After Six consecutive weeks run at Loew s Winter Garden, Toronto. ` The House of Wisdom The Golden Snare? Monday-Tuesday} Feb. 20-21 JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD S Best Story WISDOM S_ WEEKLY BULLETIN ALL SEATS RESERVED T heThI'ee Musketeers FIRST NATIONAL WEEK, FEBRUARY 20- 25 . Prices : 35c, 55c, 4050 cones { aaavuvnnas nawau vv BILIIVDVISIJ Luv; ll\l\Ill| Committees were named to prepare several thousand copies of a booklet with" photo-cuts to be distributed to automobile tourists. Certain adver-, tising in a motor boat pamphlet which will reach boat tourists has Arctic blizzards, fighting men, a mystery girl with golden hair, a mad Loup-Garoii in -hiding from the wor1d,`a ser- geant of the R.N.W.M.P. ona `inan hunt; and a ship ablaze in an ice pack. ` Summer hotel accommodation thati will have a special appeal to tourists,` is one of the. important projects un-, der consideration. Boating facilities both for excursions and for regular transportation to various points on bay and lake,` were taken up, and. information on these and other sub-E iects will be offered at the next meet-. ing. When the general ground work! for advertising Barrie andproviding! adequate accommodation is arrang- ed, it isbelieved that both localand outside interest will speedily develop. jIPjIlj1bj4|j4D(Pj1>j1).)j1D}(j1 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS mB:3:E.:*HL*::s:M; : )Z0}()j()1()Z()Z()Z()Z0$I)uZl)l);( )>Z already been undefaken. DJGIJIIVII J. Lvuv, nnnn nu or by whole fish Fresh Sausage, lb. Veal Loaf, sliced .. Fresh Figs, lb. . . . . Good Prunes, 1b., . Q lJo\Ju LJQIIIIIUII, D I I V V U A III Whitefish, lb. . . . '. . . . . f Labrador Herring, doi. Large Ciscoes, lb. . . . . Salmon Trout, sliced . . -.. L..- ...'l...1.. 35-1. ' or by whole fish . . . |Tu1libees, .` In the Regulaf Grocery Fresh Halibut, sliced, lb. . . . . 2~ Haddie' Fillets, lb. . . . . . . . .. 2 B.C. Salmon, sliced,'1b. . . . . 1 .... 1..-- ...'I....`I.. 4':.~.`l. ' 1:- 1 SUNKIST - A `ORANGESje are at Jheir best n o w, sweet and , juicy. The juice of ' an orange is a real tonic and much more pleasant to take than an evil tasting compound as prescribed by your physician. `I11, I_____ )1 3... _.--I- r . . u . v - - -- We have this week three sizes at the` popular prices of 50," 60, 70 doz. FRIDAY . SATURDAY, FEB. 17 .13 17LKNs NOW UNDER WAY . 1-`on BOOSTING BARRIE 15, 20 Present$i-- `Alexander Dumas 20 . 23c- .. 17: 15 11:. | vulluullvu lnllu llluvll IIIIICI. CDII auvvvua I Mr. Thurlow, Boy s Work Secre-' ltary at Midland, was present and gave a talk on the aims and possibil- ities of the movement, after which it was decided to form a Mentors "class for the study of the Canadianl Standard Efficiency Training pro-3 gramme. -This class will meet each" `Tuesday at 6.15 p.m. under the lead- ; ership of Mr. Thurlow for a period of 5 six weeks. _A committee was appoint- Ied to arrange for place of meeting {and to consult all mentors, prospect-I 'ive mentors and others interested in the work, as to their willingness to respond to the plan. 'I)n..uA...\..J...L-...... .B...... 1.1.. --_`........I svuyvnnu vv vllvylullu Representatives from the various`! churches on'the Board were announc- | ed as follows : I In an: an up .1 II 1 9'0 -u QC! u\ a '1 also: ` :'E\sJsa St. Presb'yterian--- Ed. Shear and Dalton White. -1- .1 1- . on I The Boy s Work Board for Barrie held their annual meeting for the election of officers and other busi- ness, Tuesday evening, in the Com- munity Rest Rooms, with a good at- tendance and much interest shown. 'I1L _.._,I _ __, `I'I _ __DA 1"? _ I, I Dr. Brereton :-1nd~| W._C. Walls. T at 1-; c.. I can an a/unuvnn Iv annvuu mul`3urton Ave; Methodist- - George` Hill and J. Shepherd. ('1 .... .....L......1 TI` TI`! `K7- .... ......l BOY S woRK BOW) APPOINT OFFICERS: Preliminaries looking to the estab- lishment of facilities to attract sum- mer tourists to Barrie were discussed by the Community Association at a meeting held Wednesday afternoon. f`.........3A.L...... ---....- ..-......`I J... ______ .. I \rl- KJIQLJ yuan In '1;urch-- D. J. Reburn and [C. R. Kendall. u\ 1-. . 1 Re-organization Meeting Held` Tuesday V Night; Mentors ___-C1ass Formed. `Eu (ID J-\lll\l VV Collier St.1Viethodist-- W. J. Walk- er and F. W. Sarjeant. l`I'1..2..!L-- f1L--._..L `I'| Y `l'I-1_--.... _.-_I ..... ...A... .. .,..-,......... . Congregational-- T. T. Young and L. W; Smith. [ Central Methodist-'-- C. Douglas. I All ministers are ex -Aofficio mem-, bers and several others are still to` be appointed by the churches. E 1|Il'.. n,.L....... .:....1:......: ....'..1....;:..... .... uv uI1Pu1AAvvu u vnnu unnununnuuo ` Mr. Reburn declined re-"election as chairman and W. C.` Walls accepted the chairmanship temporarily. Other officers appointed were: F. Sar;iear_:t, I vice-chairman; J. E. Carson, secre- tary; Dr. W. R. Richardson, treasur- er. Committees will be appointed and the plan of work arranged at: the next meeting of the Board. 1 BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922. BARRIE sAT1iBA'"MoRNmc I 16 PAGES - Wedding Bells . --WlTH-_ Constance Talmadge { .wednsaay.'rhuudy. Feb. 22.23 I`l"1e.happist, Sriapgpiest Connie Comedy yet -VWITH `WHICH Is % AMALGAMATED- THEDARRIEJ +E.XAMlNEZR WITH SPECIAL MUSIC SCORE BY LOUIS M. GOTTSCHALK alhe wives are Belles and all` the poor old husbands" merely Which will prove to you that EPROGRESSIVFS Wl[.L '. NO'lSPLlT IN HOUSE W. A_. Boys, K.C., member-elect for South Simcoe, said this was his un- .lderstanding in Ottawa last week. Mr. Boys could not say whether the Pro- gressives or the Conservatives will be the official opposition. Under the rules of numerical" strength govern-> !ing, the` Progressives` will have the idecision in this. `The `Progressive party s members have decided definitely to it on the Opposition benches in the Federal Parliament, whether they become the Official opposition or not. I rm..:.. ..............;..4.1-. ....a.u.... -11 -_.---- n A n v nun vyyvanvavna \II. V o This apparently settles all specu- lation regarding party and "individual leanings and indicates the Progress- ives have decided to stand out as a party by themselves. --- - I `W. A`. Boys,-M.P., Can t. Say, `However, Who Will be Official Opposition. During his visit to the Capitol Mr. Boys was concerned principally with [seating and rooming accommodation in the House for his party. Together with the Hon. J. A. Robb, former Liberal Whip, the Hon. T. A. Low, Acting Liberal Whip, and J. F. John- son, representing the Progressives, Mr. Boys carried out room arrange- _ ments for partial allotments. Final allotments of. seats in the House could not be made, however, owing `to the fact that Mr. Johnson was not in a position to say whether the Pro- gressives wbuld become the official opposition. o ` I .I CC Fresh Breakfaet Bacon in piece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 II). N. P. Soap, bar . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Swift's White Laundry Soap .56 Toilet Paper . . . . . . 6 rolls, 25 Caravan Castile Soap, big bar, 19 Tunny F_ish, per tin . . . . . . . . 10! Post Toasties . . . . . . . . . S3 for 34} Good Currants, lb. . ._ . . . . . . . 16 Good Brooms, 4 string . . . 59 Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour `pkg. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Clover Honey . . . . . S-lb. pail 95 Corn Syrup . . . . . . . . 5-lb. pail 44 Raymond's Rose Brand Catsup 27` Q Last year when the new House was! opened arrangements were made that" I the Opposition was to have the fourth Ifloor and the government the fifth,! {with special rooms on the ground and third floors, the overflow for all par- ties to be accommodated on the sixth. , Liberals who had rooms on the fourth floor expressed a desire to stay there, | it is understood, but Johnson and] Boys took the stand that the fourth` floor was for the Opposition, and this {was finally agreed to. Then the (Coi;tin1:ed on age 13) _ F riday`Saturday, Feb. 2425 The sfory ofvahboy who had to fight for all he got ! UNION BANK OF CANADA One Dollar a Week Remember, all advance tickets sold must be exchanged for regular Opera House tickets. Reserved seats: $1.50, $1.00, 75c. No war tax RUSH SEATS (in gallery) 50c, on sale at 7.30, Feb. 23 Barrie Branch anti Safty Deposit Boxes Minesing Branch - - - - - Thornton Branch - - ~ - Cookstown Branch - - - - SCRAP IRON The Huntsville Band CIRCULATION T_HlS . WEEK PLAN OPENS'at A. F. A. Ma1comson s, Saturday,` Feb. 18, at 2 p.m. Feb. 20, 21, 22 and- 23 at 4.30 to 6 N0 SEATS RESERVED BY PHONE Thursday, Feb. 23 Auspices Barrie Women Teachers Association- ins Bank Account, you W1 u yuun ccu nuuga auu ucpualuu ll xcgular 1y In a saw- "fl soon accumulate a s stantial balance without missing the mcney deposited. In ve years, with interest at 37., com- ounded semi-annually, you will have $280.26. ten years your balance will be $605.54. By regularly deducting one dollar a week from your earnings and depositin it regularly in a Sav- `nae Al|l|l'\lII'\.- Inn`: unr:l nouns.` -.......-..-`_L- - GRAND'0PERAfHOUSE, BARRIE Charles Ray Sati1rday all Rush Seats Adults 35c, Children 25 _CANADA S FINEST --STARRING-W- - 59th Year A see? the finest ring fight ever Fscreened-4 SCRAP lRON, Johnny Steele and Battling Burke in four thrilling rounds j that will win a cheer from b \ every `woman and man. at 8 .p.m. A. Leslie, Manager J. Fleming, Manager Pi. J. Thompson, Manager T. McMillan, Manager L SECTION 2 PAGES 9 -TO 18 No. In the GROCETERIA Onev perfom-tance ohly each night, starting at 8.15: %