Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1922, p. 6

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__, , ,,, .. ..--.. -CCCV " 71-JONALD Ro's's', Executox-s` Solicitor, -Barrie, Ontario. DATED May 16th. 1922. 20-220 NOTICE TO CREDITOBS NOTICE is hereby given` pursuant to the 'l`rustee.Act that all rsons having claims qainst the Estate 0 Noah Gilchrist, late of the Town of Biarrie, in the County of Emcee, retired farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of April, 1922, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned or or before the 5th day of June, 1922, after which date the Executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for ne assets of said estate whose" claims shall not then have been received. I\fx\v A 1 cu -AA-.. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Robert Collins, late of the Townahi of Vespra, in the Coun-` ty of Simcoe, armer, deceased, whodied on or about the 5th day of April, 1922, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned or or before the 5th day of June, 1922, after which date the Executor: will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regardonly to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claim shall i not then -have been received. DONALD ROSS, mvnnu anng ' .QA"n= GA- A NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that -all persons having. claims against the Estate of Gilbert McArthur, late of the Township of Oro, in the Coun- ty of Simcoe, farmer,` deceased, whotdied on or about the 7th day of March, 1922, -A are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the ,5th day of June, 1922, after which dates the Executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claim shall not then have been received. r DONALD ROSS, Executor-s` Solicitor, Barrie, Ontario. , nA'_1'i3n May mu. 1922. 20-22c 4 WIVGL DONALD, ROSS, V Executors Solicitor,- A Barrie, Ontatio. Dated May 29, 1922. 22-24c Iullll U1 DUIIUUU, IHCIIIUT, UCUUKCU, WLIU A `on or aboutthe 13th day of May. 1922, are requested to send particulars ,'or. claims to the undersignedvon or be- zione the 17th day of June, 1922, after which date the Executors will distribute e assets of the estate amongthose en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have no- tice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for the aseta of said estate whose claim shall not then have been re- ooived. `l'\f\\Y A Y I\ `DIXQQ NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee.Act that all persons having claims ~Qainst the lktate of- Joseph A. Mchlaster, late of the Township of Essa, in the Oounty of Simcoe, farmer", deceased, who -M An new chant Hus Iflfh (lav A` nu Mow-ace SE ' .1;Iw.i?:'XANw+Blit' 'b'63s3AN. `l:\..----L-__I (I ,1! I. NOTICE TO CREDITORS UV! Barrie UUIIU line At the conclusion of the session the it- inerary is by train to Seattle, where the Canadian National Steamship the Prince Rupert" will be taken June 22 for the 800-mile_ sail -through the famous inside passage of the North Pacic Coast, visit- ing Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Ru- pert en route. From Prince Rupert the trip will be continued east over the lines of the Canadian National Railways through Mmmf. `Rnllnn and Jnnnnr Dun-lm often- 1o\IeL`oUlnK7c, WUIUH I5 UU HUI I-H Dull Francisco, week of June 12, will leave New York on the evening of May 30. Their westbound itinerary is through the Southern States`, arriving San Francisco; ` June 11. AL AL. ...._-l..-2-_ -1 1.1.- _.-._.. LL- :4. 9"'i:1 ` 1'Zc`""w.~'Jm",$1e""i% i;;n'mage .;.., the _48th Annual Imperial `Council Session, A. A.O.N.M.S., which is to be held in San wInnn:nnA titan`) A` `nun V 1 0 civil` `Anita UIUUUAI l.IIuIlWDJ, LUIUIILU VIIWII IJWU llll` portant, bodies of Shriners and Rotarians from the United States would visit Can- ada; travelling by the Canadian National, during the month of June. '1-no Anna 'l"nvnn`n Dow:vv'\nun Inn `kn Toronto, May 29,.---It was announced today at headquarters of the Passenger Traic Department `of the Canadian [Na- tional Railways, Toronto, that two im- unnrl-nnf kn:-nu: nf Q"|IU:IIAI` on!` nnfonna V III UUBUIIIIJIIIE ILUIIIU aunuuuuulga. All competitors are discouraged from copying pieces out of books and the awards. will -be made in each province by the Can- adian Forestry Association according to the general intelligence of the answers and the diligence shown in investigating local con- ditions. uevelopeu. - _ For the child living on the prairie, the task is given of describing any shelter belts of trees about local farms and their bene- cial eect in stopping the drifting of the soil, saving the crops from being blown out by gales. In. these prairie esays also some attention will be given to the value of trees in beautifying -home surroundings. nnvnnnfdl-nun nun I`-:anlII.-noun!` `autumn SHRINERS AND ROTARIANS FROM UNITED STATES VISIT _0QNADA tun uuuuu out: use Ul WUUU In line running of a Canadian farm with answers to a ser- ies of questions regarding the wood-lots or bushe-Iota in the district , whether they` are A better or poorer than twenty years ago an `inn: n I41!-`Irina 1unn1l_l.AC- I\I\ n Canon -nan Ln .Luxv.I.I.ID;-.I.U`7o 01 me PUYODMFO money to be paid at the time of able and the bal- ance to be paxd within thirty (30) days thereafter. . I3-.. l.._:.L-.. .._..L!--_I- _ n u . . - UUUUUI VI lJ\IUI'Ul UIIGII IJWUIIDJ ylf USU n how a thriving wood-lot on -a farm may be developed. Far Hm nhrl vino rm I-.1vm ru-nil-in tins Pl CIIIIXI Full particulars of the competition will be sent to every school teacher in the Dom-3 inion and replies ehouldbe in the hands ` of the Canadian `Forestry Association, Ot- , tawa, not later th-an Nov. 1st. The school -boy or girl living in the vill- age, town or city, far removed from the forest, is asked to tell of the importance of shade trees along the streets and in the parks, the service they render in human betterment -and what species -have been found to thrive -best in the particular com- munity. _ Children living in -a community close to the forest; or where wood-using industries such as lumber or rpulpand paper mills are located are asked to describe the value of -.._._I-_-_. -._L _.. J H... t.......e .. .. ......__- ..: cuwwvu cue ualuzu I/U utacrrue we value 01 the forest as 9. source of employment and the great importance of preventing forest rm m l'l.1e child living on a farm is asked to tell about the use of wood in the running nf n nnnmnn fnrm uth nnnumna fn n amp- uunuu upvu Iuuzu vuuuiuuns. The object of the competition is to stim- ulate study and enquiry as to the forest resources of Canada and their protection against the devastation of fire; the plant- ing of trees on ufban streets; the establish-, ing and improving of farm wood-lots; and the developing of tree planting on the bare prairies. ` Dull ......L:....I...... -2 4.1.- _-_.__r2u_,, , -n The Canadian Forestry Association has announced a prize essay competition for the schoolchildren of Canada, whereby re- wards of 825, $15 -and $10 will be given in each of the nine provinces to those writ- ing` the most intelligent esays dealing with some` phase of forestry or tree planting based upon local conditions. 'l`1m .-'.k:...a 1|: 4|... -...._..._u.:;:-_ :_ L- ,1! CASH PR1zEs*oF1-1:R1D FOR FORESTRY ESSAYS Ill IJLIU IUDUIUQ ` `The party motored up from Barrie and returned that same night, though inclem- ent weather undoubtedly made the trip a not altogether pleasant one; . - W U! lull Ul UIUH IIIUII o The choruses were all strong and of ad- mirable uniformity. Sills` ne .orcl1estra with Miss K. Palling ae pianist accom- panitgdoloists and choruses. nnlllonn Juana 1\In`nnu:u' 6Ln-m....I..... .. ycuucu uululalv nuu UIEJPIBUU, Orilliens -have professed themselves as grateful -to the Barrie artists who afforded them so delightful -an entertainment and are looking forward to other similar events in the future. -PIVL- ......4.-- __.A.___.I __ 1.4-, 'r\,,, - 0 _._-_.-w-`y nu unvvve The above mentioned lands are beautiful- ly and centrally located in the Town of Bar- rie and would make an excellent` property ior sub-division purposes. V A TERa'MS:-l0% of the purchase Did at the mn nf main and Hum Inn]- uuu. UUIIBUDUUIJ Ill. Ills IUVUIH Mrs. A. E. Lennox did exceedingly good work as Mrs. Goodwin, the mother-in-law. while Harry Shannon as Mr.` Smith from Stayner and A. C. Bricker as James Good- win, a gay old bird, shared their popular- ity about equally. Misses Guida Burton, Helen Palling, Eie Dobson and Margery Laidman did well, their lines coming across splendidly all `evening. Glen Slessor, as a doakie, was also good, while Harry Bar- ron made a. very ne darky. The Chin- ese chorus, Ghing Chong," received good applause, also the specialty Poppy Land," Mrs. Brownlee s world as soloist being worthy of mention. ma nknllnana nvvnun n .-6-4`-.4. ......I .2 ...l wnuu -as Isuup uuu uppuauae -was generous. Randall Richardson, as Harry Davis, a cheerful liar, was easily thestar per- formerr A good stage appearance com- bined with a very` natural manner kept him. constantly in high favor. V "In A W Innnnv Air` nvnnninnlay nnru-I uppluuau -ucuug 1 -are uuu uub LUU cmpnuuc. Between Acts 1 and 2, however, the singing of The Cynical Owl" by; Miss Marguerite Gray and George Fricker, ae- sisted -by thirty-two singers and dancers, drew a storm of a.pplau_se and completely won the favor of the audience. During the rest of the evening everything went with .9. snap and applause -was generous. Randall Pinhnrann on Warn; n..u:. 8UL|llIUlllUllo _ Several very ne productions have been put on in Orillia within the last few years by local talent and Thursday evening's audience received the rst act of The Girl 2.. `D...l" 2.. ll -..LL..- .....2A.!....I .....__.._ ;I.- HUUIUHUF IQ5UIV_Cu `I/IIU `UTUW CW 01 71119 Ul In Red ' In a rather critical manner, the applause being rare and not too emphatic. .'I'-lntwnnn Ante I cant! `)2 Bnmnunu Hun A well-lled house greeted the Barrie amateurs who presented The Girl in Red," a three-act musical comedy, in aid of the Childrenfe Aid` Society, at the Or- illia Opera House on Thursday evening last. The production was under -the dir- ection of Theodore. H.rBAird, =-w>ho_ :took' the leading role of the Girl in'.Red, `end `the cast included -aboutfty of`~Bar1{ie'e most popular and talented` young India and gentlemen. Qnunral vnru Bun nil-nrlunnna kaun I-nun. (O1-illia" wines) --:: Prtected where MIG U/eta} `C'ovnwzgs 3'5 74 73 ugmuruu plan no. 13 also In the said Town of Barrie, said lands being Qommonly wn as 'MCax-thy`: Grove." _ GIL- _oL_-,, -' 73 75 Al) THE STANDARD SILVER CO. OF TORONTO, LIM-ITED In SILVER-INLAID, solid blocks of pure silver are set in on the back of the bowl and handle before plating, and in SUPER- PLATE, a heavy extra plating of silver is given to protect `th ese points against wear. High -classj ewellers will sh ow you th e beautiful Jamestown Pattern, strikingly simple and artistic.-as well as table appointments such as ower baskets, casseroles, pie plates, cake and "bread trays--of ' the sameihigh quality.` a The veritable glitter of precious gems--radiance of unusual beauty--that is the charm the exclusive Holmes Edwards hand-burnished lustrewill bring to her_table. - And Holmes Sc Edwards yields the lasting satisraction which i comes only from the generous use of sterling silver. It is sterling silver s only competitor tor wear. bride. OLMES 8: Edwards" Silverware is a gift which comliines rare, enduring beauty with years of faithful service; it is a superb compliment to any _Manufactured exclusively in Canada by ..--- ...- ..........u n ueuv u_y yuuuv BLIUIIIUII Ull SATURISVAY, MAY 27, I922, It the hour of 12 o clock noon, at the Bar- rie Inn, in the Town of Barrie in the Coun- ty of Simcoe, by W. A. Mcconkey, Auc- tioneer, the following property, namely; Lots Number One, Two, Three and Four on the east side of Lount Street formerly Charles Street according to registered" plan No. 13; Lots Nine and Ten on the south side of Grove Street formerly John Street according to registered plan No. 218; Lots Eleven and 'IVvelve on the north side of East Street according to registered plan No. 218; Lot One on the south side of Grove Street formerly John Street and North side of East Street, according to registered plan No. 13; Lots Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-one and Twenty- two on the west side of Glapperton Street sccordringto registered plan No. 31; Lots Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen,` Twenty, Twenty-one, Twenty-two, Twenty-` three, Twenty-four, Twenty-five and Twen- ty-six on the east side of Clapperton Street according to registered plan No. 31 as.~ amended by the registered plan No. 148; Lots Seventeen, Eighteen and Nineteen on the West side of Owen Street according to registered plan No. 31, all in said Town 1 of Barrie and Lots One, Two, Three and ~ Fbur and the Want lmlf at 11.4 `IN... ..II .. 1 IGIFFS THAT LAST! 9 p. umuu uuu mm mm, 1W0, Tnree and Four and the West half of Lot Five all on the south side of East Street according to . ?"i ;`.?.';':`.`.A"`...f?,.Ni.`.3,..f"`...`.`.*." EE`_`LT93";_i `Thursday V SANIT: =Cushi4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Sarah Agnes Ryan, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simco_e, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 24th day November, 1921, are requested to send particularsof their claims to the undersigned on or before the 8rd day of June, 1922, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only ._to the claims of which iey shall then have notice, -and that they will not be responsible to any person, for the assets of said estateewhose claims shall at then have been received. A Y '31.) A svvsuxvu nu\-:- A -- `OF VALU(AWBLE PROPERTY IN THE ' TOWN OF BARBIE T UNDER. and BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on A1'IInnA\I unu on nmn "m--`VIE :-xfo;;1'to`r'a' "S;>.l.i;:'itor, Barrie, Ontario. BATED May 16th, 1922. 20-22c _

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