Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1922, p. 17

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`i1 6. `lIEic\ Wm E2. \W `E? CIRCULATION nus WEEK 59th Year Jh7$`U U 5% Scholarship Matriculation, Smo Singing, Music, emphasized. Outdoor games 16 h_0L1Sc Health record excelllegi. Far I Eastegfisunday, April C16 - .` -sraunuivrx /\l1I\ f`! Y("I`f\IIr:D WE WOULD REMIND OUR CUSTOMERS OF THE CLOSE APPROACH OF EASTER You should be ready for that occasion with a New Suit. Let us know your requirements in time i ` V and we\wi11 have it ready. . ` GUARANTEED BLUES FROM $40.00 UP -1- .. A..- ..A..... ggame RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL roa GIRLS . Emamo n:_ _:__ _ II....:.. A -O f`.nn\rnrnnf.;nnnl Fr: '. C. LOWER vvenom1cc%%%o_11e9s=L Ll\'lL`l.|anJna an.---`v-- _....v_.._ .r_.._. A good assortmentto choose from client. For Prospectus apply to Principals. \WITH[WHlCH- IS AMALGAMATED ` ' `"50 ' 'E5 THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING Art, ConveVrsationalA French and sports. 1' !,,,1L_ u ____.L___ zwzl rd `*.'1()I]1_\ MEN'S FURNISHINGS MERCHANT TAILOR 102 DUNLOP ST. `Limited numbers.` W. A. BOYS AMENDS PLEA TO RETAIN COURT FINES -vuu-\,u~.....y..... ..... .- -...c,,,,,,,,_, Iv - As the amendment now stands, it ` would be the duty of the Magistrate 5 to pay over the fines to the Mun- licipality. In the Province of Quebec [no municipal fines are retained by the Province. The latter fact. the delegate helieved, was an added rea- son for thinking: the petition would lbe favorably received. The amendment read: _ `Whenever no other provision is made by an_v law of Canada for the application of any fine. penalty or! forfeiture, imposed for the violation ` of anylaw `or of the proceeds of anl estreated re.cogznizance_' the same shalll be paid over by the Magistrate 1`e-l ,c'eiving the same to the Treasurer` of the municipality in which the same his imposed or recovered WHOLLY` |lOR IN PART the expenses of'ad-ll , . . , . , ,, in- 1---. ..-.. .... ...L,.L.'+lnn l 1 |\.|I\ 11V Inn; LHC C.\!I('nn\,n \Il ..\. , ministering the law under whichithel samr-_was inmosed or rocovereti and; in all cases in which no portion of` 1 ~ . . . . I expense of such administration 1s A i__..:.) 1...` `~`r\1\ T\'fu-~.in{nn1Hv nil Finuq i iE!.\[)Ull.\t' U1, BULL! cuu-u-u.au....u.. ... paid bv the Municinz11it_\' all fines. penalties and fm'feiitu1'(>s shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Provi-nee. '1 i 1 i Seven-1-oonicd _ Brick House. water, _ . and lights. central .' , . . . .. $2000' i-Eig`ht-1'00med`Brick House, all com` `I .v_eniences, lovely - location. Easyi ` terms . . . . . . . . . . . .;..... $2800 I I Seven-roamed Brick House. convven-1 viences, large garden. nice locationi - T 99nnl ']enCt'S, lilfgt` galucn. nA\.\, Avxsa uuuu ..| I 1' . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2200 I 5 . 1Eight-roomed Brick House, all con- ! veniences, `fire-place. good garden. I u Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3000` .Six-roomed Cottage, A lights, water. . .cnt1-al. Good terms; . . . . $1600 nished. Central. A money maker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $4500: ..\.`vv tS.ixteen-roomed Boarding House. fur-I I my-Iuvv I I . o l`Seven-roomed Brick House, all mod- ern conveniences, oak floors. good stable and garage. large lot. Love , ly location. Must be sold. .$4300 Six-roomed Frame House, water and lights.. Easy terms .. $900 Nine-roomed Stucco House. conven- iences. Central. Easy terms ` eaunnl | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y..- - , lE1ght-roomed Brlck House, conven- ' iences. Good location. Garage Q -l')n service in s of `HERE'S WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN ` ' LOOKING FOR `14 acres, Frame Cottage, stvable. L c1:nn1 14 acres, Cottage, stable. For quick sale . . . . . . . . .. $1500 Six-roomed `Cottage, lights and water Three lots. Bradford St.. .$2500 Nine~roomed Brick House. stable, hen house,` one acre good land, all kinds fruit. Just outside corpora- tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2800 See our full list of Town Property, Farms, and Lake Shore Property. We have a number of nice. market gard- ens listed from $3800 to $6500. They 3~~-I 1... ....1I A1;-A o 1x111-1:111:31` usnea Itom qaoouu w tpuuuu. -..-_, are priced to sell. Alsd a number of good properties for sale in Allan- dale. It will pay you to see our full _ list before you decide. A`i5}iiiiII?G!$.& SHEBQYI BARRIE, CANAADA, T-HURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922. Office, 46 Bayfield S;.fBarrie Phone office 861, Residence 864W 1 P.O. Box 1011 TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE REVELA'I'IONS, SECRETS AND FORMULAS Bealiuy Culture V `and THE SCALP umaces _ airing T Just published by Dr. Du Maurier, D.D. Acivance orders dealt with` T strictly in rotation. ADDRESS ` DR. DU MAURIER 66 King St., `East ' Hamilton Ontario WITH F WHlCH- AMA`LGAM,AT ED PRICE $1.90 ills.` $3200] snows HOW SAVING To` BE MADE on TAX BILLS A discount of (me and one half per cent will be_a1l0wed to all rate- payers who pay their taxes before} May 11, 1922. I H; _._ L`... .......`n..& AC 6-kn` may 11, 1_:r.:4. . One per cent on the amount of the second jnstallment will be allowed tr: all ratepayers who pay in full on or {before June 22. _ __:-._. .r -1` -...L nnnnnn pl 5. Evans iUC1ULC u uu}, 4444. For the convenience of ratepayers the Town Treasurer is authorized to accept taxes if payment is made in installments as follows: 119 - nun`.-.......... -., -... V `Taxes not exceeding ten dollars in` all payable, by any one person, firm` I or corporation, or by two persons. jointly. shall not be subject to di- ivision; bt shall be payable in one sum on or before the 22nd of June. 1922, 43,, L, ..-..... `rsi Jn` 1:754. . I Taxes amounting`_ to over ten (lol-l lars payable byVan_v one peixson. firnif or (-o1.'p0ration, or by two persons `jointly. may be divided into two equal installments by one half of the I amount due on or before June 22.: 1922. an extension may be given] for thepayinent of the-second final ins.t.allment to Sept. 22,` 1922. These l rulings were embodied in la by-lawl passed by the Town Council Monday; `night relative to general taxes. ` `i `|IkI\.\ \Inn . u\.......,. . . . _ . , A petition from S. G2U Si(I(` :m(1'j _ton-(>ther.< asked fm"z1 lisrhte on the` ivurner of Jzu-oh an(1-Baldwin . 4 I I I I I I I I I I The -Roan] of E 21 the i(`<>um-il to plaee to its crwlit the gum of S]0.(l0O nn zu'(-mlnt 0*` the puhliv ::.\`('h(>I)1 levy for 1922 for . and snn:1int<=v1:1_n<`(- fur Mzuw-,h., . I A. B (`nuttx \\'v-~10 th:)tAU'1v (`nun Ex-"L1 uf \-'e. dvsi1'e<`. 1hat'B:1rrie- dis- i(.'().".HY1Ll'* dmnnim: night soil . rtjftlset y and gz11'1`>z1ge i`r'1. the limits of Ves- B; 3 pm. The letter statml that the C:mn- V "('i]'S. action xvzxs hacked by aepetition I ~V`f1'o1ne ratepayers `in the ,vi('inity of D Fernda1e,_ protesting the nuisance ';and 21 letter from the townshin |O.H. to the efT'o('-t that it has;heeni 0 impossible in the past to get those " respbnsible for the dumping to dis- `- pose of their refuse otherwise. I n' ' | `l|l-L_'._.._,_ `n,`,_,_,,,] ~,|s ron Pom: Quiz; 1 (Continued from page 1) V` T ` J. Hogsan usk(*d- prntoc-titmi ;ag`21i1`..<.t Watm` n\'o1'_f}ow.< nn his pm? no1`ty on PL-nctangz street. V G2U`Si(](` avml` the -- -- 1 1.1 nupuamuu: in mm. Pu... .., ,,._- -_, ,, dis-l `pose refuse o cherwi_se. _ Motions Passed ` Fisher--Hill--- That the request of; J. A. Garvin. Elizabeth street, pre-i sented at the same meeting. to erect, agasoline pump be }2:ranted. and that J 'the town engineer be consulted as to` where the tank will be placed and where the concrete shall be mi:-:ed.l "the work to be done 11ii<`l1n' the super ' vision of the Board of \Vorks. l (`.oles~-Patterson--That two rooms in the varetaker s quarters and fire hall be papered and painted. to cost about $3. . - l r\;_L --- `|l..L:....... zxuuuu -pun). _ - Other Motions B_vrne--DeHart-- That the Fire and Police committee consider ,' amending the restaurant by-law with` a View to extending the hours ofTc1os- ing restaurants.` T Y)-........ I)nn:.I-snr Wtfh :1 vip; lllg l`e5l.`au1'uu.a. H B_vrne--`Poucher--- With a view to reorganizing the police force and to secure more efficient service, a spec- ial meeting of the Council be held, to which shall be summoned members` of the force for enquiry regarding-i duties and conduct of members. No Police Re-organization4 The Fire, and Police committee recominended that in the matter of re-organizing the police force and dispensing with one policeman, no action be taken. This report was on` I a motion from a previous meeting. The same committee reported that it recommended no action. be taken with regard to the letter of complaint of A. G. Walker. Some discussion followed, these reports explaining cir- cumstances of their origin. Finance Accounts recommended for pay- ment Were: Council Chamber, various 1 ` -~~~ Q 94 1n \.'uu;... \,...._..-_,-_, departments . . . . . . V Indigent . . . . . . . . . . . To Treas. of Ontario Town team . . . . . . . . . Salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . Board` of Health . . . . Fire Hall and Brigade Refund street oiling . . Board of Works . . . . . Board of Works . . . . 11__________ }RNER JJUuLu u; -- V--- . . . . Miscellaneous: Public School Board . . . . .10000..'00 Separate School Board 237.95 ` Various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.45 : Fire_and Police` . . . . . . . ' 13.11 Town Hall . . . . . . . . . . . ` ' 7.02 Indigent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 . 72 $10,000 for Works and. Sewers The Works committee reported consideration of estimates and recom- mended the sum of $10,000 be set apart for that department. The com- mittee also recommended that Henry 1 street between Eccles street and the Town Line be graded anda culvert , putin opposite J. Case s house, the .10000.; 237. 28. '13. 24. 50. .00 .60 .50 .50 196. A .59 .66 21 21 401 162 12 109 V19. 10 00 66 19 .'00 .95 .45 .11 .02 .72 ` ,__ cost not to exceed $100. And fur- * ther, -that`Miss Brock be granted per- mission to construct aisix-inchsewer on, St. Vincent street and an eight- inch. sewer to connect with Blake street, if same be d_b-ne by and under! the supervision of the Town Engin-' eer, the town having the privilege of connecting with said sewer and un- dertaking to keep sewer free froml ' obstruction on the street and guar-g anteeing the cost of sameiwill not`; exceed $1,600. V > I I RAILWAY C0-ORDINATION 1 URGED av LABOR UNIONS; Ottawa. Apr. 4.-With regard to the government-owned lines of railway. the` memorandum of`the big railway unions whose legislative representatives waited on the Premier and the Minister of.Labor to: day emphasizes the desirability of co-ordin- ation. It is also requested that when the board of directors is reorganized the em-1 ployees of the system be given represent- ation on that body. Necessary action to bring all government-owned linm` under the control of the Board of Railway_Commis~ sioners is advocated. ` -- , f.:__ _ ,!.._I!....L:.... UIUHUIB la lluivusivuun V With 3 View to preventing a duplication of taxation on incomes by federal, prov- incial and municipal governments, the call- ing of a conference to make alterations in the existing legislation is suggested. ; ?; .; rr*r\`n ('\1\T"!."(\ :ceed ` struct a tsix-inch sewer t o 20 PAGES - Lga steam '.-7._ The Only Hotel chi; kind in Canada 3 ' ` Centrally situated, close to shops and th ..-'?_ V _Fireproof.` Home comfort and hotel conven- lence. Finest cuisine. Cosytea room Open till midnight. Single room, with bath, $2.5`)- double room; with bath, $4.00. 1'e{1i\'f11Si, 50c. to 75c. Luncheon, 65c. Dinner, $1.0M. . _ Free taxi service from trains andbnats. 'I`;.i ,0 L: Black and White Taxis only. Write for b00l~;]s:t 240 JARVIS STREET - - TORONTO, ONT. ` ~ as C WWVVW VVU V v v TORONTO JARVIS {_g X"E'w'E6bK FOR 15 CENTS g kaminer advta. are a fine busineseAt.on.ic. ---Sounds Foolish, does it not '3 But _by using some of these Dyes according to directions, you will have a dress like new. SECTION 3 PAGES 17 TO 20 BRAUNDST DRUG STORE BARRIE - - ONT. % DYOLA % DIAMOND SUNSET 33;? TWINK 33%? --Take your choice SOLD AT No. 14 for dis- Wand *5, -New '-`.'C)3.r

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