Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jan 1922, p. 14

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J. J. NEWMAN, C: E. 170.50 120.00 290.50 75.00 75.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 800.00 70.36 870.36 " 15.00 15 .00 UV o\IU 55.00 UcUU u.uU 2.00 2.00` 72.00 127.00 90.00 255.00 90.00 90.00 45.00 130.00 45.00. 130.00 90.00 145.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 INOUV 22 .00 60.00 14.00 A 50.00 5 25.00 2 30.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 86.00 251.00` 7.00 32.00 75.00 75.00 90.00 640.007 90.00 470.00 90.00 750.00 90.00 530.00 90.00 530.00 3.00 03.00 92.00 522.00 45.00 210.00 45.00 210.00 90.00 310.00 `DE III! CID? nn 13235 16.00 20.00 30.00 Annn Fine Council met at `Elmvale on Jan. 21. iollowing accounts were pamedrfor pey- '-uanant:--~ W. J. McGuire, for minute book. $38.50. for. Formnaldehyde, 82.50;, '1`. U. '40:-aig, attendance at Division Oourt, 812; :.'J. F. 'McClung{ work on road. 88; R. M. `Parnell, bomn wire fence, $11.60. ` Motions ' . Pearson---Mz'u-tin--0rdered that Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and sub- -.-mit to Minister of Public Works the petti- ution of the Corponation of the Tp.`of Floe ~ahowing that during the period from Jan. ' 1, 1921, to Dec. 1, 1921, there has been expended up the roads -the sum of $8383.-A 75. as` rovided by the Ontario Highways Act -an amendments thereto. ` I I\_......l..I.. ant-5 'lVLn6 rbunn Qnnf ant` 15:55 15.00 1-nn `XII -VU 90.00 22 .00 60.00 14.00 Ann 12.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 0 nn GVIUU 30.00 40.00 Al! (Ill of the first publication of the said by-law NOTICE is hereby given that the fore- going is a true copy of a by-law of the Township of Flos, which by-law will be taken into consideration and nally passed by the Council of the said Township after the expiration of four weeks from the date 9 the date of which first publication was the 19th day of January, A. D. 1922. That the Court of Revision of the Township of Flos for the consideration of complaints in reference to the assessment made by the said bx-'lagv and by John J. Newm-an. en- gineer of the said Township. and which as-. ' sessment is fully set out in the said by-law; will be `held on Saturday, the 11th `day of Februa{y,`1922,'beginning at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoou in Wycliffe. Hall. in the` Village of Elmvale; 'A _.| r__-_u, _ -.... .......D.. V: .4nu;vuAc- And further take notice that anyone in-. tending to apply to` have the said by-law or any part. thereof quashed must not later t.han`ten days after the nal passing there- of serve a notice in writing on the Reeve or other head oicer; and upon the Clerk of`the municipality of his intention to make application for that purpose to the High Court at Toronto during the six weeks next after the final passing of the by-l-aw. Total Total 3% `am! BHIBXIQUNFUIH UIIUIUIIM Drysdale--Sootb--That Conn. Scott and the road superintendent inspect the -road . on thewthird line opposite lot '15, as com- v;-grhined of by [Caleb Berry, and arrange Not the improvement of said road if neces- n ..-n `:1 Total Benet . . . . . . Total Outlet . . . . . .. .. Total Bridge, 'l`p. Road Total Assessmen . n. xucrdw-ux, -3 I11 10 . . vv . .0 W. S. McElw'ain, N hf 15 . . . .5 `Albert Priest. S bf 16 . . . . ..a Chas._Cumming. S -'74 N bf 16 5 F. Brazziel, S_hf 17 . . . . . . ..5 James Ryt-her. N E qr 17 ..5 Dan King, N W qr 17 . . . . ..5 John Ganton, S E- qr _7 . . . . . .6 James Lambie._. S W qr 7 . . . .6 James Lambie, S E qt 8 ....6 Joseph Stone, S W qt 8 ....6 .105. Stone pt E R R S hf 6 John Elrick, pt W R R S hi 6 G. T. Ry., pt 9 . . . . . . . . .. 0 6 . . . .6 James Pearson, S bf 11 ....6 James Pearson. N bf 11 ....6 F. Downey, S E qr 12 . . . . ..6 James. Pearson. S W qr. 12 ..6 N. Dwinnell, N bf 12 . . . . . . ..6 Robert (Archer. S hf. 13 ....6 Caleb Berrey. N bf 13 . . . . ..6 Archie Currie. S E qr 14 Archie Currie. N W qr .6. Johii Blair, N E qr 14 ....6 6 7 14 . . James Pearson. S hf S bf 11 R. Gilmour, S bf 12 . . . . ..7 R. McConnell. N bf 12 iFieId Downey, S hf 1 Wu Porter, S E qr 13 . . . . . .7 Wm. Porter. N E qr 13 . . . . ..7 -A Tgtal on lands ..-. . . . . . . . .. Road between ,Cons. 4 and 5 Road between Cons. 5 and between Cons.'6 and Road between Lots 5 and Road between Lots 10 and 6 7 6 11 Road between Lots 15 and 16 -Dan McLel1an, S uncut, n In :1 . . . . . . ..o Wm. Thu:-low, _S -[pt 5 David Lennox, N pt . Wm. Cumming, S E J o. Gillespie, N Jno. Whitton. lot 63;. villas `life In James . Whitton, N hf vuv. IVMIUIUH. IUL Cl. V1113; msm.... Bernard Mcarnen, S bf 11 . . H.. Elmer Doyle, S E qr 12 \ Michael Loftvue, S W qr 12 . . James Whitton. E pt N hf 12 C. Thurlow, W pt N bf 12 .. M. Kenney, lot 13 M. Kenney, N `bf 14 . . . . . . .. John Marley, N hf 15 Jno. P. Gallagher. N E qr 16 4 James Slaven. N Wnqr l6..4 John Marley, N bf 17 . . . . ..4 John Johnston, S hf 4 . . . . . .5 . R. J. Elrick. S hf 5 . . . . ..5_ D. Hall, S hi 6 . . . . . . . . . . ..5 Rruaunnl unt: KY L3 2 E 11. 1:21.11, D Ill 0 .. Brazziel Bros., N hf 6, W. P. 0 NeiIl, S hf 7 J05". Stone, N hf 7 .. W. P. O'Neill. S E qr 1 `Wm. Stone, S W qr 8 D Ink-xnfnn N In E 9 ac. Joseph Locke, W 91 N hf 1 J'am_es Struth, S E qr James Strath, S W qr Robert, Archer. N hf '_Melvin Thompson, lot 14 W. S. McElw-ain, S bf 15 W R MnD`,l-min M L: 1: I uuuu u 13 . 13 . 13 V7 Illa Mrs. I"lY__ Ella; : John 1 "ll IIONW, It-M1113 U nanny I! at: can um: -gazopomonh ' of be et. outlet. liability" and liability" fvhich, in his opinion. willg CCU: John` And. John' John unuuc, 0 IV qr O . . . . ..0 '1). Johnston, N hf 3 ..5 .-Stone, Shfax.RR95 E`. Ry., part 9 . . . . . . . . ..5 I. Lennox,,ex R R N hf 9 5 : Whitton, S bf 10 . . . . ..5 Downey; N `bf 10 . . . . ..5 1 Whitton`. S hf 11 . . . . ..5 . Lawson. N hf ll .....-.5 | Whit-ton, S bf 12 . . . . . .5 1 McE-achern. . 17- n .... \Y Lt in E Ull l\Jl3`|.ID on lands d;w:r;) ` None: UU IV 7 2 100 90 E 100 100 If 100 100 V 50 50 E 50 50.. E 100 100 5 100 100 100 I00 50 6 50 50 50 50 50 40 100 100 . 100 50 50 30 50 50 50 50 100 100 200 184 100 100 50 100 100 100 75 25 100 100 50 ' 15 .50 4 50 IO 50 25 50 25 50 25 1'! fl? ..s 7890.556 .. 4135.36 vru tin 812119.86- 0 9 55.00 8.00 030051.40 91 91440.00 32.00 522.00 425.00 165.00 45.00 210.00 171.20 165.00 45.00~210.00 171.20 220.00 90.00 310.00 272.60 220.00 165.00 385.00 313.80 90.00 200.00 163.00 110.00 50 H] 45.00 90.00 22.00 60.00 14.00 4.00 :nn 45 .00 90.00 22.00 60.00 14.00 4.00 :nn 36.60 73.40 18.00 49.00 11.40 3.20 Ann 106 93 55.00 165.00 050 85.00 85.00 55.00 1nn an many. ~ I !'earson-Soott.-_~0rdered that rodd sup- maiutendent be instructed to inspect that ' put of the seventh line east of sideroad in .5 aizd 6 and arrange for repair of said ' n-A-IQ" I ` 96 96 -` 100 100 550.00 100 100 380.00 100 100 000.00 100 100 440.00 100 100 440.00` 6 55:55 :3; 00199.80 444.80 22.24. 79.80 3.90 2.901 00, 26 .00 58.00 0 I379. 00 962 00 48.10 QUU 100 10.0 50 50 100 100 100 , 50 25 20 20 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 I00 50 50 50 50 100 100 95 95 36 47 El] 552253 {25 10 ..-- .....u -. u.uu 11.011 .00` 35.00 35.00 26.40 63.40 3.17 90.00 90.00 73.40 163.40 8.17 45.00 45.00 36.60 81.60 4.08 20.00 20.00 16.40 36.40 1.82 20.00 20.00 16.40 36.40 1.82 . 6920.00 3805.00 10725.00 170.50 120.00 290.50 236.70 527.20 26.36- ` 75.00 75.00 61.20 136.20 6.81 30.00 30.00 24.40 54.40 2.7? 20.00 20.00 16.40 36.40 1.82 800.00 70.36 370.36 709.64 1530.00 15.00 15.00 19 on 0-1011 1 ms .._.____. ...970.50. 330.36 130030- . . 6920.00 3805.00 10725.00 ..___...___-__._.-__._.-_.___ 7890.50 4135.36 12025.86 50 ' ` `self at -I one of t ances a 8; mustache? hose Toronto scientists se- professor said emotion expresses it- the weakest spot. plains -the action of the ing `at the -spot wherb Pgrhapsthat ex- young man clutch- he's trying to grow `I?! or we 1uu1uoIpu,unuuu5u aA~,'.has procured a.n examination to he :in'deby John James Newnian, O.L.S., be- a person competent for such purpose. we! the said drainage work and the area to `he drained and of other lands and roads `llidale .to - aneeament under the Municipal Tllninagn Act, and has also procured plane, apecications and atimates of the drainage vwotk to be made by the said John James Iliewrnnn and an ameasment to be madeby, Ihhn of the ~lanhr and roadeto be beneted (by such _improvel drainage work and of. -other lands and roads liable for contribu- theneto, stating as nearly who can the Lg-any-dnn ll` Iuanf. nntlnt and I saw twiz; mexi. oh, so sad; One had buried his wife, andfhe _was~--- But the other s wife is living yet Down our way there s ice and snow _An frizzleqon -the pane, V An grandpa sez his rheumatiz Tells him it's`goin to rain. Jest seems most everything V Is h-azppenin down our way ;, Today I caught a. real live mouse-- vBut Nettie didn t stay! By Jove My -cousin Nettie. she's gone home. An I am all alone. _ I guess I ll kill a. pig.Aor 8umpun- V_ Things are awful drone. Tumunga I PLAY 45.00 130.00 45.00 130.00 90.00 145.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 3.00 3.00 30.00 30.00 3 {M} R nn 1.20 103.00 207.30 73.40 100.00 ` 100.00 113.20 49.00 49.00 2.40 24.40 Enn UoUU nn nn XI.) oUU 5.00 12.00 15.00 15.00, 15.00 ann u.uU olU.a0 lU9.64 1530.00 ` 15.00 12.20 27.20 94.00 76.00` 170.60 3.53 _._..;..._..__.._.. 12119.86 9899.34 22019.20 1099.96 0 K UV UV 6.00 or run u-allu slvuulu, gucvu uuuu, auuunl IUULI, II lfberal supply of water. and grit and-oyster `Charcoal, says the Assistant to the l)-..IL_...- I'_I ...L..._.l....._ 1.. L`... L-.I 'xVUU 50:00 ~ 50.00 25 .00 30.00 an AA 5.00 12.00\ 15.00 ' 15.00 15.00 Qllfl 100.2`! 'IUU.'IU hVoI0- 236.40 526.46 26.32` 282.80 629.80 31.46 97.00 216.66 10.81% 32.66 72.66 3.63: 16.46 36.46. 1.82 13.66 29.66 1.45 13.00 29.00 1.45. 16.46 36.46 132 24.46 54.46 2.72- _32.66 72.66 3.63 32.60 72.66 3.63. 46.66 96.66 4.53: 46.66 96.66 453 26.46 45.46 2.27 24.46 54.46 2.72- 46.66 96.66 4.53 264.66 455.66 22.78"- 6.`~ 58.66 2.4 vuu 12:20 12.20 12.20 M onn 114.40 5.72.` 947.60 47.38 '~ 381.20 1915- 38l.20 19.06 582.60 28.13! 698.80 34.94 onovll III 3.60 .18 230 .60 1 I 53 462.80 23.14 163.40 8.17 236.00 11.80`- 236.00 11.80- 263.20 13.16- 109.00 5.45. 109.00 5.45 BAA U0 .3`) OI an U-5V7: .2172 `Ill! B9 npenix ._:u.. U$WBy ' _ , Drysdale---Martvin---0rdered that Clerk Q znnl-I-unfn In `nu-urn:-H` fn `J11: Rania RY. V IIIII The harm ' dm 1) , __Z,, . ,, ` Be pmivnl nlvv Scrape : tmiom. I l I Am`! thtn xiay k}{{i about, h ml and sprin' + tightly :u liked. (NH nble. _ Ho {me teas "beaten w lemon um Be patfc-.1 the,- So impcr `ch: Day after UK Bu? as $11 the `Our land I I Till xhli." Illrl Tin it WJ E33 councu. Be patiep] n um g:;.1 18% pntien n 0-. ax` Libmn th A t.h How noi. litt TD!!! 'hu rs IYOUI .:.;;;n.| {rpm da Eddy P ' rhed joint: 0 stave: I CAR 0. BURTON, Clerk. .fourth. concession, IICI U I/Ill: UUIIDIUIJUUL WIIU ICIIIUVUII `Ila Where there is any brush or rubbis `in the course of the drain. or where the earth is to be spread, -all such brush and rubbish shall be grubbed out of the drain and close out where the earth is to -be` spread-4the whole to be burned by the contractor. Where the soft or boggy -part of the land occurs on the south half of Lot 10 in the intercepting drains of the form, size, etc.`, shown "on the accom- panying plan shall be constructed, said drain shall be carried with a uniform and even grade"of not more than one inch in twenty-ve `feet from the point where the said drain enters the main drain upstream around the foot of the hill. The outlet part of each of ' these intercepting drains shall consist of sixteen feet of glazed sewer crock, the joints to be well -and properly cemented` together. The remainder of the drains shall consist of hard burnt `farm tile i of the size shown, on the plan. The wliole to'be laid zin accordance with instructions received from the commissioner `in. charge of the work and to hisentire satisfaction. Along the course of the drain at the same point, sheet piling shall be constructed as shown on the accompanying plan, the whole ` to be done in accordance with the accom- panying plans -and-to the` satisfaction of the commissioner. in charge. _ ' ' wlnnl-A `kn (`ruin in"-nun: 5-`in anal` I-snhmnmn VLIC UUEC Ul UUU Ullllla Where it is necessary to take down any fence in order to proceed with the work, the same shall be done by the contractor across or along whose portion of thedrain such fence is, and wheu.,th of the drain is completed the said fence shall" be replaced in a neat and workmanlike man- ner by the contractor who removed it. V/horn Hint-A 3a nnv Brim}: nr rlmhhkh 'n T has follows:-- . three hundred. feet southerly from the site `of the - said ..Phelpe'ton Marsh Drain up- -`-stream to its head -at the line between Lots h eoncemions 5' and 6.. IUWD 3"` ' Windsor, Ontw _Y. .14` `V1921, ~ V . _Amqn4ai. ' :.-:,~2s. To the Reeve end` llnnieipel Oounciltoktlxe Toyvnehip - of ' Floe:-- ~ ' Gentlemen :--- `In compliance with your inetnlptions. I have male `on exenxlnetion, ennfey, etc., of the Phelpaton Marsh Drain in your township jand now report thereon I commenced my surey' at ajrioointv ebout of the old demon the north half of Lot. No; 1! in thejthird concession of your` township. Thence 1 followed the course -11 and 12 in the fth conilceion. I also took the levels on up to the` road between I 12-..]. L.I.-L LL2- .l_..:.. _.-.. l..:.I -..A. -_.l Ill: lUuI' lll UUllUVDBlUllo Where the drain passes through elds. excavated earth shall -be cast to either -or both sides of the drain and well and evenly spread so that no portion of the earth is more than one foot in depth and kept at least six feet clear from the edge of the drain, care being taken not to fill up any existing ditches; or f-urrows with the ex- cavated earth. Where the drain passes along the easterly side of the 10` and 11 sideroad. the quantity of earth necesary to make the drain the required width ehall be taken from the westerly side of-the pres- ent dnain. The excavated earth shall be` cast on the roadbed and well and evenly spread over a` space at least twenty feetvin width and kept-at least five feet clear from. the edge of the drain. manna :0 :9 nnnnnunwu 4n" hobo (`Anew nntv --.---- .- v_- --.v.-. r .. _.v-. .The drain shall follow the course of the present drain throughout its entire length land shallibe of the form, size, etc., shown my the accompanying `profile and when com- pleted shall have uniform -and even. side slopes of not less than one and one-quarter feet horizontal to one foot vertical on each side, except where the sheet piling is pro- vided for on the south half of Lot 10' in the fourth concession. A II7`l......- 4.1.- 4..-! _ _ _ . . -- A.L..-....L c-l.l.. UVIQEUSIVIIB-U Iull Va. ~ I find that this drain was laid out and L oonatructedunder cheweport of I. Gav- illar. .03., the by-Jaw for undertaking the wotk being` provisionally -adopted on the 21st city of August, 1897. .~ ".- L ` Y .n`uL.nJ `u:6- OLA alnnhn :n 30: nvnanmf vuu. a, v6_ uuumgcau I I have -provided for these in my` estim- ates. as is provided in sb-sections 3 and 2 of Section 9 0! the Municipal Drainage 5 Ct. * V ` 11-. ....;:_..'4'._ _t u... __.g. -2 LL- .__|__|_ -2. I {II-rluKlAJlJU\lv I would `further recommend that this drainage. work be kept up and maintained at the expense of the lands and roads here- in essessed for its improvement and in the proportion herein contained until otherwise determined by the report `of an engineer under the provisions of the Municipal Drainage Act. . All of which is respectfully submitted. I I \Yf.\1I7Il A `Y I` '3 Spegificatioris . _ | Specications for the repairing. `enlarg- ing: and improving of theAPhelpston Marsh Drain in the Townslgf-p of Flos. \ l, ,I,,,, I II l,I `I , I `I `IEO II VI CIHSUVQ IOVIO .- I -aboind that the cl:-gin in its present condit{oxi'is`h_ot1f_leep enough or-of suicient oepacityrto afoul 'Pl`0`POI drainage to the lamb and -maddit was intended go drain. lllll unu `RINK IF WE IIIVUIKIUI W unnn. In to. overcome these dfficultiee and thus oaord pmpervdrainage to the "lands and roads ffected, I would recom- mend that this` dxvain` be cleaned out, deep- ened and improved in accordance with the accompanying pmle `and specications. ',_#AI__,, _.I lI.,A ,l A` , I II, F ,, ugw, gum wt vnugu. ' " 2'.'"J3'1'3" whmon, "owner of s hf Lot 11, 00:. 5, :24 sec for bridge. .L Lnuvnnn nun-mr A` N K` In}. I1 My estimate of the cost of the Whgle of" the `above work, togeth'e:v~w"ith-Bell`-inolieht-' al expnaes, is the sumo! -*8l2,ll9.`86. Of this amount I have assessed thelamh which are benetedhy or use the said drain as an outlet with the sum` of $10,725.00, and the Township of Flos for roach with the sum of $1300.86, -and the Township of Flos for 75 per cent. of the oost of the culvert across the 10 and.ll siderroad with the sum of $94.00, all of which is more fully set forth in the schedule of assessment hereto attached. ` ' I r _._..I.: -l.'._..LL . _ _ _ . . _ _ -_.i .1; ALL, .-w..-..- ---..u V-av-up--n I "further find that each of the following owners is entitled to and should receive the following amounts as compensation for damages to lands and e (if fay) and for the construction or nlargenient of a farm bridge in order to give them access to their 1 :--- - I 1.1.. :.g__ -_._.... -2 I` -4. in 11-- uIDc\a wrvv-on lo IIUIIII VV 0 LI; UVVI-IUl' U1 LJUII 4 840dam' "W100: brid. f2- Jnhn I87fi tt:n_ 'an?:A|- M? H 00 `(I0 I-IIWBUII, VW Coin. 5, 82 damages. ' `Iain: .nIIl\Iv:t'Al' `AV U vuuu I 1. John '-':t)on, owner of Lot_l0, Cbn. .1 A.aII|'nnnn .`n `A. Jan . UVTIIIVLI VVVIIUF UI D Ill 15."; ll, ,w"24 L Lawson, owner of N hf Lot 11, `O AQIIIIIQAQ -..--..I, ..-~.-. .... -v "37 J. NEWMAN, C.E. ` AND WHEREAS the said Council areiof th Opinion that the improvement of the drainage of the area described is desirable. THEREFORE, the said Municipal Coun-' cil of the Township` of Flos_, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Drainage Act, enacts asjfollows:-:- 1st. `The said report, plans, specica- tions. assesmemts and estimates are hereby adopted -and the drainagejworkv as therein indicated and set forth shall `be made and constructed in. accordance therewith. n.,.I rum, 1:, 1- .1, in nu Toals on Q Total for ! Total for Total ' for 1 v"! IUWIU Ill-Ir ! IIILIDIV 511$! LICVK7 CIIIIIICI auu .mineral food `in some form. -The -"most val- ~ uable of these are green out bone, beef scrap and skim milk, the two last mention- - -`ed being preferable. Of these two, skim milk is the but aid to egg productivenese. .91 "It can be fed either sour or sweet, but al- ~-- ways one or the other, and not alternately, `lest bowel trouble result. ,Green cut` bones * for the same reason must -be given in mod- - eration and absolutely fresh. Beef scrap - and meat"`meal have been found -by exper- iments to be the equal of fresh cut bone and meat and are higher in protein content. Table scraps with grain are satisfactory for 2 email back-yard ocks, but farm ocks need : something more, the run-about space being "ejlarger and- more divemied. Another im- portant point for the rpoultryman to ob- merve is regularity in feeding no matter vwhat method is pursued. Garden truck, aclovera and alfalfa, -properly cured," and the tubers, as roots of Jerusalem artichokes, are especially good_ for winter feeding. Spmuted grains, particularly oats`, keep the ` . breeding stock in good condntnon. . . ' Road between Cons. Road between Cons Road between Cons Road` between `Lots `D ....J L..'l~......._` ...L.. 4 and5 ;5 and6 . 6 and 7,\" 5and6 In .._.I 11 Total on Total on A Total amessment LLUWU. IJISI/VVCULI LJUIB U HIIU Road btweeri Lots 10 and ff Road between"Lots 15 and 16 IVCIUB o o - . o . . u . . - . v u lands (brought down) I lands and roads benet . . . . . . . .. ~ outlet liability . highway bridge . .14 .14 .14 v.11 .12` .12 .13 .13 .$l2ll9.g(_$ .3 7890.50 4135.36 94.00 - In lumen! and non-remnant flllufl -an .. n on the rovbod ,mpumen't vol! of the property hereinafter set, fogth ' of jg be bgndited by dninage was-k.;.did. pet-` ate: the Oofmcil of the municipality '. -or nos. praying am the said land within! 2` $45. said township ind beihg described as C `idlaws, that `I to s :- Lots Nos. 7, 8, . ..15.in fourth oneanion; 9, 10,11, 12, 1!, 12 and. We` of 18. 14 and ` 15 a.nd.16 in the th `concession-;" I10 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .16 .17 1oo 100 100 50 so `loo 1oo nn IUU 50 50 50 50 ' 100 100 an 96 Ibo 100 100 100V 100 91 50 50 100 200 100 100 Ill D, McLenn_a..nM .. so . . . 100 Jno. Gillsbi 50 two .75 Mrs. D. Johnston .75 25 A. Mc'l`ague . . . . 100 Albert Stone .. 50 A. Mc'l`ague .. . . 50 D. Buckley .. 100 Mrs; Gillespie 69 T. O'Neill .. 85 Jane Gillespie 7 G_. T. Ry. .. 184; Jno. Whibbon 100" B. Mcarnen `An I... II 7'L:u..._ 211201 25 .100 50 ..o0 ..1po . 50 -25'D. Buckley .. 85 I 11 Jno. Whit/ton 25 ll 7 20. 1nn I IJI"IlvIU""'JVI I|'l'Hl""\Il'VlClC|| Illlll Illclh s.. (be instructed to forward`, to the Barrie Ex- w...:.miner and the Barrie Advance 3 copy of the minutes of each Council meeting. Council adjourned to meet _a.t Elmvale won. Feb. '11, at 10 am. ` 11' Q nvvnmrxu nI_..I_ IVU 100 an HVU 100 100 50 165 I {UV 100 50 50 100 95 50 47 50' '35 50 50 EA 56 h 1;. and frem the undermentioned lots and parts of lots and roads, and the amount of the said total special rates and interest against `divided into `twenty equral--parts; and one such pa`:-t shall -be` Aassesed, levied and 01; lnnfnr` nu n`Annnn::l :n nnnk' wan tn-`Guy each lot or part of lotrespectively shall be._ auvu -pan uuuu `U1; -uauawcu, xcvlcu uuu ' -_ lected as aforesaid in each" year for` twely years after the nal passing of this by-law during which the said debentures 'ha_.ve to v-nun FEEDING OF FOWL A That hens may do all that is expected .+~o them and hoped for [from them in the '5 way of "egg production, they must -be tend- ered Of `prime importance in this 5-.diInct'ron Is their feeding; -Experience has : sdiown by actual testat the Dominion Ex: ~._ garimental Farms that -for successful feed- uug it is necessary to use grains, bot-h whole Ltd ground, green food; animal food, a V, Tenvnl awnnlu A` main: and an null nuntnvv U. \.lllllI\IIuIL I 0 1. McC(mn `I'I7...' I)- __L -_ u. 1.. Lu}. .... F. Downey .. Jas. P_ea.rsou . Jas. Pearson A. F. Downey .. Jas. Pearson . N. Dwinnell- .. Robt. Amber Caleb Ben'e_y .A_.,L!, 11,, uzuuu ucnnsy Archie , Currie Jno. Blair" .. A-rchie, Qurrie Jus. Bearson R. Gilmour I) Il_(\~.. .. -lI lln LIlU\.AILLl.lT.I u Wm}_.Porter .. Wm. Porter .. ` IV. D. UIULHIVVISILI Al-bert Priest ...133 Walter Cumming 25 F Rrn1wnI `I cu. 1 LI LlU\ J10. Whiitt v ucy 0|] And. Lawson Jno. Whittofn Jos. Locke . Jas. Jas. Stratb R. Archer .. 5M. Thompson W. S. McElwain W. S. McElwain A IL..-` 1).: ... Strath I . .1. ..l.UU ..l00 660.00 ..l00 440.00 ..l00 440.00 Jno Mclachern. OOU -UU 9 55.00 . 91 440.00 50 165.00 .. 50 165.00 ..l00 220.00 . .184 220.00 165.00 385.00 lQ0 110.90 50 Inn 21U.UU `!IU.UU 90.00 90.00 200.00 45.00 45 .00 (III III\ nn nn 1 ! VI all/Cl uuxuul F. Brazziel . Jas. Ryther . Dan King .. Jno. Ganton Jas. Lambie Jas. Lambie Jos. Stone .. Jos. Stone .. ` Jno. Elrick .. IV VI` T\_, lJIlU IJJIX IUIK J . KVIUUBI IIUH J as. Whitton I`I_. .... 1'\--.I - GB: IVUIUIAJU II 6. Thurlow . M. Kenney . M. Kenney Jno. Marley . Jno. Gall-agher" Jas. Slavn .. . Jno. Marley . . Jno. Johnston . R. J. Elrick . -D. Hall .. .. I Brazziel Bros. . III I) 't\V\Y-:II ullclloluluuur gsponhon an that-it on; .-Law no. 293 small: "ch. siaay zijopwbor. 1897. under 3 my llunicipal` Dxsinm Act. mdmok and ...mp1ma.che work ftiowd for iU- seunhnoe with t.!so"'i:isine`oi" AND WHEREAS for the better maulir ' ';, of -the `d dr `image work,'1:he. ' "amen of aors unde_r_the au.t-lamw ', cmfsotion 77 32 the Mumonpnl Drainage . `null Lug wanton an mmminntion $0 b8 'ofthe1bwnahipoiFIoa,unI|oI' IHIIIIU LIV I` M. `ftus .. Jas. Whitton IV 'I'1L....I ..-.. IJXDIIBIUI I) [135 o W. l .'O Neill Jos. /Stone .. W. P; 0 Neil1 `IT... QA-__- la LILVGIII .. UU V1.11. Stone .. .. 50 M1s.D. Johnston 100 Wm. Stone .. .. 95 I`1I'I`I\ `c :3aZ~f ~ Jno. u. LIIJUIIC I`. Ry. .. 96 ..100 550.00 ..l00 380.00 5. Lennox . Whitton . Downey . Whi-t-ton . . .. Archer 7l"L..._.____. U 1UI).UU W?` 25.00 . L100 101 Ann An Wihdsor, On:;., Nov. 14, 1921. Amended Dec. 23, 1921. I 95 55.00 .100 165.00 .100 or AA I100 .100 `Ali : Jluunu uuypiy VI wiuwr. uuu gnu uuu-vyawr ti-dull. Charcoal, 1 "Dominion Poultry I-Iusbandman in h.ia' bul- letin on Poultry Feeds and Feeding," `can a abobe used with advantage. In this bul- L. Jctin the subject` is dealt `with very fully - and analytically and, studied in conjunction /ythx, another publication -from the same -- mume by a different author, namely, the 1 Superintendent of the Exlperi-mental Sta~ -tion at Cap Rouge-, Que.. on Beef Scrap `-versus Skim Milk for Egg Production," may -be accepted as about conveying all the information desired by intelligent peo- gale who would be successful with the breed- ing and rearing of poultry. The one con- oluaion arrived at by both authors is that grain alone is insufficient for the `feeding oi fowl. They must also have animal and .mineral food'in -The--`most .__Ll, `A: L`. _ _ _ . _ - _. . . _ _ ..A. L--- L_., . .100 .100 .100 .100 .100 91' !\l\ .100 .100 . 100 . 100 .100 FA 970.50 330.36 1300.86 6920.00 3805.00 10725.00 7890.50 4135.36 12025.86 10 25 25 nt- E3 10 LUV 15 165.00 7

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