,.-.??`~~w:`$*.a::" ".2. um: L: 5!lA__:n_a:uu,1am.'-Inn ,VL W Lu nmuuld 'n-nhh hlnuu AI-a'yo'u Rhbuiistfam rnokatl j Will II-DOD 0LlA|lIll- z\|DNliY~WORT` tau... ,..__ nil with Ippwnl. Ind 8`25,M0 In Imo nlmdy been contributed far it. The vr Poneld hupiul fund hit I -nblcriptlon list It 000; but thu Iruill In|.ucribsd before 11 An: your uvrvuu wuzux r `IMMI Wan (und ma (ram nan nu wulm ll.'.IHIr Iul DUI I! (M uUn. nI.I.!J. Owlllc -lflltdriant ,ChnlAn.ll. ue `you r1zht'e Disease? ` uh :3 E`; n "ruin Ivlllldli llltf wujut , M ' `nun \mm,vuboay.uu sumrxu rFaTnD1ubma7 "INA-y-Worml mum uc: lu|r0mm!}'Vuva """~-""..:`m..";...J::'.1:..' fmmDlubates P "KW: rthlmnnn lu|nm1!}'Vun .1 I . "'5r.%hn'& u5'.1J n'a'oa. vs "III1lnn!- :1 uIdr`ed"ln: nr zluonlu Llm mum v ' EL .m M mnHunnm1.H.Y. W ` M " 'gi``. '.u'$,uuuuu,vm , - . . Have you Kidney Disease? ;;;29":.m r;:%;w:m::;;'"a ` Mnbnl."-Bun`! Llodnl. Vlmnnllaglln. \ |lUA[)0`l." V-Illlfl llW.(_L\VlNAlnll0ln, III ,'Are [You Oo atiputad? lMl ]-x\'V`rl|`AIl0I 7:: vu\|:`|ilo`nl mu an an n u n n c nu" . ' Xr|nni`nl.r\1h.|.|d.I|.A1hIn|, VJ.__ .-. - }'Iriva yoF`Mu1arIa.? -Wurl Ml dun! bvlllr Ihgnmlgluy Mhw ",""m-.L . 'c 3Hf'nau1nu-n,vu. 7r.,.'... nm....n - ">`_ 7, Dr. IL I Cllll, Mllllrv, VI. , Era `you Bi1IounP ` -'mmy.wm - mm map ma mm In] Q""'w"\`l:1'.7. ."w'?'w`n"i, nx nu. onm. na ......1Mm...m|`.'m|n. nnuo 1: v::=;zr:dH2.m2::~~ -"omp!a(nx ` "And nerovua debilily, I have jun" B1rnrd_ ""'" 1 Health and_appiness. ;-16' um arms ` _ amount. 3 -.--- .. . Are your Kidneys dhaorderod? 1 r m|.n.u.xuu-1mmmyl;m....n 1 1 u"~' w?."i.".`,'.?}."i1' ..`. =`:?.'xu`!.x5Ti.`=':? Am vnmv mu-van wank ) lhndbomuhctzd, '1' Elmo then than hu 1: no innmu In tho 01 land. It my be that bth scheme: will be '7 nrrbd out. but then is littla doubt am the 1-! home at Gnveund will be um mote nh"nhc lory. It will nine 0oxfdou'I memorial in u Kahlil hi: awn peopla..whm It will lb-,einI:l;`_>d9re21in_`_ given`, ' 13- Emir: WIN, nu C4vL mu It'll. Olnrd, H. Y. Iaavour Buck lame and aching? T|IY`W? l" (I balllz) tuna mo Ihln I uno has M4 Ia ion on: 1 m." l. nlluu(e,IUwulN,Wl| , D wvuu r Flu ` -of `mu l:B'.fS;zr%mm I A1-a'yo'u RhbuTn:t am racked ? L %r"".""xr2.am&M A BAD NEGLEUT, Koglecling I conltipaled condhion of tho 0: oimlniuure to bring ill henllh and `great If xgering. Burdock Blood liiuera regulate 1 bnwallinn nut-mlmannor. purifying xq` blood A7nd_>pron}u_l_ou lnealtygncliun or 11 are you uunmpuwu r u-y-We uuuou my 1: pm xi nl u motlctnn" than mum. II.A1huu,\|. J *` you Malaria? 4.1 In In] ll IIVI mr End In In! DrIe| a._ _ .{.$.Au'.!!!_. DIUIS IHHH7 uuu IIUHIUI I x *1 0. A|v"'K(Wnm1' 'nIAnnAa P u lormerly of Willinmupnn, Pm, and the hundreds of otheu that have named in the State. When writing for inlornnclan. plum onclole lump fur return pomgq. \ pirif, Md.; F. A. Vullmer, Durham,N. 0., of North Cuolinn `qugpngeu that of any other State in tho Uhion, being mnpmd on our nirle by the Mlmlia ocun, and on the other by tho high ski qt he`Appuln~ chlnn Mnunuim; Th: nven {III of nnowlcrbhaenllreilnier lap inches. The average number of` foggy day: are two (2). `Napulnl the Sum `ix auhjtct wdengrucvo plea. Mun Inna) tom ru- tura lotihn ute DD.- Smnmnr 76. w mar 43. nin{n1l4fnh,s. ;W "Ilka cold of this winterilynot Ijvgre t '9 temponlnre at midaurnmaril non?) lryingorexeanivo uhrtar North. Whilthbro no hun dreda ui annm-aka! J1 : 1Tew'Yurk Emu am . .000; hntthuru lb: lautlon for the holgi mu; gen mg. 139 ' rencherl butonc M Iinglu night. 1- AtlentlH!rl1thougnnt1,agu;ra1n;i1elaf 1 D ounardlorylnllllcovored iithwlmbar, ,_ ccnainting In pm at yellow anthyite pine, )1 our territory In I9.I|lco'vor4 th Mmbar, cg inc, moral vnriozinn 0vDlVk,_hiCl0l'y` wngul, chennu}. poplpr, cypresl, juniper, lmnple. black uhl, elm, mulhorry, dogwood, por- aimmou, boll , loam, Ivild- aharry, rod codnr, mum in mahogany, curly mph Ind poplu.` - kg ' - `MIXIM!-I known in N. 0. During: late winter of 0 unuml Ieverily, the thermometer mere] 1 times dropped (9 30 dqmdugand even 40 degrees bnlawzbra in Iowa} Michigan and .- New York, Jzere 10.3.9 rue nbovo zero rm butonce, and hen 6nly' for one N . 1 , ` . Iuplnll-n J are fou'n`d-`in gr'a`pt;v>ul_et Vand nbndauca ovaralnrgq pu:t_of tho gale. Amqngthu fmmdiu and ovaralnrge utohhn mo. ` more useful nd_ impomnl are mlrl, Iran, `` cuul,pm,limeIwne,nld,coppcr, Iilvur, `1 lend,zinc, mien, tin (Vary meant, dil- ` covery).grapl1iw, corumlum, nxangunm, F 1- km!in;rn`c!py, whitontono, griudnlone and xnillulonb ngranurlocy of hnilding and preciouutnnea, lnniuding diamond, ] w_mm rowzu million hone powr. ( nu! lD`L nan now The grant vnrinty of soils together with tho clinutto cwdtttona givon rm to the men: vnrialr of mturnl productanhdlarga . yieldl, and nyl this fuundntion For an Im- manna rmiga at Igrlculturnl products. Cotton. grain, tobuccn um! rico nro tho - uut Hm Eastern half of the Slate. I, Flux. hump and jun: gln-ow In perfection, and could has made A paym cru[L Sn.K.-Tho pmtlucla of} la imluM_|ry in Flux. hump mm mm grow In pcrlecuon, payin J on imluslry am sum Are uqunlin quality to tho French _0 Ind Itnli nn gilk, ` v | Theim ex-at. m of lint, in view of the oomplkauonl between Hngghnd And Rubia, am be estimated from b:c net tint the town dude] ix the center of 1dhtdut__I'hiyl3 11 era a. I; \?agmnlales.-No whom In America can the lrucking business he curried nntn more prot than in the onnwrn caunliufof ] _ Nnrth 0nroli1I_1{. ..______.- ...___._.._.__.,. H. WILLIAMS,-E * s-rAMpfK:2$*Ar$I{{5E i FANC'YA'TG00DS ; FREEMAITS ml` jj v.ntH CAROLINA 0FFERS[i GREAT INJUCEMENTS TO HOME swans. KC 3:` En` 1 . At least lH!rly_ thouInm1,agu,ua;p1i1el of :1 m'_ro_ry IH|!C(.I,V:_0Y0d i lmlgar, of the Heart, V And Ivugqzcclrl of dium axialng from _ mpurc Fl-1od.&c.&C. IIIFIIID IV HUI` - wm.x.sa2w::::wmvwv- F . _. _, ` `Health 6: Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE ` cunt Bllloumm. Houdiohe, Dyn- popnla. Indigestion, Dlzzlnen. Juundlaof ztgpmnrfgutterlng we mvws_E - ---7.--~-p-.-.~- .- I Urvstal Palace Stores. H A JL IL I E. ` UOWLLH nu IKLOOD, T. MILHURM 2: ca, "'P";{,',3m _ can an I citadel eonnimel the he to In ll (njtila II gag d, 1:} din. It in I dlm-ict ad I pllcalaonl Kn had um um, ing I dhtrlut Ivhich on- J! T. l'A'l'lll(}l(. Mltllugot Stutu Immixruliun Hum H..\l. H. N xgihul Slnluninr mldrm l'A'l`llI(}lK, Iago: Hnrua 1 2 of Goods 5. consisting rd >. re V1.1-an, o'cm.H a WI-1IaDl.\`0` :uP;|1.a on nmri xmllM'|UH1,NI rruwiwlllu ` , lmnl. FATENTS1 >1 [.KVm ma sun-nnc .,urnru('.`x m mu Inollwllldrt-u!mn.l rclummcrn mr. A Weekly. lurnuuan. Icumnmu-. AMmIl\I . AJlKlXI7A!l0lc.MDmmlvtu . Vrmnd cnnmwim 1` pcc4ml'I1m.xynrIhahr| . .nnd Jun-ur. Intnn -m In. I|cAmH\ mm a . `wk. CA1!l:'--Iaondon(oLi\'erpoo1. 35835, 308.35. ` mum,e1o2.53, $120.53. All uutsidemcms, I ` and camforubiy In-nod by mam. Stocmga at verylow mm. | a 3 For {rel M or amgu up ly at all Grand l , Trunk Rai w m,urv.oE)A\'1b 'I'oxmAxcx Itmc_, Montre_ul. `Tuna. R. I : Railway odJcrI,7:1-1.6 D'A\'1b 'I'onimxcx] 5 `N20,, ospital umcc, Mointreul. Tuna. _ Puuixu, 402 Richmuml mock, Damion agent. ml u center` ndhtrlct Ivhich . Indin. ` (mil: Eng Ad pus-euud of won- ( derfnl mlncnl resources: An nrmy coming ' {mm Enrono mm: nu: trough th_e \_'al!ey_'I in 1 vlqvy v--u--nu ' AN LIQUORS, `f The Subscribcr has opened out . with ` ?-Gre99U;Es- A A.NEW STOCK,' --ALL us OF- P1MELlQUll_-S &GI(}A s - -.- nu ` urn-n-rrnn1-'r I Teas. Groceries, and Pro- , , vxsmns. : All of wluch mll be 501:! Clxcap. `n';`s:jg;R1+rH, MU" ". B Oppositcll. Hillds Donlinion House --Dunlop Street. Ilarric.-- 2 Farm produce Tnkenlnigxcguqggi ;]MuIual1 Baum,` \ycar, and lien in nqu ill) in n M: (u hin xvi! nnd fmnily u[ 8'. 1,l!I.%. Fur llxin Inns - $1000 immrnncu ht lunsl nilght to In: lvrw vidcd nldcnlh. Erury mun wnmnn nml child uvur 1:':yn.m1 nlmulrl hum ncmilivnlu nan family pmucliuxx. 'I'|m: in n mm: u ....5......, ..,.. W V, my 1 from Europe pun Him the valley: [1 which Kent in aizumd (B Indin; {mm a hand] the grant mull 0:. And hate .3 would be found not only): Me camgiug k W T (round with n lovely ;, in whlc utthuiare pushing on, ` in parks! zmury -..ud mnhonu. Not I I than 100,000 men an be my lied lien wit the pmdncu at uni: diutrlct. 'oh1ng need. In-'ou`gl1 {mm EnI- ii which Inulwn lhu Sucialy at-cum mm In Ilxu very [nut man, A mpnxmihlu Alumn- lnry Um mrnlinn is Inmlu trumu fur xhu Hucloly, uuml by ngrwumnl In hn1l](Ill|y,` [nr nml tnlmy emlilnlrly In lhu Iumuhurn. | l0MJ%~[ttWv P: In mum uobmmrd mm W mmxux. cu Ba \'ru'xcA.\IrnmA\'.um mm NM-uhvnl Irhvnll: l\`||)1 Sickness. Accident , and! Funeral Benets. Every family in linhla In nnbr Ina! from . aclmuaa mnl ncri uuunug llux Emul- winnm whic`1 mm In: n-Iiuv. :1 by u mnull 'l'|m nulluy fui h1Lk,nnl v\-ridunt liunuliln ixmlned um Imv $`lU,rnr Sill) n W _ V W H 1 1 |1Al|DTUN|(AIL\VAY OF GAHADA 1 1 ' socmry of CANADA. 1 giidfion \ } Ordinary Life Benet. (I [SURGE WADDS, umm.--.. .w......, 1 The mines Iupp phurmulurfweinman F ultpetn; llaw and pl ,u,_ AL. I...-.:~n.I ....I Reserve Fund. Security. I .'I I I-I\'l URN 3 C0.,nt nu: scm'rm<* Ann nu: w`\:s:1 |TI1Sla'!;tll;vnl{'urlE'AxL2Ilr.F('I: u ; 1 r no me. :. nzhmd &.n'la.d.r`..a..r.m n 3: 7 7 7 7 1 LEADS THE AVNI F. J. BROWN Of Good and Cheap Bhnnn FI{2DEh1'o J. I ;";;:,::;:;:*;vi;1;&3i;iM%`a551asz & 00.1, .. DH; 0! April . .'!rd 0! April ;; BA1i2,i'i1? I `1\Ti5Ii\"v]{T\`"II}fdN`}i`1: In, `'9'! BEST PROM` GUHL CHAIN. -ANVIL$ AND `VICES~ ivpe. mind Iupply lead. Iron mu m- :' phuf; dun write: in man part: In laden with ldhLpet$;b:illU}: and` par nlouni Im w h e c won nu e; c All Ablndxnce cpf bemu! wnter; wizvnt, hlrlly Ind rice grow in lgrge qunmlu ; Inge Wn.1i'a.?Z"'aL'Z3x'.hF i{`i" en`? $.33 e c at en no an a ch: [newly to Indln {gem I-lumps l:_ngb 3n'.`s3"f. f.":i1;3`::u]?i'1:::{u'r;im :1 wall uuiu umrcc of III pike for Any lmtile manmen . In (hi: direction Ruul: ha: been Iwadily gun:-(nu for year`. ny diplnmacy, by war, 01- m u P, h I 1: Ill bar :11) mznrdgi Arlghlalnisux. Nile: Ihhnn ch: border: 03 this lertilddintrict, Ind lnothe VEI,IIl ol wan , could grnapitiwiltfg nu. ncaiu er ua'ot d muted hm with ridllgl. nT|::ar?i'\'ecrm;'alga Had l ldbulariea d ' lhelmartof Ilium: }A mllstook of Horse Shoes. Hdrao Nails. Carriage and : Sleigh Woodwaro always on stock 1' i Lv N BUYERS WILL Nb THE PRICES I.\`T[`3|lF-5T|.\'G. I up A 41- -r 1-rwrv-\1-\' f\ll'i'lf\`l'1`\'T 0. f`I.; , +1885-SPRING`-1885`: |S13ri1}g and Summer\ j Just penedul an Immense 8lock' - . -or- ( __ r< I0f the l.atest Paterns and Designs. iREAD TH+E FOLLOWING LOW PRICES.- . !M9ALLIIEBToBY&w!I& 'lGroceries Cheaper than ever at BOWMAN & Co.s. OPPOSITE NESS'S HOTEL, DUNLOP STREET. g.__--- Mnuufucluml only at l`hnums lIm.Lrm.n".-x Ealnhlinhmnnh 78 NEW OXFORD STREET (LATE 533 OXFORD STREET,-LONDON. and IKE suld at 1:. 1g.l., 3:. 9l., 4: 0:1,, 115., 1.155., ml 331` ouch Lox ur I'M, nud m ` be had 0! all bhdicino \'ol\dora throughout the world. V :17 Pzzzdaur look .1! the Labelun the Pot: and Burn. If the Arldml :1 1:01.53. Mc(za1*thys"131dck, Barrie. v lab an be euily n:u'dq' in banal operation A: in movements. lnncing yearn`. by ,or by mlurr. Alw has been my mwnrda Alghnnimn. Now in the went grupit with Once in her poueagion troop: could be rnpidngy. The river Valgn dnin Rum: Ind mitnm (Pl: d'd wntmourio to the A -- .4." mm Am can mm mm wnm.._..._ ban 5-Biiohjm. tableund " HARDWARE liuul ml '|{.h-urm i~m. l.n Ill!--|.]I'|:< J `|n>('!-IV i I`... u... FOR SORE TH&0AT, BRONCHI HS. COUGHS, C mIuI.r Swrl|I|nIs. m:dn1l$ki|IDisr-u: it has xI-- -qnnl ; um]!-1| cum LIEBIGAA N0OMPANY S. , ! . EXTRACT ' 0 X ' . ` One doo1`[W0st1_pftho Queen's Ho], 13uI`1`10 have Heoivcd uLn1-go Stock ofordinnry I 1\ 'r1`\ I\ r 'll I\l\Il1` . Iv unmlw . I\4fI`I -Coafo1I'1gs, o rn1/If\-r1--r ..LOOK L LOOK! LooK! 1 w Duughl in (In: Che.1pc`al Mmkcl: nun! Suld nl Iixlraonlixmry Luw Pricus. l`unf_x vh-.- I: ulrll. 1 LIVER. 5 - omqcn. vYi\[I`>I||1||'|`llAIH'[l\l]`H h Du` 19 Pounds of Good` Sugar M $1.00 16 do Light:Brown Sugar 1.00 15 `do `Extra. Domerare. do 1.00 I4 do White Shgar L00 Is -1103 Standard Granulated ah I. 00 14 Pounds ;of Fine Raisins for $1.00 14 "do 3Fino Cuniants du1.00 '7 Bars Gopd Lnundr.y`Soup for 250. ` 4 Bars 61` Electric 'soup1or 250. HEAIQTH roi: ALL} in dmn the manor Indeonxtitubua I 5 Cupiw Sea. A V nqny Ilurtlitiulior the: co ' IHIIIII [undid from [ha Cnpizn (hm no 1 men I. VAIIMIrljlluu-[Ixll';l1| l)gHn wl L`:-1;.-lmuiun-. `um mu ir HIUIIHII -n I : In .I.`-1`-VI y-H ugv l}mih.u md rlw aw. u. '11: la ()1 \ l `u1v:.\'I' `M \\-uuulu. ' IX-m. 1 n-mu/u I. r Hui I U.1.J.J.5D, . Trowermgs, ;` % Suitings, and Overcoatings Phmnix Z V;-Ia.ll.v MLi:nHAta1 * The Subscriber has L cnc: nml |'m\'|mm~1 Nnrllux ])Ul.\'T.\'--(l[1]m:ih.' fry. -~- CALL AND SEE ~-~ . ( )ur Spring` und nlIMlM|Fn nl TlI(\ I BOWMAN & GO.,:Bar1-in Sanders. r-lb"! . . Ind munitxonl of Mr won tho dew: lam`: Kn] Yronn {Id 2: (or the` con\'I:ym1ce uf lathe beginning at aha` lfertile belt through which u march tn Heal cuuld be comlncwl. It new I lang Iuy from Kuuia up Imliz, but ` h:_: ua>:l.'u-nt mu-pormlun to about TAILURING DEPARTMENT T badne BLACKMORE. \.mnuul1 U|w|mI .- Hf H... KIDNEYS AND BOWELS m Mwl imulul `vhnhlu .n 11. ml. "lllmh mqnmmum hm hm mwm pula Cun- Ii ,...h zunnnhun uh llnnn I.m Alf H L FINEST MID UHEAFEST MEAT ILAVGIJRINB STUCK FOR 60 MADE DISHES do Al|0EB. UAUTXON.~n:mn . mum -m. In ~J|MIrul Ulr-`|l_1.ll()L \II IVI hrl I v I,1Iulxx.Iu--I ml. .}.W SH;;LLU;LJSa aaco ' .'||\\ \U:.|-. Dull rnbll qu nhur loch. Ila Nlhru nnnnn mu`: aim: Ens! Am] Wm, Iundluhnbl. or Tick-L1, l(u(c:,eIc, npply to n' .. ` to All mnrglxu nu um um Ininrn, Mnwal, :11! 1"}: 1 .......... uvnvt . u -. ...ud `A need Lo Izroughtfmm - Nye.` Illa mjnufupply iron u1dmI- 5537?? 09 I\E'IfI:1:1i"` \'0RI( `HIE HORSE mm ms` nnssdszi ;':JH&., VANT1-`.1>! A 1mm.~nz_ A5 ...w. `1u.u.m..x u... DOMINION Trtsuwn msmun. .\'-u :10, luu,;.\\mt lml,"lmuI|(I. &eiegs;pa%`ag;;trs IN DEMAND. ) SK Dumnrnou xnwav In Jnz. 16 J, s. JOHNSTON; -Danlor In- W. A I.`\' \'S Agaut,!\'. I\'.\\'.RyI. R0} TDQUIR llmiu. Eugene St. BARRIy u.. :.L.|n`..I. ..1n...l. . 'yl\ vu vw .s"1'<)n'I{ ImuI{I<;1:>'. nmniinlvlll `in: 'a7v:rn7den from Lhliun. imtozd vi : H quomim of Hudson`: gloch. u rm nwm In hm nl lho '1'->run|u_Mmk Explxnugo, nulnpmul `nl Ilucr l mu. lg which Am <`vI|lIII\|m\I luck qu.t.n_l|nm Iltllalvud n n ae`6'i{`6i-ro. ouum ox uuamn .93} II 1` an wmxro Inf EH23 be incirrect. 1 3` Ayro engine company at Falxlmveu. 51333., C mpped to elect I [arching pro lam. in the 3 aloe: cause to A bur::l:n;ilFuxI-lung, bciom put~ C , n mm upon 3 mm, _ W_u!||ngtgn [I _ amlukahly religious. clly. .. m an Illa; I mum Ibo ` ' Wuhlngtan u namulmhly Shtllu Ihow I80 chute! W : Inr.Lbou`. 1,000n.-e in ma oqlored churches, During ms; the uumimx pcnoul killed on nilwiyl in Great rimlrr was l,l.'I`2 (u compared with 1.167 ml than previoul year). Thu number of injured urn 4,100 nu compared IN! 1,137 {11553}. \ I` `'60 W hell on whekul " in WI I . 7 _ .,u',,,;.1'.m aux rolhr 5. K :2! the gmtlunun wlw has just (dined be mnhur Rvme is prunuunced ` Kuly. ` . Kare Hun fwg-Ilnlrdf ! NB_1l.|Ti1le'l whole- `nary. ~ ` fvw-third: Naslnvillek nh llqpr dulcrl, it `in said. In: clmrch unbus Thonlmurl that Sam or Stanlanl of Call- lomavu I Spiriu|lh2' nd In bad hcnlth an: um beincorrect. r eAnglr'u.- con Fal In non wt daoeuedso`c1ierw-ue Iuun. Had, nd nothing could bi man nppm rim 10! hi! Iumarinl. for I time, but awn u} t_he Tu: prdpolion we well the mnounpcment of the com- Idxeme should take the shape 4 c..x.I ....I . ammmu hborl. Th: public ham Irrim time ta Hmu 1:! A - dhcuuiou over the qnualjon at pnl,li.- warship ll rlarurd University; In puinz 0! (act, (hm no It prmnv. no rugulnr Sunday mvicen In Iha eollegu chapel. During; lhu winner in ncmlnml income unis 'i\'cI|. Almnlvncu Moms church undum :y in no lnmg: I re qnlaik, but by I rt-wnt: duciuivm cumpulunrv mandnnw won muyning pmymm um wlv lags chnpel in cunlinuula; M Portland, 510., n clcrgynmn a num- Elroduw W: In.-dun I. ' Gun`; during tlim scv t`ha'|chemo in {um .v. m. sh. uumum Bum! [me man 1n'm)swu,ooo Io |1w.ooo m but yurl, and n 1... pwr. '1 than! an amdlzn wnrknwn hm Id: lhc dly. Illhelolmamenlu, nnala at the xnrcl- Inc. In true. why Mr! nhr. suutlx A\\nlrn1L'm Plrmlnt during IJ1nIzntnunaia11\`u|n8'. ,.`>{J,. I: 00019: lmmlguuouz 1 . w Gvl. Nozrler. the Frgugh _mnmnn:lur wlui 5` mm lmmlguuouz the Fuugh cmnmnnrlur wh In 6 A 12 fi{u..`J`E.`.',`u.' `IE1. the Lhinm, com: o I. f grnnldlnllwr, who war lnooumund at I French Iriulu at Han uu. adage urban lhn Revolution bmkn o'ut, hm] a yondlrfnl uupo from dpalh. H1: crew mu Ilnbd, Ind hung him}: the yminrm ; but hit Ilbel IfVlIIC)lItl`1VI:d Q0 gut lhu ropc hclorn ml Ill llnct. Mid Quanta _Neyior lull inln ,|hI III. Ila nun ta ` lurexgn veualuudor 2:1 0! build: lr`;I1;.Eqt4ua:Iln;, indigav. ntfegy r , : D 00 r n unfurmob roynun gpedmanl, .53 Med ll Pmngll Ihonly be In the Rulomlon. IHII oldullan unwed N poluoni urvlco and M35! It Wmrloarv/litre ho ruched Hwy 01 mm myrtll. -110 mu klnd r 5 n a in u t. I`91wd I am F be u ; mg! mwl tlxutgma nvartnztobvtn lh-nmreuon. (Ian. M !Ihr.&!Ia_| nml. rllnlipguhlud . l!gl'lno,'I.vI.tl;'ea`lVv_nd uufuhemo |u lunmlml mu, mum rm.` Judgu. vii. 10: "Ann! La (1:'iA1I`.I)Il] nlu-i-lul S00 men inln three cunlylmun, and he pm In trumpet into every nun: lmul. with rmply pitcher: and lumlu mthin luu pilchLru." Joy Cool;r_in mm {Mm ' lung! pm pilclnuu." l \` Jo Cookr in mm` ct fnrxlllial`1igurunluu;;t|w " eoungry roulununlu-a:t of l lIiLn|uIp|)Ia, hut 5` lu_|annt hen!-nnnl I in` ling with the ml: 5` .... . 5.. .x Eu driving Along V`IlIUJ>BI) my gait, in if parlecuy COX1|Antk|].\\'hlf life. A hr e I1|ealin[;_n( unnnlployml mun Luv: bun he d In Ade nule,}.<:.ntl: Aunlmha, nml d the Govzrnmcnl of |L"l1uI`H!y \ ' lake sage laps to _m 2 1' r m Am. -nu m..mIie1tu....n0mm tinny have :1! the hlingi: Wnuls on in hmtory. Alllock `enllhu Bnhic porn. I much 0! English `troopa to St` P21411- mlght mlkel nwu-Ary {or the bent to ME 0 d `from I20 000 A week luwer thhn lhvy W50 banana no em ty, u. 1: Ju Rad I 425150.000 mlour nu lhlhuvnu. 2, Inn u! the I It Fort u:1ncEment shape SIM had I dnpnming ;" . ._=._....a 1-... 131: no ;l~ct..My'Iolhing I}r`ougl1t En :1 Iupply nnd ml 3 r;thuIuxff_eeinm`Anyp`: hlad aft! ' ma Ggrdon llkmorlal. Eftw uu dab: of Gen. Gordon I" vwndIonm:w$bsff[' the `j Fin: u dab: "` ed Ibscriytiou fur ` wngnygmnqmf 9 I1 A ` Uenb, Inmlvnd tho `Inn of Holmrlrom , , V, I.-.u aid Omani `I _ r . ' , i4|um(rI'gnu: " tlui Ina , year. In: cxpr-udimm of son 1501:) SlUU,00U h real or map ml mjnnes, is becomlug very common In ` dun. raiding in the Rue Lafayette, ad A mid Izrvun mum! Iauesc Chant. whom he diimlmd. Sha left, vawin vengeance, which he took no notice. '%he um Jay 3 mcsunger called to nsk him toga nuduen person who Wu ill at `M Rue de Dunkirk` He wennothe apartment inrlicau-d, and on `the door being opened to him he luuud himself in the presence of hi: late domestic. She imm 1- `? iely red two Ihnta 0! to rvolver at hhu. Um bu in en.` The other puseu` ce. Ba.-enyiafns 511- " 3 13311. man his ul Hunugh D. .e Hhigh. The con; zu ol c!1u;qI um {uni has the new nautical upity among P_rx_::eaunt Chriniu t thigh. . chumhe: tnbehcld i; am. ed allied to pmmntc acclai- and ..L nu ma in tomch this unit , nutthrough n ` society, or creed, or (arm! p{an, but through ` 1 r1 3 lullnud lnnk dimssian of the gm: qua- ul tiun: in which the Christina at Amgric: Ire re Iutemtad. Thu idea in not tonrumote nnlty I 1.. mum un dimences. no mu u an dhvnn I :1 Pmteaunt chmmna, am i} Du: "111 Mn: u... im 2119, dnpmmng m the wntr-ibnterl`, There win no eognncan between} the deceued Gem sit: for n hnqzll; _ .2 ...-mm mm mamv outside mm: m vuuun Iutergatad. Thudea by swing matk wb :11 caneern man :9 Lik} zg u diarences, nutrionmmte I uwdi-can 2 thochrlnthnltycoml .`.`.`".`;;..`52"u.'{"{ .'; .... ..w, . ; av wed ulujecttopromm ; Chriniuna, . `ma to reach lh' ' Q milw \`Yl|]lIC||I`lwk1uwaAIu -i;~`;rc;.-__ ` 0 to . ` 0 e 2 npn which it inin rtnudollod phlch In us. mztlmd yunlrleem tn be':?dg3nd, t`;n' ' ~ ~ .4 A. ... Iuzuwu M... IVKL-4 ,,,, , body olchll s nuhle only (ox null. Thvnxhlcinafyndggpruenuves Item must `I ofhthi: lecxldmg dencmixluonx`, H1elp;`I0?l, :'hm:1x-mfrgymen or Iymen, npu o y or D rt In I Md on the Gardiner Smith hm, um- themtdbzween Ellznvllle and Kingltun, uyl ` raid, in I chestnut gm whic in ` an -` `~"".'a*;v, 7?s'.`.j;.'.P'%1.';':L*[':..g.i...... . uzwnsml-we-an E It In In u once 3 cnvlty or depreuynpulj the Ilde of the clmtnut tree, 1` whicl} biwne` lled with decayed we hlzla d matter. |bivhi_ch e Iced hum thee lodggd, and lronywhlch npnng the p cm elm. The `Mm_l\u apmdlng lmnc II. which mlngle their Iolllga with dm of the chestnut every year. Both tree: mnound. The clmtnnt Im an Im mnthndmnrk in the undue! Indlen trell udlnglmm bopul to the Delumu Water Gnp, down the Never eink and Dclnynre velleyg. It I: mentioned ln mnny old legal document of Ulslercounty. Thotree inbmnaooyurg old. f _ 9` T . .w I; ___.<.._. ` `annel `1.!1.e`nvo1verb?vv.3i1EE?0-79?!` A `real rupgnd injnjes, ig.l_aecg_mlug _ u. ._u....4 Major Boultun. comminderot the in uiunoe of Guam] Mlddlatoni call: in I whilomraiident of Opillin, hnvln here duxingthe conslruczloin at the` M dlnnd Ruilvuy (ram Bemrtonv` on which be mm In -employed. an r.;p.r,_1_.foqg;-co'g_1;9u1.:o3J, L wu lather, 1.foq1..co1. _BpulvonJ ol Colmurg, um than Vine;FreaI uni cl tho: Compzmy.._&jor Bonllnn n anjoicer in. LL: -nuupuquu. Mu u......, thorn` Comfw..lbjor Bun] tho 00: ilag-amour. Wlnl mhiht hm ht `J tooth-Bigiment. Whnlmlgh been a (ml; noel-inn! qccured in the Ncxlhernnlevatur, Cullin - woad,WodneIdIy nvenlng habou o'al while in carpenters named Jug Mlddan nnd Mex Boon ware workin on I mold |oma1MeHxomlh:.o.`.`l a ban: which atlpported am and nf lbs` acnold hrokp audtha two men were reclpitntdto the oor hc1ow,Scon got a with a good link- ing up but Madden Im not no {oytuuate as his back Ind ankle was :e\'orely9 attained which will neceullatohia laying on` work ,, mo 5 o'clock mun. ` ` -I H '1` On Sunday altemoon nbbul 3 _i2'clochn " '1' nlu-m o( re wnl mined and Iha mlnhilnnt H ` nf Snynurrunhad to the rescue of the perinhlng building. Thu Army nudianco ru-bed. the Sunday School: were 'brdkan ,1 up, Ind tho a_ngina wan _run up Elreel (o- f` ;' lurvcntofdlrtyclolheu. _ I: On Thursday ow.-ning lax! Miss Annie :4 .0 Corbeanlnet with n eculiur accident. sha hadjunzcnnw uutu b[r.Fn:d Squirt`: 'Haringutnblislxnmll, Bcclon,and wanna ] -in nutha railing on (bu platform in the 1; '- 1|I>l.lH7lI8l)|0[)f0!A few minute: when g1 lunddanl gnvnnwr-K undnalm {ell b|clt- 11 wnrdqwgizeaidgyvul -n glinfancy of Iii wnrnlnwtheaidawalhu dinumcn or night feet. he was rpzdzretl uncon- :: sciauo by the full and was gcarricd home. Mcdicalntlendancq W5: pmmoged and 1' we at his son: warn ualon [mm In: buggy _m the cllurchilaml. Mr. Thnrla hnd glncud 1110 mm with was 'l`harLe`a mack! look. on ghe Aoahwrnppud In 3 r g. The um opan,Lhn cont: taken` out. In thu machmmuh Ind rug ranwred In tha buggy. Thnra ware lowm of impoylntlca in the ma] ' hi: hnrck for on indonlto period. Hole for his 1, have In Orillin an Tlnmday morning on , mo 8 o`e1ok train. [ ; H n. a...z... .m....,... .h`,... 4 `..'.lm.lnn U 5 luundry (hlealiai, and itifaup oacd Ihnl `J ho had AD L-yolo business, 100 ing to n x !|.u-mi: of dirty clothes. .. ()nThum]\VOW.'Hil1l! Miss Bnyundnbndnluklng up, hich cc lgartobedlar g_!ev5 dnya nho wu won rukored uwcunucxu I101 ix conned lmtobedlar I few no Ieriouu dnmnge wunumlned. ; Onundav avoninn.Mr.1 Earle: Tlurlu Clmruh,Uriln, and Afterward: mum to the C` Hnlution Anny bnrrpch. Whila ghoy `. were atthulnuerpluo the ovarcnnu of at his ualon from his buggy _ mlha Mr.Thnr1a hnrjrpluyd ,1 machmmm Inn ranwreu In ma buggy. Thnrawnrelolml im orlnnco pooh! Ind Mr. T11 cdelircu to get them back promptly Henco Iu: rvnanll hnnha fruparly bu sent to Mr. icldm Filingh|I,I1awiIl` utlliu wnllnhla on tho luck of the Rh posed aft: holy the momy m_A `l t` factory DA]! Lndiuahnuld Know Thu! IL nd lcprlv. rlbburu Ind A" fun y article on t ,5 mgdq my :ol_orw|1_1lodW}l Dlqnmgnd D gx ; Uh! opulnrculnrl. 10. at druggisgI._ 4 Non: oqunhham. \1 ul|s,Riolmrd;on $2 (10,, `WnlI~y" J `; , 5 , | which Mu. Capt. HichuWI7ld Hnllalujnh "5 Jonnirpluoml Llneznnalvcuhi undnnvored tn pravenzlho1nol!rnm`n1larin . Mn. 'MiwIIullraccived IOVEIBP w an Jannio 1 wuulno rouzhlyhnndlud. Cndet Bumum got ninir Iharo ullho `J1 I and lmuclu. ' Haveralamncl were thr `ll mud injurinu inicwd on the arighmll Arxnynpmzplu. r_ ---.-p---- :6 Amnm-llulgin. fnroul`p wrilu; "Ihm hL~unnuuIfumr!rumDyI p'_A!4r Ilmpnlt nix yuan. All Um rcmudr `tried pruvcrl L ualcu,unil Nurllmrp& 1. man ; \'c*golu|1lu H Diicuvery and Ilyupuplio Cure. was bnmghl Illl|]_|.'l'>| n)f nnlicuv haw mud urn lwllvlo. Rm . J, 0. Fniiia, Duiiun. ccrlifma; For solm yam my \\il'a his lmun nou- blcai with Dyapopnin, All `has lriud one thing nilounnlherrewm uriml with but link: or no eet iillndvi ed to give Mu- lljomboilie have n ic'ezi I dccicioail impruvonienynnd cm with cundancu re- commend mu be on_a ohil nut tho but mudicina amnl for Dynpqmia. his invniunbil modicinnlur im; Oomph nt, Indlgeuiou. Kidmy Uum` inini, in pa oly vugulnblo. Baidnmnn, lnnkman, Store. Trial boulu givonl tree. , `p-Au mil ,1 fnny pg be mg -n n it Y d i. d '0 cl 2 Gr:gnr'|Epeed{al1ra at In! Since tailing ' ,1 mm nolorwnnlod ml Diamond 2:, id lcp'rlI. fun`? ,1 Allthe populnculnu. 1 u. drugglsgn. 4 955 oqunltfgm. \) 2 00.," x, Inldien ndinlunolml ntf llxe door of ` 3. Mr|.0apt.lIitchullI7Id 0 [Jonnir planed undnn\'g[ed 14 H11-M11 `ll Army pmzplu. g The windownwnra nll'bru cm. Wt: lwnr , H:atnnIxmbar`of Iumnnanllm wew iuuv.-d anL[nII1u;[i1!rIllJ'I noun ma lmld yaalerdny Ilcmnlla nut rnpurlcd. ` ` Thu ulunlly qniol lowrtnl Bcutan wu lhrnwnlntuoxcilmneutoh Tlmndny by. nuwn thnl Hm bndy n! An Infant had bean fauna! in Mr, illl]Ull'l:1!]Il`Il' the vill- agr. Thu body, yzlusufoand. was wrnppad m nolmln nml luul n wnpllexn string ti :1 lightly ruuud the neck,` A Jury wa n-nwnnuelcd and` an inquest held. '1` n 1' :llXL',llUdI)|Il)l,l0l1lU some wcnthur we '9 hnvu hm] duringlho pnuluhntur. An illn- p1'liIn4K chilrl w.1uup'p:vImlto have bun I` wu in tho village, during thu wintur,nnd I lclon point: to thin up beiugtlm onu, I `. m In _H wo cm I{nrn_1lharu ng lgaon no 3 rm. at ovirlunca in eithur hm auloh ,. \\'umml lhujuryin n-t`ur| ing tho \- ,, [ 11.. y did. ----1-Q'>-f-- Ihilo uu 13:; o'I'IpIy\}g `the oitxide Ir 0! England In not It all mammry. . r. Igor; papukr pmponinn Ha`! nuw been made. n .. /1.. n..a,...`In-~x ..or:m~mnd. 9 4 vurdicl. murned dues uni` nwnl wit`: urn-nlentafwprovnl. Thu body M! I mum: ML-vs fcetlrum the [anon on AMI) mml,1rbnI which it {mu nppnr u `t In rmulrbnl nrpnrently `r -hmwn. How long it hgd laiuhura it is u impaa:ih!otote|l,aI them had been i 1: heavy bnnkofannwncnrlholanco. Thu burly MI in n good mate 10! |l|`!JM}|'\'M.iIl.| nluu, no doubt, to tho some wcnthur` gm commpnderot not IdV_A_1G60fggllefll`lIqE!a!qn'l!I:0ll i"Z.T.7E`SE':Tg.mu'" ',m.a responsible ' min: u.... vuvnnnl zlrumthn llm which ung La: .: ssszgzasrefsz . , .., D; `_`Hup.B1m:'_Jm` E Y 1. recommending I write this an n Tokerruf the great appreciation I hm: 1| (at -your Hap t ' t3ilen.Iwn:r.1ictcd I With innmmnlory rheumatism!!! d for nenrly . . Seven yours, And I25 nxedinina Ieemad to h do nuuy Good!!! God!!1 , [E Untillusodtwa bottles of your Hop '1 Bium, and to my Iurprinel am as wall! to city at everl was. I hope h !`Ycu my burn ndundnm nucceu" 5 In thin [mi and" P Vdnnbla medicine. Anypnol -" * wilhing toknow more About my cum _ Gm Inn by addressing EM. D:`Villi1mI, 1103 16:11 Ilmt Wnhingtou, I"d fw Vbatliea. I 1" '.-Ely cured. and heartily recom- ` mud 9.01: Bitten to every ouu, J. D. - Wnler, Buckner, Mo. u Me: of xpplylng `the ouhaue 11:11 ntisfacwv. mom .\s Fathom l!moGen G_ardan`li\'ed ntGmesend, when ha dewud much time and hlm and Inmeyxfnrr the comlart of the old soldier: and Inllm-I uzd poor people Int locality. There 1: I phn now to unhllz aboyr homo and ruunngrvnnd at this we. Thu uheme H W .-Ely cured. mm an Wnlbr, " ' "Fmm thnonthin n fruitleu Ieunh 4 {or henlLh_%.In'q ndthn your Bitten are g doinglzumon a 99 ,. , H `*1 a '. a ' ` I ' car1lirIn;e::1tle onfmglmprow.-:1 appearance. 1 complimented onfm Impro _antHI In all duo to E0 `Bitten! J.\Vioklia Mk` S A cum fax-Gmup. Thom iaon bnllorrcm- ,, edy for Crouphen'ngyIrd u Yellow Uil '; lnknn internally and nppliod According to y Ipecin! directions. This in the gr:-M Immac- `Q hoyd pnqncenfulr r`l1eAunmlisn1, ali' julnu, l( Hid` bnvfall in I nut-ml manner. lh and promulou healthy action If `t the nlomach. liver, lddnayn and Hawaii, g e ` . ...v........mnnu Y V 3 hold nntcenfurrlneunml , [min,|nIlnxnmnlin,x('c. . wmnvmn El` EASILY UAUUIIT. In Iii: vary may to cmh cuhl but not no u euylo curuit unless you um HIgynrd'a Punboralnlmm. the bent remedy for all .3` troublcmoulgha, P consumptive I1 1 h'v \Velln.'l(ial|nrdaon 5: Cn., Ilui-linrglon, a VI. Al norm of the bu! agricultural Fnirl ' Mmreceivedthalnigheacnwnrd our IU couupetit rs. ` ' I "Pun Jhur ma Nzvzn Tony. Tun Jhur Niven '1'oLu. 0 Ollho \vonL1crful powain and virtue: at F thntbenlof All Inodin-'m:u, ](iLluoy-Wart. It has been trim] and prnvm]. Ita cum urn nuruborleu and Ilsa record in Iuppuued) lngumblo ouu ll: tlmva yield In in in- uencu, hnlwunlkzilxz. Ifynu bnvn lruubla` Iuurlr0n1CoI1atiy:|io1n3ud if_ y_ou 1`: 5 eztnbllzlz a boys` Home grvnndntthi: gnnern! Ipp ml. been Ma Imniul