Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1917, p. 8

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FOR SALE OR TO LET--BI'ick house on corner in Sophia and Eccles Street, all "conveniences, including a furn- ace, plumbing, gas for cooking or liarhting, electric light, large cistern. large attic, and be'auti- ful lawn, with four fine young apple trees.` This property can be bought` right or can be leased, as the owner is moving to -..the city. _ Apply on premises 121 Sophia St. or to W. Buchanan, 289 Markham St., Toronto. . 1-83-ti Ladies White Pique Skirts, belt and one poc_ke"t, large pearl buttons, especial . . .. .. $2.25 Ladies Wash Skirts, white with stripe, w-ith one pocket, spec- ial .. .. .. .. .. .. $2.00 Ladies White Skirts, one pocket,` special .. .. .. $1.25 You should not rniss these lines as they are scarce. Children's Middies, white and white with stripe collars, cuff and one pocket, special . . .. . .$1.25, $1.50, $1.00 and 90c. vs. uv--.- ---, v-- special price . .` Handsome Voile Blouses Just In , -Ill:-U iBAKER--At Camp Borden, June ' ` H, Corp. Henry Alonzo Baker, 1 son of Capt. Alonzo Baker, Victoria, B.C._. aged 26 years. The body was taken to Victor.- ia for burial. - lDODSON--At Painswick, June Moore, Mr. Frank Gori 6 Miss_Olive B. Lambert. both of BORN EXELI.--Ori Thursday, June 7, to Pte. and Mrs. Frank Exell, Mary St., a son. ROBINSON`--At Poplar Plains," Stroud, on Ma_.y 29, to Mr. and RI'..._ "` TRENTOII rs uv an, . . 31.25 VWANTED-Motor Boat,_ in V ex. change for good building lot, _ size 50x150._ Apply LOW Howe, Lewjston, New York. 20-27 Siliiil Thur-uh Barrio. John. H A551}-. L earl: sa;k.'."' with tli\ /and "A181:-` N-"1"I1.t;Q has I'M illg` HH- few we-u VF'nl'hu `m; ,d:1 u;:h-to Miss I". EIPP, \'i.~"- and Mr (If CHM hu.' `.'~%und_:1_\` hero. J. H. H; H4)\'_. and dun aha! Uh` ,4 1,inn_. FOR SALE--1 complete, set Pic- turesque Canada. _(36 numbers) Big bargain. See them at Ot- ton s Hardware Store. 17-tf 'hm' rdn M1`. Of 1"]! Sill(',P. I Hr hm odist .~ and I1 hm-u i1 sum- (l:L\ . .\l l` my .at..tmu M I'..~j1. \\'m|I1r Miss l' fin, wl :\lr~' Jun :{Ill_[L|n[' xx :--Qt. 1z1_.s7`t-'F l"' `I1 9 1" The cost of advertlslngeln this column is ONE GENT PER WORD EAGI-I INSERTION, with a mini- mum charge of 15 cents. ,1'er.ms cash. For Adlets of 25 war 3 or Over, three insertions wil be given for the price or two. ' ` , . . SCIMH BI`: `ChllI`I`|! and :\l- in {HM vc.-.nt,im All :11 UPI! hul liafld, \ .\\'vn gm R0.l;`t ." and M Iicun :` TKIPSH; Mr. sh Y "and .\I Pit`: LAM .-.. Thur FOR SALE-CuZtter, mantel clock, set of re tongs, brushes, etc. Enquire 98 Mary St. 22.24 Si 1 J u `III 0 V . '|7lH Read 1'-I \ m-1 EAVETROUGHING -- Consult" P. r 11-..-.. :0 -n...-.A..I,: Q4 4.0 HP HBOARDERS AND P.obMERs C17; I1 rI1'l'l\ -,-I__ no l`1I.._...IA4ln 7VRI'fE or phone M} E. Lennox,| Stroud, teacher of piano and theory. 48-30` GaASOLINE?;1`iANKS, -. All sizes, rroltroniwnrl iv-nn I D J M nt-an- rvuuv \.nI.n\.a yawn: UlIlIAJ\Jln .I4bIale\J or small quantities ` to `suit purch`as~er. VAlso hardwood by` theoaore. Apply D. J. Bar- clay, Stroud. _ .6-_tf gin-Ugo -u\..-1.-.-.v\/`ac. .-. \I.nU -V..- 1916 Model, Qnly run 7500 miles. May be seen at Wm. Freek s. W. C. H-ow, Phone 393, Barrie. 22-tf SNAP FOR QUICK SALE-- Cot- tage at. Little Lake, including 14_fnot boat. two iron beds, mattress and springs, and general camping outfit all'in good condition. This -outfit. can be bought, for $150.00 which is away below value of building alone. Don't delay if you want it. Apply to W. Bu- chanan, 121 Sophia St., -Barrie, or 289 Markham St., Toronto. ` `18-tf IAVDLRUUUELLVU "' Uvuounu 1.. J. Moran, -58 Bayeld St. 1&2-tf. `UQXHEB. A`;;;)`l`5: 13(:VhVa`{31`5EEZ St. - . v13tf J\DU1.;11V_J:1 LAIVLXD7 -- nu cuuuc, galvan1zed_iron,I P. J. Moran. ' 12-tf FOR` SALE-Pair of brick hus- es, Nos. 71_an'd 73 Mary St; Three replaces in each. with all- `conveniences, electric light andgas. Will sell one or both at a bargain if taken at once. Apply _R0b_t. Miller, 73 Mary St., Barrie, 23-24 STEER ASTRAY- Came to the premises of undersigned, on or about June 5, yearling steer. Owner may have same on prov- ing property and paying ex- , penses.-' A. W. Green, Graig- _ vale. ` 24-26p ' Iv FOR SAI.E--Larg`e gas stove--4 plates and oven. Will sell for $15: cost $40: used three years; being replaced by electric range. Apply Examiner Office. 24- BOARD \VAN'l`ED --- Young man wants good board and room in a private fse in a good loca- ' tion in central part of town. Apply Box B." Examiner. 24- FARM FOR SALF.~-10O acres, cleared. good buildings, lot 15. con. '5, Om. For further par- ticulars apply Mrs. E. Living- " Stone-, 9 Peel St. 23-tf ."[`RAYED---Frc'nn lot, '12, con. 11, Innisl. about June 12. saw and eight young: pigs. Finder please n0t.i_f,V C. C. Ouantz. 2/: FARM FOR SALE`---75 acres. one mile from Barrie mar'ket};` ov- erlcmking hay: ever-_vt.hing up to date. T. Fit,zgerald..Barrie. ' ' 24-26 WON LAYING CONTEST - At the St0rrs," !`Mpuntain Grove" and North American" Egg Laying Contests in 19-16. White Wylandottes won against all comers. Should not this c.onvince_you.`? My pure Regal Strain from Martin's best pens are yours at $1.00 per 13. `A. F. A. Malcomson. Phone 447,. Barrie, Ont. 16-tf FOR SAI.E--_G00d bred Shofthorn cow, milking strain, six years old, due early in July. C. Swin- nerton. 14 North St. 22-241) 'DRESMAKER wants daily sew- ing in Barrie. orwould go in country. References. Mrs. Hall, Shanty Bay, 23-25p FOR SALE--'[`w0-seat.d surrey: , with adjustable canopy mp, I . rubber `A tire. Apply Bolton- Bros. _ T 2:/1-25 \VANTED-l.ady bookkeeper and stenographer. Experienced person preferred. Brown & Co. ' _ ' -24.24 TO LET-Six cheerful rooms on ground oor, with convenien- ces. i5 Ross St. , 2/1-tf Wm. Grassland `was fined $50 and7costs- for not putting a war stamp on a bottle of proprietary medicine sold to a local doctor. FOUND-On Dunlop St., a smafl sum of money. ApplyVt.0 Chief King. _ 24-24 ROOMERS WANTED --- Would serve breakfast and supper. Apply at 211 Elizabeth St._ V 22-24p-tf. u aaaaa nua- .S-ome of.the young` men have purchased a 24-foot sailing yacht in `Orillia and expect to sail it down this week. I Rev. G. R. Turk is ir'1'Toronto `this week attending Conference, but will be in town to take his servicesias usual next Sunday. STANDING I1`/IZI\/IZBER .FOR SALE ---Suitable for barn timber. lumber} shingle bolts, fPnce- posts and pail timber, Large nrv\n`] ,.........L.'L.:.... 1.. Trinity Church Vestry, in re- cognition of the good work he is doing, voted Re-v. H. D. Raymond an increase in salary this week. ROOM$-Wit.h or yvithout board. nt\\ In 1 any.- The Baptist,.SundaySchool will meet next Lord's Day at 10 va.m. and continue to do so during the summer. A 1 uru I-l\l\LDI~l-I J-JLVJIJI --Wednesday Ha.IfHol'i'day will be generally observed in Barrie during July and'Aug1Ist., 24;26p ---Speci_al attention paid to the repairing and renewing of water meters by Mo`att &' Parr. Phone 531. . ~ 44-25 A Tomorrow '(Friday) nlgnt, the- Soldiers Aid is giv__in_g an infor- mal military dance in the,Town Hall. ` -s ao..~ 1* run County Council meejzs next Monday. -V - rv....,a- 4.L:..... -...._-..:...'.... .1. 4.1.... A.va.VJa.I.\LI.~J o - Graduatione exercises at the hospital take place next Monday at" 7.30 p.m. ' B-I... nauQ-'@a `f\ucn can-cc vvv I ovv llcbnln --Baby carriages-- `Our new` line. Special value. .See them at Dougall Bros.` 1IT...l.~......I.Q_- `I"l'..l1"l'1'AIv."A.\-- -.3!` ::p1;r;, '1'gg"c`;..i';;"`s1?1s;.:,;..;I 168. % 1 .24-30.| Read the Adlet Coli1mn. v \JI I Mr. and Miss Patton with Mr.l and Mrs. Ernest Caseley and family -motored up from. V_ictotr 1a Squareon Sunday-and. spent the day with Mrs. ('}aseley s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Caldwell. FOR SALEi-:-(Montrose Cottage, 88 Clapperton St., Barrie, Central, desirable property, modern conveniences, med- ium size, solid brick, stone foundation. Possession May 7th. '1`erms to suit purchas- er.` Apply Mrs. E. A. Russell, 409 Markham St., Toronto I u\J_U A.l.DO\J|J-lG:IJl.lJlI.- Wi\;I~I'-es.` McBeth. whose husband. has charge `of the hospital at Camp Borden. has rented J. R. Hambly"s hollsefor the summer. 1\___ A , I `I 11 . 'son. Worsley St, ` Rev. and Mrs. TWalker,,Dr. and Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. (D12) Mills of Toronto spent the week- end with Dr. and Mrs. Richard- vv-u uuw./_y xiv: 1\1'r."avn.d Mrs. A. Touchette and family are spending: the summer in Toronto. Miss Florence Ton- chette has accepted a position in the Bank of Nova Scotia, Town. to. = ' ...r. ..uu:u.~ nu unu, uu;_y. Miss Marjorie Richardson of Chicago spent the \veek-e`nd with her `Om1SiTlS. the Misses King, King`? Black. 11? `Iv an - v - --- W. C. Walls and J. A. Man. Laren are in Toronto attending the annual meeting of the Can- adian Press Associationy `ll'_'_ *nr_'1\ :1 1 _.._.-_: `Mrs. W; .Ienne and childre| of Toronto eire visitingwvith her sister , Mrs. J. G. Hubhert. \ lIvv\I, A.V.I.IL`I l.| LIIJIVTJI II- Mrs. L. Th (J)'["n\T I.l1PY and Miss V. I.-onghurst- spent. the week-end visiting friends in the city. ' `l\)I':c.n 1Ul'....:,`.....' n:..L..._..:-.._. -4-I All men tm.t.wc-an the ages of 18 and 45"2oinqofrom (`.a.na.da to the United St.a.tas now reqhire a permit. For the convenience of merchants and others who have business across the line. the G-ovm`n1nent has appointed per- sons in -the dif`f`erent. towns to is- sue permits. . For Barrie the is- suer is/W. P. Soules. oNo`ohar, is Inade for theso permits an Mr. Sonles done: the work With- out any remuneration.. -passage in ajsailing vessel. -\'\/ll\JLl xruua Orillia Times---W. D. Lover- ing, the veteran ltlmberman, of Coldwat.er.,was in town on Tues- day. June 5. renewing acquaint- ances. on his,92nd birthday. Mr. Inverinzr has all his faculties and is as genial as ever. He was born. in C0rnwaVll,`England, and came to Canada in 1842. Those wereh_t.he good old times when it took eight. weeks, to make the 4: All ___-_n I,_1 , A daughter of Alex. Morris, Bradford St... was badly hurt in the {face on Monday evening when a tricycle she was `riding collap- sed and threw her to the pave- ment near the corner of Bayfield and Ross Sts; Her face striking the jagged crossing was severely cut end bruised and several teeth were knocked out. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE -_ 66 feet choicest frontage on William .Street; Allandale, Box M, Examiner and Satur- day Morning. 10tf |`7Ed}brd Witness-- Inspector Robinson was in town on Tues- day in connection with a magis- tI'ate`s"court in which two young, men from` Innisl were ned $200.00 and costs each for hav- ing been drunk. They saidthat they had bought. the liquor in Barrie and another case will pro- bably follow. .I._.-...LA-,_ .n- An In- . Among the successful Liberal candidates who were elected. when the Sifton Government was; returned to power in Alberta lasti week were two men wellknown in this section, Hon. Chas. Stew- art and Hon_. Duncan Marshall. Canada s first woman member of parliament was returned in this election. a yup- \/A aL\.II.~nnI] \q1.nI\.J\Ju Following - the publication of the list of merchants who agreed to close on Wednesday after- noon, the usualcards have been placed in their windows announ- cing that these 'stores- will close at 42 o'clock noon on_the Weid- nesdays of July` and August. A re'presentat;\;e cf [the firm manufacturing _a _road prepara- tion called Tarvia laid the mer- its of his` product before some members of the Council. There is vaipossibility of it being tried on -Dunlop St. _..--__I _.--_L:,-_, _i\ 11,, ----vt: -vvo "-At a special meeting of the hospital Board, Monday morn. ing,_. coal contracts were let for `next winter. The anthracite will be supplied by the Lewis Goal Co. and the soft coal by the Sarjeant Co. These co_ntracts a to- tal of nearly $1700. 'l'.1..ll-_--....._ LL- ___'I_'|:--1:- , -0 llla I.Il_.IUl. UU1l.. - The` June issue of Rod and Gun is out and its contents are such as to appeal to lovers of the out- of_doO_rs. Rod and Gun in Can- 'ada is published` at Woodstock, On.t., by W. J. Taylor, Ltd. II ---v _H. D. Jamieson last week sold for Mrs. Martin lot. on Toron- to St.,_ne`x`t Mrs. Dru:-y's, to Robt. R. Bothwell, who purposes build- ing thereon." ' m.` 'I'_____ __`___A -3 `I'\__I ____I I'V,___ PERSONAL MENTION Bishop--Er-ray A very quiet wedding was sol- ernnized at Central Presbyterian church, Gait, at 2 o clock Wed- nesday aft.ernoon, June 6. .when[ Grace, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Errey, 61 Lowrey avenue, and Mr. Walter Bishop of Toronto, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. M. B. Davidson. _ The bride wore a gown of ivory duchess satin with head trimmings and whitei Milan hat trimmed with crepe de; chine and owers, and wore a` boquet of white roses. The bridei was attended by her sister, Faith, I and was given away by her `fath-| ler, while the groom was support- _ ed. by Mr. Nelson Clark. After the! ceremony the wedding party ad-J journed to the bride's home where ' a dainty repast was served. Only! the immediate friendsof the con- tracting parties were present. 3 rnl..- ................1.. ...:1-1. 1.. LL... 1..-.-.1." l Taylor s Bath Soap, large cakes, big val- ue today 150., spec- ial price .. .. 10c. Household finest crepe Toilet Paper, large Ifolls 10c, 3 for 250. $25.00 "A MONTH-to good Gen- eral Houseworker who is fond of children. Fare paid to To. ronto; Write at once to Mrs. R. Barrick, 3 Glebe Rd., North Toronto. - ' 23-24p Water Glass for pre- serving eggs, put up byTD. Morton & Sons, "large tins, special price .. `l5c. Buy in now and save money. Sutcli e s Laundry ` Soap, 6 bars for 25 D.` Morton &- Sons` Ocean Wave Toilet Soap .. 5c. cake_ Withevery dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon,redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices Ladies` White Hose, with black stripes, ext`i'a value, 50c. pr. Ladies Cotton Hose, White and Black, special value . 25c. %C.hildren s White, Sky and Pink Hose, siz- es 4`;, 5, 5%, spec- ial price .. .. 10c. Children's Sox, White and Cream, with striped tops, sizes 41%: to 8, special value, 200. and 25a. `Soaps Are Very Scarce FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET - On Bradford St., every conven; ience. Possession at once. Ap- ? ply "to D. 0. Howard, 14 Mul- vcaster St. Phone 653. 22-tf Big Values in Hosiery LIN DSAY The Hometof Best Values Buy Boys Je`i`seys, with long sleeves, colors grey, navy blue, trimmed with red and white, sizes 22 to 32, special price.. Mn's~ Railway or Shop Caps, black sateen and blue and white stripe, with good leather 'peak, these are big` value, .; 4:- _ Our Bigger . and __Bctter Values in everything to wear for everyone in the family produces a continuous growth of Patrons from` all sections of Simcoe County and Sur- ro'un_dings . DURING JULY AND AUGUST THIS STORE- WILL . GLOSE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, AT 12 O GLO.GK. You should see our Club Bags. black leather and other modes, 18 inches long; with two han- dles, prices $10.5'0,$6.00,$5.50 Leather and Fibre Suit Cases. sizes 22, 24, 26. px~ic.es $10.00, $1.50, $1 .19, $1 .65, $1 .50, $1 .35 We afe not following themrise of the market prices, and conse- quently our offerings mean Bigger and Better Savings CLEANING AND APRESSINGT ---V Your old suit _ and overcoat can be made to look like new by Harry Twiss, Owen St. 8-tf Handsome Laces, 1, 1 IA, 2 inches wide, good value -10c., special price . ._ . . . Sc. yd., 50. doz. See our values in Embroideries, ? prices, 5c,_ 8c, 10c, 12'/20, 15c. They are very new patterns and are extra good value. The marriage tookfplace at St. Francis Church on June 12, of Alma McDonald `and Richard [Frawley of Mount St. Louis. The nuptial Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father McCann. The bride, who was given away by her un_ cle, Mr. Josm. Ganley, wore chain- pagne Georgette crepe, with a large white `hat ,She was) at- tended by hersister, Miss Ruth :McDonald, ~in pink Georgette ;cre`pe and white hat. The groom- 'sman was Mr. M.VFrawley. Miss Anna Connor presided at theor- Igan, and Mrs. Hamilton'Brown and Mr. Gerrard Kelly sang. Af- lter their honeymoon trip through ?the Thousand Islands, Mr. and ;Mrs. . Fra.wley will reside `Mount St. Louis. The bride, who {formerly lived in Barrie, is a `graduate of the R. V. Hospital. at I 3' Early Closing Frawley-McDonald ;u \4OA\J VbUl\A\)` . .. . 15c. and 10c. BARBIE 31-{c'. Alger Books with good covers, a `good assortment, special 19c. Ladies Middies, all white, spec- ial values $1.25, $1.50, $1.15` Ladies Blue Chambray House Dresses, sizes 34 to 42, high and low collar, and one pocket. These are nice tting dresses andare big value .. .. $1.50 Ladies Allover Aprons, good -quality of print, special pric- es . . . . . -. 50c_., 60c., and 75c. Ladies White Lawn Aprons, big value 150., 19c., 25c., 40c., 50c. You should not miss these at `-the small prices. See those handsome Voile Blous- es, just in, sizes 36 to 44, _A_-;-. .._:A- . . ca 0): FORD RUNABHOUT FOR SALE-- nnnn' Ir QAAA

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