:o'tsand Shoes ` 811`m;e_rs; Overshoes, ,3 _V +;:;':31T_1-unks, Valises, r F` V Leather, '3 jg? AT1.PER[}ENT."jBIS[}0UNT 5 I F t F Golden Fleece lold Stand. .; omwA+oN._ " . ` \ QN THI_E } PI"{I I.u',mr Isms, Av, Ac. mumu xw -nu . Cllmax Chemical Company. MONIREAL. Ul` HIM 15 .- hut L}1'u1u1>tox1 & R_\':m ihut sends ubl1y01't\\'icc n year hM;3g1\{AGEMENT.4 V [1 P. E`. EWAN. r;a1:M'1sEs UNDER \ ~ 1w\\' mu]: of .\'prin[_; and SuI_11m<-r`Unods, just im- ` tun . h r.n1ui1'c-1 in :x Xirst-c!:u~: Usfilmlahlllllt, Lhu` nmcr IMPORTERS: mn.u mum '.`.'S1IQl`E1-`.N ST. \`v'Es'[\ HkIHu| uml Mlu|H\'o um: um I|ll\.'lI`A \M`l. '"` I shemmtten, and others V nI`_ In short,tl1e session `reallya C. Pelt one. The .icuh3 has run the whole thing, and I cured whsteverit asked. Indeed ll evident that there is nothing which ` 1 at redonblablercorpomlion could have ahked that would have been refused." * ("iii E TORONTO }TunK1sH&mEn1cgTEnBATHs uncl- . d in my bum In tho Tlu-Mr :1-*",I;.'.`.T.:'.'. 7.: lhiuh uh hnnum | mini! ||" .r [mum I an( ml nut mu u41w>l:h'I]"` ,,,.,.m..-. 3:11 in`, r|_1|hu mrr _ .. BA_RLRI:r4_, /4_._. voun ronruun .m1I.[w"vJv(1k_z_I_ emu nu umnnu I00 Fnnl Helllml Arne", Mn mod nun L ` 1 Iln nllhaiuh .1 ma I ml H, y,.-[ Bulahln tar huh u _l,, ,,.( nun mm... 1",, ya` Ilmu mlcum In in (mud ml: or In mln n Iwmnx In-Ild. 'lh_1I my 5. mun mun Iltlly, ,4, yy 3 un .\',f. "'- Vh ml y`o"u`:' m. J_ 3, nmxonn, am. 3 `Puamnu. . .'..--?*- .. Sun In mnunnr: mm: yum yum on "..'{,..m1u| unmm mm ' * ' 1'hr:session3nsL closed will hnveh had preeminence even uninng the many that under Sir John Macdunnld h-Np been noted for many scandalous words and vtill-` more scandal- ous actions. Njever were `corruptiun and juhbcryso est/antnliauslyalmrncless nnd deant. The proverbial tax which vice payls to virtue in trying to keep up` up pearanceswns thought, in the circum- stances, periecthy needless. The people's money was voter! may with a reckless indierence to ordinary decency, which might have lletl Bass Tweed even in his palmiest days with envynml despair.` Jobs out of nuniheiwera put successfully through from the great C.P.R. nlenl to Tu stamp: to ooarcn them on A private 1` bill would be an nclof lolly. But hid he buen appoled to it, and it wu introduced M A virtual vomol want 9! condante, Sir Juhn wauld havblnnnnchlng ta my on tho subject. He h1Au the cauraga 0! hi: can- viayicus, Blake : pdmical carter has IO In shown nailher manly courhgo nor c17n~ vicliom chnt cnlhlor it:'_' 1` ` borlrlvunby punnlliento mukeuxcnungu I I with cerlninintlivitlualu. Cnnndiananm I ! unHurIreedom,nndlmvn notcommnn 0 : sans nnou;htoIkI1uw\vlwru to buyand fl 0 null. . n nuniherwera succcufluly q through tho`great i1 the compamtivlyjlmmble gmb of Tup- c pet's grant} Longion house and the necem I my "expenses`."` More otentaliuualy I than ever was the xincipla of bribing all t` round avowed, nnd acted on. Nata t` mid 1 pnstoice couhl be builror n railway Iub- n aidized without u quid proquo in Chg shape of `sweet enaonableness in-the I way of political aubserviency being eithur _ exacted or implied. It remains to ba seen whether whed our rulers and legisla ihoga mgku tlxtehqaec veal thuyuvilil, as 'c one, a [cape w1 3 ow m . they love to hnfve use by endorsing their 5 iui_quiticz." ' win in their hdhnlf. TheiAcHorihaor- .,.....,~ , tired of uuwaring our contemporary : miu~ m renenu'u'ona.x We did not blame Mr. B aka for giving I Iilanz vote against the McCarthy Act, 1 But that Act wu A Go- vernmanl meuiirmandilit wu to be ap- pouri by the Opposition the hand of the party nhunld hand the movement. Mr. Blake: had not {the moral courage to do that, Us 15111 hi: follower: amiggling grim! n Govarnincnl and naver railed n pouring the Orin e Auucialion we I ri vnte Bill with which iha Government iind nothing to (it). I It wu an: in which, ont- uidathe Unurio Orin. party had nothing lo do. It wax? u queatiuu in which Sir John`: nupporlm were decidzdly divided. fhgm on_n 0111` 0! the 89,000,000 granted by this a ` Dominion Ihnlinmant to railways tho i C.P.R. Syndicate gnu $5,997 .000 in nd- i ; Syndicate B -Iiriuu to the lnun of 830,000,000. 'i____"7.'.T Tu: Grand trunk has been mulctcd in the sum 0! 800,000 no nonxpenaulion la the fmniliez of the victims of ma Hum lyurdisaslur. Qlmlof it. Rnilwnycum panics will bu; nll tho morn cmiulmf `human life wimp they hxwn to pay {or its `loss, : the Blgne irirs-arie -if the must rer1.nrkn ble epimlcs of the eesoion. Queheeis in d\)% null its} l'r'3preS3nlL\tlV\. S demanded "better :4.-rrns" for their l rovinee'as the price inf their support pf the eircrmous gift to the C. l , R. Syndicate Of course Sir J)l1lIW.IS brouglit to yield, for with the Queliecemhelongiiig to both the political -parties, it is their religion lint. their Province next. End tiieir pnrty Lille- girrnee leat eiell, whereas with the Onta- riu Tories it in party first, party last, and partyell the time. This diflererice in uetiu secured to Quebec everything it eelm, whilst Ontario's riglila are serenely disregarded Ind ignored. Tire pmpoanl to eubsi lire local reilrruyr hnd evidently two end: to serve, if not more. It wee intended tn train people in the idea that ii lucal nreuurr-I were to be advanced the proper quart).-r at which to Apply was the Dominion Parliament and not the local. The Whale proceeding wen "evidently one of ayetemntized hulldnrlng Ind bribery, rand in spite of Mr. Blel(o'I alert: the [icy was carried out. "Indeed, nothing *1 throughout the passion lxeennrore evident Ilrrrn n determiired reselutiun to discredit `and break down the Federal uyeterunrnd to new ttieweylnr SirJolrn`e` pct scheme of Le.,risl:rtive uninir, With all the old troulrlus, cnrreessiuns, 4lLJ4llliL'lK8, . Cnnmlu'a dusting is tn fnll iuln tho arms I uf the United u I Q mu.-.5 Mr. Hlulgb. Slates; um! in ordnr to mukehia 1ro])lK-cycmna nun, ha [nude Sit Juhn Vuuhynultl (0 the skins, and be- A muslurly slruku of _ nulicv thnt. \ S liLtln-,sMr.lIlu , policy 3 IN the cm : ullegml to hm hm: wnltou hyAIcl1- hishup Lynch {in favor nf Mr. 1)rury s ulvctinn as M. `.1 . for East Simeon, in _ |z|ufm'e|ms to lJ;r. Sluvnn, II Cnlhnlic, Hus `, Mail ussnna that Mr,I)ruryiann 0r.r\ge man. Tlnihvlll bnaurprining mmto 1 . ' \ =----- F $310,000 granted by thus ` 1' Mn. Goldm Smith prnplmcics that I CpIIn\la|'43.du'sti!1p'~i`s fall iulq tho I hisbeen left till: more tmshl Nothing ha: been matters, (them n`_ short, the t'>\_1u:EvI;tH 1Ieteicbofet:7n- Q , ` Factory Actsan ed 1 uedhdsbeen till: 11 `vu refused." C Thr:sessionjusb D preeminence C : `. ` lIAm`o1iisaI.9c'demnn1ng better 1 team" Both "the political parties 3 hm agreed on an ultimatum of their n grievances to present to the Government. 3 BntSir.J-Jlm can nord, nnd does treat, a Manitoba with far less consideration than 5 he does Quebec, for Manitoba : ndveisu L1 d h vote caiinntsurinnaly nlfect the Govern- meut'a majority. . Imhumnnnndhnabeencharncteriaticfmm U Ozhar-.-Any pmon nr 0 tIx12ain1me}rIarinl. Thu 8:. Gnnrga'aBo- P"|["K "f=-`II nlbffflny I nluz7 In the 6th con. a zhn tewmhl ul Vuuprmvlli " cm'y.t mic mmmcmomwl mu (`fly in be praneculed ta (ha unnnnh 1- non! Iha luw. j qucsunn byn ovcnlggpnrmlnnml n lmmr J_ H. gAupm.;LL' M The Queen's, which my, d course, W mg] .u.,m p.,,..,_ u" ""{ fnughlcr of inuucgnlu nxuUn'll1uJsalIs6u ` ;;`4:::fi;;u;:yiqg tluougho} Imyonm ggll. BxronsJudgeGa1{tnt Osgooile Hall the other day a case was Ilgllll which in- volves the constitutionality of the Crooks Act in the matter of imprisonment. The quaalion was whether three sentences of imprisonment should run consecutively or concurrently. The jnLlge9- seemed to favor the contention that tho Provincial Legislature hm: the right to accumulate terms of imprisonment for ooncoa under the License Act, but reserved nal judg- ment} - Sm John Mncdmiahl certainly got aka var from the Province: the control ' gm liquor traic. Ilia Quehec him jninmi hnnds with their opponents in Q I r ` 1 ' {into hot miter hy his nitcnipts to 1 1 Q r `., resistinghismicnipisto deprive the Pm vincia of its right !o_deal with the lmic, undthey eppenr datcnnined to light it out nn that line. Mr. Nurquny, Premier of iiinnilohn. one of Sir John : lieuten- aomplelu atuto. _ The liuporl was than adopted. Thu lat Dc,IulyRrmve, as Chairman of Bonn! of Public Wnrka, ro- portod in fnvorof laying ncerlnrhlnck I! crowing on Eliznlmlln slnwt whnrc it L cumos a mm In ms nu-.urs wnun uvcn um , m|inlAngIn-Snxnn cn1H1nbenIinn\lglmv _ n withnpaculinr pride nf homo-a! that ' 'S:I~gIrIal,"the "Smoltho Empini." ] . lzlupurdonnbla peculinrityin nnynmn '1 t lochurlahalova ofcauntry, II ilona n . alljmnnhlnntlrnita nf human nhmclnr ` Tn latest niovament of the Irish ten- ant in tokefusepnyment of the xpeeiul taxes levied upon 'di!l!i\)L!\V1liUlI have been specially auhjeeted to the cuerfiou laws, and intended to defray the unmar- dinnry expenses for police and the like. The tax bills specify the nmeunt thus levied us a separate item,in nr-lertvohxing lEgiSlllUOII,Yl|liCh has been in force for same years, is much bettenulnpted to the circumstances nnd condition of tho people of that Pmvinco than is the Dominion Act. The name protest comes [rum very Province, so that, nltogotlncr, Sir John must havo mnnyn had qunrtefof an hour, [and allbecnuse of tho foulislnlmnsthe ` contml of llmiiquxorlrafn out of the and foulish lmnsl he madu in Toronto tlmt he would tukollm I hands oi "llmtlitllu tyrant, Mnwut." In V inking itoul nf the hands uf Mr. -Mowuz 5 ho had to take it out of the lmnds 01 his n own lriends in lhu othnr Provinces, ll crowing Eliznbclln \VhI'.|`L' it 1 interaeclsnrystrccl; that umlurs ha a - invitedtofurnishlumhrrfnrthu lumen! 1 venr. and also for ten coula of ct-,nInrsI1i!~ Manitoba, lieuten- ants, nlso takes the gnmml that the Do minion is mukingn snrious mistake in interfering with tho Provincial liquor lmva, nml asserts thnb")KmIitolvn s own HnInL-?5L. (ieormru May, we Iwnurlus connected with which nru enshrined in Hxojmnrlof uvery I'Iw,;lisI1Inun, wllercvnr circums|nnm~.~ Inns placml him. Ilmuy ruaaonnbly hr: r"| 0! lhoEnglihhlnnI1 llmH1n[smarn- vmopolitnn in hiann lionuldiapnaitiunllusn in lhpmn nluny othernnlian. But despite hiawunlnf nhmnislmmz an mnnv ncnnsimla. them ' has been ll`. hil place iu' the Home {net I1 is impossible in the limited space at . our comnnnd to more than briey narrate the various measures of extravnggnca and corruption thnt characterized the three in session of the Dominion Parlia- ment. which Ins brought to a close on Saturday lut. Porhepa, however, before discueaing thin mntten,it may bo ai well 'to mnindthe elector: of `this constitu- ency ot the lnctthat. during the three monthxheuicn just clot.-.Ll,Mr. McCarth`y nbout three we-alu altogether, the res of the time he hubeen attentlingta his hriels in Euglmd and elsewhere. It is min: to say that never belora in the history of my sellgoverning community has ii1'oml- ity been so ngmully disregmlod as it has been zluring the last three months. The vinuulxiltol thirty may million dollars to the Cqnaclx Pacific Railway Syndicate was the most important work of :1 st-nsion whicl. will lung he reriicnihennl for thus mischief clone. The ll Il C_:llQllEKl revolt of B1 Ina reu.urkn Irish tokefusepnyment < Ymiznnn was the mlnivcrsnry in mmmnmm-nnn nf Eu s ` `anon I ' President. Mr. L. S. Sanders, presidml \\'xI}(1s of .1 hundred guests sat down. on the occasion with mark ability nnd success. We lmve no sum in this issue T _..-.% _._ ....________. r upjllrst clnssatylc, and to which u 3' down. T r presidml , \Valm\'e spm-. 1n this nssue H 1 to givelho toasts, an-l muzt rcslon- a tent with inaextingtlm Iollowin; copy of 1 - the Address presented mliisllonur Judge Buys: rm. rm Ilmmr Jmlm mm 0/ the mm: of u'a;1Ll cnrlu-nilred fur Irinl. Bnil wsnanccopw ` to the nnmunl of 82.400, Langley in 81,200. ' and two nuru(lu.~10f.`000 uuch. [la in uluu I bound uver cu lump Lhu punuo. Pm at Lo! Na. 12, 1-ll}: cnuccninn, to ba Iolxl. Fiva acrcl, gnnd house nnnlorchurd, Ind a navarfnlnq w I Apply in Sunny Im/um, T on tlmlnna. mm menl, and zruat you may bu apaml to luml the nneroun duties appertaining to yaur pourlion as Judge, In common with tho mice of the community, we believe you are cap:-nially qualied to dinclamgc thn impormm. duf- its most faithful mud zexiloun mnmbr.-n.` Your ` punctnalntt/endancu ntcur mecliu 5, together 1 with the bemu we have derive {mm `our I counsel, in fully nppruinud by u:, nu wa C elmutly hope we may long be hnnured wnh " yourcountcnnncenmlsupport,anz|\\'cnincerely C 1 trultthaz our innportnllhlulies uill not du- E 12 ` yourlfxgnuxbinluip. . wl 0ct,7`tl1nx|-!8lIHn`rtheir Full Fnir:,thu I g {all exhibition of [M Aliimuu Ag-riculuxrnl 1 Society iaponpuund till Oct, 14th um] 15th 1 of which Secrelnrim of ml! other aociolica rihle loan of that sum to the rotten Ex- chnnga Bank, of Montreal, Another nliagrncrlui episode al tho session was the cowardly conrso purzued by SirJnhh Macilonnhl in relation to the Orange In corporation Bill. tha debate an which was remarkable for thuailenca oi SirJnhn maimla, who, it is known, distinctly promismln delagntion from tho Srrcietf Ihut this bill should pm, and the; ailence of Mr. lluwell, wlm haa heanraml Mas- tcrul lhn Association anil Grand Saver- cigri, nnrl owns his political nxlvuncem int cmiwly In his connection with thnt body. it was still more mnurlmhla for the mug- niliwnt spuecir Inmlc hy Mr Blake, slrwclr luurlm nml frank. nhie and states rnmlikc. Urangnnierr regunl Sir Juhu as I-.i~,u to his plwlges nmi rs traitor tr) lhuir cause, and tii0[ri1iJilunlv.I]risn lriscownr- dice. The" result of the llmlga nppr-cl case in tin: I ri\'y Cuuncil mtlrur tiI!|l1l.l ili- llxi Sir John r\lnc1nnuhl`a euiwrnrcs in rslurnlrw tdtlm Lie -use busi less. Thr-. Hul1enr:ll!|e\Vnr Ory'u"1mu-9 an: Tlmy iunnml fur him :1 hiuer p1|I : Ilaw.-lmu, he nu `ml, hut pity umvu 1'11 Isuu mu \V|`iluI' in lhu xluwu. Hu luld A purl, rlul lllunl. Eullcmll ; `I [In never xlru,,rgul up mphuua xmnwa, \ Nur luucllud pnur widows hunul L-lailm. Sn re rm (lid. nnnlhnr Ilmnghlj ['va gut it guw, tlus hm-inns: Imught; I'll nmlurlnko, tha In! In bury, Y f n f, }+:4);'S A`l4E:1`- l`_0Ll4Bh'l)ALX I _P_nrt_q! l2.,_l-II}: cnu_cennn,_to b A number of lhnfriumll of Mr. 11. S. ` Brnugl1um,ufllm SumhSnucuuNu\va,mul I ' at hiurunidunco lau-ly mu! prclumud nim ` will: an euuy chmr and n my lhmeriug axldruu, an Lukuna of their uatuum nnd nd~ ed {nrthu purpusu ui urgmlzing nn Agi cultural Humuty fur :\dj.||n lnwnalxip. All thu preliminary nrrum,renm1l|\vuru vsundg, and thulnauur is now bu,-{um (In: Uc[mI'l. muntu! Agriculture to [ma thruugh mu |imAl nln1,'r.-3." P 1 mimtiun lur him hulh nu n prixutu individ mal and n public juurumliut. II.'a not uflcn [hulalIu\ru|)I|1)ur|Ilhun1IOII0l'cIl. v. cow. mlmtuuuu nIu:|N:u|n:m. mg to ulher ymielien lmvin chown 7Lhnn-I BlIqlnrtIIe_i_r Ifnirf, rumdunco mu-Iy xmu pruuuuuu mm ll, un ilgned will insuuci Mpurcmser how 1;) mn|il:E:1u!'lg:S. Alan A cnmgu and quarter ucre lot for me chup. Apply to I THUS. LISTER, I'M! - Barrie. bevli Mills. in Apila 61 garrymindering aided inxnnigrulipxn, Ind pa declare " electors, - dimming up 111 . lion. I \ paaueulon bu bun_dinMnguhl:ed for vented \l.'nH;eniIunt and inrlyfmlbla dilated: ing. nesnol ` measures and m tormntlnn I! WM lndllwllibla to an an- be rlrlven by pu lightened eliscunion of their pzlhwl Certain cnpilulim cm, being du`~ musyhu relieved from such competition. d to be the holca of thsllotbwell When nah enpi Image to buy {mm the laborer they In: at be n`.Iu\ve|l to buy hum in review` of` the new the clneapeslnux rlut. Winn hborere go ha Glob: um-"AI usual !ho~ tobuy from capfsaliata-they must be pm- I) sump punnllieofmm I0 buy. _ True people, an n whole, mint pm rnu~lij:`:te`t`e`v`I In intrmllncing their he allowed to nmlfa the but panama ex- 'nging down web in- change ll|nyc1d for lhuirlnbor, but must nlliel to melts exchungel O! certain individllalu. Canadians nm rlinn rihxglng o `_ lllrlk nnha, n-Inn, mu! worry, nlngumul, [rur- `_ aimnmu, I1ulVy. 1.,.`.,.., um I ,, ml (L ccrlnr. nmuulnin nmhngwy, curly nluplu ) Mid pupllu`. DUN!` ,r ~ -or the- . p _ Licensed Victuallers uf Ham ,1 -\\`ill he held in- ` Bof/zwc//'5 /`/(I//, D//12/o-5!. r Ji .1 ` Tuesday, Zilkhjuil, ail P. M, 3 tr ,. urn Inuml in grant nuiuly and nhlmdrmcu nrar n lnrga purl nf lhu lnlo. Anlnng |hu nmru uaulul nnd iIn|mrlnnl nru nmrl, run, uunl, punt, lulu:-nunu, gu|:1,cuppcr, uilvnr, land, zinu, mi`.\, tin (\'..ry mum, dis- Wu lmvo MIBIIII men with zunnpnrminn gnmpnniuvr-m lloalnn, New Ynrk and d altimnru {or vary ohmp ram of pnmga 7: nmllruiyht. Forlpealn inltrmnlinn, cull nll lncnl ngunvn vhrnngh Ihv Konlhuru and New England 8 Mu, or ndinu .. .. . ........-p ' MR. A. G_._HODGE. SecrnLm' of the Train` Dan:-\'u|uuL Am. Y ` -- 5 . W. C. ROGERS, " Darrin, April 2,1831. SIc'y, Pro Tem. '{ Han. . ` M M `uuuru nuuan. "1 mu ,, Town of Barrie, ON TUESDAY. THE 10TH DAY OE JUNE. at 10 n`clm>k in nu: farcuhnu. of \\'Mr)\.1ll Roiv"L1:Y ' \v.n\ 1.":-HmgnrunnnflRUnnlnl|mr:- W Imuling nlnplu cmln. Thu Chixuenu hm ul.n\l,IInuviahcu lhrnugh uni the lhumn lm f n! Ilm Slut. Flux`, hump nlul jum grmr Kn pmfcc|i.,|'._ ml mum lm muln n paying m`o|I, Su.x.-Tho prm|uc|n uf KM: imhmry in ..ur lnlu nm oqunlin quality tu lhu Frunuln ncl I'u|inn pilk. I; To Wu`: ']uy',4amn1...nI.1. y Court :2! Geuelal Sgnsloua of tho Pam and " "COUNTY Comm: In and fur the Cnuutv at Simcnn. will 1.1: Imhl.-u 1'n`uinging down man in- c nrwun 1; lightened pxlimh q ,p0ul ID this nt tlm cluan mcessnlily luum ., i` iI1uuccnlunmI1'n'um 5. Mmn };ulu`yiq3_throxIgl1 o_I F ' 1m.'.mm.m5n. ` ' ' ` J tarI<`nr mum and n-xtcmlul peuliguca ace "V .1: lill . 1 "Eu! 5 . \\'II.LI;\.\IDU2\'l[.\.\I. ; rm` GHEATINDUCEMENTSTO ; HOME swans. . cmiuu ' ;Wlll Deliver an Addi-ass ! . lihmager Blake Immigration Bumu, J.\'0. T. PATIIICIK, E Imuon, N, O, I Customers e.\c|nim upun \`im\'ing our ixnmon.~n ported direct 1'm11 Itlnglnml, cousxszlng of every ;fEvERY LADY s1:1.pu1d see them before making her. Spfig purchases. ' 5 Sailing ! Sai1ing!! electors, Lie busi The liqlrpr lngislrrtion an the parlor the Ot- laivn nnthoriliea hns been at great party mistaken: the more candid COIlet3)`Vu- tires are hot slow in private to ucknow` ledge. It was conceived in miles nrnl carried out for purposes at mischief. so 7' that nn one can pity those who, meaning nnmryunee to others, have only aacnrell . humiliation Ind claieattatllainaelvee, The lhtlrwulleeendal hnppilyyul. to; en end, '5 .mlngh:atlnat triumphed in the llpn. Dnvlul oigarryminrlerlng partimn declared holqa | ferenre ` . that Mr, Ilrury in nu This W ll hnaurprining .\lr Drurylrin1snif,nmitn eve:y 01 l l_l, |l mun in the canhliluerrey. Tm: fulloivirfg ie the Tory creed an up plied telahoril The luborer and all wage-earnernrntint hoeuhjeeted not merely to the lullert nqnipvtition-lmm the whole world, but to competition intensied by imnrigrutinn, Certain cnpitnlim must he relinveil Whanrrch buyham I, BANKRUPT STOCK A A GRAND sUccI:ss,! Come and sefure Bargams! T.DUFF&co lAANKEUPT.sTocK:i r - , 2 ' Dzuzlop-S/., I: m-H1 . rippwitu (Izc ] ai1w(1_i/ SN/Iagz. 'wE HAVE NbWQN HAIT5. Jami EARLEEI. Inn Huul mum Mu Mm gnu. +mmn+m+UsuAL`HT AND wuyfe JUST BECAUSE New Goods `Wore mover sold so Cheap . 1n parrie. DREss%5g4pJFM;:aNTLE MAKING ` m-:1-. UNDER Yd._v_ My (Ire :1/um/, nml we know it! , And we ask why we should not be ulmmf Is Il1ex'e':xny utln-1' lmuse in H111`:-Io L'1'fu1I1> to lfuronu? ` ` ounmlnisruuk i V ' F mmnnm or _] A Elegant A Assartmen mm simma Goons :[ ls ll1Lx'e`:x'11)'u!lJ2\-1` huuse ll) m1I'x-w hub ;,1':u111>tox1 Av l(_\':m that 0 turopu. We nuswe1','_1VO / 3 ' 3 , Is thire nylt{)bhe1'?|go119e in B:m'iu th:1t`1'c:ci\'es nI1_ylhingI1e:11`l_\`so unuy goods as Cramp. on ' yun ` ` 18 were any other house in B:m'iu th11t`1'c:ci\'cs m1_yLl1ix:gue:11'l_\`so .ton ((2 Ryan ?' I The books ut'LLe N, A: N,\V, Rnilwn)' Cnmpnn)' s:1_v`1\ (); Is there any utber house in Bzwriu that cmics as large an .'Issortr11cnf.(5l Dry Goods M Crompton dc Ryan? 13 were utner house in Bmwu that c:u'r1cs large Fhe people nll `say NO . Then we nsk again why we should not hd nhvndf Yes, we me not only in llm`, position, bur.\ve intend to keep in if, ifmlinlile goods, low prices, nnd cuurttenus trvnttllvlxt, willjdo il. 105} we me not. only m II1u',pu.=,nxon, I)ur.\vc l[]l0I](I to keep 111 1f,il'mlin15le We have many lines ofgonds just now uu'u_\' down at such pricvs us; will surprise the cloqust luye1a- goods that have been houglnz cluic, uud nmrkod at such low prices us cununt fnil to mug in many new custonm-1>4`i 33 well :19 ramin ull the old ones. Our stock is complete in every depurtnlcnt, um Wu cnu !;u;1mutce you entire sntisfnctioll. Crompbon & Rya are Ahead again 1/ F1RsT:cLAsS mm mm m ... ` mun km`! A ` in um m `urn, mun zn nmum .1 u-. aux.` .. u-0-mu l.:1|.ULl|`I nrunn.n-- mm, T ..___ THE GOLDEN BEAVER. GROMPTON 8: RYAN, DIRECT IMPORTER