GLOVES Glove Silk s are, Navy, 14, White. V an An l1-!_. T Hart 1 run: Barrie Brnnch and Safety Deposit Boxes Thornton Branch - - - - Cookstown Branch _` - - One Dollar a Week By regularly deducting one dollar a week from your earnings and depositing` it regularly in a Sav- ' A..........L ..... -..: ....... D.._I- ......... ........_... ..L.. .. JUEII ccuuluga GIIU BICIJIJUII-Ill II. ICSIIIQIIJ III Q LJGV" 5 Bank Account, you wi soon accumulate a su stantial balance without missing the mcney deposited. In five years, with inter t at 37., com- .........:...J ........:..........n.. ...... ...:n 1... .. coon on "3'&}'i1"se&li.Ja1T,'y'31I"$f1'ha` 2" 35f'2'3: In ten years your balapce will be $605.54. :v.V.LT`..$ 100.00! 5.001 B. Mezrzedithi A. W. Green 0. R. Black rev - s 21o.ool .f {i $ 10.00| rwwwvi Stroud 105 .00 goo` 1.00: 1o.oo| iclvrs MONOPOLY 5 or JITNEY SERVICE ? I That exclusive right to condi1ct'a gjitney service between the town of Barrie proper and Allandale may be- secured by oneperson, or company, appears to be the meaning conveyed? legislature. in a .clause of a bill now before the- I'm..:.. :...;...........a...5:.... ..4"n... `L411 `III- :Law Proposed is Interpreted as Detrimentalj to Barrie. T ixcgiaxauux c. I This interpretation of't,he bill is-. athe corrollary drawn from the bill s ldefinition "of a public highway and requirements of public carriers doing ;business -over it. `I 1' 'I_!__'I_____.._ .uuaAucca UVVL AU- The bill defines a public highway. as a highway `maintained wholly or [in part by the Province under the i Highway Improvement Act., etc. . rm... L:'n ..;..a,... +`I....+ ..... .m......n R011 nJ..ll5uVVa_y Alllyxuvcunxzuu 11\.v., uuw. : The bill states that no person shall `conduct upon a public highway the {business of a public carrier of pas- 'sengers. except under license of the Department of Highways. And the clause implying exclusive rights may be secured reads: 1: A 1- ,,, , __,3;`L ,,__.._-; L- _ _.._`L`|!- UC DCL M1 Cu 1 Lung A license with respect to a public nvehicle or vehicles operated under this Act may confer exclusive or- limited. rights with respect to public vehicles so licensed, and with respect ` to any highway or portion thereof [named and described in the said ilicense. vv 1 .1 '1 on '1' , 9 _ 1_1_}|_ __ Carry one of the Colored Ha_nkies when you wear that new outfit on Easter Sunday. All. colors. 35c_ onld 40c .llUCllDC- ' [ Under the definition of a highway as set forth in this bill the `road be- tween Barrie and Allandale would` ?become a Provincial Highway the `moment the Government contributed to its maintenance when the_ road is improved by a pavement. Then jit- Eneys would require toibe licensed kunder the Department of Highways, `and the licensing of one , or more :than one,-might carry with the license ;Exclusive Rights. thus conferring a gmonopoly. without consent of the =town, and regardlesseof those Ex- Eclusive Rights being detrimental or `linimical to the,town s best interests.. `I, , A`, , _ ;___,_, lll.I.IlIll\.1A uv uIA\,,uvvv:A Q I)\.,uv --avu;\ 1 The `question arises whether a town- in the peculiar situation` of Barrie vlhas been considered in the framing of this measure. WILL IMPROVE GROUNDS AT ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL ! At the monthly meeting of the `R. V. Hospital Board, Tuesday night, a special committee consisting of H. M. Lay and J. A. MacLaren was an- thorized to proceed with certain im- provements to the grounds. The driveway in front of the building will be done away with; the grouping of the shrubs will be re-arranged, and new ones added,. with certain other changes which will add greatly to the appearance of the grounds. i run: . `I . 1_',`L L--;, LL- . -r`.--_7 N, , , The present plant which heats the water for laundry and other purposes having proved inadequate, a new boiler of 500-gallon capacity will be installed. ' "L, _W__.. "-4 _#L-J -1; J_I__ IIIBDGIICU Forty patients were reported at the end. of March. For the month the ,total number of hospital `days was `1115. Earnings for March were $2275, while the accounts paid for the month amounted to $3402.40. ._ The following have been accepted as nurses in training: Miss G, Lepar of Newmarket, Miss M. Hickling of iStr'oud, and Mrs. Foster of Creemore. 1 T A BU~SlNESS CHANGE Harry Barron of Brampton has `taken over the plumbing business of the Fred Parr Estate. Mr. Barron {has had years of experience in an lbranches of the plumbing and heat`- I mg business andis preparedeto sub- =mit specifications and prices for any kind of job. The Port Elgin Times gives an ex-. tended report of a playlet entitled` Professor Pepp, put on by the Tuxis boys of the Presbyterian church, Port Elgin, under the direc- tion of Mr. and Mrs. Cottrell, form- erly of Barrie. A great success the play proved and yielded the Tuxis .boys $120 to help along their work. - A. Leslie, Manager H. J. Thompson, Manager .. - T. McMillan,`.Manager SECTION 2 PAGES 9 TO 18 VAYS .1 No. "14 Ph aw rpril 6, 1922` THEBARRlE + EXAMINER WlSDOM S WEEKLY BULLETIN! SIMCOE COUNTY JAIL ONLY ONE_ PRISONER; For the first time in the history of the Simcoe County jail there is but one lone prisoner within its con-.| fines. The term for which the one! prisoner is sentenced exceeds the` limit for which county jails usually| hold prisoners, so that he may yet, be removed before another prisoner` is received and thus leave the jai1| empty. There have been a few occas- ions when the number of prisoners were only two, but with only one on hand a new low record is established. -If you are interested in rugs and linoleums, see Sarjeant & King's brand new `stock. New housefurn- shing department opened on second floor. 14c CIRCULATION nus wzsx 59th Year T??? wwwwwwv FOR EASTER-.n . SPECIAL PRICE ON SEEDED RAISINS Fresh California Seeded Raisins, in bulk, at thevery low price of 23 per pound. Buy a stock now; Same price on any quantity. TI-IUNDERCLAP contains several thrilling racing pictures and a struggle for life in the Niagara rapids which rivals the ice scene in `,`WayDown East. ` ____l\lnur Vnrlr Pnmmprrial . $3.98 Pair se, pure silk Thite, Navy, ussian Calf. THUNDERBlAP -WITH- MIRIAM COOPER and GED. WALSH SERENADE A FIERY ROMANCE ON THE ISLE OF MAGDALENA Showing WHERE JBMOLD CAVALIERS ABATTLE FOR THE LOVE OF THE DARK-EYED SENORITA suowmc; MONDAY-TUESDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL 7 and 3% _ `A Thndeng, Vigordus Expdsition of Life in the Realms of Sport TSEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT THRILLS vs I THE GREATEST RACE TRACK DRAMA EVER STAGED V . WITH A NOTABLE CAST INCLUDING mg R .. 3 (inge: hite Gloves, A";-uAl\t laplun) VVIIIUII IIVHIQ LAIV Ivy uyvnav Isa _ vv`$oJ ulvvv An -any u . -New York Commercial SEE ALSO THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT WEEKL " __+-----w1TH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED-----.------ - 4150 |'|E5 I THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING 20 P5959 ' Houszs RECORD FIRST TIME SHOWN AT REGULAR - 1>1&uc1=.s,% 15c and m Te Mo_tH;r- ;`(-)f '7`-6;.`-2; the Hill ? WILL MERGE THE OEFICES. OF CONSTABLE AND SHERIFF ' Legislation looking to the amalga-! mation of the offices of high con- lstable and sheriff in the counties was Iintroduced in the House by Hon. W. `E. Raney this week. I - I u1xn..... LL- ..-....L-. .-..(..r.n:1 -`-'n:`m 4-A The bill is in principle based upon the report of the Public Service Com- mission upon the question of amal- gamation of these offices. T 1. .l\.auc_y UIIAD vv\.\;A\- ' i When the county council fails to ,appoint a high constable the sheriff `shall become the high constableeand I thereupon _ the Lieutenant;Governor may vote him a salary not exceeding $500, explained Hon`. Mr. Raney. ' -Special !- Hot Cross buhs each- Friday during Lent, 25 a dozen at 1 Bryson Bros - j ' 11-15c "VICE s Excursions _ NE at W LAID` EGGS Lowest prices. FRESH BREAKFAST 1': A l1f\\T LL__-- .`l:&..._....J. I.-- r- _.,-_ CHOICE BONELESS HAM,` mild cured for frying, sliced, per pound ..`. 45 Boneless, trimmed BACK BACON, sliced, lb... 50 CHOICE HAM AND :` nag` 1l1;lL)J..l 9:394:41; 455.1; BACON, three different ~ /brands at 35c, 40c and 50 per pound sliqed.` ...-A..--n v\:\\v-rsv 1-sun `IT A `II ' Frdm the famous novel by Edna Ferber - The book was big; the picture is bigger WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Here is a Truly Great Pict\_1re--- NO WOMAN KNOWS! THE AMAZING STORY OF ' -_. ------ Ijjjjj NEW LEADER comma ,1-`OR CITIZENS BAND :"1'}'s'15ai Silk Gaunt- 'n two-toned . $3.50 'Pir I The Barrie Citizens Band has en- `gaged B. M. Sylvester, band master of the Toronto Scottish Regiment, as l1ea`d'er of` the Barrie band. -rs Auuuw; ua. vnnw I-l6QLLl\4 uuuuo Mr. Sylvester will come to Barrie next week and, in addition to arrang-'. ing for band practice, will at once start a beginners class to increase the strength of the band. Under- studies `for all instruments will be accepted, with clarionet classes get- ting an immediate start. ,, I "11... _---- 1..-...:|_.. ......--.. 1_:..L1.. _. . B. M'.`S_v1vester, Toronto Scot * ` Regt 1 Bandmaster, I is Engaged. van-E, Inn: nannnanvusuvu DJVIDI. In `,1 The new leader comes highly re-` commended as a skilled musician. The Toronto band regiment with which he has been identified was affiliated with the London Scottish regiment. Mr. Sylvester is a native of Ontario. His father is at present la resident of Huntsville. The new leader expects to get various engagements for the band during the summer. The new uni- forms. identifying the organization with the First Reserve battalion, Col. `D. H. MacLaren, O.C., have been received. A renewed interest with ` apparent; the whole dating from the 'the new leader and plans outlined is I revival of the organization through the personalinterest of D. T. Rees, llast year. nu... 1.2-11 ..4...........a.L .: .....I Player members: B. M. Sylvester, leader; V. Simmons, R. J. Home- wood, Henry Lennox, Lou Stewart. Fred Nixon, cornet players; Wilfredl Ayerst, saxaphone; Jno. G. Scott, J. W. Ness, John Flanagan, clarionet; T. Blackstock, baritone; Jos. Clark, euphonium; J. W. Merrick, R. Mal- comson, slide trombone; John N; Hobley, -. Flatley, piccolo; Donald Jacobs, A. V. Donaldson, Archie Jay, Chas. Suggs, C. M. `G. Smith, alto; Chas. Carruthers, Victor Sills, bass; Herb Wright. double B; Ray Sim- mons. Art Wolfenden, bass drum;` Frank Wice, J. Steele, snare drum.` IGDII `Y can The f1'1l1 strength of officers and. -members of the Band today is: In n--.._.-.m. ....-_:.1.....|..1`l7 `D 'I'I:...... 'o_||uIuu\.Lu vs. vnu... J-JllI\A I/\I\4s~`y au- T. Beecroft, president; W. R. King, secretary-treasurer; Band "committee. Dr. Arnall. Geo. D. Hubbard, V. Sim- lmons, J. W. Merrick. ` vs II` mi BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, TAPRIL 6,1922, -WITH ALMALGAMA-TED --v \'-V .'_, : $1.50 Pair Matinee Saturday 2.15 LALLY HOMESTEAD LOSES rrs IDENTITY; The old Lally homestead, the old-1 est brick house in Barrie, 118 Collier street, has lost its title to the name with which for more than three- quarters,of a century it has been I identified. 1 1 -1. 0 qnnvr Oldest BrickT-louse, Home of Four Generations in Barrie, Is Sold. ` l\l\4II In; Iwuo The old homestead, built in 1845, and firstoccupied by Edmund S. Lally, county treasurer, rifleman, horseman,` pioneer citizen, has been purchased by H. D. J amieson, Barrie, for $4,800, which was the assessed I valuation.- 1 -.1 -. .1 ' VGIKIGULUIIF This ten-room house with its three- tier wall," is one of the few home- steads left in the County Town whose age antedates 1850; the Ardagh home and perhaps another one or two being all that are still held in their original name title. The sub- stantial construction of the Lally homemay be judged when it is stat- ed one small box wood-burning stove was sufficient to furnish it with heat upstairs and down. The three-brick thickness of the walls is responsible for this, perhaps; valso they were largely responsible for saving the dwelling from destruction by fire when the kitchen and outhouses burn- ed a few months ago. There are two fireplaces in the home which, _when lit, even dispensed with the stove for heating. T rn1_:_ 1_-_._..-;......1 --.'|..:..L 1...... 1............) DI/UV C .l.U1 llcuuanns. This homestead, which has housed four generations of the same family, was occupied by Miss Constance Lally alone. after her parents death. until her demise Dec. 3 last. Miss Lally bequeathed the homestead to Mrs. C. Fitzgibbon of Vancouver, |daughter of Mrs. Bernard andsister of Mrs. Percy Brown. Toronto, and granddaughter of Edmund Lally. Mrs. Fitzgibbon has occupied the house since her maiden aunt s death._ .It is understood she will return to Vancouver.- ` 1 `I B L` , 1.-. _-- _1-___ TRAIL RANGERS ENJOY RALLY AT ST. ANDREW S_ V QIILU II V C]. l' A second sale of. the house alone and thevsale of separate lots are un- der negotiation to different parties. There are five lots in all, the house `lot, one on the east side and three on Poyntz street` with 66 feet frontage `on each of the latter three. Boys of the town aged twelve toll fourteen, to the number of 100, gath- ,ered'in St. Andrew s church base- ment Tuesday evening and [had a splendid time, at the big Trail Rangers Encampment held under the direction of the Barrie Boys Work Board. The boys were there promptly at 7.30 and enjoyed every minute of the two and "a half hours. want cur ll oinu West. K5. The meeting opened with a sing- , song, led by E. R. Thurlow, and with _ Gordon Steyenson furnishing the music. The little fellows did not get j as much steam into the singing as y the Tuxis boys dida week previously; at least, not till, they came to the -Bells of St. Mary s, and then they did ring out. A. G. MacLellan s Trail Ranger class, the Iroquois, then took , charge of the meeting, with the fol- lowing officers in the chairs: Howard Ross, Grand Chief; Kenneth Walls, Deputy Chief; Jas. Robertson, Tally, and Will Newton, Cache. After the devotional exercises were reverently . carried out, a business session took place,- in which the chief topics of discussion were the summer camp at Beausoliel Island, and the athletic meet. Judging by the enthusiasm ` displayed by the boys, there will b.e a big contingent from Barrie at the Central Ontario Trail Rangers Camp this summer, provided dad comes across and mother gives her consent. Mr. Thurlow then gave a practical talk on Trail Ranger work which was listened to with fine attention. urn ___,__,M 1.1.... IIDIICIICIJ I/U VVIIJIL LIIIC clvuvllvlvnnu Fred Sarjeant s Beavers then took charge of the meeting and dem- onstrated how a mid-week meeting should be held." The officers who took part were: Randall Hart. Chief Ranger; Dutton Wallace, Deputy Chief; Oscar Thomas, Cache; Stewart Bryson, Tally. I`......_ .......`n.. wvoanon `Ln vunupdv :`r.I-In An JJLJDVJII, WHJ. Group games was _the next item on the program, the first event being pushball, in which D. F. McCuaig s Hurons heat A. G. MacLel1an s Iro- quois. In the horseback contest the Iroquois defeated the Beavers, and the Allandale Chickadees beat the Hurons. Ostrich tag and other games were `also played. a 5". . _ . A cum. #1:... an-nnnvu:' ::nn`A `whom VVCIC luau PIGJCVJO Then came the_ grand finale, when lunch was served. No finer apprec- iation of the culinary art of the ladies in charge could be given -than the fact that the boys cleaned up everything about the place. God Save the King closed a most enjoy- able and profitable evening for the boys. ' Read the Adlet Column. GARRETT; BRINGS CUP HOME FROM smoun; Stroud quartet hold the Boys Trophy captured from Robt. Malcomson. R., F. Garrett regained the mug for Bar- ` rie on Friday night by a score of 16 to 10. Thursday'rght he journey-` ed to Stroud in the storm only to` nd none of the oppong rhiinl sight, there having been a misunder-E lstanding as to the date. VVhe there, however, the Barrie players arranged for a match the following night, when they turned up againl bent on landing the silverware. Af- tern removing the water on the curl-i ring surface with the help of some, snow, the rinks turned their rocks` and went to it. Considering con-l ditions, the ice was fair and some ; very good ends were played. Stroudl was ahead for the first few ends, then Bare pued ahead and nnn~ tained a lead to the finish. At the; l end of the 14th, Stroud ~was down{ only 1, but Barrie added 4 and 1 in; the next two, thus finishing 6 to the ' `|good. . TL- ..:...'J-.\.... .u..-...-. Lunar!-no! 4-A 'In~nn1\l Not for long did Ben Webb s; l |m'iiie visitors were treaited to lunch! and enjoyed the hospitality for which Stroud is noted. l',I1,_,, I Lluxvuu IL) uvvvun The_ rinks were as follows: Barrie ' 4-,.` Dr. V 41 Duilop SI.` The following subscriptions were received at the Union Bank for the Russian Relief Fund: !A. Leslie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 5.00 Donald Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . 025.00 Gertrude Corbett . . . . . . . . 2.00 W. J. Whelan . . . . . . . 1.00} J. Willocks - . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 i M. C. Barwick . . . . . . . . . . 1 .00 ' H. Palling . . . . . . . . . . . . `. 1 .00 L. Orchard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 00 3 Simmons & Co. . . . . . . . . . 5.00: W. Carruthers 5.00? J. I-Ianmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .00 A" Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00:1 Anonymous _ . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 I Mrs. F. Frankcom . . . . . . . '1 .00 ' A Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Geo. Johnson . . . . . ..; . . . 10.00 Q The following Russian Save the! Children Fund contributions were re-I ceived at the Bank of Nova Scotia: , Barrie Lodge of Perfection C1.._J.L2..L `D31... G -Inn nn .I.:uo:.;n\. cavu 4. -v;..-.wvm-.u.. Scottish Rite . . . . . . . . .$ Mrs. Matthew Jackson . . . . St. Andrew's Presbyterian church . . . . . . . . . . . .` . . A The Bankof Toronto reoeived the` following subsgriptions to date: Misses King . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 5.00 J. E. Billingsley . . . . . . . .. 5.00. DISTRICT MEETING'. B. W.`Rhinehart, S. Kilgour and V. L.` Vanatter, representatives of Bar- rie Lodge No. 63,. I.0.0.F. Willi go. to Collingwood on Good Friday, April 14, to attend the annual District meeting and Lodge of Juris- ` diction. Degree Master A. C. Brick- er, with his degree team, will exem- plify the Third Degree in their! usual efficient style. It is expected; there will be a large turnout of Oddfellows. '- Collingwood is noted for giving the ;visiting brethren a` good time. " ' D `lacrosse talk has been jndulged in LACROSSE TALK 5 I It is many years since so much| by the boys of the town, and the? time is about ripe for the calling to- gether of the numerous lacrosse en- thusiasts to form an organization. A number of the school boys have. al- ready ordered sticks and in a week or two Canada's national game may again come into its own in Barrie.. -Brighten your home with Sar- jeant & King s rugs and linoleums. Complete stock on second floor. 14c UNION BANK OF CANADA FOR RUSSIAN RELIEF FUND 5f 1CfJc3:ison 1C'v?f.'E:}2Z{{ I r. V. A. Hart F. Garrett. 16. Ben. Webb, 10' `< ;WW