Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1922, p. 13

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e uuulu um $olo--Ave Maria." I'll! Q - - c o n o 6 o u n o n u o o o I O IIUIIIII L IIIIIIIU IXZUIIII , Miss Grace Fisher Anthem--#Gloria," from` the 12th Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mozart on 1 {Av I , .1 . ,,, I\_ l._, ,,, 7-, ,.1H \JucrvuL_y nllunncnllf Luc Luuacauv .l..l.u of Early Dawn" Slater Post1udk-'Marche Aux Flam-beaux Scotson Clarki IDJJLL I\____ .2- _ - . . . a - . . - . . . - . . o o . o . . . If. E Choir--'I'he` Sevenfold Amen" I" Evening- _ Organ Recital . . . . . . . . Mrs. Wm. Griffiths Anthem--b-Nearer,` My God, to Thee Ant'hem'--"'0 Death, where is Thy Sting (Edmund N. Turner) _ 1 6-1.. A..- |l..-:..7' II... A vs 1____-__f Iilllllllllal KLLCIUJ, _ I313. 'lJC\?o, '1' uclu _ Orgamst an Choxrleader Morn1nge- ' ` r..l....4..... l..\ I.`.......s G.......I." b}g;A{a 'nidiTuh' ` Choirm aster, Dr. Arnall. St. Andrew : Church V. . Edmund Hardy , _Mus. .Bac., F.T.C.M. nhnnn:a an A mA:D`QnAAF JACKSON-7-MILLER EASTERMUSIC o o u u u o c . o n - o o o a u c o :- Mim Sadie Brexvnner Central Methodist I `IV V VIEW III` g. W. Moore uuu L` . L U1 HUI :ia.". . . .Mr_s. A. (Wetherly) nhl V4. DA.-Gala 1 DIBUII .Sir Athur Sullivan ._ _I YY___I__ I Mrs. Wm. G1-iffitlixs THE BARRIE EXAMlNER ILUI AI Mr. H. Barron` .-_19 "`Mendelssfohn E. Lennox WI Cf Mozart I NEILL--In` loving zeinory -57:1` 51: husband and father. John Neill, `passed away Apr. 15, 1921. |`5p uou--nv unounul, vu npxu Ah xvii, -8 I-'\I ' `- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. T-hos. E. Ford. GILCHRIST-In the R. V. Hospital, Sat- urday, Apr. 8, 1922, a. son (John Doug- las) -to Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gilchrist ' (nee Dbra Campbell). ` MA'RTIN- On Tumday, April 11, 1922, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs..Harold Martin, 12th line, Innisl. THOMPSON--In Penetang, Friday. April 7, 1922, 9. son to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson (nee Verna Davis). FOR.D-At Gren;|,'<:r;-April 12, 1922, a rhanohfnr in "1 anti Ill-n "I".|-um Ia` Ia`.-unl OULLIS--At the--homp of her son-in-law,` M. D. Cubitt-Nichols, Barrie, on Friday, Mar. 31, 1922, Agnes Hanna-h Cullis, aged 79,years, 2 months. Interment at Bruce Mines. . MARRIO'I'I--At Thornton; -Friday after- `noon, Apr. 7, 1922, Everald A. H. Mat- riott, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marriott, aged one month. Mrs. A. McCutc heon wishes to thank! the many friends -and neighbors for their kind sympa-thy during her recent sad E bereavement. V ` Miss Rose Collins desires to thank her friends and neighbors for their kind expres- sions of sympathy and many acts of kind- ness during -her recent `sad bereavement. 15p | I Mrs. Alex. Richardson and family. Craig- jhurst. w?sh to thank their friends" and neighbor" for their kindnws and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereave- ment. .` 15p I Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marriott and family. iThornton. desire to express their sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness _shown' them by their many friends during I their recent bereavement. b_l5p _The family of the late Mrs`. Edgar of .Baxter wish to convey their gratitude to their many friends and neighbors for their many acts of `kindness -and expressions of sympathy. also for oral tributes, during their recent bereavement through the loss of their mother. 15p . Mrs. Thos. Hastings and family, Allan-I dale, wish to acknowledge their sincere ap-V preciation of the `many kindnesses and ex- pressions of loving sympathy conveyed to them during their recent sad bereavement, also the beautiuloral tributes in . memory of A loving husband and father. 15p DONNELLY-Ih loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Mrs. Jos. Don- nelly, who died Apr. 13, 1921. A - I 1'Y.,,L__J __J I\_,_,,`LL,4_ RICI-IAR.DSON--In loving memory of our darling Ray Wallace, who died Apr. 11, 1921, Midhurst. Days of sadness still come o'er_us, . Tears of sorrow often ow; 2 " Memory keeps our da.rling"nea`r us Whom God called a year ago. - . There is a link death cannot. sever, Love and remembrance last forever. 15p --Father, Mother, -Brothem, Sietersfl 15; V |1E=.t "Fm 1-*1 Them Ml IUIIEUIUI `DU Olly 1&0, UUIII IBUIIUT, `Tie sweet to breathe thy name; In life we loved you dearly, ,In death we do the same. Oft we think of you, dear; father. And our hearts are and with pain. Oh! this world would be a `heaven Could we hear "your voice again.- - You are gone, but not fqrgntton;*"""` Never shall your memory fade, Bweetazt thoughts shah ever `hlll AX; -I-nun cnamn 1|-nu min Ind` uvutj $ In j} 7 Clapperton St., Barrie, Ontario DV,VCUI IIIIIIUEIIIIU Blll UVCK uugvx `and the grave when you are laid. r__ turn; -- .1 .'uL~__:I_ 5COTT-In loving memory of "\our dear wife, mother and daughter, Mabel Floy- ence, who passed away Apr. 12, 1921. We watched her suffer day by day, It caused us bitter grief To see her slowly pine away And could not get relief. The heavenly gates were open wide, A loving voice said, Come," And with farewell unspoken She gently entered home. `I9 WIIERQIEA BIC!` wiuif LIAIU gcuvly UIIUUIUU UlllUn -Sadly missed by Husband and Family. `ln i eaceful th_y `rest, "":a anynn in luv-nn'IIn F:bl'ic Guarantee, 8,000 mile: Cord Guarantee, 10,000 miles For first-class service in . all kinds of . PLUMBING :Hot Water and Steam Heating {CARDS o1= THANKS] 52 Eliznbetl: ':. II`-hone 952w c, LU|' 15-17c ...a'ae;.j;..i `I-!:pu'wring= E: -.'-...'.CA1"_`:`R`?$. IN MEMORIAM E`?! A ! -'n=99 .--. .-`--. -v, -v--. -;Husba.nd and Daughters. EORN vn-`unit v- --v uu-_- -w;'ro- ma frgmsxy. dear father, fkw nnvnn 0 yv out- nnnna` HTS IIIII3 WCUl\o . J. H. McWattex-s paid -a bminws trip to Toronto this week. 'Il__ `II-L-_L fY_L__ _E (\._.ll.,,__ 3, -_',!;1_, !.' Edwaros went to Woodstock this X ;week. I ' 11:--_ 11---] "_R_LL 1,9; (-4 1_ll_!,,I_ 1: UHUUI DUI: ' PDIUUDUI VlUUlu Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McGuire are visit- ing friends in Toronto. `Run... an In.-I...-Ann A;-... It I 000 L.-. III II IUUIZ III I UIUIII/Us 330m, on Wednesday, Apr. 5, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tripp, a. son. (`.1-3| rh-s1\n nf `Innakon-1 Jana Roan franc- [VII-CU I/U EMU KVIIGLIKIKIIII lJlI.lII\ uclc. Born, on Thursday, Apr. 6. 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Blow,_ a. daughter. Ft! II`1"n1nv-I`: A: new-14 :3 BU\AI\A:v\lI n `An: Alli, uuu D115. "0 |lJIUW," B uauguccl . Mrs. Edwards of Barrie is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. N. Stanley. Mrs. (Rev.) Hanna was in T01-onto'this week attending the funeral of a nephew. new D I` wanna nffnnan ORA `linnwnll for hatching, from a good laying strain of Golden C-ampines. Apply Frank C. Bishop. ~ A nkann lune &I\`A 1.4;. I-n:r:a'nnnn On ; vvccn. ' Miss Hazel Moatt left for Selkirk, Mam, last week. ' |t:__ 1'__I:'_ vrsn L,_ -,._,.; - 9, n, IGOW W655- Miss"Lylia. Hill has opened a music class [ at Gilford. I'\ T.` fI'II______._ ____ 2.. (\_2II:_ .._ L._..1 (IE WJIIIUI Us D. E. Thomson was in Orillia on busi- ness this week. I It |l_nr_u_;_ __:.I _ L_._:____ ._:_ L- MB/as l1ll'ut`1:w(l3::/peaaiand is spending a week under theparental roof. II ant` pa T I |l..t'1..:.... n-A C536 Ill]. -GNU LVIJB. VV'lLl. ]._l'IPP, ll Ulla Cecil Dobie of Wingham -has been trans- ferred to the Standard Bank here. D... ._ l'l1I__..._.l..-- A __ a {non L- Wi;r:URobemr'twIcIls`l.1er of Sudbury is visiting at R. H. Henry's. ha nu-u Pnnnlnn :1: cnannvnnnb n vi-inn`; WECB uvucuulug LUV IIIIICIU-I Ul II ur:pucw.| Rev. R. M. Hanna attended. the funeral of the late Mr. Boyd at Creemore last week. `I1\____ 24.. I__L_L!__._. I,.,,, , ,,,,,I I ,9 , \Jc lJlI.I\I}Ia A. C. Bishop has sold `His residence to Edgar `Houghton, who takes possession the first of May. urn n`an`rkIIrn A` KL-ant. nnnnf I`-an U1 unt . -ulifykburn of Midland spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hart. Y_L_ I'l'lL _ _ _ _ _ _ __._:---.l L-____ __ 27-`..- uuu U113. Ila 115-ll-o John Thompson arrived home on Satur- day from the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mic II A MnAv1||Ir A` Rich 0:4" nnrl IJC UIIKJCI VVCIIII an UPCI EIIIUII IUI apycuuuma. Mrs. H..A. McAxthur of Sta:-[City andl Mrs. Sayers of Winnipeg are visiting at` the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Henry. 17!:-nmao nnnuyn `I-um Jruuxn 4-nnnfnp.-AA +-s IN. 11: LLCIIKVJI Ernest Brown has been transferred to the Standard Bank at Napanee, leaving last Monday morning for that place. . Ern- est will be missed by his many friends here as he was always a quiet, congenial fellow Yunnan Mnnnnnnff Inna Luann nnnrnfnrl K LIU W1 GIWIIJG ll \l|-LICII, Ullllslilllul. IUUUW James McDermott has been appointed agent for the Capital Tfust Corporation of Toronto. and Ottawa, an organization that is this year taking up the- handling of real estate -at Wasaga Beach. They buy and sell cottages and vacant lots, also se- cure tenants for those who have cottages` to rent. Each -agenthas `a list of cottages available. ` `wvvvvvvvvvvvv-vwwvv------- - - - - 7 The friends of Rev. J. J. Wheatley.l pastor of the Methodist church here for four years (from 1915 to 1919), were grieved to learn of his death, which took place at Parry Sound on Tues- day, after an illness of some months; He had been with the. Parry Sound "church since July and was chairman of the district. He leaves a widow and one daughter, Mrs. Geo. Griffin, of Belleville. His son was killed in the war. . - . T._L-___-__L L_I__, ._I,._ 3, ll'!.,__._)__ `__. , Interment takes place in 'I`o1-on:to on Thursday, service being held in Winder- mere church, where Mr. Wheatley served before going to Parry Sound. ' A New Section Foreman Joseph Wilson of Cookstown, who has `been appointed section foreman on the G. T.R. here, has purchased the brick resid- ence on Queenstreet owned by Mr. Mc- Fadden of Cookstown, occupied now by E. Houghton. Mr. Wilson intends moving here in the near future. Next Sunday `being Easter special ser- vices are being -held in the several church- es of the village. Services will be held in Wycliffe Church at 11 a.'m. and 7 p.m., with the rector, Rev. W. C. Stubbs, ini charge. . resentative of The Barrie Examiner in Elmvale is Frank C. Bishop. News items for `Elmvale and adjacent country may be given to Mr. Bishop and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone or write him. Subscriptiom may` be forward- ed through him. r ' M - Rev. J. J. Wheatley Dead NEWS OF ELNWALE s.,;:s7m, Rev. R. M. Hanna will preach at both services in the Presbyterian Church, takirg n his theme in the morning The Risen Saviour:-," and in the evening The Atone- ment. ' `L LL, ! I ' ` ` -vvv1 IIICII II 0 At the foreman service in the Methodkt Church the Women's Missionary Society will have charge, when Mrs. Hale of Tor- onto will speak in the interests of the W. M.S. In the evening the pastor, Rev. R. E. Morton, will preach on Practising .Im- mortality. ' IA nnnnln 1.` LI... .-2lI__- __J v-uu-IQl WVVIUI, A regular meeting of the directors of the F105 Agricultural Society was held on Mon- day night, at which many important ques- tions were discussed, such as drainage for the fair grounds, new stables and the mat- ter of printing. The premium list was care- fully gone over and some increase in the amount of premiums for cattle and hogs was decided on; also better conditions for race horses in some of the classes. It was unanimously agreed to leave the matter of printing in the hands of the secretary, he being instructed to get it done wherever he chooses. Y "I" 2_____,, , 9 .1 10 nnlu ycvplc V: we vumge anti surrounuo ing country -are heartily invited to attend any of the above services. J. `T. Simpson, one of the directors, is oering special prizes as follows: For best pen of store hog, not less than three in pen, let prize $5.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00, to be competed for at the Fall "Mao .Qnn:Afu :. ..n`...:..... .:...:|.._ -__.. -_ 1 w in: uvmpcwu 101' an rue ran mm. The Sooietyis offering similar prizes and it is also understood that the Department of Agriculture is offering a special prize for best pen of store hogs owned, fed and exhibited by boy or girl of school age. 'l'hmn nnnninln nknnlrl H4: 1: pl-u-nun:-.1.--.._.I -----. vs uuvu Ilvvnl Mrs. Janet Irwin, who passed the greater part of her life in this village, died on Monday, April 10, at the home of her son~ in-law, Albert Lines, Allandale, at the age of 75 years. Deceased had not been in good health `for two years past, and was conned to her bed for the last two weeks of her illness. Mrs. Irwin was the widow of the late `William Irwin, who died here about twenty-one years ago. She was born in Vaughan township andlcame to Elmvale when about twelve years of age. Three years ago she left here and had since been residing with her daughters at Allandale and Midland. Mrs. Irwin had a cheerful and kindly disposition and made friends wherever she went. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, inter- ment being made in the Presbyterian ceme- tery here on Wednesday after the arrival of the noon train. Deceased is survived by two sons and two daughters, John of Penetang, Angus of Ft. William, Mrs. Albert Lines of Allandale, and Mrs. F. Elrick of Midland. One brother and two `sisters also survive, Miner William Ritchie of Elmvale, M-rs. Tripp of Toronto, and Mrs. Stewart of South Dakota. cauuuuucu `Dy uuy 01' $111 OI SCDOOI 889 These specials should be a drawing-crd Ito exhibitors this fall, I Mr. J. B. Gunn, special representative of Durant Motors of Canada; is in Barrie, a. guest of the Simcoe Hotel. Mr. Gunn represents the investment department and any person anticipating investing in this company that is making such phenomenal progress, would do well V to get in touch with Mr. Gunn immediately :as there in only a very little of this security left and` it is going fast. "I11... `I'\.........L ........ ..-.. ..-._. 1.. D---- III I Hills The Durant cars are now in Barrie, -being handled by the well-known dealer, George B. McLean. . u. ('1 .... "pill .-...l.. 1... .`L...... B..- _ I-.. \aIU\Il6U 11. AVLUAJUDU. Mr. Gunn will only be here for a few days. ' DU RANT ` REPRESENTATIVE HERE Buy advertisd thug. uu_y . people of the village and surround. mntrv .m-n ham-lu :.-...:o-A o. .44..) Flos Agricultural Society ...I.... ....-..n.:.__ -1` LL, I- beam of Mrs. Irwin Page Thirteen "&1-Sir: ma;nc`lv'1'\`i`1'e.Wl&- W. Moore re- turned home last weekvafter a pleas- ant visit to Florida and other parts of the United States. U1 UIIC KJIIIIICU Lillllcc Mrs. 'Mabel C. Reid,. Toronto, announces the engagement of her daughter, Elsie `Mary, to Dr, P. A. Sarjeant, Burford, 0nt., son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sarjeant, Barrie, the marriage to take place quietly May 3. . NOTICE TO" DEBTORS In the matter of the Fstate of W. A. J. Bell, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, King's. Counsellor, deceased. he . As it is necessary to wind up the estate of the said W. A. J. Bell, K.C., the ex- -ecutrix of said estate requets all those owing accounts to Creswicke & Bell to call" at their office and settle same without de-' lay. - T 13-15c ORESWICKE & BELL. 5|-IUIl UL lln 411:4. lJVDIIUo I Mrs. (Dr.) Bruce is in the hospif, "having undergone a serious operation last week. ... ... ..| LUI VGIJ-GI/lllllo , ' 1 Mrs. W. D. . MacLaren returned home yesterday after being in Torojr to for several weeks. liis; 1;I`oi1'i-c; went to Ham- ilton this week \ and was operated upon for appendlcitis. _ `rI'\h'._ 7 7 hiasu been visifing I his son, Rev. J. D. Byrnes,-left this week for his home in Manitoba. : Mrs. J. A. Milne of Orillia spend the week-end visiting her-hephew and niece the Rev. and Mrs". H`. E. Wellwood. Ivy 1': A II, _, ,,,,L , L__, L _ __- I "for vacation. iIi's's'i`anis MacLaren and Donald} F. MacLaren are home from Toronto 1:, _, in vs `II. -7 -_.-__ .._;.___. - .1. VV U51 Vv Uvuu Mrs. W. B. Aiken, who has been visiting with Mrs. Sewrey the past three weeks, returned. to Toronto on Saturday. ` A 1:... nr 7 n:........u. u':..... 11..a.I......:..-l IIII LI`lIlIJl.\-IUD J` I Mrs. W. J. Piggott, Miss Katharine and Master Doug1as,. of Stra{tford. were guests of Mrs. R. J. Guthrie over the week-end. . Miss Shaw of Quebec city is the -guest of Mrs. Alex. Leslie. 11-\ \ 1-1,, ,, ,,I,_ a&$&&w&$w&w$&& Solicitors.` Executfix of saici Estate. Expexv-tSh'oe_R} A` -1% T"- ' -4__ElizubethvV T Sl.:.,bBo.rriu4 BRAUNDS DRUG srogg A NEW FROCK FOR 15 CENTS "--Sounds Foolisli-, does it not ? But by min; some of then; Dyan according to diroctiom, you will have a dress like new. nus QUALi'rY & SPRING -SUITS AT A FAIR mica ight house- l5`ofo The new Spring styles for men and young men are here in_\s_uits to please` those who want the latest cut_g_nd falgrics. T AA11 wool fabrics in the. most popular weaves well. tailored, to givcfinest ap-' pearance with long wear; H. J.,TWISS Thqrsday, April 13, 192 Sli (3E"RE'lW R'l"G" A. w. WHl'l'B_Y___ SUNS Men's and Ladies Tailor Ross BLOCK PERSONAL (Upuuil-:7) Ian: u eader, V At the meeting of St. Andrew's. Athletic Association executive Wed- nesday; evening, the members went on record ayfavoring raising the age limitin the baseball junior series in preference to forming a third series._ `Have Proved a Success - _ Before Mr. Longman presented his figures, a brief address on consoli- dated schools -was given by R. A. . Sutherland. After dealing with some of the changed conditions of recent years necessitating some such treat- ment, he pointed out that this class of school had been a success where- ever it had been tried. V In Hudson Tp., New Ontario, where operations were carried on under much less fav- orable conditions than in this part of the country,. the people voted unanimously for re-building the con- solidated school- which had been` de- stroyed by fire. ' The first consol- idated school was opened in Massa- States has 15,000 and is adding 1000 annually. _I-Iigh schools in towns and cities are overcrowded and the con- solidated school seems the best solu- tion for giving the country boys and girls much of their secondary educa- tion- at lessexpense, under parental control and amid surroundings that A would tend to preserve them for ag- riculture instead of attracting them away from it as is often the case where the training is in town schools. It was pointed out that this class of school would work in splendidly with the purpose of the Adolescent Act. chusetts in 1874. Now the United; I Balance ffom Secgtion . . l Annual payments on 20- ' 1 I ........ .l'..I......4......... `. Q `Iln 00 I smoun HEARS cost or CONSOLIDATION `Would Take- No More Than to -Rebuild the Schools, "Says Inspector`. IHELII nuucaynuxnan naavunug u-av ac..- , day. Generous government grants make a great reduction in the main- tenancecost of such a school, so that the burden upon the sections con- cerned_ would not be greater than if individual schools werebuilt. It was pointed out by Mr; Longman that these three schools are very badly in need" of attention and if some move isinot soon made toward consolidation,_ the present schools will have to be rebuilt or vastly improv- ed if "the sections are to hold their grants. The estimates placed before the meeting by the Inspecton for South Simcoe were as follows: ' Assessment of sections: ___I Y__--_`I_-J rxuuuuu PRJIIIUIIVD VII av year debentures . . . :$ 1569.32! `Tax rate to meet this, 3.23 mills, or `- 3% mills. | Expenses of running school: Salaries of three teachers. . $3400 .00 Salary of caretaker , . . . . . 400.00 Transportation. 2 vans. . . . 1200.00 Fuel and supplies . . .' . . . . 300.00 Debentures . . . . . . . . . . . 1570.00 Total maintenance . . . . . . Grants toward. maintenance: _. Three Tp. grants . . . .$1800. Special to three teachers.. 300. 30 per cent of transport... . 360 Teachers grant _.'.....'.,.. 120. Grants on certificates . . .. ' 170. Supplementary grants . . . . 760. |Equipment and accom. . .. 75 .00` 66 00 00 .00 00 00 00 Lexis} E2; 'ti{as' iaiaaa Present township rate. Total mill rate _. .T . , . Present rate-- T No.10..~ . . . . "N0'.~11 . . . . `No.17 . . . . . . or an average of . . . 5.per cent of ltqualized Assessment .. . . . . . . ..$ Estimated cost .4 rooms. .$ - T Government Grants: Straight grant. .$3000 30 per cent of cost of build- A ` ing and site,.$900() $ Vuuuuuvv Balance te be levied on sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3285.00 Levy for this purpose . . . . . . 6! millse . .` . . . 4 mills, . ._. 10$ mills] Definite informationas to the cost of a consolidated school `to serve three sections which now have schools at Leonard s, Stroud and St. _Paul s, were given by Edwin Longman, P.S. L, at the annual meeting of the.In- . nisfil Educational Assdcn, last Fri- u~_--_ _----.......-..4. .......... .10 11 17 V Local . Equalized ...$ 229996 $ 279308 146404 V 177793 109985 133565 T486385 Bring your repairs 'l,here. "Proper Repair doubles - wear. We carry h fine line V `of h SHOES 0!` el y er, GOOD- ifs 29533.30 ..s 3oooo.oo 7-mills 8 1-10 mills] . 7 .10 mills 12000.09: ..$1800. .. .' .00! | Z59o66e $3585.03 )0]. . L)ULU" I LSAIUVV Lulllv LII LLUVJCUIIIUK IJIVCIIIL ' from the Messiah . . . . ..` . . . . . . Hendel $3400-00 `Anthem--Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Roland Smart Carol-Let the Merry Church Bells Ring" S_olo--The Resurrection Morn" 1570_ 00 A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '-Paul Rodney _ !\01'|AtI1_._`-In 0o D:nnn t`0..l..l.-. q:u~\v\nh p,-.I. V llllll 7; ma1; ence unne- t; $40.per re workers. Box `W' 1!- '1 DUI l.\:UUllUy : ;g,Anthem---He is Risen. . .. Caleb Simper , Carol-Solo -and Chorus: The Gardener" |0'evtory Anthem--The Roseate Hues .-.6` match: I'\.......`` QI..L.... CLIVIVICIJ UV 1 VVUU LU} IIILCDUUIDO There was discussion of roads, ad-. vertising` and various schemes in committee stage. "As soon as the membership drive is ompleted the election of .oii'icers' will he proceeded- with and pifoposed projects taken up for definite action. ' vculvinwllls "Ill UVIIIIIIUIIVO IIIFAU Wiivlto ,The membership fee has been placed at one dollar and it is believed, now that a movement is on foot to` induce more tourists to Barrie that interest in the association's aims will steadily increase. The canvassing teams will explain to prospective members the advantage in becoming a member. New members will be ent_i.tled to a vote for directors"; ' -3 \7UI'lI"' LJUICV IIUIJ 9 Postlude-- Mm-c`he Militaire . . . . ..Schubert Evening-- ' Prelude--Resurrection Mofn". . Johnston` Ahthem-They Have Taken Away My Lord" , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stainer 'Offertorv4aicil`mno G Minor . . . . . .. Bach Dueb-E'=.vfer Morn".....;.... Schoebel Anthem--` `Christ our Passover". . .Shilling Poatlude--Halleluish Chorus . . . . . . Handel Miss J. Bryson. organist. A. H. Wice. conductor. A pretty wedding was solemnized lat the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Miller of Medonte, April 5, at 11.30 a.m., when their eldest daughter, Miss Olive,-was united in matrimony to Mr. Vliilliam Scott Jackson of Upter- grove. Only immediate friends of {the bride and groom were present. The bride, becomingly attired in her wedding gown of white organdie, and carrying a bouquet of American Beauty roses and carnations, enter- .ed the parlor leaning on her father's `arm, to the accompaniment of the wedding `march played by Mrs. Alex- .Miller. The Rev. J. McEwen ofl Hillsdale performed the ceremony. After the wedding dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson left for a visit to To- " ronto and_ other parts. Mrs. Jackson's travelling costume consisted of navy blue tricotine suit and hat to match. After the` honeymoon the young "couple will take up housekeeping at the groom's home near Uptergrove. `JIICI DU-I "-`LVlCIUlA [so1o- Selected. '\.,4I,__I_ II`... I \ VV uuwny] Anthem--Unfold, Ye Portals Everlasting" . (Gounod s "Redemption) Solo--Hosanna . . . . .. Miss Effie Dobson' Dueb-How Sweet the Name" . . . . . . Mrs. Laidman and.Mr. Barron Choir--.-"The Sevenfold -Amen" ` ` (Stainer) Rev. `H. E. Wellvwood, pastor. ' Mr. W. C. Sills, choir leader; Mrs. Wm. Griffiths, organist; Mrs. A. W. Laidman, soloist. - ` UIUI Illlls Volvuntary-in) Forest Sounck" . . .Denneel (b) Spring Song" . . . .Henselt AntheAm-'l'-he Magdalene" . . . . . . .Wa.rren Solo-.-"God Shall Wipe Away All Tears"- . . . . . . C. Roma Il2__ Il____._,_'1._ lV___,- :\)I\llj I-II IJIJKVUIHIB \JIUIIa .. ......... .. Sir F. A. Ouseley (1325), Anthem--('3hrist. Our Passover. .Ghaspple Carol--Ye'H9:p-py Bells of Easter Day" Solo--I Know That My Redeemer Liveth `I-NI-In kn Klan: elm Tlnnplnl `I-25 - _.ColIior St. Methodist Church Morning-- Organ Recital . . . . . . .. Griff. Anthe-.m-4Easter Carol: Hail the Mom of Mytic Beauty" ` (Woodman) I.`....a.-_ .II'._..:_.. II'_..__... NIL- n, 'e,;;,:' ? :*'`" Anthem--Christ is Risen" . . . . . . .Turner Solo--,List to the Voice Divine ? T | 3 II? II__... VVo!untaary--Easter Hymns. . .Improviaa.tion - $0 '7: H-LUUIC I Anthem (unaccombanied)- The Three Holy Women. . . ; ..16th Century Carol nah 1"L.. 14-4! 3.. I)...n."` I o c a a u u n o I - o ~ u o q o o\JII 'LI`|I|I\lI IIUIIIVBII I , M ' Edmun Hardy Solo--`.`Angels Roll the Rock Away John Prindle Scott Il3,, IVA--- 'l3!,I__,, ....( . . . . . . . ..'..... mutaru Solo-I know that my Redeemer Liveth" . . . . . . . . -Handel` Ill..- 5.1:. II._._... -- Morninsr-- - YUIIII CI IVIUSIIIIUICB I Prelude?--East-er Melody- . . . . . . . . . . Parker Anthem-W'hy- Seek Ye.. Caleb Simaper Offfex-to.ry--Melodie Enchantel. . .. . . . Tate SnIn--- Selected . Trinit Church Carold service after Evening Prayer. 7 p.~m. lPrelude_---G'loria" from the 12th M-as II_._,..A. 1. ';.':,';;.; '1s;;'e;t;,=' ' from Athalie . . . . . . . . . Me` 'Garol-In Excelsis Gloria A \ vv uuuuluuy Easter Morning Mcsage . . . . . .. The Pastor T Anthem---The Angels of -the Lord" l I I ........ ..\ (Jamourreau) (Ill Vllvlll I. IJC 61115518 \Il 'I/III? JJUILI I `Solo---`Day of Days .v.Mrs. C. R. Brownlee ' (Vandawaters) - Solo--The Resurrection Morn ` ll, 1'? TI 922

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