STROUD, TELEPHONE COMPANY , ,I. ..__..L..l.L 35&l`l`iC h`,\I IILis\V J. v{;\' BI.A(`.K. I x~sid;n_t: W. LE-NNOX BLACK, Secretary. 71>1:1%Lc'L1%r%i%)fmr3 Cmzens HONOR i COLLEGIATE PRINCIPAL 1 Major H. W; Ket-foot Banqueted at Royal Hotel and Presented with Cabinet of Silver. (Picton Gazette) .Bcfo1'e leaving Picton to take up his new duties as Principal of the Classical Department of the Ottawal Normal School, Principal H. W; Ker-3 foot of the Picton Collegiate Insti-l `cute, was banquetedat the Royal Ho- 1 tel on,Frida_v night last and present-` led with a beautifuleabinet of sterl- ing silver. Principal Kevfoot came` to Picton ten years ago as classical : master. - After a couple of years here` he went to North Bay for a,_vear'.` `Seven `years ago he came back to Picton as Principal, and has held this` position since that time with greati |_satisfaction to the school board, toi l. the pupils, andvto the entire commun-` ity, and very generalregret. was ex- pressed when itewas learned that Mr. % Kerfoot was about to leave. 3 , 11: 4.--. r1..l1.....:.-.b-n lanc- l\Ul'.LU_UL W315 EJJJUUL4 I4U ICGVC. His work in Picton Collegiate has . been most commendable. Under his principalship the school has always graded among the first in the pro- vince. He has rare teaching ability, and has the yet rarer combination of `being a good teacher a disciplinarian t and yet being exceedingly popular ,with both students and staff. He had an abundance of tact and good judg- ment, very essential qualities for the smooth running of a school organiza- tion. And these very qualities made him universally popular with the gen- eral public. T Under Mr. Kerfoot s principalship therehas been e"icien'-` cy, harnionyjand co-operation in the school with the same cordial relations existing between the school, the in- dividual home and the community. Under such conditions there could be 1 nothing but progress in school mat- I r F D ` ters and the deepest regret at his departure. An In vvunwnlv A` 4-kn nf I I 1 ueparture. As a mark of the appreciation of his friends and the public generally, the banquet was arranged and on Friday night at the Royal about one hundred-residents` of town and coun- ty were in attendance. * * * * As a tangible expression of the esteem and` appreciation in which Mr. Kerfoot was held by his many warm friends in Picton, he was presented -during the evening` with a very handsome cabin- et of sterling silver. - The hand of the submarine and munition maker can be plainly dis- cerned` in the disarmament offing. The U.S. adds reservations to a\peace pact of its own making. Later they may be interpreted `to mean, We- uns can arm but you uns caint. `."Ll.lL\IuIl\:u u-nu. :2: your .=`_vSt'rn1. . VASIC gas on the .z~'-.rur slozmwh um Ll'.1uurd..-z :a.gai:us1 ':ur irmd. l`mlg:::i:=t. Ba- uuu nyun vn . /, Liznitod numbers. Schoo4 re-opens Jan. H Art. Couifersatirynal French and sports. ' 1 , , _ A man by the name of Steer was beaten in the Midland municipal elec- `~ tions. Another illustration of the de-- pressed state of the ` live stock! llnafket. " ` ' tl A woman shot her husband the` other day be cause'heVwou1dn t buy. `her a cook stove. Apparently 1she had the range on him, anyway. . For the firt_ time, VMidlan`d elect-E ed a second deputy-reeve this year. If there's anything in, a name, he should be satisfacto1'_v-~ he's called Gooden; ' Seems the ai'ma_ment cpnference has` "not disarmed isuspiicion-Bra.n'don Weekly Sun.` How it is possible when the'_ U.S. wants to disarm all other: nations but doesn't want to share in lieir responsibilities of keeping the :$&&&&aw$%%%$w&%%%$%%%&%&: `I; A EDITORIAL COMMENT :1; % %%$&&%&*%%%%%&%&&%%&%$%$% % eace. There were a total ofA45,1(\1 ac-ci-l dents reported to the com-, pensation board last year, includi-mg` 386 fatalities, and involving a dis-. bursement of`$5,526,5319. This isl said to be a decrease; neve1`theless,f the safety first `apparatus can still} stand some speeding. up, evidently. 2` 'i}H] CAUSES GAS % A ON THE S_TOMACH 2 Orillia, Coldwater_ Midland, Perle-! tanguishene and Collingwood each` has its resident police magistrate, but the Attorney-General appears to be! of the opinion that there is no onei 3-~ T!----.3. ....-\..L1n AP 4-lie:-I-may-cv-iv`.-1` Hznl to III! OI me opuuuu Luau uxcxc V... in Barrie capable of discha:-gin,-' the duties of police magistrate to suit; his own particular ideas of how justice should be administered. L ! The town of Barrie has a steam} [boiler and a pump for sale." T'ue{ `county has a steam furnace for sa1e,i and the g'ove1'nment has an old mili-! {tary building for sale. Why not form f 3 a three-cornered partne1'ship to pump.` out the bay for a park site? It m`.9:ht I get Ba1'1'ie t-u1ked about and give] some `one a chance to boom Barrie as ,a sum m or resort? { - u l . Economy in the administration bf} ijustice was._one of the reasons ad-1 fvanced for the appointment of dis-: itrict magistrates. In this respect the I Attorney-Genei`al s idea of economy: ~seems to be to take $1000 from the! !_people of "Barrio to increase the sal-E iary of the Orillia magistrate and addi :to the cost ofthe office theamount, `of his travelling` expenses. T E . _ I A trade Journal at hand talks T pageful aboiit how to finish an oak; {floor and dismisses the subject withi "a doubt as to what is thebetter plan.i Now, isn t it easy, and ridiculous to: the journal, when one thinks that to` finish an oak floor propeArl_v all that, is needed is to turn the kids loose; on it with roller or ice skates. ` The Attorney-Gene1'alA has inostf graciously permitted the town of Batu ! grin": to have the services of the Orilliai mag':istrate fora couple of hours` iweekljy, in return for which Barrie. Iiis, to put into the pockets of thesaid `magistrate an "additional $1000 ans-A gnuaily. This town also is given the :privi1eg'e Of providing court room, ilcierk, etc.` fr cases from_ the town ships, brought here probably because it best suits `the.;rate s con- ` 1 ! venierice. l People throw aside medical journ- ials, trade journals, etc.-, and turn to icomic supplements for humor, when, ;in fact, these dry" pages frequently Iafford a considerable tickle to the risibles. For instance, a medical journal tells us exercise will kill gc-rms., Now at first glance that might seem merely educative. But when one starts to think of the race he would have to catch the germs be- fore he could exercise them--- well, ithink it over. In deciding to ban dancing at the collegiate, the Board of Education has adopted the wisest course. It must be remembered that the col- legiate is maintained by public funds for educational purposes. While the majority, probably, regard dancing as a pleasing, innocent amusement, there are a number of ratepayers who do not approve of it. -In view of the strong objection which has been raised, it is as well that dancing in the school should not be permitted, Promotions in the public schools are to be made this month upon the standing taken during the fall term, instead of by special examinations. _The Board might well go a step fur- ther and abolish promotion examina- tions in June and advance the pupils upon their term records. Were pro- motions thus made every term there would be no need of trying such un- wise experiments as that `used last summer whereby pupils obtaining. ov. ereighty per cent. wereallowed to skip a whole year's work- a method that places too great a strain upon the children promoted and `also has a tendency to retard, for a time at least, the classes in which they are , placed. _ It is mu).-<~.d by f(`X.l1C.X)1ing.'S0l11' \vusto T.:Ltl.eI' in the ix1to:',~'tim`.~`. This old. foul :x::.M1m":~:hou1d be tlmrougllly cleaned out .v-ith . buckizhorn bark. g1ycc1'iuo. tc.. -'3 Inixad `in At-l!m=i~k:1. This :xct:~' on BOTH'i \.r,vp(-..r u.x~.d 1ower'bmve1. rc-.moving "old ac- `:umu!al`cdo matter you never thought "was .~`_vst rn1. Ar|lm'-i-k:x`!"<-1ic\e.~' ANY stonmch. Excellent for and (`_h1'()IIi(3 co11.~:t.ipation. ".u\pm\dicit~i.~'. W m. (`ro.~';~'- Bz'.I`I`i(`, A The Canadian National`-Railways recently issued a chart of earnings and expenses in which it was shown that eaynings were increased and ex- penses` going down. Starting with THEWBARRIE EXAMINER August,`which showed net profits of some $47,000, a steady improvement -`has taken place, October earnings; !being some half million dollars great- er `than expenses. The greatest re- :1 duction in operating expenses occur- 3` red prior to July. This is a most}: important point, because it shows? that the reduction in expenses occur- ! . red prior to the `recent reduction in `-1 wages, put into effect on July 161212;}: `This is conclusive proof that greater ii `tonnage and greater efficiency inj management are primarily respons-; ible for this ver_y encouraging state; of affairs. .5 ' ' . I l A good cau:-:.c: will p-.-ospcr qui!.'ke1'E with nppo:-zition than without it. Op- position mezms a contest. "Human- |ity lcves'a contest. 4 Beeause there is '- no contest for office means that a_. town or township s' interest,` which, in the broader sense, is self interest, is left to retrograde, perhaps. From now till another new 3,-'ear there will 3' "\e mnmlaints of mismanagement off public `utilities here and there. But ` I did the rn'en who may have cause for; :`comp1aint avail themselves of an op}? `tportunity on nomination day? Conn-` , I Hells frequently lag in duty_beca.usei .their members` can t see their dutyp. {Councillors should notbe afraid of al }<-ontest in council sessions if theyl fhave a cause. From contests com: ` qucrors are born and conquests t achieved, especially in legislative I 5 Contests. ` -. . Aldermen Byrne and Mt-Kinnoar a on to collect outstanding taxes. Ac-3 cordim_: to the financial statement`; presented on Dec. 1-3 last, taxes were! outstanding` as follows: 1921, 317,-; 0`.20.`29;' arrears, $l,8`?.-1.95; street oil- linfg`, $!i764.~1$l--21 total of $30,609.63. l'I'hese.\vgre int-ludecl in the estimated freteipts of last year and aslong as l l c the_V`are outstanding the Town lms to ; I pa) interest on :2 corresponding [amount overdrawn in the bank. This; condition is not peculiar to `l921,'nm'; {to the town of Barrie: in fact, many; ltojxns are considerably behind Barrie {in this respect. Last year over a half- 'mill was paid in bank `charges on foj.'ei-`rlraft. mainly due to slow` pay. 7ment of a portion of the taxes. Whiles lther interest on zirrears larg`el_v off- isets the bank charges, it woul(l`be. ,much_ more' satisfactory if prompt 'payment of all the taxes could be }secured. re right in moving that steps be tak- aj % The Very Latest M and Snappiest Dance Music on His Master s Voice-Victor Records at any `_`I__lis Mater s Voice dealers HOEVER first said, I can't make my. feet l_)ehave." must have" anticipated the January H15 Master s Voxce"-Vxctor Dance Records. 18825 Wee No More My Mammy-Fox Trot Paul Whfteman and His Orchestra Apr! Showet-s-Fox Trot Paul Whxteman and His Orchestra `.8836 Everybody Step-Fox Trot V Paul VVhi_tem;m and His Or Y: M Ka-Lu-A-Blue Danube Blues--Fox Trot Pan! Whxteman and His Orghestlr; 18831 Dapper Dan--Fox Trot ("uh Royal Orchestra The Sheik--Fox Trot Club Royal Orchestra 18834 Birds of `a Feather-Fox Trot All Star Trio and Their Orchestra Leave Meowith a Smile-Fox Trot All Star Tno and Their Orchestra 316353 June Moon--Fox Trot Cjiampion Jazz Band Fancies--Fox Trot lmpenal Dance Orchestra A17 U, 111 _'___1. J--.Ll- ...`.J-J .......J_ 51-, 18827 Blossom Time--Medley Waltz Jose Saturday-Piano Duet (in Fox Trot Tempo) '~.~~'l, will he held In the Urangn nan. mruuu. in Wednesday. Jan 18, 1922. at 2 o'clock, iorr ne purposeof electing directors and -:<.`Jm' busineae. 1-2c u-rs-vv r1r.gv w-.v I nrr 1\,,L_3_]__L VICKES LIMITED DISTRIBU'PORS FOR BARRIE DISTRIET Victrola Ask to hear these new seleconns played on the Berliner Gram-o-phone Company, Limited. Montreal ` Phone 531 A.Meffatt,Plumbgaqgl`[laty -nvu. All on 10-inch bdouble-s-idcd records, 8g:.-t SANITARY PLUMBING IS FINE Sole agent for Hecla Furnaces -:--I Stroud Tcle;.>h}3ne Company, Limit.- '~.~~'l, will he held in the Orange Hall. Stroud. ._ nr...|..,.,.,n.... 1.1.. 1G 109`) M 9 n :-In:-_1:_ Joseph c. smith and His Orchestra npo)_ Victor Arden-Phil Ohman Thursday, January 12. 1922. but it must be maintained in clean, careful working con- dition. Install the best equip- ment you can get in bath- room, kitehen, laundry, ctc., but don t stop there-- em- ploy us to keep it in first- class order. Sanitary equip- ment is only sanitary if look- edi after once in a while. Give us the opportunity to show you what sanitary plumbing service means to Office, 10-12 Owen St. ` v - . v v v v v v - w` PEAC CHAR RUSSI Q` Peach 3 xnztk-cs Page Two Thursdpw. gvoeowooooc 91 ; Bus_ine}sI and cm been the Ed. 0.R. 1y desigm Wil 11 1I00d adjusted. chargc-:< OI I\Uuw_ I I-I-&IV --wn_ vrun . ~.. . The mmuul meeting of the sl3uroholdera | -1 the Stroud Telephone Lifnil.-5 .1 ...:n L... IMIA in elm n.-mmn `Hull, Sh-nud. REGIST 99 ,Dunlbo Barri Ba: Victoria Office 1 Ati GOO! irzht are -'l`his is -y-uoursu for at JUCILLIV ~--~~~ _~ S('.h0lm`ship- Matriculation; S010 Singing. Music, emphasized. Outdoor games Health record excellebzi. For Prospectus apply to Principals.