;;.4 .|4lALlAln s mukv: iflhc lmh'csf.1\'oritc and Q 11 am] be convinced. L)MIlINI`,l) ~:I-`I-`n mml - f%hippem, with 1 `tIE_LEA J). doing < BOLDEN EAVEB! `ds were never so they are now at m & HYAN S!% fm. ECJENGIIAND pTIGE. -= uurm muwATT. `t`.\1?~,\sm.-u, rm In... mm. nl mm. \ lmlhln-ul, Harri, \ . : f\7I7" uuuur mu nmqum ol tlll , Agriculture and.Am Auoclmoi: _ Otonmio. ma TL IIJJ I All u doing tbs lending Trad: in the :l'MI. bicuine we give thu belt 1 u|ue1ort`1e money. `\ rhiuh we will oer Cheaper lhsu eve` j -Pwv'uA!at%iim,:mm- I W " SALESMEN FOR AUTHALIA. _ About twain nut-rm mu In ullon Auum I bunt. Ounnmild nlnu Ind oonunl--Inn. 11 Iumlur onmin. A lylmooliIuly.l l0lt| llqmrlmnlll." HIIAD . (M RHEODI I 00.. l|unI!o1d`D | 9'! , 'l3urIng my (no u on|hu' Ahunu In lnglnd, my lnulnm hm nllllaawndunud by It. l.B. Wllllnnnn. Into 0! un Hunk at Omnmom. !ALL wonx ounmmm YACHTS, Sxwrs, Dmcvs. Caucus -Hun'l( (v*Q;dpA I JAS. S1r;1a:Lp, 1 `gym BUILDER,` endnl. P. 0 Allandnln '. oat Huuu, Tullendnl. ..__... -rvlIl UUII-IJLI I # -uuul W --Oars, and Oar-Lock:,Supp|itd.-- 3: J.\JIlli;\(ll l;IUvI`;INEH ISSUED HY Iruun --......, 5' I untionnl lxcadinngs, llrufullamiu .: `F unolul In-Ililtll Ill J6HN MGWATT. ? y\b'lm.-I, _Fnur Hm-rl * chi`/`niii nomnuo IJIMIO Tn Be"HE1n at ma; )u thn Mm! in am. n.......L `lg m.1u..x.m.,:.m . Youth Wanlul I Axum-nI|u< In lurn Nut. [Ely N 1 HM! (A_U_D n0H,} ha!nnpl1on `under lhu nllupicrl of III! mlnu-. "A l.A. : n Ind, lmmva lwen sognmly fl ';n`dto|n'u-nrivnleinjury. We I I in Mr. Pbelg just indig- ndhwillz him, we think them ,, ., qrjlue means of r aching -and M wluy, inking nm:Innd- W : eir1:!:siliuu.u.= !n_rnnsn- 1` II)! II mlurally my indignuit E Wyn Iuppoud to be: aemi- H nwemllon should not only hm , Ind, but have {J nfidmlninlrivnleinjury. W LEVI! . Inwuywa non-mm: Luv E ma-' u in In` mrouuu. }.aa{ r:'I'|'u'}ahs'3oWs` - W . ;_ V A , `- `,_'AIEQUHAR30Nv Impqrter. '\ Klan door to Clayton : Shoe Emporium 54 . N VT C Coulis: of ma mun Design: in - u . . \ Dinner Sets. Gombunmon sets, I . Ten Beth, Bed Room Belg. 1 I 11 H In uyviour mrn am on the H-2: I to ght oR' lhn npprouhu ul 22. Ilhlr Ihfleut thin , "Att :1 n plinon A the rut inated. gym: 3...... ry was In In my fEl'lHI WIN), pueiliuu. use `Jrortnuux andshoes, ppers. Rubbers, Trunks, Valises ,. V _ _ L` P: In mlurally indignuit W ppu ba 1 fl :smT.m _ " 200 Boxes`-- will till It 5 HITI III DDIJIID. NEILL Bn'os., EA: Im Mjjnjnjjrj). r Anrunlnflmufnrlaunus gr cRocx;nv[ I 110 feet long `back to front with, M latest atylea of It F w'.:2i'Ja`.`f. 1; ..... 2 ..1 1.30 pm. 1" pcrdiug lm day at In, ; * Ifu ulpnf 0] lb_l name corruponuenn, Ihb uami {II mow unions to mule - unutign than to and truthful and :eliu- , Iblblfannh {of what in said and done (in qnd_;;munri town. H; lately nan; legcggu-nted~nccounts of the inter` yggd to have, men plucu between I Klvlllnd ccrlnln ul laurpxominent bu. fugtn _hnd,nmn:ifnr,lurem, nlthough ` hhhtm knew that he nppronclml V-9",|`|'|l3 lhut cIiar.;c3I. , Moleover, in A Ullumblilhed awnfn. ol Hm! interview I .. -` In III! I` IHDHH `I -um Mumdm Church will I.]o`$w1.1n d McI hmon'I I'qrkAnH(nbiI1Ion a `Grow, an 1` W nudn/, Aug. `mix M84. pdr nnamcr f uapriu. Heal will maka Iwn `rips, at D` . nml LII ) l'nrkiulmvalh:ulmi-el'} a[I'.'r1Hug cit'J_r 91 {Inc pl/ovo ` . . ,g wnam he, the Slum-i',lmd, u n i_ then County Council, helpcd, to :1 twthe nice he wu no wcuuulybollll, by MI vote, `. nlzct lathe now mi nlng, is urugo. Mr. Boy: and family em: lar y Llllornln. on Tundny, aha 2nd at Hapumbar 9 Int. ` ` , ....., uuI:nL'uQ!mI mum- tnry wh|reu,whi:h Wu re ml to ;) Mr. 7' Hay: in nmahlo Lvrmn. h . SIM if McCon- ka,_nlaa spake In l_Ihh term: of `Mr. Hoyt, `g wham he, n nu-mbor or (ha i_ tl1cnCoIInlyCounc'l )1}: to Al-M In 45.. .1: :32!!! --Thu Annual Emu Ijnn :2! lbs I"iz:|b.-ll: hjo mm at Pqrk mi [(0151 on v,_ .... N... cnliedthe Sink Hula 01 Kaludzur, whirl: his alremly devoured nu ilxxjxlcrisunnxoullt Dflflll. It is like the Slough nl Dus- 1 ml um-:i1._m1 by John Vunynn, into which tho l(im;'survv.~ _},;..] [mum] ff/enly-llmusnml cmlnuda at me vary but material without any urumuunt re< ml; /Nasuannnlnl|1oComp:lny'spngin- eigytgt-2.llmir1'::iIs Ininlnn xthill, they l.vu~ Iiave tu 115 n goml ronnllvux than ic sinks ' nmin. Thlslmsbeen rt-ppnlml auvnnll i" SdW ("N Qulnri . GOVELIII en ) 7' is hungry for that (L11: mm; Ave) country. and they m r had` to gg , jg, .. righriy ur wron;,r1y." Sure y no Tory will `E dare again toairm, in He has of HI)! I spacch, that` tho I)a:uinio1 Premier was " noloppusenl to Onmiog Hing tlnelnnd " awarded to lu:r|1ySirI'Id\ nid Tlwrnlam, 11 Sir Frnllcis Hincks, nml hu Idle Chief , Justin-4: Iim-ri.-vm. ' the House f_C Scotland.` it , ,. . .. that, Tl1qeectof In ing tho houn- dnry behvcqu the Provinn-T5: will compel, I do nab say tho Province of Ontario, but the pmenl Gavcrnnaemo Ontario, to hu re:smnblc,ux1Ll not to insi tupon n boun- ' dnry which ` cannot bu su vportcd in any court or tribunal in tho vorld. They will camera Cerm quickl enough when they fun! that they must 0 at), [To use an azpfmidn whA'::h is cd1uxx|on enough '.GovL-lmncnl) convey the Dy 3` d1:[)|ll Illrln 0! friend {ram 'l.`nrom.o nndelyexvlere, Thane zmoming Mr. Mmvatjmu party will la}: the l'xr8l`l.ruin to Ilnuailt u, \VllEl`B n In gs deputation, with bands, will greet his arrival. Almut l0:ll$'n.1n.ln special ml or, mains, will hon, geullemalx nndlrimids lo Tawnto, more xnuolnatcrlproc ' u in to z ',u'n|:ow_thnI1ll|c:3; mid that In Imd 1 alld dfha lu'~l| or other n-9 of nliy nc- " V. mintinF1oMhiur-usuu. ThiA\vnslhe " " [ aonv mion Ihnl uctuallytook plnuuin `7 ` an ex;editor vi the Anlrunu:-, P : |$,.`hqw:ver,wns not known by the H ` plnylo have any mum-cliou with the [" pnunow, What, then, w.|s'Mr, PYiP1pu' "1 ulqnfgbluenl the next Ilmming lu receive hr M`, iv(lli|' (II [He UIIIIHIU `pll0XI'4WH,-1(.' renl Iendexf, I|owci/or, being Sir John A. MrAcdnnald,{or the irtlnetook in tho bounduryiiispute. Ely-`lluleam, Trot but|1the.Tvrylmu1L-r cup and let : sec what aorta! reception Ontario will give ' tolhowould-be depriverjnf ibstqrrilarinl posscssionm ` ' John Macdona reason why! u 1 1 *3 teudercd`Mr. Murndlll, tho naminal leaer of the Ontario ppoxiLinn,-tl1c 1'2llldElf, John I Tlgg Mail suggests H14 n reception bu I teudercd`Mr. .\[urndlLh, naminal|1 l'nm'ulmva`l . mre '.` y l_1c I i , y rm, -.._.gp.--. ` 33 `; mu rnumz rnovmcz.` )0! ""' lI`uv1 Cup: aenrnl Throughout uln- Pnvllbn rlh Wmumn, Aug. IB.-Aocox-din to tho ' crop bullatlns I big crop in ant cipntod " genmlly throughout llm province, the `"5. wheno.|:ar1ny,nnd on crop: Izolng pur- ie ticulnrly large. The ncent heavy min `V, did my um daungy to tho crops, `rnrveshug Dav wmenwdl hnva man: to (ear lroizlfa `7nnato;1:u$uf lha country than the prowcal 9! tho Antipodm; omngan. . thny uhould ha uqually tlrud._ To mks early and lccl randy toxiso, this {air and equal start nlthu ulaaparuahould ho uacuml; and the wise sol!-manger almuld nut allow | drowsy leellug ol the consciousness 0! many nausea, or an exhausted muscular Iyalmu, to baguils him into the lully al going to uleey B uiu when anon hin cuu~ tclausuasu has on Arousal, Altar u my law days of null-diuipliue tlm mun arcsalm not to "dnze"-thut in, lllnw lama ullll ulaepy part of hi: luzpp him in bed altar hi: bra}: will nd hlruua l. without knowing haw, an only rim " L-mlan Luncu. ` LIAM! AM n|:rr-.-.-.... Electric Bitten: nm the purl:-`st and but medicine kuawnnnd will puahively cure Kidney and uivurcnmplnim. Purify Um blood and regullna the bowels. No family cm nlfurd In ho wilhunl. mam, l`1wy with anvo hundreds: of zlallm in doa(ur'I billu avg? Km:-i`mE z:'ld at lly cont: 3 butllu by - -.~,.. -_ A *,_ pfounow, Plirrlyn-' utonilbmenl lI)t)l'i)IH].;lurL-cc|v1: _ 1 uh lnplnic despilcln fray) the Cunupaw Jaw jljhls mill was 1n.-nmul. inking \ nouuzynue [mm-,v \mc.w;::Ile4l, V lhzy lmdjustlwrmd [rum lhu GI-.-he K` H11! mill was in l'InII)im-ul nlnngn-r n! "` huctiopIrgn1.c:,nt!;;:.nus lrurh nes. 5 illgn gErlyscuIx\1cd the (Ho|w,uI1d `0Ql1J[7l|l(LVdlll)|Ilfullllllbdull muling, r uupntionnl Ixcmlillus, the {aim im ` (wuguued hum rm: pngu) Ihcnfn proportionally 1: us] need offcav at the slum momnuc. ha curnbrum or mind azgnn. tho sense organs, 211:; runs. sum a stem and tho viacen ahuuld all be xemlyy to sleep together us may be nnuuh. 4 bmwd Dr. Kil1g'lNew Discovery (at (Jun numpliun. Thu only curtniucuro known fur cunaumpliou, Uuugha, Ouldn, lloraoucu AatlmIn,Hay Fuver,-Hr0l|v:l1iliI, or nuy neclion of the Throat nnu Lm Fmilive uunrnntcs. Will gifu lg. HoI yum I ` ml up Lxzwms ll`; HiramD. Mnxehl, l ormcrlyj of Silver Spningl, IL I., has no duuln ubounhe `c wonderfulcuralirupowranfKidney-Wurt, .1 He was an alllicled with Kid1wyCumpl.1inc L. that he could not mud on his |'ee( {rum pain will weakness. Au won as hrs com- nmnced using Kidnvy-Wort he expetiunncul immedinlu relief and A`. uncn began [0 gm :7 utrong and mm ruligwd u! nll pain and 53 unplenlnmlleas. Ho unyx: "I I.'m3w 9 been cured by l(iduuy~\Vurt." 1 A Wm): Awnu: Dnuaum. My nun I H Freeman, N. -lselnroae, A, Hoyt, F, Jmver, * L-.h::m A oopu-.:m,.u ,;cr'. 3 wgh,'A. Simpson, A. mwu, E. nuyi, I-L ` 3" Burns. ` - v. -4- `nun; HE`! uulan ' HANLAN DEFEATED. .,-,.-_ ,7 ,.. (Cauguued hum cz_xa proportionally : u.-n'mI .....,1 .a nanrmy endorsed. Tho Panama Canal depends entirely uFouDo Loses 5. Should the originator n this an anferpriso die, so wnuhl tlm met an rprisul he lmckhom) in tlm iaring Ij'runchnxau who, Iram bin mai- oupo iq l`nt[s,('1irecta Al} tho upcmtiunn. 19nm.cIz91m to. nm..m9mn _n.}!L1 Will make a big ght. Thu voting on tho petition to rupenl lm Scott Act in Westruozelnud cuunty. New Brunnwick, on Thursday, resulted in A majority of thirty-nina xu favor of tl1uAch Bristol, which is expected tn givo 9 `majority {or repeal, has you to be ` and M.l5Z-1.741. r lmviug tjrutl ol wailing! General llullcr lmn pulzllallcxl ransom for running as M lndnpnudant cumlidnw for the Presidency of tho United States. for Cloveluml'u lunar ol nccoptuncn. It: claims tlmtlm will nmlso big gllt. voting netltion mmml patch I t.ha'Glohe, from lhnrie, an Mou- `V ,r dqytluiifthe 18th inst, Tho miuchi - Vt mking`G|ub_e'a cbrrcapoinlent grossly lrvprti I cniivafantion that took phnce J:lt`oqtaidell1uQuccxi a hutel on that Q due, 2 Mr. Pi1Iirs,in prawn .-9 01-4? 1 dfmpnndcnt, win), however/`I7! Hut "4 hump V: the purine |;a1@1'm| Others, - gmog ;l..dm.;ghM[Ivthuduugerta ilmnxiging thbnfrgnfnnd auid ilmt his ` pm wk; In honor protected frmn re _.t|1aniIV'IlaeY ' ; and that as Fins was :"T`lII"3.'L.-J4 TE!` up than` urn`; the case in _` {turn was ms danger {rum bush . I now_tlmn that}; 1'" 31- prclmntlod. ~ 19 Thu German corvalw Leipzig Iclt L Cape Town 10: Angm Pequeua on July It 1!}, to take {ormnl possession of the Buy :1 nmugm Pequann and the aurroundim; 1- couugry iu the nune at tho Gcn_1_JL\u _ Insurance policies warn eectcd in the Dominion inst yenntoihu amount of $21,572,960 for life and ID7`.Z,2G4.041 for re.tluJ mount of premiumu paid tbcrclor being; respectively 83,774,750" nnLlM.B2~1.7-11. |_ conmeut. I y, A Pm-is paper has received :1 despmh atntiukg that the How: have recaptured ?Lupnt`ayu and driven the French to I l Cnqndinn apples arc reported to be in t` great demand in England. owing to tho .' failure of the crap them and an the .f Continent. ; Two men, bcliovc to be FremI1. ofccrs, have been arrcsml at Cublcutz, : xvhilqskctchiuglhelorticntious. ` The Mudir of Dhuunla has received Ibis suspected that tho xccentlnrgu res `iu`\'icuun were the work of thc , Iypu Lhrvn death}: lronlxcl aauw90's;I9vklmnHI|. - I iniaro\'in;;v1u annscqlx`e lhrcn dcntlm I1 sum 9 o'clock Inn 1155 Mnrlnnw Pam . through her advocate] hnsprencntcd her pnmion for divorcd from her husband, tlm Ivhrquimlu Cnuxl Itiu 1:4.-liuvml the cunt: will rufuuotho` divarcn on the ground thdt the law mi aormn the right of divorce in such nmvlicnmu as have received in`ury in tho) mnrringo relulian. 'l'I1uADug`( n 1511111110- cAsm"s mm'r1:ss'IoN. Grant interest has lmnn nromuul her hy the Hwuru smtuxncutul Hm iufofmo 'l`|1onms Gunny. to the effect that ho wn formed by Crown Solicitnr lloltau swonr lnlnnly ngniunb Myles Joyna nm other in the Mnnlnmnsnn murder trial Tho government is now being uruml I send Mr. Muntngna \Villiamu. lm junio couuucl to the treasury. and ma lmuncn crasa-nxavninnr at the l`1n;;liul1I\;u,t qmrstion Casey and mporl an to the mlui ot hm couteaznon. W `l W! 44)` ha 1 of Hm Cnmpnuy in 11116 citymxnl to pr ` beeu1'uLumlan for aomo time, in ox- aullntion with tho uthernfciala of M Company. . lie in just nbnul to return New Ynrk. to establish this main oic Pure for the ruccptian of public bm1iuca., ., . . . . and All dospntclncu that may be More 161- iransmihsion by the first of Octnln: , aiul possibly culicr. ' rm.-rm l`l\\.`l ` pa )0 spm 1n 0 war . n c n- lraclora appear to lmvo fared badly. f the eleven original foreign contract Is not one remains, nml of lm Iain Am '- ,~ l can cuutmctoxs two have fnilcd. T o :omp:my'a ussnts-tlm Panama llailw y am]mlliu;:alocl:,tlmatemnmnud bni lngs-lu tlw event of flu collnpnn 0! t m 1 l canal, would _hc .':lmu:worll1los. I foilder while the stock are in lfllllrt. ' Mr. Linglmm says tho route via Caunn is 1,800 miles shorter than rI'aNmv York or My other Atlantic port, to Liverpool (ram Montana. I Inwn Mulillnvu hum ..1,m,,.1 ... :. nmm I"r on B1-05.. zmplmws nIaLoa l)ulIerin, of Wyoming nnd.\Iontann,w1o Vaw`r1'uqn>nrte`r o( n milljunrhcntl of cat la in tlmso territories, nml L110 \il be brought to Montreal for shipment y Hm Cnnmliau Pacic Rnilxuy when 1113 nova:-nlnent hm; given itlyconsunc m muum. and that them would be an cui- lny of hill tlm nmuunb in Canada {r fodder tuna b. ,\Ir.Linglmm says Cam :1 I DIVORCE EUITH IN FHAKCE. J Patti. ndvocutc }1nH[1rencptcI_1 hc_2r `pnmian woul he almost worthless. L Mr.F.R Liuglmm,thogmnbCAnudi n cmla. upper, has received the ugcu y Ymw zmplmws nl L0 (1 cqueurc. 'l'lI1ufa ' ts from chum :1 DHHIN -- J ' `fa: wlmpomlents otlhe newspaper H '. pmlgdnnot bu loocaulioutorparticulnr H `II lolhchnlaclerar comrcLnesao( 11.. you 03 while Duaenao? `H rum! .. -hm my uur -mun lhutl In Llrmd." hull \\'Hwl.| A|:ody.lhA Suffarlnn {mm hlnknon. 0 1.Lu_r \uu.;n.vuo.1y.u.. m5i1'1!ferIn from Diabetes? munun:um-..un.1mmr, Ihnu lvu um: lumnuHl|I nu " um-nnmw um. 11 .. TU, QUII S'I'Rl`.'luI', LONI)! Will he glntl`{to3.'co1'rosp n q1'u\\'m's,` Merclmnts nnd f '11 \'iie\v to Autumn nm1:Spring lg ,,.. -n u . J "7 Viv or E tcj customcm_1'eqlxi1'i11g ndxin A CHARLES DONAL ` APPLES. :1 an 'l'hvy will Also give he GIVE 3h and the} your st I_I no ne cnmcurar cormclncsaof the -iifonltion they wiua or mail. Ilama Im Ind special reasons lately to comylnin of (hi unutioml itamml new: sent to . Sell yoq APPLES.` r} 11 am] be C )MllINIil) S1-IE1) l)RII.l., ;; rnplcn1cnts1'n their season. d his'sc.1.aon. ES. &_ HART. i t lo!. Hli% d mes. or goods at A HIGH ond the people W111 store as if there i:ne_ contagious cis- BIG BARGAINS ! ulpeople w1'11oroWd._ ore a,s'they< are now [and with Apple g Induces. - . nu ulu upecuu relwnn lately w colllymln , (hi unutiannlilcmlol ncwuent lo I`ho`GI9bf by it; lliIrie`corre:pondent., dim: