Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1922, p. 20

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The new spring sfyles. for men and young men are here in suits to please those who want the latest cut`a_1_nd fahri_cs. _ T FINE QUALITY SPRING surrs AT A FAIR PRICE % UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE` POWERS OF SALE CONTAINED IN IA CERTAIN MORTGAGE, WHICH WILL BE PRODUCED AT THEE TIME OF. SALE, THERE WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION ON M. J. BRENNAN Swift ; Jewel Shortening 1-lb. packae I 3-1b.pail_... . . . . . 5 5-lb. pail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10-11). pail ;.....'.......$!.` MORTGAGE SALE SPECIAL PRICES ON Daze Twenty 1-`on THE` BEST IN 1=m:sH AND cum) MEATS snonmauma DUNLoP"ST. PHONE 51 `Our Mats give- Satisfaction ` CHICKENS com: HERE at 1 p.m., at the II\'I'l-I a. ;|__ -I-_:,_,, DONAL]; ROSS, ~ I Mortgagee's Solicitor, Barrie, Ontario. ' ., -7 ..--.. the Town of Barrie, . J l_L ..____.L,,, NOTICE TO CREDITOTRS _ NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the `Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of David Lewis, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Sim- ooe, retired farmer, deceased, who died on. or about the 21st day of February, 1922. are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned onor before the 15th day of April, 1922, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which Izey shall then have notice, and that they will not -be responsible to any person for ' the assets of said estate whose claims shall vet then have been received. A v 111' A sun`... as`... . -- At a meeting of the East Simcoeoicers of the Women s Institute, held in the par- lors of the Methodist Church, Orillia, on Friday afternoon, for the purpose of ar- ranging for the annual meeting in June, the decision to invite Mrs. Emmeline Pank- -hurst to give -13 public address on Tuesday, May 2,_was endorsed by the meeting. Mrs. Pankhurst is too well known to the reading public to require more than a passing in-= troduction. Although at one time the ac- tive head of the militant suragettes in England, she `earned the warmest com- mendation of the British Government and `the gratitude of the British people by" Her heroic devotion to the state during the `war. Mrs-Pankhurst is now a Canadian citizen, -having purchased a, house` in Tor- onto, and -has won the hearts of her fellow citizens and neighbors by -adopting three little war. orphans. ' "Win vnnal-inn An "air 0 1:13 in; Anna in - >Jnu| :15 us Iuucu In uu um Lungue. These seeds 'ba'led the chemist for some time. He easily discovered that the basis of the jam was apple and that the coloring, avor d perfume were chemicals, . but . he coul not make out the seeds. Obvious- ly it would not pay to put real strawberry seeds in synthetic strawberry jam. nnfnrmlnlna fl-nu} flu: Cnrlihr nf, 4-lu. gnarl: THIRTEENTH POWER `BILL , Orillia Packet--The towns in the Severn system have received their thirteenth I power bill for 1921 from the Hydro Elec- tric Commission. That is the bill which is required to make up the shortage on the system, over and above the amount paid monthly at the contract rates. In Barrie s case this bill amounts to `$4408. The Hydro -auditor insists. that this brings about a deficit of $1109 in the Barrie ac- counts, whereas `the Barrie Commission . reckon they still have a surplus of $3299, holding that this thirteenth power -bill should `be charged against the reserve earn- ed by the Barrie Commission on the power line in previous years. It's all a question of bookkeeping. Penetanguishene has .a de- cit of $710 and Collingwood of $13,000. Midland-gets out with a credit of $1400, but the Hydro has advised the local com- mission that they owe 335.000," on which they are beingcharged seven per cent. in- terest. This in` spite of the fact that power is now costing Midl-and 832 instead of $20 as formerly. These -advances are due to the fact that the power load has fallen oh` since the war, whereas there has been no decrease in the cost of operation. The sit-~ uation is causing considerable discumion in the various towns. Over on the Eugenia system, the Owen Sound-Sun-Times is call- ing for an investigation, alleging extrava- znce. -""'-"""'-"` EASTSIMCOE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. -accua ul Byuvucuu aua.wut:u`y Jul. Determining that the fertility of the seeds. had not been 'destroyed by boiling` in the synthetic jam, he planted some in 9. hot- house gwax-den-and raised 3' crop of clover! STRAWBERRY JAM*SEEDS _ A PRODUCE CLOVER cnop New York, Mar. 27.--A New York chem- istrtold friends n Thursday of a curious adventure he h with spot of strawberry jam. ' _ It was ne jam. Its trans- parent ruby hue made the cheInist`s mouth water. Delicate acidity and rich sweetness were delightfully blend- i ed. Its strawberry avor was so pronounc- ed no one could mistake it. It even smell-. ed of strawberries. If a skeptic needed further proof of its genuineness he could not fail to be impressed by the multitude of tiny seeds that added their zest to the jam as he rolled it on his tongue. 'l'l1nnn as-mrlu -l-mfflm-I flea nLnrn:n4 :!\I\ on:-nn -\JUF , Among the members of the. agency staff present were: -I. O. Matson. District Man- ager, Barrie; E. DeGeer, D.M., Colling- wood`; A. H. Macdonald, D.M.. Lindsay; C! Card. D.M.. Orillia;'S. G. Napier. D. M., Goldwater; C. A. Thompson. D.M.. Penetang; D. Currie. D.M.. Elmvale; A: V. Noble. D.M.. Orangeville; F. A. Fisher, D.M.. Kincardine; E. Kyte, D.M., Wizar- ton; _J. H. Nixon. Barrie; A. C. Cherry, Stayner; A. M. `Clute. Midland; J. Juniper. .M'eaford; L. M; Priddle, Hawkestone; A. Park, Collingwood; Geo. Ferguson, Coll- ingwood. _ . ' uua yctu . `Mr. Connor, the chairman, in his con- cluding remarks. stated that he had atte\1d- ed all the other banquets and thought this was one of the best yet. He hoped that all would be spared to be present at the next banquet to celebrate the winning of the nu-n V ` Cll| \IllUlIllU JJTDUIIUIH Before-the close, Mr. Stephenson, Gen- eral Manager,` and Mr. Watt of Toronto took occasion ,to make special mention of the spendid music re:-xdered ~by Si!l s Or- chestra of Barrie throughout the evening, declaring it the best given at any insurance . banquet which they had so far attended? this year. 7 _ . `M. n.......... n... ..1...:......... :.. L:.. M. I DUI GIIVU IILIC way Ill DLIUUILI 'I-IU BUl\Iu T. E. Connor, Superintendent, who oc- V cupied the chair, then proposed a toast to the agency staff of Northern Ontario, which was ably responded to by Mrs. Matson of Barrie, Thompson of Penetang and Fish- er of Kincardine. Brief addresses were then given by` all the other `agents. The pre- dominant note was one of condence, each representative predicting large business. for the year 1922 and giving his personal` as- surance that he would obtain his share. Their -motto appears to be All for one and one for all, with the sole idea of bringing the Crown Life `Challenge Cup to the North- ern Ontario District. l)..l'-.... LL- -I__- 11.. C*4___L_,,__.. 11.,` `I J.`l|l.ly, Hills 01: `Mr. Stephenson, General ~'Manager, was present and gave a very able and helpful talk to the agents on the progress the com- pany has made, referring in particular to the good settlements the company are mak- ingon their twenty-year policies. `He also mentioned that this was the fourth such banquet that had -been held throughout the ~ province, the others being held in Toron~ to, `Ottawa and Woodstock. In concluding his address, he announced a big prize com- , petition being put on for the dierent ag- encies. Ottawa District holds the Chall- enge ,Cup at present time, having won it in 1921.- Mr. Connor, however, is going to pay special attention to this part of the province during this `year and with the splepdid agency force here he felt that at the qend of 1922 the Cup would come to Barrie. Mr. Watt, who is one of the big producers in the city of Toronto, also gave a `splendid talk` to the agents on selling in- surance the way it should be sold. 1` (`nanny Ruunnrinnnnnf 'I7Ll\ n.1, yum uuvuu Executor, Solizitor, A 12-14c Barrie, Ontario. DATED March 21st, 1922. .. gcaown LIFE msumnnca commw , ameoua-rs non-rs-uzau ouT.e.a:o ' ' AGENTS I About twenty of the leading Crown Life ,agents for the northern part of the .pro- } Vince were called together to attend 3. din- ner given by the company in honor of their twenty-rst anniversgry, the company be- ing twenty-one years old Dec. 31,1921. The dinner was held at the Barrie Inn last Friiay, `Mar. 31. Qiranknnann flung:-nl Mn.nnnnp ran me high cost .; mining hes; Iowejrea the ' Meme. hag pmaueed in excess of ma, thee there is nly sixty prdductiou of minerals during the Rat four 000,000 111 nnneral wealth in the past 12 In: much freight moving by viacap: years. x. 1093- ' ` in . -' ' Hand in hand with the mat- erial growth of Canada, with the extension of her population, and the development of her natural resources, moves forward the current of her intellectual and spiritual life. The race of men and women` whose adventurous spirit and indomitable . courage are making a nation, are not the kind that are content with the merely material things of life. Canada's pioneers of a little while ago were young . men who aw visions, and old men who- -ireamed dreams. and their sons and daughters`are.no less gifted. Their broadening horizon now includes a new world `of mental ind spiritual eort in whiclithey. A UNUSUAL CHARM IN COLOR EFFECTS IDISTIN GUISHTHESE ANEW HANGINGS `OF 1922 Walls that have become faded, may have passed muster during the gray days of Autumn and the long Winter evenings, but with the approach of Spring they are shown up unmercifully, in all their faded dinginess, _by the searching glances of a warming sun. Springtime is the time for brightening up the - = home and replacing faded wall coverings. r OURAIMlS- 104 Dunlap St. Where Do You Buy Your WallpapeAr and Blinds ? Universities to On this property `there is a good farm house and farm `buildings. The property is conveniently situated less than two miles from the Towneof Barrie. V ' There will be a reserve -bid. Further particulars will. be made known `at the time of sale and in the meantime may be learned on application to -Are you getting Decorative Value for the price you pay? THE BARRIE EXAMINER THOUSANDS or nous OF NEW PAPERS READY NOW TO MEET A . SPRlNG S DEMANDS NATION BUILDING IN CANADA AN IMMENSI-1 srocx 01-` NEW WALLPAPERS AND BLINDS L T0, INTEREST om: HOME-MAKING FRIENDS? Correct Wallpaeriand Blinds for your room, in harmony with your furnishings, V at the lowest `possible price. ' Open Thursday, April 6th COME IN AND SEE THEM in turn, must be pioneers. The realization of this fact has be- come a living force in the ne universities that are already doing a great work at Winnipeg, Edmonton, and Saskatoon and Vancouver. In the making of the Canadian nation so far, avenues of trans-. port and communication have worked towards completion of the structure the foundation stone of which was the Act of Dominion Federation. Canada's national unity is founded and fostered by -.a,the political and physical links that bind east and west, but it can be fully developed only when the avenues _--... --vu--, nu uliv uvvvu vl hiillllv `the northeast quarter of lot number nine in the thinteenth concession of the Town- ship of Innisl and part of the north half of lot number ten_in the thirteenth con- cession of the Township of Innisl, contain- ing in all fty acres more or less, all as described in registered instrument number 10739. n_ u_:- . .1 - `V I A Follow" the Railroad in Binding East and West Tc ' For the Cause of National Unity BARRIE WALLPAPER & DECORATING CO. ` Three doors East of Barrie Inn M; HOLMES of Canadian thought move east and west as do those of trade. This is the thought that lies behind the recent donation by the C. P. R. of three annual scholarships of the value Of $500 ' each to Toronto University for the purpose of inducing grad- uates of `Western Colleges to complete their studies at that great Canadian centre of learn- The `universities of Western Canada are growing fast. Their standard of instruction is high, and an ever growing number of their students desire to pursue post -graduate studies beyond the stage now possible at their F. u v uaunau u1aL|LU[IUn3. 'J.'nI`Ougb these scholarships a constant stream of the brightest and most ambitious of western university students will be enabled to spend- some time in Eastern Canada and thus become familiar with methods of life and thought there. As stated by Mr. E. W. Beatty. President of the Cana- dian Pacic Railway, in his letter to Sir Robert Falconer, Pres- ident of "Toronto University. announcing the granting of the three scholarships. The move- ment is one that will obviously be of benet, not only to the students, but also to the com- Thursday, April 6, 1922 Phone 168 12~14c -`2'thc: SATURDAY APRIL 8,` 1922 at 1 v\w\-u ..o 4.1.... ' OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL |-val BARRIE HOTEL, .i.'r`r .L`L_ _-__LL___; _,,,,

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