nus rrmay mgnn. . Mrs. Gray and d-aughmr, Miss` Ailsa, of Barrie spent the week-end with Mr. and `M18. 0. E. Dutcher. n-r... Il..T(..:..`l.L s....l 11.. 'r...`..:.. at `l'4`....l...-4 Stbecxibe to The Barrie Examiner and get all the news. THE New ROUTE IIIIQIQIIJIL Q-g--_-.4_- -1-____. ____.____ Phone 4471! - --c--than I |\IIII$\IYI\9Il V W {V it considerably lower rates. 1-`on FULL INFORMATION, SEE 8?223"?`F.r.?.'.?`"'} RAILWA` DAILY TRANSCQNTINENTAL SERVICE BAg;s- F New styles and materials just arrived. Patent Leather Shopping Bags, Duplex style, $1.50 Rhino Leather Bags with strap, Grey or Black. .$2 Larger styles in several leathers at . ., $3.25, s3.5o,/ and $5.00 Leave Toronto 8:15 p.m. daily, Standard Sleepin car Toronto to via North Bay and Cochmne.. Through ourist Sleepilr-is ronto to Winnipeg on 'L' esdays. Thursdays. Saturdays a Sundays. ' ' Ir! canal .-.. -- _ _-.__ W Toronto I035 p.m. "The National" Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays via Sudbury and Port Arthur. Solid through train with Standard and Tourist Sleeping cars. Coaches. Colonist car and Dining Car Service. Connection at Winnipeg for all points West. uroppea com-Iluerumy. - Special collections were taken in the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches on Sunday for the Russian Relief Fund and A good offering was obtained. `Maura man rnnaixrarl ha flu: vlllnun {Eln l\\J\J I L`. WINHIPE sAsuA1oori"I3iiucE RUPERT snnuoou CALGARY VANCOUVER REGINA an MORTON vucromn . . .. . . .' ....... . . $1.25; idnl $1.75 each Frilly Vestee Lace in cream or white, $4.00 and $5.00 a yard . . . . . . . . $1.00 and $1.25 per Vestee New Collar Laces. . . . $1, $1.25 and $1.75 yd. Collar and Cull` sets in a variety of styles and materials. Assorted prices. ` Get full particulars, reservations, etclfrom Local Agent or nearest Agent of the Canadian National-Grand Trunk Rys. MONA LISA VE-ILS, the most popular ` veil: Black, Navy, Brown or Taupe. . 25c, 50c, 89 each The popular Boater Collar, creafn lace A` 451 Ann 14-; I A` sis -.' ! W':W/``$`@`}&?& &`l `9Nz` EASTER NECKWEAR AND ALL WESTERN POINTS choice or no_u1__s urirowu A(;EN'l'- nanny New _ 3l..._ 1)! UCLI5` keard. _.I -4. 4 Seg_i11_o;r_{xr'in~d-c>-\_ar_ cT1' new short Hose of fine quality glove silk, fancy garter top. HOSIERY AND GLOVES of Quality and Style Best Quality Glove` "Silk Hose; colors are, Navy, Brown, Black, White. '. . . . . . . . . . . $3.98 Pair Venus Silk Hose, pure silk in Black, White, Navy, Nigger and Russian Calf. . . . . . . . . . . . $1.98 Pair Double Thread Silk Gaunt- let Gloves in two-toned effects . . . . . . $3.50 Pair Navy, Mode, Pongee, Silver Black or White Gloves, at . . . . . . . . . $1.50 Pair MADE IN_ lARR_lE Thursday, April 6, 1922 } RAILWAYS .%//.2~*'*) $2.00 3 year. 4|. Duniop St. 1 Sunday. "All colors. 35: and 40 Carry one of the Colored Hankies when you wear that new outfit on Easter $5 UUH U1 H11 . uuu Lula. LL. Ulclucuu. Married at the Manse, Hillsdale. by Rev. Mr. McEwan, Wednesday, March 29, 1922. Harold Dickie, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dickie to Miss Myrtle Marcellus, youngest daughter of Mrs.'Wm. Marcellus, both of -r:.... I For thv Vof tht- Sin but one It. fines. Th p1'isonm' i. limit for \ hold p1ji. be 1`L-mow is reccivctl V empty. Th ions when were only hand a now -If yo and linolcu brand new; ishing dep floor. SIMCOE ONLY ON WIS} XCIRC THIS Soun4 A11 59th Frcsll TH in At} u mm. U. uycx, a unusuuwlo Geo. Manning of Toronto spent a` few days with his father last week. - Miss Lylia Hill spent; a few days with 'her sister, Mrs. H. Bell, Gilford. Ilug `Lnrnnn AF Rnannr anon}. 1:1-an watt}:- `X I51` `I13 LUIUHI/`Jo Among the recent visitors `who called 110 see Mrs. Jane Lennox, sixth line, who has been seriously ill for the past two - LIBJUI 15. U}! nun nuvuuu uuvvn nav- Ievere illness. _ T Oswald Manning of Toronto visited with S. Manning, S12, last week._ V Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Wm. Rance -Ire visiting at Waubausheno. Born, on Sunday, Max. 26, 1922, to Mr. `and Mrs. G. Dyer, a daughter. (1.... Mnnninn AF 'l`zu-4-min nnnnf. nv few O DOMINION STORES LIMITED THE CHAIN GROCERY STORES 01-` CANADA 146 STORES IN ONTARIO I | Tire '-W ."?!t=m _!'| ----1-2 & nInv3l1rIldII 7-bluppe|-ton Sh. Barrie, Ontario Mrs. Player is. up and `around. afterj her - Q-nnn Innonn E13. U. 13. .1JllIoCI18I'. Wm. McKnight and Mr. Irwin of Egbert and J. McKnight of [Barrie visited at Geo. McKnight s last iveek. 7Y:J~.n Au-nah` and Fnnnv hnvn mnvn intn __ _v _ __ 7 _ 7 __ ,, ___ ____ Fabric Guarantee, miles Cord Guarantee, 10,000. miles .sK'5i579?[Tiisi5?9iiA"ii3: Page Eight A Developiinent` ih Two _Yers, Made. Posible Only by ` Honest Goods at Honest.Prices..~ ` Horse Radish . . . . . . 23 Liberty Herring ~. . l2%c Lobsters . . . 25c and 38 Lard, 3-lb. pail. . . . . 55 Lard, 5-lb. . . 90 Lard, 20-lb. pail. . .$3.45 Shortening, 3-lb. pail 55 Shortening, 5-lb. pail 90 Shortening, 10-lb. pail . -A ZEl}'BZ3n".' .' .' .' 153 ii Clover Honey, 5-lb. pail .__--_-'_--_..:, -v --- .v-.__ . . . . . . . . . -. . . . `$1.70 Peanut Butter. . . 2c Sliced Bacon. . .. 33 lb: Each B35011 .._. ._ 49c`_}b.` ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR $7.20 Per Cwt- new uwnuuxu. Married, at the parsonage, by Rev. R. E. Morton, on Wednesday, Apr. 5, 1922, Myrtle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Argue, to Mr. William J. Clement, young- est son of Mryand Mrs. H. Clement. u.....:...: .; n... u,....... u:n...a..I.. 1.... 13...; mews or ELMV ALE 1o POUNDS SUGAR Fox 759 st-znmc IS nausvmc COME IN There passed away -at lot 24, con. 1, Tiny, Sunday, Apr. 2, one of the oldest settlers of this dbtrict, in the person of Donald McCa1lum of Allenwood, who was in -his 93rd year. Mr. McCallum had long been a resident in this district and was sl~ ways a congenial neighbor. He leaves to mourn him, his widow, one daughter, Mrs. Dale of Allenwood, and one son, John, at home. The funeral service was held at `his late residence on Tuesday, Apr. 4, con- ducted by Rev. R.-E. Morton, interment- in Allenwood cemetery. Death of Mrs. `Alice Martin Death called -another, of the pioneers of Flos Tp. on Saturday, Apr. 1, in. the per- son of Mrs. Alice Mart'm,- widow of the late David Martin. Mrs. Martin was born `in the County of Peel, in 1838, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Curry, coming from Ireland. In 1858 she married David Ma.r~ ` tin of the Tp. of Euphrasia, County of Grey. who was a native of Ireland. Of- their -family of seven children three sur~ vive, namely, Mrs. Ritchie Gardner, Rock- lyn; Robert Martin, Flos, and David Mar- tin, Orr Lake. She had twenty-one grand- children and fourteen great-grandchildren. Of her sisters and brothers there are six left, namely, Mis Mary Curry and Mrs. James Falls of Rocklyn, Robt. Curry of Lion's Head, John Curry of Penetang, Nathaniel Curry `of Rocklyn and David Curry of North Battleford. Mrs. Martin had been "making her home with her son Robert, lot 61, con. 1, Flos, -at which place nine weeks ago she suffered a stroke and was bedfast until death relieved her of all suffering. Thefuneral was held on`Mon- day ,afternoon, service beingrconducted in the Hillsdale Presbyterian Church by the pastor, Rev. Mr. MeEw-an. Interment took place indthe Hillsdale Presbyterian Cemetery. ' . on Her HIOHICT. . Next week being the week previous to Easter, special services are being arranged [in the dierent village churches. The Pres- byterians and Methodists will hold a week of . prayer meetings starting Monday night. These meetings will be held alternately in the Prbyterian and Methodist, churches, "commencing in the former church. The members of Wyclie Church will hold a special meeting on the night of Good Fri~ day in their church. - Former Resident Dies in Calgary A subscriberin Calgary has kindly for- warded to The Examiner -the following ar- lvticle regarding the late Peter.Kenny:---.=' :nL,_- .|:__1 -4. n..I........ .. Q.....l.... nIvnv\_ UIUIU Ivsunuuoa vuv navy Qvvvn .--~-.--J . There died at Calgary on S nday even- ing, Mar. 26, fortied by the last rites of the church, -9. lifelong resident of Elmvale, in the person of Peter Kenny, who within the last few years, `along with his wife, took ...-. n...:.. u-mhlnnnn with his dmwhter. Mm. 'nel' SISICF, NIYS. 11. Dell, UIUOFU. Mrs. Lemon of Bognor spent the week- end with her sister, Mrs. S. E. Campbell. Born, on Monday, Mar. 27, 1922, to Mr. And Mrs. Arthur Livingston, a. daughter. Thos. Allen, Sr., is able to sit up after. being conned to his bed for some weeks. Mrs. R. L. Richardsbn -and son Glen are spending 9. few days with her parents at `E3... r.n`A me last IBW years, `mung wxvu um wuc, uvun up their residence with his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Robinson, whose husband holds a prominent position in thelStores Depart-` ment of the Canadian Pacic Railway Co. ,at Calgary. When Mr. and Mrs. Kenny came `West they were kindly and gladly re- ceived by the former residents of Elmvale, and this because of the" unassuming,` retir- ing and kindly disposition of this couple of advanced age and of ripe experience in the early days of Simcoe; During his last ill- ness, these friends did not fail to call upon Peter with assurance of their friendship, and at the funeral service at St. Joseph's Church, which was largely attended,- there was noticed a goodly representation from months, were: Mrs{John Doson, Utopia; W. E. Lennox and son Lambert, Ivy; A. E. Lennox and son`Arthur, Barrie; David A. Gauley. Ivy; Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lennox, Barrie . Mrs. W. E. Lennox of Ivy-has been spending some time waiting her mother. ' \Y-..A. .......I. 'l....u- 6.1.)` Circa`: -nu-nuinna fn Crown Syrup, 54!. p 1>o;u'.{;'.'.'.'. iula Mpcaroni, -16 02.00 I II ail ; 41c 41c 15c REJI '1\7futZ:5,"1A .' .552 Shirris Jelly Powders i :i;1::e;s 's}ca{p' i=iaEZ' -- . . . . 20) Ammonia. . . . (3; for Toilet Paper. . 6 rolls 25 ' Cheese . . . . . . . . 25 lb. Caele; Soap. . 13 for 10 --__----_- Y wv--J - V vvwuwuw . . . . . . . . ..-3for25c .Camation .} 8c, 16 Klim ' . . . . . . . . 25c, 42c (V INII The Late Dbnald Mccallum A hockey match in which a great deal of excitement and interest was shown was played at Crystal Rink last "Friday, when the Elmvale regular team clashed, sticks with a picked team from the Wanderers shape and some clean, fast hockey was the result. The first period was a bad one for the All Stars as the rushes of the reg- ulars combined with close checking and combination enabled them to put past K. Davidson six goals while one was netted for the All Stars. In the second period .H. Hayes replaced K. Davidson in goal and the All Stars made a desperate e'ort to reduce the lead of the Some real -good hockey was played. Each team checked in earnest but the rushes of Rit- chie and -Wilson, combined with some good shots on the goal, gave the Regulars four in this period, while French for the All Stars, along with the Simpson boys, kept Anderson busy, -and they netted three goals. With the game easily tucked_ away by a large margin, the Regulars did not play as strenuously in the third period, -but the and E.C.S. The ice was in very gee net before the bell rang, leaving the score 10 to 5 in favor of the Regulars. J. V. Shanahan refereed the game to the satis- faction of everybody, no penalties being imposed. The teams were as follows :- All Stars-.-H.' Hayes, goal; F. Hayes, J. O Shea, defence; L. Simpson, centre; 0. French, E. Simpson, wings; W. Cope- land, L. Lawson, subs. Regulars-W. Anderson, goal; F. Rit- All Stars were able to get one more in the ohie, Dr. Tyrer, defence; J. _Lawson, cen- tre; J._ Wkilson, R. Cooper, wings; L. Rob- hnann uuauunor. F, G. Napier. attended the banquet to `agents of the Crown Life, held in Barrie last Friday night. "ca (Iran on!` d.nun}\fAr `nd Ail, (`If II.I'Uj 9: VVQBV mson, sub. CUIIVVI HUFVIL IUI IIIIIIEII March Report of Elmvale Public School. Room 'IV-8r. IV--Honors: Alex. Mc- >Aulay,. Vina. McKenzie, Edwin Campbpll. Marie Couture, Edna. Simpson, Barenice Hayes, Mary Ritchie, 0live.Kerr -and Clay- gwwsws%awwvg%w%%':s%w&m%awwwwwwwwwwwg %%$@$%%%f%#%w%%% Remember ' that April has [her , `showers still and be sure to have one of. these new Colored Umbrellas in Navy, Green or Purple.-. $10.00 each. Trimmed Mohair Hats in new Styles. $8.50 tp $11 Sailors. A splendid assort- ment of shades and shapes. . .$3.00 to, $9.00 Mourning Hats, neatly trim- med. . . . $8.00 and $10 V \.vL\J\aa4 WWWWWW ! E sizes A SPECIAL SALE OF SILKS `E E FOR EASTER WEEK SI1:K Txygomm sc_R1= V ` 36-inch Pailette Silk or Satin de`Chene, in all the leading shades. Our regular $2.50 quality, for` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.88 yd. dllclullgunu 15311 WUUlSo [John Arnold and family have moved into l the house recently vacated by R. Hisey, opposite.Copeland's mill. ` R F`. umnhnll nnlnnrlnrl a nnr nf fence Baronette Satin`; colors, White, Verdigris,iWa1l- flower, Chamois, 40 inches wide . . . . . . $3.50 yd; Black or Navy Canton Crepe, 40 inches wide _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. : . . . . . . . . . . . $4.25 yd. CREPE DE CHENE on ~ .E9_R9ETTE_-3'-U$E5 - . -T)-;os_tTtEl1v.*_ Orchid, Rose, ` School JR: March I\_,,'__; -1 .r.u,,.,,,|- n,.LIs_ HERE ARE HATS ` wmcn GIVE THAT DRE.SS_Y APPEARANCE Regulars vs All Stars ,,,L!,L _ __ If you have not seen the newest arrivals, belsure 'to do so.` THE BARRIE EXAMINER Cognw, Klwifc, Verdigris, Maiz $05 an I .'.'.".fI1} U -Kiplllu 5 Hull: vppueut S. E. Campbell unloaded a car of fence wire recently. Farmens will be glad to hear that the price of this commodity has dropped considerably. ' an-mnI nnllnnnna warp tnlrnn in `tho . v-.._ .7- _'v v\r ~17-7 ........ ..:3.'so.,.c1. C!`-V11_5.'-*Ese_ 6% T>E1Ey'i'1k, or Navy with Red trimming, 36 to 42. . . . 3.25 each I'\ \1I1-!L- ___ -_I- i?1-av11t_h_e-1e;di';g_ shades, several styles to select from aha um `I " -E)'f""\}\c7i1iVtc;, Habutai . . . For the woman who to be at her best` on the most fashionable Sunday of all the year, here are new styles of such wide variety in design and such decidedly distinctive models that every woman will find just the very Coat, Suit, Dress, or Hat that will be most fashion- ably beautifying to her particular type of personality. PLEASE PLAN TO MAKE `YOUR SELECTIONS EARLY ---Honors: Grigg. Roy Arn- old. Pass: Vernon Jordan, George Bell, Carmen Spring. ' .Q. 1'_Jl'.l'.-.......... ll.-. D:;..1.:.. u .... -_' uaa iucu Dpl. lug . -Sr. I--Honors: Mary Ritchie, Marguer-' ite Terry, Francis Stone. Pass: Murray Ritc_hie, Agnes French, Archie Kerr, Arthur Webster, Vincent Hart, Melvin Boyce, Vel- ma Terry, Alex, Andrew. ' " Dnnvn T_._Tu T U}.-.a.-... til... 13...... Ana Lcuy, turns, nuuruw. Room I--Jr. I-Honors: Ellen Hogg, Margaret Ritchie, Jean `McKnight, Hazel Lawson and Ru by'Hart (equal). Pass: Mamie Ritchie, Olive Cox, Ina Beardsall. Sr. Prima.ry--Honors: ' Florence Fergus- on, Murza Shanahan, Edward Kirton-. Pas: Russell Rowat, Harry Ritchie, Helen Hart, Edith Howe, Lloyd McKnight, Mir- zah French, Letitia Bell. In `D -........., .`'........... - 1I1:....n..... nuz- luau .I.`u7uUu., .I.n:uuu nun. Jr. P"rim~ary-,-Honors: Winston Ellis, Evelyn Black, Grace Chapman, = Francis Burton. Pas: GordoniMcKenzie, Malcolm Rowat: Ada Bell -and Margaret Andrew (equal), Claude Timmina, Willie _Rountree, Annie Manning. ` , _ In the foregoing lists only the names of those obtaining suicient marks to get pass standing are given. . } 5 50011 Ducting was uuvuuwu. News was received in the village this` week of the death of two of the old resid- ent: of Elmvale in the pemons of Peter Kenny of Calgary and Robert Elliott of 11.... t.:.1......1 0555 auuyluuyn V I Breedinguf elephant: in captivity is ex- ceodingly diioult. . % . I UHIIDUIC, VOILIIB }JVlIl\EIll Room ~II-Sr. II-Honors: Mossie Drap- er, James Ferguson, Mabel Mcl-Ioull, An- drew Fleming. Pass: Wilma Montgomery, Gladys Brown, Jean McKenzie, Eileen Draper, Margaret Stone and Laura. Bunt (equal). V I. rr_u.......... n-..:;. r1.:.... 1)..-- A..- ton Jordan (equal), Leslie Stanlev, New- ton Train, Harold Lawson, Earle Lawson. Pm: Beatrice Cotton, Lioyd Kerr, Leon- uxu nxsuc. Jr. IV--Honors: Aimie Andrew, Ormie Couture. Christie, Violet Wade, I Lindley Brown (equal), Grant Arnold`, Raymonc ton* Gordon Rowat. ) A-_ `D_._LL.. `I')2L_L2..*I> uululcy LDIUWH uaquuu, Uvunlu Lvluuuriv Amold*, Raymond Player, Jim Kit ton*, Gordon Pass: Jean Whit ton`, Bertha Ritchie , Gordon Whitton* Donald McKenzie`, Esther Howe`. Those marked with an _asterisk have missed exams. `D_.._. T71` D. 711' 1)---. 131._.I-AL_ T\_.__ Room III-Sr. 111-Pass: Birdetta Drap~l er, Alvin Greerglaw. \ _ Jr. III--Honors: Ida Webster, Mabel Terry, Jean Arnold, -Irene Lawson,-Clifton Dean. Pass: Verona Rowat, Helen Mc- Knight, Edna Boyce, Graham Whitton, Harve McKenzie, Margaret Brown, Willie "Pin-H. Inna "Wu-|vn:nu* [Aka T\nu::lnnn ILKIIVU LVIUIXULIIIU, UIRITSIIUU DTUWH, VVUUU Ritchie, Lena Timmins*, John Davidson, Sr. II-Honors: Lillian Lawson. Pass: Samuel Boyce, Gersham Howe, Graham Christie, Velma. Bearcball. 1).-uu~.~TI' .Q- TI U4-mans: II......:.. Tu--- Oregon produces about .70,000,000 dozen 9-: annually Br ' YSatin and $1.25 to $3.98 each uuy. - Mrs. Ross, who has been spending a. few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Thompson, `returned to Toronto last. week and left there on Sunday for Saskatoon. Mrs. Thompson accompanied _her mother -as far -as Toronto. 'Every garment we show has been specially selected, or designed exclusively for us Tricotine or Serge Suits . . . . . . . . . $19 to $57 Spring Coats in all the new shades, Tweeds, Homespun, Velour , Suedine, . . .$l6 to $46 Dresses. . ; . . .. . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 to $45.00 Several styles of 'l`aeta Dresses in Black, Navy and Brown . . . . . . . . . . $27.50 each Canton Crepe, a dress of splendid quality and ' appearance . . . . . . . . . . . $32.00 to $45.00 Kiddies (Reefers, sizes 2 to 12 years _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $5.98 to $10.50 Velour, Tweed-orHomespun, lotto 15-year Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.25 to $1`5.00 S; W. Moore THE MOST ATTRACTIVE STYLES IN OUR EXCLUSIVE MODELS : Davidson, _..A..__. T). A _...-.. U 115V IUDUII, ulauuuu , Ida Agnew. Helen Roy Webster` and , Donald McGuire, __l 111----.. T1..- 1) Z_ , Blanche w. met` Il -I'\..Z_- have IHIUIIVZI-I8 Borg, `on Saturday, Mar. 25, 1922, to `Mr. and Mrs._ I. Miller, a daughter (Lylia Geraldine) . F ['1 l|9\:Ai nfnnlhll` Han hnnnnnf. fl)