Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1922, p. 10

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-y Wm! th? note and 3 [Inch-n v\\n 4.. 4...II. however, ...-..IgL_, n AIAIIL `Jll.llll" wxse `about an took the In. ...ILL _ "" ' I ve awa y._ into the open of a'block of ats. He was an young man: He liked the g1'i'l s quite as xedly disliked Fowle s adopted the now world-famous watchful waiting, being not devoid IUI It '35 In first` industrial plant at . turned by hydro-elect-ri< first turbines on the Can stalled ten years later. .uuu.UUU-~LlOl'Se'p0'l' marks. Existing and projected dev the American tion of `420 The reachin hors xu approximat _.000 hots river divexsion. epower . mark elopme a -potential p epower from side `has g and passing of the 1 has n 'a.ccom1 ely a. quarter of a. cea 895 that the wheeI`< ' cried J.` UWIC West after _Niagara production alone will ,,--_. u-an a UUDHY Out` put of 450,000 horsepower, _ so that if all (if them are continued in operation Canada s be above the!` 1.QO0.000-~horsepower nlarkx v_u an a.n,unn5, KIUUUODIOII Ibnglnei. gnhger Oust and Eiciency-Depattinent Vun15a.l'u 'procmct1on alo 1. 000.000 - ~horsepower \ Existing QHA n-A3:-A ..u.a.. muc U1 me nver, w; put ope N'5no-an-o mu-n.J....L: - ,, - - I uvc ICU! The Chip-pawa-Queenston Canal cost about $65,000`.000. An additional 315,- ,_000.000 will be required to complete in- stallation of the ten"-unit generating ma- chinery. The output of the super-power plant will be 650,000 horsepower. There are now three plants operating on the Can- adian side of the rive r_. with a totaf out- Vm`+V nf A.'.n mm L- ` u_yulU'ClCCl/H031 power. Dredges, which have been cutting through earth and rock north of Chippawa and south from Que-enston for three and one-h_al-[years in a wide swing about the! falls. were removed last month. They` have taken out l3.209,000 cubic yards of earth and 4.182.000 of -rock. a total slight- ly more than `the French had removed from Culebra Cut at the time the.Panama route was taken over by the United -States. The maximum depth of the rock out was eighty- five feet.` . vm_- nu - A ` 1 Completion last month of -the twelve and- I one-half-~mile Chippawa-Queenston channel :)y_t-he'lOntgrio Hydro Comnlission brings water power" development at Niagara Falls tu the threshold of 1.000.000 horsepower equivalent in steam generated electricity to a coal consumption of more t an 10,- 000_.000 tons a year. The mightyocataract, long one of the wonder sights of the world, has become the world s greatest centre of hydro-electrical power. Dmima u.1.;..:. am-.- 1 .Butt(-1 - I I 125116 . . . . . . . . . . I Chlckvns . . . . . . . [)res.~'m.l beef . . . V Apples . . . . . . . . : Ca_hhage . . . . . . . ` Carrots . . . . . . . . ` Beets . . . . . . . . . . II Butter beans . . . Turnips . . . M-.u'rmvfat beans Parsnips . . . . . . . . Pumpkins . . . . L. Wood . . . . . .. Honey . . . . . .. . mall onions MlNARD S Lxmmzuf ,/or } ,.uuu-urua.uu l-Ht` marxet. ' Outside the building, se`veral loads of `V wood were offered at from $8 to $13 a cqrd, `according to length and quality. Dressed_ beef w"a:~4 also displayed Qn sleighs drawn 1 up on the square. Fre-h -honey` was offered ' in :3-pound -pails that sold for_ $1.00. I The prices :-;_ li.But t(-r -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40c tn 43c lb. f.`._-, 9 `...,,. ... eggs. um ween: Detore,--as high] as 70 cents -a dozen was paid for them, but 55 cents was the top-notch gure last Saturday. Carrots. beets. parsnips and apples were in limited quantities and pric- es remained at the former level. There were no potatoes on the market. n..;-:.:- u., v ---- - ------:- : nC`hHlf~'rflill'. nhinn!z1uu_f\uunnn--t~ -1 I 5i":Ienl5\l:5lu;I Eiililllg i SATURDAY MARKET Buying lagged at the mar et last Satur- day. Fowl, especially chick ns, ne speci- mens. along with butter. eggs and vege- tables. remained on the tables quite a time before being purchased. Butter remained at the same -price, but there ww a decided] drop in eggs. The week before_.~as high; AR 7 nnntu .n .1.-...,... .`...._ ---f-` P- gm THE MARKETS After Illxiess __n_..__ 0 gain nestrength and to`. A get we]! quickly you need v 5auA ucW_bl'CI1gl7Il arm to quickly you a food with vitalizing',,blood-mak- ing elements. Take Wincarnia. - H- \-,,,. to tell you how -sorry I am for ned toda}/," said Fowle. trying .~npa.thetically.V but not -trc_>_u'blin g bold admiration of fhis stare. rd. to stop" un-pleasantness. and a row with the ham -`1--*` 3` nu_u puuu at magara F~a1 hydro-electrical energy. 85 Canadmn e..., .. V ,-_ f..- - --un_-an-3 IIIIII Corner Sophia and_,Mary Stroetse V ilanufacturers of Sash, Doors,_ Frames,` `Flooring Ceiling, Moulding, Water Trough! Tanks," etc. i _. .v 'We-`carry "in stock a large assortment of -Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles `and ljrepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying" a Specialty. Dressing done promptly. ' onsult us with vour; building Vlilupkn --- ----- * -__~ nu-vu auu 13- Fo`3v1e s'. -So `he ow worId-famo_us policy of g, devoid of a dim sit-uation might evolve an .; uncu me g1rl face a .v V being devnid Ar .. A: ._v.. ...u...: .mu ue apove the` power marks. developmenjs on. ide Inotentinl m-ml..- 2 ,-_.. V-urn. Jaxua Ul 2.000 of,-rock. le -States. I the rank (Inf TIPGB `..:..1.4-_ 1513.2 -..~ vyunac.-lug UH I-He U811- river, total rsemwm-T en 91...; H` ..II :1` Juc, uuu l(lE'I' WE GOCIUCO before, --as high 1 dozen '9: nah` far 91...... I (---vvv III I ll nssing million ._..______W__'_A_ ' '1 been accomplished ALEXA" tartar century,. . . . ` .t wheel` of the l B.`"st"` S.l m. Niagara Falls. were : mus gua'rd..m3h`p ical energy. Th`, , Qgneral Sollmtnr MA L @186 '7 ll; sauna.`-31.50 .. ..... - uurynllllb . prdduc- D-pr `rnhu ----~ A . . . . .. nu: $7 to $13 $1.00 for 5-lb. `IE- . doorway` )5 an imnnlniun . . 'xvu uu `tot: 10.` . 38cV to 55c dozen; . 30c to 35c lb.` .. . 100 to 130 IE. we to 85c baske: . 5c to 156 each 20c to 25c basket V. 35c, mall .b:4sket . . . . . . ix`. . 200 qt. . . . . . . . . .\ 75c bag 15!`, and 131- nnui-4* . ..\ I017 nag 15c and 16c quart 25c peck ..b .. 15c each . corfi kl nn 4`..- .-.11. _,,I I 512?. `S35 15c quarig Phones :-- dozen to lb. lb}! 02. L. I, i.;z } ; wills. gumiaii 2KId"' ggneral Solicitor, Notary, O'ice+Hinds Block, N - .1. \.Iul G ancers. etc. (\:_ , _ ,_________ ![ . caaswncxc 3. BELL BARRISTERS Solicitors for the Supreme Court of ure of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries. l etc, " Money to loan at lowes -3 Owen St in "--~' , Solicibqrs, Notary I Conveyance:-s, Etc. t rates of - 'Ho`urs: 1.30.230 pm, gedf the h H. $.ilson_ugu-d.o'I`:3: EHO Graduate of Office and Bg Are We'll :t: BARRIST'ERS. so] Masonic Temple 1 . UIIN Phone 710. I'm penal General Surgery 0fFce--l 5 phnnn "71 n _/uuNALD ROSS. L.L.B. BAHRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Maso`nic Temple Building.-Barrie Money to loan. .______________..., -_... mvnoymn LYUN `I1-2- Bloor St. west,` Toronto. will he 9 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseaseg of` Eye, Ear. Nose and `nun- | U- Pbofle 61. DR. FRED A. ROSS (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Lafe Surgeon Speciast with Imnerinl Am... A1 ---~ :11 uwen b`t., Barrie, e Diseases Ear, N Consultation hours--11 Barrie phone 2. Toront may loft rgtts. inter-ess,. r'ice---l~3 Owen St., in Masonic Tempin ilding, Barrie. Branch office--Elmva1e.. \ A. Boys, K.C.,M.PZ D. C. Murchison _.____/__________________ op: ` ()'.ffic-e-C; Graduate of ..`_A T?` R. F. BRUCE, M.D., C.M., L.M.C.C. Office and Residence--60 Ross St. l Third door east of Royal Victoria Hospit3!. I Telephone 256. ' 30tfa |-----------.----------- -.u -1. In -r\lIlII'H-|- . Associate Coroner County of Simcoe Office and Residenc&--Corner Toronto a; Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church. / Telephone 167. ; _.___________.____. Oice and I. CA-PT. J. F. ROLUT, L.D.S. A ' DENTIST Oice: Over Ifeevofs Jewelry Store. * 76 Dun op St., Barrie. Phones : Office 450, Res. 436. I-_vr~ _ W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. ' SURQERY AND GYNECOLOGY _..amL_ nnwnxuce on uwen BL. Phones: Oice 241, Res. 314. P.O. W. Richardson, L.D.S., D.D.S. W. Randall Richardson, L.D.S.. "heal Etatc and Money to Loan -.u U: rs: r\.I'|l` PHYSIQIAN AND SURGEON . PHELPSTON, ONT. Office hours-12 to 2 and to 9 ,') DRS. W. AND W. R. RICHARDSON Gfaduates and members of Royal Collegu of Dental Surgeons. Toronto. Oice: Over Bank of Toronto. Barrie. Entrance on Owen St. p}.,,,...;. {\l:.... 0,41 n.._ 011 1- A n 3. VIC. Oices In --- .-- ..-. -_.- .... .. ngvAnhVlaI\ Published every Thursdayf afternoon at the Post Ofice Square Bar-rle. Subscription ' Price--Canada a.nd }3ret `Britain 82.00 per year in advance (in arrears $2.50); United `States, $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of addres is requested. CANCEL- LAT|0NS-We nd that most of our sun- scribers prefer not to have their subscri-pa tions_ interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. White -subscriptions win not be carried in arrears overan extended period, `yet, unless we are notied to eancei, we 9.~`-nsume the subsofiber wishes the service continued. Remittances should be made by registered `letter, money order, or chequu payable at par in Barrie. ' __ J. A. Mat.-Laren. Editor. - A W. C. Walls, Mana.ger., O ,__.._._____.__ DONALD ROSS. RRIR'l`E`D om '~"" Thutsdziyplanuary 19, 1922 TA. \ 4 L. J. smpsou, MQB. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEO:` Residennn__(`.nn:..- Q. THE BARRIE EXAMINER 'I._L I5__L _ J` _v-rvlillf` Solicitor for 1 .rl'nno3>:- --~' YOUR V _1Azn'-._;A_1;_1Nc means uyvuauy--UlSei!S at stomach e-C6rner Bayfield and Worsley Office open until` 8 p.m. daily. - uate of`Trinity University, Toronso: also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specialty-Diseases of Stomach e-C6rnm- Rnvalrl .....a mu -- - _-V,...... A AILVIJ U 1 LV EA -and-- C. S. DICKSON, B.A., * 61. .15! l"..ll:.. _ DR[. E. G. *ru'nusuu_ , 0; M..n:n n ` - uc surgeon speclaiist Imperial Army, 43 Suraarv am-I nu..-` .-vvv u-nu IIIIUI altation _h6urs-il 3.111. to 5 pm. s Toronto, North 3326). - -. _. .unnuv!VIIU r ERs. SOLICITORS. ETC. Building. Barrie Mo_ney to Loan 51 DR. MORTIMER LYON fl?` Q nr"A I '1` mov, Mus. T. 33s., r.1'.c.u. Piano, Organ, Vocal,` and g. Organist and Choirmaster s Presbyterian Church. V St Of Tnrnntn I"------~-" '* 1- W I <{ve: ._________ on. vucro A. HART ,._tfl.1"A A. T. LITTLE, M.'D. xnrl Dn,.I..I--.A - "' of Judie J, Convew { Money to loan. in Ross Block, Barrie A. J. Bell. K.C. -__._______._}r DR. A. KEARNS VC"l'ITrA xv A \7I'\ .-.---_ .., ._ vvn LLUUISZ : arranged for I John DR. H; T. ABNALL _- _. . u -5, "lull- Residence--47 Maple Phone 213. .lLII nuuy, Q2 ry and. Obstetrics Owen St.. B years . arrie. `D (\ I'D, , especiaHy.. MEDICAL MONTREAL [ TORONTO DETROFT and `CHICAGO uarne, Sat! 1:, Nose and mnm__11 n -- `* ' DENTAL ai HAMMON \I lrsvr-.n-- - vvwvrilv ' obtaining probate oi` :1 administration, and try, Gonveyancer. ens. Na! 52 n....I.... :- --vuuu. 1.0U'Z.JU ad through doctors. 1. Wilson, Sec.-Tress. ,, uuuvcy2iUC( l'. em: No. 8 Dunlop St. Joan Ull UWCH Cl. * If 314. P.O.Box .n Q n D d -v vlv, Uufh, "loan 56 Collier Sn. Burma. _______._________., Ins. Gordon Plaxmu .` I \II"Il ,').m. - \nr ;u.-ca, nan dist the 41* years. (fairing Ann --I 11411116. _0. Box 10 gpu JD. i Public. Slcio Barrie) vuluilj . Throat n... (Ave . 3]-tfn -.a an 11. ) Y? D.D.`-3. Sh, ~ scoffs B0.0KSTORE ' and I IN.` b\KiiD( \:] will be. . gay 1. -u,.;.111| M155 school her con 'l`L. Stati` and Long one. rates n posizi want A acquuin u.'..`. :_x. .` phick lI8lP.~. ;. *()11t1_ effo face age, bern . v v u: llllllllll .'l'HOS.ml.20_GER,S :s:._ nffin ma D-:4--u Wi *2` |'y She voic- dou Wh ' One _ `Page Tn -`V.'_\Ol-lI\`J `M; I63, Residence 353- mum Lu me most unexpected quarters. Igregret to tell you that Miss Craik is .be-' lieved to be in some way connected with the mysterious gigappearance, if not the death. of Mr. Ronald Tower, and she is be- ingheld for further Inquiries." 5* . uavc ucver KIIOWII entner a fatherlor a mothet.- My.-aunt. has always refused to discuss our family alfairs in any way what- ever. I fear her View is that I am sgme-I , what luckyto -be alive atr~all." with her, .Few eople would -be found-(to agree / said the. chief gallantly. `Now I v`v_a.nt you to be -brave and patient. A ' very extraordinary crime has been `com- mitted, gmd the police occasionally nd clues in the 0st u'nex_p_z_2cte nun um mgut, xor instance, was your 31 aunt at home` when you reached the N rhouse?" , . No; she wa.(out. She did not come in until half-past nine." A Did she go out again lvast.night`. I do not` know. I was tired. I went to b_ed1'-anther early. Steingall bent over is notes for the first were pulsed, and he seemed to be weigh- i in: certain facts gravely. I think," he said at last, _,thIat I need A F F time since Winifred appeared. His. lips i I not detain you any longer, Miss Bartlett. By the way, I ll give -youa note to your employers to say that you are in no way connected with }he [crime we have under ' investigation. It may, perhaps, save you - lneedless annoyance." Burbank "A" E`. 99 __:_I `_-l__ _o . nun AuUulUl' um .' Winifred blushed with. almost `childish discomture. It may seem very stupid to say such a thing.." she admitted, but. I have never known either father'or Mv.-mmt Ha: uI...,.... ....:.....4 4. mccuwsu HIIIIOYBDCQ." Thank you, sir, said the girl. But won t you tell me why you have asked me so mggy questions about my aunt` and her ways. _ - _ A _, . Steingall looked at , her thoughtfully be fore he answered; Inf the first place, Miss Bartlett, tell me this. I assunie Miss Craik Is your mother's sister. When ditf your mother die?" A T`lT:._:t.._,I 1: -I uuuu` us aeiuom, and 1 have no idea where] she goes. [Every week-day, you know. If am away from. home -between seven in the morning and half-past ,six at night, except-I L ing Saturday afternoons. If possible, b take a long walk beforejgoing to work. 1 Do you go straight home?" - Winifred remembered Mr. Fow1e s query, and smiled again`: V ' V ' ' Yes," she said. \ - Now -last night, for instance, . u\v_, I J` A The She-`leaves the house occasionally aftr I have gone to bed at ten` o'clock, but that is seldom, and I have idea where goes. *Everv wmlndw W... 1.---.. H I.-uca _yu.u~r uy.uv go out much?" I` culucu. unu uve very guietly. "Do you mean to say that never sees anyone but yours`elf callers, such as t-radespeople?" V SO far as I lrnrnu - Hxnl` 5~ unucla, sum! as I-rauespeople'!" ` I I `far as I know," that is absoluely the case. ` ' Very' curious, commented Steingall. Does your agult go out much? . I` ` She"lea.ves the I-mncn l\l|lIogv:nn.\l`-- -n-- a muuu lOW6I' 1evel'."' ' I do not know. I 3never. disputed aun-I ty_'s right to do what she thought best! Well, well, it isodd. `Do you ever Aen-[ tertaiu any visitors? ] None whatever. We have no acquaint-I ances. and live very" guietly. 1; vou mean tn -cutr 41.... ..... .. ;-..i-I Assist 1, Nature to `normal T action back VVhen Nature requires assistance, she 1' _ V in conveyin-g to.you~ an intimation of the fact. Decline of energy, inability to `sleep well, head- -ache, biliousness, constipatibn, a gen- ,, _ eral sl'gi shne.ss of mind and bodyand any,sig.n offcligestive ?`um=cst shquld impel you to seek the aid of a reliable _m_ed~icine without delay.` There IS no" ~better~--'no surer-nq safer-'-than this. proven remedy. 5u vuv ulucn .' ocoasnonally bed Rf. tn n'n1nn1r kt-l ' you ndmedicirie does ncgt - ney tl'0UblP. vnn Q:1\t\I`1`:V-I l.... .._c. your auntd and casual ' 7 cu veitrpw. ' What s comin to ybu up to date," he ' blurted .out, and a week s salaryxinstead of` notice. _ n she was dismissed! - Somegirls might -havecolilapsed under this nzfl bl(`Iw_.' but not so .Winifred Bart- ~Iett. Knowi-ng it was useless to say any- thing to the clerlg, she spiritedly demanded an interview with the manager. This was refused. She insisted, and sent Steingall.'s Iette; -to the inner sanctum, having con_- cluded that the dismissal was in some way . due to her` viit to the detective bureau. u vl QVUVI II 0 During the -brief "run uptown Winifred managed to dry her tears, yet the mystery and terrorof the circumstances into which `S she was so suddenly plunged seemed to be- .come more clistressful the longer she p zled over them. She could not nd any certainty. She strove again to read the wrest from them some explanation of the extraordinary charge brought against h `aunt. but the words danced -before her eyes. away and bravely resolved to follow `g-all's parting advice. _, ` a `When she reached the warehouse she was naturally the object of much covert ~ observation. Neither Miss Sugg nor Mr. " Fowle spoke to her,-but Winifred thought she"aw a nialicious smile on'the forewo- man's -face. Theihours passed wearily un- til six o clock.She_ was -about to quit the building with her c6nrpanions-many of whom meant bombarding her with ques- tions at the first opportun~ity-when she was again requested to- report at the office. A clerk handed `her one of the rm s pay envelopes. . What's 4-I--n:- `-A ' J. Stein- I printed accounts of the crime, in order to `s : UP`; outlet from `a labyrinth or doubt and un-I .3 ) eril At last, with an effort, she threw the paper 1 yuu m we car 11 you man. _ L ` ! .Pleas e--I would rather-be alone, she Taltered. She was far from Mulberry Street Before she. remenvbered that she had said nothing about seeing the boat that morn-I ing! ` . ' ' ` I uauvc 5111 um maxe me best of it. A Thehouse in One Hundred and Twelfth Street would, of coume. be an object of. special interest to the police for other rea-' sons apart from. those suggested by the fihiefd Nverthele(.`$,wlrislfki(rl1dness had the-`i esnr e ect, an. In` re strove to re- press her tears. ' ' 1 ``_Here is your note." `he said, and I,` advise you to fdrget this temporary trouble i in your. work. Mr. Clanpy will accompany { you in the car if wish. ' Pl9'F--T urnnhl 1-nl>Ln- L -|---- 7 ` zuu qune alone in the wod now. Come. come, cheer up! said Steingall. rising and patting her on the shoulder. lThis disagreeable business may only last] l a da or two. You will not want for any I (thing. If you" are in any trouble all "you I l need do is to let me know. Moreover. to! ` save you from being afraid of remainingi alone in the house" at night. .I'll give special; linstlctions to the -police in your precinct` [to watch the place closely; Now. be 9. brave girl and make the best of it. The-hnuen in nun u'....,I..-.I ....I In -M -,,......5.y uu;uuuu5 turuugn all I'St-Tall)` am quite alone in the wb`r}d now." ; Coma. I-nnka nkmn. ....l 7 ....:J an - I Full informat`i9n`frogi1,any Grand `hunk Ticket Agent or vC.`._E, Horn- lng, District Passenger Agt.~, Toronto . V ' uuw seurcnlng." . ` Twb men! In our house! cried the amazed girl. _ . ' " Yes I tell you -this to show you the necessity \there is fox-`aalnmm .....1 vn`:- CHAPTER V . Persgcutors \l . VAVBIIIC uI:1- u`l.l8I'ly:. Carshaw was `distinctly impre.`\=ed. the` first place. he was young and good- looking, and human enough to try -and .:'tea.l a second gl-ance_at_such a lovely face, though the steadily `decreasing light was not altogether favorable. -Secondl_v. he thought `he had never seen any girl who carried herself with such rhythmic V ace. Thirdly. -hereowas a woman in clistgess. and. to one of Carshaw's temperament and upbringing. that in `itself formed 8 con- vining reason why he should wisih to help her. ` f ` In induced" a sens-. of fe as u mantel` or tact, Winifred nearly broke. down at sight of -her empty abode. It, was a cheerlss place at best. and now the` thought of being left there alone had minine helplessness which overcame her. utterly. {`.nv-a-hum `um. ..I.2_A5--1 ..--.a_, uuuuu:-umch uouses Ola. "DJ eration. He halted to light a and. at that moment. a. girl of ; bgauty passed. walking "quickly, out apparent effort; She was agitated, and 'be`r eyes -were swim ill-repressed `fears. ` A mm uis mother in their apartment on Madison Avenue. He found himself in a comparatively quiegstreet, wherein [blocks of cheap modern atsialterniated with the dingy iniddle-class houses of ca by-gone gen- cigarette, a._ rernarkable walking nninlelv mu ...:L. --<- . .....-.u..s. Ur Wcalliny ' _l'-.8l1l5OIilOl)lllStS. bore down on Carshaw like I1. 9. Juggernaut car. and straight-wary smash- - ed the differential, obesides inicting other -`g grievous injuries on a complex mechanism, I ' A policeman, the -proprietor of a neighbor- - I ing garage land :1 greatly imtemsted crowd agprovided an impromptu jury for the dis- L):-pute betwgeen Carshaw and the express : man. i The, latter put up .a poor case. It eon- ` sisted -almost entirely of the bitter and on-` `repeated -plaint-: . Wl|uf -Iuvnn - ---* "' " ~ - V ` 7 __... \IIII nut: UUUUCSS of Wisdom could have answered it, and she, being invisible. was necessarily dumb. At last, when \the damaged car was housed for the night, Oarshaw set out to welk a couple of blocks to the elevated railway.` his `main olcuective rbeing dinner" with his mother in their cheap Ham aim-n...+...: ...:.u. .L, lcple -p1amt- : What .was zbcar like that ldoin here. anyllow? " The question sounded` foolish. nothing of the -kind. Only the Goddess it, A4 lm-4 ---L ` _,_,- _ v-`--vvuoav 4350-, LIIIVUIIUUQ `- *J; E. BlLLlNGSLEY,~.5 `Depot Agent Phon Sb ' ; Barrie .- ---V -4 us: UK lJll_C young millionaire. Nor was it miich to his l liking. The mixed citizenry of New York must live somewhere, but Carsh-aw saw no reason why he -and his dainty car should loite; in a district which seemed iiighly -popular with all sorts of iindesirable folks; so, after skirtinv Thomas Jeerson Park, B be turned west, meaning to reach the bet- ter roadway and more open stretches of Fifth Avenue. A In- L---A~ . :1 mo nasty exprqgs 1 headless of `the -convenien automobilists. 'a str pr} {Jan AI-a.._-.,.! I I -- i .....a numn uew world mxllxonaxre. 1 likm . mixed citizc I - - Inner I}.-.. -A--- , ._..--..ruu nuucl 'wno ever extracted dividends from a busi- n \ hecaredlittle about, drove a high :powered` car -across the Harlem River by i the Willis Avenue Bridge 1` I ..-.-. 4nual.l.cll/IUH uuu l ,; Z About the time that Wi train .it befell that Rm: `man of leisure, the most `who divide I ..).. L- T - -- - T n \...-.u auu rwemn street. I But. the wariest fox is apt to [paw in a trap. and`Fowle,I thou; {Was by no means so astute as he `himself. Once again that day I preparing a surprise for Winifred .9 the least dranlatic feature thereof 1 I the utter frustration,and undoing o N AI\,...'. LL, .' -` "" ` v.. .... ayull nus cr.~ut_v and v ture "warned him against runnim into a(__1.mose, since `Wmifred mi; strong-arme(l father or 1; couldA~possi`bly resent a well-me (at assnstance. _ , The mere sight of her graceful she hurried along /with pale face : cast eyes inamed him anew wh sped by. She could not avoid He would "go uptown by an ear and await her at the corner of I glred and Twelfth Street. H19 vmn~ioa+ L. 1'- ,_r __..,.,.. vv vucu depths. His plan now was to intercept her `before she reacherl her home, and pose as the friend in need who is the most wel- come of all friende. Knowing -nothing w3hat.s'oever of her dqm etic surroundings, he devmed it advisable to make inquiries on the spot: His crafty andfulpixxe na- hn-n -u-g.n..,.I L:,. ' nun ne got her red; 5LG9w0n'17 He did, .I tell you. I - in a newspaper. He mad Winme s beiu -pinched, ax paper to the boss. I W: pwckin check when he wa that with my own eyes, as far as I d'tru.st~Fowle. rm A____:_7V I ' a matter J--.... - A Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleping cars onf Night Trains and l"ur!o1_' Cars on btiiziphl. Dd y' Traiina. `Whadda ya mean-'-aftgr her? another girl, _ Wlhy; didn -t you hear how he.: up for her this mornin w'hen Ole M Sugg handed her the lemon about lath`/ A'I_.Iul`l8DUD. atreet. \ She goes heme by -the L, said Carlotta. Sometin ed with her. that far. H lo! goin east in a taxi? He 1 Seventeenth. Betcher a din Winnie. . Hnr-L . ,1 -' ...--.-...v.- un. an LICW IOFK V Winifred walked into the street. `Some- thing in her face `warned even. the most in- quisitive of her fellow4wo1'.kers to leave her .alone. "Besides, the poor always evince a v lively sympathvwith others _in misfortune. v with ouriosit These working-'class girls were consumed J , yet -they respected Wini- fred s feelings, and did not seek "to intrude on her very appagent misery by inquiry or ymat-hetic .condoleuce. A few among them watched, and even followed her; a. lit- tle way as she turned the corner into Fourteenth Street. glam lII\J\.-. LL , I LL\/Clluca too hasty wagon? 10% 'C0n\'DI`|iI\nnn A yLU_yUI7 1:25.-puull Eway the smug respecta Browmhad been out the firm appearing as connected, even with the..s'e'nsational the attention of all TX7:...':.....x ...,,IL v the unsavory fact that ity of Brow\n, Son &, raged by the name of_ in the evening paxpers" in _`t_'he remotest way,` Vcrime now engagmg New'York`.` ` ,____ ........ VJI JUIJI aux v_u:t:s. ' Explanation! How could a humble em? ployee explain away the smuz resnectalrllitv nf nm..,.. e... L IIJU 1 But hie u(~.a____ n-. -.... ....... vault uucx wun we note and`" ,3 `message: 'The`rm desire me to tell your explanation, 73 you, he said, that they quite accept A but they have no fur- ther need of your serv_ice-3. ` `II`....l...__L:. ' "' _'I'he c':lerk.:an1e back ` lh|s&nan- l'l... --- The Double :l;rack Roilte between ...... -. Ill-DION mu. 11 ll)! vvny 5 J taxi? lives--Qn nteeuth. Betchpr ,. .I:..... Lu; m.._y t:xprQS wagon.` -convenient e of- `S_ harp Hnuyn r-'- n/ `a new world to : nnnh-n -\Y~- -~-V ..,...uu. 21. gm 01 rernarkable "quickly,/yet with~ _.ffm.t_ gym H. ....n:.: -...v of fact, Winifred Sight `Of -her Pnlnhr ukml- got her refl heard him ph_on~ her. made `em mvian ukn-II .--. J\ \Cl ; ucutu 1H 31'. made em w1 and then L _I , hm`. I _ ....... .._. uuu mum: I.UUK me was `below with a went in. so I saw an t-hat7s just ru.st~Fowle." UNnRT`AiERs% ,: ...... \4AA\.|lllll6 U1 FUVVIF. ; * Winifred caught her` lat Carsxhwur mm-` a nun. ne nves--Qn dime he's ,_ _,........._,_.,_you nu/u~ pallid and sA-were swimming with ,=.........u. usun: ab! facevaud d0wn- I when his taxi; auld him now. own earlier train. One -Hun-I Stu-rot ' ' running his head (:0 might own a ner but n3 one` :sent well-mean-t effort ....u. vunyuu: Ha" graceful figure as [)3]? fann '2!!!` An... I oxis nd his 'Fowle though foxy, astute as he im..o:.....u 2 ihe Third "1 venue Sometimes I`)'e walk- .1`. Why}: Fowle Ki`? Ho I;..,.=..... In-4 ,-, `,.u\1\BLl l\I L." 'ute innrgined: Fate was] Winifred, and not` re conmj.-ted I of Fowle. I L'I..Zl',,, 7 ` he Spoke (I n Mother brain ! the eyes" of the`, s much iv nf Mn: V \/'..-L I 'LAWSON, WELOH 3. CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants Mono Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronh ; `E. J."WelcVh, C.A.' G. D. Campbell, (LA 1 . T. E. Lawless, C.A. S W, 8. -Hulbig, Production Enginegr. nd F`.;n;nnnIv.'\nn--4-;---`

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