$937 $569` $621 _$703 J $662.00} TOU_llN_G cm: ONTARIO are F .0.B. !Auto License Read The Eamniner Adlet Column. .uuu, uua nsuurucu w me Home In M18 west. Three families of McWaters hvmg on the townline have all moved to Mount St. Louis K. on"! ll-.. (1.... I.`.......:.. L A..- _.-L...___ - _I -Thursday, Apri1 6, 1922 7 Owen` St. .. Masonic Temple Bldg. W. BELL, Issuer Successor to J. Arnold tiiilh A mutant fella uul wuuw .1 teri 1] gm That I I 1,! lIIlL'.' phu gave Hp they thr fast wen] these." . 5:1 plo. iul n gunr Can ndi:m abifut th c0u.~`.in.~'. tern`. '1 we:Ll!h_\' j were (bu U1` Waslu the IUIVHUU uuu \IUI.'a.| PI}: Wm. Vollick has purchased property in Hidland and intends to move there shortly I mnntlno -mm: hair! in Man *'l`l\'nvn Hall iillullln: uvv.` h:i LEVER The thi Lux Ha our ow and me Whisk Lux int ' half a M water. until I` stockin pressin ` through Rinse 1 waters. out--do dry. - radiator XV -,.` Thurs duvvuuuc uuvc nu Iuuvcu bu muunb DD. 1401115 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fraser have returned home after an absence of three inonths in Toronto and Guelph. Ir... v,.u:..r, 1...... ........1........a ..-....-..... :_ ATHEH "t:7lv>t)hes. ` ` `B 1`! `ii%*&*%%$&$%%*w$&%&%$%%*% cmucuunsr _g _ ~ANcus FLATS CANADIAN STEEL SIWIRE COMPANY, LTD., _ at Hamilton, the rm that has been giving honest fence value for 20 years. A ` ` We can pell you this fence as cheap as you'can buy fence anywhere. GE D. HUBl3ARD,Barrie, 3m. ,J 5 IIIIIIU LU LVIIUUUTUU. ' Alex. Richaxdson is still conned to the II1. uni: - - uuuuan an... -1.. -___ L- ___ 1 V Bunches at Toronto, Monirnl. Wlnnlpo}; 'l-1.11;,` r:'oRsAu: BY 0 l'l'0N HARDWARE co.,`i'fTb. } THE BALL PLANING MILL co., LTD. AMERICAN Fl-INCE Brantfo rd A_}_:hal c_ Slates Brantfora Roofing % _o., I...i1n_itd% "QQA Ill!` "unt:-- 'D___'Ll-_.I Brantford Asphalt Slates are distriliuted under Brehtford. Roong trade marks, through Brantford Roong dealers. Stock carried, infotniation furnished, service ren ered by our dealer in your district. ' Write for our Booklet, Permanent Roong Satisfaction. Mailed tree to responsible parties. Thy will not crlaclc-- ` "'l:lley will not curl Page Six are W-aterproofed Crushed slate in its natural cblors (dark. red or green) is deeply embedded into" and encrusted on the weather surface. This makes it wear- ___- -1 i:?o6` - ".:.'.'...`?.:*:":: :::S..':.-*;:::.z;..*'::.:*.:`.f;:.`-..S.:.'::*'- an -a cunt jgnu up 4 pguuu g'`-**`_. ._ lsthe Bestifou Can Buy a-ncl Armor-Plated How End 1115 net gruuuxuuwer, Mrs. mcuualg. Thomas Crawford is busy getting his wood sawed.` ` On Monday, Apr.g3, tIhe U.F.O. shipped two cars of cattle for the Easter cattle trade. Guy Kirkpatrick -had fteen de- horned pure bred Shorthorn cattle which weighed 22,650 lbs. at the scales here, six steers in the bunch weighing 9600 lbs., av- eraging l5l0 each; Richard Roe -also had four nice ones, one calf 22 months old weighing" 1460 lbs. These are said to be the nest lot of cattle that ever left this place and these men are to be congratulat- ed on breeding and feeding such cu nliollill IIVVIIIB IR] UIJC ll\I\J\`u ""&ii."1i;:a bavidson is on the sick 1;; at time of writing.` Mrs. Walkinshaw is slowly improving. Mr. Sh-aughnessy is making timber and is preparing -to raise his barn this summer. Justin McBride is expected home some of these days after his illness. ' Tim:-n mm n u....'.. I.......... ....__.:_u L--- Apr. 4.-Mr.-Bx-1;-n-fi;:l:i-9.-ng son Clifford spent the week-end with the former'_s mo- ther, Mrs. Burneld. -man TM... u'..A_n..._ -45 n..n_ ,2 u; ouwv uuyu tuner ms 11111888. There was a very heavy snowfall here last week. ` vucn, uuo. uuruuexu. 7 Miss Jean McArl:hur of Guthrie is visit- ing her grandmother, Mrs. Mccuaig. Thomas Crnwfnrrl in 1-uuau nmH-inn LI- Apr. 3.--Syrup making is in full swing here at present. Mina A-nu `R1-hnnu'Ig bnnnkh... ......l.. ..n... aauu xuw -umuc-(Jeep amen. A nungber here are suffering from ios which very much resemble the ucrc ugh prvuunb. Miss A-lice Bx-iggs' is teaching again after two. weeks` holidays owing to thg ood. - u:.... D-.- n---:.:--_ 2- -- 0B9smI6N And we're be selling lt. We know there is noth- ing to touch it for strength, vfelght, durability, `and all round satisfaction. ' .AMERICAN" fence is made by THE f`A\IAI\'I' A`! nu-var Q (Not From Our Regular Correspondent) Apr. 3.--`Floyd Dyer of Toronto came -up on Friday to_ see his brother Morley, who .is still very ill. __ ` Miss Lizzie Palling is seriously ill in the ,R. V. Hospital.` 'I`l-In vnuu-nu vuuwslnr. 1...... -..:..-....l LL- ..__..r---. 'mTh`e' yqung `people have enj sleigh-riding in Mr. Dunn s eld. `M . anal II ... A..L1..... (\..'_...I- - Lung ruuuuuy. ' Miss -Maimie Spears has been on .the sick list in Toronto, but aft being underthe very skillful treatment 0 Dr. J. H. Spears has returned home quite convalescent. vuuvcuuuusu uUup|blu.' ' ` Mrs. E. Riohardsbn and little son Gray- don visited at her father's home at Bi `Bay Point last week. man Dian--- !V.....l.'....4. ......- - L:..LLJ- an-.u5u'1xu|u5 Ill 1111 . uuuu B uelu. Mr. -and Mrs. Arthur Orrock celebrated the twenty-fth anniversary of their wed- ding recently. `Mk: -"n;m:n Qnnnua 1-non Loan nun LL- ..2-l- Juan. nauuxuuuuu is Sun 0011111180 50 me louse. Hrs son Harry, who came to see slum, has returned to bus home In the West. `Wanna (smiling IL: A n`Aun H..3..... ..._ AL- vuw-auuuuul nu vut: "Bab. \ _ Mrs. T. Pattenden is taking care of her little granddaughter Margaret, young daughter of- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Patten- den, as the mother is still very low in the Gravenhurst hospital. ' l MIG p:ll`lnl'nt"\i-I nnpl I355`- .-.A-. IV..- gun; J.uuu may VVCEK. Miss Eleanor Carefoot gave a birthday ,party` foraome of Qer chums on Mar. 25; All repor a- good ltlme. ` Mar. 30.-Mr. -and Mrs. H. Johnston gave 3: farewell party -at their -home, Mar. 21, for their brother Elmer, who returned to the West the following evening, accom- -panied by Wall_a`ce McLean, who` will spend thelsummer in the West. ` \ Il'...:. m 'D..u.-._.I_._ L L-`_2_ ,, ,,,., 0 I 5UU\I 11111510 Mrs. G. `Hogan is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Youen, in Toronto. d Wood bees seem to be the order of the ay. . ` There was quite a fall of snow Friday -night, making the people get'vo`,ut their cutters -and sleighs for town the next day. The snow 'will`-meanv a `big protection for the wheat. vuu umv vi one ween: 101' men` new home in Churchill, where Mr, Caxfefoot has taken a farm. His fri nds all wish him success, G., Hogan's szgle was well attended to- day. Reports are that everything went at good prices. Apr. 3.--~M.r. and Mrs. B. Tracy gave a farewell party on Mar. 31 for E. Carefoot and family, who intend leaving these parts the first of the week for their home in fnlllinlnl nvlnnum Ila l`......t'....A. L..- L-|--_ uusu VIII? HCIJUHUL , M. and S. Platt `wish to inform" their many friends and Edison prospects that on Apr. 1 all Edison Amachinw and records took a substantial drop in price, so that those who h-ave Ibeen anxiously waiting for this occurrence have been repaid on the nice sum they will save now. The Heppelwhite model, the beautiful machine so many chose, is down now to $195 , formerly be- ing $254, and the beautiful new, smooth- surfaced, white-faced records are a charm to listen to. being twice as long as any talking machine record out. The Amber- ola cylinder, small size, is now 854,ysecond size is now $75 -in place of $102, and the lovely cabinet Amberola is $125 in place of 3151. There is no reason now why any of you should long for an Edison at these prices. Call us -up 'byy-phone.-(VAdvt.) Luau! nvwu uulvugu tue vmuge IS commenc~ ing to settle a little and no doubt good re sults will show later on when heiwy traffic gets trdvellingbver it. The question at present is": What doour Council intend do- ing about this new sideroad between here and the second? -I` ___` Q 1`, `, ~ :1 . u I - - - _........v., as nun us vlvyo an: VUHUCTIICU. The gravel placed the past winter on the" main road through the village is { imz to Rttl I1 litflo ant` nn. Ann`-6 I-Ann` -A In uuugxcvuuu WM/ll UH: IHHTSH arlnage lead one to believe that there is much dissatis- faction among the larger percentage of the ratepayers over the recentpassing of judg- ment at our Council meeting. Your scribe would like to inform the larger owners of this property of the fact that` if they would `build a large dam across the -outlet and go into breeding muskrats they would make more and quicker money than all they will ever realize from `farming in- any stage on that soil. The draining of this marsh in the first instance. was apiece of tommy-rot and an `expense never to be repaid in any manner, as tar as crops are concerned. . qv1_,_ ,__,__...| ..I__-.I 41,, . - . `VI WCUAD Ill 1Ul'UUM u The closing days of March were windy and cold and some snow fell, but no dam- qe was done as reported" in other sections if country. The bright sun and balmy air of today has conyerted the snow and and into -ankle-deep slush. A nnmhmw hm-n nlln nnl-Va-tn- 6..-... I......I nuu -puvw l't7l1llCuu V Talking about sales-a funnything hap- pened at one of these sales reently that is too good to `keep. -A certain gentleman took a ne big turkey to be put up for sale, but the highest bid being too low to suit himahe bid it in himself, and. taking the bird, which had its legs tied, placed it in one of the outsheds till he was ready to leave. When thatvtime arrived and he went` to get his bird he found all th-at was left---part of one leg. The rest had been consumed by a large pig that was in this outshed, brought to the sale also to be sold. Needless to say_.`the man'was pretty sore at losing `both the bird" and its cost. II` _.....o .....v.. woav -.:u.u uuu nu UUBM ,m l-`he many meetings being held here} lately in connection with the marsh drainage lead one to believe that thou a m....t. ,::..-...:.. zuluul.-U, wucrc sue Wlu resxae. ' The hard times and oscarcityacof money the past year would lead one to think that there would not be much in ahe usual spring farm sale, but there is evidently a litt-legmoney in circulation -yet. for there has been -an unusual quantity of sales dur- ing the past couple of months and very fair -prices realized. "Pally:-.... ..L....L -..I-_ . I`, -' ' 5uuu 9.-yrup uuu sugar. Henry O'Neill of Apto has sold his farm and is leaving for Toronto shortly. Ber- nard McCarnen has rented his farfhto his brother James. Miss Lizzie McCarnen, who has spent quite a number of years keeping house for her brother here, riepartetl for Toronto, where she will reside. Thn Inn:-A 6:-yum ----I -----1L-- ~1' - V m.-r. uumme nus prevlotmly enjoyed, com- pany at many of his ~_ti5il downs" and has shown his appreciation of-enjoying same by supplying a generous -amount of syrup for an occasional tay pull. Your scribe will try -and make 3 call. with prospects of a good write-up on the process of making good syrup and sugar. Wnnru n'n..:n at A...L.. 1.... ..._L1 1_:_ 4-__, ..-.., 7...- rv-_..-...D us. an nu-vu-.. nuyv nynnllsu James Lam-bie, who recently installed an up-to-date maple syrup evaporator in his new sugar -bush, purchased from John Hay- es, is busy as'a lank these days. and while the weather `conditions have been very un- favorable for the'sap supply,tMr. Lambie anticipates :a good run yet, uwin to the quantity of snow in the_ bush. is said Mr. Lambie has previotmly enjoyed, nnf Rf. YYIIIHV f I Al'nunn nnol Ln.` _vuuu ecvtsn: culua. ' The peculiar weather this spring has caused much couiment among the old-tim- ers here, and while they profess to know all about it the days come and go entirely with opposite weather conditions than any of them predicted. The indications are at any rate pointing to a rather late spring. 7....-- `I ......L:.. -..L- ..----n-- :_-l-IL I vmcuu. ' '- .\ I Mrs. Richard Long, who has been on an extended, visit with relatives and friends in Stayner and Collingwood. has returned, feeling much improved in everybway. Mrs. L. McKeown is still on the sick list. Thos. -McKeown of Marquette, Mich-., was" over to visit his mother recently; also John McKeown of Port Arthur. "Quite a number of the children have started school again after being at `home _with severe colds. VIVL- ........I:.... _.__LL-_ 41.2, , ,' I Apr. `3.-For several weeks your Phelp- ston correspondent has failed 'to send in any news items, owing to the fact that your mribe along with several other cit- izens had contracted the severe cold so .pre- valent. ` -. Il_- '\Z_L___,I I , , , I `I ' YMINESING _\S;'.-A_'I'ION Apr. 3.-Mr. Mecraclzeh purchased I property at M-idhurst and the family Juwe moved there. Mr. McCracken was section foreman here for 9. number of years and has been retired by the company. Hrs. Christie invited a few young people in for a social evening for the Misses Mc- Otacken before they left for their new ihome in Midhurst. ' ' '11.. 1):..L.._.I...._ 2.. -..:n --..c_-.I L, .1, "("'1";)o Late {r Week) PHELPSTON {"914-Y- .peop'Io enjoyed the Mr `Mann : Rah-I THE BARRIE EXAMINER UL BUUIJA IILIIB WCUIK A few from he.re attended the funeral of the late James Sproule of Thornton last" week. av pt wcuu. In spite of the bad roads, Geo. Camer- on, the U.F.O. shipper, had a good carload of stock this week. A t..... r_.._. 1... _AL_,,` I .1 a \rn%llL(`I Apr. 4.-MrS. Wm. Dempster has return- ed home after spending the winter with her daughter in Collingwood; & ' Allan Millgu mu! \xr:I:.....: u-nr.._;-_ HI a ouslness mp to Toronto this week. ` 1 I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ross and family! `have gone to Hamilton, where Mr. Rossl int:-nrle talrino Alma:-no 4-.6` .. t........ 1`-.. Il- nave to Hamilton, where Ross" intends taking charge of a farm fqr Mr. Marsh. His sale of farm stock, etc., was largely attended on Wednesday last, Mr. and Mrs. Ross will be greatly missed in the community but our loss will be some- one 'else s gain. All wish them every suc- cess in their new home. I `Mm l"l............ A__-I_l ,,,I , ' ' AI "- atom a creek just east of the village. Mrs. G, C. Caston is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. `I1... ..I..._'..._ .I____ _t `Il _.__l, - I uuaa III vucir new name. ~ I Mrs. Clarence Arnold, who is in the R. V. Hospital, where she underwent an oper- ation for appendicitis last Saturday, is not] gaining as quickly as her many friendsl would wish. ` _ ] |(_ ____lI1,, -Ir 1: --. I -- VV\}|.IllL WIDIII `Mr. and Mrs. H. Mapes visited Mrs. El- phick last week. M... in n..,..... :" _.....x:_. . A v pulun um wccn. Mrs. ,W. Gregg is spending a.few days with Mr. and Mrs. David McCapn. "I Jams Sm-nuln in nmlar Hm Am-tn.-`e ......... yum nu. mm mm. uavlu mcuapn. James Sproule is under the doctor s care at present. 1.. .;...:o.. -4 L- 1.-.! ..-_.I_ n-- n uausuvcl nu uuumgwoou. 6 Allen Miller and Wilfred McMaster made a business trip to Toronto this week. Mr and M... xxr `I D--- -_J r V'- .`Exuniner pdvta. are a ne businas tonic ` A Strong Chew for Strong Men .`{.T?1A Copenhagen . Chewing Tobacco _ (prepared Snuff form)` The Barrie Motor Car Co. :$&&*&&&&$&$%&&$%&$&;*$*&: 3; NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS ' Runabout ' - Truck Chassis Without Sta;-ting and Elec`t|;ic: Lighting on above 885.00 leu BUY WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES F URTHEST IS JUST ANOTHER WAY OF SAYlNG--- A Completely Eq|liPPd __-... V77 .0.-. ...v.v-.u uvlgraliford. Council have made" a grant of $200 to the Agricultural Society, and also bought the north end of the grounds, north level it off and put it into shape for la~ crosse and ball, games, I of the ditch, for $550. They purposn to -_._-- 5----.. ............= ... .v-..-. _. Meaford- Expres--T. S. Dinsmore * of Collingwood Tp. delivered four loads 0! sweet clover seed to W. W. Stephen on `Monday. The consignment netted the` ! owner between $900 and $1000 and wga the` [crop from twenty acres. _ I T)_..Jt_,,J lV;,, SI I I I Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Teskey of Orillia ce.l- lebrated their golden weddingwon Mar. 29. `II',`__,,, II PUT ON PROMPTLY AND GUARANTEED HORSE CLIPPERS SHARPENED A w. URRY 3T";z:`.::`if:53 uausuuu uuu IIIUUIIUH WA move mere snoruy.- A meeting was held in the Town Hall lt Friday evening to discuss ways and means of supplying the village with water from creek just of the village. Mrs. G (l. nnntnn in annnrllnn o nAIIn`n