Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Apr 1922, p. 5

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tudies that d lovelier 3}}u|ll4 UIIU WT-Tl\'cIILI VIBIUIII6 lcub uclvc I Wm. Fmlay of Cobalt is visiting Mid- hurst friends. II"... Ell ____ .. .2 (I..-2..L...._A. -_-..A. LL- IIUIEII IIIUII`-I50 Mm. Ellsmere of Graighurst spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. M. Black. M. n-ul Ina T `If .`Dp..m. n`nl\ tnvnnnn IDUUUDJ Wlllll IIIULIUD ll] ouuuty Dyr Congratulations tr") Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lynn on the arrival of a young daughter on Friday, April 21. - r In `mun wnlvuirnnrl Ln:-sn na\`uI npcuuulg auxuu uuu: Wlbu uwuuu av uwpm. `Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mill_s and family 0 Utopia spent a week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mills. II ... {V I) I.__._I_I_.__I ____-L I11A,;,,, ,,I Ill DIKIII 0 Mr. James McLaughlin, 91 Evanston St., Winnipeg, w'rites:- "" innnnk n 1 `ll 1. nnnnnAn :l\- #1:: Anita Will IIUW III FUIIXU IIUGIUIIQ CUUCIII I-IV IIUIZ GUI` IIIIU I-lllllll-\l 77$ Illlll The J. B.. L. Cascade is being shown at a 16-foot pit. Seven hours were occu Wm. Crouland's drug store, who will glad- inmelting the metal and the casting ly explain to you its simple operation, tell poured in just under,_-ve minuta. T you why it is so certain in its results and weekspwere occupied ii `cooling the cast give you free an interesting booklet by Dr. Owing to its enormous size and wei Charles A. Tyrrell, who was a Specialist on the eating had to be delivered by road Intestinal Complaints l'or25 ears. Ask for traction engines being used for hsulim booklet or write 1}. Tyrrell s Hygienic In- ` stitute,-163 College Street, Toronto. . Reed 1'5. Examines Adlet comm.` LIDJB WIIIII HUI UUUHIII` "I155 VIUIU l'lUL'IIlUIVo Mr. and Mrs. J. Nicol gave a farewell party to the young , folks/one night" last week, before leaving for their new home near` Alliston. -Mr. Nicol and family will kn tn-nnflu rnlnant` :n ORA 1\I\lV\II`\IIl'\:`I1 nun. April 25.-The Misses Erland and Ardell Watson and Miss Muriel Irwin have return- ed to Normal School after spending the Easter holidays at their homes here. Mint; nluiyu `l l\IV1V A` nnwu:n nnnnf o fnuri I-VDUUU3! IIVIIUII-,3` GI. IIIUIK lllllf UUIVUQ ` MISS Gladys Jory of Barrie spent a few days at home last week. Mr: W wnfnnn nffnnlinr` I-kn `unnrnl llll J.\-IIULIIJU IGGV WUUI\u The B. Y. P. class of the Sunday School 'held their business meeting and enjoyed a social evening at the parsonage on Friday. in: M `Xfnnrl in nnf in-rnrnuina in Raul!-is Iakes and U113. nruuur LVIIIE . -Mrs. G. R. Frankland spent Easter week visiting friends in Alliston. Q 9 M. A .. .............I .... u.._.I..-. A- vuuuus IILCIIUB nu ruuauuu. S. S. No. 6 re-opened on Monday, Ap- ril _24, with A. West of Barrie as teacher again until Mrs. Arnold "returns. Charles Manning of Woodbridge is re- lieving Mr. Adams as night. operator at the C. P. R. station, as Mr. Adams is having some holidays. ` a&%%%*$%&&$*%&&%&*$$&$%**$ :1} NEWS mom NEIGHBORING Townsmps w%%*w*$*$&%%w%%**%*&%w%&, IIUCII `IIII|4UlIo Ill]: -LVIUUI uuu 1311111 WIN be greatly missed in the community. Dur- ing their stay here they have made `many friends and have always proven themselves to bekind and" qpliging neighbors. HUUIGI UVCIIIIIS El: |.`lIU PHIUUHIEU UII ruuuy. Miss M. Wood is not improving in health and is in the R. V`. Hospital again. Friends here hope she may soon have her health again. - Min 1' gnnnnn noun: :1 nnubuv `Av: '6Ln I-I-GJB (Iv IIUIIIC LGGII WUUl\- ` Mrs. W. Watson attended the funeral of her little granddaughter, Ruth Holmes, in Toronto last woek. 'I"L.. I) V I) -I...... -2 LL- ..._.I..-- _L--I Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere Togo STATION MIDHURST DALSTON of Blue,- hite pat- _U'l'OPlA . THE BARRIE EXAMINER ---At-the arneesshop, Thornton, we: are prepared to sell reliable goods at pree- ent day prices, also repairing done (except tugs and collar facing). 17c Mrs. Walker of Stayner was recently vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Dickinson. T Miss Burrows, -who spent the holidays with her sister in Hamilton, has returned to resume her duties at S. 5. No. 9. Miss Thelma Wice of` Barrie is vhiting her aunt, -Mrs. E. Booth.` M... rm n....u .: n......._ ..._-_. - :.; net uuno, mm. :2. Doom. Mm. Ed. Goal of Beeton spent a few? days with her sister, Mrs. J. Givens. Mr: Ilnnnn Inna nnhu-nanl Iuung .06.. u:., plearsuxu. uucuu yum: Uxuuycu u_y an. The Scouts met in the Temperance Hall last Saturday evening to plan their organi- zation for the summer. 'An adjourned meeting will be held on this Friday evening. Mrs. John Smith is in much better health than she has been for some time ___A. past-. The W. M. S. 'I`hankoffering se1-vice, Town Line Church. will be conducted by I )--. 1!] U D--Ll-LL nnA`rn`nIIvv\ nu Qn-k, U3!/ll UCAII . Baseball Club Officers The Annual Meeting of the Thornton Baseball Club was held at the Queen's Ho- tel on Apr. 22 when the following oicers were elected for the ensuing year: President. R. D. Henry. . Vice-President, B. B. Horton. Sec y-'I`reas., H. E. Welch. Team Manager. J. Patterson. League Delegates. J. Hindle, D. Stew- art. H. E. Welch and R. D. Henry. Mascot. W. Corbett, V Grounds Committee, H. E. Welch, W. Ayerst and Jas. Patterson. . lurk Ilnsnh-nu I-'nnl`"lI D Stewnrf uray. L UTUII NJ- The Presbyterian` W. M. S. held the April meeting in the church. Mrs. Marshall Atkinson and Miss` Mary Brown served lunch. u'_. in t 1....-- ...L.. L.....l........ :. ......- IUHCLI. . Mrs. W. J. Lucas, who has been in poor health for some time, is much improved. A TI:-`punt-:nlr lnfb `nab nuns`: `run a 1y::2:Ir HI LVUW 1Ul'l\- Mrs. R. Beatty -and son and Mix Gladys T Reid are spending this week with relatives in this vicinity. ` Mrs. Lang is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. McCa'be of Allandale spent Sunday at T. Jack's. . `Hum-I n...+m I-gm-I Hun rniafnrtnnn hm Inna Q `es ` wide, The largest iron casting ever made in Great Britain, and one of the largest ever produced in any country, was recently turn- ed .out in a British factory. It weighed about 110 tons and the mould was built in occupied was Three occupied i[`_:cooling casting. enormous weight, road, six for hauling it. UV LUIIUWCXL Uy ll SILVUI \2UllCUl4lUo Mr. and Mrs.`John Ingham have return- ed home after spending a week with friends in ~A11iston. A II - __._I II__ _.2I `1Y_LL _____L LL- 75-- ` Ill IXIIIBUUII. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Webb spent the Eas- ter holidays with the former's parents here. Mr. Welch, of the Union Bank, has re- turned from his visit to Toronto. `nu... .u'.._. 13-..-.. I.-- L--- .. .;......; _.:A.L II!.ll'IIUU IIUHI HID VIEII. l.'U l.UlUlIII\Ju Miss Mary Paton has been a guest with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Johnston, and has re- turned to Hamilton. l'l'IL- 13!- Il -...L-._. -2 LL- ll -A.L-.I2..A. TIT l'ul'lIUU IIU llllllllll/VII: The Life Members of the Methodist W. M. S. gave a social afternoon for the other members of !he Auxiliary on -Friday. last. After an interesting program consisting `of an address on W. M. S. work by Mrs. Ad- ams, a synopsis of the Study Book by Mrs. Lennox and readings by Mesdames G. B. Henry and R. West, a collection was taken towards the Life Membership Fund. It has been for some time the custom of this Auxiliary to make one of its members a Life Member every year. This year the honour was conferred by a practically un- animous vo`e upon Mrs. T. Wright. After she had made a brief reply, a dainty lunch was served by the life membens and a pleasant social time enjoyed by all. Thu Qnnnba rnnf :n flan Tnmnnronnn I-Tn" flyfb ISIIU. J55. Imauuauu. Club Umpires, J. 0. Hindle. D. Stewsirt and W. Maw. A - . T- nezubu IUT 50111`: lpllllli, I5 Luuuu uupxuvcu. A. Kirkpatrick left last week for a visit in New York. `II __ n *n__;;.. .._.I ..-_ .._.I 11:-.. (`4I....l-... Duuuuy "III: 1. anus Bo Fred Beatty had the misfortune to lose a horse last week. `uuya wuu not UIBIGI, U118. J. UIVODS. Mrs. Mason has returned home after vis- iting friends in Toronto and Woodstock. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will meet in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon, May 3, at 2:30. A full attendance is requested an the an- nual election of officers will be held. I MFG ' " nnuknfb noun] ad: - u _ A...` uuxu UIUUDIULI Ul. UIIIUCTU WUI 00 new. Mrs. J. 'A."Co1-bett and Mervyn spent Easter week in Toronto. ` 11:-.. D..l... IA'..---_ :- __:_:u.._. L-.. L.__u_-_ Iver their uycvno auu MAID; VVOHB JJIUIIULIUI. Fred C. Meats, son of the Rev. J. F. Meats, and grandson of the late Mr. Thomp- son of this place, has been appointed of- ficial correspondent of the Toronto G1obe" at Ottawa. 'II:._ I`) ____ ._ .2 `I'.I'l__._ _.,-_ _.. `I3 _ , A , ,, pllltll Ill l)DKl'lUo At the meeting of the Young Peoples Circle on Tuesday evening Hubert McKen- zie was elected president; Miss Genevieve Jamieson. secretary; Elvin Pearson, treas- urer; Miss Ada Spencer, treasurer of the Norman Fund. Next Tuesday evening the Circle will give an entertainment consist- ing of a lantern lecture and programv to be followed by a silver collection. ` Mr nnr` Mi-n `Ynkn Ynnlnavn `-main: 1-of-an-n- '"iG}'.$: r.. p Q LUWII IJIHU \JllUl'Ul.|. Wlll 'UD' CUIIUUIJUCU L) Rev. W. H. Bartlett, Cookstown, on Sab- bath next. `D ..-.J....Il ("Ink (\'Z..n-u IMUGDUK WUUB Ill 1UI'UIII - Miss Reba Mayes is visiting her brother William in Allandale at the present time. Mr: (Inn:-on nalnniaknm :a 4:43 :lv\v\IIAIv_ V1 uuaul Ill FIIIEIIUIIIU .59 IILIU pnzcxua [(U113- Mrs. George Cunmngham as Still xmprov- mg. unvirniu Hanan: kn. nun-up 6:. "VA-A-LA Ln IUI IIlI|U uvuuay. _ Mrs. Thos. Allen, who has been Wailing for some time past, has gone to the hos- pital in Barrie. AG Olin I-non}:-sn A` I-kn V.-um- Dnnnlna Harvey Spears hm gone to Toronto to . take a. position. All wish him every suc- (HIRE T'ed Webster spent the week-end in Tor- onto. ' . II..- 1___.2_ Il-_T\_,,,Ij ,I R Jll.lUo_IIULIIIIU Lllilllllllll U1 DHITIU HPUUD a few days, with her old friends, Mrs. Jas. Speers and Mrs, Wells Fletcher. Fund I` Anus mu. AG 4-In- DA! Y `D Irn. I be- L`Fsve:mI":;1rson of Elora, was an Easter visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Henry. M. 5...: M... 'n............. .....I DA!` nm:.; "M1? V233 Mrs. Thompson and son Billi of the Union Bank, motored to Sunderland for the holiday. M...` Wm. An... ..,1.,. 1.... am... ..:|:....T II|.Uo M1-s._Jennie `MacDonald of Barrie spent fnur Have I-u;H-I I-nor Al!` `I':AI`\l" Mun Tan A RECORD CASTING THORNTON LEFROY Subscribe to The Barrie Examiner and get all the news, $2.00 a year. [N AUTOMOBILE, "CARRIAGE AND SIGN PAINTING Jobs at all prices according to requirements Having over 17 years experience in this business, I am in a position to give service. Best materials used in all work ng to my BARRIE 14.16 Mulcaster St.-opposite Clarkson House. Phone No. 680. Prop.-W. S. ROBB. Poultry raising is a source of good income and there is no more pleasant hobby or pastime. Start right byvenclosing your ock with Peerless Poultry Fence. You will like these features from the beginning. V PEERLESS P 0 U LTRY FE N O E- BANWELL-HOXIEV wnu-: FENCE COMPANY, Limited % x``.""' `""..". E' SPECIALIST K. ALVAN COOKE Upstairs, 13 Elizabeth St., (Barrie -requires no t_op rails or stays, saves lumber and gives long service. It is economical. -lays perfectly flat when unrolled. It is easy to erect. ' sonable. a small 5 for the be with- -is strong and woven. It keeps in and intruders Heights from 3 to 8 feet that suit every requirement. Ask your dealer. Pgge Five ` closely chicks out. and em- :32 inches ;1upe, 50 JWIIS, S4 were the guests of the Alliston A. Y. P. A. `r...-.._.. u. nwu-vouvv on-uv vvvvn. H. T. Rankin is having a cement foun- dation built under his new house this week. The A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Church at Alliaton on Tuesday evening. i I D.......I--. ......_u.. .. -...._ ;_ nine, . u IUT WIU HUIIIIIIUT HIUIITIHH. . ' Q I I I Fwhers are showing a mce assortment- of house dresses. Come and` be convinced. Miss Lois Banting underwent a surgical operation in Toronto last week. I? II` I`! _ ,, I_! ,, ! I A ~ ggy gquuquvuon was CVO\'\ lI|'Jv \lV'\l|lIO|al J. Pugsley made -a trip to Toronto last week. ` ' ' Public and High School resumed on. Monday after the Easter vacation. _ Mrs. (Dr.) Ackland of Newboro is vis- iting at the -home of her daughter,` Mrs. "Theo McMillin. Rev. Mr. Lemon. who conducted ser- vice at St. John's Church a. short time ago. has been appointed Rector of West Mulmur. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph spent the V weekend in Toronto. M The Newton Robinson Sunday school intend giving their play Rosebrook Farm" at Bethesda on May 4. -Mrs. Harnr Finhnr nnnnf 41... ....'..I. ......I -can: oowo - ovv-uo1n1 an-Iv Ivvvuuu Mr. anc.i. Mrs. T. -W. Handy and little -daughter Margaret and Mr. and Miss Shan- non of Toronto spent Sunday in Mrs. David Thompson's. ._..Tf vnu knva urn! hvnnhln mifk unni IJDVIU L|lUlll`}lD\Jl| B. ---If you have any trouble wit.h_your' -oar phone 18, Dunning's Garage. where you get service. Full equipment, satisfaction assured. ` 117 D Y..LL _.L- L-.. -`-.....l_L_.l 1.1.. ml . Jebb, who has completed his term at Dental College. Toronto, is home for the summer mopths. `DI..L....`.. A..- ..L..-.-._- _ _:_- ___-._;._`-_. aunu an Dewesua on may 4. Mrs. Harry Fisher spent the weekend at King. ' tylc and rage per- ry inter- Robt. Dutmn has been appointed care-_ taker of the school. Mina Goodall of Barrie was the guest of Mrs. Frank Robinson last week. The representative of The Barrie Examiner in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. News items for Cookstown and adjacent country may be given to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this aper. Phone No. 89 finds him. -Subscriptions may be forwarded t rough him. Cleaner, Presser and Dyer I09 DUNLOP ST. OPP 3'-""` PHONE 229 DOMINION STORES LIMITED I THE CHAIN GROCERY STORES OF. CANADA Icing Sugar .. 2 lbs.18c Lohfsugar . . ,. 2lbs.18c LOEIDUEIT .`. 6 IDS. LDC Bulk Starch .. . lb. 9c Com Meal . . . 7 lbs. .251: Shieddefl Wheat, 1 AM A PRACTICAL 'rA'u.oR AND READY 1'0 ATTEND TO REPAIRS on ALL CLOTHES Goods called for and delivered. PRICES REASONABLE -- ww-w-wwu -wvv-, "2m& .... .2& Corn Flakes . . 3 for`29c T(?ROl`_JT9 BRF,fAD,_ _ -_ Real Dry Cleaning I have thei-only dry-cleiminvg plant within your reach X i --outside the` city. urgundyo Thursday, AErilf27, 4922 PURE cow PUDDING cuoncz CREAMERY SLICED BUTTER, 45C-1-3- BACON, 330-1-3- INFANT S DELIGHT` TIGER SOAP, 3 BARS 250- SALMON, win 306 31;? 9 45. u3.~ - Q ` & jun ujuu: v u-- j --.- ------ - '-""". ` " * " `T ' ""'""' `"'" """" ` `UP -"" 9' \ DD' '9'. Largest and Equipped % T Repairgdone same day if left bo;-for; 9.30 a.m. % We put a new pair into We know how. PROGRESSIVE SHOE REPAIR STORES . BROOM 399- { V :-we-1- 2-j--2 1uge1o.?....`.`.. 15 5-STRING nd, Rein- w $3.45. 2.95 yd. 2 for SUGAR 7s$ .'&3 wE SPECIALIZE IN GOODTEA AND GUARANTEE EVERY POUND NEWS OF GOMOKSTOWN 23c. .wE D s1 o.oo onm-zns FIRTH surrs $1.75 English Breakfast 5.3a. us. 27, 1953 was man PREPARED 1/2-lb. tin 23. REINDEER 2 lbs. 35C? vE6E6X' WILKINSON-AG.AR i A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. W. J. Agar on Wednesday. April 12, when their eldest' daughter, Lillian Martha Elizabeth, became the bride of I-Ieber Malcolm Wilkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson. Promptly on the stroke of twelve the bride entered thedrawing room leaning on the arm of her_ father and took her place under an arch of evergreens, while the Wedding ells March wasplayed by Miss Myrtle Corbett, `cousin of the bride. Rev. W. H. Bartlett oiciated. The bride looked very pretty in her suit of navy blue ' tricotine and carried her bouquet of Ophel-1 ia roses" and wore the groom's gift, a neck-' lace set with pearls and amethysts. To the organist the groom gave a brooch set with pearls. After the ceremony the brid- al party-sat down to a dainty luncheon. Later on in the afternoon the happy couple took the 4:30 train from Alliston amid showers of confetti and good wishes. for Toronto, Detroit and other ~~eouthern points. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Wil- kinson will reside on the 3rd line of Essa near Alliaton. Kl ll 8 garage. Holy Communion will be celebrated at `St. Luke's Church, Pinkerton, on Sunday morning. Mrs. Theo. McMillin underwent a. surg- ical operation in Toronto on Monday. Complete stocl c of Ford pafts at Ran- Vkin`s garage. `I-Ynlu nmmltninn will Inn nnlnhrntnrl Af ' Stove Pipe Varnish, ` Tjvbottle. . 19. tin. .15c Snap . . . . . . . tin 15c H. P. Sauce . . ; . J . -,33cf Worcester Sauce, 24'-37c Tiger Catsup ._ . . qt. 25 Tiger Catsup . . gal. 73 DATES . . 3pkgs. 25 Lise nests unds of 59. us. PURE MAPLE POWDER /smup $1.95 can 3 `' 25- JELLY couerrip AVERT OPERATIONS 1-`on APPENDICITIS -lNTERNAL BATHS 5. Mccann made 9. businem trip to Toronto on Monday. "Adlai. aria nut. hi`; II` A:6nn April 25.--Roy Mccann, who has been taking a buainem course at Barrie Business College has accepted a position in the rail- way oieee at Allandnle. nmu um... I... ........s.....'.: - ....... n..- IUKVIILU VII HIUIIUH Herbert Harris ind wife of Alliston called on Utopia friends on Sunday. nr, Mnnnnv mnfnratl fnnm 'I':'uu-snbn "An- Hundreds of surgical` operations for up-I pendicitis have been avoided by the timely . employment of the J. B. L. Cascade. Most troubles. arise from the accumulation of waste in the colon, or lower inttine, from which poisons spread. (`I ..... .. .9 4!... :...L...L:....l L---` ...:Ll.. ......... WIIIVII PUIUUIIB nylvuuu Cleansing of the intestinal tract with pure warm water, applied with the J. (B. L. Cascade, removes the causes of a large num- ber of common ai.lments-constipation, in- digestion, headache, loss of energy and rheu- matism. ' ` ' ' II_ I__.._ I'-Y -.-..LI2__ (II T3-,___,L-_. QL vv xuunycg, wuIw.- I bought a. J. B. L. Cascade for the cure of a bad case of appendicitis, My doctors told me I must have an operation at once. I had spent more than fty dollars in doc- tox-'s _ bills, but the Cascade -completely re- moved in a" few days every trace of sore- ness and pain. I eat and sleep well now, and have regained m-y `former weight, and am now in perfect health. TL. 7 `D I nun-nAn 3`; Lninn n`|1\uIvu| -.6 UILIUU VII UMIVII ICIUIIUB UH Dguuiyo Dr. Mooney motored from Toronto Mon-I day evening _to see his uncle, Jae. Sproule,l who is very 111. ~ I H nine :1: A'nOAn nuns OK; -uenn`: Ulle "In VF-In `DUN: Mr. and Mrs. West Carruthere of Oshawa are visiting their. many friends after an absence of several years. E. Howard and family were Sunday vis- itors at Joe. MaMaster's. _ ` Miss Eunice MeMaster is spending a few days with her cousin. Miss Viola McMaeter. "II nut. nu Y mun` tannin n fan.--all April 25.---Clarence coie or Essa Station` spent the week-end visiting friends here. Wm Inlnu nf (`.1-shalt 3:: Iainn M31`- WUI\'Ul|\L VVIIILI. MCI. BIBDUI, mt ulo IJIGD Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyce, also Jags F rankcom and Miss Ruby Hubbert spent `Sunday with _friends_ in Shanty Bay. r'.l\naI-ufnlnfu-nun in Man on;-l ml... Dnknu` Mrs. J.. Reid has returned home after [spending some time with friends at Utopia. `Mr nnrl Mr: Char-ham M3: and Camila: nf lull l.`ll\ID y IXIJIII `Ila April 24.--Mr. and Mrs. W. [Miller at; tended the funeral of Robert Miller of Mount St. Louis. ' "FL. .........-. t..2_._.l_ - II}... I'_,,, II V I claims the largest is an atlas which UIUUIIU Ulla LJUUIH. ' `- The -many friends of Miss Jean MacLei- land congratulate her on her passing her examinations in the Orillia Hospital and graduating last Friday. Mr: nan TTnnInn an.-I manna D11... .....| gluuuuuug Luau rnuuy. Mrs. Geo. Uncles and Misses Ellen and Georgiana of Bradford visited her sister, Mrs. E. Uncles. ' ll ... Il....1 ..l|.._.l _'_.I II_'_, II .. I 1 Lulu. Us uuuusa. Mrs. MacLella.nd and Miss Mary attended "the graduation exercises at the Orillia Hos- pital on Friday. pnrnv nrotxrfnn nnnnt 41... .......l. ..._.I L. yllll. U1! 1` uuuy Percy .Crawf'>1-d spent the week-end in Midland. "l3a`\;:!Miilf;r a new. Dur- ant car. [I Il.lV_.... _._.I- _ I____:____ ;_:_. 4- WIIII 5 end. II}... 11.1.. - vary nu J. H. Bell wm in Alliston over the week- wiss Edne. Jonnett has been spending the Easter vacation with her grandmother, Mrs` M M Hall re. J. Spence gave a party for the children of .the neighborhood on Friday afternoon and all report 9. splendid time. .1 Rnnhnrn A` Tnrnnfn in nigh-Inn LC; DHICIIIUUII uuu vuu l`U}!Ul'lI ll SPIUIIUIU IJHHU. J. Benham of Toronto IS visitmg hrs brother, A. Benhnm, and sister, Mrs. Nel- son of this place. 1 Mr ant` MID I llnlu... nn6non:nArl n `CUM UI lllll illvcu ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson ntertaind a number of theyoung people last Wednes- !;day night. A - - ` I is Organ- roidered

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