Street oiling Started The work of oiling the streets began this week, parts of Maple Ave., Bayeld, Ross, Clapperton, Collier and Toronto Sts. being the first to receive an (application So far the oil is spreading much better than in former years, it being heated with steam at the waterworks station and applied hot. Summer Trains Are On In this issue appears a correc- ted time table showing the arriv_ al and departure of trains at Bar- rie station under the summer schedule. For the convenience of Examiner readers,` the arrival and departure at Toronto and Hamilton also are given. Union Service on Monday Whiskey Was Uhclaimed Admitted Selling Liquor Won Military Gross alg$}]E?ue?1"roi' ' 1133 | BRYSON S ICECREAM Chas. Cgoliton of the Ba-rrie Ho- tel pleaded guilty before Magis_ trate Radenhurst, Monday morn- ing, on a charge of selling liquor on June 2. He soldthrfee bottles of Ganadianwvhiskey for which he got six dollars. He was re- manded until July 3 for sentence. Some months ago he was found guilty of illegally having liquor /LL- ____...l:L.__ The more you eat, the more you want. It tempts the palate, does [not deaden it. Arid all our cream comes fresh and sweet from svlected dairies. That is why Bryso'n s Ice Cream has the call these summer days when evexvbody is looking for St food thathwill rfounterac-L the heat and -stimulate the jaded appvtiie. T You see, it is just a natural food put up in the most appet izing form. ' ;We Serve the Most Tempting Fresh Fruit A SUNDAES And although thv cost of e\'e1`ythin'g used in the manul'aC- ture of our ice cream and in the making of-our dishes served at the fountain, have gfi-oat.l_`v in- i_-:-oased, a condition U affairs over which we have no cnntroi. we have not allowed this to in- terfere in any way with the quail- ity, size 01' price of sundaes or drinks served at our fountain. Sundaes and Snda Egg Drinks . . . . is put up in neat,saJn1ary pack- ages and scus at 2O 01s.f0r pint brick at fountain for any axjm` or connnnatknL Ihce dehvered to your hcnne, packed in iceVis'25 cents per brkk, Phone your order. For Strawberry Festivals, Pic- nics und other social affairs that req111'reHa c0n.sid(-mhlo. quantity of Ice Cream, our price_is ',$1;99 per Gallon cu.-VJ \l4 --.vcvu.._, u.---.C ..\1u-u- in his possession (the quantity which was stored in the Ross Block) and paid a $200 ne. If the magistrate holds the trans- action of June 2 to he a second offence, he has not the option. of imposing` a fine, the Act specify- ing imprisonment of not less than six months and not more than twelve months. A Inspector Fisher and W. A. 1`),..__,_. `I7 I` l\ ....,..-.,J 1",... 11-... Let us have your orders as we will give you satisfaction in both quality and service. as our new Ice Cneam `Plant ha_s a capacity of from 500 to 600 gallons of clean and properly made Ice Cream daily. ' Modest prots and increased sales is our way of helping you to 1 T1 ['1 ,0 a;;~;;a;.. ';;;1: Our Brick Ice Cream BRYSON S Made Clean Kept Clean Sold Clean Confectionery BARBIE AND ALLANDALE ias --.._ ,V., B<)_VH'.- K.C., prosecution. No; 26 am! 10 cts. . . I5 cts. The supposition that the nam- es, J. Dunn, J. VVhite and J. P01`; tor; to which the booze seizedvat Midhiirst was acidressed, were fictitious. proved correct, and no one responded when the names were called in the police nourt, Monday` morning.. The magistrate therefore ordered the c-onlisr-ation of the whiskey and. Inspector Fisher disposed of it by sending two Cases to Barrie hospital, two cases to the O`1-ii-lia Hospital and eight cases to the Dept., Toronto. In accordance with ' proclama- tions of the Dominion and Pro- vincial Governments. 3. united service of "praise will be held in Trinity Church, on Monday morn- ing, from ten to eleven o c1ock. A special service` hasbeen prepared, the address will be delivered by Rev. (loo. A.'Brown, minister of St. Andi-ew s Church, on the sub- ject The Essential Need of Our Dominion. ' `I11, 1-, L, T\_Jl 1J\.'llllA1l\Jll 'rne.orr;-ing will be for the Red Cross and Field Comforts. The many friemls of Capt. Jno. V. Brown and l.ieut, Kenyon Lounl. will be delighted to learn that these gallant soldiers have both been awarded the military Cross in recogliitiun of dis- iLir1gl1i.`~`l'1ecl,- Service. B('lI`l_'l0 rela- tives I`( C8lV'd the good news to- day, hut further particulars are not yet to hand. r1--; 11--.-..` .. Linn nnn nf Nifv; 1JUl/ J01; DU 11u.uu. Capt. Brown is the son of 1\IrA. and Mrs. J. J. Brown, and Lieut. Lount is the son of the late -Samuel Lount and Mrs.VLount. `Broke {His Arm g "On Tuesday evening, Roy.Bol- ton was driving a horse he had recently purchased when it shied at the steam roller standing on the side of the street. Making a quick ju1np_ to one side, the horse cramped the buggy, over- turning it and then. ran away. Boy was thrown out and had a small hone broken in his right wrist.