,1 ONLY )ys,~ K.C., representing all I xdants, submitted that the I ( I; Mr. McGuire be "dismiss I not think there was any- \ Section on which to fine Ll company. `the company the Port,` Rainy vvunn I--'- -----`- I 1\ ..y-uuv uuu \J'J.'llaI'lX. Coun. vCoom_bs of Bradford, by . Couns. Jermey and Rusk." sentmg Coun. Jardine of Nottawasaga, by; d Couns. Moore and Coombs. ' Coun. Rowe of lWest Gwillimbury, by Couns. Colemanand Coombs. \ Coun. Sinclair of Orillia, by Couns. ` McKinley and Thompson. . ' ` Coun. Wilcox of Tecumseth, by purchase Couns. Reynolds and Wilson. the same - )e'dismiss 2 ch I I: is under-, Coun. Coleman of Innisfil, by-ll rs Of the Couns. Martin and Davis. :1 B and to Conn. Williams of Collingwood, by t Icttlrer in Couns. Jamieson and Lumsden. it -90951350 Coun. Goodeve of Adjala, by Couns. Wilcox and Brandon. yr the dis- nm... M....+:- -n 1' ' a-vu The Rec. Mr...Beverley offered a prayer, concluding with the Lord's: `Prayer, which the assembly join-' ed. .. Judge Vance Speaks . : After welcoming all and cohgrat- 3 of Reeve Banting s election, Couns, k Thos. E. Smith of Flos and G. L.'] 9 Davis, Essa, escorted the '- elect to the dias. - tered the oath and proclaimed Dr. ' brief message in which he likened the J 1` ' legislators to co-workers V In your work, he said, you have a` people who elected you. ...;uvvL cu ' 1 Upon -announcement by the Clerk Warden-pt His Honor, Judge; in court gown then adminis-I `H J Vance, Banting` the "Warden for Simcoe county for the year 1922. ' A Message and Prayer ' The Rev. Mr. Watt delivered a . J ll task given you by God, and by the 5 If you feel with God. ' your task is a divine appointment you 3 ` will find it easier.- When we get this 3 3 ` conception in everyday life it is fora` the better. You will find temptations R and difficulties. The Master met ,t} them all. `>1 Mr. Watt said that I .. `must "be 1` about my `Father s business applied th to the; councillors work. The min-`m ister concluded by repeating his first R' gecllaration: Ye are cogworkers with o . ` Lucv. ueu. A. nrown, and the Rev. A. ' R. Beverley, conducted devotional services. I __-- .. ..... .. vuuuuuauco I I witness the contest and induc- tion ceremony there were a large number of local and out-of-town`vis- itors, including numerous -ex-coun- cillors; His Honor Judge ,Vance. `presided at the induction, and the Barrie Ministerial Association, rep- resented by the Rev. W. J. Watt,.' Rev. Geo. A. Brown, and the Rev. A. '1 R. Beverh-xv. nnntlnnl-ad .x..;...;.:-..-1 _ vvualo JLUUIU UL 1111155011, DY UOUIIS. Drysdale and Stephens. i ` . ' Fift_een Withdrawals One after the other the nominees withdrew till the contest was left to two. Humorous references were the order and most of the nominees pro- mised to be in the race another time '-provided the electors are good enough to send them back; Mr.r Williams stated that he had no` thought of standing until a number,; urged him. However, since coming to the council meeting he had de- cided not to be a candidate. I11- we V Vratrlx : .. ...... V! as gxuwulg DGEECP. 1'18 """`' """` 3" `u ` itouched on unemployment, and a too Coun. Jackson of Creemore, by * - frequent ` exposition of learning` 033;-nJf;g;]g;0g>;;v; Com 'without wisdom. This brought him! Moore And Dutton. ' agein to the point of criticism from} ' Conn Fisher of Barrie b Cmms which he believed much trouble arose Coleman ) and Sinclair y 'ifrom people not understanding the Conn Moore of Anisto by Conn: legislator. In this connection he re-` I , \' I _ ferred to the gnu-umu.-m A4` `ILL. 11. I Drvsdaha. and .Q+!\1IArIc4 ` vvuuon II IIUUA auu Coun. Martin of Sunnfdale, Couns. Carson and Gratrix. I nnuun 7nn`I....... -1 "' - . o - - o - n o - ` ..-....., -....wu, nplelit, uooaen, Grat-I ' ' lrix, Holmes, Jermey, Lambert, Lums-! 1 x . fden, McKinley, Overend, Patterson, 3 I Sinclair, Sullivan, Taylor, Thompson, _. Walker, Webb.--- 21. j V Seventeen Nominated `-3 The following `were nominated : 2 `Coun. Eplett of Coldwater, byvYC Couns. Dutton and Lumsden. 11 Coun..Banting~of Essa, by Couns. ti [Smith and Davis. ` fl Coun. Jamieson of Nottawasaga, [f4 by Couns. Rusk and Jermey. ~ tf Coun. Dutton of Tay, by Couns. tl Eplett and Gratrix. 7 `d1 r-...... n----- - - .s .., unruule, Jam-leson, Knupp, W.f3 H. Martin, James Martin, Moore, Rankiu,"R'eynolds, Rowe, Rusk, 1 Stephens, Smith, Wilcox, Williams,g.` A. H. "Wilson, J. Wilson.-- 27. [3 Sinclair-- Boyd, Carson, Coles, i Devlin, Dutton, Eplett, Gooden, Grat-I - .1'iX. Holmes- Jermnu `l .nw.L.....L 1' .....- I I Dr. J. J. D. Banting, reeve of Essa, . is wardenaof Simcoe gounty for 1922, beating Reeve Sinclair of Orillia 27 r` to 21 on the first ballot. The only other name that had been seriously mentioned for the position this year was Deputy-Reeve Williams of Col- lingwood, but he withdrew. . - The Division V _~ Banting--- Banting, Brandon, Cole- _' man, Coombs, Davis,.Drysdale, Dun- ' iham, Fisher, Goodeve, Hanley, Jack- , lson, Jardine, Jam-ieson, Knupp, W. I '|A ......- `H. Martin. Janna: Mnvfin ___.______ Judge Vance Administers Oath to Executivea Ministeriat*Association Conducts Devoi ` ` Exercises at Induction Ceremony. 1. .u. n.nAumn Is ELEGTED wnnmau OFSIMGOE OOIIHTYGOIINGII. Oafh Administered JT REEVE GEORGE SINCLAIR OFAORILLIA 27 TO 21 ON THE FIRST BALLOT .....b, .. av- . . . . . . . .. 17}: 13c or 2 for'24c A ;i 1; e`1`etn L`1J::t:Ii : V m-. Old and New Faces d To the Council, Judge Vance said: X. j. I see in the personnel of this body `about 20 new faces, mostly "young ' `faces. It may he -the spirit of the nated ``age_ I uminated: ' ,2 This reminded the Judge of Dr. ldwater, by :Osler s characterization of the unfit- i den_ ` ness of men over 60, and the sugges- a, tion of chloroforming them. In re- : futation to the idea His Honor re- ' Qottawagaga, ferred to the Chief Justice of Ontario r1ey_ today at the age of 83, and of Jus- ', Couns, tices Mulock, MacLaren and Mere- dith, each 80 years of age and giants adford, mentally. He liked to see the older` Lg," i men interesting themselves in the 2 awasaga, by5Council and particularly the Ex-it is. Wardens. _ H 1IIv:]l:nAL------ ' "` 1 1 5 < e vs. -5110 Q I IS --...,..u., avanucx cuanceuol` OI the` _ F British Exchequer, who declared it M11888 might be better for England to can- eft cel all her war debts--- even those 1'8 of Germany.- The world is sick with 5 l31`0- too much Vmoney, he thought, and ' time quoted figures on the difference be- tween seven.billions of `paper money M13 `before the war with plenty of com- oimodities, and 56lbillio.ns now with 5 mlbel` . few commodities. Ming Sees Change Needed :1 He believed the world will have to .learn to talk in . commodities and illustrated this by quoting Mr. Mc- _ Kenna, who declared the payment by Germany of 650 millions to England would .be as nothing compared with (me the human results. achieved by the the`employmentKof England's two mil- C lion idle. 1 Vatt nu 1- - -- - T!-IURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1922. . . .... ....,.. gunuu uuau; a Taking the chair, Warden Banting 8 . invited Ex-Wardens ,Thos. Simpson, , iJ. J. McKnight, Eben Todd, and ;.`Mayor Little to the platform. Each _ 5 of these gentlemen spoke briefly, i,'cong-ratulating Warden and Council. 1 Getting down to sessinnal business, ;!a number of communications were _. "announced and a resolution by Couns. {Reynolds and Brandon, pas'sed,,that ;.the Warden be requ_ested to strike . `the standing committees for. the year -` I 1922. Couns. Moore and Sinclair ' then moved the adjournment to- Wed- Linesday morning; An amendment by L Reeve Coleman was lost. House of` Refuge Board At Wednesday afternoon's sesssion a by-law was proposed by Couns. I Sinclair-Boyd giving permission to appoint two persons with the Warden who shall act as the. Board of Manage- ment for the House of Refuge.fAfter "(Continued {in `page 9) ' Rar Coieman moved zf vote of `ithanksto the Ministerial Association for the devotional exercises, and to Judge Vance._ i 2 I U Wattle); Banting, responding, said he was grateful for. the honor be- stowed upon him and that he would ;endeavor to show justification for his elevation to the office he was in- 5 trusted with. ' ~ `Ivan l\lL\?n The Judge said, too, he agreed the statement that a country never `gets above its churches. uuuz. _ uuuay DU _ [U1 Goodfetlow ; Asst .. .y., C. J. Allison; the:-land; Trees" iat, Miss Beatrice Adult Bible.Class mica; Vice-Pres... . Allison; Tre .; Am ' Mrn W J w5AollUUlo LU (HIS Connectlon he re` erred to the suggestion of Mr. Mc- Kenna`, former chancellor of the mvnhnnninu ---I-- -` - 5" N " ' ' ` 3 u v `as. uullu r, The Judge spoke of the small! credit given public men and the part` :. played by .those who only criticize. I He took exception to the notion that; y"good men are not found in public _life. Good men,do go into public I-life, he said, and he considered the :discussions and deliberations in coun- I ty councils compared favorably with ` .those of any professional body. ` World Growing" Better Judge Vance said he. thought the eworld was growing better. He `I `frequent learningi- without him -5 again the point criticism fromle which ha hgl:.m.,A .......L -L----U- "' 7 we vval'(1en'S favor. . You represent four constituencies - in the legislature here, said His (Honor, and three Dominion con- stituencies. Some ability will be re- quired, Mr. Wa den, and some care- fulness. ' respect in which (301. __Banting, as Lclerk, was `held. I expect to see 1 iyou, Mr. Banting, earn the same res 1 ispect as your father did fromthe : ` A Council. / is ulating the old members for the con- fidence continued in them by the electors, Judge Vance told Mr. Bantp ing he was pleased to resign his chair in the Warden s favor. vm. 'IVnv\1n:\-.._L : . .7 ulat`ing9 - -Pu'An-u-'- - ~~ Wden Takes (Chair Executiveand the Barrie, Zonducts Devotional V , ,__ -_-.- .,.,.._. ,....,, Ltugaltuls opened the scoring on a hot one right in front oflthe nets. [8 Loftus had" been drawn out of his goal and was not in position when Babe shot. Speyer went down an alone but was stopped. Woods and and Livingston tried but failed. Junkin. sent a hot one to Tuck who saved. Townley and Nettlefield carried the ;tice rubber down to Barrie territory, but :3, lost it there. Loftus stopped a snap] `en shot from Bogardis. Jackson shotl outside defence and Townley follow- I] ) older ed in, but Tuck cleared. Armstrong, lselves and Woods combined and madegl arly Ex.;things interesting for Loftus. Town-,` lley and Powell were banished for_it if small Itripping. Woods and Livingston }` ri pal-tlwarmed Loftus pads in quick suc-lc cession, but the latter was taking no '1 he that `chances. Junkin woke Tuck up with g und a hummer. Carson and Armstrong ll go combined, the latter scoring on a ti mnsidered fine pass in front of the nets. Town- 11 ltions ley and Nettlefield staged a rush but 8 'avo1-ably Tuck saved. Whittaker was chased, nal _for tripping. Play was in Barrie ter- D lritory when the period ended. _3 5` Second Period 18 Nettlefield secured the rubber onlb` . t d t .the face-off and shot` Tuck clearcedmy` .n,a`n a.oo`Thl _. bl fl.Sa 3f lea,-mng i e atter was putting up a w a e 0 . . .a game. Emms and Armsltrorrg rush. tn riticisrn frnm led. The fnrmnr ehn+ 1.... -~ -~-A Brown & Co. are importing a large quantity of Gladioli bulbs from Hol- land for spring planting. All the best named varieties will be for sale at very reasonable prices. V 4p . Rev. Brown, B.A., Pres. of Toronto Conference, will preach next Sunday in the Central Methodist church pt both services.- ~ ` NE cc. of the Orb Tel? A--. I ... ._ -3 organs for.sale, cheap, on `easy payments. Keenan & Kennedy. Do olguy crem from the Cnream Dairy? Phone 652. 50tfc Read the Adlet Column. Save by shopping in Wisdom s Groceteria. . &mm&w$&mm$&mmm$l >3 wwwwmmw wm>1 l4K<>I0X< ANNOUNCEMENTS IU `called on to save frequently. -v vvvsvalcluu uuusue was playing out of position and missed a pass from Livingston. `The latter tallied num- ber 3 on a side shot, receiving a pass from Christie. Fast skating and rushing featured the play for the next few minutes. Both goalers were The shooting. ing Car- loca.ls were off in their Pierce took a rest for send son into the boards. Bogardis sent ' two hot ones to Loftus in succession. . The puck was faced off near the Granite goal on an Woods had it in behind Loftus for o -side and : theg4th goal before the latter knew : it. of the Stone-Men s nets ` Livingston rushed and passed to Arm- ' strong who beat Loftus for goal num- ber 5." Before the period ended, Bo- gardis scored the first goal for Gran- ites when he attempted a back-pass to Powell in front of his own nets. Tuck wasn't looking for a goal scored that way and was taken off his guard. The bell rang withthe players skat- ing andrushing at top speed. ` 1r\__.L__-, Following this, a bombardment 1 occurred. 2 t V I F a b 5; t`, T. &&mmmmm&mmm&mmg, _ - - -' Q` -A` 'A` 'A` 'A` A` 'A` 'A` 'A` EV<:tic_e under this iheading, 2c per word -Headinn_ 51-. mar um-J , ... 5 ...c. um_m.s anu Armstrong rush- ,ed. The former shot high. Jackson shot high. Speycr went down twice] with no results. .Carson was sent- .;into exile for tripping. .Emms was; . hurt and went off for repairs Chris. tie_ took a shot but was wide. Jun- kin rushed but was steered into the corner. Carson put the blocks to. Nettlefield. Christie was playing out Dositirm 211!` Tvriaantl n -Ant-~ -5-'---` mu_a: 5 It was about 8.30 when the puck_ - was faced. Junkin rushed but was - stopped at the defence. Powell car- - ried the rubber up to the Granite camp and lost it there. Armstrong - and Carson began a combination. It' was broken. Speyer and Junkin > rushed but lost the puck. Emms sent % a hot one to Loftus, but was too high. Livingston and Armstrong ` both shot, but were wide. Speyer I and Junkin again rushed. Armstrong 1 and Livingston penetrated the Gran- ite defence, but Loftus, cleared in 11 fine style. Finally, after ten minutes ( play, Bogardis opened the scoring 3 Tihlt in frnnf nf 4-`Inn ---J-- 1 --.--2 `Strengthened -by Woods and `Bo- . gardis, the -local juniors defeated the 1 an exhibition gamedn Monday night. _The visitors, who are accustomed to artificial ice, which is heavier and rushes were always broken up. ' Although not as. fast skaters as the . Stone-Men, the locals put up a game ` that kept the large crowd on its toes 5 all the way. Unlike their opponents, they played combination, particularly 6 in. the second and` third periods, and I certainly deserved to winlon their 15 merits. - It nu `rusmng at tpp speed. (Continued on Page 8) JUN1O FROM TORONTO O TEAM 16 PAGES ...... wuucsu. Ill IDS praise, say citizens. ' Right now the Provincial govern. . _ment is prepared to pay 40 per cent of the cost of 20 feet of the width of pavements in towns. How long` this policy will obtain may depend on how-long present appropriations hold out. The same engineer who plan. ned Orillia s first pavement was im- vited to that town this week to dis. cuss` plans for another paving pro~ ject contemplating about a mile and a half to link up with Provincial` highways. 111--.,-_,__n ` ` F- .. ....,. 1- Mr. Grant then told of a huge 1- tractor which tanked over it inwarmi -- weather when the surface can be ma, .- pressed. The tractor had left an img s pression that warranted action :. against the driver, it\was thought, 1 but when an investigator went to the` . scene to report` on the damage for < - the court, there was no evidence. The elastic nature of the surface had righted itself to normal. Want More Pavements . An idea of the pride Orillia people take in their pavement is manifest: ed by the fact" that in `I921 a peti- tion was made for more pavements of a similar nature, notwithstanding the increase in the tax rate. They be~ lieve good roads have stimulated greater interest in their town. `The mention of pavements in Orillia at once starts enthusiasm that is dyna- ` mic in expression. Persons who were most pessimistic at the $285,000 pavement "scheme are among those now loudest in its praise, citizens. Right nnw -Hm D.....,:....:..n ._-_.--.-- wu -no uyuuuu, 32110} It is first class. It hasn't needed' any repairs as yet and I believe it `is easily good for ten years withdut any. ~.`v__ ru . .1 - -- d n l. IIIV EDI. . _ Orillia s Mayor was enthusiastic in praise of the pavement. He recalled a conversation with a ial. A similar kind of pavement has lbeen used in Sudbury fornearly five. ;years. The Sudbury man- denlared, f said Mayor Tudhope, that in all that, 1 3 time not a defecthad developed in it. Shows Its Cost The Orillia pavement cost $285,000 . t :and is guaranteed for five years. Ex-- 5 ; - I l I `Mayor Anderson said the life of the, wearing surface is 20 years. Include ed in the sum of $285,000 is $33,600- loss from discounting of the town s debentures at a time when money- was much tighter than it is today, Orillia is paying at the rate of 6%; per cent on 20 year bonds for its? pavement. much lower. _ the total sum chargeable to storm sewers, 5 per cent for engineer and others items to, be deducted, which The current . demand is bring the actual cost of the` streets -' down to $80,000 a mile, including- the taking out of grade, curbing, etc._ And the pavement is permanent.` C. E. Grant, town clerk ed his opinion, said: (`TL u'n -93-..; ..`l_._~ "' Sudbuvy otric; There is $35,000 of , when ask~.. 6: or 2 for'=30c 15:, 2 for 28 lb. tin. . . . 23- L, u.La_yU1 vv. :1. ruanope, interviewed by The Examiner, said unhesitzatinglf,/. It is my opinion, and I believe" :'the consensus of opinion in Orillia,_ _ _ that our pavement is as near perfec-. rftion as it is possible to make it. Its , llcost looks expensive at first glan;e,' .gcontinued the Mayor, but we rea- ,'lized the need, and, when prices in 1 general are considered for the time - it was laid, and the general satisfac-. ` tion it gives with its proof of per- i manent endurance, I believe it an 1 excellent investment. (Wu-'l`l..!.. `III ---- - ,, __... ..- nuuwa one auvantage 4 of superior roadway. The two and a quarter mile pave~. ment in Orillia is of concrete base. and trap bituminous formation. E. A. James, formerly York county- engineer, now of James,- Proctor &. I and` estimates for the Orillia pave- Warren Paving Company of Toronto.` ~ Mayor Tudhope Quoted Mayor W. H. Tudhope, interviewe b_V EX3Yninn1' ca}:-"I u...L,.._:L_;3,, I Redfern, Toronto, made the plans- ment? The contractors were the} ,.___-... uuu x;I. vllVllG- [venture it eq-uials our faith and` sur- the most optimistic. I Mr. Anderson was formegjly .4 passes the most sanguine Qf:' farmer and he knows the advantage I wit u nu, an! The pavement M and it has my big tion. As a pract venture equals passes the : optimistic -13-1- , Barrie has expressed its desireifor P permanent pavements by - seeking cost estimates 0 _ Meanwhile knowledge of Orillia s - experience in carrying out a paving project almost similar in extent to. that contemplated by Barrie may be. taken advantage of. O icial s __Opinion Stated ~Answering a question by The Ex-. aminer this week of what he thought of Orillia s pavement venture, Dun. `can Anderson, former Mayor of that. `town, said: 4U'l"L.. _.-V 9.7-`- (Continued on page 8) BARRIFS BIG TASK Is smear mum ` is -Ln _____ 1- `I ..........u in 111 lbs lJlll'(l year highest recommenda-;. a n'raof.1':-al om: ......----- home .again after ookstown hospital. rogress toward me- ..., u.-gucno 1'EL'0lI|II'|0nG8-,-. practical and economic- mmle (nun ..:n. ._.I- ~- in its third Dt 'I`l3l'Il\!V\i|A1|cu 1- ' L15 FOR FRDAY , .--v- wuuunti reasonable es. Dairy Butter njhand ou, tell others- .' -van-:vnIvCI vvuv VWUIE ng sxxty yeals ago, `e the only mambens E rdlatives who `mm 'n1r niviu umn- ._ way for two` spent `the wek-and e thtat the mortr rty had been Shortening turnecl on Tueaday ' Hazel Mouton at Epworth Legigixe. ntinued for some A . Miss Olive Cooper e week-end wi_h. %o:d, ghoicfg IJ'|llC\L IIUIIL U V1315 and vicinity. been visiting Mus... `IITV.-B. T. nto, where they ex- next three months-.. nt last week in Bar- Mrs. A. Grose.. eived word Monday " James Gibbons of- a stroke and was Ill-, auns. W. a. . A. Sutfherland. ged in the Bible! is Alma Farrier iss Jessi Robert- a young men of" ittee meeting to of lighting the Faturday td Mn `and, . u.. uwuuzug ur .0.'jBell, who we :5 (1im.>, J. ._ I unnirina nnvh` 1t the week-end in uuy, uuu. Lu, -v arga of ten cents . put in outside`: has been found 'vileg of getting. ma Pure Lard `has been quite ill u "r'7v II. `n. Wiseilas. David. 5 III. "U115 `lIrXUV5' D.. McCuaig re- n ullnll nu-Ln um C AND REIAIL WSFIL 3 watched -Vancouver x in the director- 1` ll-lV....:.. --n_ retuxned '60; I?ow sD_A n spending some? ichprd Rogerson. FCHIE Jary V19, 1922 larket - Eu: Road TAIL 3 CIRCULATION _ THIS WEEK I ETOR `nun: vice. uuouululalvlh . Harold Dyment suggested an provement in the water supply vice. This mm: dlunnuml ....A u . -and u vv Ill Geo. Vickers thought it advisable that the poultry association give the fair `more support, and a resolution was adopted asking the directors .to seek _ greater co-operation from the association. ` tl'-..-IJ n - - - ' Otljer Suggestions Messrs. Kennedy [and Love urged the posting up of placards at suitable places to inform visitors of the na- ture and class of exhibitions being shown. ' . ` v_ -u v uanuvo A resolution was then moved by 7 Secretary Fletcher, supported by Mr. ,Milne, and passed, that the incoming Board be requested to appoint a com. mittee to_confer with the Joint Stock Company, the Town Council and the Parks Commission with` a view to ar- ranging for the `erection of the neces- sary buildings. ` E; A. Little suggested that the sheds be erected, so that in winter they could be used as a curling rink. He said that some Allandale people complained that the distance to the present rink is too far. And, aside from that, it might become a source of. revenue. A ____,'I,,;0 31. V ulll-I50 Mr. Quinlan said it had been sug- gested that were the Joint Stock Company in need financially to carry out needed improvements a percent A age of the society's fund might be loaned, on.-condition that the society might be. able to draw upon it if needed. " . $404 4] Talk of New Sheds The president hoped to see the new buildings erected on the south of the I ravine. The grounds have been re-I duced, he pointed out, -and if the. Town Council would have the ravine ' filled in with street sweepings and the organization have it finished with solid earth, it should make suitable J grounds. ` "__ f`___|__1_ I I I.` n - - 1 ha-s'*`;)e-en ill` for the ' improving slowly- Davidzson have re- t holiday spent `in a. 5 Au V5115, GU VUFDIBH bill posting . . . . . Ticket selling . , . . . Prizes . . . . .. . . . . . . Prizes (field crop). Judges and badges Balance . . . . . . . . . . .u ABUIIL Dculcllh R. J. Fletcher (honorarium) Telephone and telegraph. . Attractions . . . . ; ....... . . Meals . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Band . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . Cartage.....s . . . . . . Rent . . . . . . Straw and feed Tickets . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Assistant secretaries . . . . . Secretary (sundries) . . . . . Secretary (salary) . . . . . . u a 0 c 0 o` u o Ivp`}IJo u Oaretaking . . . . . . . . . . . . Piinting-, advertising anti hill m.+;..... f ,_ _--v -w-vvnu'vJ'CG\iUlJIl year, and J. J. Brown, 9. former pres-, ident, -as honorary president. The other members of the executive elect. * ed are: E. A. Little, first vice-p`resi- dent; Simon Dyment, second vice- ,_ president; R... J. Fletcher, secretary; S. Dyment, treasurer. Secretary's Report Membnrnhin . " an A.` .......-u auauclucub 01 me aoclety 1 Receipts-- _ . 7 Balance from last year .$ 675.57 Received from secretary . . 263.91 5 Gate receipts (first day). . 1387 .355. Gate receipts (second day) 195.10 . Grand stand (first day) . . . 78.90 , Grand stand (second day) 13.35; Concert . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 71.75 ' Received from secretary` . . 587.35 ` Received from secretary . . 50.00 - Received from secretary . . 77 .35 < Government grant . . . . .. 508.00 1 Received from secretary . . 191.21 1 Govt. grant (field crop) . ' 50.00 Town of Barrie `grant . . . . 500.00 |]_ _.-.............. .: uocwcnucuo F W. R. King, acting for S. Dyment, treasurer, presented thedetailed fin- ancial statement of the Society Receints__. 7 vu-3|: VII uuuu By treasurer a.vvvu grllb . . - . . . . o - o - . Gate receipts . . . . . . . . . . . Grandstand . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Concert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Privileges . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Speeding entries . . . . . . . . . Advtg. and phone ._ . . . . . . . Attendants tickets . . . . . . Livestock .entries and stalls Extra entries . . . . . . . . . . . Cash on hand . . . . . . . . . . . 1).. 4.....- _--- A ~ slaylllv Ill IIIIC WHWBI Supply 881'- This was discussed and it was r\.(Continued on` page 2) occzjeI.ary'8 nep Membership .A . . . . . . . . . Special subscriptions . . . Govt. grant, fail fair. . . Govt. grant, field crop . Town grant (`_.n -n `.3 -4!-- Disbursements-- T l1!l-L-I.-', I School and Adult erian Church held the home of W. ay evening, `-ha uuday School` for (`-AAl':A1\lII 0" A an! - up IVCHW year,:;d ; bone ..4|.'.... ..._._-L -~- ,_-_`,-..-....., gun. vuu.'cj.`a 618059`! at the annual meeting of the Barrie Agri- cuitural Society held last Thursday. D. Quinlan was chosen president for the twenty-second consecutive year. E11!` J. J Rrnnnn 1- 3-----~--- -' Plans for new i`air buildings were discussed, improvements in general suggested, and officers elected at the meet_in_g gt` _he Agri- .._lL._,, ,- Barrie Agricultural Society is Getting Busy; O_"icrs for 1922 Elected. PLAN NEW STABLE FOR ma cnouuns one and telegraph. tions an'd. Ln ;e'c'r2a;i' I I .' .ry ry up n.J......4.:..:_.._ - 7 `I , , _ . _ . . . - -volt!!! UK Treasurer s Statement '3 Yr! I criptions . . fair-..... . . SH.:::::::::: u-nosowcscvuo ties hone L2 ..1..... $4649.84 A_ . e accident wasmen-' .xami.ner, is feeling is in attendance. Beatty are working building which Mr. to run a. hopping I now in operation ' 365.30 56.50 1732.10 71.00 67.39 1013.78 $5o.oo7 .13;o4' 268.55 7.10 nnn Ar . .9 66.00 602.50 508.00 50.00 . 500.00 . 1582.45 92.25 `71.75 344.50. 55.90 . 25.16 . 2.77,. 107.85!` 3.95. 37.89`. 3974.27 , V St; I\`hdrew s Bible Class is having a snow shoe and toboggan party on Feb. 2nd. Lunch - _serve_d at the" church -from 9' to 10.30. Bring all your friends andhhe1p' a` good` work alongw, __ L _A v, _ , .4c I;0.0.F. and Rebekah masquerade - ball, riday, Mar. 17. Henderson's orchestra, Toronto- _ 3tfc T` Famous Huntsville Band- finest a in Canada-- Grand Opera House, 1 Feb. 23, auspices of Barrie Women - , Teachers Assocn. 4tf. Trinity e Parish Aid are having a 4 Valentine Tea at Mrs. Hunter Ken- 1 nedy s residence, Mary St., on Feb. 1' 14, from 4* to -7 p.m. Everybody": 1 welcome. a w >14 ,,,_,.:___ ___,__ A. . .. - 1 _ ___ _;._~~--V-"Ax'A"f`1"TTT Notices under this heading, 20 per , Hadin- mar urn:-rl ' ;;*-ma `,_ _--- _--us nun vIo&LlF\-lo A- notice iwaei read statiixg that a deputation from Midland would ask for an audience, Thursday, for the purpose of asking a grant for the St. Andrew's hospital. . ` g$mm&w&xwmwm%m&& m [uni-nun- _-...._- __._ E giuvu plu nuguruun , Ill. " - umed from a. visit n n....l -.!-:_.2L-- v.. V`! `non VJ yuvlcu VB: Before the deputatioh could move away Couns. Coleman and Sinclair offered a_mot_ion that the committee on finance consider the request for a substantial grant. This wgs carried. A, .....L.'-- -_--A " ' ORILLIA Hospnrz sssxs GRANT A deputation of Geo.. Thomson, 3 postmaster of Orillia, and Dr. Ardagh ` _ representing the Orillia Soldiers 3 J l ) _` Memorial Hospital, asked the County ' Council, Wednesday, for a grant of $5,000 to the hospital. Mr. Thomson `said the hospital is costing $100,000 and it will take about $15,000 to `furnish the building. Dr. Ardagh _said every man who enlisted in the . army had been promised free treat- I ment. The town is paying $25,000` . and the township $5,000 towards the hospital. The annual grant of $500` I made by Council, the said, was over- 1 used in care of county patients. I 13.3.... LL. 1 -' vvll VB: Judgment is xpcted to be given in the case tomorrow, (Friday). ' rad. vvcc Ii the cix , lunch) A-CL nu. IIC 'DlGlvUuo I 2 Evidence intthe Elmvale case was accepted as applicable` to the Barrie case. One point brought out was that the government analysis showed a' ;di erence in the strength of the ;sample taken at Elmvale from that {of Barrie, though both samples are _said to have come from` same! ;barrel. ' `IV A U` "- ` _, -,,_ ----..... .. uuuuuzuupculu. 3 Mr. McGuire testified he -had sold the smart identically ashe had bought! it and that he had bought it in good, ! faith as `fB.P. standard from the 3 Port Hope firm. W. J. Fielding, manager of the 3 Consolidated Chemical ,Co., sworn, I admitted the sale by his firm The Consolidated had ordered a barrel of the regulation tincture of iodine [from the Canadian Industrial Alcohol 3` `Co. of Corbyville. It was his firm"s I gfirst order to that company. He had 3 certificates showing the figures of mixture. - If there was anything wrong with it the blame was not with his firm. he -stated. 1. 'E`u..'|...--A 1-- Al was av; IICJ ' \.JUIrUCl'n The inspector told of buying six` ounces of the tincture at Elmvale, Oct. 27, for $1, and the subsequent analysis by his department at Ottawa which showed the iodine to be under regulation 'standard`_of strength as set by the British Phvarmacopedia. Mr T|lI':u`l`1-u-uh... .._.:.:.a_--1 I - - .... ......u. w answer we charge of un- lawfully selling adulterated tincture of iodine. H. J. Dager, Dominion in- spector, laid the information and prosequted -the case with Crown At- _to1-'ney- Cotter. mh` :_______, . .. - . The public generally, and druggists L in particular, will share keen interest in the judgment to be rendered in the case coming under the Pure Drug and Food Act tried before Magistrate Clark last Friday. - H. G. Robertson, Barrie, W. J. Me- Guire, Elmvale, retail druggists, and the Consolidated Chemical Co., Port Hope, wholesalers, appeared in Bar- rie court to answer the charge of lawfully sellinr adultm-mm! +:.......... mzuc CASE JUDGM1-jm-% '1 I Tone FR|{)A_y`* ` musk- _._._ ,, 11 Ul lvl-ll? III`) LUIV Pay, Jan. 16, it on-no .J A-an nnnf