.u HOS. D. )Ic'C0.\'KEY} SHERIFF CJUNTY "F 51.205" (1113:: m the tour! How, am. on: zxuxltrllcux (mu prv.-asuu net wt nu una- War ;. "l didn't. .=a_Vllmtl1c would commcncs . nn n`cliun. Ionly said he very likely would. How can I tell what he'd do un- How I tell what he'd do uu-in der such circuurstanues. IIe1nigbzcum~ p mitsuicidc, or n lxupdrcd other things. Ilhink he's vcrysensitivc. But nhout av unu-ryinglnim against your will, I repeat 1 Vwlmt Isnixl l;efurc,fullow the bentofyour ixrclilmliom, nml iI you disrcgurLl1nyml~ c1 \'icc,yo;11m\'v.- only yoursplf to blmnu for UN: crm=uq\1cncI:s." -j--1-:- lum that on reectxon I could noi couscn wnser, than hisneighbon mo whit Ind Icmionsl_\' become his wife 1" become of her. ' emionsly wife?" become her. Wlmt will he s.iy\vhr.-n you're engaged A few days alter tho couvcmlion re r to he marrienltolximl Why, he'd any cordetl between Romeo and Augnatmhcx Llmtyou tritlvd with his feellng9slmmc- aunt C0nClll(lCLl to visit her hmther, the P " full_v,aml very ll'elv cuter nu nctionlurl of Clni-xuout,ut hinmt knowuua h l:1guiI1sl_\'oI.l for lJIl`CU.'llO promise of mar-`Clarmont Castle, in the Countyof Cork. M riugc, ' A trip to Ixelandwzls always looked lol'- '1' Oh! would hc,Aun `said Augitstahxrurdto with grcatpleaiure by the old at , lnugliinguloutl; then 'ou llmvatopay1l.1dy,whohndliersclf rstaaen the light 41 llm\lnIn.'Ige.=. Itliouglititwnsonlylhe in that delightful kingdom, whoso pride Kl huly that SllELl'1llC gentleman, but it is the shamrock and whose weapon iathe Pl seems that the gentleman sometimes nuns shiluln; and as Augusta had never been the lmly." Then clmngiug hcrtona she them, the proposed visit hntl for her all `m ll: "Auut,if he`: man like tlmt, you the churn) of novelty` Morcovcritxruuld .. One Dollar Pe Anngm, Strictly in Advance. editors am engaged in their usual om- ployniant--tlic iiaccssary tlutiarol tho st-asnii~liglili1ig their moniing fire! with shoals of foulscap covered over with fool- jsli Spring Poetry." How natural itiz forsoniu to grow "poetical" junta: Ilia llllll, dale-3 anllforaals becoma clad in liv- ing verdnra, nnd tlia bir\1nl)(-gin the name old tune again. I . - Iuonsiduritcorrocl to saytlml I saw aoma swallows uttering about yesterday in the afternoon zepliyns and aunliaaina. Tlia robin: imloctl lmvo been here for "' here {or ` sometime` Ayoung]nL1y\vho has nu `; interest in nnmplusugnr bush Anya iaho , saw mum nnnkeun few nlny5`ngo-(lw gst n` anukca of {ho SMEOII. Suvml bnyawhoau - akntcu urn pnckud away for the next lime ,4 lmvulwcn xmenpnddling their mum: in Q] gnllnm. slyln on tlnu pond, which shows Lhnttlmiuo in dinalvcll. The feathered E noxlgdtera sing nsuaunl after Hm gxncionc [1 style. 'I`|n!&c nm ixidulltablo uvidunccaol upring. A ` 1` um. u; um uAAaImAn- - Spring has: come. Ituvunlly com: I; about this limo of the year no nmuer In wlmttlmweatherprophnlnnny. Thuail `1 hum been for the last twenty years to my certain knowlmlge, And now many local ` usual .1 ll lrelnnd too; V 71 Ir `fI)o you know," sanlhe. "1'vo never ,, l~ croisedtlxo clmnnclycH ll wr `l.\'cverbocn on the conllncnll" ll .\'o, never onllidn ol England. l`\'c 1` `c nlwnys been nlmid of the sen. `[1 Well. if vou're nlmid of the sea. 1 \\'c1l,if you're sea, 1- \\'ouldn`t ndviac you to venture I va_\'Agu H to lrulrmd.` 'You`l be dreudfullysemiick, 6 1 know," said Augusta ;- l{you`d likuto come, observed the I I` I M l!you`dlikuto ' mmt, who was within hearing uf the con- \'cr. l have no doubt my brother would be very lmppy to no you, Mr. Scy- xuour." ' . H t Uh!(hm1kyou,tlmnkyou.yourlmly- ': `r lhi])`B vurykiml. luhouldliketo govcry :1 :1 much." some attentions and insipid love-making of Mr. Seymour-hut only for a monthl and than the aiiuddurcd to think tint her \\'m1dinginyimd been fixed. Hr. Sey- mour wns ruguinriy invited to dinunr two or three time! in week, andltugstn had in- vnrinblyto take his mm from tlmlrawing room untliistcn and reply to his dreary i~ platitudes. 3. When ire iietml of the projected trip ho platitudes. V oftha projected iripho I suddenlythought he would like to 3010 I `Z Irclgnd 1-` u novelty` Morcovcyitxruuld ; > ,.be an ugrecnbln escape from the trouble 1 u nttentionsnnd love-making l (Tu be contiuuzd.) x: from the trouble m sipid fl >n1y fora I` -NO 1'1 and nppmntly to lho nlhlnclion dl um? lumen. Ana iu nupu-lorily in I||X1)l|IC|` All would be ugmd. I. (`LBJ I ..,..... Chinuulco Mon-in of the Iriuh benvh _ Ind Fuller Hon! , A wall-lmovmbnblin cl upril, dined lugnlbor. bon racanlzur Ill 0 dhruv`I_ln|I,'1 un`id't}{u "An (ha cumin 1,, , U, , r..,:_, cnn-into dhruw nlf," Mid thu Jud o deaarlhlng I wedding ha hnd nt un M`, ``I thmv mo uulclnhoo nllhu it." "Whit npily It nun ! your brvyme, Judge," hid (ha prim, uiutl. Tho !a)nom,`nr lnlnmuun, Jud oqioogg, who wu numixr ally of the nun penunicn, laid in Fnthor manly : hnrinu, .1! Um nunm I'll hm to change my rnliulun--I |l hnvo !nl7ocmnanProln-um!" I! you uhnnqo M. I, Jud " LII-`nlhur_Henly, "vv_o|:]dI}jt " I-)l7ocmnanProlnn unt!" Ilynu Judge," nhl I-`Alhur Holly, "wouldn't 0 nbobnmr hr ynn la baoomo n Cnmliu it noncol" " (ha Inn 01 am: of mu princul who III rim 5 omrl to Uhumr {or hit Ilnro in lhn ro- :1 {union of 1800. Thaobnun mioun illneu , In Dncambor lut cnunud norm of hi: nour- J tlarn to out nhoullar n nuccanarin lhu even! 01 the Klngidonh. Tholrchoicn E 1cll_ an II1o_yu}Ing pri_ncu nafurrmlto, but, mg. In I recon! leclum below lha "Civil And B Mouhmicnl Enginaarf Society," Prnf. Kurr uld that human being! who work In bud Ilmolphoro oflcn livo as long u (how undo: lmnlthlur camlitiom, but A! I! very low club ' nl viulixy. Whnn n vanlilnlor wu put lnlo A certain vilnly xnnlilnlod vol-kronm - thagirlnbmmo lively imloul cl rumin- ing dull, and, like Olivur "ulwd for _ n_1ox-o.`" Tholrjppulllnl haul Anlxuorunnwl New York remnant: would be gmtly improved by Idnpling lhu lonlibia Parisian plan 01 (iii lining with rpm. Nut truly do thoie mu ucumulnu dunk, and bo- cdma hegrimnd b dripping: (mm din at, but the doubio Ihn lnbur ol wnilan, inumnuh In I o perpolunl tramp uvnr cnrpnll in drudfully trying to the leak. Ono or two lint chm romurnnla have ol late Adopted tho hm-oor nyatum, and ul um- h_w_mo {Ana ixg in mixture with tlm " 3. u The King 0! Ilnrmnh hu Ilill In lnulin- Ma {him [or blood, hil on Victim bolug 1` 1hn_Io_n 01 o_n_o of lb`: I why If: mocha: of Own Wildogwzilu: "No :1 mm rnlurm [mm America lap] to mon- uchy. On the: conlrnry, he hughilo Icnru tho old bvndxol Iurvllo Ieudnllnm, with all in Iupnnlitinnl of dug wuuhip, Ind hi: opinionl soon nin many follolrorl. Tho American Eng old: tho plus of honor It All rnpulnfomonnlruionl in Inland. and in n unt granted with omhuniutiu chum. whilot Mug 0! Engl(Whero noon," ' . ~ ~\/' ' The Eutm Railway Cumpnny of Fmuro `bu junk mndm new any m the :ppl2'cn- tion of alnclricit . A mm o ui wiih lhd molt rocr.-my nnd impmvgd Paxfcirrieul nppmhn procondud from Pu-in to Only. ho cmingoa wore aonnoalod by uleclrin communiouhonn, tho brake: naked by clac- , trinity, and I" tha compmmonu of tho- lhirluon cnrringuo comp mug the (rain warn Iighusd-by electric lnmpl. Tho mull: nl lha oxporinfent ware complululy unlinke- lury. AND COUNTY bF S1Mu'0E ADVOCATE. mu-m-.m' tlnmmhnun .mT 1. A prorninnne New Ygrk piclum duler, '2, now in Pnril, write: hum: `Thu Paris w picture mukec la ll. pmnnc com lataly Itgjppod of walks of the highmk or er. I '5 have been hora ten dnyl, Ind Ihnn nnt 5- Mon A Iinglo painting by Din. Carat, r- Troyap, Dnubign1,~_Mil1eI, or Rounuun id oqlul to thou whjch I have purchmd lg during tho Int {ow yam. I Am lolcl on [6 good nullwrity that on n! chuico` he pictum will nnl IulI_ cm At any price." _ Indy Wilda-(Spornnu), lhn pnlrintiu "ho [rink- mp rnyxrnp Cigr._ I`11evI4. $C"1ea.r n`\r`1`r.n\' \r L LeCLEAR, `BARIUE, ox'1`A`1 APRILW13 1882` Cut this out and take 1: fo yalu Dmggist amlgot M0 can! sample, ` om lurgebottle for 75 cents, mm H 1011 iounzeizzlxbarabouti Tg BRITISH FREEQOM AND COLONIAL RIGHTS. Tlzy mug lull nll her almwcr nml her nun, \v Nay, let not us such l0l$JWfIll zribuu: bring. Now me my lurk-like soul mu. taken wing; ,. A grateful ml-Iuury lls and morn qmlears The nllnucq when a binl lmn erased to sing. ll