THERE WILL BE: A --.---.:-:--Z-- J. J. Neela'nds is preparing to build on his Blake `St. lot. an 4a.. 11. 11.1553 . Joyce Carr . . . Miss A. Quinlan . J. F. Gardner .. W. E. Partridge . P. J. Munro . . . . Mrs. G. Simmons ,---_---~ - a-nVlvlllVl-I rulill ' The following is a list of the sub-, 3 scriptions to date of the Russian Famine Fund Save the Children. Mrs . Mayzes . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1.00 ` R. Bidwell . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _, 2.00 D. McNiven . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 J. J; Brown . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.00 A. F. Garrett . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 Rev.W.J.Watt...;..... 10.00 W. D. Clifton 5,00 ` Wm. McKinney 010.00 . Margaret -McKinney . . . . . 5.00 A .I_ A n imam ` ` ` LIONEL J % % BARROYMORI4-I Boomerang Bill \J ...uu, JUIA uuzauy ones, and learn to mix a cocktail, that is when you find the cocktail. ' --Bring your "can openers. There is a reasoh. A Laugh in evefy Foot ' ` ALSO -.-C mon, you golferi, and learn Chaplin sway to hit a pill. ( ('11.... A u . . . .. ,._L.A RUSSIAN I-`AMINE rum) L. .13.. uvnwv KVLULLIII Av Paramount Picture -Always Good \Q}h\ ~Qh\\q ) First tirlae s_liowr_I in a, you thirvsty or ...- .3__.1 11 SO ;y ones,. -and tail, $ ($6 (00 I V _ ,, -_ ..-,....,...uuca wlyu mm. In some manner everybody touches community affairs. Those who are qualified to promote the ever-changn my affairs of the community are of- ten reluctant to' interest themselves --._-.--... . . r|l`l`Plll\D In the march of time man is ever striving` for the ; thing he never attains. ' When` he lies down in his long sleep everything remains as it was. True, there is change. Man himself is a part of the `change. Through the refining fires he is pass-- ing all the way from the cradle. `In `N the process he develops well-being: or` becomes dross. That which he touches . . c . . . 4 pmproves -or depreciates with him. In, Some Hlhhnr nuAsouLnJ-- 1-A-- -` MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS DATE Agitation fora change in the date of holding Municipal elections in On- tario is being heard. Year-end holi- day dates are regarded by many as unfavorable to business men and ev- erybody alike. It is a season when the business man must energetically devote his time to his business. All other persons have increased duties at. that time. It i_s argued by The Forest Free Press that towns and vil- lages for these reasons have not had the benefits of having their most in- terested citizens taking part in Mun- - icipal affairs. Women. as voters, are especially handicapped at the holiday season, it is urged. Navigation makes November objectionable. The first week in February is urged as a suitable time. A thorough study of what changes would be necessary municipal systems if the annual elec- tion dates were altered, together with suggestions for carrying out the changes, should arouse action in a matterthat nearly everyone agrees needs improvement. Changes that would stimulate interest without in- terfering with business, would not only serve to induce -the better qual- ified men to the front,. but would in- duce the Government to bring the change to a reality. The Forest Free Press has offered a problem `which, whether solved by its own suggestion or some other, will be recognized as ea` real need- Ratepayers may have good ideas on the subject. They should express them. 4 1 . 4 in` l .....c guuu ;ueus on me express them. vvllanllll - 'I _ hope the man who shot my harmless fox terrier goes deaf, dumb and blind, and_lives to be 100. .....-v[:!z\.u.qL uuo LILC woman advertised for it and offered 5 a reward for its return. Then some childrenfound the body. of the dog on a vacant lot with a wound show- ing it had been shot. Full.of _faith in the efficiency of the little want ad again the woman put this curse in the `ever-familiar and closely read column: (or I -- that the world might have concluded it had filled all the parts it. could-- but it has not. Here is a brand new story of a lost dog` and some real _want ads. V Aiwoman in Kansas City had a pet fox terrier. The dog was a .companion to children in her neigh- borhood. but it disappeared. The offered, a `-pwgr PA-p {fa and-nun "l'AA-- ' j Mom: DEADLY THAN WAR I From the time the U.S. declared` ! I I l war on_ Germany to the close of the war, 18 months, the persons killedl I by a_utomobiles in the U.S. numbered twice as many as the U.S. losses in the war. For their own safety driv- ers in other .days rarely attempted a rate of ten miles anhour on town streets with horses, and ordinarily there were fewer vehicles. With the"? change, to mechanical devices,` smoother travel, there is an in_clina- ' tion to greater speed, even with more vehicles travelling. In trusting to mechanical devices there is always ` the unexpected element. It is in this if that the law should be pronounced. 5 The law provides a speed limit; the law cannot provide prudent drivers. ` Prudent` drivers need no law; those who are imprudent, should be pro- ` hibited from driving. - - ...-nu auuxx; capculully III Elle Spr1ng`- {time of season and springtime of life. I I ,,_. _ -_--- - -aw`; uLarluJ\JlV The painting and varnishing season is about to open. Paint and varnish ` serve the double purpose of preserv- ing and beautifying. Arbor Day is linthe offing. Arbor Day customs servethe double purpose of destroy- ing the useless and re-creating the useful. _Every good undertaking] serves-`a double purpose, a double profit. Every neglect to enter into a progressive undertaking results in [double loss. .This applies to town [planning as -well as individual. The ` _whole development of human affairs 1 is therefore subject to human will, and more especially in` the spring-. ltime Of SGRSOII and Qhvihmi-{van A-0 1:1`- :1 coimunrrv AFFAIRS 4.1.- ..---.-- '- -- Harry Ottaway received $60 for "&`.he fruitgrown on one Northern Spy fizree last year. An orchard of trees vfike that would be worth having. all. -..__'._LA . . .........o auuuzu nun De arrala to tackle 1 the peace problem by peaceable 'means. Still they will not be afraid of wars, either; and, well, by the law of deduction, it looks like another [case of `.`As you were. I AS` YOU want: Prof. Chas. L.` Mix of Northwest- ern University, Illinois, believes the [sensation called fear is caused by |'the-failure of the adrenal glands above the kidneys to secrete. He hopes to evolve a method of increas- ` ing the secretion so that anyone willg be able toface untold horrors with} a cheery smile. If successful, this should prove `the invention to end `wars. Not being afraid of anything, I nations should not be afraid to tackle * . 119909` f\l`n`\`nvn L-- - `A ` ` ` ' AN EFFECTIVE WANT gy EDITORIAL commmr E3 %*&******$*$$*&&%$$*&&***:' AS" Vnn un:-nu - I THE PAINTING SEASON 2 comihunifx;-ail`-o-aw}; tghemselves Fifteen prisons are to be closed England for lack of prisoners. '. nrison population of England 1 Wales is reported to be 5,000 l than in pre-war times. People v have a habit of blaming the war I Can the cannery. shouted at small boy as he hurled a snowball at the Red Cross and canning sign, adorninzz the Town Hall front. Evenl the small boy has been charitable to! the sign. which, if it gets through the month of March, ought to be good, for another year of conspicuous use-- lessness. _ .... ........ `1uoJD ;uu1 can the same business letter to Britain that costs the U.S. by cents. M -an-any mght. Has anyone figured advantage the United Canada in the mat rates? Canada pays Business Ie . I Does Saskatchewan know that New ` York state is giving the western province a run in rivalry for popula-V tion of motor` cars? Each has one? automobile for every fourteen of; population. Buck up, West! A refresher course for medical men is to be put on at Toronto Uni- |versity in May. People need not jump to the conclusion that this has to do with improved methods of issu-;' ing booze prescriptions. [luv Stainless steel and nickel silver `cutlery has become a practical thing yin England. Stainless characters are lstill in the-process of the refining `fires. ` . A 4 I `Y A Toronto university professor lconsiders the Canadian Senate a `very useful body. The professor's name is Wrong, which is character- . . . . I istlc of expert opinion. - ' The time has come to take the Hand hog by the throat, says Sir Clif I ford Sifton. At last even the squeal` is to be utilized. ` ' -I 1. anyohe out hov much tam: Hm TTn;+m1 cu.--- L-- .- usmcu uut. now much 1e States has over matter of postage ada nav: `Fnnr nnnl-n 3-- vv\aL UL puaoage four cents for `..4-4--.. L- A - E;-`V(3r;;`t but two ..u\,;u\.u-you U1. but near andgcould record your less_lmiles away from t} who machine-, the elect: r for fixed in a basemen` I There is a wbnderful machine in ed infuse at the National Hospital for Di-g Thelseases of the Heart, London, which; andgcould record vmw 1n._~.....+1.....a_ A---~ , ....5.....u wan close to me war zone 1 and had a bit of experience in it, _!too, if reports are reliable. I , ; { crime waves mighj; ponder thes ' lfacts, having in mind always that! v I , England was close to the zone` I and had 2 hi+ n4-' ..........:---- r~- '- H J ,,, ___- .-..\-.. Only the Hooxrer beats as it sweeps, as it cleans --the three essentials so necessary to thorough carpet cleaning. - With the Hoover there is never any need to carry or send the rugs and carpets outside for a so-called cleaning. There is no moving about of heavy furniture, no tearing up, no semi-annual upheaval. The Hoover beats, sweeps and suction- cieans rugs and carpets where they lie on the floor. /\ - -vjJn&}}V.1i`-U IFBEATS . . . AS IT SWEEPS ASJT CLEANS _-_- --......u, uvxxuulx, WHICH. vrd heart-beats from` y the hospital. This. the electro-cardiograph, is basement at the hospital.` lyrudgery Eliminalemd From House Cleaning ,[_, _--.... --u,.cum ;-- nun uross Duns each graph, Friday during Lent, 25c a dozen at hospital. ':Bryson Bros 11-15c , . ___-__- ajWires through which a weak electric bicurrent passes lead from it through at three floors and connect with pads , on the patient s wrists. Passing through the patient s body, the cur- rent repeats his beat-beats, which vi- brate on a delicate Wire pointer". g The motion of this pointer is photo- 5` graphed. o *SDe'cial !-- Hot Cross buns each `ridnv rlnu-inn. 1 ....4. nr-_ _ Stampede to the Grand Subscribe fr)` get `nil the ne+ Nine-rm vem'en(-ox, new roof, location. Six-r'non: venienccs, large w()n(f age, 2? m` small fruit, will get :1 Terms. A . .` Fivt`-rmf water, new large won: acre g`0n({" the house, location. VULC! size 3( )j in prom} advancd ,- _..,--..V...-A up; of having, all; Sm F01 ,1 6.1.1}! % `on 11.ur.a.y, Egiaasg and satugaay i MARCH .16, ,'I7 and 18 `--TO SEE--. ` % CHAPLlN S J $1,/M NEWEST PlC'l'URE