Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1917, p. 7

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{5 ish ul.. vie, all ces Chicago, Ill.-"For about two years . suffered from a female trouble so I a ' ~- l-r wasunabletowalk ordoam ofmy own work. read about Lydia E. Pinkharri s Vegetable Com- pound in the news- papers and deter- 4 mined to try it. It 1 brought almost im-- 2 mediate relief. My I weakness has en- l tirel disa peared 5 and`- never adbet- ; ter health. I weigh` an nunnn and n rnon iiiaren Cry run rmcnews _:_AsfroI=:A WRlGLEY S 11 37F Wat!` ;1!e*!.1*!1 you can have it, by heeding Nature's laws. Keep the stomach strong, the liver active, the blood pure, and the bowels regular, and you will seldom be ill. Take good care of these organs, and at the rst sign of anything wrong-`-promptly take Beecham s Pills. Yoil ;`5?i1`i`F1Y'F`%. t'he hlelv and relief oi this world -vfamed `remedy, to` keep the body in health- They quickly establish nor- mal conditions, so the organs perform their functions as Nature. intended; No other remedy will so surely strengthen the system, stimulate the liver, regulate 7 the bowels and quickly improve the general health as The "3 V0_"" 13219 ' Three gt a kind". Keep them in mind _ Worth a Gulea "ii Bx V T Prennred only by Thumbs Beeehnm. St. Helens. Lancuhire. England. Sold everywhere in Canndn and U. S. America. In boxes. 25 cents, MADE `m CANADA,/. _ ON SALE WHEREVER OONFECTIONS ARE sou) Should Be 'anned Shelburne Free Press'-- - We `..have received a copy of The Can- adian FoI'.ward. published in Tor- _onto, which claims -to be the of- licial organ of the Social Demo- `cratic Party. Had it claimed _io be the organ of a Nihilist faction in some European country \-vc would have believed it. We are only surprised that the Dominimi Government allows it - to go through the mails of Canada. `The editor, Isaac Baiiibriggrc, who `dates his manifesto 1'e`c-on- lscription iron) 363 Spadina Ave., 'was up before Police Magistrate "De.n_ison a couple-of weeks ago on {the charge of sedition, and the .onlv mistake the Colonel made {was in giving him his liberty in- [stead of committing him to an in- {ternment camp for a term. His iar-ticlcs areona par with the vap.. lorings of Bourassa mm l-avex'g'ne land are considered by 1'r.:.my even iworse. `It publishes with great xigusto theaccounts of the meet- ijngs in ,Montreal and Quebec a- tgainstxconscription. On the an- nouncement page, after` ;.;ivin_-3; `gsuhscription and advex`t.isi'1ng r'ai.es ':is given the following. VV_ar is ._Hell. Those who want H---.,-an go !Your Chance---The West. is call- iwestern Canada at low fares via lCanadian Pacic ewh Tuesday .'until October 30th, inclusive. Par- ticulars from any Can.adian'Pac-- ic Agent, o1-`W. B. Howard, Dis- trict Passenger Agent, Toronto, 0") OR Homeseeker-ys Excursions to, I Ghewj it T after every meal Where is Wellington Fisher, the prpvincial license inspector for that part of the conty of Simcoe which includes the town of Collingwood and the sur- Ivrcunding country? .........l..nn. In vIr{r\ :'\h" Q in fonf .('1"he..'Bulleti'n) i , `I. Uullulllg UUIJLLULJ 0 h According to -reports, in fact, they might be termed complain-ts, that have been heard from time to tinrie in respect to the violation of the liquor laws, his presence issadly needed. These come from" all sides, the industries, the mer- chants, - professional men and others. _lndustrial_ leaders say that the tr.a"ic has now become so bold as tointerfere with their in- dustries. Something must be done, labor is ditficult to get and difficult to hold, while to have it interfered with by blind piggers, `hip ers and others who stoopto the depths necessary to engage in the nefarious traific, is doubly annoying. A..,-n.,... .~....~.4.~..~J is that fhrnio i.Q i1l1uU_) 1u5. _ 4 Another` protest is that there is butone thing only wrong with Collingwood, and that is" the al- most open violation of the liquor tratfic. Almost -every night evi_ dence of it is seen or heard on the streets. Most flagrant and quite rampant, are common con1m_ents, some of which have been heard within the last week. 41...; n,-...lA n-inn UUCJI uUa.;u_ vvxuuau unau .u....,.. Conditions that could give cause for such remarks are-not to the town s credit. ,_A _' -.\._ .-.91.-..~. dnv\4n.v1 \ 1 L-U but Luwu D Uluunu. . For a short time after Septein_l her 16th there was a change for thehetteig but apparently it was only the interim during which those who engage in the traffic were getting into shape to do a bigger` and, if possible, more pro- fitable business. The evidence nowgoes to show that theythave got into the position desired and that they are now beyond` the controlof one provincial official who lives miles away and whose inovements are doubtless closely watched and quickly reported. .-____x .._v 41.,` r..~..mrnnnihv VV'(1l;L'/IIULI. auu \.]u1uAxAJ Lvy V . u V .... The demand of the community is for an enforcement of -the law. The catching and ning of a few poor dupes of the principals in the carrying on of the traific will not step it. This may occasion- ally take` some of the profit from those behind the scenes, but what does a few dollars amount.t0? W" ,n:,,__ :., \\7l..,...,. :n \X7nl U65 U. JUVV Ll'lJll.CL1D ullnuunnuguu The question where is w'e1- lington AFisheI' an,d.what is Wel- lington Fisher going to do`? n..1I:.--..-.n,..-U.` unonnnf-nhilifxr ie I;U Dhljp Lu. If the pre'sent authorities can- not cope -with this enemy to .the public weal, then the Provincial License Coinmisi-sion'and the Pro- vincial Government Wm nave to take a hand. Indeed, itwould not be out of place for them now to `take notice of the situation. _--- - ...n ..,. .-. r\1' l:H.1\U |lUl:ll)C U] Luv cuuuuunuu. , In the 4meanI,i1ne, we again ask, Where is VVe1ling'ton Fisherpand what is he going to do about it? r Victoria Harbor Era-- One `of those__sad affairs` attended by fatal results occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs.` Chas. Gratrix. Rose- mount, about 3 o clock last Sun- day afternoon. when their little daughter, Esther, was accident . ally shot by her 'l0-year_old bro- ther. Just how the accident oc- curred we are unable gto state. The rnoth_er was at chn1ch . and the father out in the elds. and the first that was known of the aairgwas when the boy ran to his uncle s place. across the road, and told his uncle that he had shot his little sister, Mr. Grat_ lit.tle girl to hi_s home. . He at once saw that the wound was very serious. It was th`rough\the_ neck and had been inicted by a bullet from'a 22 rie which belonged to the father, and which the little boy had been playing with. Med- . ical aid was summoned, a nurse secured, an.d everything possible don-e to save the little girl s life, but she succumbed to her injur_ ies early Wednesday morning. The funeral took place today (Thursday). The fatality has cast a gloom over the neighbor- hood, and the 'sorroWing._father and mother have the sympathy of la large circle, of friends. rix immediately ran to the scene of the accidentgand carried the. llllsbull .I.'lD|lUA auxua u... -..u. GQ1li11gw0od srespectability is at'stake, ins hldustrial hfe is at stake, and anything" that affects ,eHher deununnany aec; the .namion. VVhat our factories are turning outis of specialvalue at the present Hrne and the Uquor traic shouhj not be pemniued to `step in. In ILA .-.....',.,..-s .-.n4hnniHne nan,, ~ T iwhy. Roumani;-collapsed Different causes. have been given for the complete collapse of Roumania. The first and gener- ally credited report as to why Roumania ciimpled up so easily, was that, in her anxiety to seize territory on her V western front and under Austrian sovereignty, she started an oifensive to the west when the allies wanted her to throw her` forces on the Bu]- garian rear at her south front, while the Anglo-French Salonika army attacked the Bulgarian , front. Ittwas further hinted that Russia, angered atthe ref31sal.0f Roumania to fall in with the gen- eral and strategically: wise plan, refused to support Rou_mania~ s "attack on Austria, and stood by rut ishlillla EXAAMIIUER IND .sA'ruknAv vgqnulua Git-I Killed by Her Brother Booze ln._ coluiugwood while the Teutonic powers crush- ed the Roumanian armies which had rushed headl0ng_'into the trap the Teutons had prepared for them. Now a new explanation is put forward. It 1 stated that Rou- mania was de iberately betrayed by Sturmer, who held the foreign office in the Czar s government when the Roumanian oifensive began. It is declared that there was an understanding between Russia and the Teutonic powers that Austria should be allowed to take Western 'Roumania. that Russia should have the portion ' ATIONS are built in the public N schools. The ideals set up by the school teahher remain very largely theideals of the pupil through- out life, and his conception of patriot- ism will be what he has been taught during his school years. It is not too much to say that the presenrt world war is due to a difference of ideals fostered by different systems of edu- cation. ,_,, >_ 1, LI, v,,, A, Q :1 A I . Great as is the importance of the public school in old and well estab~ ` lished countries, this importance is - even greater in the new lands which : are being called upon to assimilate . populations from the more congested ' countries. It is worthy of;-note that in Western Canada, which may be i cited as a case in point of a. `country ~ which- is called upon to assimilate a ~ population of many races. Some of the most strenuous political and consti- tutional `ghts have hinged uponthe systems of public education. These ghts, however, were not without their purpose, and it is out of__them has arisen a public school policy well calculated to meet the needs of a new and rapidly growing country. In such i a country the public school has to - take on fu nctions.not usually associ- ated with it in the older and more densely settled communities. -The prairie schoolhouse is not merely a. centre of education; it is also the re- ` iigious and social centre of the dis- trict, During the week days the schoolteacher furnishes education\to_ 7775 Caz//V7:/gy 50/70 0; 245 % >4 COM /WU/VIZ`): C5/V7`/QB YOU have got to paint your home, in order to insure it {against . the `weather. Paint, resists the destructive action of sun, wind, rain and snow. , Ofrcourse the better you paint, the. longer you are protected. - ' MART! -sznoun Paint Well. Vy east of the Sereth `river, and that `when the 'work of division was completed, Russia should make a separate peace. Certain it is `that the Teutonic armies stopped at the Sereth line, and that Russian armies, which entered Roumania for the professed purpose of help- ing` that country," also stopped at the Sereth. . A1, jlzmiaouhds .zI'L":{' as strong as 9. man. _I think money is well spent which pur- chases Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound.-Mrs. Jos. O'BRYAN, 1755 . Newport Ave., Chicago, Ill. Th- cu-|nnnnh"n Txvin pinlzhnnl IIUI. ucalbu. J. VVCIEII` LHU DUYULH. - I No matter which story IS the true one, it is quite clear-there was lack of loyal co -operation between Russia and Roumania on one side, and Britain and France on the other. V `(he children 3 : the `tx`i'g1ib'6rI 16o"df But on Sunday the missionary holds his} services, which all attend regardless: of creed or nationality, and on week! nights the building is used for meet- ings `"ot\ farmers, for the various com- munity societies; for the Red Cross or Patriotic Club, and for purely so-Q Acial events such as debates, concerts! and dances. To facilitate the latter, 2:. .___-- L- ...-J...A blunt vv\a|O\'Iv nnuvnis-1! were 18 an ounce in prUupUUL. k Another phase of community work: associated with the v rural school _-which has beyn coming into promin- ence during the last few years is the, supply of books to settlers in the dis-} trict. This workiis encouraged and} assist ' by the central Department of Education, which provides catalogues of books suitable for such purposes, the actual selection being left to the teacher. The number of books allot- to a school district is based on Gnu u.c.u1..co. Av nuns; Aaunvv u it may be noted thz;.t manyo<>.1`;x`1~t`;y: schoolhouses us'e' removable desks which the willing hands of the ,farm- efs boys quickly dispose of whenever there is a dance ih prospect. n_.A.1..... Rana AI nnvnrnuunifw nrnv-Ir. Read the Adlet Column. The Bradford Witness makes itself responsible for `the follow- ing: A elereryman whose salary had not - been paid - for several months told the trustees that he must have money as his family were suffering for want. of the necessaries of life. "Money, ex- claimed one of the t.rustees noted for his satinginess, "do you preach for money? I thou;2hL you preached for the good of souls. ` a Hard on the Preacher The minister replied "So I do; but I can t, eat, S0|.l]S_.2.ll'ld if I could it would take a tlinusaml such as yours to make a meal." the report of the inspector of,schooln.J lln the Province of Alberta, although Ethis school library movement is !only in its infancy, no less than 110,090 books were supplied for this purpose last year, at a cost of some $30,000.00. Eduoationmsts got` the province look orward to lthe time _when v every school dis- trict will be a library centre. giv- -ing to the settlers the facilities now afforded to residents of cities and towns through their public libraries. The prosperity which has almost. over- whelmed rural Alberta. in the last two v years, when farmers have been reap- ing enormous crops and selling them at the highest gures in hist:or.V.- ,promises to contribute still further jto the importance of the rural school as a social centre. With ever) farm- er drivvinghisvown automobile the opportunities for social gatherings are greatly increased, and the coun- try school is the. natural meeting place. ` Page Seven -LVUWPUIL I1VCo, \JlllIJD U Ill- The succesirlof _L Sit; Pinkhamm Vegetable Compoun , made from roots an herbs, is unparalleled. It may be hum nyifh nap-font nnnt-"lnnnn luv mnmon WOMAN SIBK Iwnmn .Iuu ucruu, 15 uupuruucacu. 1.1. u1a_y uc used with perfect condence by women who suffer from displacements, inam- mation, ulceration, irregularities, peri- odic pains, backache, bearing-down feel- ing, atulency, indigestion. dizziness, ` and nervous prostration. _L idia E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Compoun is.thestan- dard remedy for female ills. 'l',I1ursday, June 14, 1917. Could Do No .' Work. _ Now Strong as u

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