Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1922, p. 8

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T115 BARRl\E EXAMlI.\ll:`R Phone 21:1: Mar. 13. The playlet, I Oan t Aord It, which was given in Stroud Methodist Church on Friday evening, Mar. 10, was a great success. A large crowd gathered from all parts of -the country, the church being full to the doors. The orchestra struck their rst notes punctually at eight o clock and -ater a first-class selection the curtains were drawn and perfect order `reigned. Eighteen highly talented persons (including orchestra) took part in this play and their appropriate costumes are worthy of mention. The minister and his wife, the minister's college chum, an Irish girl, an educated maiderrly lady. three farmers. their wives and sons, a. postman and a country girl made up. the cast. Act one. ;scene one, brought to view an open eld Ibordered with trees, farmer and son hoe- ing, a visit of a young lady in trouble with her auto. While the orchestra gave a splen- did selection. the scene was transformed to the minister s study. In scene four, while all other lights were out. one large footlight showed the minister s parlor, a beautifully furnished room, in which took place the scene without words, while from behind in sweet, clear tones rose the verse and chorus of Love's Old `Sweet Song. The scenery in the next act was a. village street. That this was all arranged so quickly showed under what clever man- agement things were done. The singing of Where the River Shannon Flows" -brought the play to a close and all joined in the National Anthem. The Ladies Aid realized over $100.00 and the_ voice of the people as they departed -was, I would have paid twice as` much to see it. The play 1 was surely worth it. n Mun 1'7 f`\:a Znllu min-on will :l\1IIlI-111`! WUB GUIUIJ WUIUIL Ill. On Mar. 17 this jolly party will journey to Lefroy to give the people there a real tre t." It is hoped to see it again in Stroud in the near future. ` Mar. 13.--Mrs. Wm. Beardsall is siting with relatives in Elmvale. 15---`- `I'7..._L___ _l Y\__L \I_\Y!._Il , , n wwu ICIHIIIVUS Lu 'J..'JlLllVl1IUo Frank Hunter of Port McNico1-I spent a few days `last week at his home here. Mr an!` no 7" `D:A..u.ll Ln`... -no---......-I ICW uaya l'U.|I WXIK Ill 1113 UUHIU ultra: Mr. and Mrs. T. Bidwell have returned from England, where they spent the win- ter. Mr. Bidwe1l's sister returned with them to spend the summer in Canada. | Mr: I Dnuxvnll nvir` any` .I\: `In-so-:1. II-\lh-1` ' DLICIII DU BVUIIU I/HG SIILIIIIIIUI Ill Uukfllu Mrs. J. Powell and son of Barrie spent the week-end with her parents here.` I 7 ']:':an Quvno A` .`lC!m-.-tn an-unt 6-Lo. Iivnnlr Ann` F1-OUR:-9 Wlllll. LVl.I.3. II. I : LIIUIILWIU lUL'!:uuy. Mvs. G. McCua1g of Vespra IS vnsxtmg wnth her slster, Miss Thompson. nnfnnn I-ru-nugp vnnnl~:no- Iuvnn .1n'n`pl n` LL- U115 wccn-cuu wwu IJUI IJHICIIIJB .lI_Cl`U. Miss Syme of `Barrie spent the week-end with Mrs. A. J. Thompson recently. MI: (1 MnnIIu;n AC `loan:-n :5 Iv:a:f:I-uni WEN! HUI EIBIICI, .Lu.l LlIUlll*)3\)lIo Cotztage prayer meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Hugh Ma.cKay last week. Rev. G. H. Knighton conducted the ser- vxce. 11101; L1-jll ILIICII. \7lI5ll'-J 3!. week-end with friends in Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. James Clegg of are visiting with Robt. Reynolds. - in D 1" Ilullnn ml "l`;u.nn-n uuu R113. 11. U. Dflgltyn On accounit bf bad roads, `th _La,die%' Aid have postponed their concert and play until a'la.ter dafze. `II _..I-__ Y\__-_ __ __L _.-_-___._E___ __ ._,A!,lI__ UIIUII K1 ICIUUI GOG: Morley Dyer is not recovering as rapidly as his -many friends would like to see. ` Mar. 13.-.-Mr.'-and John Kelly. and children of Stroud attended the wedding of their niece wt Keswick oxi Saturday. Mr nnt"Mm G F. Fnv AC Downy Qnnuul G10 Vlblllllls VVH/Ll J.\;\)U|I. 1\UyuUIUD. Mrs. P. `C. Bullen of Toronto `Spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. _C.A Srigley. ' ' nn onnnnru} kl)!` 1-Ann-In I-`an-1. 1`...A:....` Ul uuuu usvuc wu ILGBWIVA uu cumuxuuy. Mr. and'Mrs. G. G. Fox of Parry Sound and Mr. -and Mrs. .T. R. Sheppard of Roache s Point spent the weekend with their sisters, Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. A. Gib- knna ' :D0u8- ` Mrs, Isaac Spring, Jr., is Wisiting with friends in Toronto. 'D:_I.-_.l n:.LL__- :_ _..-___I:__ - p____ , 1 No experience necessary, $125 to $200 per month, operating gas tractors,idriv- ing motor trucks, cars and. farm power machinery, or auto and tractor mach- inery. city and country garages. Steady work. We -have a` -plan whereby you can work in.our shops to pay for part of your training. Under this system, you can soon be trained, ready to ac- cept one, of these `big paying jobs. This special offer is good for a short time only. Day and evening sessions. Don t delay. Write or call for full partic- ulars immediately. " - 7tf xuuunru umuuua In apenumg '21 16W WEEKS with his uncle), T. R. Sheppard, Roache's Point. ` Mar. Alien Srigley "spent the Lmnlnnnrl with fnnrla 3n Rum-in IICIIUB Ill lUIUIIM)o Richard Gibbons is spending a few weeks wit`: I13: unnln T D Q`\Anv\-nnnr` 'D.u...l...`.. Read The Examiner Adlet Column. .____:_.j:-...- EIGHTH LINE, .ll_`l_1\lIfSFlL % SMART SET For slender figures. Girdle top, long skirt vvith rubber laces, two pair of garters. [An entirely new invention -a. flap which con- trols and reduces sup- erfluous flesh over the diaphragrn. Provides perfect freedom for deep breathing-. Pat- ented hip insertions fit snugly and comfort- ably over prominent hip bones and prevent the corset from riding up. Fancy silk figured batiste.. Phone No. 157 . . . . $6.00 STROUD FEED:-- CLOWES HOLLY A Complete .C0r.s`et Service TO MEET THE NEEDS or EVERY CANADIAN WOMAN UUIII LU]. ng-. ertions prominent ~.d om ilk 74 S. W. MOORE, avv JV-.-- --v. - No. 5l4-- Designed for that large class of women who do not require abdominal reduction, but are overdeveloped in hips and thighs. The reduc- tion of these parts` is accomplished by bands of patented semi-elastic Lasti Kops webbing,. which will not lose their elasticity and are guaranteed to last the life of the corset. All sizes in stock, $6.50 No. 216 . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 No. 499 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 No. 360 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.50 A1~}'EMo CORSETS embody valuable- econgmic, hygienic and style features not found in other ' corsets. They are made throughout from the finest materials obtainable and are .priced as reasonably as substantial well-made corsets can be priced. When you have read the briefdescriptions that fol- low, we are confident that you, too,. will decide to let your next corset be a Nemo. `I 2- J 1'\ !,,,__,`I D- A1,-A 1,, , ,1 ,.,- _ --.Indispen_sib1e for the protection~ of -health and the natural grace and sym- metry which is every woman s birthright. Midland Ask to be shown the Circlet or `Juspul- a Brauiers while in the debut-tment "CCl\'ClI\l VVIUII IIICIIIE III L7l4IUll\aIn . Thomas Boyes of Massey 1s vzsmng at ins home. T I'.V,,`-.LJ, L__., 4!- ,I-_I L- I_:,-,,_ LL_L Y1 BROWN & C0. u 1.1.` LIIC " n'LVLu5J. IIICU Gall LIIC lllll-IIC Aoflvngllrs. Walter Ralston, Miss Mitchell. Field Secretary, addressed the meeting. Mrs. Browning and d'a11qi;;;:r(;;7>;:Vr17ta1'.h(-, week-end with friends in Str9ud._ II'VL__-__ `l')--_-_ -1` Il -_____ __ __._:L:.__ -4 [LID LIVJLLICO Friehds here are glad to know that R. AW. Sloan is improving in the R. V. Hos- pital. A aiilin a:l'I'| A` urn-`I-|n#._.nnn n` AIIII unurnn -.___---.. -..._ .. u.........._... -... . . . . V . -. Vincen-t:-Reiv left on Tuesday for God- erich to help fit out his boat for the sailing season. I`... I\ IK-fV-II.____ 1, ;__;__l2___ - _.__ INEMO CORSETS pxuu A sure sign of spring--one of our young! lfarmers killed 3. groundhog last week. l D. McCallum is spending a fw days in Toronto this week. Mar. l5.-R. Munro. who has been vis- iting in this district for three months, re turned to the West yesterday. `I? A rs W. G. Storey. was a. recent visitor with friends at Elmvale. "IY_., 1 Y,, ,,:L__ L,_,_ L_._,L', II I . IIICIILIB GU LUIIIIVH-[Cc Wm. How has -been breaking all records cutting wood with his machine here. Un- fortunately on Saturday his hand came in contact with the saw, taking a nger off his left hand. "I"L- .__-___.I____.l -,,_ _,,,! ,, , _.I ' , Feed Corn,`Seed Corn T Seed Grain, Clovers and V Grasses of all kinds. The unemloyed are `having something -to do these days let-ting o water, as it is lthreatening the cellars. Fnnainlnpnkln oxuorxrumrfuv :5 ..L..u..3.... L....,l- Kindly remember your Examiner sub- scription. If `it has not been renewed. please renew now. `NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the ; Trustee Act that all persons having claims| against the Fstate _of John Smith, late of the Village of Lefroy, in the County of! Sirncoe, retired farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of April. 1921. are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of April, 1922. after which date the Executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto. havingiregard only to the cl-'aims of which they shall then have notice, and that they willnot be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claim shall not then have -been received. UIIICKIUCIIIIIE Iwllc UClLE|l5- Considerable property is changing hands and real estate business appears good. 1 Dated Mar. 12th, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to? section,56 of the Trustee Act. R. S. 1914, Chap. 121, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Joseph Nelles, formerly of the Town of Barrie, late of the City of Toronto. sta- tionary engineer, who died on the 4th day 1 of February, 1922. at Toronto, are re'quir- : ed, on or before the 3rd day of April, 1922, to send or deliver to the undersigned full .panticula~rs, in writing, of their claims, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. ` Au n . . . ".1. 1..-; ..__._l:'._-_| J-.- .1. A I I II IIKIUIII. _ After such last -mentioned date the Ad- ministrators will proceed to distribute the assetsof the said deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having- regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said Administrators will not be liable for the said azsets or any part thereof to -any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution, PLAXTON & PLAXTON, 708 Kent Building. Toronto, Solicitors for the Administrators. Dated at Toronto this 8th day of March, 13.0,, 1922. _ 11.13;, IN THE- .Fstate` of . late Joseph Nelles. \Yl\rl\'I'l1rI 0 u Mar. 14.--The W.-M.S. met at the home I.` 11.... l7..lL.... T)..I..L.-... Ill..- IlIL..L..II NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1-: u-nu--u-av. Ask your g.recer for them If he cannot supply you, tele- phone our Retail Department. From this department you can also order- CHURCHILL CUNDLES DONALD ROSS. Executors' Solicitor. ` Bzufrie. Ontario. D . 11-13c ' OZ M. the 10-120 Thursday, A March 16, 1922 TENDERS will be received by the under- signed for the following supplies for the Gaol for the period of one year to com- mence on the 1st day of April, 1922. and ending on the 31st day of March, 1923, Inamely: Beef without bone, per pound; beef with bone, per pound; pork, per pound; oatmeal, per standard barrel; syr- up, bright, per gallon; coal oil; per gallon; potatoes, per standard bag; butter, ,per pound; pot barley. per pound; salt. per barrel; soap (Dalton's)_. per box; bread. l per pound. ulna`! I-nnzlnr Cnv-nae nan lnn nlwfninnrl UMC KUUIII/3" 11 any. IIUIU 'Uy I/IIUIH. 1;. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of` the said deceasedg among the parties entitled thereto. having; regard only to the claims of which they; shall then have notice, and that the said; Executors will not be liable for the saidfg assets. or- any part thereof. to any poison; or persons of whose claim notice shall not ; have been received by them at the tiniel-is of such distribution. I\A'IV1T\I'\ ,L 11!, ,_,,. .1 ' on, ,1... t" .; 2 vuc CSVGLC Ul I/HG czuu KICU KJHKICIHHI. NIIV died on or about the 29th day of Docem- " ber, 1921, at the City of Hollywood, in ; the State of California, U.S.A., 'but h;n'ing ; his place `of residence at the City oi 'l`or- ; onto and at the Town of Barrie. Pmvince j of Ontario, -are required. on or before the 8th day of April, 1922, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned. their christian names` and surnames. ad- ;. ';dresses and dwcriptions, the full I)h`rtic.L Flulars, in writing, of their claims. a state ' 1_`ment of their accounts, `and the nature of ; i 2 the security. if any. held by them. I ; AND 'M1n.1 mrvmmr 91-... ...u... mmi. me uuu. Blan-k tender forms can be obtained` from the undersigned. `II I , , ,,I ,,,, L- fI'YL.,, ,I ,, \ll\I I `I C `II I I1`? IVI?-I GRAHAM FLOUR BRAN BAKING BRAN SHORTS FEED FLOUR BUCKWHEAT MIXED GRAIN BARLEY WHEAT CORN CHOP CORN CRACKED CORN OATS ROLLED OATS OAT CHOP MIXED CHOP PROMPT DELIVERY COURTEOUS SERVICE ..-4... v-Qav u.....v. ...-.-.. Tenders will be received up to Thursday, Mar. 16, 1922. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders to be sealed and addrsed to Chairman County Property Committee. 10-llc `Box 366. Barrie. IN NO'I'ICE'is hereby given, pursuant to `section 56 of the Trustees Act, R.S.0. 1914, Chap, 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against .I:_.I ._ __ _L___; AL, nnn ,| ,r r\ the estate of the said Fred Underhill. who .` 01 sucn msmnunon. - ' ' DATED at Toronto this 8th day 0' ;; March. A.D. 1922. = STANLEY G. UNDERHILL. ROSS H. UNDERHILL. I W..BL.AKE UNDERHILL, ( Executors, Barrio. or W M --- - .__..____44 ...-11] .I.'l4\Cl4 lfllllx`, I! .II I | .`_ ... McLAUGHLIN. JOHNSTON. :\I00RIIF.-ADE" & MACAULAY, 120 Bay St... 'l`nronto,. ; j~ T Their s.1icitom.?i 4.4? 1118 8|?`/en!-10 OI IOT OWHEYS IS (H':l\\II V` the` annual assesinlents for care of 10"! which are payable to J. W. NP-v`. SW." Treas.. Beecroft s Bank, Dunlop Stu 35"? Owners of lots are reinindod that unP` assessments from 1913' onwzml lwmnel charge against the lot:' and sht.-uhl not b9 allowed to accumulate, as unds-r the A9` mnnvv :|n"mm an nctn nnnnnr.` THE 3llUWl.7\l DU IIUUILIIILIIEUS, as UHUUI luv THEY. MUST BE PAID BEFORE LOTS CAN BE USED. `I"L___:_I __-__...__-__;_ 1- 1411!) LA by the same person ; 81 for halt 10`- Iseemments by pe aneny I1d i5 `Lot owners are 0 reminded thagb the new` Endvowmen System n0_W RIM they may elimina , if they W1-`hv lot to provide for POPPGWSI 03" we v~-;~:*2::::r 10-26c THE FISHER FLOUR MILLS, LIMITED NOTICE TO CREDITORS N MATTER of the Estate of Fred Underhil-1, late of the City of Toronto. in the County of York, Esquire, TENDERSAFOR GAOL SUPPLIES The attention of lot owners is (lx`:n\'n WI L- . _ _ _ ._I _i_,,, . A` , _._ -5 IAN. Barrie Union Cemetery N EMO WONDERLIFT SERVICE Intended for women of all types, its secret lies in the wonderful band1et- a band of Lasti Kops webbing ad- justablel to the exact individual lines of the wearer, yet cleverly concealed beneath the corset skirt. The sup- port of this bandlet, with its firm uplifting action, is invaluable to . women who su'er even slightly from weaken- ed and fallen abdomin- al muscles and organs. No. 560, all sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.75 AN NUAL ASSESSMENTS BARRIE uuuuu v-I ..-_, A. Bmwnlee; I Hemphill s Motor School 163 Wool: King St:-`cot, Toronto I-4.: Boat issuing erection establis 4; v the C place munity Quinla ness of very pr Arrang holding` A the P01 all 7 rate invited, will be Fresh, Choice _ eac Krink Good Fresh Imper Corn Servici BLACI-lFORD S ' POULTRY FEEDS For eed,'valso those fit for seed. Bulk or sacked, recleaned or as from thresher, delivered your station. LAING 31:05., LTD. wmmvzc, MAN.- in 11m Get our prices--before buying. FOR A HAPPY HOME, USE THE FISHER BRANDS FLOUR Five Roses, Purity, Golden Key, Cream of West " IIWIIIIE V7 II&I'DQ Porridge Meal GRITZ Porridge Meal IAIIAII l'!lI\ll3 EDI Bran, Shorts and` Chopped Feed T R. M. 1_ucqNxr-:Y OATS `FOR SALE WHOLE WHEAT BARRIE, ONT. BARRIE " luuer gf AMuA'rin`g e Licenses ` women in Standard Bank mpg. stmd Phone 155 11.1P Mar. 14.--Ml`. and Mrs. Ul.0Ve'l' are nun- ing to Guthrie. They will be missed in this -neighborhood, `having resided here for the past eight years. ~ :11... Qlnunr has taken a oosition in Bar- -:.------_-J-a\a" ` ****************g****;;a :5 NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING Townsmrs E a*&&&%$&%%&&*$*$&*$*&$w$&% the past elgtnu yours. Glen Slesser has taken a position rie.. downstairs and frzwtured-her collar bone one day last week, but is now recovering nicely. ` M. ..m.-I Mm. Shellswel-1 of` Craizhurst Little Helen Lauder unfortun-ateuly , fell nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Shellswel-l of` Craighurst have been spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Pat-tarpon, -and are also visiting their sons. `Mrs. Lauder spent a week in Barrie re- cently. ., - ---Don't forget the Box Social to be held in the hall at Edgar, Friday, Mar. 17. Ad- mission, 25 and,15 cents. Ladies bringing boxes admitted free. , llc s Gilbert McArthur, who had been very ill for many months, passed away on Tues- day, Mar. 7. The funeral took place on Friday to ' Knox" Cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. W. S. Irwin, as- sisted by Rev. G. H. Knighton. The pall- bearers were Nichol-as McIntyre, Joe. Cock- burn, Robt. Thompson, Samuel Campbell, Geo. Patterson and John Livingstone, Jr. Mrs. MoArthur and family have thedeepest sympathy of all in their bereavement. V ML- nr-__-_!... 'r....a:4...c.. arena` of Hm .1-mmn UIICIII 011 C313. 1 The tea a.nd'coucert given in the town hall last Friday night was very well at- tended. considering the bad roads. The play. The White Lie," was well put on aby the Crown Hill-rpeople. They gave an {excellent -programme which was enjoyed .'by all present. Proceeds. $35.00. i Tho ennui in fnf `rliaurvnpnrinnfin IO- spent B118 ween-cuu an A. \A:uu1-uuu 5. James Pierce, Jr., of MacTier spent the -week-end_ at his home here. ` `NIL- _-L....I L..- -Luna-\ Alnnnr` Lawn `no In Mar. 14.-;~Mrs. R. Monteith spent the week-end visiting friends in Toronto. TV....lI n-nnnn n-ul Ilia: vnnn A`. Wnufnn we_eK-enu Vluluwg lncuus Ill Luruuw. Cecil Cameron and Mxss Vera. of Weston spent the weekend at A. Cochr.ane's. Tmuna `Dim-no Jr nf Mm-'l`inr snenf. the BY PUBLIC AUCTION . On Wednesday, Mar. 22, 1922 s at Grape Grange, Clarksburg, Ont.` OF SEVENTEEN PURE-BRED AB- ERDEEN ANGUS CATTLE (cows, heifers and bulls), and two pure bred Young Hereford Bulls, together with seven horses, two sows, machinery, implements, etc. ' ' ' A `nknll J-A nnnuuun on quantum` g:nn an 'We9K'8IlU_ 5!: HIS 1101116 116117. The school has been closed there for a few days on aocountof the teacher, Mrs. 0. Arnold, -being ill. I` Aunnhv` A` Anon: annnf flu: nmnlnnnrl .U. A!'Il0l(1, Demg nu. 0. Arnold of Anguslspent the week-end here with `his wife, who accompanied him home on Monday on account of her illness. `M -a Tomas Wnnnlrnnnu nnnnf. 1: {Am rlmm 1101116 OI] munuuy uu uucuuuy Ul um unucna. Mrs. James Frankcom spent a few days `last week visiting friends` in Barrie. `M. n-`A nu II`.nnm-ann nal? Hnun rn. 1118!; WEEK vuuuug uluutm HI un._uAc. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Cook have re- turned home -at`-ter spending some time with friends in Penetang. " T...-...... Tina.-In u Jana .knnn`.nn Han n]! ust. , . The farmers are busy drawing hay and potatoes to Mid-hurst station .and loading them on cars`. R mI__ ;__ .....l`...._...._L ..:....... .. Ll... 4.-mm 11181108 III renewing. ' . James Handy, Sr., -has -beeAn on the sick Dy uu 'pI't!St!lll. rrpwuua. wuu.uu. The snow is fast disappearing" in this 10- icality. Some buggies -are out already` and the cars will soon be running again if it keeps like this. _ Q Mk: `Plain naknrnn nf` 'n}\nI'nf.nn is H19. Iulriy gouu snwpe. ' A number from here attended H. 0'-Neil s ,sale at Apto. The day was ne, but the roads were in very -bad condition, water ' running on them like rivers, and there `are small lakes in places. .A good crowd at- tended the sale and the stock sold Well. Mr. O'Neil is retiring from farm. life and purposes moving to Toronto. His health has `failed -him for the past three years. Best wishes are extended to Mruand Mrs. O'Neil and `family .by- the commimity for success in their new home; ' M I Mar. l4.---The U.F.O; shippd a car of stock to Toronto -1-ast week. ' James Mc- Laughlin also shipped a car of stock from here on Saturday. Yunnan 'IKnI.n|mtr-klvx unnnnf fkn u1no`.r-nnH KEEPS HK8 H118- } Miss Elsie Osborne of` Thornton is -the `guest of" her sister, Mrs. G. Finlay. QVGLU 3 IJULGWILUIL IIWI-II Sale to commence at 1 pm. Ten months credit on approved joint notes; six per cent of! for cash. 1 u - 4': on n,,_-,_ Here 011 Buuuruuy. . ' James 'McLaug_hlin spent the_ week-end in Toronto. xu 1.unm'uu. _ Syrup `and `sugar making are in full `swing, and the sugar makers -are looking forward to `a goodrun as the weather is all that` could be desired. NIL- ______ 1-_:___x_ _: rm.-- n.._--.` .;.L.. all `llllull UUUIU `UC \|UBllUU.n _ The many friends of Thos. Casey; who spent many years of his life at Anten Mills, are pleased to hear he is returning to take up his residence here again. A `I -Tm-unu AC novnn Rn:-than annnf. Han WCUI\'UIIU Wlllu lI'lUlIl1U 1ICIUn Qurte a number from here attended the carnival vat Minesing on Wednesday even- . ing. - They report some very ne costumes and a general good time, asVth_9-ice was In fairly good shape. A vnlnmknln cnnnn `union uffnnnl` I-I O -Mail : up H15 IUSIUUIIUU IICIU uszuu. A. Harvey of Camp Borden spent the. week-end with friends here. ` ' I\_.:L_ _ _._..__L__. 13..-..- L-_.- _LA.-...l-.I LL- Mar. 15.--Lu<.:a.s Noble had an operation on Tuesday af};ernoon at the R. V. Hos- pital, Barrie. ` Mr ant` Mn: nnol-Iv Mnnwn `main; wan`-(`1r" M Uuuu '3 UUIEC Ill CEBU 15525 BI/{DINI- The Presbyterian choir were entertained` ` on Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Hating: -at -their home. The choir -are being well treated, as a few weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. H. McLeod entertained them and Mr. and Mrs. Will Ohapin have asked [them in `for Thursday evening. `~ 1 -FEDEX, 3581`-{Us . Mr. and~Mrs. Beatty Moore have rented a couple of rooms on the upper at of A. Kirk1pa.triak s-Grange avenue house. Mr. Moore_ talks of .=b1'1ilding this summer. Hana`-nnn Dn:I` TXRII KTALIA ""iI-`e&"'L&2s 5'Harry Stwartl are -re- rponted to have each bought fty acres of `land from Andrew King. . 7|-uh `lain-I1 dknn 1Inv\n:w `\nA:-xn -:4: 1....5..... Luuu IIUUI I'Lu\llUW LLIIISI _ The Barry shoe repair building is being moved to the property of Tom Barry on the `lake shore; The Gulston cottage was mov'ed to their property on the fourth con- cession. * 1:v.I_-.....I n-:_- L..- -_..-_-.l 1-...-- 1:21-- IIIIFIVIIIWII U5, V\rO A `chance to secure 9. good sire or start a pure-bred herd. Ga!` 4-.` nninnlnnntunn and `I nun m-aux u`.FB ;;1l'd Paine has engaged James Milne to build -3 house in east Essa street. NIL- `I)_..L..L.._!..._ .L..!_ _.-__ __A-..A._:__.I L!l.UUlU_ 05155 UL .'uuuu.1u5 U111! BLl.l.ll11lUl.'. Will Reid, Haughton Reid, ,Will Noble and John `King let. this week for their work on the boats. A . IF...` 1' .... .. ..'..'.l T_`l .......- GA..'._-_..L _.__ __ l4.--Mhr. and Mrs. Glover are mov- -_ 1... ..Ll.&.3n "Pinon wui ht! in Eaminu tdvb. maa: basin`./Th toniml ANTEN M1115 MIDHURSTA LEF ROY fh`f3 Mar. 13.'--`-Mrs. A. Tudhope of Hawke- stone is visiting mith Mrs. F. J. Love. I-`in rlnnvn A` Mr: Mn- any-rip n `noun 'sZ1'e IE 6l;;kEn;1}g7,_-1 5/; }x{:i `from Thornbury G.T.R. station. . 10-11 QIKIIIC I5 VIUIIIIIIE [UH ullc L'o Ila I-l\IVUo Sorry to learn gf the death of Mrs. Mc- Cuaig. Her remains , were bro`ugh`t to `Guthrie cemetery. WA nnnmn ` knits `mourn I-nfni-nut` karma 111 !!! Ill!!! IIUI. I411 luau WUCI\o ,Mrs. Walker Caldwell is in Barrie hos- pital. Many friends wish hera speedy re- covery. _ IA lofn Mr: ,TI\"\I'\ MnnImu:n "Ar:-nan-`u W'l`ii'1ate Mrs. John Mccuaig, formerly of Guthrie, passed quietly away on Wed- nesday, `Mar. 8, at her d-arughter's home in Winnipeg. Mrs. MeCuaig was 75 years or age and had` lived in Guthrie till fteen years ago when she went West. She leaves to mourn her loss three daughters and five sons, all in the west, and onesister at Sea- bright. The funeral took place from Smith s undertaking parlors, Barrie, on Sunday af- ternoon to Guthrie cemetery. nu *lvI'1l\' I UUI`TI1l'\ tun QUUUIVIU UCHIOVQIJ. The camp boys havq returned home again, -looking fine.` or 1.? Zmtrnrnff I-T.IIft-1n:;ncnn 1-nhn-nnrl u5'u.u1, 'lUUI\lll5 uuc. Mar. 13.-Everett H-utcheinson returned from the north last week. ll ..- 1I1_ll_ __ l`_I_I_-_-IlI:.. 2.. I)..._._2_ L__ IIIC Uo-I-`\Io uuu Uo1`.VV u\Jo \Jlu'U5 EIU I I the Women's Institute held their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McCuaig on the evening of Mar. 9. Mem- bers of the "Institute gave two very helpful papers on "The Value of Pure Air -and Sunshine in the Home by Miss Mary Ross and Worry and Discontentment in the Home" `by Miss E. Lyell. The roll call was answered by .9. funny story. nu 'VI`\II1I\ . an I n I .-.., _--....--- .. -_-._._, ..v-_.,. The U.F.W.O. meeting followed. Sev-` eral selections from the community song book were sung, after which twelve mem- bers enrolled for 1922. Officers were chos- en as follows: Pres., Mrs. T. E. Ross; Secy.-`Treasu, Mrs. N. McCu-aig; Organist. Mrs. R. Caldwell; Auditors. Mrs. James? Stoddart, Mrs. A. D. Campbell; Directors and Committees-Programme, . Mrs. W. Caldwell, Miss Mary Ross; Canvassing, Mrs. R. Caldwell, Mrs. Jas. Stoddart; Social, rs. R. Gilchrist, Miss Mary Graham; Vis- iting, Mrs. T. E. Ross, Mrs. A. D. Cam-p- bell; Question Drawer, Mrs. N. MoCu-aig, Mrs. W. Caldwell; _Young People s, Miss Lena Crawford, Miss Mary` Rose. . The programme included. "A Mother s Part in Public Life," by Mrs. J. Stoddart; reading entitled She Was Always Pleasant," by Miss Mary Graham , which reading was a good lesson to everyone. Mrs. N. McCuaig -and Mrs. W. Caldwell gave two papers ex- plaining what the organizations of U.F.W. O. are for and why farmers wives should be `united farm women. giving all an un- derstanding what they are organizing for. All farm women of the community -are cordially invited to join this club; also as many of the young girls as possible. All are welcome to come and help get right privileges for farm women. The next meet- ing is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Campbell, Mar. 30. mun vwnuwy uuuuus wuuu. J. Desourdie has returned home after be- ing sick for some time `at his nephew s. Frank Desourdie.V `II .lV....L-a.4 L-) .. ...... ...........-..-Jul nnl.-. Mar. 13.-T. Ducksworth of Angus is in this vicinity cutting wood. ` '.`n{`l\III'l`:& LE5 FA3hIFI'IQI' `\f\4'V\D RC- I` THIIIS lJU3UUl'U.lCo H. Corbett had a very succewful sale! last week, everything going at a pretty fair price. ' Minn vnrnn T-[ninnn 1-um cnnnn in (`I-Kn Page Eight nu. uuavu. .-a. ....... ` W;I"1';-vstork called at the Mr. and! Mrs. H. Cooper and left Ia ne boy. ` Con- gratulations. ' 'l`lvm Annnu Ia nnm: mm-A fuel-. rlismmnnnrina uur puuc. Miss Verna I-I-aines has gone to Orillia *to_visi~t her sister for some time. _. ... .1 gruyunubluxnu. The snow is once more fast diswppearingl and the roads are in very bad condition; for travel. Surely with the high taxes we should be entitled to a little gravel. In I\ .1 |__A_ vvv uaauuuu w vuv.-.u... 7.. .. ..-.-.. a....... Miss SadievMcCa.rthy of Toronto was here I with her mother over Sunday. A Subscrib to The Barrie Examiner and get all the news. $2.00 a year. l |Aulo Licensel gm Ij.'F.`Z):-and U..vi7.b. Clubs my 8 I`l7.....-_ _ `I`....a.:A..-4.- -I.l A.L..:_ _.-_4LI-. It is not enbugh wea_r Just Glasses . . . You shduld have glasses that /give your eyes a wide range of vision--our deep. curved lenses, for example, that are efficient to the very edges and look better while they make you see better and more easily. 0. R. RUSK, 0p|j.D. JOINT SALE 99 Dunlop St. Barrie GOLDIE R.HARPER Irv av unnvlv nrov ` - Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic f College, Toronto. no YOUR PAPERHANGING AND` PAINTING `mar-`oar. spams 110511 1 Phone 8 1'14 Call or write for samples nd particulars. Sole agent for the 'fn:ouI. ' Empire Wallpapers -The Stroud Decorator Masonic Temple Bldg. W; BELL, Issuer Successor to J. Arnold INSURANCE BRENTWOOD cumnu -: `opromnfmsff zoo MORE MEN WANTED to Fill Positions in T % F"'$P'*"8

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