St. Andrew's Choir had a most en- joyable skating party, followed by, supper at Vair Tuesday night. I O:...........u. P. ("V lulu JJIQLLIV Lassa: Luv-av avvn -o ` A 91V!IIl5\1 lI1l\Il$;VIl'|I Duyycl (iv 1 (A1: I) L uwuusoa unbanus ! Simmons. & Co.-- Annua`l clearing sale all woolen toques, hats, tams, etc., at half price. Wonderful bar-. gains. . 'l"L.. hull not-nnAnA I-uy 4-Inn '5`;-can-:4 all GIIIIUDU IIGIIL 11119 D. D. McLean been awarded the contract for carrying the mail on the Barrie rural route No. 2; | o nL' 3 1.,.1 , ,,__,, sauna. The call extended by the Essen! and Willis Presbyterian churches to! Rev. James Mcllroy of Wallacetown has been `declined. , `l"L_:_ ,_M __11 1 GD UCCII KICUIIIIIJVI` '-``Back.' to Pre-war Prices will` be the slogan of Sarjeant & King's old-time white sale, commencing Mondpy, January 30. 3c. Simmons & Co's annual clearing` sale men's winter caps with and without inside fur bands. Caps reg- ular $1.75 to $2.00, on sale at'$1.00. i n... no `ll n-__..L -2 `l)....L..... A......u.-. UIGL Cpl-lu uu 1+!-covv, VIA nuns, uu Vauvrvn Rev. S. M. Beach of Burton Avenue Methodist church, and Rev. E. T. Douglas, of the Central Methodist, will exchange pulpits for the Sunday evening service, Jan. 22. AL LL- .._._..J:..._ .3 Dl\`nII:l\ Dmnkif CVCIIIIIS BCLVIVC, Uuuo Inn At the meeting of Barrie Presby- teryheld last week a resolution was passed asking the committee on `church co-operation to consider fields in the southern part of the county. ` 7`I'\_-... I3......... nq..&I:-nan t\1In\n`l\"a Ir:e:', Cliltlllu xcu V1. 11- l.Lcuu\.u_y u.v .;v vv uo Judging from the talk among .1 nembe1"'s of thehorticultural society, there will be anabundance of glad- ioli grown in town this summer. Com- , petition at the shows will be then I keen est yet. All IJIIC` avuvuux 1| yusv vc. -any uvv--.uJ. Two Barrie curling quartets visit- ed Stroud on Thursday and lost by `narrow margins. Dr. Rogers beat J. Paterson 13 to 12, while R. A. Suth- erland led W. H. Kennedy by 10 to 9. ..s__._ 13-.-..- LI... 5.11. ..-....n.-.. A . BERRY. PAINTER. paperhanger and decorator. 59 Mary St.. phone 305. Min FOR SALE--TLarge quantity timothy hay and cedar posts. Apply G. M. Sharpe} lot 11, con. 5. Innisl. ` `Q-3p OAK AND HARDWOOD. FLOORS polish- d, etc.-Wm. Smith, 55 Clapperbon St. A e i Box 810. Phone 944. 43-17p -- |-LADIES' GUSTO)! T.XILOR.ING-~ Suits. Coats and Cloth Dresse-5.`. etc. Miss E. Go_sne_v. Allnndale. _ - _1-5c CHL`~:INE\' and house regiai/.ring. all kinds of carpenter work at a Ireason-able rate. F. W. Sh~mnm1. 84 John St. W_. 2-7;: NOTICE-I. the undersigned, refuse to pay any bills or liabilities contracted by Nina Mae Cole after Jan. 18, 1922.-- Alfred" A. Cole. T ` 3-5p NOTICE-~On,account ofmy wife, Mrs. V. . MoMichun. having left me,,I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name. J. .L. McMichan. 2-4c TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN-`-I. the V _....n___:____.x ...L-..,. .. ....-. M.-. I..:n.. A1 i16V MEN'S SUITS. 6 overcoats_._ just ar- ` rived; bankrupt stock. -to be sold at half , Toronto price at A. J. Tuck's. 3p LOCAL NEWS Miscellaneous - WANTED--Girl for light homework. Must Inn akin pf AA rnin nl'Il'V`!;l1D (Inna! -mono: yunnunnne, val g/\,\.\.:AAu\..l. uvu ! _ At a meeting of the `Community Association, Tuesday afternoon, ar-- rangeinents were made to showavail-I able sites and buildings in town to a? representative of a concern manu-I facturing silos, hog troughs, gates,i and other products, upon his arrival. some time this week. Robert Ellis was placed on trial in the assize cou_rt, Toronto, on Wed- nesday before Justice Riddell and a jury charged with the manslaughter; of Milton McCullough, arising out of j an automobile collision at_I-Iolland; Landing on December 30. [ AL .. ......_L.'_.. -3 .a.`L_ -r1__.__..__..:;._-. uvunv Ullll\p uAA1o rv\.\.xx._ The Barrie postmaster says letters} for Old".Count1-y points continue to! be received with insuicient postage.i This means that double postage rates will be demanded at destination` of = mail so stamped. The increased rate! which went into effect three monthsl ago calls for four cents for the first! ounce andthree cents for each addi-E tiona] ounce. ' ' t Coates Thread, 150 yards, Black No. 20, 30. SO, 60; White No. 30, '16. Regular 8c--- Clearing price . . . ._ . . . . . . ._ 5c each Kitchen Sets: 3 knives, 1 fork, can _ opener, cleaver, meat` saw and sharping stone, Regular $2.50, for. . `$1.59 qniyp Only two at this price, so come early. _ Flannelette, striped, pink and blue, grey and blue, 35 inches wide, Regular 35c.- Saturday and Monday only, special Salllrday Morning, January 21, al 9 o clock EXPLORE REMNANT TABLE-rni:AsuREs AT rnirunc cosr Exploring the Remnant Table brings its sure reward. Perhaps you may find just the Cretonne you ve been wanting for a pillow top or table cover, a bit of Print or Gingham for a kitchen `apron, Cotton, Flannelettes, Dress Goods, Scrims.-- You can t know what is there till you look them over. Odds and ends from all fabric -' - . ' ~ sections. ` :_iC ON SALE ON SATURDAY MORNINO AT NINE O CLOCK --AT HALF PRlCE-THE.RE ARE SOME GOOD PICKINGS `A table of Fancy DRESS TRIMMINGS in a large range of colors and styles, that are big value at 35c and 25 a ' ya.Td--' Cleringe Yd` You should not miss seeing` this table and you will find some. good a lines at very small prices. ` l A meeting of the Executive Com-3 mittee of the Barrie Communityx T,Nurse Association was held in the] ?Rest Room on Owen Street, Tuesdayj [`1ast, D_. Quinlan in the chair. The lmeeting was called for the purpose `of deciding upon what step should; !be taken to arrange for finahcingtheg .association for the current year. V i I 14. ....... .:....:..1..A 4.1....` :. --..... -..._-_ l I.~A.n.l\.r\aAI.~II|\JAA A.\IL Univ vuxnvuu Juuxn I It was decidedthat it was impos-' isible to expect the public to supply? :the necessary funds by -voluntary sub- iscription, as the entire burden falls`; upon a few generous givers. Thei `value of the nurse to the town is fully jacknqwledged by those who are most [closely in touch with the work. M The} iassociation is represented by mem-; .bers from the various lodges,; Echurches, railway men s societies,! ;etc., and is therefore thoroughly rep-3 Eresentative, and is entitled to sup-i _;port by the Town Council, its lead- iers believe. _ ~` ' I GOOD CUTPER FOR SALE--Apply at 87 `Maple Ave., phoneL569. 2-3p `COMMUNITY NURSE comunrn-: TO INTERVIEW couucu. v Ladies , Girls and Boys I All-wool Black Ribbed Hose, sizes 5,` 5'}/2,6}/., 7, 7 5/2, 8. 8%, 9, 9 /-', 10. Reg- ular 75c line, for . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 50c Pr. Danderine to beautify hair; intended to assist in cleansing dandruff from the scalp, and thus aid in stopping; faiiing hair and assist the growth of hair Price or`, an. do! An L-u.l- LIL! ago I U L L Any bnun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35c, 60c, $1.00 bottle I Taylor s Shavingsoap in round tins. Regular 20c.- Special . . . . . . . 2 for 25 Tay1or s Talcum Powder in glass jars, 6 ounces. T Regular 35C, for . . . . . . . 25c ALL-WOOL HOSIERIY ` You should see thisnline CR.-\W.'FORD~--In the R. V . Hospital. on ~Tuesda_v. Jan. 17. 1922. to 311'. and .\Irs.. Thos. Crawford. Oro Station, -a d:mghte:.. DE RI\ ERS--On Thursday. Jan 12. 192:, I m \`h- am-I VI.-5 WMA An 1):..... mi luu :.uLvLJ1u.':\.l1I -xuutcuuy. .1111 1. . 1;}.--y to Mr. and Mrs". Fred de Ri\ m$. 101 Bradford St-.. Barrie. a son. GORDON--In the R . V. Hospital. Mnni'.!_\ . ' Jan. 16. 1922. to Mr. and Mrs. ThmI'r-'zi i 'Gordon. 107 Burton A\'e.. 8 daughtv.` IW.-XRNIC.-\--At hr late residence, 33 A`.- vin Ave.. Toronto. Wednesday. Jun`. 1'5 F 1922. Annie Zeigler. aged-65 ye-I}?-`, } widow of the late. Samuel W. \\ .:rnxc-.;. and mother of Lou H. W arnica. Y 5 IN MEMORIAM iTHOMPSON--In loving and tender mem- g ory of our dear mother, Marion Thnu;:o- i 509 Who paged to her heavenly home, ; J. 17, 1921, at the home of her ({;\1xgb.~ fnr Mn (D...-\ Q -u....t .._._ _-.. ._,`.. LADY'S FUR COAT FOR SALE,- cheap. Apply 20 Worsley St. . ` 3p van. 1.5, 1:19;, at H16 1101116 OI uer (1;\L1g.u~ $91.`. M1? (Rem S.TMacLean. Seufnrrh, non ' . vcn. , A1113. Outario, -3. W. Thomzwson and F:unily. ' ' Thornton. Out, BORN - Ol.UU'1..|u 40-45c $1.50 50-556 . 65-75 75.3m- ` $`2.5(L3.00 90, 35-386 um. |I7Q"- .l|" their claim. fore the ;%l whirl} dun- the 21;-wt... tjfletl ihvre clainls Jf 2'.` sud H111! sh (' Dated. NOTI(.`.}C- '1'ru. .-\('l ` zIga'in. thr- fate >0f {H59 W of >'irn<~ ' ,1 I'E.'\'I)!`I signed up t Jamuury. J f`/.1118! be M ARTICLES FOR SALE--Kitchn stove _.!A.L _...4.-_.......a. I-!s..`L.._ s..L!.. ......l ..L..1_-. the 'l:~'t d:: be rc=c(-ive: .Highe. or llpted. U /Ierml : uu In I920. AL, .~.Imm.~ Fret "TT( He prevent cure. that if house i shape a ber of _ fall ill a not hay ed to 3 '1'hur4 Gus or th Sole STOVE FOR SATLE--Second-hand Imperial (\o`Auul running of r..`\"r`i-an`: ,Q}\A`nr An. Jam. flzil F FOR SALE--D.r_v birch and tuuxarack cord- wo0d.`$8.50; dry_-poplar. 37; green pop- lar. 85.50. prompt delivery. Phgne 611 ring 3.1. A L 2-3; lsrovnz FOR SALE-New Happy "Thought range. Apply 34 Small St. 3-4p "mom GOAT FOR SALE, partly used; size QR `nrilu AK gunln Ava Rn iSTOV'-E FOR SALE-Kitchen range, first claas condition. Apply 213 Bayeld St. - 2.4 SEED FOR SALFr'-'S8d. Banner oats and Standard barley. Apply M. Long, An- -1en_Mills. 3c FOR SALE-Singer drophend sewing ma- Vchine,Talso' 3-biirner gas stove. Phone 437, Simcoe Hall. ' 3c `FOR SALE--An_v' person desiring to buy timber. cedar `posts or stove wood, call on .105. Bowman, Thornton R. R. 1. 3p FOR SALE-Three-piece bathroom , set, good size ubath ; all in excellemcondition. Also electric range. Apply Box E", Examiner. ' V 3p -'3ARN FOR SALE---Frame ban: on Pene- `cang Road. 20-ft. wall posts. 5 bents, all " pine timlfer, -full length, 62 ft. long. Dan McLean. Barrie R. R. 1. L 52-56 A.PPLEFOR.D'S CHECK BO0K--No 1.-- l2_- .......l- .l)L...... nan 17.. n - . _ -.- 233011 SALE-'-No. 9 six-hole P-andora range. in r:=t~cla.sq condition; also 4-burner gas range. Ap_nl_v forenoons to S. W. Moore. `I66 Bayeld St. 3c GREEN POPL:A'R woou FOR SALE at ..... ._..LI.. -`.......... A.....I-. A D [)_.I._..._ `DRY HARDWOOD SLABS. 310 card. 4- .ft. 'lengths; 16-in. lengths. $11.50; 12-in. . leng-t-ha`. 812.50. E. V. Wilson. Shanty 1:2`... ~ 11.... Ix}-urxnn 1:00 q_e.. ~.s'rAcK OF HAY FKOR SALE, twelve loads, mostly _clover. slightly damaged by-the weather; will sell whole. or half stack; whole stack. `$30. Henry Harrison, R. R.,2, Barrie. A 3c BARN FOR SALE--60x40 'ft., two leans. 1 driveshed; good rock elm frame. ` ply to Herman Osborne. Barrie R. R. 1. phone 903 ring 33. .8-5p 01: SALE-.Beaut.ifu1 Brunswick Balke pool and billiard table,` size 5x10 feet. complete with even-ything, at a bargain. Apply Box 932. Barrie. 3p FARM FOR_SALE--l00 acres. lot 17. con. -10, Vespra, clay loam. First-class build- ings. For particulars apply to Chas. Mc- Kernan. Alliance. Alta., `or to Miss` M. Mclieruan.` 58 Small SL. Barrie. 2-3p ll?-`OUR POOL TABLES. with all equipment, for sale. Will sell separately. Apply to Box 812, Barrie. or 92 Penetyang St. T 3p WJILV I.I'Jl-7'\Jl-l{l IUK I151-III ll!J|ECWUKBn HIKE ) be abie to" do plain cooking. Good wages. `Fire to Toronto. Wrim Thos. Mix, `9 Ignnhulr nnannnf Tnnnnln Q19 IIIV W Lvsvuvu. vvnw I. Dinnick Crescent, Toronto. PIDIH \}\!Ul\ Vl'llUl IUI MVIECWVI Q6 30 `IF tply to Mrs. `Morton, 153 Dunlop St. 3c| AIULI \l\Il1.I _J.`LIL\ ODIIJJLV, [I51 38. Apply 45 Maple Ave. tn. 1 LUIJPJD 1` UL -O.'1.IJu4--1.\lL\:Lu:u avuv C with waterfront. k_itc`hen table and chains. Apply 212 Bnadford_St. 3c 1\IVEl 1'\II\ O4`11lEA""\3CL\J1lu'lll.llI(l Lunpuum Oxford range at Children's Shelter. Ap- ply to A. J. Sarjeant or T. '1`. Young. Barrie. . ,, `3-5c `U-:P|'lW 01 war. LU GOING UAIII wucu aim-pd; also 10 [cents extra when l'ep on directed to Examiner poe. I-"5 I-lI`JI.'\J.l\nlJ\3 \J.I.l.l.2lLIl.\ lJ\IlJlL"LVU UVIP her line made. `Phone 222, Examiner Oice. ' . 42tfx fI.\cI'Jl'JL` L \ l \l-4.'\lL V` \I\JLl 1' \Il\ \:'.'\IJl-J ul reasonable -pricesr. Apply A. E. Bowman, 16 Eccles St.. phone 766. or Wm. Kell; R. R. 2. Bmjrie 2-7c. Lellgt-11$. oL.:,au. 11.. \ "O I Bay. Om phone lo`22._ C|'I|o Farms For Sale Help Wanted. Fors-1 ll IJV-0 3-4p uuuu) 3-Sp ~.l"OR SALE-~-Cutter. 2 robes` and horse `blanket; also 100 acres. west half lot 12. non. l3.'Vespra.. Apply S. -E. Turner. - 70 Toronto St. 51-4p WANTED~-Will- take `one rened girl in household for board and room. . Apply 19 Worsley St., phone 245. . 3p FARM WANTED--100 acres or more; give -full particulars and condition pf soil; .buildin`gs, fences, omhards, school, etc. 82000 up to half cash. Apply. at Exam- 2; 3:-can Aging ` v . WAN'l1Eb-l'-`urnished .bed- and sitting- --A__.. I... ...;n_.- noggin`- nib`: AIIA WOOD WAN'l`ED-7 cords green hardwood 4-ft./ Must -be good Sound body wood; delivered, piled and measured at Cundles School during present winter. Address L tenders oi` enquiries to H. A. Pearson. R. R. 3, Barrie. _ 3-8p WAN'I'ED"l`0'BUY on RENT-Comfort _LI. 1...... ...:LL `_...L.... ....A II.-L6 nbnkln TENDERS WANTED-T_enders will be re- ceived by the undersigned up till Mon; day, Jan. 23,-.1922, for 5 cords hardwood for S. S. No. 12, Innisl. C. M. Sr`ig~ ley, Allandale R. R. 2. - '3p LIVE POULTRY WAN l'ED--On account of scarcity there is good demand now for all kinds of fowl. Highest prices paid. Will pay dharges on phone enquiries from rural lines. M. Alexander, phone 322. 142 Bradford St. 3-8c RAW was WAN'l'ED- Highest prices paid. Write 0: phone and I will call within driving distance. H. Levit, 33 Collier St., Barrie, phone 384. 45-56p . FOUND--In Barrie, Ja-n. _l6. a parcel of` meat. Apply at 223 Bayeld St.- 333' PAIR OF BOOTS I-`OUND on premises oil 5 `Collier St.. last.-Sunday. Apply this office. _ '2-4c (he cent 3 wdrd, cuh, ejch insertion (minimum charge, 25); six insertions for Ihtprice of four. 10 cents extra when .'h'-nnuIo nlnn In nun}: Avltrn wnn XIIHAI CATTLE ESTRAY--Six head, three A2-yrs olds and threeA3-yr.-olds. owner s name tagged in ear. Finder please notify R. J. Grose, Churchill. 3-5p STRAYED rom past-ure last autumn. om `spotted roan 2-yr.-old. red towards neck. with white star in forehead. with horn: ' and large slit in '~right ear. Reward will be given to anyone giving me any in- formation that will lead tn-rat.-ove_r_v at this animal. Hurry Palk, Shanty Bay. 3-5:; __ BUSINESS MEN of all kinds wanted to buy ' _Appleford s `ountexz check books. Barrie nnnnnu it Thu Rrnmnnr nice. 42tfx LOST--On Blake St.. silver chziin mm In- dian coins. Reward if returned to Mrs. Tailyour. 48 -Louisa St. 3;. GOOD SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE .-. I ' D--. !.I'.,.|. ..A __...J-_...A._ ............ A .. .. LOS'I'--0n Tuesd-ay night. between J. G'.' Keenan and skating rink. vanity `case with initial`: M.K." Reward at J. G. Keenarfs. 4 ' ' 3p FOR SALE--Ne-w eight-rnvmned house. modern conveniences. 190 Bayeld. 2-4; OFFICE TO L`ET-44 Bayeld St. Applyl at 46 or 48 Bayeld St; '. A 3p` 3" `R S.`.I.E--`Duroc JL..I_\ hour and five sows. xxghing 15- ) !!:=._; aim ;sne-"horse- power engdne. W! st-ll I-1' _exch.mge Also _ icmn for service. Phone 603 ring I--1, I). E. Tuck.LB:m'ie._ 3-Sp FOR SALE---We have for sale three ragin- tered Shorrhorn bulk; .t-wo are ten mos. and one over 18 11:05.; which we will sell, Well worfh` the price. Duncan Bros"! Shanty Bay R.R.. 3-4c! 550R S:KLE-Frame building `0:-:30 ft `and '12 ft. `high. suitable for stable or hogpen. 7`A~pply E. M. Caldwell. Shanty Bay, lhone 33 Om. ` l-3p GENERAL gromz FQR _S._\LE. l`-_.~. I'I...._.- ..__....-......_.. _.-.-_ AZ)-FFICES TO LET--'I`he entire second oor of the Union Bank of Canada building will be for rent on Feb. 1 next. A suite of ve rooms or` individual rooms for oices. Very centralyhot water and .el- l - ectric light. Apply to the Manager. 3tfc PUREBRED RHODE ISLAND COCKER- I'.lQ I-.. ....l... _..I,.. L.-... .......... 9 u... IIIA BRICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE-Nine- g momed. electric light. gas. -garage and heuhou;-`e. Apply to W. H._ Sloane, 43 `pain: gt Anonuin - _Q_.Qv\ HOUSE TO LET-~-Four rooms. good cellaf. ; Apply 59 Mary St., ph'one 305. 2-7:p T0 'LETeFurn_ished or" unfurnished rooms to suit customer; reasonable. Apply to Box 504; Barrie. k ` _ 7 3p IROOM AND BOARD--AIso table board. 59 Mary .St., phone` 305. 43tfc NAN 111311}--r-urnlzsueu `DEEP uuu on-uug Noms for young couple with one child. Barrie or Allandale. Examiner Oice. VIBLV paid IA`) ll-`A '32 VA1Vl..l`J.U l.U DUI. un :l:\l.'u.VL-'uu1u1u1o- able house, withwater and light, stable and abput one -acre good land. Apply Examiner oice. _, 3p 'WANTED-Working housekeeper or good general. Apply Mrs. W. A. Lewis, Col- - T '34.. UUUUPIU ,iner oice.` Applexoru 8 0l.I!lWl'_ cnecls uuuna. uzuuu agency it The Examiner o ic_e. 42tfx j ll}\JIJ \3l.I.\Jl\alll.\Il\LV JJUI41.\." I\Il\ Ufllall at moderate prices. Apply Roy Hick- ) I;m.. phone 306 ring 1 . -.m_rl 5;` I \J`\EA1)l\:E4'IJ 1.\~f.l\JL ].'4 .l\7llA"LVlJ \`\I\J.l\l'4l.\.` El.-S for sale; also bay mare, 7_ yrs. old. good driver, double or single; and; set singledelivery bob sleighs. S. Weay- mouth, 139Co1lier St., phoue`878. 49tfcl 'l.'ILVl-'l`\A'\L4 LIL \II\1'a L \Jl| KVFILILJO from Barrie, epossessxon "given Apply to Box D" Iihcgnniuxer. .___.-._._.__.._.;...j. .ucuuuu\`c. rN}'f'l_\ U Essa St., Allandale. Live Stock Far Sale Proerty Fpr Sale Rooms and Board Lost and Fbund` WANTED--0rganist and choideader for St. George's Anglican Church. Allandale. Apply. stating qualications and salaxey lexpu.-tea, to v. E. Knight, Box 218, Al- 1a'v'u an Propeafty ' To Let , 3 miles at once. 1 41.. C9 `:1: 3-8;). 1-3}; glilillllilllilll - I III` A I IIIWIIIII ,..m...u.... I. --Wait for Sarjeant & _King s old- `time white sale, commencing M_on- day, Ja'nuary 30. 3c Simmons & Co s annual clearing sale men s horsehide gloves and mitts at almost half price. n n .11.: -.... 1...... L . . . . . . .....:...:I County Council meets on Tues-: day, Jan. 24., . V / 1 n- ...... In... ........... 43-..... +1.}. nmnnvvu IJIDJ, oust: 111-, Do you buy cfeam from th/Cream? Dairy? Phone 652. = 50tfc Good sleighing and ideal winter` conditioins generally these days. `I31... 3... LL- 'l \..4-....J- I` . . n n l\D\`-\l\`: I \r\l`Iul\J`| 6`-rIl&L?lI UII&\l `.1 III Play in`the Distgict Cup cgmpeti-E tion will be Held in Barrie next Tues--' day. `kT..............I...J. Y...-.2..."-. ..'ln-u Ln...` -`And-I uay I - r I Newmarket Juniors play here next! Monday night. A good fastgamejsl assured. ' TI ? -. 10 (V ,9, ,. a 1 7!-,-J, ,1] 5 FOR. SA'LE-A quantity of oat straw. Ap- ply Examiner Office. 4 ' 3p