Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1922, p. 10

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a uu:uu;nux'. ll) rrageuy. _ In the'?nd Winifred was obliged to sit up and go to the table where the tea-things were. This was in itseif a triumph; andi her` effort to secure solitude and` get` rid of Misc Goodman wa.s~ a further help to-.' ward throwing off her mood` of despaini By thertime Miss Goodman was gone the} storm was mnrewhat calmed. .._.f, .'I` I ` ' ` V V ' I ,.,- ..,-.`r...-. IIAAII all uul. Instead, she found VVinifred' sobbing on the couch. for W'xniefred's grief was of that depth which- ceases to care if it is witness- M ed by others. The good landlady came. therefore. and" knelt bye Winifred"s side! put her zirm about her and began to con-] sole and` question her. I'he=.consol'ation did no good`, `but the questions did. For. if one is persistently questioned. one must answer something sooner or Tater, and the` mind's effort to answer -breaks the threadr of grief, and so the commonplace acts-as_ a medicine to tragedy. W;v|;rnA uuuuu .. ..LI2._..J A. any um uruppen on mm.. ` I There she lay a little while. yet it was] not all pain with her. There is one- sweet- est sweet to the heart, one drop of intens- est honey. sweeter to it than any worm-' wood is bitter, which consoled her-~th'e consciousness ofself-sacrice, of duty done. of love lost for love';< sake. Mrs. Carshaw had put the girl on what Senator Meikle- and. having gone on that tack. Winifred deeply und`erstood' that there owns a secret smile in it, and a surprising light. She lay catching /her breath till Miss `Goodman brought up the tea-tray. expecting to find _the cheery Carshaw there as usual", fbrgshe john cynically called the heroic tack"'l' had not ._heard" him go on . T....4......l ..L_ c ,, 1 ya -- nvul. guuu-Dy. uoa 'b1 you----' He .kissed her hand and went. Her skin was cold to his lips and; in .a numb way. he wondered why. Amoment after he had` disapneared she call'ed` his name, but ih- an `awful. hushed vozce which he c_ou1d no . Rex! My love !' My dear love,"`she moaned. and" yet he did not hear, for the sky had dropped" him.. Thnrn aka. `kc. .. HAL]- , |"' '--|uvc-"-- ! Good-by`. then. I do not undrstandiu vbut good-by. I am all in. Winni`e,; but} `still, good-by. God 'bl you " ;kied hl` hunt`! ant` uvn-L `'-7--- r``" ucuxmlu mas much. No. no. I won't come, you may sure. And you, on your part. pron that if you have need of mon'ey you ` lat me know`? That is the least I 4 expect of" you." . ' . I will; but go. 1 will have you in -memory. Only go from me now, if 3 ---love----" |6f`__ 1| . .- - 1 CD: But you are not serious? Think of my. -livingc-n, dixys and years. and not seeing you any -more. It seems a pitiaable thing, too. Even you must be sorry for me." Yes, it seems a pitiuble thing!" So--what do you say? Good-by. V Go--go!" ` _ But you will at least let me know whe,r,e'you* are`? Don't be quite lost: to" me. ` I shall be here for some time. But you won't` come`. I mustn't see you` I demand that much. `tn... .... 1 we I IUIU .9... xuuclcub gm: un1_`tms tnmg comes to me like a alling steeple. It 'liad no right to happen." You should `sit down, or you _sh_oulH go; better go--better. better go, and" Winifred clutched wildly at her throat. Let us part now, and`let' us never meet!" ' T: m... III-.. :1: W - -' - W *' is .a different girl! Oh! `this . C0 mp "Int 1: Collin- .~L...---J- A number` of valuable farms Jhd ' own Properties for Sale on themes! reasonable terms. ' ' ,/' _ ..-......a uuuub ouuv, and 1 (can never repay you` for all. Yes, that istrue, toozjin a then. actually to go? VG5`Yes.,3 u uu n uuuu. Mrs. Carshaw o, in way, Am 99-` ...- rump. pluulltt will can ;A my V you- thing . n 1;... ..- jas. u~_1_1old ______, ._,.,...rul-luau duo (tie lllttgflfl. 1;` 1 y a up asszs na i:;v:' especgayqu aafgl past this .tin_1_e_ Why notgure It a fan` tnal! II lDUUllluo For the w_oman etering middle agg Lydia E. P1nkham`s Vegetable Com- pound can be f much penet. During this time of llfe ce1_'ta1n chan es take place which somet1mes- deve op into serious trbuble. Melancholia, r_1er;vousness.irritabilittg, headache and dxzzmess are some of I symptoms. `ydia E. Pin_kham s Vege- table Comp d is a natural restore 3.':'.m`n;z:::%s `..<;::s::%:=*:;*:*.':* . Improving ever RQVDTI 'hnH-In": nnn IIIlyLUVlllg QVUI seven `bottles now and am1sf`1?::;P5Eat11(1eaI1`; ?nI:1:`11~:ls(:-; 1:.r1E:l.:1?)sIbgeAfg$linELu_:1?! 1 aux all over 11 ese Dad feeli1 B._LANs_ER, 1639 N. 3rd St. , Wlsconsm. 4 l.eboygan, Sheboygan, Wisconsin.:-I own, tlred and nervous. I c. :1 ................... -- Avon J4 ... Women Should Know llow Lydia E. Pinklnam s_ Vegetable Compound ; Helps at This Trying Period uunsn reuniss AT ME AGE I Those subject: to._frequenc "colds in the head? will find; that the use ot H.ALL'_S _ I GACDARRH? MEDICINE. will build up the- ;S5'stem, cleanse. the. Blood: and render - 1 them less. liable to colds. Repeated at- 3' tacks of Acute Catarrh. may lead to ! Chronic Catanrh; ` ' HALL'S CATARRH` MEDICINE is tltaken` internally and- acts through the . ' Blood on t-he-Mkucouer Surfaces of the Sys- . , hem, thus reducing the ' y nestoring normal condi 0115.. i All Druggists: Circulars free. i ; us. an acute attack of Nasal; Ca.ta.rrh.. ; : i I E. J.. Cheney & (.30., Toledo, Ohto. l V n ammation amt! 6.6-_S%mith&%cE ncua uu- 000 . 'AIlist0n-~FalI wheat $1.35", splring wheat $1.25. -barle 60c..oats 50c. bryeu 90c. peas $1.75`. buckwheat 90c-$1.00. potatoes $1.- 00. eggs 25c, `butter 30c. chiizkens 25'-28-.._ Oi-iIliz`x---Fa1l wheatt$l`.2521`.35. barley 50 oats 48c. peas $1.50, rye 75'-80c.` buck- wheat 65'-70c. ` butter 38c.. eggs 25a. 3 I potatoes 90c-$1.00. I i uul. . \ Beeton-~-Eggs butter 3. kens 30-35c. All2..1..... Y` II ' I - 4-- -- ` NEARBY" MARKETS` - I Shn!burne-~FalI wh'eat "$l.l5-1.25`. sprihg-_: wheat s1;15:1;25-; barly 40-55, peas $1.-! 25_-1.60, oats 45-552:, rye 90c. buckwheat] 70-80c. butter 32-3523.. eggs~ 246,. potatoes! I 60c.L : -` vw -A-< cum`; .1; IIJMDTI T I Ezgs . . . . . . . . . . Butter . . . . . . . . . Dressed ' chikens Maple syrup . . . . Cabb'ages . . . . . . . Tutnips . . . . . . Carrots . . . . . . . . . [Beets Onions . . . . . . . . . Beans . . . . . . . . . ._ Apples (Russets) A-nples (Mann) . Potatoes I . . . ' . . . . . Eluilnsumlmlslmlsl I SATURDAY [MARKET Egys reboundd to" 30c .a dozen and"but- - ter heldat 45c 9. pound. with smalfsupply ' in -both last Saturday. Th`e'=l(>west for eggs . was 28c`. Theoffrings generally were" un- [usually small. due mostly to bad` roads. ' A large number of baskets were on sale by Indians from near Midhnrst. They were of all varieties. ' . I m'fEMARKETs~' .1 i } ul:_.'I!l!Il!i Iilllillysg I Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere . .`.. . .....uu-yuan The prices'1:--- . u I\lIJI l\\J\II3l\D Phone::-- Office I63, Residence 353 .-} "Cold In the 1 annha a++...i. -c xv- ,. Relieves cipivlileti i)'ag;. gar-` .get, spider or infection of the teat, also thrush in horses feet, (istula, etc. Stops": bleeding at once. Removes proud _esh, soreness and `swell- mg. MEHUIECEUTEG only Dy DOUGLAS & C0.. NAPANEE. Ont. THE FARMER S , FRIEND % Avt ail] Dealers and Druggists. Manufactured only by \n`lTl`.'l.A 2, an nApA1\rm.1 n` ?Visconsin.-,-I was run d could not even do my own housework, could not slee at night and. all inds of queer thoughts would come to me. Finally I gave up going to the octor and a friend told e of Lydia E. P` am s- Vegeta- ble Compound. . After the first bottle. I could slee better a and I have ept on Since; I have taken w and am sm ham-m +1....` 28 to 30: dozen 19'`. IL . . . . . . $3.00 gal. .1013 to 25?: each . . . . . . .. 5'c each 25'c smaII`Basl<'et 30c small basket 80c small basket `l'I'IL _ L. 35-38c. chic- I..".'f"`1'E"Z? small" basket : small basket Q1 nn L`.__.x Dllldll UlI-`.'X\('7I ' $1.00 bag 1 $17.00 tan 1 Ca,ta.rrh.. `(Is an I-ha. UUU o o HULTII 452: 11).] 0!. IL uuums new memorlal hospital will have =an~eleetn`c refrigertating plant and an elec- t1:1`o..1'-ange with -a capacity of 29 horse- power. All the cooking -will be done by Eu LuT-co: Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupilfs prepared for Tomato Conservatory 0 Music examinations leading up to and including the A.T.C.M. degree. A Studio--King Block. Phone 424. EDMUND HARDY, Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal, and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmsstov of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. ' Gold medalist of Toronto Conservatory of Music and of. the University of Toronto. II3 Worsley St. ' P hone 663 _________________ Org: Andr9vy_'s Prgesb l`|_IJ ,._--:. P , FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT 'I"---L- ` General Solicitor, Notar n..s.nruIur.l1 UUWAN ' Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate oi wilk, guardianship and administration, and , Conveyancer. eto. 0ice-Hinds RI:-ml: M- o n-- - "A uonveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates ( O'ice--I3 Owen St., in Mason Building, Barrie. Branch office- W. A. Boys, K.C.,M.P. D. C. r - -nu In: Us IUHNUULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Office and ,_R'esid'ence--Corner Elizabeth & . 7 Bradford? Sts.. Bzmrin Dim..- In: uxu1;I:' zmu,__1tes1clence--(',`or ' Sts., Barrie. l 0Eice- hours--9~1`0M a.m., I- uenerax soucitor, I 0ice-Hinds B II -.. -u. unlyll \l.UlI,. "I05; _ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON O':iceA and Residence--Collier St., con 1. Clappenton St., Ba"-rrie~.A Phone 27 Simco_e Marble Works` I DR. FRED A.'. Ross (Formerly. of Drs. Row & Ross. Barrie) Late-Surgeon Specialist with the I-inperil Army, 4% years. General; Surgery and Obstetrics gspecialty. E 0'ioe-15 Owen St., Barrie. ,Phone 710. ' D " "W ""' E Phone UIIH 710. K312 Block ` 122- 3100; 91 Owen 2 St., hie.-....... -3 I"- ._a_nae_. C. S; DICKSON, B.A., MS. Phone-61'- 56 Collier St., Barrio. | A O ` RADENHURST &. HAMMOND BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. Masonic Tnmnln n..:m:.... n ' .-vI\l ll W|UHD"'UN Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, ` Conveyancers, loner lxn lmm ni 1.........s --L- ' I 4___________. R`. F.. BRUCE; M'.'D2, C;M.', L.M .C.C. Office and Residence--60=Ross St; 'I`bird' door east of Royal Victoriaospital. Telephone 256. 30tf'o:- V -... an. -n-r\IIlIr\L-I- Associate Coroner County of Simcoo Oioe and Reside'nce--Corner- Toronto and- Elizabethu Sts., opp.- Central ' Church. Telephone 167. .____._._____._..____}i ax uwen:D[., name, 9 Diseases of Eye, Ear, N Consultation hours-11 .B'arrie'phone2.' Toront Morgue and Chapel. 7 T IN CONNECTION nm'+:.ou'r. - - :Pho't(og2v %_____.____.._..._.. MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Tannhnr A5 15:... --J -- . - CAPT. J. F. ROLLIT, L.D.S. DENTIST Oice: Over Reevev's- Jewelry Store, 76'$Dunlop St., Barrie.. ' Phones: Office-450. Res. 436. 1-yr _._._- .-. ...`- --- -u -uvnuruillouli Graduates and members .of Royal Collego of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. ` Office: 0ver`Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Entrance on Owen'St. Phones: Office 241, Res. 314: P.D.Box 133. W. Richardson, L.D.S., D.D.S-.- 7cyr \ W. Rgndall"Richardson, L.D.S'., D.D.S. an Lvruo 1 Masonic { DONALD ROSS. L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, - ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrio Money to loan. 7 _---.. .... ..\.\.... ..u\:uvxu1l..l\ `Published every. Thursday afternoon at tho. Post Office` Square Barrie. Sub ' ' Price--Canada and,Great Britain $2.c.|(.)'(l))t::;';' year in. advance (in.arrears 32:50) ; United` States, 82150 'per yeariin advance. Both 91d and? new addresses should be given when change of address is requested. CANCEL. LATIONS-.-We ndthat` most of our sub. scribers prefer not to have their subscrip. tions interrupted\_ in casethey fail to remit. before expiration; While subscriptions win not be carried in arrears- over an extended period, yet, unless we are -notied to cancel we `asslime/the:-milnncrihnr nxiulma H... ...--..:_, pcupu, _ycb, uuwas we: are -uuunea to cancel, we `assume rthe-subscriber wishes the servica continued. Remittances should be made by registered1 letter, money.` order, or chequg payable at: in Barrie-. - J. A. MacLaren, Editor. W. C. Walls, Manager, ` I ... -. s.nuL.\7., lVl.U. O'ice' and Residnce-47 Maple Avb. Phone:2l3. 31`tfc- . rrlI'.[.l $lUN, UNT~. Oice hours-12 to 2 and`? > _____-_ w -u-wu- stow .II VI II? " zoowm s1*.,"3ARau: A few doors north of Post Office`. W. J. EASTMAN. PROP. V Phone 277 . R. c. MANUEL. MGl{. Phone 72! __j______________% DRS. W. AND R. RICHARDSON r'1;.-.1..-.-_ .....1 __-...L _,,, vain` I ll\Jl\ runs It-EMODELLED AND REPAIR!-ID THE BARRIE EXAMINEF 3IIlv\aL1nJ nirnuouv 'I"L.._.J... . ..l'L_- _ w:.A':J.-Ewas, M`.D., o;M. SURGERY AND GYN-ECOLOGY C Q . hll"lI_enn fl A -- - _- ...--run I g H- OF PIANO Telephone 151. Barrio P. 0. Box 88 HEEEXL jjIZ-i PLAXTON &. PLAXTON nmvmnna or w----`- ` 1----vi rib I\|.'.rll1lI\`l PH'Y~SIGIAN-. AND SURGEON PH ELPSTON, ONT. ice hmm:_.19 fn 9 .....:n-r .. n _ Thursday,`.A`p_ril7. 6;, 1922: `Real Estate and Money to Loan 4 DR. E. G. TURNBULL ,_ A: 1n_n:n r.v~ - - BOYS &. MU RCHFSON ,, ,. Q-I:,!. -- DR; MORTIMER LYON A_ Q` 111 . - % L...u. SIMPSON, M.B, :\7Q]'f`T:A RT A nth rirw-\ .~.... suuu), oumU1'1`Ut{b`. Temple Building, Barrie Money to Loan 51 '_memo_rial hospital 'lze1-tatmo nlnno .....l .... 211.... A. T. LilTTLE, MID. ,__- ...... auuuuunrauon, and itox-,$Iotary, 19 Block, No. 8. Dunlop St. Money to loan DR..J. A. KEARN; limit`? I 11 A not` .-.._-_ ._% Your prders given to our wsalesmn, or "phoned to Bakery, .250, will be deiivered early %`Friday morning. DR. H. 'f;.ARNALL MUSIC . West. I?ox-on to,. will be I :., Barrie, every Saturday. =-Y9: Ear. Nose and 'l |h-nab Barrio - _ _.-..-...\.;.v , ..,uu..cu zcuca Ul IHICTBSK Masonic Templo .o`ice--Elmva_lo. I9MoPn n MIII'l|L:` vul A 11.7, G V Ufy oawray. Nose and Throat IFS---11 am. to 5 p-.m. Toronto; `lorth 3326 . r vlltu _G. Gordon Plaxton "OPEN DAY AND N|f,';HT' vuxul nmmoetn O mrie. Phone 105. n., I-3 p.m., 7-8 p.m. . gvvo of interest. Mnnnnn "I"----L T, A.T.C.M. AJtIl'I'lC- 0. Box 1075. ur-nun! V310. D. Murohxson to 9 p.m. 1-yrly~ ring in deal of ey. Mu which over Ar that pt? the pru tions, at tional `n more In in the thcre h pronziso. remnant -_ __ vn vv-IIILEU you will w(a;1't the`beat, 25: dog. YOUR .R5P;1NG News -C. "BROWN'S BAKERY Large stocl-, low, price) best workmanship ' Moriument or Memorial. while our stock is mi and you have a"large range of designs and materials .to make your selection from ? It would then be lettered arid ready to. set early in the spring. . HOT +,BUNS% Cbnsult vun GOOD FRIDAY.--of come an u--{ll ...-._A. 11., I . Page Tn mos. Ro@1' ...,/, nm... In sco1`T's ~BO0KS7l'ORE Established l8697 with vour building -. -n-.-:.__, not-wv$o:nmvcbo:c-1 1` Winifred Drift: _ Winifred. pale as death, rose to receive her lover, with that letter in her hand .which made an appointment with her at .'e house in East Orange; a letter which she believed to have been written by a dramaticagent. but which was actually inspired by Senator Meiklejohn. It was the bait of the trap which should put her once -more in the_ power of Meiklejohn and I his accomplices; uuwl gmnceu LIP. Don't do that," he said sharply. You get my goat when you make that beastly hoiee!" , These two were beginning again to snap at each other about the Senator and his affairs. and their official quarrels usually ended badly for the other_ fellow. ' b t_Iu5uv rcauw. _ She had -hardly read it when Rex Car- shaw s tap cameto the'dooi'. ' . About that same time Steingall threw a note -across his office treble to Clancy, who was there to announce that in a house in Brooklyn a` fine haul of (miners, dies. and inaninna't.e.-~ had just been made` Ralph V. Voles and his bad -man from the West have come back to New York again." said the chief. ,'em an eye." Why on earth doesn't Oarshaw marry the girl?" said Clancv_ .You might give presses and other illicitarticles, human -Suuiraaoribvei for The Bare Examingrf Will-Iv Clancy `laughed. `His mirth was grotesque as the grin of one of those carved ivories of Japan, and to the effect of the crinkled features was added a shrill ca'ckle. The chief glanced up. ` Dnn t rln hnf " I... ....:..I ..L-..__|__ our ...., 1... czuvu um-an c uarsnaw girl?" Clancy. , V . I dunno.` I-'Ie s stnaight, isn't he?" Strikes me that way." - ' Me, -1200. Anyhow, let's pick` up a "few threads. I've a notion that Senator Meikle- }ohn"thinks he has side-stepped the Bur- eau. . I-___V_ 1 1 u -_. Luca-ll. `. _ When she \was gone Winifred threw her- self on a couch with buriec` head, and was still there [an `hour later when Miss Good- man brought up a. letter. It was from a dramratic _agent whom she had often haunt- .ed`or work--or_ rather it was "a. letter on his office paper, makingean -appointment between her and 8. manager at some high-sounding Iaddress in East Orange, New Jersey. when,.the writer said. business might result." GI... L! L..__n__ _-, J -- I - ` nun; an IHUIJUUIBI Wimfred could not -answer. She was choked with sobs, so Mrs. Carshaw took her departure in a `kind of stealthy haste. She was far more unhappy now than when she entered that quiet house. She came in bristling `with `resolution. She went out seemingly yjctorious, but feeling small and mean. inean. TIIL _ y..-.. - cmuvu _yUu uu pllayi You see that I 'have- not only pity, but condence. It is hard, but I feel that you will rise to it. I, and you, are acting for Rex's sake, and I hope, I believe, you will do your share in saving him. And~ ` now I must go, leaving my `sting behind me. I am so sorry! I never dreamed that I should like you "so well. I have seen you before somew-l1ere--it seems to -me in an old dream. Good-=by, good-by! 'It had to! be done. and I have done it, but not glad- ly. Heaven help us women, and espec- ially all mothers!" w;..:c.....: .....m L ~- GALLL S'roNE umurc 1. wave . . _ i Oh. you should give me time to think] before I promise anything," sobbed Wini-| ired. I -believe I shall go mad. I am the most unfortunate girl that. ever lived. I didnot seek him--l1e sought me; and now, when I-- Have you no pity?` ` V' A . . . .. 51...`. 1' .I_,_.- - \vuuvu|ucu rluul 1Jl VVCCKI It will be hard, certainly, but a woman should be able to accomplish everything for the man she loves. Remember for whose sake you will be doing it, and promise me before I leave you." OH vnn olunnlnl ml`... l`\l\l\ H-.-` 4- 4L!-L| . " MARLATPS SPECIFIC " A never tailing remedy for Appendicitis. I`, Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, Appendicitis `and Kidney Stance- are often-caused by Gall Stones, and; mislead people until those bad attacksof Gallstone Colic appear. Not one in ten Gall Stone I_1f!e1;ers he _s what is` the trouble. Marlatt s Specicwill relieve without pain A operation; 1 For sale at all Drug Stores or - uxwsou. lvjvucn c. CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants L , Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St.. Toronk H, J.,Wolch. C.A. [ G. D. Campbell, C.A , T. E. Lawless, C.A. ; `W. S. Hulbig, Production.Engincer. vnnnaor nao .....I na:-:__--. Author of The Wings` of the Mor_ning`The- I WM. CROSSLAND, nmggas:,"BARRua, oN'r. (Continued From Last Week) . ...!II L- L_'..,l n ' I, nnkun-A co., an co":-ran-a` so. I`.."roronoo,< u The Bai'"!' MYSWY CHAPTER xv: smstuu You ;Be Earning. More Money? Are` you ambitious, energetic, with a talent of salesmanshl ? If so, let us explain `to you the oppor- tunity prese ted by our new and exceedingly liberal General Agency Conti'act.- ~ . ~ . Crown` Life Sales are growing rapidly-let us show you why and how ? `* s ' . Phone 789 LOUIS TRACY _- _ wvv-udila Iilll` '.Co.'ner7ophia and Mary Street: Manufacturers of Sash.-Doors. Frames, Flooring Ceiling. Moulding, Water: Trough- Tanks, etc. . We carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Luniber. B. C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying av Specialty. Drawing done .QX'0lll'pt'_}' . ffnnnnlo n... ...:LL V ' j._0;MATSON ..Wu- ` . Who is'that I hear speaking? Is it `Winifred? The vefy sound of her voice seems diernt. Am I dreaming? She irting with me'!, I don t realize her-it yuuuuy uusuaw uuv unuv, 351111 Not so much, I mean--not quite so much. I -thought that youiwere irting -with me, as I---perhaps-was flirting with you." ` T - XXII... :..`n....:. 7 L--- _.-,I- n - LICIII o J it down. You are not fair to I did not know you cared--" . ; },'ou-you did not know that I can Come, that's not true, agirlv! S5\T-L, _- ..7_,,l :- 'to ma. xuu amuuux not nave auowed me" ithink--whag I did; and you shoul not have told me the truth so--quite so--sud- denly." an 4.....- v-.. -__ - - van u uutp uullllullg-`EH85 ll WES y0lll' fault, dear. You made me hope, perhaps without meaning-.- me to, that--:that life was to `be happy for me. When I entered that dqor just now no man in New York had alighter step than.I. or a more care Iles(s heart. I shall go out of it-different. dear. You should not have allowed ltl'),H1lnl(----ullinf I AM. .....: .... . -L-.-u1 M -- auu muxem nacK------" It is sudden. this truth that yoAu tell me," went,on Qarshaw. Is`it a truth?" `(Ya-79 ' vuuan: aurb ox man. wmxtTrerL Don't believe me!" Winifred wished to cry out. But the words were checked on her white lips. The thought arose in her. He that nnmmh Ma 1...... .. .z.. _.u.._. uu ucr wmne her, that and looketh b T4 :. ......I..I-- u,- . .. ..uw-5. : uuuuuuuu. augment. Klwager Cost lgnd Efficiency Depaljtxriont ;;:__..____,__......___ ,_ nummy enough :. Well, then, I must `be a v tunate sort of man. Winifred. Don't L..I:...... ...-m um-N on any ulauncuy: There can be no jealousy where there is no love." T . ' Carshaw stood silent. momentarily stun- ned, like one before whom a thunderbolt "has really exploded. At last, looking at the pattern of a frayed carpet, hevsaid humbly enough . . Wm +1.... 1 M...` L- - - IJuc.uuua_y. . cu:-my 1 man 1; say much. What on earth` did I say`? -'1'-heat she was like a Gainsborough; that she was rather a bean- ty; that she was elancee `at twenty-two. But I didn/t mean any harm. Why, it's jealousy!" * b _ At this Winifred drew herself up to dis- charge a ,thundex*boIt-, and though she winced ate the Olympian e'ort- munaged to say distinctly: " 'l`Hnv-n nun L- .... 2..-!--- I ' I something wrong, I wonder? v Winnie. what is it?" . I have told you I am not very well. =I do not desire your company---tod'uy."" "Whewl What majesty! It musrbe something outrageous. But what`? Won`t you be dear `and kind . and tell me?" You have done nothing." Yes. I have. I think I can gue. I l |3uuulut'!'. . I` But what a tone to me! Have I done spoke of Helen Tower ymterday as of an `old sweetheart--was't'hat it? And it is all jealousy. Surely I didn't much. What I011 earth` did I xx-Iv`? . l'hu+ aim .....; 1:-1.- .. rxuuulu yULl LUH DUE "19! "This touched Wini'fx'ed. and, struggli'_ng< with the lump in her throat, she said. un- lsteadily: I am not very'well today; if you will leave me now, and comeperhups some other time. you will oblige me." Cnrshaw strode nearer and caught her, shoulder. , H[)__4 ,,,L A . . - -~ "nuns 3 - I I He stood amazed at this speech. words." said he_..lookinr at her in a of Surprise, `almost anger. shduld you tell but me? "!`)-g +m...L....I ur:_:-:__.u - wrong ? ' ' AIGI I Carshaw. entefed in high spirits. We I have news---" he began. What s the matter?"v f`B`ut, hell With whom?" asked Winifred. You look pale." Do I? It is nothing. 4. .You have `been crying, surely." `-`Have I?" _ Tell, me. What is wrong?" T Why shQuld_I tell you if anything" "xx nfnna! ' ....-.._...J ._L L`,f I- HA` __ .-- vvvvnlunl Vllalllsu Far enough from her innocent mind was it to dream that the visit of R'ex"s mother had -beenvrbrought about by her enemies in order to deprive her of a protector and separate her from her lover at the very time when he was most necessary to save her. I` , , `I During a few tense seconds the girl pray- ed for power to play the bitter part which had been thrust upon her-to play it well for the sake of the man who loved her, and whom sheiloved. The words of his mother were \still in her ears. She had `to make him think that/she did not care forhim. In the last resort she had to fly from him. She had tacitly promised to do this woeful thing. ` \ 1.`..- ........_L A-__... 1, - nvnn aAnnI'+:."6N"I'*." - Pillar 9f Light, etc. be vefy unfor- n. \Vinifr'm-l 1"" pt I car'ed? 1 stupor "Whom' ` ` Well. hello ! xuawuuu uumju MITUDDEG. She came and stood over him. Rex, you don t look well," said she. No; perhaps I`m not very well, mo- ther.-" said he listlessly. ' ' Can I do anything?" No; I'm rather -afraid that the mis- chief is beyond you, mother." f`Poor boy! `It is some trouble. I know. Perhaps it would do you good to tell me. No; don"t worry, mother. I'd rather be left alone, there s a dear." [14:11. All ....... a.l..:.. 7.. :. -.-..;. L_Jn hr UNDER_TAKERS% we um 8.10116, mares a clear." Oi1ly.tell me this. Is it very bad? Does it 'hurt--much? - ` [ (To be continued), ; _ VVUE Ill IIIIC3 [U011]. . -His mother glanced anxiously at him, for though Winifred had promised to keep secret the fact of her visit she was in fear lest some hint of it might have crept out; not had she 'foreseen quite 99 deadly an effect on her son as was now manifest. He ldokedlcareworn and weary, and the maternal heart th`rob'bed. ' Qkn n......... .......l _L__J -7 1' ~" 3 uuzur uuu propped ms neac saying: Well, mother!" for i was in the room. `I12- ....L`---- A3 ` ' DI-IlJlilJ"JlIn` About -that same hour Rex Carshaw v'valked_desol~ately to the a_na1`tn1e,nt in Madison Avenue. He. threw himself into 3. chair and propped his head on a hand. nnvinv- Wall 1'nnl>.l-anal" 1:..- u..- n___L,, uoucl WUIK. :_ Even if she did not nd it she would have not the slightest hesitation in bor- rowing from Rex; for, after all, all that he had was .hers--ahe knew. it. and he knew it. Before she went: to bedzshe de- cided to throw up the singing ambition. not toogo to the appointment at East Or- ange. but to seek some other modest oc- cupation~.- - A.km.L LL..4. ...._._ L----- T` "` ' reauuy. ne was scheming to gain time. Now that they were parted she saw no reason why she should not throw oii all this stage ambition and toil like other girls as good as she. She had done it. She was skilled in the bookbinding craft; she might do it again. She counted her money V and saw that she llllfl enough to carry her on a week, or even two. with economy. Therefore. she had time in which to seek other work. P .161 c ."`.'To say that she was actually disturbed by these little rills of doubt would not be quite true. Still, they did arise in her mind and left her not perfectly` at ease. The touch of uneasiness, however. made ` her-ask_herself why she should now become a. singer atall. It was Carshaw who had pressed it upon her. because she had in- sisted upon the vital necessity of doing something quickly, and he had not wished her to work again with her hands. In reality.` he scheming to gain Nw that thav wm-6 nnrfnrl also n----- -- pvluc m new 1()rK_. at an -omce. ! Her mind was not at all given to sus-l picions. but on reading over the letter for` the third time she now noticed that the signature w_as not in the handwriting of the agent. She knew his writing quite Well, -for he had sent her other letters. This writing was, indeed. something like his. but certainly not his. g It might be a clerk s; the letter was typed onihis office . baner.` ' g ;g,;',:% `PA . ,,.-__ _~.~_-v u-.uv nauucu. During that sad evening. which shespentl alone. she- read once more the letter nmk-I ing the appointment` with her` at East; `Orange. Now. `reading it a second` time`. it be, she wondered. when: she would have to see there? East Orange was some way` off. A meeting of this sort usually took place in New York, at office. "tar rnintl uinm ....-.4 ..A. _II -3, she felt a twinge of doubt. Who could 1 l _ i _*. Tlarrie Eieiegimilli

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