uuuu J-VJ. JVUGI. L CIICLA On Tuesday night, a number of ladies representing most of the churches, met in the G.W.V.A. `rooms to onsider holding a tag _day to dis- pose of the poppies. Thosepresent were: Miss M. McLennan and Miss Culross, Essa St. Presbyterian; Miss Parkhouse and Miss Henry, Colliers St. Methodist; Miss G. Luck, St. An- drew s; Miss Quinlan, St. Mary's; Miss Wiseman and Mrs. Smith, Con- gregational. Officers were elected as PRICES OF THESE UMBRELLAS IILI. RFMIND vnn nu nun urgn __.. --- --nu`; JDIILIIJ \II` MCASHMERE s'rocK1Nc 'AT69 ._._. ...-....._, All ..u.uuuJ. A horse which was owned by Mr. Cor- .`bett, on the town line, strayed onto the premises of Chas. -Blackstock early Sunday morning and fell into the well. The alarm was given to all the neighbors and after considerable work the animal was rescued, safe and sound. a Cookstown Fair last week was well up to the average and drew -a large crowd. A list of` the prize winners will -be found on page seven. A public meeting was held in the town hall on Tuesday evening - to consider re- novarting the old building, which has become a disgrace to the community. Those pres- ent were quite enthusiastic and as, with the support of the Women s Institute, suf- cienrt funds are in sight to warrant _a be- ginning, a committee composed of the trustees and representative citizens was ap- I pointed to proceed at once. The committee _.-- .........._,._ Miss Langman andVMiss Richards spent I Saturday in Toronto. ` | A L-" ` Miss Reta. McLean of Toronto visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Robin- son, over Sunday- `Ill-.. 1'___A,,, 1 1-. -A - Buy Garments Here-'- We hav; in stck yuan Jnuuulc $1.39 and $1.50 ugh xucub u; onus Auu an-.3 DRESSES, and note the very reasonable prices.-- Marked so low that the purchase of one or more will not deplete your purse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.98 to $49.00 24 Lbs. PASTRY FLOUR % $1.19 1 SHIPMENT OF NEW OVER BLOUSES NOW ON DISPLAY These Crepe de Chine and 'Tricolette Over Blouses are in assorted styles, reveal- ing touches of distinction. Beautifully em-` broidered and beaded. Special at ...... . . . . . . . . . . $6.98 to $15.90 each We ask you to see the splendid assort- ment of SILK AND SERGE DRESSES, the VQTV 1`(12Sln7'In]'\`n `I'\`I':l'l1L(1 51:16:71 , 44:1 D Lowest or ` cepted. 40-41c SIMCOE COUNTY" Tenders for Heating and Ventilation Tenders will be received for heating and ventilation of Simcoe County Court House i at Barrie, Ont., until 12 o clock noon 03* Monday, Oct. 17, 1921, at office of County Treasurer, Daniel Quinlan, according to plans and specications prepared by Mel- Vern F. Thomas, Consulting "Engineer. Plans and specications may be seen at the oice of the (`.nnn+.u '1`.-............ 4-..... nuns anu specmcanons be of the County Treasurer, Court House, Barrie, or at the oce of the En- gineer, 229 College St., Toronto. Ont. any tender not necmarily as- cepted. Oct. 10,--Wm. Best.attended the teach- ers convention in Orillia last week and gave an interesting talk on A`Trip through Northern Ontario. ' as M:... 1...... ".7 H .uuI|u.I:lL| unvano. Miss Jean McLean was a visitor at Jar- ratt last week. ` Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lauder and little son Jack have returned -to Toronto after visiting with relatives here. , ___ -_ -`.. ....uvuu `IL 11101.1( 18"envelopes, at Examination Pads, size regular 20c, for . . . . are counting on considerable help in the way of labor and grzwel-hauling and will be mgch gratied if those willing to assist in" this way will advise any of the trustees as soon aspossible. i car: I an \l1V VV l\I I l1`\J ram AND ENVELOPES ~Writing pads, 10c, for. . . . . 9c Writing Pads, 25c, for. . . . 20 `Envelopes, 10c pkg, for. . .7lc Envelopes, 1255c pkgs., for...10c Boxes of 18 sheets of paper and 1 Q ,.s.n..`l......... -1. CHOICE, LARGE T I STANDARD NEW PACK LEMONS--- 40 D=- I PEAS-'--,-141/3 `En SAVE ON WRITING PAPER AND l.`M\Il:'I' Anne BUY KID GLOVES HERE These are very heavy weight Blankets with- either pink or blue borders, and come in the 12-4 or largest .size. All on sale this week at $2.89 a pair-. PURE _ wool. BLANKETS at prics below, are excellent value, and all fresh and clean, at about half last sea- son s price--'$7;50 to $15.00 u. r. vvtu1'u1a`, Chairman 00. Property Com. M. F. THOMAS, Con. Eng. 0. F. WA'I'1`IEE, Chairman (`in D.-mm..+.. D-.. EDGAR 8x12, . . 15: . 25 THE CHAIN GROCERY STORES OFCANADiA _ Z5 DUNLOP~ST., BARRIE ` `-E"`,"?RY S('e')AP'S" `Themes: F1a;: ed `Machine _1Sliced BACON . 41 Lb; ' "C'6i 14 decided to have the Poppy ' Day on Nov. 5, the Saturday prev- ious to Armistice Day. ' ` . f `follows: Pres., Miss McLen'nan;. Vice- Pres., Miss Parkhouse; 'Sec y, Miss L. Dougall. u nu 1 . 1 .1 1lC\ -used for local relief. A "POPPY DAfY;. The idea of marking .Armistice Day by wearing a red poppy has been generally approved andthere is like- ly to be a large sale of them by the soldiers organizations. Sixty per pent. of the proceeds go towards re- storing the devastated areas in France and the remainder is to be I'\.. l'l'|---..j___ _, Read The `Examiner Adlet Coluxjnn. V Other Cofton Batu are her at. . . . 4 18, 25: and 35 each S. MOORE Soft, Fluy Cotton Down in 3-pound weight, opens out to 72x90 inche, and all stitched to hold it firm." Snecial at $1.75 - / If you are making your own Comforters, BUY THE" FULL- SIZE COTTON BATTS. saII'c..;.i7.oIe'. in 12 best styles, ixfcl'ud- ing all desirable colors.. . $1.25 to`$3.50 Cotton and Wool Underwear of all kinds _. ..._......, `.----- .7- v---u-, ywuwvy Vwuvvg vvvnlnr Bloomers in pink or white _of Glove Silk, 7 Silk Jersey and Silk Habutai. ...V ..... .._ . ._ $2.25, $3.93, $4.93. $5.75 Night Gowns in slip`-over styles, made from lustrous Satin, Silk, Habuthi, or Crepe'de `Chine, in Pink Qr White colors. . . `. . . . . . . . . . . $5.50, $7.50 and $11.98 Silk` Combinations in Habutai or` Crepe de Chine,`pink or white, $5.50, $5.98, $6.25 111! mu` Same size as above, but in he` 2i-lb. weight. . . . . . `$1.19 P. K.l Special Hosiery Yarn, Saxony Wool, Shetland Floss,` all at lowest /prices. a.a- \.JuLuvIL `l.\i'\7.I\i\a|IU\l[o Executive- Miss M. Livingstone, 7 Barrie; Miss `Minnie Howard, Col- lingwood; J. H. Hall, Phelpston; Miss Annie Magnus, Penetang; Miss Boyle, Collingwood. ` To Meet in Collingwood Subject. to the approval of the ex- ecutive `committee, the_ convention voted 30 to 41 to hold next year's meeting in Collingwood. Commn Cnadialn Fictoryj . Yarn, cut from $2.00 per pound down to $1.15 a lb. ` sPEc1_.g._ guano [5 LARGE ROLI3 'I'f\I'l IIIII SILK UND"lES" FOR ALL WHO PREFER `Tl-l BEST BARGAINS October Sale? '81 lb. _---_-u:u -`Von 35-b.` TEA Sveral new Hats have arrived during the past week . to replace lines sold out, and all are out at a cut price. ' __m:*.nnmn -m_n'm-.- (Continued from pageone) Health of Pupils It was nearly twelveno- clock when Miss Jamieson, who substituted for ' Dr. Lucy G. Neelands of Toronto, was called upon to lecture on the "Health of the School Child. Rea-s Iizing the time, Miss Jamieson spoke very briey. She" said xthat out of . 30,000 school children examined to date in the province, over 80 per cent. of them were afflicted in some manner. Some had defective eve- sight, others defective hearing, and still others, bad teeth. Parents and teachers co-operation greatly ass1st- , ed the school nurse in keeping the child physically fit. Certainly, if a child were not in good health it could not make fast progress in school. The Question Box Jos. L. Garvin, B.A., opened the final session by answering questions ~written on slips of paper by the teach- ' ers in regard to school work. There were only a few questions asked, which led chairman J. E. Morrison to remark that it was a sign that spoke well for the teachers, as it sig- nified little or no trouble in the school along the lines of instruction. . ""'D:El\J\JLV U I` IJUUIV .25 Chilclren and Miuves Black Plush Tums and Droop ' Hats from a manufacturer this week.` Sale $1.39 ea. Table. of Trimmed Hunt: ,in variousstyles and colors. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T ..... . . . . $3.59 each MILLINERY Pizoms cur IN HALF FOR OCTOBER SALE-- NEW GOODS . OCOMING IN FREQUENTLY uuuca, cu-n .l.\`Ul'1'U-`IJIIHIC Din, -11210111113, lgllt`. This letter is only one of. thousands` we have -received which tell a story of grati- tude over the benets derived from Internal Bathing. By the` use of The J. B. L. Cascadeytl_1e ooflon` qr lower intestine can be cleansed of poisonous waste`. gently yet effectually with warm water, removing the cause of stomach ills, head aches, loss of appetite, vimrpureAnb)ood,. piles, lack of `en- ergy and sleeplessness. V VI!!! Katha nnfA:t'A nrhv nn+ lnmlrka 'nl-op, 1 IBANISH DRUGS AND BATHE INTERNALLY for -about eight month; now. I have found it in every way satisfactory. I feel better than I`have for a good manyyears. I would not be without my Cascade for any- thing. I also use it` o_n'm_y children; as it I I I have been using the J. B. L. Cascade! is so simple to use, and they would rath~r use it than take drugs, writes Mrs. J. Jones, 76A N_otre-Dame St., Lachine, Que. Intnr `:51 AH!!! Ann of i-Hnncnnrlo in-yo, WWW: Miss` Jwsie Ansdell of Guthrie spent the week-end with Miss Edna. Carson. . Mina M n...'.1.. 1.... ......._.n L- mm. ulcuuy. Little Birnall Wingrove got rather a had cut on his neck oneday recently, but it is imakjng fair progres toward healing. Oct. ll.-Mfissj Grac Humphries of Mid- lanti visited with` Mrs. J. E. Switzer last wee . *;___. f___3A A I II A as .u . I week-end w1tn_Miss Edna Carson. I Miss M. Banks has returned to Toronto after spending a few weeks with Mrs. Mc- Donald. , ,,__ , ,, c.A_,_ . .. . .l 15. | `U Lefroy. ` 1.:ul.. u v uzaavnnwu 'w.\?ice-Pres.-- Miss Burrough, Col- lingwood. 6-- l'lI..-_.. 'I!I (IL--- A1I_...1-`I- -Joyce nroome nan one or her wrists] hurt while at play and will be out of school ' for two wee . M I -_- ---..-..v-4.-wv vuuvu uu uuuuuajo Mrs. Murray and daughter ' of Toronto visited her `sister, Mrs. Roy Beatty. Cecil Grose was home for Sunday. While -putting a launch, owned by Mr. Baker, Belle Ewart, into winter quarters, a chain broke, hitting Stephen Marshall on .his left: side, which injury has conned him to bed for several days, - "J Q Tainan urn: nn tun... 'n.`........4.. 1..-`. vu ucu Vurr suvenu uuys, ` "J. S. Lucas was up from Toronto lasy V Thursday and motored to Minesing to at- tend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. McKin- new. I % SIXTH L1NE,_ _VE$PRA '0ot. /11.-1\'Iiss' Eva Whan is in the city for two weeks. " `D--. 11.. 1-.i-_u, ,1-n JUL IJWU TVUCKS Rev. Mr. Fcowrth of Rosemont preached in the Methbdist Church on Sunday. | M-.. M ....... .._.I .I..._LA.,,' - my . Joyce Broome had of her xnrf 117`-1-Ho. olv 1\'n1v .nn,l ...:l-I L- ...L .B "L Among` the various special offer- ings may we mention seven pieces of heavy Coatings, part of them all- wool Velours regularly priced at $7.50 yard.-All out now at $3.95 `yd. J. E. Switzer. is visiting friends in `L \a`Iy\a\av\?\l [ 0 Reps. to. 0.E.-A.- Miss Mennve, Collingwood, J. `E. Carson, Barrie._ Auditors-- J. E. Morrison and J. E. Carson (re-elected). , -. I`.....n.l.$-... III... II T 2--2.. ._._J._... _ See our- Coatings at. . . . '. _ $3.50 Also a fewpieces at . . . . $2.25 yd. Lovely} Velvet with deep rich pile, for Suits or Dresses, in colors, Black, Nigger, Myrtle and Dark Henna.- Octobelf price . . . . . . . . . . . $2.75 yd. Many needmful lines are cut down in SPECIAL SALES ALI`; price to make October Sales the largest yet. THROUGH THE STORE _1i~{ THE buss GOODS AND , _ COATING szcon LEFROY ' It Pays ' *9 buy Ready-to- Wear ' Garments at tliis . Store DURING OCTOBER C UUU Cl! (1 cute PIX"; --SECOND FLO?! We cannot describe the various lines, `suffice it to say they will please you in style", quality and price. _ With Fur Collar. . . .$25.00 to $65.00 Withouf Fur Collan-...$18.00V to $47.00 Black Plush Coats. . .$46.00 to $58.00 Clearing Lot of Coats, not this season s make, regularly priced up to $35.00.--- Your choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . $10.00 Lots of Children : and Mines Coats to choose` from. K Visit Arnog ue Coat Mfg:-3. last -week brought NEW MODELS FOR YOU TO ~ CHOOSE FROM avaav V1 57 0 President- ,W. E. Bradley, `Pene- tanguishene. 17. -.. 1).... `IRS... `D ..... ....L 11-1 us 1-arm uu nuvyuuru Dannng 0! IVY. , Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Nedlfs of `Sunni- dale spent Wednesday last at the I;ome of Geo. Nevi-lls. fI"L_ .....____/l.__.__]_ _ `|l',,, fr? `ll 1: wccxvcuu 111 .lUl`UllbU. . Harvey Coleman of Killarney, Sasl-:., made a visit with his brother, Harry Cole- man, last week. Mrs. Ed. Shrubsole of Barrie visited with friends in town: 12.9: -week. ' M .-.ml.nll r`1,..n:........ .: m..._.--.- 1.. Mn Aucuuo LLI IA(w.u- wan -W665.- Marshall Grvllinger of Elmgrove has sold his farm 170 Howard Banting `of Ivy. Mr- and MN, Franklin 1\T...;m A; ;e....n:_ vxourxuo uh .l\o. W. Ibliy 1881': WGCK. _ --See Ran-kin for -priccgs on -pianos, organs and phonogxaphs. It wlll pay you; Mr- and Mr: An-I-n 1|/rnI.,.... m....+ n... an ouuu uuuumuu 5 L-u1S.W8eK. Miss Hazel Clute, who is attending Nor- mal School in Toronto, spent a few'days last week at her home here. I M nun] `II-m `IPIISALA. J N`... "A- mm. wccxs nu uer uome nere. . Mr. and Mrs, Elliott of Toronto were lvisitors at R. W. Raingy s last week; -'-qee Rankin ff)! -nrimag nn .n;nnna (\v-n-nna nuu puuuuglitpub`. 1|: `W111 py YOU. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean spent the week-end in Toronto. . I `l'.l'.......... (`|..l........_ -r Vrren, A I vmww. no uuuu. nzuusey S 138]} week Frank Ross of Toronto attended th.e Fair here last week. .I`____ -I-____ y_`_ p 1-. .. u . ... - uczc Luau wccn. | Mrs. Jas. 3I`at'e of Barrie is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jas. Rainey. MFR. JD:-"I gfnvnnann AF I!-n}It'.....! ..:..:4....! xuuvucx , nub." ans. xyuuley. Mrs. (Dr) Stevenson of Bradford visited at John Robinson- s t-his week. Ilka unnn` f`I..&.. ...L.' i. -AL----" ' Dominion Stores ma. Icuucu but: rulr `last -WBCK. Buy your. rubbers and boots at Fisher s and save money. Mrs. Peacock of Thornton and Mrs. La- Freni of Anten Mills visited at Hartford Lewis during the past week. ' Miss Foreman of Regina gave 9. very interesting address in the Mevhodisthurch last Sunday. v ' Mra. nan 'MI ,.:.. 13.1! ..._ 111-.1_-,.L,, J IUBIJ DUIIUHJ. Mrs-. Geo. Moir fell on Wednesday of last week and broke one of her arms. Rev. Mr. Whittaker is attending -the General Synod in Hamilton this week. Mrs. Robt. Graham of, Toronto was a visitor at Robt. Ramsey s last week. Frank `R-nm nf 'I`m-nun. ..++.....I...: 4.1.- r.-v..:.. UC|Ln Mr.- and Mrs. D. K. Ross of Toronto at- tended the Fair 'last -week. `D . . . . . . . . . _ _ ..LL...__ _._.l 1__._4, . ~n- 1 9 u.uuuauuu: D" 'n1a`b WEEK. Miss Sylvia Coleman of Toronto spent the week-end_ at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cole visited in Tor- onto over Sunday. I 1'-Tnrrv Wh:+m:Am 3:. at--Ill .............l 4... L:_ uuvu uvcx ouuuuy. I Harry Whltesides IS 1 `I bed. II . _._.I It,,_ 'I\ 1- Mrs. Young of` Toronto visited. at Chas. Hounsome s -last week. 15:" Q..l..:.. rI..l-......_ -1: m_..___._ ___L At, F ORMERLY4 The representative of The '11` rphrfn-nv\e)-\n T\Tnu-nu .`4-.L.... . Luc Lcprcacllbahlve 01 1.ne barrle Luxammer in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. News items for Cookstown and adjacent country may be given to Mr. Thompson and Will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. 39 finds him.` Subscriptions may be forwarded through him. 1 news orcooxsrowu 7is&;I }{zin"1}e}i"i1irered7a bagel on spelling, in which he enumerated the most frequently used rules for spelling. To make `them interesting, he wrote them in verse form. Officers Elected After this came the election of officers, the results of which were -as follows: 5| "1. 1!! 15 fl ,1! ,, Is Some New Sample Sweater ' Coats, ' Ladies on Sale this wek * still conned to his. This week we are putting out several dozen pairs of Penman s Black Cashmere Hose-- slightly `imperfect-- but the quality is just as good as the `$1.00-lines. Sizes 8% to 10. Bigger Business Price . . . . . . . . . :. 69 Pair Penman : Heather Cashmere Stockings, sizes 8%. to 10, in either ribbed or plain knit, first quality goods and our special dollar line, on sale this week only` at 89c Pair DO NOT MISS GETTING THESE 019.3 l\t'\l I An tinny:--nu... __.- -____.. Barrie Examiner in Cookstown ; and ad1ama*nt nnnnf-,~nr mm. Ll\I\aI'dJ U1` Il'II"3.l.'4 WILL REMIND YOU OF .PRE-WAR DAYS.--- $1.39 and $1.50 each. We have been fortunate in procur- ing from an umbrella mfgr. shipment of both ladies and gents nice quality lines at very special prices. Ladies with straight and wrist-ring handles; Gents with crook handles _ 7 (1 an -_.I Q1 an -- ,1 Big Varieliy of Silk and Wool-covered [Tn-cl-nu.lI.-. I.'I`| 011 #LA can-.....'L `L....J1-- .115 varlcly 0! Jill! anu VVOOI'COVeI'ed Umbrella: in all the newest handles $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50, $3`, $3.50, $4, $4.50, $4.75 and $5.00. Illlb vv vvuu Sec.-Treas.-TE. Shear, Allandale, (re-elected) ' ' `I3.._.. 1.. I\ `E A `IE2-.. `ll ____ -_