Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1922, p. 4

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(3.) Those 'that are of no ixkerest to those concerned with t e debatel, (b) Thdse that are _soIpalpa.bly E}'l'l1t3_ t_.hat{ there is no basis for 8 di erence c.4VA"`.`1)IIll0I1, ~e.g., Any side of a squ re is to any other side of.the same ,-quare,.,r The I MESS M. McARTHUR ' ' King Block . - - BrIiu %!i.L__ Publi School Supplies Papers and Magazines YtQ1I.ci;'E;}I;;`.% FU. RS REMODEL1.LI-ID . AND REPAIRED ' DOUBLE- sman _ %RECORDS- " LATEST SHEET MUSIC dam-HURST 'Tl;;{1:a:x;tv:i;a.1;i1;er-c;fM;.Em; Mills was buried -at Wilson s Hill Cemetery on Saturday. M. .....A. M... m w .I.t....A... ma .1:m.. Sun and Gennett Ill EU `)1 : V needed} should FROM THE DIM AGES of the past, to the present day, music` has been one of the chief moulders of the character of man. The chahts nf `wild tribes of the Orient and of [the Occident were crude indeed, yet it was their hxusic. improve The gre today Cl their mu i SINCE 1; : artists and orchestras of c nnot. go everywhere, yet ic is within reach of all by means f the . phonograph, and especially by the perfect phonograph ---THE 1 EAL-- which plays all "makes of records. KEENAN & KENNEDY Thursday, January 5, I922. L 'barbarities Vcommitt-ed by the German sol~ diers in the great war were censurab{e,' or "Gladstone was a. great statesman." In! A -. II I . r H` :- LVII. -auu llo Lu '7' ILGILLIJ MU. IIIWIU daughter Margaret and and Mr. Reg- `nah; WIN!!! Dill` +011: l`OIlII`I+AF M.ann-annn6 I The most. suitable subjects for effective debating. as I intimated earlier in this ar- ticle. are those that possess a. real interest for those participating in the debate, and for` the audience. The most promising sources for such questions are to be found ,in the practical life of today, in the pol- itical, international, social, industrial, ed- ucational, and economic conditions and -movements of the times. "BL- -II.,...Z___ I!_L - ....Li ....a.. __:ll ..-_-.- 'lllUVlllI7HlD Ul. laud Iallll%o _ The following list of subjects will serve to illustrate: `I , L_.____L:_,,_I 7`I'\`L- 1`_-_.._- _ \T_L1_.__ 2.. 1 LU ll.l'uBl|lIlU. Interna.tional-The League of Nations is a guarantee against future wars. I DnI:n4-HT {nnn1;n;nn\ A foi-1 Ill 5|.ll1FI|l|.UU sillllbla ILIIIILIC Wlllo necessary for the prosperity of the Domin- | Political-- (Dominion) A high t-ari is ion of Canada; (Provincial) Group govern- ment is detrimental to the best interest. lof the people of the Province of Ontario`; (Municipal) Dominion or provincial party lines should be ignored in municipal elec- tions. ,f,I f\LIIJ_____ .__ ' ' .J_.. _._-L_-_ -.._.._.. -- IIIUIII WUIAIH5 ll] llIULUllCBo Educat.ional-~The Provincial Government should enact legislation providing for 8. sys- tem of con:~:olidated schools in the rural sections of the Province of (name of pro- vince). . l- `l ...l...~c..2nl Qnw- I-..-.....,l~ At` ....lnl&...-.l-3,. LIUHB. Social-~-Children under sixteen years of age should be prohibited by provincial law from working in factories. 1.7:`:-nnl-:nnnl VF]-un Du-nu-:nn:4-1| rlntvnrnvnani ' \' ILIUUJ o Industrial----State boards of arbitratipn. with compulsory powers, should be appomt- ted to settle clisplxtes between employers and employees. ' _ Fc.*momic-T:n'iff. for `protective purpos- `m--au`1-y.~upun goods, the manufacture of which has _-been established in _ Canada. should be withdrawn; or, Commercial re ciprocity with the United States is neces- sary to prosperity in Canada; or, C&;: should seek to establish commercial : -_ L: rocity with the United States. Tho lvunuuknnn I\` `tun .-\_n............. ...........is n.n_nIa_y wuu uuc uuucu 5314111465- jrhe members of the programe commit- tee of a debating society can select many excellent. subjects for spirited debating from quetions of public interest in their om: Vcommunity. 1`? .1.-u nu I\ (Copyrighted by Bish and Colonial Press: . Limited) V po:>;uq2o:o3>:u:>:u:2$ , nl ...v.- -....-J ...a--r..- _._.- --_- \ wlr. iirs. W.VG. Mackay-gnd daugh- ter Ruth spent New Year s in Toronto. VIII , ,3 'II,. _._ J IRA, 1'3.` HAT TIME music` has been and spread the world over. gt- Artile : The Proposition) tclusive agents TO THE ELECTORS or THE 11-. or mrusx-'u.: I wish to `thank you all for the! splendid support given me at the polls on Monday last. As I enter upon my `tenth successive year of service to the old township of Innis- fil, I shall, as in the past, endeavor to serve the interests of the ratepay-` ers to the best of my ability. 1IT:..I.-'...... -nan all .. '[I..`.._.. ..L.'.I vlu UV vanv uuuu vn. nun; uu;;;u . Wishing you all a Happy a n'd1 Prosperous New Year, I I remain The` formei" trustees for th --qua-pruvu nu etownwere| u onumuay . Mr. -and Mrs. T. W. Handy and we lnumahfnr Mnianrnf ant` Mr and Mi-Q `D.-..._ Matinee for OJilyi,`l'-'rido_.y at 3 Adm 1 ion_37c Saturday Matinee at 2.30. . Kids 11, Adults 27 ' '_ Nights, 27c _and 50 - . Haveyou storedgiorur car yet for the winter ? If so, let us store your battery, as we have an up-to-date re-charg- T ing and overhauling station. We can overhaul your hrs tery at a reasonable price and guarantee good service.- We also overhaul, gas engines of all makes `he ti1n'e to have your car cleaned and overhauled '~*'ng. `We giveispecial raitelfor cleaning and hauling during the winter months, dnedy,_ Jan." 9', 10,. 11 `THE SPECIAL LASKY P RODIJCTlON . Thursday, F riday,,Saturday, Jan, Ii, 13, 14 rat: I 0 t'\I\t\l_ll:'C'I"I)A \ 11.u:%,a.y, Fridaiy, saturday, Jan. 5, 6, 7 KHAYM S WONDER? SHOW APPEARANCES Yoixj ALLYA `HAPPY; NEW YEAR vcoo1 ag McFadd re-elected` on `Monday, namely, H. L. Dun- ning, Dr. R.'H. Leadlay and C. H. Ca.m:p- kn" 'I"1-an nn Ilid on fn"n:nyn- nr Tint`- mug, 111'. n. 11. ueauusy unu u. n. ua.uup- bell. The pol was as follows: Dr. Lad- lay 71, C. H. Campbell 67, H. L Dunning 67, W. H. Reed 39, IA-I..G. Arnold 25 - I II -I I1,` ,,_!;_,I Wm. White, who is spending th winter with `his sister, Mrs. Chas. Patience, spent New Year`s with friends at Peterboro. Ill... 1T.....aIn "I"n:6 1|` Tnrnnfn 11:|:;fAl` `f. in}: x}1"1f s."13;Cd'.bI1;1;I;I1 "visited at Hamilton last week. v 'u:__ It-n..II...._L -1` m.._.....a... :. ..:..:4.:..... v1\ii1s:ulIl\T[.; (l3Iul`l3:lgvc<:fA.TorontoV is visiting her parents, TMr. and Mrs. A. L McCul- lUUll. ' ' 4 ' _ ussell Tait of Barrie spent a. few days last week with his grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Rainey. - _ A Iunnlr I nknnrvnrl CG .0 11730`! IISMKB Hull UIIB, IJBV'l\.l LJIUUEPBUII 3. --Those who have -not settled their ac- counts at R.ankin s, due on cars -and gar- age work, should 410 so immediately and save further proceedings. We have given you every chance. (1Advt.) u.uu|c_y. The week is '-being observed as a week of prayer. The services are.as follows :- Monday, Methodist Church, Rev. Dr. Whit- taker; Tuesday, Presbyterian Church, Rev. T. R. White; Wednesday, -St. John s Church, Rev. Mr. Bartlett; Thursday, Methodist Church, Rev. Mr. Bartlett; Fri- daly, Presbyterian Church, Rev. Dr. Whit- fa Ar 1'. . Fr-ank Ross spent over New Year's with. friends` at Staynezr. :":gu Mnhnnrn A: "`1\a\An}\t; snarl` `Many IDIIIIVHJC, I/IIID WUCR. ' Mr. Gibbons of Toronto spent the holiday -at Mel. Donnelly's. 1.4.... Inn A` v:,.+....:.. n..1|.....'. m...1m-.. IIVIUHUH` no Dub]!-_ll?l'o V . ' `Miss Matthews of Toronto spent New Yea.r s at Mrs, David Thom'pson s. 'lnnan 1:9`-un Kano mnf an?!-`arr {>1-an`: -on- I115 'UI\JlllIUl , IJIJU LGU Elmvale, this week. lK.. n_:-`\l\.l\9\:I at Tm new !e8l'S wlvn Inenua EL rcwruuxv. Miss Verde. Tait of Toronto visited last week with her aunt, Mrs. Robt. M-arling. Mr. and Mrs. Moran of Barrie spent Monday at H. T. Rankin s.` \XTanfnrI___(\nn 11lIIIl`I'lIl" mnn'f.n hi! Jrmnvv _uu Duuuay tsvcuuug. V Mr. -and Mrs. D Arcy Gauley and child- ren of Barrie spent New Yv.dr_ s at Harry FiSher`6a ' ' ' G.L_-I ..- -..-..-.I -.. 'rv........l..-. L1... ..-....- `YUM CV61 UISGIIUU. \llILlVlJn} Robert T Cole and~ Archie McLean are .visiting in Toronto this week. - I `an Mnwunn ofnntlnl` {dun rfnnnro` I Vlfllllls Ill LU]. UIIDU IILIID WUCB-o Jas. McFadden attended the funeral of his brother, the late Geo. Mq_Fadden, in m........|.. n.:._. ..,.m1, . .l l `(III LVICI. JJUIIIIULI John Kell of ,\:i'ctoria College. To..6nto, ' conducted service in the Methodisthurch _on Sunday evening. In an.-I Mu: TVA-nu flunhur and uh;-L ~?-<< Ai%&%%%&&%&&&&&$$$$&$*%$%*l saws mom NEIGHBORING 1'ownsHu>s E 1 |$&$&*$*%$*&&%%$%&&*%%&*$&$ A _Jan. and Mrs. Herb Thompson and little son Billie spent New Year s with the latter's_ au-nt, Mrs Smith, Barrie. Miss Bessie=Len1iox has returned to Plot- mal School at Hamilton; Chas. `Lennox and Roy Blackstock to . Dental. College amf Chas. Carr to Medical College, after `hav- `no annnf fh (`.151-infrnnua x-onolinn of 91111:!` UU315. `JD-Kl. l-U LV1C`LlJ'UaI. \JU|1I7`C, UIIIUX mg spent the Chnstmas vacation at respective homes `here. MI`. ant` Mia W n I-Tani-17 onnnf IZIJIIIIIUIVC HUD]? uclc. ' r. and Mrs. W. D Henry spent Year's in Barrie with Mr. and Mrs. J. don. V 1:? cu___.__ Lt -n___;.c-___1 -___;. UUII. . T. W. Sharpe of Brantford spent the holiday with his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sh\arp e. ' Mrs.`G. B. Henry is improving nicely. Mrs. "G. Plowman of Allandale was a re- cent guest. at R. D. Henry s. - , III , _'III 1 9.1 monaay an n. 1. mxunuus. Wanted---One hundred men` to buy heavy rubbers at: Fisher s: The price is `right. 1Tf..-.4-~L.un-LL nnvuvilltx -nun: hall` at H-an Si: a';}d"11'rs'. E.;.}; Wilson and child-' ren of Alliston spent the past week with the `lntter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. `Grey. ' . V nnnknr} Mnlvtu-A A` {Jan TTr\:nv\- Dan]; .....--- a-v>.4v' -- --. England Mason `-\\:ill. be in `charge of.the -v--._, `Y.P.C. on Tuesday evening next. A good programme is being prepared. III..- `YI_A.__Z._ `li.__..-___, -1.` 'lY,_L_,!_I_, ' -I:Ixbridge is i-n charge of No. 9 school. ' Ii __ _.. J It ,, 111-: I I -I 1- uxcy. -_ Robert Melrose of the Union Bank, Hampton, spent New Year s with Mr. and Mrs. James Lennox. - , Mr. and Mrs. Webster entertained a num- ber. of young friends on Wednesday night. Miss Jean Coutts entertained on Friday night, Ernie Wonch winning the first prize at both parties. ' Anon Tknnnnenn nf 1nI`:nn Wood :a nu CI! IJUIIII VGIDIUDQ Allan Thompson, of Indian Head, is on a visit to his old home here. Since he went west _fourteen years ago, many houses have been erected here, and the residents in the others have in almost every instance} changed-, so he says, it is like visiting an almost stra.nge.place. _ V The unmno` `Alli, :n:ru\ns~ In nnnnnn:nn GAIIIUBIJ ll]. G-ll5UvplGMUo - The annual fowl supper in connection with St. Jude s Church was helrl on Mon- day night, Jan. 2. A large crowd did jus- tice to the bountiful repast served by the ladies, after which everyone proceeded to the Orange Hall to enjoy a first-class con- cert. In the absence of Capt. Tupper of Camp Borden, Rev. Dr. Whittaker of iCooksto'wn,very -ably lled the position of chairman Miss Klombies, A.T.C.M., .of Whitby and Miss Darlington of Toronto de- lighted the `audience with several vocal numbers. The Misses Wilma and Irene Griffin made a very favorable impression by their readings. Lorne Arnold rendered several difficult violin selections which won great applause, one number worthy of special mention being P-aderewski s Min- uet." Rev. T. R. White of Cookstown. Rev. R. H. Somerville and Rev. W H Adams gave short -addresses. Miss Winni- fred Sharpe and Rev. T. J. Dew ably acted as accompanists and Thornton orchestra provided very acceptable numbers. The sum of $225 was realized. a Clue of Thornton : Pioneers Thevpioneers who knew the country when it was still, largely covered with the- virgin forest `are rapidly passing away. One is still with us _in Thornton in the -person of Arthur A. Postle. He first `saw the place, which was then an i-ntermingling of bush and clearing, sixty-two years ago, when an 9 hnv nf nhnnt fnnrfnnn kn nnhnn uyiol-. auu u1c*uuu5,.auu:_y*bwU yctub 2150, wucu as a boy of about .-fourteen he came with his father from his native "(township of Vaughan, in York County. His father, James Postle, bought lot 4 on the eighth concession of Innisl. It was solid bush, and the purchase -price was $900. Twenty- 've -acres were cleared in the first winter, and the rest in a few seasons thereafter. Almost opposite was a vast ~ced_ar swamp where bears and wolves abound ed. There was a Methodist church where the Grose garage now stands; the old building is still intact, and is at present at the rear of the same lot. Stewart Wright was the Sunday School superintendent and class leader. While still in his teens, Mr. Postle did his -hit -in connection with the Fenian Raid, and got his `bounty in money" -and in land some few years ago. He is a charter mem- ber of the Sons of Temperance Lodge here, andhas -a lot of good stories to tell of the early days of the temperance movement,- as well as of many other matters connected with days bygon . s -Juana: pAafIA`nvnn Ln..- Q... 'l.`.....l......l "l J :... vvuru uaya `Uy guue. -James Postle`was born in England.- His family owned several hundred acres of land at Bloeld , in the County of Norfolk. Seized with the spirit of adventure, he came to Canada in his youth, and rst lived at Montgomery s hotel, once so fam- ous on"Yonge St. Later, he married and moved into Vaughan. His bride was Mar- garet Archibald, whose grandfather, Alex- ander Archibald, a; Scottish U. E. Loyalist. had come up from N?Jva. Scotia, and settled on the |..'\'-'1 hundred` acres of land which lies on the Teston sideroad, between the fourth and fth, concessions of the town- ship of Vaughan. It was here the subject of this sketch"was born and passed his ear-. . liest years. James Postle, who was pre- deceased by some four years by his wife, died about twenty years ago, and both are buried in London, Ont.` Mr._-Postle's bro- ther, James, resides in Detroit, as does also his sister Louisa (Mrs. Steele) and An- , na (Mrs. Fralick). Another sister, Sadie (M-rs". Brown) lives in Chicago. Mr. Postle married Ella Maria Brown, at Ivy, in 1871, and still feels the loss which he sustained by her death some months ago. Though blessed with no children of her _own, Mrs. Postle was -a true mother, and among others who lived in her care were W. F. MacLean and G. C. Creelman, whose` names `are well-known today. ` A nephew, 2 whom she `cared for from infancy, felt with `I her husband the irreparable loss occasioned ; by `her departure. - ` ' Jain. 4.-Miss Muriel Irwi has feturned to Toronto after `-spending tho hohdays at lhome. ` TA `n___.., ,p n,,_I_L _.....4. l`IL..!..&........ at -E. `Brown of Guelph spent Christmas home. . 11.. _ , 1 I: r ,- 1-___ -1: `D_.....l.. ` I Page THORNTON my .'r"{1znda`:; the doct g :Women's 11 the _ parson 12,; `. I f 2 3 H '= am V wlll e cu-rr DALSTON {THE 13-AU`?T11`FTfTEXATW_N ?B,,i , parsonage; I in pair `by Va ` their LVUVV ` Gor- TUDDBYS at, 1`l5!.l6l' 5. Luis punt: us usuu. Watchnight service was held `at the Methodist Church. um--. n........n .....I ...... 17......:- at Tn...` Jan. 2.-No. 15 School gave a. concert last week at the closing of school for the holiday. The children did their partswell and tghe programme "was enjoyed by the! parents and friends of`the school. . I"Iun nnrannnn hnvn nf Rrhdfnrdxriglitndr pureubtq uuu 'u`1uuu U1 vuc uulzvvn. ,. _ V i The Carscadden boys of Bradford visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Bertram recently. Mrs. Currie and son Will spent Christ- mas at The Glen, Mitchell Square. u:.. u.......,....+ n|....1..+....1, ll` `Kori-:1`: 2; 1.11215 lib Luc Ulcu, uuvuucu uquulc. Miss Margaret Blackstock of Barrie is` spending the holidays at A. J ._ Thomp- son s. ` ` II . ._.I II`... (V... lI'..t"....l.. at \T.......-... B011 5- l Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCuaig of Vespra spent; Christmas with friends here. mac M Nhnn nf Tnrnnfn urge n -nmnlr- Aux but: uuuuayn. Geo. Rugman of Barrle was a visitor here last week. I `I1-.. 1..., `II _____ -. _f 'I.`.._.....L __.___-L__l 2.. Sptul; \Ju'I'lBl'lIIl1 'WIlAl1 kl IULIUB LlC1l7u Miss M. Wilson of Toronto was 9. week- end visitor here with relatives. ll..- l7_...-.I_ `L1'.....s-.. L..- ....L.........l 15.-...- CHU VIEIDUII LICIC Wllr IUIEIAIVCD. Mrs. Frank Hunter has returned home after a yisit with relatives here. S Mon ,n'v-ml Mr: Tnhn Wmnuc ant` Ann a-nnnf tiller 2% .y151I1 WIIIU lUI.ll|llVC$ 11:16. Mr. and Mrs. John Emms and son spent Christmas In Barrxe. Jen. 2.--The Sunday School concert and[ Christmas tree, held in the Congregational Church last Thursday, was well attended and _much enjoyed by all present. Thel children all did well, showing careful_train- ing. Much credit is due to Miss Jean Mc- Lean, Mrs. A. J. Thompson and Roy Slack for the success of the entertainment. It,, T __:..1_L__. A ll ..__L..-..l L_-A.L_._ -1` l IUI ULIC L|U\}CD U1 l'llC CIILCLUGJIIIIIUUD. ' Mr. Knighton of Montreal, brother of Rev. G. H. Knighton, spent Christmas at the parsonage. I M;au Mukn] Thnrnncnn nf Tnrnnfn ;n L!\I\|n LIDUI U.l.lIl'5Bl.UlI Ill .'|llul' ELI I160 IVUS" itnua Wray and little daughter Marionspent New Year's at Mrs. David Thompson s. O _'E___.._-_. A.._._._L___ l__ LL, 4_,,,, [MIC }IKlIHUlIi'l-SC: I MISS Mabel Thompson of Toronto 1s home I for the holidays. nan Dilmhxlnn AF Rn--in mg n u..lo.... The hockey season opened on Monday: 'nigh-t, when Oro Station rplayed Hawke- - stone. On account of the bad light, only a. friendly game was played, Hawkeatene coming out winners. Mo and My-n '1`:-nornnn MnM`uBnn rah"-n- IIUKC llI|2 WUUA. .Rev. Jas. Murray of Forest preached in the Congregational Church on Sunday. " UUUIIIIS UIJIJ W llIllCl. Mr. and Mrs. Trueman McMahon return- ed home this week from their visit to the West. All are glad to see them back again. :05 A'r|nn (nu-Ir I'lI"IIPY\nIa (an 4.`-do uvanb V7550. [ll], UIIC gusu I/U U!3 [M15111 UKIUR E52111]. Miss Alma Clark returned also this week from her brother's home out West I nr:n:- n..:.: ........o .. c..... .l...'... 1..-. ...-..I. "llVUlIl LICI UIUUIICI B LIUIIIU Uuv VVC-3D Willie Reld spent a. few days last week under the parental roof Thu r',kw::sfvv-nun nnfnv-fn:nvnnnf hair` :11 `Ian ullucl ULJU llltlcl-Ilrlll IUUI. The Christmas entertainment held in the Methodist. Church last Friday was `a decided NO. 4--SUBJECTS FOR DEBATING -The subject of a debate should be in- teresting alike to the debaters and to the audience. The questions, best qualied to engage the attention, are those that are related to practical life. For example, there is a marked tendency on the part of college students, at the present time, to choose questions that are connected with their studies. A -L___L L2--- ...... ..LL.......I...I .. Jnlmnl-A kn . Inll" SIIUUIUU. , I A short time ago I attended a debate be- tween representatives of the student bodies of twosof the great universities. The chair- man, referring to the more practical nature of the questionsehosen for formal debating at the present time, made humorous re- ference to the subjects of debate, when he was a student. For instance," he `said; I recall that we debated on this proposi- tion, `Resolved. that the chicken is of more value to the human race than the cow. After we had debated the question `long and loud, we arrived at the conclusio 5185300136 KJLl.l.D'Cllo `"l`oot" Don-nell .~a.nd son Ferns of Tor- onto spent New Year's with the foVrmer s -)arent.s'. Mr. and `Mrs. Jas. Donns"d an n I n 1 n 1- 11 `I ,,L,7_ nL_.___L cwws I-_lAWKESTOl"Jl:`. `success; A good tea and pr` gramne were served and all enjoyed the xgight. flnnrl ;Jn:n']'1;na- 4: nnui rho nu-Jaw-`AC 41;... Ul'\'Cu uuu an cxuuycu VH6 llllglll`. I Good sleighing is now the order` of thee day. i tan`.-as-nnup: Q Jan.`i2.--~?as. Morrison of/' Winniaeg has come to spend 3 few weeks in the vicinity visiting his {mother and ot-hier relaaives. (`June I?` nor} nf Rutwnln. nnnnf (`."ll';B+.i Vlblbls u| HHUI/HUI. llllu Ul-`INCL lUl.l1;lVCB- Chas. E. Hart of Buald spent Christ- mas and New .Vear s_with hs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lllal. l-HU `CIHL'-htll` Wb U1 El ,R9'd.l( .l' VZHUCAVU the human rage than the since it could be eaten -before It was bot? andsafter xt was dead. He went on t, say" hat. the subjects chosen for college debates of long ago reminded` him of a ebate between two teams of colored d raters- After wrestling stremtollslj` and my U?.isly', T1 "if?" proposition, Resolved, t-hag: `the moon ls` of greaterovalue touthe huvlngan r:4`0F: then the sun, t e- decision was anno'l1_ed In favor of` th ainnative,-* becatlsv- W W35 clearly proven; that the sun shod; in the Anny fnrhn nvhdln Ilf I'M l'IPPf`.5!ll ` that the _chic`ken- was of gr-keater vhl\;iefw 41.... L...M.... ...:..... 4-lmn oh.-. nnnxv7- ..:...... :4 .-nnlrl . Clea-ny PYUVCXI` Uni! V-`U5 day time. when It was 1 rm... ':..||.....:;.... 4...... ...._,, ....,-, .....z.. .. ..... . -- --_-_,..,., ; The following types `Lf Subjecfi be avoided: 4 I ,1 The Sunday School (`If St. -v(:1urch. Pinkerton, held their Christmas ` tree and concert on Friday nightof last week. J `I , `IT I` Il-_I____ -___I _`_..__L

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