NSF. %At1;.`I-active Policies Crown Life Policies are up-to-date adaptable to every need. and attractive `in every way, Agency Opportunity A Crown Life` Agency affords a remark- able opportunity to men capable of selling life insurance, Write or telephone today. The Crown Life Annual Report for .1921 shows Aunexcelled gains in volume of V Insurance. in Assets. and in Po1icyholders' Surplus. A % Splendid Company THE CROWN LIFE INSURANCE} co. V Barrie, Ontao ' 1. o. MATSON Established 1900 `By a majority ruling the Dominion Rail- way Commission has.rejected the applica- ltion of the Bell Telephone Company of }Canada for an increase in rates. The de- cision nds in effect that the company : 2 estimate of its nancial requirements is ex- icessive and that in any event they could shave been met in part had economies in ;operating expenses been inaugurated ear- ;lier. Chairman Carvell and Commissioner MacLea.n dissented from the deciiion. As was expected, P. C. Larkin of Tor-i I onto. a noted Itea merchan-t, `has been oer- red and has accepted the appointment of ;Canadian High Commissioner in London. He will have wider powers than any pre- jvious con1-missioner, all Canadian govern- ment offices in Britain being under his sup- ervision. Mr. Larkin is 66 years of age, g a noted art collector and connoiseur. He : has always taken an active interest in pol- I itics and is a Liberal. He has beenprom- linent in many movements for the public iwelfare. s-` probate of ration, and yancer, etc. unlop St. i ters(;n. --Changeable weather causes much Asth- ma. Bronchitis and Rheumatism, Neural- ia, etc. RAZ-MAH for Asthma and T.R. Us for Rheumatism are guaranteed. Ask Vm. Crossland. In Allandale, A. E. Pat- erson. 7o 15c. Minard's Liniment for Ditemper fage Eleven LIMICICI St., Barrie. of Judicat- es, Convey- ey to loan. arrie ARDSO N. yal Oollego Smsc. _ 3 Q05 : 5' Store, . -MontreaI. lizabeth & no 106. '19- n In: III/I10 F0, Barns. , Barrio) uh the 1922 l.`Jl\Jo Barrio ple Ave. I 3ltfo/ F 1'45 iing l AA.'I'.O.M. .`1'{n.. scrimion 2.00`_pn _. . .Umtogl Both 010 an` when I lll r l`VEi`b' umb- _.-Ma-J; '.o.13ox 13.9 7oyr "7aZe 5':'3I S06 0 -1.13 "I I En. Plaxton. P1052- u, L'.u.v. Barrie , tn , luulvun 3 Manager. imspecially. rrie. . Box 1075. uu Luv- lo, [Lill- ' Toronto: nu! ' Pulilic, ..;....;;. 1yr1Y yumlo 30tfo IU Sltfo Thursday, February '1-671922 A Good Business ._S`(:`h00l"-- h`ere's`s.why llllllillllllllHllllllilllllllillIillllllllllllllllllll|l|||l|ll||illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll |llillllllIilllllllllllllllllIIIllllllllIllIllllilllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll "F to roam tions will extended ` he sen/in mags by or cbequl Encourage .yor Boy in__the Habit of Thrift` i_ E, susceptible habit-forming ' i . age of your boy is thetime to -i instil in his mind proper ideas as to the value and care of money. Open a Savings Bank Account `for i him and encourage him `to come himself to the Bank and deposit reg- ularly whatever small amounts he may have available. - in `V The habit will be formed and a point of view developed which ' will go a long way toward ensuring his future success. Cl Over two my thousand `young men and women have learned shoi'thand, typewriting and busi- ness methods in the Show Business Schools. Every stud:-nt has recei- ved personnl lllG|`_IIiul'| and indxvsdual help --Hun : the court; hfnur um:-an - Flovpn ved perlcnll lllGl`_[I|uD mo moxvscuu nelp -~'thu s the secret bf our success.` Eleven fully equippcdschools. We have a chair v -~-1 I desk for you. Sun at my time. Write now for handbook. : .McINYcsH._co-nu PRINCIPIALV Capital, $5,000,000 Just being. neighborly is the secret of building up business.. At some time or other I manage to telephone nearly every customer We ve got. Doesthem good. Does me good. Personal solicitation is still the one best Way of making a sale. The next day was Wednesday. a Wednes- day afternoon is a good time to`telephone- the Wires are not so busy, and after lunch most folks feel` friendly. I called up by Long Distance three men I ve long wanted. to sell-men virho have never been in my store, introduced myself in an easy friendly r fashion, and offered them some real bar- gains. Say, _ do you know, two. of these men came in to see me, the next day and bought a good bill? They re good friends of mine now. I ve got over 50 -new cus- tomers like that in La. short time. Well, is it? I asked myself. If I can make good friends and good customers by meet-. ing them, why can't I meet them and`,talk to them over the telephone?) ` l trouble is, the wor It has always been easy to do business with my neighbors,; because I could * meet them and talk to them. Theylike t0., businessiwith peogle they know. The only d has grown solar e it s hard to `meet and` be friendly with a 01; of V ...--...`|.. . I DISH 5%-In \& V\J faeople. I-'-NJ, IJCUIJIG YV U1.I.\LU.L_ an 111" Duuvvuu mu luvslx able to increase -sales, but there is 1jeallI no secret to it. One night when my business. was at its Worst, in a heart-to-heart talk_ with myself I werked out these facts:-_- YES, people wonder at my success in being able increase -s_a_Lle_s, but _is 1j_eally Makes Neighbors of A his Customers! J Every Bell Telephone THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF` CANADA yBuSINESSSCii06lSE TORONTO_ . BRANCHES 'BXii1z'1}" ALLANDALE Sirggoe month and (`L .._.L - ....--.r.. The ladeh almond tree by the wayside is s'ure'to be bitter. .. nu -u--v- vi` a Iuvuu A man with a sour face .s hQld not open a shop. _ L . mL- I,I, 1 u . I . Even if: a village of eight there's gen- enally a patriot to` be found. --._.._, .-. r-av-.. - Irv uv nvunluo The stone may hurt the dog, but not as m`uchas the hand that threw it. Love does not recognize'the difference between pea_sant and Mikado. .._-......... `av:-anal-ullv -nu. nuaolvudtavl The man who makes the rst bad move alwaysloses the game. nrnffu Anna `anti ll\l\n `:v\a urn-.m..n.u..... WHJD ECG UIIU gaunt. Crafty eyes and loose lips were'-- never modeled on the face of virtue. Reserves,$7,000,000 JAPANESE SAVINGS _.V 1.1 I Long Distance Station U1 Ul-IIIU I |ohumh. UVU U1 is new Uni HI uuuuuzuuu wuu vuc moving -picture industry. There is a dis- tinct mdvement which has the support of many leading educationists, authors, bus- iness and nancial men, and members of various provincial governments, as well as the Dominion government, to establish the industry on a finm footing in our own land. Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Kingston, Ottawa, Toronto and other places have dur- ing the last few months witnmsed the pro- gress of the plan. It has already resulted in the making in Canadian territory of pic- tures of universalheart appeal but with distinct Canadian atmosphere. These pic- `-tures, it_ is worth noting, have found :1 ready market not only in the United States but with most British and European coun- tries. They are frankly advertised and announced under their own Canadian name`:- and there is _a demand for more, especially those of outdoor life. Nor are these of necemity pictures of our winter time, or calculated to give strength to the idea we valent in some quarters that this is a land of snow and ice. Many American writers, as well as some o_f}s ur own, have helped to create, that impression to the discredit of a country and a climate that every true citizen` of -the Dominion has a right to be ' proud of. Ernest Shipm-an, a Canadian and a successful producer, is -the apostle of the new movement in Canada, and he has euc- ceeded in convincing many leaders of thought and industry of its opportuneness. One need not be afraid of being dubbed a propagandist or -a booster for certain in- terests if he warmly welcomes any plan that will atablish on a rmbasis a big industry in Canada, and at, the same time assures that our people will soon produce clean and appealing stories in pictures made in their own land. To bar out the good in `literature, art and the drama from -any other would be an ostrich-like pol- icy. To cultivate them in our own bound- With: signatures attached to a number of agreements and provisional understand- ings, the Washington tlisarniaiiieiff confer- ence has concluded its work. As President Harding of the United States-and others it _will be followed by other and perhaps more important .gatherings with a view to erecting safeguards around the ideal of peace for the world. Longbefore the con- ference `had reached a formal close it had ceased to be a newspaper sensation even among those newspapers across the border `which, ignorant of` great events outside of their own narrow ken. persisted in` play- have pointed out, there is no doubt that ing it up as the world s biggest event for! some weeks after its beginning. But while the masses may be confused and disappoint- ed .as to what really happened and what it really means. the thoughtful student of affairs will look rather to its educational value. It has accomplished something in ac-tualities. Navies will be reduced for a stated period. Agreements have been reach- ably have led to war had the policy` of drift been allowed to govern. Nations. as represented at such gatherings. do not move faster than public opinion, though it must be confessed that representatives sent there are not always in closest. txouc-h with the mass of opinion in their own country. Raymond Poincare. the French `Premier, put the matter well in one of those ashing sentences which his country- men expect of him when he declared that the world was in need of moral disarma- ment. In other words, thatthe abandon- ment of warship construction, the upbuild- ing of great armies, and -the maintenance of conditions provocative of war would be removed when the minds and hearts of the people were determined that they should be. `Our own representative, Sir Robert Borden, held something of the" same idea in mind when. he. stressed the educational ed on territorial rights which would inevit- i value `of the gathering, It would appear tlia.-t`Canada is on the eve _of a new-era in connection yvith tne _.-__-_... _:.J..._- !_..I....A..... l'I'VL...... .. .. A... war debts of the allies and their associates? T-he question arises as ;a result of the re- marks made. by Premier Lloyd George at theopening of the British Parliament. -It was, `he said, impossible for Britain alone to cancel debts, or make ,-a satisfactory re.-' adjustment. That would depend upon ac- tion -by` all the other nations. It would be unwise for Britain to abandon all her claims against other countries if they were not willing to reciprocate. But if all the nations would come"together' and consider their war debts, they -would nd that Bri- tain would not lack in any generosity or justice. -In the same speech he made a re- ference to the nancial chaos and the con- sequent desperate situation of Austria.- Britain was advancing two -million pounds immediately to -that country, good security having been pledged. France was also making advances. These were temporary measures pending the removal by the Un- ited States Senate of certain difficulties in the way of assistance on the pledge of Austrian national securities. Lloyd George put-it very diplomatically. The n_1an in the street, however, may have his own opin- ions and express _.themvmore"bluntlyg as to the attitude of the United States and the lethargy of its Senate in matters of this kind. It would appear` from the remarks of Premier Lloyd George and other intim- ations and hints that there has been a much more serious discussion as to the proposed cancellation of war debts than has yet been made public. 4 What is in the wind in `respectto thel In connection with the statements invthe` British Parliament and elsewhere on the proposition tocancel war debts. it is worth noting that the pound sterling has steadily adv-anced on the New York Exchange. It was over $4.36 when this was written. The Wall Street Journal takes this continued improvement as a text on which to preach a sermon to the people of the republic. `Bankers and nanciers, itsays, hold the opinion that foreign exchange is pronounc- ing judgment on theforeign policies adopt- ed by the United States. They prophesy that Great Britain will obtain. before many months have passed, a predominant hold onrinternat-ional trade. These bankers believe that Britain will not only pay her debts. but cancel those due from her allies, and also forego her 22 per cent. of German reparation in `return for trade advantages. This is a rather exaggerated view, perhaps. md.Lloyd George s speech, as quoted. would seem to discount it in a large meas- ure. But there "is little doubt that what- ever may be done by the United States. the `coming Economic conference at Genoa willwitnesgi momentous decisions` for Eur- ope and that Britainwill be the star of the piece. It does seem that European read- justment is now in sight. : T THEIE 'sTGNTFutiu7Jc'Ef7 -- `y wausamrcomu. i :W9;R_l-.l!EYEl[T1: Mmw ~ was wounded and captured and sentenced To those of-an olrler/ggeheration-.v_the name of General Christian De- . t, whose `death was recently announce , recalls some of the dark days of the South African War which began in 1899 and lasted several years. The elusive De Wet became :1 by-word then for daring and an amount 0` strategic ability which shone brightest when the Boer cause was lost and the task of the British was to clean up the forces which roamed at will over vast stretches of territory, -fal-ling upon isolated posts -and columns and usually gaining successes. De Wet was -an irreconcilable to the end-. On the outbreak of the world war in 1914, he headed a rebellion in the Orange Free State and the Western I`r.ansvaal and a very con- siderable number of mounted .-Boers joined him:\._ It was a time of anxiety for Britain and the"~loya1ists in South Africa._ Bri- tain s policies` were amply justified, how- ever, for the forces under Gen. Botha and Gen. Smuts, two men who a" few years be e fore had been at the head of the campaigns against British forces, smashed De Wet and his followers in quick order. The old Boer leader,.\who had counted on `horse esh as being his mainstay for rapid movement-- as in the previous war---was really beaten by the amazing speed that Botha and Sm-uts got out of their motor transport, often over roads that were mere foot tracks. De Wet to `imprisonment and a heavy _fine. He was released after six months detention. He refused to join the second rebellion` in 1916, and, in fact, is credited with nipping " it in the bud. It was an insignicant af- fair after his intervention. Botha an Smuts, after the crushing of De Wet's up- rising, were able to turn`their attention to German areas in Africa. Their aid to the British and the allies was invaluable. dries would seem to be a. plan worth while. The movie plays so important a. part in our everyday life that its production ought to be a mutter of interest to every thought- I ful Canadian. . ' nd Throa The negotiations for a reciprocity agree- ment between Australia and Canada, which have been in more or less active progress for some time, are reported to be ready for renewal under more -favorable hopes or culmination than ever to the mutual satis- faction of both countries. It is natural that the election of Cardinal Achilles Ratti of Milan, Italy, as Pope- with the name of Pius XI+-sho_uld be fol- lowed by a crop of stories as to his personal ' chanact-eristcs. Most European writers are agreed that he is a man of action. has a most -profound knowledge of the intricacies. of European and world politics; and is in robust health. He is 65 years of age and is credited with a sense of humor. In his` earlier days he was famous as a. mountain climber, and it is said of him that he has an intimate knowledge of the Alps that is possessed by very few even of the expert: miirlen, - V l International control of the raw mater- ials of the world, which was categorically- opposecl by Canada at the Geneva confer- e ce in 1920, may be proposed at the Genoa l%nomic conference and seriously discuss- ed. Canada is still opposed to the idea. I A sugmg Chew for Strong Men Copenhagen L Chewing Tobacco (|irepared7n Snilff form) l According to a decision of the Supreme! Court, British Columbia's legislation dis-1 criminating against the employment of] Japanese ongovernment contracts is ultra} vires--that is, it is to say that the province 3 has no power to pas such legislation.3 `British Columbia has had more than one; case in` which its legislation against Orient- I als has been disallowed. On one occasion. it desired to prevent the leasing of land to; IChinese` or Japanese. In this case so far: 1 as the Japanwe were concerned the treaty with Japan to which the Dominion was a_ party was held to forbid such action. The" people of the province clainrthiat not only are large sections of agricultural land being acquired `by the Japanese, `but that the fish g ing and other important industries are ` gradually passing under the absolute con-T trol of these people. Racial problems are always difficult. 0 V Fopt and mouth disease has been playing: havo Awith British cattle and the most! drastic measures are being taken to try; I to check it. The government has announc.- 'ed its decision as -being against lifting the; embargo on Canadian live cattle at this? time. 1' There have been a number of `raids andi ghts on the Irish border lines that are. jeopardizing the chances of amicable settle-I ment of issues between the North and the South. | w L r: %