"151.15p vunv nan- horse livery business which he sold some months ago and will continue to operate a. horse and ' automobile livery. - Fred Ayetst has bought back thel 3 LOCAL NEWS aalualslualsslsslenlstusa .._ ..- Y.-V- I would be lost without it, writes _Mrs. J_. A. Jeffrey of Her- schel. Sask., in renewing her sub- scription for The Examiner. .,.-. -...._, ...-....,c..~.. -At T. N. Hobley s, with every? five` dollars worth of grdceries `at, selling out prices will give one bag St. Lawience sugar at $7.00. ' I --i3y gosh! I `never did see such alot of `dandy suits as they have a _down at Brown .Bros. 14c `The gladiolus fever shows no sign of abatement; one local enthusiast now `has 116 varieties, while another Has 77. i A . 1 --on-J I -Do not buy here until you are satisfied you can not buy it any- where else for the same money. `Brown Bros. ' 14c 5 Bert Marwood tops the list so far in the Horticultural Society's mem- ,bership campaign, having secured` lover fifty members. A1. in `L7 'r~r-1,1,__n --I `STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE-- _-'Heavy croppers of largest fruit; lowest prices on 1000' lots. Also horseradish Aroots wanted, highest prices paid. W. V. Shannan]. R..R_l, Allnmhln 1Q-IQ.. .vu vv VVCL q7UUUu . Miss Bertha Lambert, Sanford St., sustained an injury to' one ankle and `knee from a fall on Bradford street late Saturday evening. W. J. Shan- non drove the young lady home where she was attended by Dr. .Turnbull. ' V T V _ . - ~ --~.-- -~-r.r---5- I A great success was scored by the. ladies of Congregational church onl ,Wednesday with their afternoon tea `and sale of work. There was alarge attendanceand the proceeds amount- .ed to over $300. '1M :.... t)....J..L- `I A ` ' ' ` ` ` -_-_-.._-.... v-nvsvo Walter Urry has purchased from J. Swan a lot north of his residence in Bayfield St. He will build a new house for himself and sell the pro- perty he is now occupying. A .........A. ------ Premier Dr_ury is expected to leave tonight for Chicago, where he will ,speak under the auspices of the Kiwanis Club during the Canadian Week celebration there. vvv `, _____. - Inna` ouch 3 Wm. Crossland "has the improve: - merits in his store premises about completed. Show cases and other ` fixtures, sufficient to nearly fill two Ifreight cars arrived this week. He , will have one of the most up-to-date `drug and stationery stores in the county. . Members of the Barrie Junior 0. H.A. team to theinumber of 15 were banqueted by S. Shierlock, rink manager, Wednesday evening. Dur- ing the evening. passed in song and toasts, the presentation of a gold Eversharp pencil was made to Clau- ence Wood, coach` for the team. If you would sense life in all its aspects of humor, pathos, comedy, tragedy, strength andweakness] see No Woman Knows, adapted from Edna Ferber s novel, Fanny Her- self, at New Dreamland next Wed- nesday and Thursday. TIT... I`! Thursday, April 6, 1922 FARM FOR SALE-75 acres good clay loam, all under cultivation. lot 5. con. 7, Ease, 4% miles from Cookstown, 7 miles `from Alliston. Eight-roomed frame house with stone cellar and spring water piped into house and farm yard. Good orchard; `barn 36x66 with slings complete; Ahogpen rand henhouse. 13 acres fall wheat, 25 -`acres clover`; fall plowing all done. Half mile from school -and church; rural mail -and telephone. Price right. _ Apply Cecil Arnold, Alliston, phone 71 ring 30. 14;` , W MU M. ORO BRIFK (1 I.I I; YY'lI: 0.-XK _;\.\'D In: T.-\_KI'? .\'()'I'I(` VVINI *( )\\' PAIN"I`I.\' (} ` "CORSE'IS---Sale of Coilene Comets still continues. Orders will be taken for spec- ials. at redIict_ion'while sale is on. Mrs. Heard, 15 R.os7s,St; 14p C.~\f_{PEN IW_`.R $5 to $10 (121 and h('I`b.\ ir and p1'i(`(*s Haven. (`or VVILL }~I\'(`.H T CHI.\1N1:\` PI_CTI7R ll FR. DR.ESS.\1.\ KI .\ Il\v\J l)l\,l\ [X ` feldt Hill). 1 white brick. Give us your livery. Rum OAK AND Ill ;,8ee addmonal Adleta on page thirteen. ceiling.~. 4 All kinds `('ountr_\', Box 810. UPHOI.:~'T}~II{ inf0rn1:riu.u .I\I1 .`\I|lI xblr for 1H`._`' ril Mrs. .\Iinniv- ( sons. z_1l'tvr K}: (`I | l`I'lI.`. qll Crirhtrin NURSE I : nun N_1[.\_|l' , 84 M:u _\' Sn 94-1. spring 1 Jon0.~` .1 d(`(`0r;1!. ;LXT(`.III.\'(; EG(`r{\` l-`( )H `early. chic} ply (';: f gun... ..I :1 l>\III\IF. s`IlIlI`r. In and mr Tuck and S. 7 ' I -SEED4-Quzvntit.y bf O.A.C. No. 72 oats and O.A.C. No. 21 -barley for sale. $1.00 per bus. A. Foyston & Sons, Minesing, Ont. H . 12-14c - EGGS Ft )1 year roun by :1 vim Bros.` :11: AU infbrtin cnmson. B- -nnu 1'1.` kixlds. `\II|o la_XJg`LI.` era! house do & Sumlom, . ' ;\IIm1d.xi 11 A'l|.I Pimno 95.3.1 _ I ILJL1 l'4.\\Il for motor `r _of farm hu Lewistnn. In \ 1|l V\"l|l,l' F. W. Sh n-- u up new Bank. EGGS H H W hitv \` l\lLl.'l|l; I ll ing dnnol St.. `in roar % ;`;;,.`%`1z;; .-nzuvn run onun UH, 1.!4'.l.V`.l'--1U9 acres. lot 6, con. 9, Essa; good -bank barn 90x 35; 7-roomed- house; well watered; ell cleared and under cultivation; 30 acres rseeded; fall plowing done; about 30 rods `from good school and church. For full `particulars apply to Mrs. J. R. Hubbervt, 159 Mary St., Barrie. ` 12-17p _.___________.__..________ `LIJLJ L -` IH large or ply Box H.~\T(`-l I IN` Rock. J farm r::i.~ order. I. VFILI 41.` [I [I1 ed. etc.--W osn I\I EGGS H )1: W_vzmlnr' I.(".thorn.~'. BAIIRH ' PU RE (IIl\I\lI I'V4` "hea(lm M in_ft-rtilc-.~ , , 1. ! rs L.1A\'lll purcha Fin... 1 nbrs at Ottznm. of settin |uyor.< ":1 ,II 11-: `GOOD STRONG DELIVERY WAGON for sale. Otbon Hardware Co. Ltd. 140 :__::.. OV El . l.1.r\-.\-"I L|.Vl'l.` `ll -_` 2111. 117 W TWO .ADDl1 ton/. birds Owen CHEVROI . ` A IV llIll' WE eggs f nifyut}-: A , FOR TSALE~-Bedroom and dining-room furniture; also cook stove, wood or coal. J. A. Porter, 224 Blake St. 13-_l4pl! * \nr1n 664. s`|l'4\ Flt! I _Barri('. l1(lll' half. r v n;n\.u.' comliti only 5 Su JOS Th1 _ . FOR SALF}-La.wn _mow er. Gurney-Oxford range. electric lamp and toaster. etc. Ap- xply Mrs. Ronald, 229 Dunlop St. 14;)` - ` TFOR SALE--Bedstead. cooking stove and `extension table. `Apply to,John 'I`racy.| Dalston. 1.11 z... I QIJRSE FOUND on. Elizabeth 812., Wed., . ~ADl'. 5. MEV bl! Ilf. IA I`_vnn\:nn- r BABY CARRIAGE [FOR SALE. cheap; Wwicker. brown. Apply 227 Bnadford St... .'Allandale. . A l4tfc ._________________________ ` `REED BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE in anntl nnnllilvinvv AR I'n.....,-. Q1. ' IA- LPIANO F0-R SALE--A snap. `Apply at this oice. - 14p &- WHITE MARABOU and ostrich cape for sale. cheap. Apply evenings at No. 77 {Maple Ave. - 14p ____.____...____...__..._.______ .__....._._.__.....______...__.__..._ -SALRMAN WANTED -- Experience un- necessary; earn from $30 to 860 week. Apply stating qualications to Box W Examiner. . ` 14p j __ xg:: MAID WANTED for general housework. Apply to Mrs. Harry Grasett, 49 Char- lotte St.., Barrie. _ 14p VEXPERIENCED GENERAL WANTED-- No washing.. Apply Mrs. Harold Dy- ment, High St; 13-14c uquw-u, uuuuuu, wzlgzullug V0118`. 1, . 3; never owned. [Apply to Box Examiner office. ' YOUNG GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK-l90 B-ayeld St`. - 14p WAN'l`ED-S!eepmg quarters for night! nurses in the vic'mi~ty.of the hospital. `For particulars apply to Miss McLenuan, 'Supt., R..V.H. - 14-15] FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--~109 6 (`An 0 wants! nuxnol Lnuuln 1.-.... l\l'\-- One cent a `word, cash, each "insertion (minimum charge, 26c).; six insertions {Or `the price of four. 10 cents extra when rchaarged; also 10 cents extra when replies Kare directed to Examiner office. HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--Six or sev- nn-|-nnnuul all n:u..m..:.......... '.......I |.___I n- FIVE OR SIX-ROOMED HOUSE wanted, with conveniences. Apply P. 0. Box 364, Barrie. -14p .GEN'l`LEMA.N ROOMER WANTED or `two pals to share room. Apply 89 Bayeld St. ` 14-15p uau wvuzvll UH, 1111113081711 53., WGCL, r. 5. May be had at The Examiner ice. . . _ 14 UILIJUHBIUL Dalston. u.L'u.`u.I unul u1:I\a1'ud'l\Jl!4 EUR good condition; 46 James St. ._ Farms For Sale or Rent- .uuu9 wuuwu, mgnesc prlces pmd. W w. Sheppard. 11.3.1. Allandale. 13.1% I .n.vuuu vvnuvxmu .I.\J l.\41'J.LV-J.""'\,3lX 01' SOV- en-roomed, all convemences, good local- ity. AppIy_Box R" Examiner. 14c` FARM FOR SALE---100 acres, 21/; miles from Barrie, new brick house, well n- ished. barn on stone foundation, cement floors, good drive shed ;, about 18 acres fall rye and 8 acres hay; good orchard. well at barn, spring creek on back of farm; plenty of good bush, mostly hard- wood. This farm is priced `to sell. Some- -one is goingto get a bargain. For full particulars apply to W. G. How, `Barrie, or phone 798. lltfc ___________________:__ 4 , , - H ` H Page. Twelve Lost and ,Foun{l ADLET COLUMN R Help Wanted TF9r Sale Wanted a.u.w,v.: 14-15 FOR SALE at Craigvale. 50-acre farm. new _house, frame. barn. plenty stabling, about 12 acres fall wheat; some plowing -done; sch-ool, half mile; station, village 1% miles; telephone. `$3400. Terms. C. Harmer, R. R. 2, Stroud. '9-14 tr- 14c I IJ Ill 14p D IJUIK CADET UNIFORMS-Will parents `of ex- pupils of Collegiate Institute who have found belts, caps or any parts of cadet uniform about_ their homes please return them to Gollegtate. They ~are needed at Anna - -10:1- OFFICES TO LET-The entire second oor of the Union Bank of Canada building is available for rent at once. A suite of five rooms or individual rooms fgr offices. \ Very, central; hot water and el- ` ectric light. Applyto mamager; 3-l'4c ' "I'HREE FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET with. use of `kitchen stove. Apply 140 Blake St. . - ~ 1-1c on FOUR ROOMS TO LET with light axid wate_r._ rezwomable. Apply 17 Sophia St. `East. ` l4_p NICE LARGE: HOUSE with phone. garden _ -and small fruit to rent in Minesing vill- T-age. Apply to L. W. Armstrong, Min esing P.0. . ` . ` - 14p ROOMS Td LET, suitable for light hous- keeping, convenienoes. Enquire Box 394, Barrie. . 14p T22:-: UNFURNISHED FLAT TO LET, suitable for lilrht hnunnlmnnim: Annluv .; 14n `rF1F'I'Y-ACRE EARL: FOR SALE--North half iot 16, con. 11, Innisl. Apply to Miss M. E. Quanta. Craigvale, Ont.. R. . R. 1. 10-15p" FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET--59 Mary St., phone 305. lltfc SHORTHORNS FOR SALE--Our Short- horh stock bull, a gnandson of Right - Sort ( Imp.) ; also three young bulls that show his worth as on sire. Also. good re- gistered Yorkshire `sows for sale. Geo. 1 Crawford & Son, Om Station. 14-15p ` -j.-:- DRAFT MARE FORSALE. 5 sound, weighs between 1400 -lbs. [Apply .W.' G. Kennedy, Allandale, phone 8 ring 14. --:-:-& `- l HEAVY TEAM FOR `SALE, rising 4 years. Also one sow and nine sucking pigs. Ap~ ply Morley Beath, R. R. No; 2, Shanty Bay. `Phone 906 xfing 3. 14p A I F EBB SALE--Hackney Mare, three years old. Apply t>_o J. Byrne, sixth `con.. Vespra, Barrie R. R. 2. = 14p _ ._...____._..__._.....__.__._..___; FOR SALE---Heavy horse; colt rising 3 Years: Jemev now. Annlv W! M w......I. , A FEW CHOICE BARRED ROCK ROOS- TERS for sale, well bred.` Apply J. W. Orchard, Minesingf . 9-14p I 'PAS'I`UR.E'TFARM FOR SALE OR RENT at Little Lake. A-ppl_v Richard Johnstongl Box 11%. R.M.D., Barrie. _ 13-l8'p_l J J.` uu,n.1uu.1:4u 1` 14111 LU 1J1`JJ.', suitable for light housekeeping. Apply at 140 Blake, St. . 14c , , , . DURHAM COW, 6 yrs. old, for sale. Ap- ply 118 Penetang St., phone 894W. `IA IR- -f-- FRESH COW A-ND OALF FOR SALE-- ` Apply S. Exell, 108 Perietang St. 14p ___._____.__________._.._.._ . CALVES FOR SALE--Apply phone 606 ring 33. 14p . HOUSE FOR SALE-Five rooms and pan- try; newly painted and -pa`pere`d; new cel- ! I81`. f`.hin\|1P\I FAA` uyru-ule`\n:I Ln-L-----' I -_____j---_--.-.______.-._--_____ SPECIAL FOR QUICK SALE--Seve1_1~room I :hrin-It uknnen n" --M"-*--` `-*-"'`* ___.._.._____..__._.____.__.._.... HOUSES FOR SALE-One ten-roomed house, bright and warm, gas, electric, bath, furnace, garage, large lot, splendid garden and fruit; also two excellent six- roomed (and -attic) brick houses, almost new, gas, electric, bath, furnace, good verandahs and gardens. All located in best part Mary St., and must sell. -at once.` Apply 55 Mary St,, Barrie. 11-16p --------------a--------`-| `OR. SALE-2 dozen thoroughbred White ` Leghorn hens, laying stnain. and 2 set- 'ers. Apply to_ G. R.`.Huxtable, 28 Lou- nsa St. _ . H Ito ______.___________._; l NICE ROOMY COTTAGE FOR SALE, T ml central location, four bedrooms, parlor. dining-room, kitchen, verandah front and side; all freshly decorated both inside and out; electric light. water; this pro-. F perty will be sold very reasonably if tak- en quickly. Apply `Ex-aminer oice. 14;. ______._____..___._________.. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SA-LF~248 _Blake St, `Also farm for sale on Steele St.. 15 acres, house and ham; 6 acres fall wheat and 8 acres summer fallow. Also 14 acres for sale one mile from Shanty Bay on lakesliore; 58_rods frontage. Apply John Mogjll, Box 414, Barrie. 12-17p ...._..__.._.__._.._.__._.____.__..___ GROOERS! A'II`EN I'ION!--Your chance 'to buy very reasonably priced xtures; Imust. `be-sold by May 1. I Sherer Gillet 'cOuntor. several other counters, several candy cases, 1. tobacco vase. ' Apply T, Hdilcy, `Grocer, Barrie. , 14c BUILDING LOT WITH STABLE for sale on Dunlop St., opposite Underhill's shoe factory. Reason-wble -price. Apply to C. G. Strange, Box 194, or 39 Toronto St.,_ Barrie. ' 9-14p __:..._,..___..__.____.._.____... Lu-nun run DttLr--UIl SUlU't driving horse. aged 5 yrs. Apply to R. A. Carr. 148 Toronto St., Barrie ll-16,) ` \ILv u&1lJl:4""11UHVy n0I'Se; flslng years; Jersey cow. Apply E. M. Freek. phone 652. - .' 14p _________.____________ uwuu ouvv. uue In Apru. tor sale-' Apply Wm. Elson, Thornton Rural Route .No. 1. - ll-16p :-- TEN ACRES FOR SALE, good for market garden or poultry farm, 4 acres of which is first-class gravel. Apply G. Miller, 58 Tiin St., Allanale. . 14-15;) ` T j FOR S~ALE-Four-bedroom house, 5 Dal- ton 'St.; also nice building lot opposite St. George's rectory, Allpndale; Apply to 190 Bayeld St. 14p `Goon HOUSE AND wr FOR SALE, ml : good repair: also fruits. Apply to 55 V Donald St. West, Barrie. 13-14p cry; newly painted and -papered; lar, chimneys, roof, woodshed. henhoust (new and painted). storm sash and doors. lights and water (with meter`. Everything new and in good shape. 174. are good garden, nice hedge'and trees. Price $1400 ($1000 cash, 7% off). Would exchange for place more central. Apply Examiner office.` 14-15p 1j3 HOUSE FOR SALE-'-Modern' conveniehces, amwtrnllv xlnnatnd; Annhi In M.-A .'D...1-- SEVEN l .0l`S FOR SALE.--Corner Brock gnd Thompson Ste. Apply at 73 l'l`ign t.` 4 ' 4-1 p FOR SALE--The Times` History of the War. 1914." illustrated; vnririted and published `by The Time: Printing House Square, London,`E'.\`gland; Vols. 1. 2 and 3 ' nnvnr nnnnnrl Aunluv 5.. 1).... (H V` u. uumu run uguwn aAu1.u--a'even-roozn brick -house. all modern conveniences, oak oors, two lovely mantels and re- places. oak stairs; good cellar with laun- dry tubs; large veranda and balcony. sunroom; large garage. large garden; no reasonable offer refused; owner leaving town. For full particulars see Partridge & Gilroy. . 14c _._..__...________._______._ BUILDING FOR SALE_, 12:22, cheap; can be moved. Apply this Toice.*l4-15p j .A.-REE LOT, STABLE and GARAGE `for sale. on ~.Worsley St. Also light wa- gon and horse clipper. Apply to John Binghlam, 75 Toronto St. 13-14p avuuu rum; wnuu--n1Uuul'n' GOBVOIIIGIWS centrally `located; Apply to Mrs} - Park: house,` Owen St. , A 14-16c Pro perty To Let. Live Stock For Salt; Property For Sale .._____...___._._... due in April. for saIe-; lann Thnrnfnn `D--V-nnl DA--`~ yrs. `old. 90 and 1500 .. D Y) n BANNER SEED OATS FOR SALE, grown from registered seed, 99% germination, 'first prize in combined eld and clean `grain competition. Apply I. H. Luck, "R. .1, Barrie. Phone 902r23. 14-15p