Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1922, p. 11

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PU`. IDIHILICRS auocI:\_:ucu_ Lu 5cvuu qua ! skating`rink-x;eady for thejholiday season. like parnn-ann than `bar , upc, zo..--gun noun 5 vru Ly. an un- aisevere attack of rheumatism. IPA I'll:-rnhrn muqnnnl`ntl' in tmttinz hi | @186 1_'aIvwn5un -`nus uvx pounc- as teacher .in the senior crqoni and has xv- turned tovher home in County. A .....:..I r....... ...... ann 5 at M. shun! wrneu uvner nome m Lyuu uuuuuy. . A socialhour was spe tint the by parents and pupils onvfffhursday nihi- | noonwbeforg the closing. ' * .. 41.. D....I....+ ...:.m n}.....sI. `T Dc.I`vl\1: `Ill nun Lnwvyuvunu 7 pm. every Sunday evening. Plan Inna! AC #11:: vnnno rntinn I 'p.1n. cvcnyv ouuuuy cvcusug. The most` of the young `people who unr- -away came "home for Ch:-iatvmas.- \&VI\I Lulvu av % . 26...-` r. Mot pf Oro Tp. is run ._.L..lLL - -.._..'..._.. ..LL...Jn A` -`|uuunnI>:ulI'I & severe annex U1 rncuxuauauh Ed. EIls1`n e1-e suoceded; in getting hit`: l.3.o:.}....`.:v.L. gum! in; .+Im" Iunlhlmt gonna; - ki-:;`ti'zpf;-71i:~-x;eady .iJr"LE,h7>1i5y* aiun. Miss Pa tte-rson~ -has `her position nu tnuvhor in than neninr Ninl and 11$ ID xDOQx`DCIUl' W10 Ulllo `in the Presbyferian Church at- Aurnc-ur Qnnour nu--n:nn $661 Ulin Station, Winhinoc- Man- 1-T uP--:-j - (Too Irate for Last Week) IVU IJIIJIIII Livonia: illhifega _cEg.1c.HunsT -" 'r"mLi!`nitod numbers; Schoql re-opo_r I>s Jan. II -:2.-. \ l havl: {he onfy 1df1y-.c1ea 1.`1i`ng:.Vp.$l;1'i`1t -eoutsid 31. %<:ityr- F . ~ Cleaner. Presser and Dyer losnumorsr. on-~ Awe Inn mom: 229 .__..__-_.____:, Minard s Linimeiat for Distemper HOME LIGHTS ver thought when nigt comes The steady riseuin the prices of Vict.ory, Provincial and Municipal Bonds indicates` the beginning of better ,busi-- . \ ' , ness conditions. With higher Bond prices and Lcorresponding reduction in income returns, the investing public naturally turns to sound Industrial Preference stock; with their sub,- stantial dividend. rates. _ _ ; . ' In this` connection the 8% Cumulative.'Preierence'fStocli of English Electric Company of Canada, Limited. ca.rry- ing with it a bonus of 40% Commonstock, offers an un.- V usually good inv`stm ent_ for your surplus funds. public. No forms . n sounder 1 basic for en industrial investment-than the electrical manu- facturing Vindpntry. ' 4 . - T We unreservedli recommend this oerlng at" one of the? soundest investments eve:-`p1a,ced before the Canadian Increased Inc< )me% .... .- 'RE'.PORT OF COMMUNITY NURSE FOR .. might _ N" Tvere ifreely donated and the "spirit of the: osczmazn @ Total number of visits. 131. consisting ,' -of infant welfare visits, 72; Fpre-natal, 6;! vice, 145 medical cases, 20; treatments, .5; mentally decient. 2; consultations, 12. - Attended social service `council -meet-A ings, `assisted in obtaining `money end clothing for- Christmas treat for both -children and parents who otherwise not have obtained any. Toysi pre-school, 12; tuberculosis, 9; social sen` I a giving of the small children is worthy of note. Some came to the office, others to "ma? boarding-house, laden down with books, moi-s and money-'and -all wanted to ' give; --=-Qhr-istopher Banhister. r, uuu L huaun yuu. nun --M. L. NODWELL. $1" .75 Write for full particulars. scuoon. juunst-:'s REPORT During `the lpastflmonth Nurse _Lower. made 1710 regular` inspections -as follows. . ` Victoria School (606)--`l'hroat trouble 14. carious teeth 33, ear trouble 3. eye trouble 2, enlarged glands 3; skin trouble 3, upediculosis l._ ` V .. " . Prince of Wales School (587)-Throat troub 28. carious teeth 47. ear trouble 3, uedicu osis 1, enlarged glands 4, skin trou- [1 IIIUU Ill Innvv -.-..V -_ uedicu bl 4. c - eKing Edward School (484)--Throat trou- -ble 17. carious teeth '34, skin trouble 7, pediculosis 2, car trouble 2. eye `trouble 3, Aenl-urged glands 3. A `. King George School (33)--Throat trou-' ble 5, carious teeth 7, enlarged glands 2. -During the past year 24 children have been fitted" with glasses and 6 others re- tted. Several have received optical treat- ment. ' 46 children h-averhad vtonsils and adenoids. removed and -a numberiof others received medical treatment for same-. carious `ear - sf. ANDREW'S~ w. M-. socn-:'rv I . `At. the annual meeting of the Wor.`ien s Missionary iety of St. Andrew s lbyterian C urch. the various reports of the work for the past year were very en- couraging. The topics for each .month have been excellently prepared._ showing the i great interest taken, and have been a real lbenet and enjoyment to all. A new de-` ` pertinent of the work is the ailiatihg of lthe c. ,c,L\_1. __'l`. (Canadian Girls in Train- !ing) with the, W.M;S., and the organized Sunday School girls classes of St. And- lrew s are now taking up W; M. S. work. VDL- L.....-n.-uu- n- Iwlnnnv- -uvne vnrv ahtisrfiit-_. lrews now uuuug up vv. in. o._ vvunno | The t1,easu`rer s report was very satisfac- | toyy, showing the regular monthly collec- ` tions, including fees, ex-pense fund and pro- ` ceed of one evening meeting, to be $217.,-_ 44, The a..nual th-ankoering was $164.15. The Home Helpers Department contrib- ,uted $56.15. The collection for the `bale !sent to -an Indian school was $30.45 and {$23.50 was given to the""Soci2il Srice work of -the chufeh. Two Life Member- ship" and one In Memoriam presenta- tions have been made. and 8252 was given 1 towa-rds the decit of the _Society, making in all a total-of $743.69 for the year, `an I increase of $326.37 over last year. ML- _......I.`... .......l:..nu nirn knlzl nn flan IBCTCRSB 01 0040.0! Uvcr luau you. The regular meetings are held on the third Wednesday of eachvmonth at 3 p.m. and all interested in Missions are cordially welcome. The officers for the coming year I are as follows :- ' yr--. u._-._:.J..._;,. In-.. IA .-....-l:.. 11... III ' T9 85 I0lIU\`V"` ` Hon. Presidents, Mrs. Moodie, Mrs, W. '|Aird; President, Mrs.` ('Rev.) George A. ;Brown; let Vice-l. res., _Mrs John Dougall; ;2nd Vice-President. .Mrs. Warner; Secy.. Mxs. Thos. Sinclair; 'IYeas.. Mrs- R. A. DeHa.rtg; Pianist. Mrs Walls ;, Home Help- ; ers' Secy., Mrs. Jas; Rdbertson; Strangers Secy.. Mrs. J. F. Newton. Messenger Secy.. A. W. Goorlfellow. Mrs. L. W. 'I`~hom; Membership Secy.,`Mrs. Collingwood hospital has` received $l500| ,as In bequest from the late Sir Sanford i Fleming. V QHn`1nn-nn (aft-inf xvhinh nlnnnor` a `lane. r1cn1ui_g. Shelibu-rne district which planned a `hos- pital -as a soldiers memorial inds it im- possible to carry out this project and will % erect a` monumeqt, instead. ' Cnllimzwond have `selected W. B. Frver ` CICUD KI Lllvllulllclflf ILIDI/CH Collingwood have -sexeZ`ea W. B. Fryer` and N. A. Rule -as Tankard skips. while W. J. Honeyford and Capt. J. D.` Mont- `gunnery will lead the District rinks. fr1e':i,ch D aulti`-If '4`-u'%, upluuulu uxunnv, }.[IUvv_y dacbratibn aad- -a ine ' crdwd charm{t`eri:ed. the second NewYear s -Ball given `by the .B;n':helors gnd. Benet/iicta in th tovhi hall `last Friday evening-,\Dec 30. ` V ', rn... ..u.:.. 1...! .lunin-. limlnul {in}-w: ud "H8! .1`1'1~PX Y1.I!Gb~PW..V- . -_ . ::"1: laair i hd. hen- Joaked .1.rw1a.rd tog 3 rbeasre "LT yr-2 W. poi1e.an .t o ;`urdrdue_._to th". _iintirii;g'5`ryorlr; pf` and those '1 with the _dance no one was dis- j :- "Last year's decoiiations"-irerei ,1 `discarded arid, under, "the supervision ;of a V decorator from Toronto` and local"a.rtists. the hall` was transformed." `into a place oi :5 beauty. `One could well nnagineit as a Z` -ch'oiee- of the Ninef ti "long-i'ef `andf !'eeii'st1eamers,_ like the : spokes of a wheel, spreada out fromi a.~cen- ; tral point of theceiling to gthe otirgcorners :11 of th_ei,rooni.` `The; lights -were softened and Tieantied Iby crepe paper shades, _.the same , in color as the streamers, whilefrstrung ' along the entire length of the `room were " groups of colored balloons tied ii; clusters, V swaying to and fro like the dancers-"be- neath. Along` the walls, the Union Jack `and the Can_adian`~ag stood out promin-i . ently, their brilliant colors toned by ever- greens strung with silver and gold tinsel. On`. the. platform, the home of the orches- tra `for the evening,-were owers and ferns ..-with evergreens in the foreground,` and across the entire width of the hall over the dressings rooms were the words, Hap- py New Year." done in ifoweredetinsel. The whole effect was extremely pleasing and when the snappy fox trot or dreamy waltz music oated out from the orchestra stand the desire to dance was irresistible. IIIID ut/cu. mu Iallnnvw u....._ -.--..._-_-.__- The programme was divided into two . pzirts. each consisting of jvvo extras and. ten `regular dances, refreshmenttbeing served ,at the end of the firsts half. yStrathdee s ve-piece orchestra from Toronto was very good and generous; the numerous applaus- es -being well` earned. All the latest hits .in `music-were delivered-in ne style and `time, as well as some of the old tunes that never die. `They pleased all the dancers all the time. During the last half, more so than the first; the members of the orches- tra sang an_d-took soloiparts. This novelty along with others `put everybody in a hop- V\Il mam and Min nf More. more. often along :Wlt-I1 OUIBTS `put: evcryuuuy H! a nap- -py mood and cries of More, more, often echoed through the hall. The hit" of the evening. however. was when the num- ber Sweet Hortense" was put across/"by gne of the musicians. Dressed in two cofic costumes. the village -cut-up" come T to "the -front of the stage and sangthe num- \ `her. The song itself is a scream as far as comedy goes. -but when Cy ~ , all dressed up with his glasses n . everything, sang it, ' it was ii knockout. When the refreshments were served at half,-time no one in the crowd of merrymakers was found unpre- ` piared, Appetitg were keen and the com- mittee had seen to it -that they should be r entirely satised. This ibeing accomplished, the seconduhalf of the programme began. It wifs well after three.o clock when the last strains of the Home Waltz and the Nzitional Anjthem died away. Even then,. there were quite a few present who would] gladly have danced longer if possible. A list of the ladies. who attended. and their dresses is as follows :- - `.1 1 - New \?Aa's,3ALL % Bcgaixtiftgi ;dres'sea, splendid ` tnusic, :p ietty- teem-ations and - ne charmfterixed. IIIIUII. KIIDEIDUE JD us: av;-vuuu Miss Irene! Axlwlm-d, black satin with beaded oveiress; Ill... `Lfnl-.. Du" onuyn` I-Jun nk:gr\n val- neaneu ovemress; Mim Helen Bell, royal blue chiffon vel- vet; M'rs. Clarence Bothwell, American Beauty georgette; Miss .Do1-othyi Black- more, peach taffeta; Miss Florence Brun- ton, sky blue taffeta with silver lace over- _di-ess; Miss Anah, Bai_ley,'pin'k taffeta; Jean;13'ail.,if.- yell-lbw satin. with blaclr"laZ:'6" ' overdress; Miss-_Ma_rie Beecroft. white satin krwithvlacve; Miss Enid Bassingthwaite. `blue `char-nieuse ' with green ostrich trimming; Miss Doroth1,'Boys, white satin. Miss` Edith Creswicke, -blue satin; Miss Alice Creswicke, -pink satin; Mrs. J. F. Craig. -black taffeta; Miss Clara Curtis, rose taffeta with silver lace trimming; Miss` Edith Curtis, blue satin with lace trim- ming; Mrs. Jas. Qheesman. Jr., navy taf- feta and lace; Miss Eileen Coulter, white satin. and lace; Miss Margaret Cross, tan georgette with blue and pink trimming; Miss Olive Chapman, black silk and lace; _ Mrs. G. O. Caxnron, burnt orange satin. n`:_- u an n.......... +..L:o.. ._...+:.. ...m. Mrs. U. U. uaxncron, Durun uruugc anuu. Mrs. H. M. Dymeqt. white satin with red georgette overdrws; Mrs. R. Dawson. white satin; Miss Lelia. Dougnll, ivory satin with old rose net; Mrs, Devlin, black satin. ~ T A 1 was among Fiahar rnvnl `I-ulnh valvnf. nrith i saun, 1 Miss Grace Fisher, royalblue velget withi sequin overgressj Mrs.. Frances F`arewel1,. white 4' owered, satin with georgette and `silver lac . 4 11-- n n_:c::n.,. LI... ....4:... "mg I szn e_r mu . Mrs. D. Griffiths, blue satin; Mrs. Clarence Griitbs, black satin; Mrs. F. C. Grasley, black crepe gnd lace; `M_-iss Helen Gilchrist-.' matrix blue satin; Miss Agnes- Gilchrist, blue char-meuse with silver lace. -` M;aa Run I-I'm-nnm anlrl anhne Miss M-nr- uucnrwu, Dlgle Gum`-ulvuac wuu anwn. rwuu. Miss Eva Homer, gold satin; Mar- tha Hunter, black `satin and lace; Mrs. G. D. Hubbard. black satin with:1ace trim- ming; Miss Mary Hays, white taffeta; 'Misar `Zeta Hays, white qatin. - Mac I `II ' Wannndv I-uhmlr :inHn' Mina ` (4803 nuyu, 'wu1w spun. _ `Mrs. W. `H. Kennedy, black satin; Miss Maisie Igenndy,/navy`blue crepe,with grey georgette; Miss Kathleen Kennedy, white taffeta. ~ . ,3 . ' V . _ Miss, K`dthryn1_ "tt, rose taeta and white lace; .Mrs. W. A . Lewis, blue satin with V silver lace; Misf I-Illdreatli Lennox] _'ho1le$'.- T dew char1neu.s'e;?`Miss Dorothy Lynch, Paon blu `satin. _ f ~" .1axs,r C-. A.~_Mullen'. black taffeta with `b1ue_g.~urgeet ; Mrs. s. `w. Moore, black clxar-meuae w .1} silk allover lace; Mfs. 1:-___n. n....1.::..- La..- .,..I...,o. M... 1 nl UUHPIIIUUEU Vrluu` man auuvcn news, Frank Maolgliny blue velvet; Mrs. J. ll Milne, black with colored trimlminagf; Mary Agnes Moore, blue with" black"; [ lace ovgrdress; ~Mrs. Jas. McMat"tin_. black tal'feta;-M1iss Lillian McGowan, -roy1.~_blue. chion -'17elvet. ' ` V Mia Gladys`Ne3e. -black satin and lace.- Mrs. B. D. O'Neill, white satin, and. lacgg; T Mrs. John O. Poivell, white sati . -In-.. I I..A.Ll....'... `D..lI:......' ..l.......... -'..;.,........u"... N113. auuu U. ruwcu, wulu: auuu. Miss ,Kathle9n Palling; cherry `georgetfe; Miss Helen 7~Pa_ll_ing, old rose chion; Mrs; Peugram. black charmeuse and` late ; Miss Jean Peagram, green` taffeta with sil- ver `lace; Miss~Mercy Peagram, pink taeta with spangld net} overdress; Mia Irene Parrish, white taeta; `Mrs. Ronvald*Patte1'-. son, pi -k satin; ~Mrs. Wm. Peck, black . satm. . -'n'.._ n.._.I..II `D:..L.....l...... LI....m. -..5:.... WITH. V IVHIIUHII IIIUHGIUUUII, Hill"/L UOIILII with "lace o\;erdress; Mre. A. Ross, black . satin; M-rs. LawrenceRee\",l:. white ta'ata.; Ina 'D.-I-"u _r-\:1~`-u .`-Jun anO:n- "II: }-Igwe $'ou ever nurn Bfltzln; 1'8. uuwrellcen/cev,5. 'Wl.ll_IC uauuum; Mia Edith Smith, pale -blue satin; Mm. R. J Sprott, black satin; Miss Berta Scott,-. black satin` with orange trimming; Miss Smith,'. brown georgettev with pr. ange trimming; `Mia Thomasene Sproule, black with beaded ovetdress; [Miss Ewelyn iSh`a.i_m_ha`n`,w maize satin; Miss; Dorothy Sar- jg 't,j;-.yel1<':w~ taeta. ~ . ` ` inn-.'A 'I"1-bin nniunlin tannin ' Min K0111: ' `Mrs..Randall Rihardaon, blauk satin` $61.1 n n n A upnmunna-`Mun .".'y A Dunn klnnb DIRCK 71808 OVEIOIYESS; `Juan, uuxuya, IV l'black,"Cp.r.t_,on crepe m(Spanish lace." , 15:4,; 'I"l.i.l..... vnuln 1`:-irnn smtin 1 Wblaclvi bverdi;ess' G1:-.d3prs, Walls, 'LI..-l. "l`|_..L.... numn 311.:-I _Qnnn;a}: hum -.'black_ Cpr.tpn crepe M Spanish lace; .H.Miss .-T_l;['elma Young, `T rimp satin with silver tnnmihg. ` A.........-.44.- nnf.z\f_fl\1x1n mm-afn worn SHVQI nnnumng. 1 Among -the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Peagzin .and "the Misses `Peagram, New .Yo'r1~ City; Capt. and-' Mrs. Geo. Wakeman. Camp` Borden; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mack- ma, St_rntf_or__i; Mr. and,-M19. C. A. Mullen, and Zeta Hays end Evelyn Shanahan,'.Ph'elpston; `Miss Enid Bassingthwaite, ._froma'l'eias; Miss 'vHai_l `Smith, Victorin; B.C.; ,.EiBs Olive `ytihaimau, Toronto. Miss Helen`Bell,- Tor- r.'m4.:- 1;. am! Mr: lnmm-.n Rnthwnll- xfjnapmau, '10I'DntU, 11153 nclcu Den, -:.v._u- f}0nto`;~ Mr. and Mrs... Clarence Bdthwell, 3i`ornt6; Mr. .and "Mrs. Olaience Griithp, N`itoI-ia., 'B. C.;' Miss .Mnrguet -Cross, fS:h`t ;mbcrg'; Cam. and Mr3.VFairweather, r-.:..r:... n.....I.m- Inn l`.nrnnn Wilann Mid. BB RQmDI'g; uapc. tauu turn. '1.` ugrwczwum, Botden;V` Miss Caroline Wilson, Mid- iad; `Miss Oollins, 'I-`dnto; Verna ~'-xr..:..; 'l`n.m;4n- `Dun-Ml lnnrann 'I`n1-nnfn: vamp -nomen; muss barouue vvuuqu, unu- V a.i;`1`, Toronto; 'Rnsab1l`.ALn'de`rsonV, Toronto; `IIis Jessie Cronrpbon, Brantfoxd; Mrs. G. .M. 5Fitzg`e1-ald, Hawkestone; Miss Pauline `Clasp, Toronto; Capt. R. J. Duncan, Crapt. _Cu and Capt. Brooks, Camp. Borden. .~ The foregoing is" as nea.rly_ complete a list as the 1-aporter was ab_le to secure. If somovof the descriptions are not quite - accurate, the ladies. ban` blame it `on mas- culine unfimiiliarity with "such -matters. x I` .0ollins,* - (Too Late for Last Week) ` .Dec. 26.--Mr. and Mrs. Athaniel Smith. of Toronto\visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Sanderson over the holiday. ' innlinn Dally :1: `gnu-\n\n.nn;n ant` : af.nv3nb: .When the evening lights spring into. glow And toward their homes the myriadsi go. Of that other better, eholier light ' "That gushes forth so clear and bright In a hundred thousand hanppy rooms, And fair as the first spring blossom blooms! See! Here the new-wed husband comes-- "With a joy in her `heart like the beat of ' ruiv _yuu ; u..._..,.`,.,, _ down And quiet falls on the busy town, . drums His bride goes forth with a. love-lit kiss--- 'And the world's nagleam with their wedded bliss. . And here s 2'1 laughing father meets Hie little ones in the lamp-lit streets, . N Am! from his heart and eyes the smile Lights up the town `for nianya mile. o Daquerson over we uuuuuy. _ 1 Walter Palk is home\ again and is staymg with his father at Shanty'B;:y. . ` .w ` nun} Ina Wan flu-o-hon? ant` Mk: LVl.l'.' uuu U113. VV`u.l. -UK-auuux l1_|l|l -`Aztlan Laura spent Monday _with~tbeir son Bert `at Oro.' Christm-as at_ hom. Miss Lottie Hartyot Qrjlliai Hospiba1s;5e'nt I The Christmas tree in the Hall in con; HUI -`I115 lame: BI: Dlay D -My agd Mrs. Wm. .Gnaha'.'_i and` ....-.. ..........L `II .-.33.. -n-:51. ..tknnu nnn uni-f _sH.ANIv. W. \The"_`adva.nce `on sl_eepiAngL.Vand_par,lor. car" tic`kets.`authorized in `Ll92.0 has been cut in ha1f`-*--the advance madeon ordinary fares at that/time having been completely taken off many months ago. The `percentage of advance granted to the Railways in 1920 has been reduced ten points. In addition to a `five point drop at the` rst of the year. YOUR cost of living: should be directly affected. If it is not it is _ because (1) as the railways have pointed out before, the actual money paid for their services is an almost negligible factor - in/znaking prices, ancllbecause (2) even the huge sum now cut out of the railways revenues and amounting to` approximately-- annually-becomes a very small fraction of a cent when split pp amqng the billionslupon billions of small `and large articles which constitute the freight t'ra`lc of`Canada during a year. And because. (3) the Court which has the `power to c'ontr ol railway `rates is not able 1'6 directwho is or is not to get the benefit of reductions. In other words, whether these savings in railway charges are passed on to you--or whether they are absorbedin marketing, cannot be. controlled either by the railways or the public. * - / j. ` _ _ %*%i%$%$%%$&$&&w$$ww%$w%%% ~ . . u nni nnngris REPQRT W HETHER your railways can continue to "function without the revenue thus lost to them, is an expqilmental problem facing the various managements. It depends largely on whether traffic keeps up or -falls off-and whether costs rise or decline. 'But'the managements are attempting the. problem cheerfully `and `with determination to keep Canada s railway service the cheapest, mile for mile,` and among the most elcient in the world! `Estimated, . ` Va The Railways. 0!; Canada Draw " UT this fact remains: a very great sum of monev- efnough tobuild every year a small city, or a Que- bec'Bri_clge', or four hundred and fifty ofthe newest and most powerful locomotiv,es-isvnow removed from the revenues of the Canadian Railways and should be reflected, at least tofsome extent, in the- family budgets V of all Canadians I V"_ These chahgesvbecame eec-tive December 1st. Your co%st%of % Living neeion with St. Thomas Sunday School last week was quite`. a: success.,. ,A tasty sizpper Iwas_ provided for the 'chiI_dren and afterwards` the parents and friends who had gatheredi.enjey.ed a social hour while ` the little folk "were ,amu;sed with games, etc. After: the tables. were cleared away Santa .Glau`appeared anddistributed the presents from the tree, aiter which an hour was spent in g?nes and other amuse ents, ending up wit the presentation of very handsome fn_iit `dish to Miss McDonald`, `who is the retiring school teacher. Auld Lang Syne was enthmiastically sung hy all,` concluding :a~n_e `evening's Aehtert-ain'-~ u-nan` Do'ngin: ` ' Tdrnm was "the for the holiday.. '- " 4| ; n W P, u-ahsim nnnnt nvpr pgremaf V 'Ior'u1e ~nouuuy,. L _- Mr. ' :5, W. P. _Graha1n spent over Sunday: ur` Toronto. ` ll. ~ and Ilsa Inn `Adana: curl ann "nvnu Dunuuy.-7111 . Luxvuw. > _, -Mr.` and rs. W~m.'Ad-ams and son Hovegl spent Christmas in Toronto ` T Q 11.... dnnnt.-(`.hI-inf.-rn'qn with Lin Here is` a maiden. -back ffom work; And a mother s greeting wherein "lurk Am:-d the town is brighter. lovelier. "The lights of town, the lights of town, A-reibright when evening so`ft comes down; Fond glints of love awaits for her. 7 J` Bmt, brighter the altar lights of home. i "Lit with love "from Heaven s dome! b ..... . .\ Spell` UUTIHUHIHB LUIUIIIU ' . W. S. Besse spent-C-hristmas wnth his brother, George Besse, "at 0:0. - unit `I . nlnm. n nu-non`-5 in 441:: Aunt- Uruulct, uvulgc-uuuac, at \.uu. Rev. Mr. Blow ' preach in the Angli- can Church. next Sunday at 11 gun. An:\ `[71:56 nykn nrau OI-uvvnxn `I-Ann; 11:`: `can Ul.lu[l.:u.A uuxla Duuuuy an 1.1 u_.u1. I ` Allin Watt, who was thrown from his horse `and seriously injured, is doing nicely. up I 11,, 11__`._t__ .1` n!___,,L- ___I 'll'__ nu-no u-um. avg----J .-J----, -. -v ..a - Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of Toront:o an-(Ii;-Z ' and Mr:-;3..Capel of Owen Sound spentinver . game RESIDENTIAL scsgool. FOR `cums Qatari; Scholarship Matriculation, Soto Singing, Music, Art, Conversational French Amnhacn nnvfnnr nnmnn and lf- Health .-r-_-_-_-- v---~- -- saith record excallent. For Plgospuctus apply to Principals. FOR PASSENGERS FOR SHIPPERS -V`?_!!!3._?;l19.JA% "my poarcung-'nouse, ruuen uuwu yuuu .,._~...., I t toys and money-'and give" something. When the infants class in one. i .01" the `Sunday Schools was asked if they i would rather exchange gifts among them- ` selves or give -9. toy to some little boy or 1 girl who might not get any, every little 4 hand was raised -and with one _accord they : decided to give to -poor children. Dear iittle boys and girls'who gave so beauti-l fully, I want to th a.nk you for the kiddies- who received your pretty toys; you brought i gladness and joy to many -little hearts -andii '1 know that you had a better time" byi knowing that you had helped someoneelse.` `Older friends who& donated clothing and; money, your gifts` were appreciated and! one poor mother in_her thanlcfulness wept` and excluinied; Oh, I must, give something back` in thanksgiving for the way the Lord . has. heled us." ' C ; Isucceeded in getting some small child- rento a Christmas tree entertainment who` otherwise would not havebeen there and great was their delight and pleasureiin see- ing Santa Claus. So I know that you. ` `-brought cheer and a spirit of Christmas to many weary mothers, and I thank you for in-.. ' _._M I.-, NODWF`.LI._ $25,000.000.00 * TUUIIIFIUII, 3010 01113111`, AIIUSIIE, L110, vvuvun unphasized. Outdoor games and sports. `I to Your Attention `the the; holiday with M1-..and Mrs". Henry Gil- ..1.`..:. .I.Uu rut: A chnst. `ll- rm`: Nl(;1VlC0l.l.- - Mrs. O'Brien is improving as well b .-can, be expected. .4 -`ll... `ti - l1"M'm-tin ha : '1-Aturned Hmnns mnrnsv. - . . \ ` Mrfand Mrs. Alfred Hubbert enjoyed. a. visit from their daughter, Mrs. Moore of "Port McNicoll. V In..- n'n-:.... :- :...........:..- M. anal! 6. |_-L,-:11; be expecteq. _ . `firs. '_I;I_.r,G._ Mama has "returned I-mmov .from_To1-onto after a couple of weeks visit. Il3_- I1_-LL l`I...._4L..II nu.-I 11:... on nnk. -Il'0ln_l.0l'0III,0 zuwr 3 cuuylc us wcvnn van... ; MISS Ruth: Campbell and Miss May Rab , ertson of Toronto are home for their hol'r- .. .l....... _ Use Yur anuary Invefment ~ %/Funds to Secure Q

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