Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jan 1922, p. 4

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i nunx [UK but: Club 2111: `Unguu. I I The Ladies Aid met last week at the ! homeof Mrs. J. R. Jamicson. It was de- .cided' to hold a supper and concert in the I near future. H. J. Thompson and his choir ihaxfe consented to take charge of the px.-o-4 I gramme; no better guafantee could be g1v- len for :1 goodentertamment. I I U1 VVlll'l.H5c The many friendsof Mrs. A. J. Thomp- son are sorry to hear of `her illness. 13- 1- I 7:: Y` . p I Ill l)KIll'lL' lull `\VCCl\- Mrs. J. Tracy is able to be up again aftgr being conned to her bed for several days ' ` Harold Osborne. who spent the holidays at "the S00, is home again. Cllillllllsll IILU C1115 UIU Bl/Ill Iulllllllsa Several of the boys are working in the! bush lot for Hammell & McDermott of Beeton. - 4 ' -Geo. '_I'hompson is busy digging a well. An open meeting of the Grange was `held A on Monday night in the school house. | 1 1! . 1 -1|-. . _ . . _ . . . V... J--cnav -.. V-l\/ -4..----- --Ia~-o-'v~ ' | James Johnston is on the sick list at time '01` writing. . I . Tkn `\\.liI\'I' C`-:nnJa nC II:-a A T '1"-\t\v\\-r\ Miss Isablla Dawson Spent `a few days in Barrie last week. T V 'II .,_ T I'l'\,.,, LI, A. L. __, .,,_!,, _l'4_,, 9 I I T . E through. The prospects of a good winter s 5 I work for the club are `bright. 1 N no Tnzlnnn Ah` nan} lno xunnb n4 OLA` [Jan. l0.--G(')od"sleighing in this locality, E although the cars are still running. \ gut.-oral nf +1-no ktnm urn turns-`::n:v ;n 4*`-\n Sole` agents forf the Famous Borsalino Hats Co1ors:_Green,V Brown and Gfy. All sizes BELLE EWART MEN S FELT HAT SPECIAL DALSTON ON SALE AT $2.00 5, regular $2.50 to` $4.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` On Sale, $1.75 ` Regular $2.50. .. . . . On Sale, $1.75 Regular $1.75 and $2 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l.25 The Fourth Annual Sale of the Victoria County Hereford Breeders Association, ' onsisting of 45 head of Pure Bred Poiled and Horned A Herefords, inspected stock, will be Ogeld at Fanning s 1Sale Barns,` Lindsay, commencing at one o`clock.- Terms-Cash or eight months credit on approved joint notes bearing interest at four per cent. at the option of the pur- chaser. Catalogue on application. 4 George Jackson and Ted Jackson. Auc- tioneers. 23p IV 11-7 run 1` v\ 1 nt., on Wednesday, Jan. 25th, `Thursday, January -12, 1922. Jackson Geo. W. Taylor. R. E. Thurston. Pres.. llIc\V A` K/lllllbllg kI'JII\.IaJ lllslllu ' I _Mrs. McCuaig visited her daughter, Mrs. John J. McArthur of Guthrie, who is ill. ALASKA SABLE STOLES, [MIC luubcl 3 l,lD.lV:Il|2. Miss Jean McArthur of Guthrie is [visit- *ing her grandmother, Mrs, D. McCuaig. 1 Archie McCuaig visited is sister, Ms. `Thompson of Orillia. last week. 12,... M- n.,......1L.......,,.1...,a :.. m A.. LIILUIIIPBUIL Ul Kll llllu I530 WCCR. Rev. Mr. Rentoul preached in St. Ann.- (lrew s Church. Sunday night. um M..n....;.. n;n:4'o1` 1.... .:.,.a..1.+.... 1/rm ` Mr. and Mm. Jas. Leigh and family spent ,Suinday with the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Crawford of Mitchell Square. I? A- Hall unnnrnnonim-I I-.3. nnn n.. (In-_ 111.`, lb. \Jl11\VlUlll U1 LVIIUUUCII. Dquzuc. F. A; Bell accompanied his son, Dr. Gor- `don Bell, and Mrs-.. Bell to Sioux Lookout. where h_e intends to spend the winter. A passenger train of the Michigan Ceu-- Itral govered 116 miles in I08 minutes. llcllo IU H113`. AJLUTVII CIIIVI JLJX IICGLI LIKED` Leilzmd of the Ori1lia' Hospital sta visited the la.tter s parents. mun `Ann nArfkIIr A` flu!"-\r;n :9 u;a; f_ Jan. 10--Miss Brown and` Miss Jean Mac- ] ,1` AL , l'\,,f`lI!,. `l`I'__,,f , ,.,1r _,f,EA_,l AUCTION SALE ORO STATION HATS FOX SCAR]-`S, regular $4336. ; . . . On Sale, $35.00 rqx SCARFS, regular $3 7,50. .... . . on sule, $25.00 Fox SCARFS, regular $25.00. . ; On Sale, $16.50 SMALL FOX SETS, regular $20.00.. . cu Sale, $13.50 wnma THIBET SETS and Single Pieces. . Half Price. .f 502; Bobcaygeon, - Bobcuygeon, Ont. OPPOSSUMSHAWLTS, No. NATURAL WOLF SETS, regu1ar$27.SO,` . . . . . . ' . . . . ... . .. .67. AMERICAN GREY FOX SETS, regular $27.50. . . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On Sale, $18.50 BLACK wou= s'rouas, regular$10.5O to :54 6.50 ` ......... . . `. .~. . . . . . . From $7.50 to $19.50 ALASKA SABLEkSTOLES,% rgulaf $60.00`: . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,.......A....;....-OnSale,$45.O0' rursandall Winter Goods A BARGAINS I I BARGAINS BARGAINS Simmons & `Company c1;omAcQATs% RAW F URS BOUGHT GLOVES AND MITTS OUR I-:NI'IIua Ismcx 01-` WIN1'l~:RTGOODS INCLUDED IN 'IjIIIs SALE,` AND BARGAINS IN EVERY LINE I.._._,.. _..._..u ._.. v...-......-...... van...-o-vu. I Quite a number a.ttended`~ the rink on Saturday eveningcand spent an enjoyable l time skating, the ice being in `splendid con- dition. The localiboys `are busy practising hockey, getting ready to `take part in the `Om League `games, wliich commence on Tuesdy, Jan.`lO, Mitchell Square playing Hawkestone on Hawkestone rink. .-- -- - A1113: UUI, L/llHl}.|UUll. 1J.l\.l 111153 IIC`ll.L|CUlIU rampbell from Saskatchewan arrived home. -on Friday of last week. The foler is_ Vig- iiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moir, m ` Sunnidale. 'IVL-_. A-___,,`L _ _..L _L,_. ..- ',,_,_I_ 2., LL. Bennett has resumed her duties as teacher after `spending the holidays at her home in Midland. Il:lL.... `D......- ._-L.__.__J\ L, rn, ,, . a iEU_rr:'e`x`1WI:<'eigh of Orillia spent the week- . end at his home here. . - Y..L.. v-.___ ._r- r\_:n:_' _.___. .L- z:n_<{Ha.rol`(i Pugsley of Toronto were the guests of Milton Rouse for a few idays during the Christmas vacation. .l..|\7l uuxuc xu uuu_m.ruu. Milton Rouse returned` to Toron-to~ on Sa.tui'dayb after spending the Christmas va- lcation at his home here. . 'l"L.. .J......... L'..l.! L-. `L- rn,,._, 'nL-,, The dance held by the True Blue in Kendall s Hall was,a decided success, -a very enjoyable time being spent `by all. l 31-- n|__1_ :_ _-_ __-, uuuuu `um um uuuu: uere. | .,,, --._,-_,_~-- --..., -,,..... ., ..... Mrs. Black. is gaining slowly after her! recent illness. ' E Jan, 9.---Mrs. E. Richa1~dson and son`! G1-aydonspelyt -a few days in Barrie last week. . ' .`MiRQ Vinlnt pinznv nf Rania nnllnd nn [Y CUR. " Miss Violet Pilkey of Barrie called on _friends here last week. ' " I mr..- 12....-- m-_..-__ `..L__L__'__~. .I _ {menus nete last week. I Mrs. James Torpey entertained a num- ber of y`6un_g people at her home on the evening of Jan. 2.` Games, music and l"DI'IlI;I'\l! -nviarn Han cnnfa AF I-kn nUnn;n(I nf CVGLILIIE Ul. ~.H_:u1. 0. ` Uuluca, xuuuu: _lI.lIU dancing were the sports of the evening, af- ter whicfx refreshments were served. A very enjoyable time was reported by those pres- ent. . e I IITL- `'1 `I3 I\ L_IJ LL_Z.. __-I _-..____'.; _;' -ndllsllla nun 151.0 do 5111: uuugx. Z10 UIGCIUHB. V Gordon Done: from Saskatchewan is Lhome and has been visiting `friends in town mecently. V x- l`:nn\u~J\n on!` `annual-Gal A. Newman spent the week-envci with friends in Vigo. l . (Ngt From Our Regular Correspondent) Jan. 9.-Mies Pauline Clapp of Toronto was the guest of Mrs. G..M. Fitzgerald for a few days. ~ I mrirnn TA:nl-\ A` I`:-:V:.. nnnnb l-LA L......L I cuu. um um uvuxc ulvu ' 3 John Young of` Orillia spent the week-I endvwith Erven Leigh. ` 4-` Clllu I The U. F, 0. held their--f<.>wl supper at the home of Otto Davis on" Jan. 5. _ y Wheat, 0qt;s,. Corn I Stair Flour, Gold_ Medal Five Ross Flou`19: . T-"Oatmeal Pastry.FlTot1r (Fisherfg) . "".'5"f`i + . gegular $300.00..T.. ; .' . . . . . . . On Sale, $75.00 (quality. Regulir $65 ..;.....On Sale, $45.00 -rs .--u ---.v -v----an: On Jan. 7, Wm. Graves of Minwing cel- ebrated his seventy-fth birtliday 'at the home of his dxiughter, Mrs. Fred Robert- son. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. _Wm. Graves} of. Allanld-ale] John Graves and family of Minesi~ng._Mr.' -and Mrs. Ieac Graves. and,f"amily of` Minesing,` Mr.` and MN. Wm. Binnie`-and family of Anten Mills, F. Martin and two daughters of Ba1-rie, Mrs. Smith of Tomato and -Mr. Rowell and daughter of Minesing. The evening we}; 9. social one, being Kent inggmes, music and dancing, . erew `ch refreshments were served. ` vs. Jan. 9.--The stark called at the home of FMX`. and Mrs. Ben Reinhart on Sunday might and left a. girl. Congratulations. llnrrlnn nnnnw `Q-nrn Qunlrofnlmnxlrnn "IL! The school re-opened on Monday under the supervision of Miss Cimpbell of Org. ,' The teacher engaged was unable to come\_on i-account of poor health. ' Ills UHBHIB Will. De DI'0FI1rl']000.V - The Women s Instxtute are holding a so- cial on'Friday evening, Jan. 13. ` _ M4 QIIA M l\Y\I. f\IVl\II lV'\l\II` Mr. and Mrs. Adams and Hovey-,'spent Sunday in .I-Iawkestone. `Cull `J,-ll -I.'lI`JCy CVCLI-III5, dull. 10. I flu`:-u -no R-nnlro q\\,- -- Lynn sunl>n-um...` I-.'p...... Ill - LLUIVI IKXI-`\JHUo Geonge Brooks, Sn, has returned from Onllra. . "FL- __L-_l __ -,,_,,__I _, 1': I I VVIUAI. HUI ua.u5uu:1, U115 \.IUUl\. 1Ul`UlIl'Ua Harry Priest has returned to. Barrie after spending a. coupfe" of months with his par- `ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Priest. M. ......1 u-.. n 11.1 .......1.1:.. -1: a;-_..L.._ 111.16; 1l.Clll_y LJIIIIULI IE Vllhll `Mrs. M. Rainford of Barrie. `II :-..-_. G__;.L ____I 1 /-_.~,_L, I UL. LID.lllLUlll. Ul Jllllllfo MA-isses`Scott and Kennedy have returned 1 to their duties as teachers for schools No; _9 and No. 17. 11.;- _.-_I 1:..- A 1r,,.I 3 -. ,1 r - I~` auu LVU. II o 0 Mr? and Mrs. A. Huth visited. friend.`.in Sunnidale one day last week.- ' -()nH-a o vnirnknr A` {Jan uynnnnv `Alba ul- auu \JUlllVVl1lUlo -Miss Jean Gaston has returned to Tor- onto after spending two weeks at her home. Mrs. Hill of Toronto spent New Year's- vwith her mother, Mrs. Morrjson. I ! Edwin Rosters snent a few `davs in Mus- I R Wlld L351 LIIUDUUI, 171130 UIUIIVIDUU. ' 1 wm Rogers spent days 1n tkoka last week. . ` `Ill-.. 1341.`.-- II` ____ __ L..`_ ___L_._.____I`L- C\_.J IIUEUH ULIC 11150 UL Ullc .)I:a1.' Business seems quite brisk since lhe `weatherman has sent enough snow for Asleighing. By the look of the loads of wood coming in. it must be quite plentiful, al- though the price still stays high. Mrs. J. St-auffer of Torqnto is visiting . her niece, Mrs. B. Reinhartil` _ton, last week. . ~ Alex. Pridham `attended the funeral of his little nephew, 'George Pridham of Allis- Miss Esther Turner has returned" to Sud- |bury aftegkspending -the holidays `at he_r Shame.-7' "' `ii Mrs. Chas.AHart isvisiting in Eden, N.Y. games Fr-aser has gone to take a. course M at the O.A.C., Guelph. Miss Mary Gaston has` returned "to Port Huron, Mich. `IF.-.-uni `Div cv:a:"AA Lin nugd-A 1] ... `Y "I" LAG]. IILIC7 IJGI Ull |l.I. IUUL 0 Miss Helen Wanless, nurse, of Tofbnto, has returned to that city after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Henry Smith. V 11.. 1:11-..- 1r-n__ L__ ,._L._,,,,,J 1,, , p E UHIUIE: Flora Kelly has returned home af; _ter visiting friends at Corn Hill. 1` J1`, `DAM-5 `tum ............A on Q4 r-..n..... `L51 VIQIIIHIE LIIUUUD Hall '\JUl'1I 71111. ` T.~~E. Potts has returned to St. Cathar- iues after spending the holidays with his lparents and friends here. Mm RT Rn-uvatxvt :5 .-nan.-l.... .. &`.....~.......l.- I Cllll, Ulla ll-HLI M115: (1. L'l.lU3l'- _ Mr. and Mrs. D. McLaughlin of Stayner spent" a few` days last week with Miss Irene I Potts. ` " ` ' 'II__ `I T-__.___ C\,,,LL 2 !,`A' ,, I IJUJILILLICLIC `.1115 (la! LU WCCl\o` Quite a number of the young folks at- tended the hockey match in Elmv-ale, Fri- day `nigh't, and all report a good game. Jam. 9.---Mix Mary Craig is visiting. at Eady and Goldwater. ' men Inn nnafnn I-mg. n`-Iltunntl 4. 'l`.... LLUJ (Ill , IVIJUU u Ernest Rix visited his aunt,` Mrs. J. T. Ellsmere. A b ~ _ I "'""""" -"' Jan. 9.--Come to the Methodis next Sunday and hear Rev. A. 1 His theme will be Brotherligood, Thp Wnmpn s Tngf.f.nf.n m-A hnlrl Jan. 9.---Miss` Mae. Marley has returncgi to Toronto after spending the holiday un- der the parental roof. v 15:. 11.4.... ur.,..1-.;. ......... ..c m..`:;..... K` :3 NEWS FRQM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS E STAYNER . A ! T `HAW/KESTONE A _ ` alcuoa a.uu uAqAg.un ucus. ` ' I Mrs. N. Bowser 1s spendmg ~a fewwveeks wlth her daughter, Mrs Cook, Toronto. army pi-:naf `nun uni-upnnrl On 1);.-Cu utfnon Ullln Mrs. Hemjy Smith is visiting her siste1;, Irs, , v----- - -' --v- --j,,-v---- taro-our uvcuc-us yl J ' C1earin_a{: . . . . . . , .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' NEWLANDS .8: C0 S AMQUS _BL_A_CK` ,IhI p\IuIlI pups A--u _ __ . --_-j ------:.- auuwrj-Q-J 5 D 3 It 3&5. _ _R_:gul2_1r $10.50`. Only a fgw -Eftf Now: MEN'S KOREAN BEAVER COATS, regular $43.75. f"I,..._2..... .1. Q0!!! -`A _ .:---v-w-w- 7&3 nnnvD&3 no , _ `CLQTH EOAT with curl and {Jb}}'1iT~fiE,'EK `. collar.` Regu1ar,$40.00. Now . . . . . .. $27.50 MANY OT HER LINES not listed .3- at Greatlreductions FINE WHITE SLEIGH ROBES for Baby's Cuttgr. A ~ . . .... 1-#1/\ En~ `CRAIGHURST % .1 s.HAN'r we Sonic x'vit~h~a11,d sdme without `ear-bands; 1 _ V % - Thesg all on Sale at Half the Original Price ` MEN'S 1`wEE])'[-]ATs, III I` .I I Plain and fur-trim'1_ned-\Ab0ut 35 in all." Clearing out the lot at HALF PRICE. V Dl.L1lHIll2I.IUu I There wasn t much change `made In thel l-recent election. J. E. Done: was elected -` mayor, the councillors and` reeve being the] V-same as last year`. '1']... ..l....:.....' ..,.:n :. ........:..... ........ L....:....l MEN'S WINTER CLOTH CAPS _ VIGO LADIES CLOTH COATS BARRIE EXAMINER All oflthem real bargain; .7...-- r-...r..-.... _. .._ -........ ..- .. -.._.. There was a good -attendance at the U. F.Q.- meeting in the Temperance Hall "on Monday evening: Hubert McKenzie,~pre- sented his report of the convention _in'Mas- sey Hall- in `a. full and interesting fashion, and was accorded many compliments and a. hearty vote of. thanks. The retiringpres; ident, R. D. Henry. declined re-election, and A. `E. Morrieonwas placed in that position, Addison McKenzie being re-elect- ed secretary'-treasui"`er and Russell Coulter, vice-`president- Many. matters of interest morn tgtiiilannld ciarl nnlnn knainnaa 'nInI> hvere 111611.` The Women s_Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. R. D. Henry on Wednesday, Jan. 18, at 2.30 pm. A good .prog1-amzme liq being prepared and all ladies are welcome. -.--_... _- __-._._.-= u ---...u. 5 Poet wounded old Master Reynand nicely fooled three of our local amateur hunters `twice in one day recently. They dug him out`-first -but he-fooled them and made good his escape to a. hollow log, from where -aI- ter an hovur s.work he got away complete- ly. The leaders of the hunt were urb- sent `or, no doubt, this would not have ha-ppened. The foxes even enquire regular- ly as to.the whereabouts of these gentle -men .' rnL_ 1'h__l___.9_ T___L:L__L_ ,,,:n ',,,,. 4 .2 ,SlIIC EB Luau `YURI. `V The planing` mill is running now, having ' begun the first of the year.` Ilno.um-_- annnxa nui-L. I-u-Jab c:nnn +1, .._-_.._.._ ..-......_..-- Ii. vannvvlv I/\l\.I|\ ynuvx. The many Thornton friends of Miss Mar- yon Frost of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, will be interested to hear of her marriage to Alger Robert Friberg of Appleton, Wis- consin, on Dec. 28, 1921. Miss Frost is a. niece of Mrs. James A. Jamieson, has frequently visited `-here and sung solos in lboth churches. ' 1 nnfn . i Rev, W. H. Adams is xiisitingin Tor- uuu JJQALCL uuo WCCA. ' 1 b Friends of Miss Jean Small of Toronto] (sister of James Small, formerly of the Union Bank here) regret very much to hear of her serious "illness. At " time of _writing Miss'Small is in_ u very critical` con-- |diti0n.. `- n~L'_ trr A . . .2 u - -- - sun 1 onto, YT... onto, V ` -. .. _- _ Eh-gland Mason End Miss (Mary Mason have` _been spending a fortnight with friends at Horning's Mills. , IIII . G` I ruun uu HID vvunn. 1 Mrs. (Rev.) Dew -and Mrs. (Rev.) Ad-3 .21-ms were hostesses for the ministers whol conducted the union services at Ivy and Thornton on_ Wednesday and 'l'hurs_da_v of last week. ' r11L_ rn._.,3,,!, ~ I.I'.- -' -! ' The Eleusinians, in addition to their reg-g ular Studies, spent some time last Fridayg evexiixngdisctissing the reports of the con-I vention of the Association for [the advance-5 ment of Science just held in Toronto. Their; next meeting is on Friday, Jan. 20, at 8' o'clock". One of their number, Lieut. Tom, Allen, is in the city. } .1 `Iv . - .. 9 I Chas, Wice is here from the West visit-' ing old scenes and renewing old friendships. ! 11.... m1_._._. 1-,_,,,,,,,u,,' n n . I --- ..-.. _........... ....-. nvnnvvvlnna uug nsnvnpunuusyuoi Mrs. Thorpe, formerly ,of VPeneVta.ngui-: shene. passed away at the home of her} daughter, Mrs. Downer, on" Saturday, at} the ripe -age of ninety. Interment took! place -at Penet-anguishene, Z. -1 'III__ INA, IX1, 1 I Miss Dora Clarke has feturned h/ome af- ter spending a month with friends at Rock- Iand. ` ` ,_:n. 1- - . ..- I`! l 1 . - , I .Nvil1e Jamieson . and Miss ,Gen0vieve J'amic-son assisted with the concerts at Ivy and Baxter this week. " -.. -T N I 1 Read The Examiner Adlet Column. A. met at the home of Mm, W. A. J-amieson on Tuesday afternoon. The` /annual election of officers took place. I 'I"L.. __...___ l1VL___,,A-,, B ', I 1- 11- ID . Mrs. Sinlpsbn is visiting her son. `Dr. L. J. Simpson, Barrie. ' 1- . n . uv . . - _ . ..._...l.`...., .'....-u. Lieut. Cecil! Newton, who won a scholar- ship at the O.A.C., has gone to Guelph to enter on his work. ml..- IrI,,,, \ Y`\ i v I i I II 1 THORNTON ' Luuucza VI. ILIJIBIEII :1, and some btniness `put l}1l'l_'l`$_ A_ND GLOVES AT BIG Iuznucnons About is doz, NEW FELT HATS, regular $3.50 to $3 Men s Horsehide Lined Mitts. ; At . . . .' . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . . W Bgys . Lined Leather Mitts . . . . . . . . . . . These were regular 75c and $1.00. Men S Mocha Gloves (lined). Jan. A10.-The two ice companies are making `preparations for the _ice harvest. and it is expected that work will be in full swing by the end of thisweek. The ice is over ten inches now and with favor- able \veu.thcr conditions it will he 21 foot thick by the end of the week. There ap- pears to `be 1: plentifulsupply of men. - 1 cccu u `V . Mxs. Col. Campbell andv Miss` Jeanette? `.nnrn\.kn" cI`t\l1 Qnatrufnknvuvou uIir;IrA:` `annual

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