uu vuuou, ;I. rest of you." A n auJn_O You come with me to -the station- house," he said dewrminedly. A.n' you, mm Jan. mam i..-bi... I-.:. I.....a ..a. n-.. deamiiiiuedii. '"""A"'y'5E, too, he added, jerking his head at [Car- nh aw $0 IIISIID, DClIl1|Ul': IXU Huluo I was too upset. My nerves were all ` 91 -. none:-Inna ll _llI\IIl'LI|I nu VA III-IV WIAIUVWDQ Let us -get `there quickly-I`ll be late 11- dinnnr " I-m `nah! om-I n... 4-3.... ..m...... __,-__.- --.-=. ...n....-........y.. .1, an uuunuawol James Mills of Bradford received a sun`? prise recently when `his brother John walk- ed uuexpectedly. `into his house after an absence of thirty-one years, during whic ` time he never -heard from directly. ' In Beetoh the Women's Institute has or- . ganized aeommunity singing clam. A. J. H. Lulu; who` has been principal of the Bradford Public School -for the last `three and one half years, left last week to assume the principalship of `a ve-roomed school in Waubaushene. Previom to his leaving he was made the recipient of`a Masonic ring. accompanied `by an address. 1-...-- `Elli- -1 YI__J__j h_,, 1 Bad tast `consists in buying costly things that look `heap. Good taste consists in buying chep things that look expensive.~,- Iartfordi Times. ` \ T 1...; .. ._ _..._i..._ .2 _-___.',\,, - 1 . unruuiu, 1 nuts. \ Just in a -matter of courtehy, you might let the kids have a crack at the mechanical toys before you smash them entirely.- Buglo Ezcpress. vu upul llll.` 1ur:cuu5.lu.--`rcurlzl. xrulwcrlpu. An educator takes a rap at the diction- ary because it gives a word too many mean- ings. Our main objection is on other grounds--it doesn't always agree with us as to proper .sp'elling.---Pittsburg Gazette- Times. A ~ n-_.___,,__; ,,,z,.1,. 1 u . . 1' 1 PRESS WIT A reformer is now getting ready to call a convention of women who favor a return to long skirts. Here's the telephone booth to hpld the`meeting.in.--Peoria Transct`ipi. An nrhmnfnr Malta: 0 ran nf fkn .l:..:m., ` Resaurauts might do vell to take down their old signs and advertise as lling sta- tions.-T-Toledo Blade u -TI_J L_,AL_`,_A_:,L. 3,, L,,_' .I BllIl'Dw I. l`||.h`|I'. ' W97 are never harsh. Senator. If she speaks the truth, and all the truth, she -need not fear." . . 10 Du curn:cl,.w1(-n a mece, 1 oeueve. Well. think matters over. I'll see you again soon.` '1'-hen ybu may be able to tell me some more." x T I have told you everything. Perhaps I may do the telling." .Now. as to .this'poo`r /woman, Miss~ Cruik. You will not` adopt _harsh mea- sures. I trust?" (K117: _A_ ,, ;,, I I IN . 1!: 1 .3 G llClCL'll\Co l Sure?" V . I said `no'. That is not fyes . I was so `overcome by Tower s miserable fate that I dismissed my car'and walked home. I could not_ {ape any one, least of all Helen --Mrs. Tower." . Or the Bureau?" Mr. Clancy, you annoy me." Clancy stood up. , I must duck your coffee. Senator. he - said cheerfully. Is Miss Craik on the phone?" Nln Qkn L. A.-... ....,l I2"-.. ..1...__ __.. QIIIUHC 3 No. She poor, and lives alche--or`, to be correct,wit.h a niece, 'I believe." Wall Hub nunffnuu ,....... Y`ll ...... .. auauuulvy 01 Inc uulluu may Decome clear. Ah, that's better. Let me assure you that my coffee will not affect your ne sensibilities. Miss-Rachel Craik is a lady I have known nearly all my life. I have assisted her, within my means. She re- sides in East One Hundred and Twelfth Street. and the man about whom she was so concerned last night is her brother. He committed some technical oence years To please his sister, and for no other rea- son, I undertook to -provide him with ve hundred dollars, and` thus enable him to start life anew. I havenever met the man. I would not recognize him if I` saw him. I believe he is `a desperate character; his `maniacal behaviour last night seems to leave no.room for doubt in that respect. Don't you see. Mr. Clancy. that it was I. and not poor Tower, whom he meant at- tacking? But for idle chance. it is my corpse, not Tower's, that would now be oating in the Hudson. You heard what Tower said. I did`-not. I assume. how. ever. that some allusion was made to the money~-which, by the way. is still in my pocl:etboock---and Tower scoffed at the no- tion that he had come there to hand over ve hundred dollars. There you have the whole story, in so far as Ivcan tell it. For the present. Senator." 66}IQ_?H . It should yield many more chapters. Is that all you're going to say? For in- stance. did you call on Rachel Craik after leaving Eighty-Sixth Street?" Moll-lnlnI\u\'a Luna lull\L\l|r-l III... .. ..A.....l 1...... ago and has always been a ne'er-do-well. nu: uuuuav lU\L- ula temper. No." he said. seemingly conquering the . desire; to blaze into anger at this gady of } a detective. T I ` `Qnpn 9 ` ' ACGVISIE 1.'4|5ul_y*OlAuI DKFCCLI Meiklejohxfs jaws closed like a steel trap. He almost. lost. his temper. NO " ha cub` annnagnnlvr l|t\r\tI|ItsII:-\:- AL- ' "7"E..T3JpEsI ..7.a'}iZI'z":..:}?-' Hmdfauturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, 7 looI_'ing Ceiling. Moulding, Water Trough! Wadi: nfn V IJJC I`/Ullcco i When the door was closed on Phillips, Ihis master glanced at a clock on the man- telpiece. The hour was eight-fteen. Some days elapsed before `Clancy interpreted that incident correctly. _ . You rose early," said the Senator. Yes. but worms are coy this morning. -Meaning that you still await answers to your questions. I'll deal with you fully and frankly. but I'm curious to know on -what conceivable ground you could arrest me for the murder of my friend Ronald Tower." V As an accessory `before the act." But, consider. You have -brains, Mr. Clancy. I am glad the Bureau sent such a man. How can a bit of unthinking gen- erosity on any part be construed as par: ticipation in a crime?" If you explain niatters. Senator, the absurdity of the notion may become clear." Al: Hunt`: 1m.M>m- Inf ...... .......... .. ...-`-- Jun. --vuu. 1:.-un \\.I|-uiv uuu nu was. I havebreakfasted already, Senator," smiled the detective, but I may daily with the coee." ` l'lrL__ AL. _I___ __,,,, 1 V vs: -n- HD353- terod. _; .Ho.w---on ,:rincip1e?" You see, Senator, I may have to arrest you, and I never eat.with any man with whom In may clash professionally. You take rbks, Clancy." . - I love 'em. I'd cut my job today if it wasn't for the [occasional excitenientf The valet appeared. . Coffee and rolls for two, Pihillips," said Meiklejohn. He turned to Clancy. Per- haps you would prefer toast and an egg? Hr L...._ _u,__,u,, 91` vs Sorry, I can't on principle," be coun-`* I/Ill: ucu._ - f "If you don't mind," -he explained suavely, I'll order some coffee and rolls. Wi 'you- jdin me?" ` 'l'Hn (nan f.`\A nnivn A` n ublhul nlnnlint . Clancy was exceedingly disappointed "by the "result of this thunderbolt. And or- dinary man would have ahrivelled under its crushing impact; If the police knew so m"uch`th`at might reasonably be regard- ed as secret, of ,what avail was further con~ cealmentl `Yet Senator Meiklejohn bore` up wonderfully. He showed surprise, as well "he might, but was byno ments !pul- ` veriaed. A ` All this is rather marvellous. he said slowly, after a long pause. He had avoid- ed Clancy's g'a.ze -after the first few words, and sank into an armchair with an air of wearines that was not assumed. ' Q;'I\I\"IlI nnnnah nnvnunnnbnrl ORA .-In WUUTIHUE `IIQHI W185 1101'! Hu`nleu- Simple enough," commented the .de- tective -readily. Above :11! else` he wanted Meiklejohn,to\talk. I was on duty out- side the club, and `heard almost every word that posed -between you and Roche . ' `WA. tun ,' ' ' yuan puwqu `-ucu all, well." A V . The Snator arose and pressed an elec- tric bell. -Ht: ...... .I....h ...2_.I 99 1.- -___|_:_-_x VVUUH yuu uuu I\:DL'llUlu I 17 Ill J\IlI-I ID; This was the parry of _a skilled. duelist. to divert an attack `and gain. breathing- time. Clancy rather admired such admit- nova be. continud) Dill yCI ICU ll VVUIIQ If you wish to,.t1-ya bottle of this Preacriptiqn hat Mr. Corns found no remarkable, we Will guarantee relief on the first bottle. or your ,money back. 8t that itch today. $1.00 a. bottle. 'I`ryD. D. .Soap.too. WKIIB VIII U012. UV IUIIKU DI!" LUKUIIZ IEIQI. Wolch. G.A. G. D. Campbell, CA. ., ' 'l'.'E. Lawless. (LA. W...8. Hulbig. Production Engines). _ Ill! L .First, Doctors - % Thena Skin Specialist 7:"?! 3'!' 059+-E yum c7'I.UU-UUU. 'Beeton--Eggs 45c; `butter ,35-40c, chic- kc-ns 25-306. Outside the building, dressed beef and pork attracted many buyers, as did wood. Meats were of good quality,. the beef sell- ing from I0 to 13 cents per pound'and the pork brought 17 to 21 cents per pound. Large onions were rather scarce and po- tatoes could be had. The latter vegetable hadbeen absent from the market for` two weeks. $1.25 per bag bought them. The priees:-- Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-`r: to 43 lb. Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40c to 45 dozen Chickens . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c to 33c lb. Dressed beef . . . . . . . . . . . ..- 10c to 13 lb. Dressede pork . . . . . . . . . . .. 17c to 21c lb. Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40c to 65 bask:-t gouey .'. . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.00 for 5-lb. pail abbage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c to 15 each Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20c to 25 basket Butter beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20c qt. Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c bag Mar,rowfat beans . . . . .. 15c and 16c quart Parsnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30c small basket Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.25 bag Small onions e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15c quart Large onions . . . . . . . . .. 50c to 60 basket Wood .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,{ $7 to $13 cord ( I'bu.rsday_. Jan. 19) Alliston--Fall wheat 90c, spring wheat 80, oats 45c, barley 40-50c, rye 70c. po- tatoes 900, eggs 55c. butter 30c. Shclburne--Fall wheat 80-85. spring wheat 80-850, `barley 30-45. oats 27-35c, butter 25-28c, eggs 40c, potatoes 90c. Orillia-Whnn+ lound...-,l\ Q1 1n 1 1: uuuu ea-aoc eggs auc, -potatoes 9Uc. Orillia--Wl,1eat (Standard) s1.1o.1.15_. barley 45-55c, oats 40-45c, butter 35-37c. eggs 40-45c, pot-atoes 90:-$1.00, winter ap- ples 84.00-500. ' Donn... D...._~ A:_- u,,,.. n- -A With the exception of eggs, little change in prices was -recorded at the market last Saturday. Eggs dropped to 45 cents per dozen -and sold readily._ Butter remained atiits former level,` 40 to 43 cents per lb. Carrots, -parsnips and vca.bbage_found ready buyers, while apples, cooking and eating varieties. were also in demand. awn Ilyl nuns: lug- C A 'sente1]1"cetg two `f-ram gr lettetr from "J. W? oms. 88 e ume AW`. oron o a. man 0 line standing. "I haw geen a su`e |-er for two years witheczema. or. 1.-9 legs and ankles. I . tried three or four ditiv...-.nt doctors. I went to a skin specialist. A -.' no use. I used one dollar bottle of D. D. D.-that is all. Today I am perfectly well." . If an. ...:..I. L- 5.... - L-Ln.|- -JLI_ 2- n._-_-_x_.2 __ We_ shall publish every week for the bene of _skm sufferers in this section. a few word wntt_en by Canadian people --some of _them of proIgnnence-all heartfelt stories of telnet` from tetnble suffering. A 'm=_nh:.n-4-. nr Own Nam 11 hsnnr hm -I W | ilsauualsalai I salualsslssu | .';.'. uuuuu..1\IL Ululllll. Herbert G. Robertson, Uruggxut, Bame. JLAWSON, ,wELcH & CAMPBELL chmmd Accountants ' ne Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronto. M wilah A I`. I1 {`.nvn|-ska" I". A wluc. zry u. u. 1:. amp, too. E. III). 0... QB!-. 1\3--._ -- .- Shin-Disease . Rbffn, Ilrlurumv. Hurrla. 1 no:-I-om: GOLIIAN 5 co; u-ma. ' Norwich, lag. Canadian Olleez 67 Portland BL. Tannin. Funk 3. Ball. Raldent Dlnctor. _ ._..___._.:_:_____B A. 0. LEONAD.lnc..!r8.. 705th Ava. N-.Y. Cl}! You cannot afford to be deaf" ` Foe Sale in Barrie by Geo. Monkman - ccnu will he [IVE]! II! Inc Ilfllfllt. MADE IN CANADA L; H. BEDLIIIGION 60.. sales lgm:,Toron1o A. o. LEomn.unc..mrs.. 705: cu; "V1511 Annual nlfnu-J 4.. L. .l...lN M REL;-E_ZV-E; - l;EAF'NES- 5- and STOPS HEAD NOISES. Simply Rub it Back of the Ear: and Insert in Nostrils. Proof of Inc- ceu will be given by the druxzilt. MADE In nnlunnn Too med to; Anything. THE best remedy for.exhaus- ti_on_a;1dlassitudeis ~ -1112 veal. remeuy I01 exnnus- tion and lassitude is Winanh. A short cane of Wineunin cunts new eurn-Ic-Iv lilo--1mr vkor !t..b a tonic. xutontivb. blood- nskc and nan: fond- . `DON DO` . THIS! I~:31!x9 Eleaiegilll _E AFB": L Irvuvwnpu inc` ; --we-`--. SATU R DAY MARK ET NEAR-BY MARKETS 'Iu.".Z.'Sau.. 5... !-Eiheif . . \ . . I.` ` MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatoq of Music examinations leading up to and includingthe A.'1`.C.M. dogme. St:udio--King Block.` Phone`-124'. ' numuuu HANDY, Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal. and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmaate! of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Coneerve :1 of Music and of the University of Ttimnto. Ila. Worsioy _St. Phone 663 j EDMUND? mmov, Mus. aa'c., Tnnnknu A` 1):... r\_._, u & PLAXTON &. PLAXTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, me. 0"1ces: 7078 Kent Building `Toronto, Ont. C. Plaxton. G? Gordon Plaxta v-CI7v' - -v---y--- .--"--vvy . goat and Eicienoy Depm-tmon't . ._.....-1:: wan UVIVHN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate ol wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer. etc. O ice--Hin ds Block, No. 8 Dimlop St. Monev tn innn CRESWICKE &. BELL BARRISTERS Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judicat- ure of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Convey- ancers,. etc. Money no loan. Oices in'Ross Block. Barrie _ w. A. J. Bell. K.C. _____________? nuns n1. 1:. noaweu, nurse ` Oice: 17 Owen St. Hoursz` 1.30-2.30 p.n. Visits must be arranged for through doctors. 34tfc` John H. Wilson, Sec.- no. uuu:c-'.|o uwen an, m Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Branch oFce-E`lmvnlo. W. A. Boys, K.C.,M.P. D. C. Murchison _________________________ -v-v up uuurivrlldv Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oice~-l3 Owen St., in Masonic Templo Building. Barrie. Branch nWinA_I?1I-n-I--In L. J. smlisou, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oice and R_esidence-~Collier St., corner of Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 275. wuvu -u nut Inalilvlllnllpln Graduate of McGill University. Montreal. Oice and Residence~--Corner Elizabeth & Bradford Rm R...-.-;.. m....... uh: umuc auu nca'Auence~--l.-Orner nnzabecn C Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. Oice hours-9-T10 a.m._. 1-3 p.m., 7-8 p.m. (Formerly of Drs. Ross dz Ems, Barrie) Late Surgeon Speciast with the Imperial Army, 4% years. General Surgery and Obstetrics especially" '0ice-15 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 710. P. O. Box 1075. 01131153 0! Bfi I3 IUqU@EIo I'IQ|'Id" LATIONS--We nd thacmoet. of count"- ecribera prefer {not be have this acpe tions inten-npt.ed*in cue theyfail to remit before expiration. While subscription: will not be carried in arrears over an extended period, yet, unless we are notied to cancel, we assume the sulnoriber the anion continued. Remittance: should; he:naie.by registered letter, money order, or cheque nsunhln 29 ngr in Ila:-yin ---:--v av: w-u:--no `HIonos:- Office I83. Residence 353 Us ` Phone 61. on. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. Wst, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours--ll 3 m. to 5'p.m. Barrie phone 2. Tomato; North 3326. Publidhed every Thursday aftemoongu, the Post Oice Sqnar, Barrie. Subsclivtioi Prioo-Canada and Great Britain 82.00 per year in advance (in arrears 82.50) ; United State, 82.50 per year -in advaxice. Both old and new addresses should be given what ..I..`..... ..c ...u..._. :. -.........o..I IEAIQGI- anus Iv. any IVO no uuuuu -ru-us-vw Graduates and members of Roy:-l`GI1efgI nl 7|--min` nuvnnnna Tnonnfn uruuuawa una IBBUIDUIB U1 nluyul Iapuugv ~ of Dental Sutgeons, Toronto. Oioe: Over Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Entrance on Owen St. Phones: Oice 24!, Res. 314`. P.0.Boa 138 W. Richardson L.D.8., D.D.8. `Bey: w. Randan Richardson, L.D.s., n.n.s. DR. H. T. ARNALL Associate Coroner Countyof Bimcoe Oice and Resideno.~Corner Toronto and Elizzggetb Sts., opp. Central Church. Telephone 167. .-__ vv -, ------, --v-.----.. '"oir}c ad R es.id.e:1ce-60 Ros sc. Third door east of Royal Victoria Telephone 256. ` 3060 Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto; ' also Edinburgh and Glasgow. V Specialty--Diseases of Stomach Oice-Corner Bayeld and Wordey Sm. Office open until 8 pm. daily. EDI] IIUW $lKll'B$$ BDUUIIII D6 `IVER Wlll change of add:-an is":-equested. CAI`L- IA1'IIl__.II7. vu! oIuuo-mnnt. nl mu--jg ganwlvu Annual, 1 | :3`-iyable at par in ! `PHONEE. BROWN` CAPT. J. F. ROLLIT, L.D.S. ` DENTIST Oice: Over Raeeve's Jewelry Store, 76 Dunlop St., Barrie. Phones: Oice 450, Res. 436. 1--yr! ._._...____.____n__..______.._.;____ DOROTHV J. TSARJEANT. A.T.0..I. TEACHER OF PIANO Telephone 151. Barrio D. n- om .. ans. w. And w.. n. mchnnosou n tuzon. .. _.. .-_, Oice and Residcnce--47 Maple Ave. Phone 213. 311: TTIEI-TCIUN, V!` In Office hours--l2 to 2 and 7 to 9 pm). u no I Iruvllvlv U BAi>Li{Ii:n':i2:s',"soL1c1ToRs. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie Money to Loa_n 51 R. F. BRUCE, M.D., C.M., L.M.C.C. nt\ 15., (I4 Barrie cmmunity Mum Association Miss M. L. Nodwell, Five` 17 nwnn Rt 1.1.-.......`1 on n on _ `, oomxun Ross. L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie . Money to loan. w. A. LEWIS, M.D., c. SURGERY AND GYNECODOGY -and- 'C. S. DICKSON, B.A., M.B. no KR FnlI;nn Q9 ll.-. sAnnI."6u'i" RADENHURST & HAMMOND A Dnvcornnnn any ...._.._ _ Pnyiliiq 'i'\'N'15_'S'I-I`I'l'C:"EON PHELPSTON, om . inn lmnnr;-__.`I`) in 9 avur` 7 in D u." oa. E. G.ZTURNBULL 1- 1: t\o|u ALEXAiN DER COWAN 0-11.!` A bk. vIc'roa_ A. HART 309; a uuncmson A. `r. LITTLE,` M.D. DR. FRED A. ROSS DR. J. A. KEARNS ua unuun, H0. 6 Money to loan .-__us-. MEDICAL DENTAL `MUSIC DKTHC. ' J. A. Macho:-en, Editot. `I f` 1IY-lI. nun ujn nan, 9.11., nun. 56 Collier St.., Ban-in. KIIIKI G? Plaxbon. : mam- IV-C. 31tio Jas. Arnold l~ll\iw A|II\ I Iiwu-u A numbr of valuable {um Ind Town Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms. - ~ ' Masonit :l'omp|o 'BuiIding- Barrio. The Double Track Route between. MONTREAL TORONTO . DETROIT T ` and CHICAGO * Aio! Well Supplieil a.t-- i{,;s.;;;;;,i;;..{g;1.;.i`:,,T" `Git. `Elizabeth and Small Sta. M3-8mitJh%&6o. s Twiss FIRE AND LIFE iN%SURANCl-2 AGENT -PIEC. "CAKES and PASIRY .l-___- _.. J I_I_..I_-__ YOUR % .READlNG NEEDS Rn! Esme and Momyfto Loin Mbrgue and Chapel lfi_(_3gNNEcTl0N __ OPEN DAY AND NIGHT V Tailor Shop 303.5 `Plmne 731 A ggsult, us with vour building T"9..5- 599585 FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD`- , SANDWICHBRBAD % scows BOOKSTORE PT`\ 3, . ltnnur vv Itll 30301118 an! a full line of I AAIDIIQ lungs euuumma `liaise, 1An.on I-`0R_ % '- "Phone 32 Ul'JUlL . Garshaw was. notkinterested in Fowle or the policeman. He had been vouchsafed one expressive look -by Winifred -as she hurried `away. and he watched the slim gure darting up `half 9. dozen steps to a small. brownstone house, and opening the door with -a latch-key. Oddly enough, the policeman's attention was drawn ;by A the girl s movements. His air changed in- stantly. - nun V"1... ....:,: ...;:,:.....u.. .:.u.:`.._ -_ awuuy. \__ _ " '10, he said, evidentlypicking on Fowle as the doubtful one of these two`. This must be inquired into. {What's your name?" . ' . No matter. I make no charge." A Fowle was turning away, but the police- man. grabbed him. uguu uuuu. 118 grmuen. If you `care to `take 9. wallop like that as a friendly tap it's your affair. not mine." Vie said." Anyhow, beat it, both of .you!, tiara`-nnnky uvua v1.t\"\ in`-:n.n..l-`J 2.. L`.-....I.. ._ ...u-.-uuu vuv nun, vv uvu an an; n|n1u7uI.uU.V. _ Nothing. A friend of ,minemt with ah slight - accident~-~that's all." said Gar- s aw. son`. :.9.. ..I.l __=_.`_L" .... ,1 n I SIRIW o It's--it s---all V right," `agreed Fowle thickly. Some glimmer of reason warned him that an `expose in the newspapers would cost -him his job with Brown, Son & Brbwn. The policeman eyed the dam- aged nose. He grinned. ff. vnu `nun: fn dulrn n u-all...` Ill... 11...; HUT U1 `(U5 Iuuu. You're a cute little thing, _Winifred Bartlett," `he sneered, with a malicious glance from the girl to Carshaw. while :1 coarse guaw imparted venom to his utter- ance.` Think you're taking an easier road to the white lights, I guess?" Guess again, Fo'wle," said Carshaw. He spoke so quietly that Fowle was mis- led. because the pavement rose and struck him violently on the back of his head. At least. that was his first impression. The second and more lasting one was even more disagreeable. When he sat up, and fumbled to recover his hat, -he was compelled to apply a handkerchief to his nose, which seemed to have been r/educed-to 9. pulp. G5!I1__ L, _I _,... I .,,I,I 1 , ` seamen to nave ween r/euucea-~w pup. Too bad you should be mixed! up in this distunbance,' Carsbaw was assuring Wini fred. but a pup of t-heAFowle species can be taught manners in only one way. Now, suppose you hurry home!" Tho ur`IIy;nn urn.-1 It'll vnnunf mun-I T:n:fouu-l auppuac ._yuu nutty uuuw: The advice was well meant. `and W1-mired acted on it at once. Fowle had scrambled to `his feet and the -policeman was running .up. From east and west a crowd oame on the sehe like a well-txjained stage chorus rushing in from the wihgs. Nhnu ofllnn u.-;\uO u OLA nu...kI-`I An IIUW, 'WIll1lt 'UuBHlC$ 15 II: Ul yUUI`5 ` Fowle's anger was wasted. since Carshaw seemed not to hear. Indeed, why should 9. ohivalrous young man pay heed to Fowle when lie could gaze his ll into Winifred's limpid eyes and listen to her tuneful voice? I own Iynru nu-nalvllr nkunnrl h- r1vnn clan IUBKIIIIS HI ll'UIl1 CHE wings. Now, then, what's the t-rouble?" manded the law, with gru insistency. N\Y..4.L:.._. A ._!_..J -1 JIIIVC 'lv)CUH IlICal\|Il'5 Ul'UUrWlBUu ' Why are you .butt_in' in?" he cried fur: iously.' This young lady is .3 friend of mine. I m trying to pull heron-t of 9. dif- ficulty, but she's got me all-wrong. V Any-A how, what business is it of ' yours?" 1(`lIur`n'E hnaar 11700 nrunfnl` u:nnn r'.un:`-Innlv lllllplll Cylih uuu l.lDLC_lI UU HUI` ILIIIUIUI VKNUCI I am very greatly obliged. to"you." she was saying, but I hope Mr. Fowle under- stands now thkt I do not desire his com- pany and will not seek to force it on_ me." QIIFA I `Inc nnni-n}ont-in . nnn`I> I'l\II Hull SUI! `Will HUD DUCK [U IUYUU Ila UU_ ""3: Sure `he understands. Don't you. Fowle?" and Carshaw gave the disappoint- ed rwooer a look of such manifest purpose that something had to happen quickly. Something did happen. Fowle knew the game was up, and behaved after the man- ner of his kind. Hv_--7_- _ M..- Inn- ;.l_:__ 1Ir:__:1-__.I V'lLIIIl'Uuo ' . If this fellmy is annoying you he can soon be dealt with," `he said. Do `you live near? If so,~he can stop right here. I'll.oocupy his mind till you are out of sight." Tha dinnnnatnrl manhnr u-on anlin Hlrn M511 0 . The discomt-ed masher was smiling like a vicious cur. The first swift glance that measured -the intruder s proportions did not -warrant `any display of active resent- ment .on his -part. Out of the tail of his eye, however, he noticed `a. policeman ap- proaching on the opposite side of the street. The sight lent a condence which. might have been lacking otherwise. ml! nu-n Irnu h\ul-G-in` in?" `in lI;At` `H-' up weer tuunya uupgulagublluw. Winifred grew scarlet with vexetiun, The man had aiways been a repukive `person in -her `eyes, 2and,_unvereed- though she was in the world's wiles, she knew instinctive! ' that his present pretensions vwere mer y a cloakfor raacality. One. should be fair i to `Winifred, too. . Like every_ other girl`, she had pictured the Prince Charming who would come into her life some day. But -~-'-Fowle. Her gorge -rose. nan? (`CIA vnli /Inn `sown ant` col! duvvnlug \J\lIlII5q Illvlllllllla vv Illll/I OlUIQ.I7, Tanlis, etc. . `We carry in s't)ck a large assortment of Fliaough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles \s.nd'l'reparegi Roofing. Wood Turning and `Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done nnvun nlu ' BIIUUIU ll UH IIHU uvucy III lvllll way: I take it that this young lady is telling you to quit," broke in another voice. Go, now! Go while the` going is good." nllhsflv luv! n-`vnlu Ann-\{n'y;na Wnxuln nah-in IIUWE _\JU WVUIIU IIIIU `V1115 ID We V Quietlybut 'r`mly elbowing Fowle aside. Rex Carshaw raised his hat` and spoke to Winifred. " Wu a.:.. :.n.... :. ..........:.._ .;-.. 1... -.... Listen, now, Win.hie,,"' he said, drewing nearer, I'd like to see you through this worry. Forget` it. You can draw down twice or threwimes the money as a model in Goldberg's store. I khow Goldberg Man can x thiilss. "An-', shy, why mo;-e ' at home venings? I often get orders for two for the theatres an vaudeville shown. What about comin' along downtown tonight? \A- bit. of dinner on` he cabaret `d cheer you up after today : unpleasantnes." nnnifrntl an-our unav-lab uni!-K unvnuu Tho It's a, capuile. Just swallows} it as you wo uld'a4 tablet. It in gun- ` anteod to bring reliel. Costs 31.00 at your. druggist. Agk any any of our agents for free trial or write Temol;- -t_ono_Ljinited. Tornntb. I! you have tried evcrytl\'ing--i!t you are discouraged--ii you think your case; is hopeless. you are just like thoussnds of other asthma suerers until they tried ASTHMA `R-A Z5 -A M`ATH Authoz-`ob! The Wings of the Morning__'he `Pillar of_ Light", etc. The Barllgj Mystery Full information from an}: Grand mrunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- Img, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. I IS ' RI! I litany -nun Hlnndnln, Lu A :2 Inn. (Conned frgm Last Week) .Lou1s( .._.BY.. de- EH56!` UUJISCIIUU H15 uugguru woe No need- The Bureau is right here. Let us get down to brass tacks, Senator. A woman named "Rachel met you outside the Four Hundred Club at eight o c k` as you were coming out. You had j t spok- en to Mrs. Tower, when this woman told you that you must meet `two men who would -await you at the Eighty-Sixth land- ing-stage at nine. You were to bring ve -hundred_doll a.rs. At _n'i'ne o'clock -these same men killed.-Mr. Tower,` and you your- "self `admitted to me that they mistook him for you. - Now,` iwillvyou be good enough to-llwin the blinks? Who is Rachel? .Wthera does she livi? Who were *bhe'two men? Why should you give them ve hun- `dxed dollars, apparently as_ blackmail?" `UlUUCUHo IIU UUEKH (U UVIVI/HUI` ab Once. Why did-n`-t you ring up Mulberry Street last night, Senator?" he said. ' T 1170:: Inn unaolrt Mu nan-I-an nun-A A lllu IIUII SU 1153]. IIUIZ Meiklejohn aected to consult C-lancy s card to -ascertain the detective s name. H'l)-_.L___ Y1.-.` L-;;-_ .._L :_ ;___AL ,,s.|. . 0211' [U `&CI3l'lull.lIl U18 UCIUUUVCS IIEIIIC. Perhaps I had better get in touch with I the Bureau now." he said. `and `a flush of anger darkened his haggard face. The ritht V, V r._ __c.., _-u-v-vw- J. E.' BILLINGSLBY, 'DepoI:. Agent 1 Phone 6!: ' Barrie The law prevailed. A few minutes later Senator Meiklejohn entered the library sit- ting -room, where the little detective await- ed him. He looked- wretchedly ill, -but his suerings were mental. not physical. Ex-i amined critically now, `in the cold light of day, he` was a very different man from the spruce, (landied `politician and` nancier who gured so prominently among Van Hofen s guests the previous evening. Yet Clancy saw at a glance that the Senator was armed at all points. Diplomacy would be useless. The situation demanded -a Abludgeon. He began the attack at once. ml! rnrllnlf Irnn plum un Ila-ununwu Q6:-no.6 Ill .'You `told the ' patmln1anat Eighty- Sixth Street that you were hu `tying away to"break the. news t0 Mrs. Tower, yet `you did not go near her?" Mn:b`n:Akn dnnorl On nnnaudf (`,ln-.-.. .. lll.Clll:u The Senator is ill and can see no one," said the valet. V - A 5`\Y_ ._`._LL-_ L___. ill L- ,., .,-. L, L, A aunu tl.K`- value. ' I No matter how 111 he may be, he must see me," Mretorted Clancy. I "`-I1. kn 11\Ivnfn I' Ln AL-.h...lu..l I Lay". llly Ul'llUl'Bo Take 9. fresh set. He's going to be dis- ' turbed right now, by you or me. Choose quick!" T - ' R Tho luuv nrnvuniarl A four w~.\:nn6z.o lulu- hill? nun [USU UVCF LVUW l.Ul'l\a He summed up Meikeljohifs action cor- rectly, The Senator did not communicate with Mulberry Street during the night. so Clancy was an` early visitor at his apart- ment. ` HrI'\L_ a___..-`._ 2., ill -,,.I , H BUR.` HIU, , FCMIFIICU UlI1llUy. But he,mustu t be disturbed. I have my orders." ' 'I`..1... .. r....,L ...,+ A's `....:..... .. 1... 4:- uuu suuguo me manager. You know Mrs. Ronald Tower?" he 6L1_A,,_ V I I! - I .I an - u LL:-sl c` l-llllll I` UITUBL` n Clancy gave some telephonic instruction to the man on night duty at headquafters. A He -even dictated a paragraph for the press. Then he went straight to bed, for the hardiest detectives must sleep, and he had ;a full day s work before him when next- the sun rose over New York. II- ..... ._-.I .... ll-1l--I2..L.`_7.. .._L-_ __._ eunu- Sure I do," said the official. AShe inside now. Canieihete with Bobby Fozj-' rest." Anybody called for her recently?" I think not, but I'll soon nd out." No. Mrs. Toweifs appreciation of Bel- usco's genius had not been disturbed that evening. ` Army!-L;nn un-Ann-9" innul.-..A. AL- -...... `nexcelled Dining Car Se:-vice` Sleeping cars on Night Train: .an'd hrlor Cars on principal D y_'1`rains. .tented himself with asking the valet to give HELIX,` Ill I-UU dHUI'lIHIgo This arrangement obviously referred to the Van Hofen festivity, so Clancy`~con- the Senator a card on which he "scribbled a telephone number and the words, Please ring up when you get this." - Now, he knew, and Senator Meiklejohnl knew. the theatre at which Mrs. Tower was enjoying herself. He did not imagine for an instant that the Senator was discharg- ing the wmournful duty of announcing to his friend s wife the lamentable fate which had overtaken her husband. Merely` as a perfunctory. duty "he went to the theatre and sought the manager. _ . Vm. L-nnuv Mrs: Dn....lA "l'........_`)" L- CVUlIII|su Anything wrong?" inquired the man- ager. 'A . C_lancy s answer was ready. If Senator Meiklejohh comes here with- in half an hour, see that the lady is told at once, he said. If he doesn t show up in that time, send.for Mr. Forrest, tell him that Mr. Tower has met. with an ac- cident, and leave `him to look after the lady. . *-ur.....v 1.` : -...V...:....r.-7 un... .....:a.-2" ICI\IJ I "Wow! Is it serious? Why wait?" The slight` delay won't matter, and the Senator can handle the situation better. than Forrest." nI.._~..-. .....--- ..__._ ._|__L_._:- :__._.__.2.,, vuu tutu um ,d unuuu. . She was too stunned .to do other than sink into'a~chair. "For a while she feared she. was `going tb faint. With-"lack-lustre eyes she peered into 3 gulf of loneliness and depair. Then outraged nature came: to her aid, and she burst` into a stprm of tears. . CHAPTER VI `T Brother {Ralph Clancy forcetl Senator Meiklejohxfs hand early in the fray. He was at the Senutor s at within `an hour of the time Ronald Tower was dragged into the Hudson, but a snmoth-spoken English manservant as- sured -t-he detective that ,his master was out, and not expected home until two_ or three in the morning. Thin nrnonnnrnnnf nkuinnnlu _.-.l'.\........l ;. -_. -,-., --... -rug \IuonIaoII_Jvv nu.-u. vuA_JI_I.o , Thus it was that Rex "Camhaw, eligible young society bachelor, was drawn into the ever-widening vortex of The Yaclit Mye- tery." He did not rectfgnize it yet, but was destined` soon to feel the force of its swirling Tcunente. {Inning `sun... A ...!..A.....' -0 LL- -LL.....-.:__ av1nu'u5 Vvuucuue. Gazing from a window'of the otherwise deserted house, ,Winifred- saw both her as- sailant and her protector marched off by -the policeman. `It was patenti. even to herl benumbed wits, that they had` been arrest- ed. The tailing-in of the mob behind the trio told her ,as -much. Q1... ........ e... ._....___._.I L- .1,` _u,_,, .1 u_vu angel: pugre qmcK1y-1 H. De late fordmner, he said, andthe three return- ed-by the way Oa1shaw__had' come. ML.-- LA. __.-_, LL,` In A as o.. lwv VI yvun 7 . An awe-stricken` mab V -backed hastily. Fowle was _-too dazed even to protest, and Oarahaw sensed somehidden but, denite motive` behind the policeman s strange al- ternation of moods. He looked again at the brown-stone house, but night was clos- `ing in so rapidly -that. he could. not dis tinguish a facetat any of "the windows. - `SI _1. -.__ .__4 Al puuw. Have you gone crazy with the heat?" inquired Carahaw. '_ T ' `I hold--you for ghting in the public 7street, an` that : all` there is to it." we the rm reply. You can come quietly or be `mind, just as you-like. Clearoff, the you. ' . " en. , elor :i`:?.`.``J}.'X5 .1. ,u.a:nnam... rm :&_9ucn;-enoak. MuhulyuIusg..c..;.+,;