L'umlm'llee uf lllc ~ . H , W `wu.-|us'rIIIMI3 r1bU1m:e I nurlh `oi the watclwshul; nud by rucuur J mend:-A that (In: upilniull 0! 11m Judirjul l Iivly (!{2|:x:cil.1ho|xlrl be c nhm...,I ' . 1 Ontario Denied Her V ' Rights. 2 Partizan Hate tog Liberal Province Manifgstei. ' { Umms Rzsars. JHIBnunmm man; AkeferenheiaArbitraIinJjRepndiaIe 1 and tu awn.-idc1nIu dkmnce c wat hm]; he . n 1h.4`Judiu'u1 1 .f 01.. D II "' 7 % Ierr1wia1 - ritury' were mlmi [ml inlu Ihe Union by an e Illlpulitl] Oulvr in-c'1ul1r,i|, dated 23rd 1 - June, 18,71), aubje-L to (he pruvisiuna ol the Bxili~|: Nur1hAnerimAu. Tlm0nle;-in- 1 cuunuildid mm: d gugxld not mks any y_ uqum mu: L121 11112 sum n 1, Ksecond jni lnddress an the name Iub- E F. I r e jectwn: ndupz [in lB60,Aud Sir George 2 Carrier and Um, Wm. Mmiuugall pm- e owl `J to Engl nd Iu pl'l';\1V.`hiV`ieW of lye n 0 Lelllers in the uflll-l'VUt,ull.|ll'lll aIin:n' up 11 mbtlliuu which ms: the country Int than A million of dollars. SQUAT EH5 ON THE sow Al mnml ini D .M..... ,.. oL. wuuld be.-an muter into my remn- nble Arrangx-u ant." He failed to gel Ihe territory hmudldaver to Canada on those tenm, but he wa:eedrd' in incurring the ill-will of the om[mny'a Agents, and o{ thu Lelllersin unh-\Vust,Aml in sIim'ng more m`iJliun 9 k Worth the m n1cuiih\'u known thnftrlllg coumry belu gcd to Canada and lhu (ha Cnuguliau ernmeutaud (:`unadinu mum lmdJur. lcu u (hemzmd that tho chief pruzumuu uf Ll1eHu5lsnn'a Easy Company nnd}hevnluI olghelr pvupegly, gmunely, than exclusl e nvhl of lmduug 111 that: regions, was one on-var? The company would only `ta_o glad thntatha Veaunlry vAL1.L)A :5_UpA.UlS ASSE TED. In mply to the Cnlnnisl Secre ary'a des- paugh, a minute nfcouncil wag: uuniued, nlauug nnouga; other things, hat the geugnl {eeliu re is slrungln that the warm: bouz: `of Cnnadn exlqndagtothe Pu.l'c0ceau;"l t!hcCuxnn1inepof(}uun- ` were moat tux ans that (`.'umdjAu inter- nal: should be properly l'Epl'r.S ed b.-{are [he proposed Committee at the I ouae; Lhgt niuuted Is Canada was, she neues`.-nrily had - In Imumlinlefuvezest In every pal-lion of British Norm America; and than the ques- tion ofjuriadiglion and title clnindud by the Hudson : Bay Company was Ca her of pamnuunLimDumum=. Tn. n.A:- u-regions, on I would 1 I should 1:: ha m 2 be run comp:my n '1 userlinglhe ( c{uI(l._ip II: I c Y71T;i`~'ie '11; E Wvrli: m E and Senate V1 gmciouzly lu` and Ihu . 0 U Dominion. Sn Mwlonnhll ex com mny, II: I I who]: . caun ry ,n:o.upany 1 After culfodernlion the claims to the S d tern-izury In 1 by me oh} Province nfCsn~ 9 azla wnliuu Al lobe mmle by the Dominion _ Guvcrmuen Sir Juhn Alnalunnlnl being 7 I I` STILL ASSFKTING CANAD .\ S RIGHTS E Arm (`H zfmh-nmvm sh. .L... H n.. - n:-2-in |_____Z___| 'fhe.'\bc-\'e s lll'e,"`b3.!l d upon a male o! 00,fl00 square mileslo lhn lnch, show M. II glnnca (ha rvlullve slziel or this four P-avlncns or Bvllish Columbia, Q1ehec,0nlurlo,`aml Manitoba ;`of1l:e Province oromuo with and u'il|1olxll1adispILLvd lmimry: and Inslly oflhc Province ofMani|ohn.a.: on|nrgrIl(\\`ill1alIl rlispulv-d lvrrilory). nnd wuhllne rlispulmi lcrrilory. . - ' Onlnriounrlcrlhe uwa rl, I97l0DO5I[Ilar(`ll1iit'5, or l7F:.000.000ucr-us, Ontario wllhoul um dl>pl|l1'i] lrir liar)`, IOUJVOD squats miles, or 64.000000 ucrus. Mnnilnhri as enlnrgnd by purl cl` tho rli.-Iuxled territory, II5,00U . . _ _ tho , ' I ll ' 00 square miles, or 'l2.l0,000 mas. Amaunl. uflumbcr ll] rlI~lrn:l JKMPJ lo .\lnt1ilolaz:2Kl|a(]x:l0,':)(Z1rl)l,'(.I0([J) {eI:`|(,\ I in Sl25,000,000. Loss per head Ullm people of Ontario frun limhar ulouu $0.1. Tomi loss In each rnlupoyurs uni less than 3301). An annual lax_ furmr on mail lnxpnyo; org]; \ acrns, .\lnuilobu wilhoul tiny nflhgulispulrrzllz-rrllor'. 115.000 squnre miles. or 736 0,D0il acres. Quchcc, '2|0,OD0{.v&\1arn milns. or ISHOI) 000 ncrus. Ilopudmllon nflha Wll|'!]I (l rlc-,1 riwzs Onlaria or 2. lwigllt oflnnrl. which guns I'onu olhsr rovince. 67,000 sqnurn miles. or .'l9,dll0.0(I0 acre. Aml MMSU Manitoba! Value ofuuis lumber to Unlin- 1e Min`:ter. In the rs: session 0? iament jUinLUd1]IE5 was nmellted '91-Mnjc Iy hy the House of Commons praying that she would be iouzly Jmed lu unite Rupert : Land Un\Vestcrn Territory [0 the Linian. Sn lillle vnlue did Sir John lpnnhl} en place upon the {Me of the . (1 .1 0 he urged the tmnsfer of the (1 m lu Culmdn, luving the ` right, exnepl the light of g` he title in the 1n:av.vvnylhey in Cnlmdinn _ouurta`. >>And W too thnttha eaunlry , forever? Tlngwmpauy f | dud IVE! VH2 Canada, and L mum OI nelneyment in Upper Cnunda, the quution us not Agni raised un`Iil tbetime Arrived for cgniider-1:} the renwal of the has: gnuted tu Ibe Oumpnuy iii 1:535. 'l1:ia was late in 1850, qlxtulhe Secrtnry of the Colonies informed the Govemrmeuernl of Ca-vndn that Her Majesty ; Gavzmnwnt had determined on. bnuging the whim]: subject llnderlheinveatigflluu at I cammiuee of the Home of Cmnuwnn ;nud .lIia`ExcPlleucy was instructed to ouneider with \ the advice of hi: Coundl, the question, Mnetlncr it might be desirable to send witnesses tn apglur before the Commit!/.-e,`or in any at er manner to cause the views of In: Government and the interests oft Canada to it rapreseuted there, ` ' mix 1 innlement to the Examiner ft Ion iluov ` u dour-uupt d as mu demunslraledhya mass of $vi(1enc r e which them appear: no danger nf'aver acting nvmome. ` K lean tho qncallol to ubimlion, And e 1:; fmpc _ha_umd u'_I.lIua.l uni} _:_on- u In 1376 bolh Gnvemmum agreed to ' of (ha Atlantic, On Novebu 7th the [x Froposillon of tin Dominion Government C urlnlerennou Her Majucly in Cuuucil n In: muwel, but no further negalintions h tuck plate until tho'uuiAo'n 0! lb. Mac. A keulie Ipaln. J` B 3 lima-2wmnu.-uded Li I wnn1emuggu- [7 *5 tion (hut should lb: Government of ' Clnndn dedino It nzgnthla for A non- vuntiunnl Jinn, Ih more satisfactory uy v of unlingtla quutiol would be I) Mfu- ! aucatonfkanmluian dlling on I in side '_v AItlnnlic,_ O3 Noyembu as statement ul awn for immediate refur- ence to the Judie-in! Cvvnmiueo of the Privy Council of England, with A View la settle (ha boundaries by I judgment or decision of thnttrihunal. On (Hut May the Ontario Govunmenziu reply mud that the Ielllcmeut of the quuliun `xlepended upon numerous _lL:|a, thu eviugucu A_ lL:la,'thu cvideucu All `Y to may ul which wu pmunblc onI{`| K in A`mgriu,_ |ud_1he wllqtliun o[ whim] ~ uywn mm, ID! mueucu All on} `I Y Ameriu, Ind the wllccliun of whim 1 wotd involve the upcndituru of much a E Lma-_2wm.nu.-qqed }u Ix In nmenlnnndum of In May, Sir John i Maulonnld uuzzestexlthnl the Government :1 n I of Onfario is invited to concur in the 5 cbip in the Nr:rIlx3X\ :t Teilarics. The peuyle 0! (he Unllml Pmviricex always nuimalned that they w-re the iurccsenrs of Fmuaein the Numb wt, and in the coun- try north of the water-shed to the Hudson : Bay. It was |lpol.I this ground that the North-\\'eslCumpany wnlr:-`led (he claims uf the Hudson's Bay Compan`, and mn- { w tinned to do sci until the disput by thier pnrtnenhip. unsettled. f sucazsrnm AND coumm suc- n GESTION. COMPARATIVE SIZES OF THE LARGER PROVINOES. x,|Ine-halfLgrcarL:r lhndn (!)n1arin{, Can _Sir - em: Ingevm an In ue c` we 1 7 I119 my thu_DntgIg p Ilsnlmu. 1 _ _ 1 nu eredandvhe argumema of counsel heard. Id The nrhilrnlnr: wera nppainled lo nd lhe true Ir nl limitg or Ihe Province, and their awardiieulnrea that they (ouud it. They did nut give advice, but they rrunuunccd ll lltitiizitl. On what prelrmcmiien ofreuon urjuaiicu can :5 denmnd he made [or re npcninglhu case? If the Guverqmnm of. Caxiadn do nut (eel lilCIll!Cii'r.I4 iu hunor and good faith lmuud by the Award which ha: ulrrndy been umde, Ontario has no rcuun to supp/no that they wauld not quile La readily repudiate any sulxaequem deaision. mnn Avvvvnwn 41` 'v r. ALLEGED nmo.w mu nmscrme 0 THE AWARD, '1 fun] Hui mm: uh no." This~nnderlakiu' to bu! dose" Ontario MM olspiecu wil the undcruxking lo buIlnlusu" .hu Huxl- aan u Ba}: Qumpnny ten or twelve yearn Loumlnriu, and no assured-clue Home that " lheuvcrunmnl ol that Pxuvincu Wuuld d cuulalomnxsquitzkly enough Jvhtnthay ' mllhe Thisynderlakixug v...... John Mncdonaldnvowed mi an ubjccl 0! I113 3 Billlhaliz wuulrl "campel Ihd Guvern- C men! 01 Ontnriu nutwinsist onthenwnrvlul n nuraapured-clue zhmc` tenliun H547 to give to nlm _PtuVluco lhu whulo [ml of country ea-mun! As In A: the meridional line claimed by thn Domin- [on (Juvunmenl to be lhcjmalerly Iimltol 0utArio,emhruclu I territory 39,000 nqnm milcuin nxlenl, w iuh had been duclmd lo buvpm 01 Ontario by Ihu award a! the Arlrilrnlurs. Ig|>tha lluusajul Cumuwnlir ..u..... d Ivx This action was followed up in the session h of 1881 by n Guvcrmucnl mmure unlaw- x- lngtha bouudnriesulbfnuitphn, Sir AIex- :1 I nurlur Campbell when inmduaingthuill w - lntha Senna plainly nmrmedlhnl 1hoin- I y te`nlun n unliltlhx uudcruxkin ` ON'l'ARIO. mm ml iwum. Am l97.00J Milan. Or 125,000, Aaron rllbedevelgp ant of her muurcaa,lhain1- E - $.;::':."i..`*&. .a:;:;::*.s:*e::_ . iI how to neck. ` That wn have, and mnstwntinue tuhnvc In b tariff ruled, and u Euglnndh abjecl, in I AI trade negolialiona,_iAlo prmumle nntiuxu S` to abolish Iarilfs, Ind nwpl the principlea! A " lrealmde, uur poailinn is antagonistic lu I` . ... .. . .` . E K L` hwpi E I` ham, and that in dealing with a pm!.eclion- I} m. nation yo should be Able to Ine_:L_the_In ` no and resources of ennhnousexteut. I to That our oailionu the neighbor of a 1). pnwarful Aug kindred pen '|B, with 3,000 x milecoloontarmirmnaboun nry,necu5snrily )f Brought In into the most intimate rulntiuns `y with Ihu Uuized States, and that in nllmub 1 Ian uuxiningto |hoso relations we wen: the` cjuulgna of what we wnlmd. That our mnrilixue lnlercstzs, and our lhe'Be<:c judges manufacturing, lumbering, ngriculuxrnl, and shing inlumau are largely devel~ oped; that Aw new central um I` own_lmdn, s_nd impusn such dutia as g development, in fnmifinrily with tfm prin-I ciflu nndprncllcu of self gavernmcnt, in u; at frelinnce, and ability to mnnngn herown affair, and that she) pasaesaml A VMI mu ; of ennrmuglsexlwti 1, . uolunlru ms Iowanla ma lfedemhve If.-I< g tem,wilh constant] cnlar iug powers of la a:l![,;ovemment,nn that humla, wnxtha l masznnlvnnced of an colony in olilicnl 1; {mi inrily he prin- n ciplu _a.nd`pmcH_c guvernrg1cnt,in[ nu unwnv HUI V"|-l lll(2Q|h`,Cn'I [iV3 b1J|.luEi1fnP- 4; l 1 y ' enter h An a cut or r: mentaliro of s ` Treatle. Clmtll,{n|0([lIB1luUmm||llIliDn wida any "3 ` ` Brhiah posscaaian nr Foreign Sums for the 1' purpose al negolintillg oununcruin[nrrang- I 3 menu, lending in the advnnuxgu of (hnndn, . In: I o '01- Mr or I n 5111:`- U: 0 H 51! AWL 1552' Mr` nhk\:l`ll1uJ1:c: 01-Tvam! (hCcal arPi:l Iuent l:>!Ca;1mln it moved {ha ruah}li,on In the House 0! Com-]Wnmmy ML A I monI,wh!chi|gxven below: `Inlhn mum Th mum) "uh". Nays. YE u 1 { 5 `!'1` d `".`""`1"R"h M n 101. Six Governlncmvuppnrlens vutud far 8 5` Pmmd W` m {".w"'K m,`"r:l)Iu rasolutian Vi]. Glruunnl (Jacques '1 5 'iKn "`l"."."' "1 k."'R, l.hlCMlinr| Iloudry Ouilgiet Smmml, l)c(,`o:- 5` Ioumoalrvnlbu pnnclple E.lnhV`l('dlInV|(. I mound Mwauvbmll. r ml n _I`hut tho drillog aycnlgm all Unmh ., IMLEI ,......u.=.4.y. J ' THE dnssrlou RAISED am. 2 As the Territories lay fu .yond the limits of aeltlgpent in Upper Canada, nougai `Arrived 54 h a II B C II The Right Sr Canada. g to make her own " Treaties. : tllmolion should be I mnrked man in his 0 wt canniluenny; he should ho [egnrdc-llmnln ` 1 enemy of hi: Province, and houhnuld v V receive I! (ha lundd of lha peoylo an Z onemnawnrd. o rccaiv} lm enemy : murd. 1| ` 11: any or mother, but whether aha shall be u Supoiicd of half her territory--of A com ti try rich in mineral nud farm wcal(h,which In my he to her Guvcrnmun: A source of K revennn {or Iii lima. Tim! is n largo con` cl uideration Io pny forth: duuhlful gain of W defeating Mr. )(owAI n `G-nernrneut, and pi grnlifyirn the hatred of Sir Juhh` ti imlonad And his Qunbrc nlliw Every pl U within IIa;.'ba}dan. It is not Excrcly is - whclharlhaeProvincaahnllberulgdbyone c gnrly`9r_nnp_:hg{,_butwhether to an immediate di diplunatic xclniunu. " AS AN omxuuo ISSUE, ; - Hm boundary qucsllan concerns every man [1 I Ila` an. Il__Ia_ nu_I_1_ncrcly A `E ' snhl duties ahuuld be nIl|L'!Ilcd an M lu re- ` ` duo: the man! uuntiun on the masses, and, ( " loxnukeitmuro ncnrly pmpurtiunata with I `I; that levied nu xlm riuh. I H `"'ilIIu rasolutian, vim, (`}lI:uunr R [Cartier] IIOulv, Ouimet, A; mum1d5Ic|)augn|l. ,5` ll : Tho Paar pay Higher man than E the Rich. 1` I no me evlncnw was vulmninn a nwlizlcentllnuse limits lnimin 1hat1hebmmd- w 1 p 1 , : E elapse arylme wu very dxlfcreuz [mm tha on A1 mlnion Ouvurnmn I: M, u Commluioa us 0` u Ieued lhnl A lungfme mum o I -` mcoulub had. Acw1d- dl.-und by lb: ,1}: ,lbI GDVIHJIIOII in I upon i immmia Duties Upon Caltunsaml Woullena. , V --w xii ur may expect diuinct lmde. m Tim tho onmplicnliuna and :lulnyn'in- Id volvml in llm ralmnce Io Illa Ikpnrunenly .11 u! the Uuvurmnenl ofthu United Kin dom ofyuiuunrising in the come 0! un u nu- gnuuliona enhances the dilllcllllims of (hr auunlion, nud diminish Lhuclmucc: nf uuc~ cw;amlhava already resu|lal in lo lu Cnnml _ U _ Qnnndn. That his expedient to oblnln nll uncen- L nary powers to cnahle Her Majesty, lhruugh hcrropmaculnlive the Gqvernur General of Canada, ncting y and with tho ndviw of lhcQunen a I r_ivy Cuuutil fnr-Cnnm1A,lo hf nnv agent rapmentalivo Caxnmhn, capccinlly as rclnlea In France. , g That the cumlitiona of Canada, Ind u ayemm on which her duties olualonuhnvc bean, and are now imuascd, var widely [ rm from thosu exialenliu the United lug-luxu, ly and opuuln the basin and ncgalinliun oi as Wm mcrvinl an-nngemunu with nthnrlaler ur Brjtiah l0&'Il5.\!iul|B, viuwn and cunidm- n- liohs which do not apply In the mac 0] , or :11 lmrmonizu wilhthc policy of tho Uxmod Jl Kingrlom; which it iuliiclxlz (0! (ho Gavv 14 crnmen: of the Unilul xxlgnlmn to ad- lf vnncc; and which am ha ha! realitcd-and F` I presented bylho (mvcrmnent, of Onnmln G 01, through: negolintur umncdhy her furlhv ,1! V purpose ofpruvhlingacpamlutrmlucunvun- 111 A tiona wilhwumrics, with which Canhdn hm, hh is It! I: That` :lehxs'n'in- h . pucunl. Tlncelucknflhia ounpnnyu , mm. M, uqnnl to em nn g ml: slmui the nciuul main nluck nriginally r inveslu-l. ' . The discussion upnn (ha mnlinn Llenrly _ proved lhnlllm duties-upon cnuona nml woullcua Mn unequally dislrihulenl and hop: harshly and cruelly upon lhu am. The plan of I|lCl`Aeil) C!IIInl)lbBII1i.iE`[|1, fur we hnvualnrgu nurplna revenue. Thu onl- Ion Innn_I|fncu|re_rA _ma ngl ex lm} In llxo i mnnI|{nc11|rerA'_Ina nnl emillmlln L incremd pmleclinn nminlyul the nxpenaa :1 of the poor and the-nxiddla clnasu, (or their prols wnm high enough he1'orethnlu|ia: wmnmml null Ma nnw ononuomly nml ' -' v - . .: the rare n! A gr: Aim: n|T`rling III: M. Iuuua :1 the mpulaunn nf ('4uwln,anrl m |hn imam! o jmlicu and [air play it- uhuuld hnvu been gunlerl wnlmuta dis naming vniu. ll wu njoctod In HMO! WW1-M Yusllua "5 . nfutpuily. The Ilonhelngfmill hnd a unpilal of $400,000 in 1878. Thu alqck hm Iince been wnlag by_ e:l.hin_l lhn `original ' [nuulu lest than 10 per cent. that year. Sincathu change in the tariff Ctmmlinn mltan mills httve mmlc pruhu Au uuurmuui that the nltclnplin many instances hm IJUIETI mnxleta canml the ,un.)uuI by waluting It iswell known that Old Canada had nluyi dispului the pretensions of the Hud>an aBny Cumpany of right of owner- ship in Nunlx~We.~t peuyle 0!` always bucn mnxle ta Itock anl nnplying muingu W onlnrgnmont nf capacity. ' our cullun milh such mn`.m'ival in lrmla ` WM me lo hring, they (lit! no:.neo mlzli~ liunnl pn_)le;liun. The Hucl1c|ngn mill mmlu 27 per mm. upon iumnpiul in M78, nml il ) 1|al:5'jve noun u! nu`: mllnn mill: ) 1|a`h`uliuVs HISL I3! uur n immlu that I chanue Cnnml Funds \\'D\l1(l. lm\"a paid under the old with I! Cnnmlinn cuna_ulnuw, lharefuro, paid in lhe scal year IRELH 8l,IJ0l,|}20 ll|4vl B fur inqlnrlml couanauurl woullun Rough Llmi. wuuhl huvu henn pnial unrlurtbu pruvium Iariff And in nrhlilion paid a sum exceeding the ilxcrmul duties. fur inmrmxsml cost n Cnnmlinn cation: and Wnolluns duo Ru tho 1 enablu the Canadian Innxnufnclurur to secure 9 the min; and to effect lhis n alight concur I aian only is uwnsnry. v V `Want of [pace prcvenla entering mun` Ergclyinlupmof of mnmlnl advance of uricegtn Cnnndn. Tlm nbavu, llochulngn uni Vnlluyuhl quolnlinnn, of grey and |>Ienclxedwllun: W nerve ujlluslminn Iml A careful cdxnparison of ll1n.prjt/.-so has vnrivun rmleaol Cnnmlian gm canon: vhmvn llml tin Average incrumn 0 price ax Lhu mills between December 31st, I879, Ind Ducuulnur (Hut, 1881, in 14 uer cent, while the incmau ufduly upon J: gamls nmouulnm 12; percun`. Itiubunrd _lo tnlk nhuuz the iucunsu in lhq [grill n vunu clw nl _ ` J to ifxcrcasu tho laril! hnviug up elfwl upon tho price of Can- - Iulinn guada, fur tho fuck uluiformly Ilmw I nunCnnmlinnguodanrgsolljusH`nrenuuuh I umlurllxu am of lhu iuxponul nrliclu In u n We will ncxnnku twogrndua of VI " `eld blunclmi cou_onu, again nlociinl I I 1 bmull mm largely -camuuwl: `. ,1 We will n: A Jlochulugn gr? 1` }ucd,_1u nu evin an lake the two I gm lcouanu most ex used, M cnco of tho ahnrp n in [men since (he duliu wcm rain 291- mm to cna'n1:pnm'* Territory. j J . e '1'hcoo"[nalnn\~c9:will Iuffxco to ahow that tho market Ahmad fur wnim good has ;, bcululwlyduriugltenbovu period. Dur- ll mgml same period thereghu bmau I . |IIIIl|.`fialI1dVAnD0in tho price ofCanndinn I Wu will next We theuatatiom of ` Finlnyt Co. in Jq1`ahi1-tings: aw m vinnugh hefore iha nlu|ia: ml Llylnigh. Thu nnmuI1nm_l1u_kml far nlomestic noona. brand: of grcylcouanu cxlemivaly Inuuuy, I u Duccmbcr, 1871 March, 1870. August, 1881. hm of re cxlenaivafy vinnnco inc:-ma rnisud: