nary 19, lL|'\al IJIIC I IIBCB [U I'll`? Y El IU UB DUIIBI5 proved, beyond a doubt. that Churchill `possesses both instructive and humorous speech-makers. The songs. readings and stump speeches were excellent. No doubt the banquet will become an annual aair. The toastmasters were Eben Todd -and G. C. Allen. The toasts: Our King. re- sponded" to with the National Anthem... Our Country, responded to by Wilfred 'Stewart. Our Church '--- Rev. W. John- ston. , Our Pioneers-G. C. Allan. Our Sunday School--John Lucas. Our Choir-- Eben Todd. `.`Our Young People ---Mrs. R. Boyes, Miss Coraanning. The Bachelors---"Howard Allan, Miss Winter. The 'Ladies--Rev. W. Johnston. The programme included the following choruses": The Maple Leaf, Old Black Joe," Old Folks at Home. My Home Town," Smile, Smile, Smile";- piano. solo by Miss Josie Reive; `v al solo by Mrs. G. C. Allan; piano diigt by Mrs. Hodgson and Todd; readings -by Miss Iva King. Mrs. Robert Boyes. Miss Me- Lellan; stump speech by Walter Allan; Auld Lang Syne and God Save the King. Ill A'llll'll'.\JKllC LIIEIA WUUl\o ' The local U. F. 0. Club held a fowl supper ,at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Otto D8.\lS on Jan`. 5, for the purpose of cele- brating the election of T.cE. Ross to Par-I liainent. Aubout sixty, `club members and their families, were present and also Mr. and Mrs. Ross. A bountiful supper of fowl and other dainties was provided by the ladies, -to which was done full justice. A- number of games assisted in the sociability of the evening and a short impromptu pro- gramme of songs, Vrecitations and speeches was presided over -by Herb Johnston. Mr. Ross also" spoke for a short time. During his remarks he said that he hoped the peo- ple would remember that he was their re- presentative and as such would -be_.glad to hear -from them at anytime. If they `had any suggestions tom-ake, he would -be glad of them. The party broke up with every-~ one in good spirits and. feeling that North Simcoe will be` ably represented in Parlia- ment -by Mr. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Ross were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Plowright until the following morning. ' V D. Mc-Callum spent a. few -days in Hamilton last week. ,.4Il.. .._.I `II ... `Y A IIT:lI_-__ ___L___1._1___I L LIIIIC-lll|C|l Elmer Johnston took a sleigh? load of young people into Barrie last Tuesday ev- eni_ng to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thoa. Elliott. A. jolly` `time was spent in all sorts of games with plenty of music. after which refreshments were served. All had a most delightful evening and reached home in the early hours of the morning. mac L119 `Vnunn ...+.........l - I .. I cuuy uuuxa UL UIJU lHULllllIs- > ` Miss Florence Knapp has returned to MacTier, having spent. a few weeks at her home here. ' l\;I_I,_ _____,__,_ L_ vL_ `.___4,;,,I_.,L 2, AL! uvunc Ill`-LC. -. Colds appear -to`-be prevalent in this community. several being on the sick list frfom this cause. ` - :-..;..I ....L........... ............ L- 1... .L- ...;.1-`.. ILVJIII I/ll uaucc. Social gatherings appear to be the order air the` evening in this vicinity. another party taking place on Friday at the home_ of Mr. and Mrs. P. Kavanagh I tlrnllukun lnuc I-nfnilnnr` #1. Ian Tana, 1!] I'll. -`Illll KYLIE; I. . LXGVCIIIUEII =J. Houlahan has returned to Jas. Tor- pev's. after spending some time in Elmvavle. ` gMise Ruby Pattenden visited her siste; in All;-mdale last, week. 5 7'I'\L_ I.._-I I ? T.` f\ l\I,.1_ L,I,I E, I ) IVIIL `I-IhJIl`\J hi I (`I I -I\Il'~` (fan. l6.--Master George Ottaway of Baf- rie visiting his grandmother, Mrs. T. Pattenden. ' l7\l_.-_. v-L_. ,L-,__ 1___I_ , 4,1,1,` I ,| ,1- *%$i$**&$$%$%*$&$%%$$&$*: N1-`.WS mom Nalcunonmc TOWNSHIPS >2 1 l.. I [SUGAR %*%&%*$%*&%%%$w%%***%*&$ 5 .CHURCHILL %|% `I MINESING la uanu UN\l.l, ICED W`eUK.o Mrs; `Lynn of` Allandale is visiting her an H Lvnn MINEn"* .9!-WE$ % L. THE BARRIE EXANVKINERI unug owxv, nurne. `F Toleplhone oraak them for all about it-or write 'l`yIrrel1 s Hygienic Institute, 163 College St., Toronto. ux euurgy unu ueuptusauess. You bathe outside, why not bathe in- temally too-it is far more important. Mm. Isaac Muller, Morse, Sask., `writes: I have increased in weight and am per- fectly well now. The J. B. L. Cascade has saved my life.`Thanl to `Dr. Chas. A. 'I5'rrell. Please publish this, -as it might heaoh someone who has not heard of the Cas"oLade.7' - I`) I) `I IQ___,,I, 9 .3 p . 1 I \J$UUAlUu > The B. B. L. Oascade is the perfected in- hvention of Dr. Bhules A. Tyn-ell of New Yorkwfar internal bathing. It "fa now being shown `and explained -at Wm. Croae_land's` Drmr Qfnm Rm-I-in `K - -BANISH mwas AN? BATHE INTERNALLY` I have been using the J. B. L. Cascade` for about eight months now. I `have found it in every way satisfactory. I feel better than I have for a good` many years. I would not be without my Cascade for any- thing. I also use it on my children, as it is so "simple to use and they would rather use it than takedrugs," writes Mrs. J. Jones. 76A Notre Dame St... Lachine. Que. This letter is only one of thousands we have received which "tell a story of grant- itude over the benets derived from In- ternal Bathing. -By the use of the J. B. L. Casca'de the colon or lower intestine can be cleansed of poisonous` waste, gently yet eectually with warm water, remov- ing the cause `of, stomach ills, headaches, loss of appetite, impure blood, piles, lack of energy anddeeplwsness. vnu H\nnf}|n. nnfnu-In -nu-I-nv nab Innng 3-`, Lib". Ex". 35; ;.1t3.n 10 u uuu capmlueu -36 W11] BIQUW lDrug Store, Barrie. `V 'I`n`anl`|.nI-tn .4-nu. gulp SL4...` Cn- vvrul 1cxuI.nca,uI:re. I The sympathy of this neighborhood is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beeton in the loss of their home by re last week. Tho I-inlr nrnonnal nn .Qn4-nu-Ann ..3...1..; --.:aL um Luca ux eutur uume Dy nre last week. The rink opened on Saturday night with excellent ice and a. fair crow . 'l`1-m l.....!..... ..I..l.. .L..l.I 4.L-:_ ____.,e-,., v cnucucuo we ullu 8. -18.11` crown. The hockey club held their organization meeting. Saturday evening. Jan. 7, and they are now getting ready to face any half-dozen puck-chasers who have a mind to come along. Rev, J. Albert Leece, B.A., B.D., of Minesing United Presbyterian and Method - ist Circuit, has received a unanimous in- vitation to succeed Rev. Geo._ Lawrence as pastor of New Liskeard `Methodist Church. The invitation has been accepted by Mr. Leece, subject to the will of the stationing committee. His duties on the northern eld will commence next July, which date will be here all too soon for" his manyefriends on this circuit-. The -Sllndlv ulnialn-irln DYII! nII'r\v\n\i 120. V Iu LVJUUIGUAUH. Mr, and Mrs. Wm . Waldru of B_radf9rd spent the week-end with Miss Esther Gro_ves `vulinr QIrIil:nrrfnn ml `I'\..A_..:L 1,. _-:-:L._._ cpcuv tut wcczx-cuu wun LVJJSS nsmer uroves Walter Symington of Detroit is visiting James St-ribbell. Jan. l._6.---Mi.sses Vglma (Crawford and Elvia Ch'appel. are "home from Toronto.. Mine Flinn Qtnbm Lu M..- 4... A..l......- mum uuuppm. are nome [F0111 1oronno.. Miss Ellen Stokes Lbs gone to Aylm,er, where she intends stayingfor some time. Russell Graham of Vandorf is visiting his sister, Mrs. R. Plowright. MI` Al'n(\`l` A` Rnrr:n ennui-ll-`an uvnnlp nu-I-1) ma mutt`, Mrs. IL. 1'10Wl'lgnI~. ~ -- Mr. Arnold of Barrie spent the week-eh with relativeshere. TL- ..--.........L.L_. -1 LLE, , ' I I 1 1 c um '1puu_y'u.lUllu3 `DI! I-ms cll'cllll';. The Sunday School sleighride and supper held last Wednesdayafternoon was a splen- did success. A number of teams were on hand and took the scholars `for an hour s ride in the keen air. They returned with` healthy appetites, which were provided for by the mothers. After supper a short pro- gramme was given in the basement. The chief items were a vivid play` acted by a nunrber of junior boys, enti-tled The Good Samaritan," and a few well chosen re- marks by Chas. Parker. (Asst. Supt.). The latter voiced the need o co-operation in the home with the school, in. helping the scholars learn the lessons and memory work. The pastor, Rev. J. A. Leece,.was chairman and brought forth `hearty hand- claps for the teachers and other workers. the teamsters and the _mothers for their part in making the event such an enjoy- able one. ' ,tmg was held in the "1 Wednesday cayen- LIULC lill WCUI\o The Women s Institute met at the home of Mrs. V R. Slesser on Wednesday after- noon of last week with a good attendance. Arrangements -were made for the coming fowl supper. Rev. G. H. Knighton was present and spoke on "The Value of.Good Reading." The next regular -meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Patter- son` on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. _8. Word was received here on Thursday of dtth Of Aflihin R;l`1un" ll; Anna you uu vveuxzuauuy auernoon, reo. 5. recelved the death of Mrs. Archie Bidwell of Moose Jaw, formerly Mia Susie Coates of this place. The A-bereaved -ones have the deep- est sympathy of many friends here. (Too Late for Last Week) Jan. 10.--EIvin Dean went to Toronto Vlast week-to attend Technical School. fin:-rlnn N'nMunbnn Lam unb...........l L- "l\-_ Luau vvr:cx\"LU aueuu .I.ecnn1cal,DCn00l. Gordon McMackon has returned to Tor- onto after visiting `his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. David McM-ackon. ' ml - ....J 1.1 ... nr_, nr :1 an .- -. -. - \aII|l\- The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old 'Margerson is seriously ill with pneu- moma. e Jun. l('>.~-The boys have been -busy get- . ting the,rink in shape -for skating. Ju:.v:e'~` Lauder was a delegate to _a U.F. 0. inergting -held in the city last week. Marry Kissick visited in Orilliv. re- cently. . Mrs. .Jos. Cock-burn spent the week-end with friends in F105 c NIL... l)..LL 11_,,,, I, 1 - ` " Jan. 17.-Excitement ran high about 6.30 Monday night when it `was fourid that C. W. Gentleman s house was on re. Ev- erybody s phone rang and in a shoft time`. a crowd of men were on the spot. They-~* formed a `bucket `brigade and it was not long till they had the fire under control. They had to break the d oor~open, as the family were all away. The re originated u'nSt-Mir.` nd nnifo 9 Huh: IIYO }\nu-nnpl `an Cl-[C UUIH5 it ruauulg 'DllSlIl8SS. People driving across the. lake should be win-e of the open water where the ice has been `takenout. M01`-al--Get acro$ before dark. V ,I'..I I 1. n.-- .-- __ Miss Ruth Brandon -has returned from I the West. . xx:_, ru.,|, n .. . (VI '. - - ` vvuu. u Acuua Ill .["1UB. I.L|C "cat. ,. Miss Gladys Sutton of Shanty Bay has returned home -after visiting friends in this vicinity. I I 'u.....:u at .u......:. `>>F-4 - Am 1 mnel at Fisher's. choose from. Price 0 u 1I.CWll'|' U1 here last week . m|__ 1Ir_,,, , 7 .....u_y vvclc an away. 1118 um originated upstairs and quite a hole was burned `in the roof. The building was insured. The past few days have been favorable for the ice companies. The Lake Simcoe Ice. Co. put in 10,400 blocks on Monday. There are lots of men and both companies are doing a rushing business. ' ipnnwin ririvinrr l)lII'l\En I-inn 1.11". ..L...l.l L- ll1LlLI'lI o J. Hewitt of `Barrie spent a few days xere last week, BELLE EWART . A.".! 5 |Saturday, Jain. 28 AUCTION SALE 20 % COWS . -- 4-1:: a `In I , t There will be no service in the Congre-' gational Churches wt Edgaror -Dalston next! Sunday afternoon and evening. The mem- I bers of these-churches -arerequested to at- I tend the morning service in the Methodist! Church at Dalston and evening service at| Edger. Durham cow, .6 yrs., ~ Durham cow, 5 yrs., D * Durham cow, 7 yrs., Durham cow, 6 yrs., Durham cow, 5 yrs., Holstein cow, 5 yrs., Holstein cow, 6 yrs., `Holstein "cow, 4 yrs., Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs., Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs., Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs, [SALE AT 1 P.M. lvic orGas ' - ' ': "' "e" 1-'ure-bred Polled Angus cow, 5 yrs., Durharn -5 due Feb. 1. due Jan` 30_ .::::::: 22:: 23:: :3: :: :22: by sane. due by sale.. Hdstein cow 6 yrs ! due March 1' cow, due by sale. Durham COW . 5 Yrs-. due M31'9h 4- Ayrshire cow, calf at foot. Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs., due March 1. Ayrshire calf at foot. 2 Durham Heifers, due by sale. The above cows are all- extra choice and all will be sold without reserve. Any person wanting cows will do well jco attend'this sale TERMS OF SALE- Six months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum off for cash. uzuauy. ` After convey- ing Mr. A. J. Bal- four and other prominent Peace Conference dele- gates across the Atlantic, Captain Cook was taken ill on arrival at Quebec." He was lying ill on the steamer on her return voyage, `and when the steamer reached Liverpool he was removed by am- bulance to his home, but too late to recover. Late, The late Captain Cook. who was 53 years of age, was a man of ne appearance, and possessed a most courteous and genial disposition. He -was looked upon as one -of the most capable commanders sailing from the Mersey, and he performed ex- cellent service during the war years. Cantin Ck HIRE l\nr-n of T011 coucuu. acrvlce aurmg rne W3!` Captain Cook was born at Tay- port. and joined the Allan Line in 1893 as fourth officer of the Cartha- a-inn -on `X731-Lin tn . . . " . . _. L. ...__ Love) as Luuliun uu1'.'(-:1` 0'. me "uartna- I ginian." Wnhm four years he was nu: bu .'1LA8l!Ll(.'. Following the Armistice, the Can- adian P:~r-*'-ic Company retained him as commander of the Alsatian, which liner, following her: conversion from war service, was renamed the (Empress of France." Captain Cook has since sailed regularly on this liner. and he .wasf very highly es- teemed by ccean travellers. including 5 pl) distinguished passengers on the `.` __v,-,_:.`vre_ss of France? as the Duke ind"*`Du`ches`s of Devonshire. Lord Byng I-Governor-G`enen.l of Canada)-. mdwthe Rt. Hon. It. A. J. Balfour. The Canadian Pacific recently lost by death in England one of their popular sea captains wvhe 11 Captain Ebenezer FAA]! D M D ]l)":\ vuun , .I.\..J.V .J.\u, 14 LI! commander of the Canadian Pacic liner Empress of France passed away at his resi- dence at Great Crosby. Affnr t\nnwnvr_ \. it VLGIU IIJUCHCACI Cook, R.N.R., late nnnxnnnnar AF Hnn y uuuuuu LU CHIC]. uzucer DI U16 ` unisian," and he became the Com- mander of the 0rcadian" in 1907 On. the commencement of the war the Admiralty placed him in com- mand of the Victorian, and `later he was given the command of the Alsatian. at that time flagship to the 10th Cruiser Squadron of the North Atlantic. Iii`.-.`I1n...:..... n.I_. n__.,:_.:~ , -I I` p;.`.=;;3g; A Late Commandef of the "Empress of_France.` A ~. to sell by Public Auctibn at Jos, Martin's `Yards, Barrie, The undersigned has received instructions from % PM-5T.N 'am011s Sea Captain W.H. MARTIN calf at foot. the following : Late, Captain Cdok. If so, let e re-char; haul your od service, Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs., dye Feb. 2. Pure-bred Polled Angus cow, 4 yrs, Au. 1.... .J..L.. -1 _,_v, . _- ___-:,.-V V-cw, - a--tug due by of sale. Pure-bred Polled Angus A..- ' 1... ... on uapuuu uuux. 9 The high esteem in which the lath Commander Ebenezer Cook was held manifested itself at the _funeral which was attended by a largo throng of mourners, colleagues and friends. The funeral service was offered at St. Luke : Presbyterian Church, Great Crosby, the service being conducted by the Rev. J. Vaughan, M.A., Vicar of Great Cros- by. Captain Cook was a prominent member of the Masonic Brotherhood. '"iE'y were la_id on the znvl. tE' "dfi-s'$nd"st'ff 31 press of F`raFu;e." and E lI!QA an-no.--_d. yuaa_ us 1- range. ana Br1ta1n"A were ymseug Mnnv hnnufnl H . {Office in Standard Bank Bldg. Strand I - ` 3-log . Issuer of Marriage Licenses w. A. MCQONKEY, I Ijiuju R. M. McCONKEY n..4 I_bs_. 77 Aucnoniam Page Five ` catering s .-n- , dock aw-. iargent, F: :_ ng maste- '. ral agem ._ I Sir GP ,1) _pean ger -.1 I11. passw ..~--r 2 number `.1! of the ` Imu- Lii."'c meal I OUR wn is George 1: country may ' paper. Phone through him. >DEN who has been ill, Ht?" BURNS 18 ._`.|`Il , IIUIII Us-Iv luv "f "1"" """" . Printed notices containing further micr- t` to conditions of proposed `con- _f;:,`t"m:. be seen and blank forms of gaudy; may be obtained at the Poet Oicesn 5A 3;; gy..Bay and4..E_,dshr. 8341 8* '5hf %,,_;:r3ho Post 0ico..Inapoc.tox-, .`1'otouto. ` `\ 'n-,1 1:12-- 7.........-o..-`. mn 'I"n-anon wed sawing lumber 11 this week. purchased the farm to Chas. Harper. ducted noon. at 2.30. 650 to inducted to the ab of Cookstown and 1. urL.:u..1..._ nn .. SEALED. TENDERS. addressed. to the.` "Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 17th of .Fqbru'ary,a 1922, for the conveyance of His 'llajesty s. Mails, on a proposed contract `forniouryeare, six times perweek, on the '1\qute{8han_ty~ Bay, Rural Route No, 1 via "Edgar, from the let o.f`Ap1-il next. L ,:-,;.-.| _.u.:..... ...-...+n:n`nn Cuahnr {rell-. --nu v.Jn\I Cont-vvir-vvu I\(u--- -...n...., J... J` - OATTLE-Holstein cow, 5 yrs,., due in March; black cow', 7. yrs., due in April; Hack cow, 4 yrs., due in February; Hol- -'tein' cow. 4 yrs_., due in April; vred cow, J yum, due in May; Holstein cow, 7 yrs., due in A`pl'.; Holstein cow, 4 yrs.,A'milking; heifer, due in August; Holstein cow, due in `S`eptem`ber;'bull, 2 y1%.old; 6 spring ' . PlGS-`Brood sow. _SHEEP-7 ewes; ram-; 40 hens. . * |MPLEMENTS_--McCormick binder; 12- 'diso Superior drill;'Frost '& Wood mower; spring-toobjh ctxltivetor; disc barrow; gang pIoys;;;`2 walking -plows; 'scuf1er;:_2 sets of 'wa_go_n; democat; ' set of heavy ; set `of_ light sIeig'h_s;p cutter, new; meet wagon; cant; `set plzttfox-m" scales; .pr`ulp'er;' dog rpower`;`_Sta.nd;'vrd separator; ~ba1'-`rel chnrn;, Chevrolet car` in, good` run- order;gaso1ine engine, _4 horsepower; Mespsey-Harrie cubng_box, No. 2'; well out- .t;"bqmplete';_ good c_oolcingj st3ove' "and kit- -z'hfxi_uter;.sils; a <";uan1;ityof `roots. ` -`AW! -"gr?" "Nd at-LIA 'm:+hmu-. .1-nlnnrvn lag the ll!` Dl'LLl.Er`T"Dl.l1lIH Ul. C-l.U.UU uuu udr, cmh; over that amount 10 months : 3 oreditj_wi_l_l -be given '-to parties `furnishing a'pf'o'_ joint notes; si`x"per cgmt. off for o`gs1"oii"oredit s u_n_1s. ' - V , .sa:l_, e_Mat_l p.m. w. A. Mecoukzv, Auct. 3.-3-75 '<?!3e.n.,W.*5`."?.i 3Hu*!1*Wy 0: rwwo fo Vsold with<;_ut greservje as the -prapriegqr is `giving up arming.` ' ' 3 TERMS OF'SALE~.-Sums of $10.00 and 1'.`-53, "L__I`_ _ _._.-_ 4.I...A. .... ..LA. 1n '....'..`...LL..7 "'-he" undersiglnd `has receixged instrucr.v.ons `noun-In / pnnunn DALE. OF .FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS "`HDRSES-4M;-t-r:hed mm gnys, 3_.a.nd "' years old; matched team -brorvwns, 4 3/18. .1..- :..l QITTI F `I`I_I_L_2_ --__. E .._.... George Jackson7 and ti-om_3ers_. V - Ge6._ W. Taylor, Secy., '75. E; Thurston, 1 xjee., The: Fourth Annual Sale of the Victoria County Hereford Breeders Association, consisting of 45 head of Pure Bred Polled and, Horned Herefords, inspected stock, will; be held at T-`inning : sale Barns, Lindsey, vOnt., on Wednesday, Jan. 25th, -.=+"corrunenc,ing-~at `one o'clock. B Terms--Cash or eight months` credit on appnovbd joint notes bearing "interest at. four per cent. at the optionof the pur- chaser. Catalogue on application. _ Ted Jackson, Auc- (I0- vv nnnvv anal!!! V V VI-D electricity, has U.S. Go,vernr'nent rsities and found 10 ordinary oil hout odor,"'smoko ing up, is `simple, 94% air and.6_% coal-oil). A _ N. Johnson, 246 treal, is offering 10 days FREE ve one FREE to locality who will i it. Write him culars. Also ask you can get the t experience `or $500 per month. (Advt.) . _ _Enw3Ri>' J." Hueims AND ms wu-'3 , Photbgraphed as they appeared when attending as witnesses in {he pqlice ' cburt last Friday. wg rt-v--- -:--u - isehereby given ;that the Annual ' Gerieial Meeting" of the`sh``u'eholdere `of the. Bafrie Union Cemetery will -'be -held in the Police Court Chamber; Collier St., Barrie, Ontario, on Monday, Jan. 23. 1922, at 7.30"'p`.-m.i, for the pm~pose of receiving the anxiiial -repofts, for the election of direct- ors such other business as may come before the meeting, ineluding revision `of by-l_aiw5s.` ' _ `T 23c ' 7` " A nDnWhTI WW `Du-nnirlnnf ' . ; `an: Auuu \IlQIuv ..__1.v----, ~___-.,.--. mp.-u ` . oice Inspectors Oace, Toronto.` Li. -`I-i.I 1 000 Thursday; January 19, 1922 ANNQAL MEET.1N`c;_} or III Uuauu su 1922. `. AI S -"yaw-cw an t Lo1"2?,"c'o'N.-1I, mmsm to sell -by public auction `on -nuuuuml it Id`! nu- nun: VJ -ran-nvodv n-`guy.-u... VI"-`RIIEAIY, .u_\N. 29 AUCTION SALE overhauled- aning jand` A. BROWNLEE,` President. 'J.'W. NBES. Secretary. - -- A-.- CREDIT II QTQKII I MAIL comm j---' w-:. the 1--mllowing: |r`vI lnonunu U, . Pdst Oioo ~ Inspector.` 2.3; 1.. Bobcaygeon, Ont. s., Bobcaygeon, Ont. CCCIUB (`ll `UU `I/IIC UIUCI UI I'll`? `lay: Russell Hancock has returned after spendingsome time with friends in Thorn-A bury. _sawingL wood around the village. ~ Jan. l6.-Er.nest Crawford is quite buy 1'.L.. rsn___ :_ _L:_.,_:__ - av .- 'g.'.;..;"i;;1.;;,:i,;g"i: m.d `of pressed hay to Mr. Johnson, Washago. f\___-_____I .4L!,.,__I 0 FMFORT SOAP b ea stock on Monday. , . The Oro Station skating rink is in ne condition -and everybody is enioying it. The rink is 160 `by 40, feet, with skating full width of rink and drop doors at front; for the benefit of spectators at the hockey matches and carnivals. There is also an- other building with lunch counter for the -hockey nights". a _ Owinz to the storm. there was `a small wE).:vci ngl"<;:}'xe stonm, there was `:5. small attendance at St. A And1ew s Church,` Sun- day evening." ` gulmt U: 51;: ololtl, nun. UCU. runny. Miss Winnie Monteith_has gone to Tor~ onto"to spend some time wit-hfriends. M:uc I.n.fHn .4-\nk-v-nun AC Tin`--in crnnn` Alan \'VUCI\.`C'llll `Cl KICK IIUHIC 1IUl'3o I C. Arnold of Angus spent the week-end with his wife, Mrs. C. Arnold. the school teacher `here. ` . an... r_.._.... I.~_-..I_-_,,_ 1- `I nuuA||uun:. Frank Rice has moved down on the Pea- cock place on `the fourth line until Mar. 1. Mrs. M. A. Story is yery ill. Her -many friends wish her a speedy recovery. WAnH.nIIt,f:nn .unH Av-nan-:nn uvnnrl and `Ana IIIUIIIJB WIFIX llcl U DPCUUJ I77UVClVyo A Wood-cuttmg -and drawmg wood and logs seems to be ;he order of the day. niluanll I-Tnnnnnlr `Inna 1-nfnu-nnrl urnn "'i3}"1,."6ralJso'i' V7"'T a '$;I;"'or potatoes last week. - V T The U. F. O. shipped a. arload of mix- ed etock Monday. ' A u-A gafnI>{(\n alrnl-:nn :5 :I\ cum`- ULIUIC LIED WCCl\c 4 Mrs. A. Garvin, speng a short -time last week with friends in Toronto. Ill. 'I)..L.. I'_Y..-`L'L.....d. .1- -.:...2L1.... '_1__.J_ .!_ -our 18 gen-mg newer again. Atitheo -U.F.O. concert held in the school .house on Monday night, there was -a good I`-progratnme and all report a good time. (lntu-an Qnnn:-A in I-nnnunu-inn nffmn Inning `IIUSICIJIIIIIIU auu. all ICIJUIU 5 M1116. George Spence is recovering after -being laid up with quinsy for some time. Zlamw Pierce. Sr., is an the sick list. Miss Evelyn Osborne of Thornton is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Finlay. Mina W:I\n:n Mnn9nifL Isun nunna I-n Tnu VCGUIIUI 'llCICo ` vi Mrs. James Frankcom spent a few days with friends in Barrie last week. ~ t)..L....4. nr..u:_ :_.'|..._:I_. __ _.__._J 2,, ._._u, Wlllll IIIISHUB LII IJHIIJIU [DEE WCUI\o ' Robert.Wattie islbusily engaged in catch- ing fish in Barrie. He moved his sh-house there last week._ " ~ III... A l`1-__,,_,. . _nA 1 7 - A` ` [A Jan. 16,-One of SVutton's.-children` felI'in a pail of hot water and` was scalded, -but is getting better again. An} f`In` nnnnnrf :11 I-Ln cnhnn` Illlvll (`U EIJCIILI U1UC IIILHC Wll'H Il`|UHu5o Mxss Lot-he Cochrane of Barrie spent the week-end at her home here. I` A......J,l At A........ ..-..; LL- _-.__l_ _.._I ` VVCUl\ Wll/ll IIIUMUB Ill I.UIUlIlI1o 1 Miss -Ru-by I-Iu=`bbert is visiting -friends in `Allandale. ' ` ' `I'1\___I- 112-- `L..- .___.___I _`l_,_,_ -_,, ;I,, I1 `You swallow it like any other medicine in capsule form. o It is guaranteed to` restore normal reathing.sp:op mucus gathering '- in. nasal and bronchial passages, assures long nights of quiet sleep. Costs 91.00. Get free,trial from our agents. or write Temple- tons Limited, Toronto. Ont. is not an experiment;- not a complicated treatment, or avsnuff qr gar-gle, herb-smoke or serum, but a gmall capsglc filled with RAZ-MAH JASTHNIA ....v. way- I1 Sold'by Wm, Croeeland. In Allandale, by .A, E.- Patterson`. gu ux uuunnlruwll 9110 E. Whittaker, D.D., rector for the past up was -asisted by f Beeton and~Rev. cad,-while. Rev. Tn ist for -thepccasion. an appropriate and 1 5:12, 13. em long service in elds of Canada, and Eskimos. At ervice a supper. was I to the visitors and gation. For those alictcd with ,frm-:n: IS A REMEDY! ORO STATION MIDHURSTH .` social in connection" with the Anglican Church was" held in the hall on `Friday evening. There was a good pro- gramme of singing, 1-eadingduand dialogues; and the band and the orchestra furnished some excellent music. Al`L.._L `l\.._...._ 1.-.! LL- _.3,,a-,,.,. , 1, H,` wguizhe annual school meeting of No. .15, J. Simughenesy- was re-elected. as trustee and aectqtary-treasurer. Geo. Healgy and `Mr. Ottaway also -are vtru_stees, Geo. Bid- well being the retiring trustee year. will` Wank; Inns `I1 4"`:-uvnnfn Jn-L I IIAI-EXP" .(I\I\.II3` '.1Im;b'er cumm- u, ` . u: u 5 'I`h;1'telg;;`hone company held their an- nual meeting on Saturday afternoon, when the oicers were ielectod for 1922. DUKIIIIIIUE IALICS `I Inc. McKinley. IE-. and "ma - . Mclunlay. V L . Mr. and. M18. Aubrey Bertram have _re- L trned to Toronto. . . `ll- ll-n. '_.1.- `I.-- L-.. :_ ____ L._In, at gives an amaia white light, even n|nnLq.3n:l-no I-an ti? Vvjl Jan. 16.-4-Quite a number of- children in this lcality are suering rom whooping nmni , I `M1-..Mott,..whoAhas been in poor health for aotne mont1m,.is somewhat improrvad. flforleyi Beath was in. Toronto last week. Robert-.Ac|diaon has gone north to the I llnnhhv nnmnn IIGlll\ VKIUK 1115: V x. Mr. and. Mrs. Hutton are spending a few days in Toronto with their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.)_.Davis. " rm... .............I ---i-I :._ --._..__L:___' __:;.L LL- vvuu vein; um rut-lrulg `vruuwe -uus year, Wm; Weeks was in Toronto last week. attending the tfuneral of -his brother-in-law, Ilp Iln'|'(nlu Jan. 16.-Fwank Lennox has still to use a cane, after having his foot badly crushed by a loaded wagon running. over it. Thu nloir I-unn Ln: Tun Ill\IIrI.lD nnnnln ni- 1) G lU.ICI.l WGSUII J.lIlIlllIJs- UVCIV [Ur Theplay given by Ivy young people at Baxter, "The Ministefs Bride," drew a full `house and all seemed to enjoy it very _mu_oh., Proceeds were $40. 'A-.4-Ln- 1"..--......L1. L....I LL- .._=_k`-...L.-.__V 4- u|u_vu., Lxuuclsua wclc 02!}. Arthur Coxwo-rth had the misfortune to have his water` tank -burned;down on Fri- day. The pipes got frozen, and when an effort was being made to rthaw them the tank tookre. .11.. .-_.I u'__ -n,1L__ ___ __-_,u:,,,-, _ p__;, -the misfortune to cut his hand badly last week. Min 1.-mnn AC` Alla...-l..l.. in 1-24-263.... L..-'llll..I.lUll luau WISUR. "Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Willson entertained a numebex of their-`young friends last week. Rev. Mr_Cousins occupied the pulpit in St. Peter's Ohurch last Sunday. M3 Irlnu-nn'nA I`.-amn.A ll` nwnfnn :73: D LUUCI B \JLl|Ll.ULl LEBII Duuuuy. uhIiss'F}oren'ce Crawford of.Thornton vis- ited friends in thieneigh-borhood lastweek. * Mr. Manson `of Hamilton is visiting his daughter, Mrs. McCallum. . ' Presbyterian Banquet V Didn't we have a time?" Say, I don t know when I enjoyed myself so much!" "Laugh, I gues I did." Didn t know we had so many funemakers -in (_3hurchill!" Such were the comments heard after the banquet on Thursday night, Jan. 12, at Churchill. The Ladies Aid had charge of the banquet and to them must be given the credit for such a delightful evening." The tables were set in the base- ment of the church. About eighty hungry people sat down to them at seven o'clock. The couples `were so arranged that many of the married men had the joy of. eating with a rosy-cheeked damsel. The good things that tempted the a petite were in abundance and many` a b nqueter felt at the end of his meal -that his next veet might be more to his liking if it were a lit- tle larger; The toastmasters did nobly, and the responses to the various toasts nnntynrl l\n11nnrl u rlnn-lmf kn m\IInnL;l`