nfcol-J\me`rIorxnmyyum,mu1nimcqu.m.;4 1 In ordcr to reduce btock, pnor to mo_cx~1amng, and me arnval 01 Fall Imporlations, will offer Wm*"5%*5`3W"%*` IG DICSOUNTS om DRY G0ODS4PURBHASEDF0R FIFTEEN DAY COMMENCING THURSDAY, JULY l2TH lNST.,' _ ; 1. any x-cainlent we know 0!, r several; - ' i .u.. nnl u-an--u-nu-nu-unn- _ the deceased was Reeve of nw. an _ yum ago he was elected luu uf um L, County in which cnpwity he u. be ' O11 Sums of $5 and under, 10 per cent. On Sumeof $10 and under, 12: per cent. On Sums exceeding $10, 15 per cent. Trimmed Millinery at 20 per cent. THE ONLY EXCEPTIONS TO THE ABOVE WILL BE IN WHITE AND GREY OOTTONS. ViIII01I ` WE HAVE ALREADY MARKED 20 PER OENT B1I30W SPRING PRICES. ,. As there is no JUMBOISM about this sale, the public um roapecmllly invited to compare pricosboforo E: purchasing elsewhere. ` ; Curthy s Block, Dunlop-St..Bu1'rio. 'P` F_ AN, Importer VII Vulilwn--u-uz Seouro some of tho BB.I'gail1>8v.` ll liD AH! HIJW EIIMIHE` FIIHWAHD &WIl[B[ OPENED UP [N 6000 SHSHN. Our Mr. CROMPTON has Returedfr}}f}'V}Ah;`bIiih Land, having Visited EIg|and_,Alreland and ' k ~~-:--~Sc0tland in pursuit of {mud Value In Aulumn and Winter Dry ilinutls. GROMPTON & RYAN, - W ixibiii; Our Slogk %will be Style, L%`?'OUALl l`Y AND mum.` 'I'II/M` Inn l.`\'|.'n ..,\.-m _v_________'_____ ._-..__...., --_. 1 : \\ : are determined to make this the SA| E OF THE SEASON _'Y P3""]r- 'i".` r - V ware Department, u'e.w1ll o1Tcr the r . . n "0: beg to tender our tl1.-u1I(s to our many custonlcrs for 1 masons` trade we have had `during the Sununcr now closing, null wo Remombex-the date, JULY 215, and the piuco. F EWAN S. Mo. mm AUTUMN mm swser=i'i``e n:~v<= sen; x _0 @'QUALl l`Y AND \;Al.UE, TIIAT IIE [Or (lint it hm e\~:1' bowl our 1M PRELIMINARY NOT|CE. v . . . I Buyer l)el1a\'os that l1<:;uz1n my wllhuut (-xnqgv1`al1m1, -~- WILL aommnmc M: A ploxuuro to submit_ -m'mm ms ' s'T"R61iri~; Z i)61rivi:'LEI' EIGN OF THE UNIOQRN. BAERIE .'ing determined to givcup the Crockery and GI-W5` v would ihfonn them tlm ICVER B0l'(7II'IT! _` 2 the highly wltisfxlctor ___ _i____ __ _ V,__ ___ _ ___`... - _.-A-..a. v v ;.u.u U\l\I.L\ Uuullf our object being to make room for the Large Stock of OARPETS to arrive for Fall Trade. THOSE DESIRL\'G GUODS WILL NEVER HAVE A MORE FAVORABLE OPPORTUNITY TO PUROHASi*} THEM DURING OUR JULY`SALE. - All Goods marked in Plain Figures. I{.B.-No.Goods will be charged at Rarlucod Prices. ` ` T. DUFF & C0,, Sign of the Golden Fleece. U~\\'M| OHCT UIC ' ENTIRE STOCK AT PRICES THAT WILL SOON CLEAR: % Our nhinnr. hnimr tn mnlu mum cm. 61.. 'r...,.. an. . - Hlnnumn. ,,,_,,,, 7 -- --:. In ordcr reduce Stock, prior to Sto_ck-Taking. and the arrival of Fall Imporlations, =1-H733. DUFFEEO. ON OR ABOUT THE FIRST SEPTEMBER WE `WILL MOVE FROM OUR PRESENT PREMISES to THE STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY MR E. H. EDWARDS, AND IN ORDER TO MAKE THAT CHANGE AS EASY AB POSSIBLE,vWE' WILL ON VSATURD KY, 2151; JULY, COMMENCE A GRAND MOVING DISCOUNT SALE. THE STOCK 15 NOW VERY HEAVY, AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT RAPIDLY. WE WILL MAKE THE FOLLOWING REDUCTIONS : -4 ,0-JIII-I-I II`\J \lI-`I-l'|IIIlI \ll`II-I- i Millinery, Mantlea, ParasoT;'57ess Goods. Silks. Olothingv onnprrrs. RENMANTS. &c-. ` `ON SATURDAY. THE l4THV DAY JULY, I883. L. u..........' csmnnunv D. nnmnrnrr