1922 I contact mxgnc be very severe. ' One case in th counVtry.---'l`he child- is very` ill, has nephritis with convulsions in the fifth week. Parents should be careful to see that every rash is projaerly diagnosed by a. doctor, so that we will have no epi-I -demic this winter. _ ' M. I. NODWELL IVA... .... ...:A.-. `.\T.___- 1 vvuu,-uwuvu v I Unwi- Last week when I was visiting a mother concerning her baby she asked me to look, at `the rash which one of the children had developed. I looled at it closely, asked 3 nmnher of questions, and was suspicious of e communicable disease. The mother thought it merely a heat rash but was will- ing that 8 doctor should see the child. As there were .9. number of other small child- ren going to school from the -house, it was imperative to know the signicance ofvthe symptoms, so the doctor was called and the rash pronounced scarlet fever. It is 8. mild case. but others developing from. contact might be I D.-so Anna in H. ..m...-.... "M... ..L:I.:.:-i- 'w%$$*%%$i%*$*%%$%*%$*$$$ :*$%*$*%$*&%&$&%$*5g&$%& >3 5.: IN WOMWAN S_`REA\LM* xi`. i *1 T `Thursday/, Jan uary 19,- 1922 _ 7 Sealed paclletsonly BlacK.Greewo;- mixgzcoi` I -9,-,9; _vou wHo LIE AWAKE.` You who lie awake 0' night, - Listening the rain. ~ Know. mayhap, it falls more light Where you eased the pain. You who long awake have been, ..; Hm-kening the wind, ` T Know you that it -blows less keen Where you were kind. You who watch with midnight keep: Tears and tempst wil . .` Somewhere one hath softer sleep Because you smiled. You who tryst -with darkness hold. ' Hush 0 nights have proved Somewhere falls the snow lhss cold Because you loved. But "` unIi'ty'! alone` Taltes `permanent > ABLE custom mss M. McARTl-[UR V King Block - - Barrio "r if?` Once triii, is never forsaken FURS REMODEl:LED AND REPAIRED . COMMUNITY NURSE |4 LVKJII 7' 1:111`-In Comm un.1ty `Nurse. UUIHC _yvu any lIHllCo "" Lorne Wingrove. bag potatoes, hag tur- nips, cabbage; Choir Central Methodist Church,` Barrie, cake and sandwiches; Town Hall, Barrie, sandwiches, cake, ham; Powell & Co., 2 infant s hirts,_ underwaist, knot of ya.rn;'Mitche1l Square W. I.. one" ' quilt, four `bars soa-p, nine petticoats, four pairs bloomers, two night dream, package dates; Children's Friend, Barrie, parcel of - picture `books, handkerchiefs, sweater, cap, I pair boy's pants, games; Mrs. Stnpletoml two` jars fruit; Mrs. McPherson. four girls petticoats, three pairs boys pants, six jars fruit, crokinole board; Laura Beeton, scrap book: Mrs. Chas. Brown. three `loaves of_ bread; Mrs. R. Wilson, -basket apples,- jar cream. trwo furs, clothing; Mrs. Fitzgibbon, one quart milk daily; S.-S. No. 2, Oro and Vespra. _two. boxes toys, books, dolls and lcandy; Mrs. Calderwood, two pairs chic- '_kens, `two jars fruit, framed picture, pair bloomers; Alex. ,B1-own. 96; Jas. Chees- man, 85; R. Taylo:'..`bas]ce:t,.ca.rrots; Mrs. Devlin, two chiId`s dresses! `Crown Hill,W. I.. -pair chickens, -libs? butter, 2 jars of ifruit. jar pickles. I-bagpotatoes. basket on- |ions,kbaby jacket; S. No. 19, Oro. box 1 toys, books, dolls :2.nd'-.ca.ndy; Mrs. Webber. `basket onions; Mrs. M-acbaren. two` jars fruit; L.O.L., Baz"rie,- basket sandwiches. icake and cheese; Grand. Jufrymen. $4.25; Mrs- Cam-p'bell_. roast ofvbeef; Midland W.` . C.T.U., ve blankets; Mm. Reynolds. - clothing;,Mrs. Holdwvorth, plush coat, hat; M Rev. `Father Mogan, 83; Mrs. Geo. Arnold. 3 `bag vegetables, ,ba_sket onions; Bart and I.` ! The Executive Co:11n1ittee on behalf of. the children wish. to. heartily thank all who helped in any way to make Christmas the joyful event it was, to them. The-following list is surely evidence of the love of the citizens of the county for.-thisgood work] ,and a source Of great encquragement to: these -who give so liberally of thought and time in its ma.nagement. P:-actic'ally e\'&y part of the. county is represented `in this| v list. Where locality of douoi is not men- tioned. Barrie is the address. If your dis- . trict` is not represented, we will gladly wel- come you -any time. -1- .. '.lu-nn urlnn-nrnyn Han nnd>.nnn;v I`-xntn Lu- im-zczmzn commons TO sH:L'r_:`n reach J I Mrs. Gavin Allan of Lefmy has very_kind- i ly invited the ladies of lh's ociety to meet -at her 1\>me for the afternoon vf the last Wednesday of January, when a programme both instructive and entertaining will be I given. - I Nearly forty ladies attended the January meeting at the home of -Mrs. T. Todd. The special -business before the meeting was at- ranging for .3 concert. A splendid program was given; consisting of an` essay on Fdi- son by Mrs. Marquis; a paper `by Mrs. A. McDonald on Notable Events Fifty Years ` ;_ adhumoxoins regitalgon vol): zi\l[isElIary can an a rea mg y xss no a. ott. A Day Dream of Canada, being a chap- ter `from "The Girl of the New Day." a Bimbo Simmons, candyand oranges; Miss . , Warren, box .-candy; S;= Dyment,` large tur- 1` key; 0. Readman, box candy; Bryson_ Bros., Christmas .cake_;' Mrs. Whitten, two ' boys sleighs; Miss Henrietta Grasett, hoop , and stick; St. George's Society, bag orang- es. ten iquarts milk; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. `Hunter. roast of beef; Mrs Cameron, roast of beef; Mrs. Saso, apples, oranges, nuts; Mrs.-VJ. Burton , oranges, 25 lbs. sugar`; Knox Church, Alliston, Santa Claus box L for all theohildren; M. J._ Brennan, goose, ' pair chickens;Simmons & Co., 3 caps, 2 pairs mitts; James Mills W. I., box toys, mittens. pair slippers, underwear, hair rib- bons, scarf. pair moccasins with 50c en- . closed, three pair `stockings, glass set`, hand- kerchiefs. games, three dolls, boxes candy; T Thornton W. I., box potatoes; Willingi I Workers. Guthrie, ve boxes candy, quilt; Misses McPh,ee,- $2; Telephone Ladies, par- iceltoys; Ed-gar W._ I., large box candy, .1 popcorn; Everett W. I.-, 15 night dresses, [9 pairs bloomers, 12 child/ s dresses, _8 pet- ticoafs, 6 -boys , sweaters, 2 child s sweater coats, cap. pillow slips, 28 Christmas bags; Mrs. J . J. Coey, child s coat, 2 new dress- es;'Mrs. Shanacy, underwear; Miss Currie, 3 pairs new woolen rblankets, 2 pairs'boys stockings, two pairs child's `stockings, eight I pairs mitts, ve Christmas stockings, ten] ltoy books; Mrs. R-. -J. Sanderson, Abasketl ! I I I apples, two pails honey, seventeen picture books, pkage toys; Edgar Thomas, pail honey; . iss Beelby, two girls dusters, toque, new h-andlcerchiefs; Miss ` Pickle, ` Christmas decorations; Mr. Martin, Ivy, bag potatoes, basket-sheets, carrots; Mrs. G. 'I`~hompson,` two pairs mitts, hair rib- b0'n.=;. Washago W. 1., two quilts, three! waists, three petticoats, four pairs papts, ~ dozen hrandkerc-hiefs, three girls dresses, child s.rompers; Miss Morrison, 2 lbs-. nuts; . |N-urth. River W. 1., 35-; Miss Currie, three ysweater coats, two pairs mitts, pair spat-s, I clothing; Mr. W-hitby, pair shoes, two pairs ' new rubbers; Mr. Robb, ve pairs boys boots-; Mrs.,Card, jar fruit; Dalston W. I., ten jars fruit. -bag potatoes, two baskets 1 |apples, cabbage. piece` fresh -pork, ve pairs : boys pants, six pairs mittens, two pina- j fores, two jumper dresses, three pairs of 4 A boots, four night dresses, petticoat, tam, A} serge waist. pair spats, hair ribbons; Mrs. 4 D. M. Stewart. 32; Coukstown W. 1., seven 1 pairs stockings, four pairs mitts, eight caps, 1 Hive velvet tame, three pairs girls boots, pair boy's mitts, ve scarfs, three sweaters, four dresses, two -handkerchiefs, toys, can- dy, books. $8.85 cash; Holly S. S. Christ- mas Tree, basket sand-wiches, basket cakes. CHURCHILL womzws A INSTITUTE STROUD WOMEN'S INSTITUTE THE BARRIE Exggxmea ' amuuuuug l-U -uvu.o.U`x. _ -I The comxmt/tee on Roads and Bndgesl ord_ere_d payment of accounts anlounting to! $445.02; T I l'V_._A_!I _.I!.,,,,., I A . 0 AII I 1 I @110 .U-' o I Council -adjourned to meet in Allandale`! on Monday, Feb. 6, 1922. D II lInl"I\\YT(DV (`l....I. ' l.l\;l'|.Du The Treasurer. James Black, presented-l a statement. of nances up to Dec. 31, 1921, showing a: balance on hand of $2062.93. 1 Tkn nnvn'vva;nn nm E: . . n u A A _ . ..{;....-..........J...l`. auuwxus 21- U':l1.1lL't' un uuuu U1 U0.30. The committee on Finance recommended payment of accounts and election expense= amounting to $518.54. -| Tim ...-.m...:u._.. ,... D-...J. ,...I.: 1)..-.x.___i ined in mg con- t equip- n bath- ry,' etc., \/Anlaublunl, nuvaamc uuwc, uzumunpzu yvunu. By-Law No. 548 was passed appointing certain oicers for the year 1922, namely: Wm. Lafimer, assessor; W. B. Sloan, col- lector; Walter S. Reive '-and J. Wilson Black. auditors; Thos. Sawyer, member local Board of Health; Robt. Warrca and Noah Grose, Sanitary Inspectors. I Thh nluah-nxan nu Dnozlu on.-I D.JA.-m. ....... gnuml UIUBC, ouaubury LHSPCCFOTS. ' The chairman on Roads and Bridges was _instructed to prepare-_ the report -of work on township roads for the Departmentnf Public Highways; ' Tho (`Int-lr uvun nnlrknvinnnl `I\ .....l.... 5.1.- L UUIIU LLIBIJVV U._VDc The Clerk was authorized to order the usual number of copies of the Municipal World for the use of the members and of- icers. ' V111,, m, V 9 1- Illlllllc C\U1`LH'UluU. Coniinunicamions and accounts were re- ceived from the following: H. B. Arm- strong, Allan Watt. W. J. Smythe; John Robinson. Chas. Jobbitt, Ontario Bridge 00.. Royal Victoria Hospital, Robt. Rainey, I. Nelson, F. Clarkson, Hugh A. Lumsden, district engineer; W. A. McLes.n,. Deputy Minister Public Highways Hospital for Sick 1 Children; Advance office; Municipal World. Rxnl.-may NA EAR urn: nnamul onnnhuinn The first meeting of Innisl Municipal `Council was held in Stroud on, Monday, Jan. 9. The following signed their declar- ation ofoice `and took their seats at the Council Board: D. H. Coleman, Reeve; W. H. .\Iartin. Deputy-Reeve; Geo. Leslie, `G. 0. Allan and Geo. Arnold, Councillors.` `Thu panvn nurnnrl Hun Cnllnupin... (III Ll... u. u. nunu um: utu. AFIIOIU, uouncluors. The Reeve named the followmg as the standing committees for the year:--- Roads and Rrirhrpa P. 0. Allen 0...: n......,.::. mvauuuls \;uu1uuu\`.C.5` xur um year:-- 11.0808 and Bridges, G. 0. Allan and Council; Finance-, Ge_o. Leslie, chairman; Education, W. H. Martin, chairman; Indigent, Geo. Arnold. chairman. I`:-mung`...-......4........ .....I .__._,.,,A I I I U oxusuls uuu DUNE tut nulg. Mrs. and Miss Graham served a very dainty Iunch*to all pgfesent. The next meetings are to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCuaig on the even- ing of Feb. 2. ' pa`. Speaking to the U. F. W. 0., Mrs. Cald- well gave a lengthy report of the conven- [etion held in Toronto in December.` Alex. Graham addressed. the ladies of the club for a few minutes," giving some interesting points and good advice on ways of con- fhlcting their meetings, -which it is to be hoped will be carried outgin the coming year. T. Ross snoke to the membens for a short time. The meeting was closed by singing God Save the King. Mr: {Int} 11:. r:....~....... g.........: .. .......i `. - . i `Q? 55 55155-0 I The monthly meetings of the U. F. O.l `and the U. F. W, 0. Clubs and of the Women s. Ins`t.itute'were held at the home ofAMr. and Mrs. Alex. Graham on the ev- ening of Jan. 12. For .tvheVW. L, Mrs. V. Luck read a good paper on -Where Does the Housewife}: Time Go?* bringing out many good points. Mrs. J. D. Gilchrist sent. `her paper to be read by Mrs. Neil Mc- Cuaig. entitled Do We Get Enough Pleas- ure Out of Life? If Not, Why Not?" M-Is. Gilchrist gave some time and thought in preparing such an excellent and helpful paper. Qn...I,:.... 4.-. 41... n `D m n \t_- run "f`"'5F'_L CQUNCIL : . v, 1:75 R. M. nfJooN1{EY, Clerk. New` York to London air service on a Subscribe for The Barrie Examiner and 24-hour schedule is*likely towbe undertaken. get all the news. 82.00 a year. gum delights 7` candy-coated It melts in your . mouth and the gum in the center remains to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe mouth and throat. e ' There are the other WRIG LEV friends to choose from, too: .:". Lndh ml l\\\\.\\\ ... Page Ever 229 |ate|' V I Fn first- ven St.