Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1917, p. 12

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"I.V;e'mf paints and F10- glaze. None better_ on the mar- ket. W. A. Lowe, & Son. president, of the Women s Aux- iliary. Those left to mourn the loss of a loving mother are her live children, MI's.,E. J; Hewson, Penetang: Mrs. S. Blackmore, Painswick; Mrs. T. H. Hewson and George of "1`0mnL0, and John of St. Thomas. having some good lurk in getting the hydro-electric service and "at the same time getting the benefit of other municipalities in the dis- trict securing the service. When this town decided to _-apply for hydro it did so resolved that whatever the cost would be there would be no kick so long as the service was as good as other towns are getting. As soon as; - Hydro Power-iin South. Simcoe` 'Alliston Herald--- Alliston 1s| "V- --\/ vw` `II ! a\r\(\4I .4 --..-_v- as`, `Allister: ca1'1'ied`the bylaw Cooks- town, B1`:-idford, Beeton, Totlen- ham and Bond Head saw a chance to get the Hydro electricity into. their houndaries and` a week or` so ugzjo a deputation of about[ twenIy-iive. rep1'esent,ing"` thesei `places went down to Toronto and: i1iler\'ie\ved the engine_ex' in charge: of the northern zone_.- That these" pla(`(3S can have electricity from hydro SO11I't`.(`.S goes without. say-` ing. All t.he_v_ have to do is to say, so. But their decision mfa.teI'ial-f \7 -..\_--Anus-_a The funeral took place an 'l`uesday, June. 12, to St. Paul s ((}hUI`(?h and cemetery. [ly alters conditions 1'elzit.ing to |Alliston. instead of this towna havingga long l.ransmission line to maintain Alliston will have the l_assist_:1n.Vc-e of all these other viI_3 lages in meeting charges on this` account. Also lhe source of sup-` ply will be from Barrie instead of Shelhurne and Th-Ornton will he put on the line. .In the whole * system there will be but two sub- stations, one in` Alliston and one at Bratdforrl, The other villages will all he served by what are known as out.-stat.ions, which are something of the nature of a ` transforiner. Alliston too will probably have some out of town customers, The people of Rose- mont have already made enquir- ies and the matter has been dis- cussed" with the hydro engineer. Rosemont may have hydro our- 1 rent by just saying so. A `low voltage line wmild he run out from here. +.`.verett people are] also talking about it. hut have not 4 dlSCllSS(`.d the matter Vvifh A,1}is- tom. officials yet. In case Everett should decide to take this current a low voltage line from here: would he ample to serve the Tos- sorontio village. , If y0u'have anything to sell, `patronize the Adlet. Column of The Examiner. Some person may want what you have to sell. , I-f yo keep chickens in a` small run. he sure to give them plenty of green food. I II _ -,_ 1 _ , -,I 1'3! . Pour -a little vinegar over fresh sh _bqf0re boiling it, and it is not. as hkr-.l_v to break. _l.I_l'7l1' ll')I|lC uu_Iv. , l~"ur`ym_1ng men and `boys Fisli-9 ex- s have just placed in stock a select line of sport shirts. -n_ __.n `I..- rn D I \l7..n.. at Men : Fine Khaki Poplin Shirts, shouldgr strapsg pockets, sport ' collar. sizes I4 to 16%. At each - - - . ~ - -. ' - - - - - - -$1-5 FINER GRADE OFFICERS` SHIRTS. 2.00, 2.50 and $3.09 Khaki `Socks, light weight, union, a good. wearing quality. - - - - ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...3 Pairs $1.00, Pair 35 Men's Plain Khaki Poplin Shirts, finest quality Poplin. % Regular ` collar. I pocket. Sizes 14% to |6%. At each - - - - - -$1.25 Grey "Stand Easy, Sock, mid-weight wool, old stock and grand. value. Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . 4C Lighter weight hemstitched Khaki Handkerchiefs. `Each. .100 Kaki Handkerchiefs, rcgdy fof use. Men's Union Combination Underwear, elastic - rib, good tting. Q, A GL-1 `IR and can nn Men's'B,albriggari Combinations, long and short Jeeves, prices . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 and at. PAINTING} There was -a spectacular five at Longford Mills last Thursdav morning, when the storage building of tliestandard Chemi- cal Con1pany s plant, a co rrug'at.-' ed iron structure lOOx45 feet. was lest1'n_\'el, together With 88 drums of acetone, 80 barrels of wood alcohol, 1,600 empty baa`- rels, and 660 empty steel dI`11I1`:.. the .mntur house and motor. 'I`lu-, total loss was between $- l0,0!"~t'| barrels. even when empty, et-.~ ploded, making a noise like ail artillery bombardment. Many ml` t.hem went. high` into the air, amt some of the fragments set f`1.r'~, to the railway station, and tim Presbyterian Church. 400 yards away. A hole was burned in t.be_ roof of the station, and the bet.- fry of the church was destroyed. ibut the ames were ext.ingiiisli.~.<.l lbefure further damage was don, Notwithstanding the danger, l'::'.f.4. frre brigade, assisted by some |and $50,000. The drums` anti remen from Orillia, fought the` Vre hard at close quarters. and `succeeded in preventimr 7*": .spread to the main bi1ildiii;.-`V, `Part of the acetone was in a c'.-i=.' jwhirh had been loaded llzrg. :morning. and which was P,n|ll='- gly destroyed. Vvhen the electr" - `al pumping plant was put out ,business, the steam plant m.- `tinued to supply water to the ames. It is fortunate tl~.:-2. ,the whole`plant was not do.str:~.- - l - . ed. as acetone `is .an llllDDl`t:`:`x'-.'. munitions produc-.l..---Pa.<-ket. In the list of husirmss plaw: that, will close Wednesday after nnons during Ju1y.a.nd Augum given in last. week s Examiner. ' G. Keenan s book store was 01. tted. Mr. Keena.n- siemed tvv agreement to close, but his man was inadvm't.nnt.ly omillml in Iv"- list. puhlisherl. Government War Bonds, Municipa Bonds and Debentures }Constitute Safety, Saleability, land Re ular Income. To-day `these investments may be put: `chased at prices that will givel returns approximately of 5%, 6'12 . and 7%. lf you are not familiah with this form of investmentl ` Write. Phone I I2, or call on . VH. BENNETT, 57 Dunlop Street. Barrie, On, who will be pleased ; to furnish full information. ancll transact your business Free of Will 0.bserv:Ha|f Holiday fl! CXECDSC t0 Superior . . . Investments .15c. 2.for....25C .Iln \J\Jl\JylllIJ4LLu 1 Wesley McNaug;h`tL of Toronto spent Sunday at his home here. I f'\..` TIW.-n..~.~ln-- .-.4` Input v-xvnn]r Fl`|I11\ Fire at Longford st1cAr1b, good htting. .$1.75 and $2.00 X Mr. and Mrs. T; W. Handy of Toronto spent Sunday with the latte1* s mother, Mrs. Davldfn Thompson. ` 3 1'-.. 1\-_..-_11 -1` IL- h-_--'| 1741-- I .1 A-u:A.x1.; re Jas. k] ?:z;L1*.nett, of the Royal Fly-` ing Corps, Camp_.B0rden, spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. James Baker and friends.` The Innisl Township Sunday School will hold their summer convention at Bethesda on June 20, afternoon and evening. The ladies of the church willserve tea. Music will be furnished in the afternoon by the Bethesda choir and in the evening by the Church- ill choir, ' v- V _ . . v- -v-1.---v- -_-.~.- ---...-., -- V--. Manufacturers 0 Sash, boors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mould- ings, Water Troughs, Tanks, etc. `I71: novnn-1 u'~n cu}:-\n'Ir n `(\ { `ego:-;. .aaaa'e;s:` Phone; Office 163, Residence 359. us-u 1u;\.;v-`nu o Rev. J. H. More is attending: Cvonfereonce in -Toronto this week!` Rev. Mr. Hodson of Toronto will' take the service on Sunday. `I17 'I T_,_ _i_. .f -.r\AIA-n\./J. gun.- Mrs. L. B. Avery and son, James, have returned after visit- ing with friends at Brighton and` Caledonia. ` v V V . III -.-. s. A. 1115:), IV upoj. .l.1Uu5uD, 1.a.u.na, UUU. We carry . in stock ,a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Pre- pared Roong. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done promptly. . ' Consult us with your building. Corner Sophia and Maryustreets ]l'__.__.DA_1______._ _l\ fV_.`I._ `I\ These Brands are 2nd to none. all garahteed of >m'oey 'i'.e'1n'1ed; ` we exchange Flour, Bran and Shorts for Wheat. ( Chopping Tuesdays and Fridays. Ad` you} grocer for these flours or phdne Oodkstown. '- i 9 - V` ' - -5 1 an tsusux-rnrxnv W. G. Halcomson Automobile and Carriage ssgs` Tm-`a and mu Slight . .L, _-_|. __.I ".1 iobkstown Flour `met "HF. uaeraignea. luu . `Faint Shop over Hux: table : Garage, next the Wellington HoteI,where he is prepared to do High-clan Painting of Automobiles and Car- riages. ' Make your or- rangements now to have your Car or `Buggy re- painted. Prices on Applicrgtion. 1.132133 Jlvvu sauna aaumnn -a-.`,-- (if Barrie spent the week-end at :their_ home here. T - 7.... ._..n L.__.. I):..I.; ' KHAKI BRAND MANITOBA FLOUR WATER LILY,BLENDlE`.D% "FLOUR % MOSS ROSE PASTRY wan: WHEAT FLOUR % Manufacturers of v---Pto_ev:J1\i<;l-ville Marling returned on Monday night from Toronto .where he has been undergoing ' medical treatment. He has im- proved much in health. nanny`/.,......I A . H . . . A- ...'II 1.... . -.-.--;.-o1.r- `ma --oc _-.-so-yo --.-v-c V The elose of the wall p r_ season is drawing nwr. Fisher has a number of roomlengths at greatly reduced prices. ' `I-.. II II? I`I...... .._-_..8 "LL- A-35%; afnuf` .1:-f'_..`- ueo L .` jaaer, ii:-s. nllclinn, rs. Ailan NIIOII and Norman l_o1-rison attended the memorial service at Palgrave` on Sunday for the late Pte. Earl McMin`n (grandson of"Mrs. Meg- Minn) who .was- killed_ in action `on May 20. , III.` `l._I_-:II_ `I'-_.I:__.. _._A_-_._.-'.I a... u\4n uv.-g; .. uuaa\.u-.- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fisher, Thos. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. J. Wra'y* and Mrs. Thompson at- tended the funeral of the late :Mrs. Lee at Alliston on Monday.` rx... oL.:`._. 1-4-4 u__-- __--1_ 1--.. rn- - uaupunvv o uvvnac 6- R. W.`G`l'ass spnt. _'the past. week with friends in Tor- ongg. - - - ' -v~v~- ----v-- _-- -.-4u--v--- A memorial service yill he held in St. John s Churchon Fri- day evening, June 15, for the late Pte. John Baker. J-......-._: V-v..-cv V. -;-5; rIA\~\_1vA\/\Jo Am'0ng' the official report {of death from Wounds in Monday s gpaper was _'Pte. T.;_._;W'. Dunham, icookstown. Pte._ Dunham is a brother of Mrs. Thos. Trimble of {Innisl. ' -.-.-. ..W (41111 AAIAALIUKILL \,.. ..-w....._,. Dr. Shier left this week f0r`T0- ronto Where he will take a three !weeks course, Dr. Sul'liva_n will itake charge of his practice. ` A.v.`,-.-.,... Ll-.,. I!` ,....`l _ . m . ....l. -1.` The representativre of The Bar I ie Examv e 9:` A Homing in Cookstown is George F. Thompsem ` News. items for Cookstown and adjacent country may he 11331004 0!` P1101100" `-0 Ir. Thompson and will be forwarded to t.lus- paper. Phone No- 39 nds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewelsymay be .f01'-_ warded through Hr. ThomD$0n- " ' ` June g2_' Jerry Ramsay has uMarriedo-ln_'I7oronto, on Tues- sold his house, recently purchas- day. June 5. llllss Fanny llecasue. ed from his brother Andrew, to of Stayner toll . Herb . Nixon. Geo.` Jenn. Mr. Ramsay expects paper to take a trip` to the coast in the near. near future. ` r A roomplengths atl (A. ..._. .5` Ianuvu\Al$ 1-r-tna|Itv -an.nmQan4-I -n-;4nnn `ml;/H;s."R0bir1s0n and Miss Kirk- patrickaof Barrie spent theweek- {end at Harry Slight s. (V....._r:......-..L:_-_ _ C11 'r-1.,_a_ u-.-vs you a.-uu;-J rvn:cn;u u. } Confirmation at -St. John s 'Church will be held during the first week of July. ` 'VI'lL.-,. cV...,..:..__ C<..L.-..u A,.-..-:._1_-,__.' _.- ....\.z --.---u usggu vv mun; ileadman of Toronio is `visiting at her home here- 1|l:-_ `lA'.____ rI'\..:L :- ___:-:1:_,, .1,- '11{s 1\`l[~.*:tr-3-7v;I`z;-ii-`i`sV.x;.i;;tui.I.1g" this week with friends at Colling- `Wood. -....--v~4 v\J \)\4ua vg He was a son of the late Mr. a1_1d Mrs. Edward Ingham and- was born at Egbert in the year 1863, living there until about six years ago when he retired and[ came to town. "During his brief life as a citizen of Gookstown he was always ready to do his bitin any public work to benet the town. He was a man that took an interest in sport, and was a member of the Curling Club and will be greatly missed _ his fel- low players. A very q iet, unas-. suming man, he was highly re- spected by his many friends. In religion he was a Methodist and took an -`active part in_ church work. \..- V- up... - Tsunday School Association of the Deanery ofbsouth Simcoe `imet, at Mono Mills this week. | On Friday morning every one was grieved -to hear of the death of Mr. Alfredlngham. Mr. Ing- ham had suffered for the past two weeks with pneumonia. His con- dition wasserious from. the be- ginning, and -although everything was done to prolong his life he failed to survive. His Wife. who was Miss Annie `Robinson, and one child survive him. He leayns. t.hree`sist,e1is: `Mrs, Wm. Sharpe and Mrs. Grey, Thornton, and Mrs. Smith. Bar- rie, and one brother, John mg`- Ham, 'l`hornt.0n._ ; n A v- .. vv Onsunday afternoon the fun- 'era1 service was held in the AMeth_A odist Church, a large crowd being in attendance `to show their re- spect for the deceased. His re`- mains were conveyed to Thornton Cemetery for" ,inf.erIiie_nt. ,The large cortege of people that fol - lowed the body to the gravewas a mark of the esteem in which he was held by, the people of this vicinity. The pall-bearers were: Chas. Fisher, Harry Fisher, John Pugsley, Thos. Gollop, . Thomas McKnight, W. G. Mackay. The honorary pal1-beare-rs were. Alex. Arnold, Robt. McAfee, Wm. Din- woody, Joseph Wilson, J. Wilcox and John. Dohson. Some of the `friends from a` distance were: Mrs. Wilson, Alliston; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell and Mr. Sproule, Utopia; Mr. Leighton, Barrie. ` - ' ' Death of A. lngham ".":" lull .~;. Mills I: tIIl.U\J\J Luv -vvvu Mrs.*G. L. Daly of Burton Ave`! is visiting her parents in North Bay for the summer. I V. E. [Knight is suffering from .a mild attack of pneumonia, but is getting better. slowly. The Wednesday afternoon hol- iday is being observed by all the Sixth Ward merchants. I lIU.l1- - ` Mr.` and Mrs. .J. A. Cooper of Cumberland St. are visiting at 'MiEi'land. ' ' n 11- ' ,_:v,:A-.J Ln... nxuxuxauu. 1 Mrs. G. Paddiscm visfited he!` mother, Mrs.TMansbr1dge, on Saturday. rn:...- 11:11:--- 1...... nnnnnonrl n l\JI.A4v\4A unn_7 - Tim. Villiers has position in Welland that place last week. 1|l ___ `FV I T\..`l-- A1` AJIJIUIL VI -,1... 1; lIl1_1A\/Al\)I;|av Mrs. .105. _Pat,ters0n has re- turned home after visiting at. Bracebridge for a week. 11.. ._..u 11.... T) A n:..L....,.A,.rn-I. LIA uuuxrl Apau Av; nu vv IJVJLI MI'.- and Mrs. B. A. Richardsoril have returned home after a week s holiday in Minesing. I _,_ t_-1.-_- n . . . . .A /.r 1-n.....-...u week. VV\I\/ll :7 I1\r||1,lI.AJ A11 ;u.n-,-v,_;uu- Mrs. Julius Crosbie -of i`:`:'0-x`el,t visited with Mrs. J. T. CI-nshie on Centre Street for three days this n 1 - A (V II I,-_ L___. `VVLIL/13 I Conductor" A. Small has been promoted to the North Bay pass-l enger service in place of C0nduc- tor Rear-don. -t~r_.,, n , _ _,_. __.-.._ | U\JL Luv nuvasa Co'nduct,m- A. Hunt is now run- ning the Muskoka summer train leaving Toronto Tuesday, Thurs) day and `Saturday. ' -an-___ 1u'-.._..L....;,a....,. ..,..-....~.n.-.n:.-..-l `IJGCI I Illlll. G. M1-.j and `Mrs. Evans of Stayner . spent a few days at Thos Gollo1_) s_ last week. . Warren Mcliinstry of Toronto ,_ -5 1!. I'!..,._ Brakeman Douglas Mu-skett is rel'i- ev'ingVb'a`gg`a'geman A. Sloan on the Penetang train. `Mr. Sloan is sick `at his home "in Penetang. 11U11l \.Il..l.1l.1LIul. Iuuu ruu. u\J -v--\........... Gerald Wardman is spendin two weeksfholidays in Palmer- ston. -. It 1 A zI1,..,....,L.. ml` l.I.\.II. LL11 I I IV\ vnnuo I Mrs. A. Travers of Midland is visiting her mother, Mrs, Wm. Stewart, and her" sister; Mrs. A. Birkhead, on Charles St. ; .1 112., 1-; 1' r|~_.1-:..... Lg-.- I .L'IJ-IIIJ LVo.l.o, l.I4Il\A The first draft of the `station.- ing- committee of the `Toronto Conference has placed Rev. C. \V. Reyndlds at Parry Sound. | (Friday). ` Mr. and Mrs. W. McFadden spent Sunday in Hawkestone. ` Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamton spent Sunday in Newmarket. Mrs. S. A." Nichols has moved from Cumberland St. to Midland. LIEUJ [l.l.1\A KJIAIII-Al u|.n_y a Mrs. Manshridge accompanied her daughter back to New Lowell on Saturday. She will stay with her for two weeks. 0 31- |I-,__I' 1- .L).lA JLlI\.1||.I_:, uxs \ Mr. and have returned homfs after vikiting in Hamilton, Port Colhorne, Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Toronto. n-u._ 11..-: .1..._J.u -1` 1|..- ,.1..\J:n... 'his`cru'tches and t}here`isAevery ap- I `Taylor is out again after his long illness.-He 'h.a_s discarded` pearance of his leg "being as strong as ever. ' n__-n 1-1-.'1.1...... n... ..-..........-l kial " i}oIi1z('i.11`ct'or `RardonV V .'h.s re- signedhis `position `with the `G..'T. 3~4rana has gone back t.o 1.he 'a_tes "to go in bus iness for him- __'1Lo self. `wu- ECIUUD llllb `J1 0}-"J50 U I I I O V *1- Mr. and Mrs. T. R. J. Wray of Toronto spent the past week with the latter's mother, Mrs. David. Thompson. - -_..) fl]...-. `1ru`l\w\o\.1\'r\ .-.4` nnlvvm Cl.-1 U118 uao uvvxo _G_arl Hutton has severed his connection with the G`.T.`R.v. and accepted a position in Peterboro. Sons of England meet tonight News from the Men's Khaki Pants with cu`, pockets. belt loop, side strap? buc'kIeand magic of the best Khaki Duck. Sizes 32 to 4.1 11 V Men's Khaki Pants of good weight Duck, 5 pockets, side strips I and belt loops. cus. Sizes 3l to 40, waist. .` - - . - . -$2 00 Boys Ldng Khaki Pants, light weight duck with cuffs, 3 pockets and belt loops; ` Waist 25 to 28. Pair. . . . . . . . . . $1;25 Men'skhaki Pants, light weight, 5 pockets, side straps, and belt 1oops,'cuf`fs. Sizes 32 to 40 waist. Pair . . . . . a ._ . . . . $1.75 Small Boys Khaki Knickers, best grade duck, elastic bottoms_ l Sizes Z2, 23-. 24 and 25. Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 .Mer|'s Khaki Shirts, made of light weight Duclcfplain turn down collar. Two pockets, also sport collar and `I pocket. Sizes l4`}3 to l6%. Ateach...; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..{...90ci SPECIAL VALUE IN CASHMERE socxs Jl lIlJll1]J31Jll.o Dr. and Mrs. Coleman of Palm- erston and Mrs. C0leman s moth- er, Mrs. McEwing, spent Sunday with the doctor s mother, Mrs. W. R. Coleman. ' ` uy 1|t_`\T_._;.L`L` -1 rn.~...-_.1.. v44TwaiAst measure. Pair- . W ` 1 ON THE FARM--n ' % THEY ARE ALL WEARINGKHAK1 T '!.'his Store is%Headqu.a rters for all Khaki Goods '54 Come and See-----Items You May - accepted a. and left for When _DoingYoiir Bit Wear Khaki ] G1-:0. VICKERS Mrs. GaI"1.Hutton is visiting her parents in Beaverton. 'II'_. _.,J RA .-- I'I_,_, 1"\,, ,1 ..u.u.... Lzvuuvun vu-.-. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bogardis, went to Waubaushene on Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs, J. Cheetham. Mrs. Choetham was the mother of Mrs. Harry Bogax-- dis, Mrs. T. Meade an.d`Mrs. Wm. Bogardis, all or Barrie. [M11 and Mrs. Gen. Smillhxeon. paid a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Knight. Ori -I*`1'ida,v. Mr. Smithson is now managcw of the Canadian Railway News C0- l`ns_ taurant. at. Madawaska. He vvas formerly employed at. the local restaurant. V An impressive memorial ser- vice for the deceased members of the B. of I...E. was conducted in, the Preshytel-*ian Church last Sunday morning. .The sex-rnnn by Mr. \\/`aft ahd the music were greatly appreciated by the large number present. Next Sunday morning a similarservice will be! held inthe same chnrrrh under, the auspices 01" the Order of Rail- uway Conductors. ' ` Death .of' Mrs. Dodson H Mrs. Sarah Dodson passed away at, the home of her daugh- `tor, Samuel Blackrnore, on Sunday, June `ID. The late Mrs._ Dodson was born in Bramham, Yorkshire, England, and came to Canada with her p_arent.s at thel age of five, living in Windsor. In 1860 she married John Dodson and settled in lnnisl. Her hus- band predeceased her about, twelve` years ago. Deceased was a 1`ait.hf111 member of St. Paul sI |vGh uroh_ and was an honorary` Uyuxlu KJLLLILJLAIJ uuu anAu ..V.-.v --\/hwy: On Tuesday of last week Goun-| ty Engineer F. G. Campbell and` Dr. J. D. Banting, Deputy Reeve of Essa, went to Alliston to meet the Deputy_Minister of Public Works, "Mr. McLean. It was the! Deputy Minister s desire to meeti many of the County oi__cials as possible to find out the condi-R tions of the roads. He will make; a tour of the province in that way; and by meeting` the officials will be able to give a full report o:n the road conditions throughout the province. T T)--. T TT 1|-II'-...... in 1-x1\-\r:1J*:1r\rII ' CHEVROLET | FIVE PASSENGER TOURING CAR I immdale Auto` Livery] JFOR HIRE: iAnywhere _ - E\?erywhei'e `IN THE ARMY ---- Lailway Ward..... For Satisfactoty Service I and Moderate Prices try Phone 240 `Ph'one 240 -`2*.25 !'!9AB:!i9 !f!a!!iI12m1.`!i!!l

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