Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1922, p. 1

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Stayner- 15. J. uuluucliu. J unnidale-- Reeve, James Martxr y-- Reeve, Ed. Dutton; Depufa C. trix. '1`ecum`s`t -- Reeve; Frank W; cox; Dep / y, Cyrus Duhham. . Tiny--- fgileeve, Thos. Rankin; D'` I -4-- 1.... Tulnnn 1 Tiny--kfileeve, Tnos.guanxm; u uty, `Jas. Wilson. A ~ Tosso!'9ntio--- Reeve, -- Stephq , To`tteham-- Reeve,~*M. Bran. ., __ Vespra- Reeve,` ', H. Wilsa, Deputy, Grant Knupp Victoria Harbor-. hos, Lumsdlu -- . \ C.l-L`! PLAY 0PEil?FRlDAYl The church hockey` league begl:,:1_;; d this`Friday night when the junior 2 vi the sen or teams of -St Andrew s Baraca clash in the curtain rais" Play begins sharp at 7.30. -- --. 34.1`;-{tyra- VV . uvv lll.IlIv\os`y Innisfil- Reeve, `*-` T T} Movf repty, ' C, Suulvan. Mid1and--' Reeve, J. - v------L-- r1.-.1.1I-'. xxrnm N0tta.Wasug_z-- .lItV\avv,. .-a m; Depui` , Jas. Jardine. 0ri11ia-v' Reeve, Geo. Sir `-'- 7' `D T 'Il'n\mn(! 'e'puty J. VV. .l.uUuLya_uu. Pene`iar`:g-- John T. Devlin. Port 'Mc`Nicoll- R.` Carson. E. J. Lambert. _unnidale'-- M - n----A ma nm.+;nn:` D I ve, B. Hanle. Webb; 2nd De vi`;-, E. Rowt El. Colema $05. Tayli Overem: V -utY.Capt. G. Coles. ` ~1)puty, Geo. Davis, Jr. 1 only 13141 lIli}1lVU1LCLJ1.LS luv` _ V I V 9. ac`: .|-Jinan.` ' . gfgbeaten by 33. Deputy Maiden 01 W ho was elecrtmfto the Recveshlp of Al . Collingwood is among the missing, _I:__._`_ Barrie `xix:-Iv__Ion_day. ' _ having failed to oust Reeve `Milli- .i .` A _ I This apparentgv W?S1:f,{`:a,,I;`;.i4E\VEEEATING PLANT T0 in s ear to ose in ex hegwafstwo .0... behind. In ;;_.-;,f E READYFOR COUNCIL} donte, Deputy Overend ran agfist _`,i ` ""'"` _ Reeve `Bell and won out by 69. I 0.5_-._ Jhe new {team he_atmg_plant at Fleming, the genial reeve of Teen n- 4 the c_ unty btulding Will be m opera- seth, was laid low by Frank Wllc X. {on aefore the County Council con- , 1 ." whom be defeated last year by '`5~'<. 81169. Jan. 24., said Albert llioffatt, James Sheehan, reeve of Adaala, W aS_, rontractor for the plant, in answer . badly beaten by Thos. Goodeve, 8_ o a gtestion by The Examiner. M former reeve.` Reeve Kiernan oil This will mean an adequate and Tossorontio also was among the fa l_1;lzven.di:tributi)on of heat topthe court en. Alex. Wilson, who defeated Ichambexs, various officestand council ` Reeve Wattieof Vespra, formerl ,[,chamhei. which the old plant failed ` served in the county council as `t_leI_>-, I"tc- `give in sartisfactory proportions. `uty. Chas_ G1-atrix again beat Lesl1_e',_ The cost "of the new heating in- Archer for deputy-reeve in TaY- Phml stallment is.-, . $8,781.00, `and the new McLeod failed to dislodge J. R. Boy ldhimney c. st is. $1,290.30, The old` from Orillia s second d.eputy s.cha1}';h catingplavm; Served about 30 years From the number of casualties. 13'"--11d the Chimney much longer. The looks as though the men elected_ `bl `Elm -W brick Qhimney will be 80 feet in acclamation might Wen 5`de f"E'h0ight and "the interior of the smoke i themselves lucky. The`1922 count} escape T1011: at the base about 85 council will be composed of the fol-' '5 inches in 'Circumfc-rence and 27 in-` ]0wing;__ _ ,'Ch-"- in 3if.=.meter. The excavation Adjala-- Reeve; Thomas Gd`.'-" ef gV.`~'`-`k 00513 amounted to $'1';68`5. 11"` Al1iston--.Jam.eS M001`e- ` icillfiig` SC01tt s team `and day "wages. Barrie--- Reeve, S. J. Fisher; 15 The detail of repair or improve- Deputy, Wm. Rusk; 2nd Deputy 0 f'=*9Y1t Work imd cost on the building B. Patterson. A ii 1921 We1e: "Reducing and repair- Beeton--- G. E. Reynolds. ingltower, $l859.15; concrete sillsto Bradford-- Ed. Coombis. Tepgace Woiien window sills worn 9.oldwater--- C. Epletlt. " _ ~_o'.1t_._ $147.50 ; painting gy Ph11.$I4E\:eV, - -. - , r__, _ v-a;s. .Li1'aTu __ , . -' -q .-,- -- -ollingu oou frlciye, . 2nd DeY-,..:iu1_. `W. bl1uulu1ce,.d. 811- B iel` 13$ beputy, Wm. W1 lame, I wmng by (has. Robinson, .8-1`1_` 9 , $302.25; tuck pointing and Dan`-W8 Q-eemore-+ J- 11- J3k*- - , trick by E. Eldridge, Toronto, $1.- -ssa--- Reeve: J- J' .VB9'n.tm o 000; galvanized shingling, Wm. Row- ell Barrie, $1,164.47; `day wages on Flos-- `Reeve: ThS-3E' Sm ?- slmingling Work. $329-35 T'a1 .5t DeplltY{J=`- D1'ySd'1e" ; ' lfor -outside work and for heating W. Gwill`,mbury--Reevg:, Row :`!p-la-nt installation, $15,g03_3.7, ,,_3_..:1 Dnnsvn D I-1' Cnlema 1, ._:1_1:._... :. ant-.117 unlit` `in "5145 in { ______________.....a.. % g s. J. FISHER ` I `Who elecrtc-(`to the Reeveship of ' r ` "Barrie nm'-Mon_day. 1 """5 ~"""'-A15 uralu auu uay _ yvusuuo i ! _ Th detail ' If`-"em -`and _ 10 and repair- ' $ 1 011%.. $147.50`; painting by Phil.Love -ingltower. $-859.15; concrete ` "epkace sills 1 eanu W. :il1uului"ce,`j`$Z28 and $0213 "w:Tri'n'g by` Robinson, Barrie, and painting Toronto, > galvanized ell, Barrie, aday shingling $329.35. cost outside and heating f ipla`nt `.1 rm... 1-,n]t1{`I`10` in nmv sa'id to be in] A. MncLare II.L . C. Walls, Managu-_-, [plant `installation, 1o,ouo.o_a. , 9 The building is now said in a state of repair that will endure for many "years, excepting for necessary inside painting and * decorating. _ Time, with the aid of smoke; dust, wear sand tear, `show their deteriorating effect within the various chambers and offices to an egrfgiously attract- ive degree. The ma ter of complete. renovation within theiwalls is expect-4' ed to come before 1: "e new councih JUDGMENT 1No.T..AL , CASE IS susmnsn ;._}udge\x/ance Dismisses Appeal of Alfred fhornpson, of - -New` Lowell. V - NUMEROUS CHANGES} `IN counw couucnul !Ju'dg'e Vance, sitting in Division pltivwurt, Tuesday, jsmisseddthe appeal 'u, Alfred Thompsbnom the convic- t`i. of Magistrate Clark in an 0.T. A. case,` Nov. 11, when a fine `of $200 or a six months alternative `was imposed upon. Thompson. 1-5.... -.L' L1...-. any-Ann] VIIGIRHQ was uupuncu uyv... ....--__.._, 7 The quashingxof the `appeal rrleans the Police Magistrete s judgment is 5 _su'rtained.1 The -case itself and the` '1 `by Inspector John R. Reid `_on the 'nx-qpetty of Alfred Tlfampson, `color- errorb in eppeal has 3. `double interest; . Mash, alleged td be suitable for the 1 manufacture `of spirits, was seized ed; in Sunnidele Tp., near New Low- , ell, Oct. 26. Thompson elaimed the` ma? was medicine. He was convict- } and appealed the :case--- to:. the . rang cc-urt. ~ 1 ' - - dald Rosprep e enting the. de- -emiof I1 md enue advan-' "~ in .1 prel1minaries- 'W" hich,* though a. `hich,*though ained by. `the, W. A. B_qys,`: 3,` jiroiru ge.tting;3| at -undr the` we .be_:en` en-. ,__,L .1_.\ r `placlllllslnu-A Ava: I 7... -'.`I tiv: Etecrlon MAKES um: cums: INBARRIE G0llNOI|..|-`OR WM 1922; N{ew Reeve Served in Former Years; Second Deputy Was an Alderman Last Year; Seven New Aldermen Will ~ Respond When*C0unci1 C0nveu,es,SJz1n. 9. Barrie Council for 1922 :1 i ,4 Mayor'-- J. Little (ac1.).T it Reeve-- S..J. Fisher. V ~ First Deputy-- .Wm. Rusk (acc1A.). Second Deputy--- O. B. Pa'tterson.?; Aldermen : ' ` Ward I.--.R. A. DeHart (77), Geo, ;1 LC. Coles (62). 'Wa1-`d'II.-- `E. J. Byrne, `F. c..ii Lower, (a,cc1.). gt Ward III.-- W. O. McKinnon.] .-nn\ 1`l'.V',.- `||':`l1,... /1n{)\ _ -Barrie 1922 ` ,gPatterson, who succeeds T. R. _Hux- ` v Litfle` (a5c1.)_ *` 'tabIe _as second cieputy-reeve, (as an" ' Reeve; S_ J_ Fishen` ' (_ alderman the last two years. i Deput'y--.W-m. V(accl`.). ' _ Dent By-Law Passes V. Deputy-- -Patterson; The Han Dent 2 Company by_1w ~ ipassed by a_vote of 649 to 146. This I.---.R. A. (77), gxneans the company will have a fixed .C. Coles , assessment of $1,300 for a period of A E, F,` C. 2 ten years, under terms guaranteeing` (continuous employmen : " ' st 12 McKinno1rkpe1`sons. It now emp \ . (139), Wm. Miller (102). 3 The only statemen .- Ward IV.--W. 0. Partridge (194), ;candidates had to mak _. L.` F. Him (159,). - `am New Year to the Ward V.-- Albert Paddison, Wm. g The first meeting` Of` .. _c01m- *Wi1es, ((Accl.). - 2 M icil will be convened a ck on m-...a V! n W vmm`nm- (167). .th morning of Jan. Twenty New Men;--4 Reevesi Sheehan, Fleming, Spicher ;_and Wattie Defeated. I 9 1 V I s `Wiles, (\AcI.:1.;. - Ward VI.-- C. W. Poucher (167),! John Marshall (128). l A Eight Are New Members Eight new members will sit in the Town Council for the year 1922. Of ` these, two aldermen, F. C. Lower,l Ward II, and Wm. Wiles, Ward V.,` serving for the first time, were elect- ed by aclamation. The margins of majorities were widest in the reeve- ship and deputy-reeveship. I A n4`\vn;nv\n~|In+:1YI1\Y umnll vote and anl }the el_ectors small representation at l the flour mills w and deputy-reevesmp. . Ill`; uuc JCUIL ,, s-..m.. Acomparatively small vote and anj Mayor -Little cond absence of spirited enthusiasm talliedlshoe store. S. 1. F1 with the indifference manifested by `practical miller an the- nomination meeting. The "cold. Wm. Rusk, first,- weather was blamed by some of the construction gf defeated `candidates who said it was terson, secon _ ` impossible to get some of the votersgpainter, ` Of 3'" ` to turn out in below-zero_ tempera-v'Hart for vs; lture; The woman s vote was smaller `salesman ` Ithan anticipated. T ;ments; G I Three of the defeated candidates`-I. B_\'1'n' .. um 11 r ` nu ltnan anucxpawu. , candidates' were members of the 192] council from Wards III, IV and VI. ` 1'.!:_1__._ ....1..-. n-nnnnnI`e I4 1 BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING 5 the world they ;.v~-.. .. ` The glad-tidings show `was give by the Women's Auxiliary of the G. W.V.A., and the little folks, tired, '1 but happy, had just enough wind left 3 after . their horn-tooting and carol singingto tell the reporter to tell 1 had the merriest kind fr nle .of a time. Of course they didift stay < till the New Year was actually born, `I I but it was all the same thing.` ' -- - ~ -.- .._; .`:-_..L:.....1 (1 T1: -youngsters must have thought -"he was but It was an on: man... -......a. Old San-`ta Claus had deputized C.al`.a R, Kendall to play his part and the, ' J -Santa to the manner `born. I 5 I Mrs.'D. M. Stewart, Mrs. A. E. 51 -H. `Creswicke, Miss McLennan, Miss] '\-- --I -4-1.-mac In:-Han, nlavedil Creswicke, MISS l\'1(:ueuuu.u, um... Ida Pae, and other ladies, played `I. hostess and waited on the littie ones " at the feast `after Santa (glans dis-1' !1':i1;\l:td~th(!i gazxest f1'o;1'1t/_,~:;t c1(:l1"ee.l _ 0` ers, an a ies o ..`:=` ren ;joined in the festivities, nd there! A , $3` 7 were atconsiderable numb. ;'. of other g'rown5ups preseht who `must `have ' hadvhappy recollections ff the time when they as kiddies ent.~,'ed into the "sanie_;s3rtl:>.f 'r;zerry_xx`1`a*g;, and ileyg ~ ;i?:hetkidi:sn?J?e; Tse e'y~ _ Mayor Littletjoiielda e gayety} I andegave the childreg : 19 messagef of. mod cheer am` ing; as; CV7 upon ._..._.__ Myor Little join and gave childreft of: good _' al 07 did Major \ I-s` 1101; 1 l3l,Ia|n' ?1fchur_ches v. m '+`|n CANADA, THURSDAY. JANUARY 5, 1922. Not in many years have there been so many changes in the personnelf of the county council `as were { wrought by Monday's elections, near- g` ly half the 1921 members failing` to ! return. It is not often an ex`-warden i gets into the game `again after re-3 tiring, yet James Martin has -done 1 so and is now r_eeve\ of Sunnidale. j Another well-known figure to return ` is.Jay Walker of Orillia Tp. .Mid1and is sending a new trio, S. W. McKin- ley, the only 1921 man offering, be~` :_._ x.M.+,... 1." :22 nenutv Maiden of i .w1TH WHICH Is AMALGAMATEE S -`"19? ing; as S . ` "*.2. tot}; -`Ln *1: got dwis_h-I M33: )n_d all ` `pyffxrewell `P18! greet-. 8.1`. Q ` ks If _ low ` . aw prevail`, a , Z longer, ice har- ee vesting will 5` A rted by the Grand L11, Trunk Railway, it is understood. The ice is now reported to be more than 9,, eight inches in thickness. This work G_ will give, employment to more than ed, 100 men, it _is stated, most of whom aft are at present time idle. rol The old year s dying legacy to the sell new year in Barrie and throughout ind fmost of Ontario was a" six-inchcarpet bay `ofgsnow over which to start its jour- rn, `ney. And the new year was literally rung in with bells on, for there were C_-V _a few hereiand there who hooked on the, ;to the cutter or bobs with bells a- *,,,a'._t i jingling to greet the new born year _ `as the church bells rang him in to E` {light the way for a hopeful world. gs` The_ temperature gradually drop- 5 yediped till at five o clock New Year's - mes hmorning it registered variously -from dis. yf've to eight degrees below in Barrie. ~,-ee_ ' Monday morning, the thermometer [mu registered from eight to 12 degrees lere below in town, 12 below, at Elmvale, me, andabout the same temperature at `lave various points in this district, with ime lsleig iug reported good. _ 4.- '.LI....... cs-use anrnp W45 "6 `'.:'-'---~ 9 '4 -( year ago `there was some sle`i,,n 2`, but wheeling was general- 1_v pr. 1-red. TW9 years ago the_ ;'s1eighi1., 2 at Christmas? and New }Year s vtgs generally `good, though gthe `snow 11 country roads drifted iiheavily in Elaces. ` - \ _;1__J.:..... an `Y)urnnn`n`Fn1l1+. Eheavily in 5 xaces. | ,,There _ae `\rskati.ng on Kmpenfeldt ]vBay, `Dec. and beforeNew Year's. [dTay"fis}-' ierhad bee placed and` `th< ir- `seven inch` `Hick. ` . . ............. - if ,, , Former Vespra man, in King Cabinetg EMPLOYER HELPS MAM wuo FORGED ms NAMEi For forging the name of his former employer for $25,_ G. J. McDonald, laborer, recently of Mac and Angus,` wassentenced to six months impris-` onment by Magistrate Clark in Police Court, Friday morning last. I ' ' "` ` " -A-~L-----I .-Au-&...~nL J. J. Dumond, -Brentwood gontract- or, whose name McDonald admitted, he forged to the cheque R.. J. Galla-V`, gher of Barrie cashed for him, was` in Court to ask for leniency for thel prisoner. Mr. Dumond told the? [court there was $35 wages due Me-l Donald at the time he committed the; forgery, and he believed McDonald! was absolutely ignorant of the na-1 ture of the act he was doing when; `I 1,3, _.__.-- 'LI\ nnnnanr] ture 01 L118 act, ut: wan uuAu5 vvnuu; , he._sig'ned his name. The accusedi 1 apparently did not even know his em-: 1 p1oyer s bank, as the cheque was, drawn on a bank where Mr. Dumond 7 i had no_ account, and further inno-i ; cence was suggested `by the accused? sticking around near the scene of his forgery` seven weeks after it was| committed. ' i Encouraged by the success attain- 1 ed at last week's show, the Barrie Poultry Association is preparing to` stage a monthly exhibit of some one, . variety of fowl, changing at each" show. For these exhibits a capable judge will-be secured. The association also intends to hold a meeting for poultry fanciers the firstThursday in each month in the 1 ficulture department s .-oifices. _ Lectures on topical and educative; _ subjects relating to poultry, includ-* : ing scientific handling of fowls, feeds : ing for eggs, hatching and raising , chickens, proper housing, mating of` " pairs,- advertising` and fitting for " show, will be delivered at these gath- erings. Encouragement to the rais- ing of utility fowl as well as show birdsri/w'l1l be given close attention. _ A. C. Bricker, president of th association, `speaking for the assoc iation, expressed deep appreciatio of the magnificent support given `connection with arranging the Sh( room and the interest manifested business peoplei-n donating cash 5 special `prizes. , e c......1.:nn-`nf almw `hirds- Mr. Br special prizes. , Speaking of show birds, Mr. en said that washing and general ting up of birds is a prime factoi prize winning, and in this conne- the `association intends offerir demonstration in thejwnear futur said also that the `ass-" "51 ready looking forward . annual show at w | creased attractive" J Single C;;:ies, 5 con}: $2.00 per YeaI"g_(Ain advance) ,`5Bar1-Lie i dis* HON. CHAS. S'f.'WART ._ _ 17---..- .A-..... :.. `lI:nn- FM 1.2 PAGES %F0rmer Curate of St . Mary s, Returns with Elevated Priestly Rank. The Very Rev. H. J. Sweeney, has been appointed Dean of Barrie, and Pastor of St. Mary s Church, in stic- cession to the late Very Rev. Dean O Ma11ey, who died in Toronto, Nov.. 8, 1921. n rm... ..1,.....:..... I\ +1.- Dow 11 I 0, :.ava.I.. . -The elevation of the Rev. H. J . Sweeney became officially effective Dec. 29, 1921, when Archbishop Neil. MacNei1 of Toronto designated the Rev. Father Sweeney s appointment" as Dean of Barrie. an ,1,. 1...- 1.-.... 4.1.... Ill DCIICDDIIAE n '! The ery Rev. Dean Sweeney w.-i. ii, born in Caledon Tp., Peel County.\ 1? Ont., in 1864. He attended publix. `` 5: schoolsin the county and was grad- ` 5 uated from St. Michael's College, To--. 5! ronto. Subsequently he entered the I course of philosophy and theology 22: -[the Grand Seminary, Montreal. 1-? l was graduated f1'<)'rn the Grand So 1i inary in 1896 and in `September -`: the same year received his 2113' 5; ment in the priesthood to 9"` 3`_charge, following his or St.nBasil s 'Ch1r11rch, To 'A-- 1 10GB 35 JJt`3il!l U1 L)'dl.l'1Uo Father Megan, who has been the interim pastor at St. `Mary's, has re-. turned to Toronto. It is believed a Curate to assist Dean Sweeney will `be appointed a little later. `n, -_ n__...-._.... I .... i The Very Rev. -Dean Sweeney has the happy experience of coming to his `Parish with but little need of intro-. lun yskrlavn-.y-.u W ---..-.. ---_-_ duction, having acted as assistant to. Dean Egan in Barrie from Sept. 12, 1896, to Jan. 17, 1900, to which. `charge he was appointed by Arch. i bishop Walsh. A 1..._:.-.: ..1...+n1. of hm.-n Q'nmonpv', Umuup vv clan.- A brief sketch of Dean Sweeney's advancement is opportune, and, to- gether with a " short chronological story of St. Mary s pastors, may be` ` interesting. ' - II... tr`-.. Dl\C' A071 Qurnnnav 111:. REV. H. J. SWEENEY ES DEAN OF BARRIE CU. Lia-3|} D \Jll u; stun q. v . On Jan. 17, 1900 [was appointed as ` Orangeville, where church for nine VI ary, 1909, was :- ` Niagara-on-the-L; he was given a 'C.E.F. and was of the Niagaga ; ~, thousands of VCI` H He served as cu. war. And, accork` V 52 ies, the Chaplain ? _g ing from wear` form `was mv X` cruits who 1 l approach .than ur f quireme "l`Ln ' .man ( 1 the I` g g'ort `| erliov )f St. in Au graves Barrie '.~ P. Mulie Jr. 1" .ll'!I!1S1~u-- uccyc, H. -.,. Deputy,` W. H. Martin. ' Matchedash- Reeve, ` Medonte-- Reeve, Gegl Dep1ity,'C, Sullivan. ; u:.u..y.A__ Reeve. J ' `$131- the th u;; v... The SECTION 1 PAGES 1` TO 4 No. 1,, lV.I.lUIl1Ilu"" Luv v V, 1st Deputy, Caleb wei>'b{ uty, Geo. T. Gooden. Nottawasaga-- Reeve, f 7` ~---l~-- Tna .T`l'l`iI'1-Q Son; Ueput` U115. uuruuzs. Sinclair; 1_ `Deputy, H. R. J. Holmes; 2116. De `uty, J. R1 Boyd. " Orillia. Tp.-- Reeve, C. Jerme Deputy, Jay Walker. _ _ Oro-- Reeve D. `M. McKin1e- Deputy J. W. Tirnompspni .-.,-4 llA7\Y:nn11..__ `R; Carson.

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