Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1917, p. 9

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r:._.__.- BIRTHS : the R.V.H., Bar`. ['ie, on May 31, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carpenter, Jr. . - DODD---In "Barrie: June 2, `a daug`ht,er to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Dodd, Eccles St. THIl.l.--On Monday ,- June 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill, Al- landale, a son. 1 RIDERR--On Thursday, June 7,| to Mr. and Mrs. .Fr'ed.`Riderr, al son. l Louis. \77;aifr, Jr., of Ottawa spent the week-e.nd with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Vair. 1 _l_ZI..I un;uu, -....- . _-.. _. `Mrs. Faux, wi_t`hher two child-` ren, of Lindsay, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hipkin. 1-.v.: 'rr-....,\-; n "A tJl4ll.\Jl1Vu\;, .--.. ..--.. _._,_, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kna;3p and hwo chdren fron1 Parry Sound are visiting at the home of Donald : Jacobs. I " '--- ,-L-.__-..1 L.-.l U auuuo. Sydney Speers has returned to! Enderhy; 13.0., after visiting his! parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Spears on` Bradford St. . _...| 1u'_._.. TT-.`.... game Zoedding % fifts ULI .I.'I.(al4\.lIKJLI.L Klu- Sergt. Steve Vair and Mrs.Vair were in town over V Sunday. Sergt. Vair is a bombing instruc- tor at Camp Borden. 4 ml ..- A_.`I......... r`1.....n:nn.-Ina-`rm In-Pl-1 hU1 an bluntly 1.Iux.uuu.o Mrs. Andrew Cunningham left on Monday to spend several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Speers, Sault. Ste Marie. `Ill :-._ `rr..4I..I....... nlilnn Inna no upcox 0, uuuu: l4 4..-... Miss Kathleen. Goliton has re..1 t_,uI'ned to `St. Michael_ _s Hospital,` Toronto, after spending her va- cation at her _home here. 4 _'__ F'I'I-...-.....l.;\ \4A vary. -.- Knive,"I:-evble Spoons, Tea -Spoonis, Dessert Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Butter Knives. A very useful Gift of these articles can be purchased from $1 up to $8.50. No TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS L/(lhlUl.l (.60 111.11 nxunnxu gnu-y. Mrs._ A. Graham is in Toronto'- attending the wedding of her granddaughter, Miss Irene. Leishman, on Tuesday, the 12th. It- ____I II ... 1' `rm (1....,.... wry-\I\ 60. CENTS PER QT, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cross mo-! tored to Peterboro fpr the King sl Birthday. Mr. Gross reports the` roads excellent, the homeward trip of 105 miles being made in six hours. ' ` 11-r, ,,_-,,1I_ _,_ .1 `ll ..- Vln conjunction with other stores who are observing `the weekly alf holiday; this store will close at" I2 o c1ock noon every Wednesday during July and August. Miss Eva Weaymouth and Mrs. G. B.-McLean attended the grad- uat,ion,eAxercises at Grace Hos- pital, Toronto, on Tuesday. Mis Harriet Graig is__one of the grad- uating nurses. H. H. Otton & $on PERSONAL MENTION FIVE POINTS HARDWARE MRS. GORDON WRIGHT V (`V FT! WY J Dessert Sets of Knives and Forks, Dinner. Sets of Knives and` Forks, Sugar Shells, Pickle Forks, Fruit Spoons, Cream Ladels, Pie of Jilvrware .7547 .`J2og er 93mg. I Mr. and Mrs. A. Mccague of Sunnidale announce the engage.- ment. of their daughter, Fannie, to Mr. Herbert Nixon of Cooks- town. The marriage will, take [place early in June. V I-- A rv 1|l'.\\T.."l.L. | Mr. and Mrs. A. G. McNabb [and children motored to London this week to attend the hospital |graduat.ion exercises, their dau- ghter, Miss Nellie, being one of the graduating nurses. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibson, Thornton, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Olive Cochrane, to.Mr. Harry Thurlow of Fergusonvale, the wedding to `take place this month. ~n.r_-n- 1.. i.\.,. I ......n. nvlnn nu-ac nnn uunc lJlI.l.\/L/ can-U ...u..-..--. Miss Jessie Lower, who was one of the 1917 graduating class at the Memorial Hospital, Niagara `Falls. N.Y.. is home on a visit. Her parents were present at the ggI`aduat.i0n exercises held last iweek. vvvuuxx . I l_ - Mr. and Mrs". R. M. Carson an- inouuce the engagement of their daughter, Pearl Moretta, to Mr. George Harry Knupp of Mines- iing. the marriage to take place the latter part of June at their residence, Lakeview, Anten Mills. Ont. "11 A , t'\_,__ Klllu I Huntsville Forester --,Osca.r Bailey and his sister, Miss Bail- ey, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. `W . Beelby, motored to Barrie, returning` on Monday, and bring- ing back Miss Lilian Beelby. who is a guest at the home of Mrs. A. ZR. CoI_jbett. ' -Lin \J\ll-AJLIUII The engagement. is` announced gof Florence Henrietta, d.au,e_rhter `of Mrs. A.- Gilmore. Lakeview Ave., Toronto, to Dr. J. Arthur "Prentice of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prentice, Drum- lbo, 0nt., the marriage to take- place on June 20. `ill . .....-I 1\Il'n.~ `INA:-.n|A fl Tnkn Pl(A\JL' \lll. uunn;u --xv Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. John- son, 201 Ashworth Aveg, Toron- to. announce the engagement nf theipdaughter, Ethel, to Mr. Ju- seph Albert Chambers, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chambers, of Toronto. The marriage will take place the 19th of June. 1-.\ .1 Quality are appreciated. `I [Among the King s Birthday honors was a knighthood for Mr. lAird, General Manager, of the- 'Bank of Commerce. Sir John Aird is a brother of VVm. Airai, Barrie. In addition to being :3. leading nancier he has been iprominent in 4 patriotic work.` `tr 3.`... Peter McLat-ty, D.D.G.M., GeM`- gian Bay District, No. 29, went m Huntsville District, No. 31, an. Monday night atter as jurlge in the competit_on of the unwrit- ten work of the Order of I.0.0.F. E. Ware of Huntsville won the prjze`. Bro. McLarty`s decision was satisfactoryto all concerned._._ ,_`.`1A.RGUEP.|TE Cmx an 1-5.5: A023` 1` U., who will address the For you to look over the biggest Car Value in the world, % and _order one. Come quick if you" want. any .of.t h_is ?ainf. G. B. MCLEAN By we11~known `makers , now. `selling regu1arly'at $1.00 per_Quart :-: ,-:'- ASSORTED} COLORS FOR AGILCHRIST--At lot 20, con. 3,` Oro, Annie Eliza, wife of the .late Duncan Gilchrist, aged 51 years, 9 months. , y HODGES-'-At lot 18, con. 6, Oro, on June 4, Janie Hodges, aged! 34 years. . ` l PARTRIDGE--In Barrig,-June Ll Thomas Albert Partridge, ag-V ed 56 years. ` , ` `VROOMAN~-()n Friday, June_1, Carolina, daughter of Davidi Vr-woman, Elizabeth St., in her -65th year. Interment atStrath- my, Ont. . ` ' , T MARRIED V. BUTTERFIELD.-BAGON '- In Torontp on_ May 16, 1917, by the Rev. A. F. McKenzie, Gladys . M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs; A _eWm. Bacon to Frank Butter- field. second son of Mr. and :'Mrs. Wm. Buttereld of Oril- lia, formerly of Barrie. ` card of` Thanks - I . I . Robert Tricker and family de- 'sire to. thank their many friends |fm- kindness_ and sympathy shown in their recent bereave- ment. - I After a prolonged illness, Mrs. Duncan Grilchrist passed away `on June 1st,_hl her 5?nd~yean -Deceased, whose maiden -name [was Annie Eliza Caldwell, was Imarried to Duncan Gilchrist si:'c-. teen years ago. Her husband died _ve years` ago, abut ve `young. daughters survive, and to {them the deepest sympathy is ex- I tended. -Maple Leaf paints and F10. glaze. None better on the mar- km. W. A. Lowe & Sum. _ ,DAN|EL FROHMAN PRESENTS EXQUISITE `LITTLE in a picturization of her `greatest stage success, the beloved fairy tale Snow White its which she appeared for two . seasons at Winthrop Ames ' Little Theatre, sN.Y. I A Famous Players - Paramont Picture. Marguerite CLARK GUTHRIE 'l'I\{rsday(,' Juno V1917, T0RNTON V June 6.-Dr. Thos; J;; Henry of Detroit spent a couple nfdays re- cently here with his father, Thos. Henry. 7 , `- 'I'\- .._.._I QC:-\`r.\nnv\ n4` Thornton friends. L.u:uL _y . Dr. and Mrsfsimpson of Elm-_' vale and Mrs. (Dr.) Currie of Elmvale spent Monday with r\ 11' -...'...-- I. ...... .I.IIlJl l.IJJ\Jl..I. ll..lUl.l.\.lIJo ` ' ? Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Henry have had a beautiful new, Heintzman piano put in their home recently. n/r.. ml'....,..-. Tnvxnnncnv -r-nnnna | Mr. Muroe, Japanese` repres- entative oijdthe Bible Society, de- lighted th audiencef of St. Jude s Ghurchjin the afternoon and al- so_ the Methodist Church in the `evening with- his splendid ad'- -dresses. II-Y! ,__:1|___`I 0-`r\:.un-r\n\ `A; ` MisUs V Winnifred Sharpe of Hamil,tor_1 is home for a holiday. r1:I_:_._ -1.` TI`|}-nmnnln \ nullllI_LUlJ IS IIUIIIU IUI. (1 I.l'l.lll.\.I|hJI "Chas. E, Gilpin of Toronto spent. a -couple of days recently with his mother, Mrs._A. J. Gil-. pin. A T-.. n..u,.'..m-w. Dnnl Hnufnhnr pnu. Jas. Patterson, Bert Dutcher, Harcourt Blackstock and Mr. and MI`S._ R. D. Henry '1'n0t.11'~31t(Wvc- vle on Sunday to attend the memorial service for the late Pte. J. H. Blackstock of the 157th Bn. __.._..- J\I\`IhIi\":f' IVJIUII J.)llo A quiet wedding was .solemniz., ed at the Parsonage here at 2.30 . on Wednesday afternoon, the contracting parties being Miss Jennie Gulbert, oldest idaughter of Mr. Alex. Culhert, and Mr. Wesley N. Brooks. The nuptial knotfywas tied by Rev. F. J. I)un_, -lop. Their many friends in l.`ho`rnton extend heartiest con- gratulations -to "the young eou-- ple. - After -a short honeymoon in Toronto and other points, the young couple will reside "about three miles north of _Thornton. ~~LA--- 1--.. ....l.... UIILUU Illlluc |.1\.u U11 \.IJ ;...,.,.....v--. Mrs. R." D. Graham. has` I-etul.-_ ned home after a visit, with her parents in Newmarket. II... All-;1\v|` Q`n11'1nTI} O11!` ,, [JG-ll'."lll-O lll LIUVvlIIu.1.:\uu- Mrs. Albert Stewart and child- ren have returned to their home in Cochrane after spending the past `two mon'ths~ with friends here and in Aurora. Thornton Sewing Git-cle June 5--A very interesting ad- dress was given in the Temper- ance? Hall on M_0nday evening by Miss Standen; retu-rned mission- ary from China. The Hall was nicely lled and the collection in aid of the Sewing Circle amountg edte $6.75; , - 7... ._.l..,\ .-..-\.~.-.nr.nnn n Very Special Bargain INT PAINTS u Miss Standen, who possesses a charming personality. held ` her audience spell-`hound while she outlined some of her work among the Chinese. She wished to im_ press upon her hearers that while there were many difficulties to contend with in approaching that people, the joy.of having won so many souls for Christ and being instrumental in revealing the true gospel to them, amply compensa- ted" her for her twenty years of labor among them. :,'-4_____1 _--.... `t\]vt\v\ in {Jan N,ew s from %Nighbo}riTng Townships l'd.UUl' alllptlg buoux. Much interest was taken in the collection of Chinese curios which Miss Standen exhibited. ' 1\__,_I-_. ...-`|.-.A nlnluy Lvusa D bauucu UAll1JJ1uuu. Rev. F. J. Dunlop,-M who ably filled the chair, thanked Miss Standen on behalf of the Circle for her excellent address. --~- -- 17-1- ......\l...:....\.J Hm. 1Ul' HUI U1\uUuUu_u uuutuuuu The May bale contained the following: 21 trench suits, _3-/I. `pillow cases, 15 sheets, 6' air pi]- lows, 250 mouth.-Wipes. _ The June bale will contain woollen, goods and socks arid while there are a great many pair.s.of socks alrady on hand, ---A --.nuI:-I -nnlr n11vI lrniffnrc f pilll.`-D-U1 DUL/_1\D u.u.\/u,uuv U. ..u....\.., we w-ould `ask our knitters to bring in their socks as soon as possible. cnovin HILL June. 6.-A number from here U11 _d uuc ft. Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. Thos. Partridge and family in .the death. of Mr. Partridge. ____u mt-.. :17 hnnoniz-lrrn nf U. .l;U'U UU'dl.:ll- U1. H11 . .l. u; 1... auav. Mr . and Mrs. W. P rtridge of Barrie `visited with friends. here this week. ._._n 117:... :. nt r\~rIncnr`l'I l:lll_S WUUA. . Mrs. Fred Wice is at present somewhat better, but is still con- fined to her bed with rheuma- tism. n-- T--._- an 4;... 1\II'nn~.n.Hnf SALE BEGINS FRIDAY; JUNE 8 M5111. On June 20, the Methodist League and young people intend holding an ice cream social. A nun- ..I........'I.4nn A4` \X7m Dina- -'E:`aEsa7i June` 5---Mrs. Flemingnof Col- lingwood spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. `Alfred Thompson. Mr... .....A T|Knn' Vhnu Qhgm and uU1u1u5 an LUU utuu x ; - v V u . u .. A little daughter of Wm. Rime- hart fell when on her way home from school a short time ago and broke a .bone at the elbow. daughter, Mrs. Am-ea '.l'Il0II1psu11. Mr. and Mrs; Thos. Shaw and TMr._"and Mrs. Wm. Elliott motor- ed over `and spent Sunday with Elmgrove friends. . 1' IQTVI onnnv fn nnnnnf Mr'_ .'Rm1p,e .Dlly5l'UVU LLIULIUOI I am sorry to.nepor-t Mr. `Bruce not improving very much. , I`I--'..........-.1-uInl>{nv\c fn Mn and IIOL lIIlpl'UV1l15 VpI,_y llxuuu. Congratulations to Mr. and Dutt0'_n on the arrival of a son; also to Mr. and Mrs . Wilfred Brolley on the addition'of a ybung `daughter. Mrs. Lennox of Ivy,is `spending , _ L ~n..1......L """UBL. ruauy IUL up; nub. um your pa1nts' from W. A. Lowe Son, Elizabeth St. _ inc: %im.: a.:xA1I%'I;u:nA ub snunnnv pnonuuua H113. IJULILLUA \.u -._, I. . few days at Egbert _Get readjffor Spring. Buy _ ....:..;... cm-.m W A T.num R1 `Read the Adlet_ *Gblum'n. .'l"oldby .0w |Q I-VC6n_esvpon`dnts ` --g 'of IVY J_u'ne 4---Mr. and Mrs. A. Davis of Torontospent the week_end "with. Ivy fr-iends. 1-1-____u_| 'A.._...v.I ....`.....1. 11.... Ian]: VVI.I.4lI' IV JLILILLLA Haroiyd "Ar-noI:i' speht the holih. 'day with Orangeville friends`. IVAA `-:`4\`;-`4\w\.A\w\:) K W rnl]ynn uuJ'vv1u 1 unuxabuv. Go. i7`o1ster 'and`-1`\ld.`:E1..`\.?7;.'ll o-f\Bar'rie Sundayed withM_r; and Mrs. W. A. Thompson. 1Ur_t'\__-'__ -1.` LL- TT...:A... 1'11. 7. IV . Ll: \II\ILIJD)\lIJll-Q Cla1'ence McQua'y of the Union Bank staff, Toronto, visited his `parents over the holiday. 11.. .....,) `Mr..- \lr:ll 1\Il nT I\A i`r\ ..-.4` - Pu: \;I;u>..1 gr :4 n --\-...._ M1`. and Mrs. Will McLean of Elmgrove and Mr. and Mrs. R. McLean of Toronto visited friends here on Sunday. TnLL-I 1'\___L____.' -1.` !"l1.._....l._ ;;J\.'-.n-.u-.1 n-\;..v -; -V`.--say-. Miss EthelVBurt,on' Toronto is visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Ban- tmg. .11.... `Ill... .1-x..... :.- -L'1.......I:....... LL... U1-1:5 o "Rev. Mr.`Dewbis attending the Synod _in Toronto this week. ___1 1I-_L 1|l':_- I\-..I_ " 2~;}';a }fo 14253}-`E u{; LM`i's\awl. {ach- :19! Brooks is able to be up again aftera severe attack of pleurisy. -_-._ 1311.`- CV;...-.. __ Johnston&arren .. K) ..WW.- -- ,,.e_--..,. . The annual Bible Society meeting was held. in the Orange Hall on Mondayevening, when .the following officers were el- ectedv:.Pre.s., Rev. Mr. Dew; Sec.- 'I`-reas.. Wallace Carruthers; Collectors, Maude Brooks, Reita McDonald. Hildreth Lennox, Ed- ith Coxworth. Irene Hatton, Ed- ,na. Arnold, Maude Keown, Lizzie Smith. Belle Miller, Vera Bell. A very interesting address and lantern views were given by Mr. `Murao on Japan. `||l'__ ..._....I ll... `I7 TT I\..-..'~ nun .-Lunwv u 1 . "WWW". Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis are spending a_. few days in Toronto, seeing their son Boyd, who was operated on for appendicitis re- cently. ` __.-__ -_-__.l _L.I.__...J...I AL- lulu--us`; A large crowd attended the memorial service for the late W. J. Cunnings. who was killed in France. The service was con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Dew, who took for his text Psalm 3025. Mr. Junnings was highly esteemed by all who knew him. Sympathy ,-_-L-__.I....! 1.. AL.-. L . _ . . . .....I --.:.-I IJV ll/ll vvuu LIIILIVV 11:11:. ma AA.A!.II.JI4uno., extended to the\ bereaved wid- ow and family. ' 7`I1L_ I`1_'_.l_J CV..-__I..... f`:...A1A pulp`...-x v 1.445.: auvn;A;n The Girls Sewing Circle ship- ped the following for May.:--- ; suits pyjamas. 29 towels. 22 pr. pillow slips. 1 quilt. 6 pr. socks sent personally, papers, maga- zines. ' ` A. . run 1 o g . . The Sewing Circle girls wish to `thank Rev. Mr,/Dew and the wardens for donating the collec- tion Sunday evening, $8.06. Thomas Albert Partridge pass- ed away at the home of his sis- ter, 106 Mulcaster St., on Friday- evening, June 1. MI`. Partridge was born on the 2nd. Line of Ves- pra on Nov. 20, 1860, and lived there till manhood` when he moved to a farm in Oro and was resid- ing there till his last illness. `ilh `lm 111-\v\"l'I~:rJl'Y|t`\ LL16 lI_lII.'l.\; VIII Ill Illaklv All xu Although Mr. Partridge had been ill since last November, the end came very suddenly, paraly- sis touching the heart, being the immediate cause of his death. | LIILILIUKIILLLVU \. lL\.lL7\.I KIA. lanu lax/may-no Those left to mourn his loss `are his wife, who was Miss Ettie Bertram of Oro,- one son and two daughters at home: four brothers, Joseph, Warton and Charles of Barrie, John B. of Regina, and two sisters_, Mrs. Wm. Lang of Powassan and Miss Frances M.. _of Barrie. The funeral took place `on Sun- day at 2 p.m. to Dalston. Rev. H, Moore conducted a short service at the house and Rev. Mr. Carr and Rev. Mr. Stevenson officiated at the grave. ' ` ' 111....-- L--.-.L:..I nnnl I>vn'Pn1na an DIIU 5lCl.Vl.v- Many beautiful V oral tributes showed the esteem , in which the deceased was held. ' GRAND OPERA HOUSE Special At_traf:_tion May 31 T55 June 1 .. 52 ' I47 50 42 52 43 31 54 64' 60 77 65 65 0.21 0.12 0.08 0.17 The month of May was re- markable for long continued cool spells with but short intervals of moderately warm weather._ The" range of temperature was much less than usual, 74 degrees being the highest on the 30th, and 30` the lowest on the 4th, the mean of 47 -degrees month being 5 below the average. for the t:0Vt7alUt*ainfall of 1.78 inch- es was' less than two-thirds of the average amount. for May. nn Snow, fell to a sufficient depth to cover the` ground on the 2nd and 3rd, the amount for the two days being 1 inch in all. Snow urx-iestalso occurred as late as the 24th. _ I1 7 T1 'I'\TT4fI'1l'I'!1".1 T) `T munaslue STATION The seven-months-o1d son `of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cavanagh `was operated "upon for intestinal trouble last week and the ob- struction removed. This is a ver.y serious trouble, but the lit- tle one passed through the oper- ation successfully and apparent- ly` is making a good recovery. Death of Thos. A. Partridge TQEWEATHER Lowest, Highest Rain 55 71 54 77 V__w. H. BUTTERY IvIII\a- `cw--:w . . - _ . _-.. AD0minion President of the W . C. T. County Corivention in Barrie noxt. week. H. A. Sims spent Sunday and Monday at Millbrook. ,III I... Wednesiay and Thursday, June 13 and 14 A.va.w.a-.-.u-u.~J -0., -.--__.__ _ Mrs. Alexander Cowan will bel at homeion Friday, 8th inst; ` ` n rr1,,_..._1., |.Ia|, ll\./llnxz s.--- --_..-__, Rev. Father Kanye of Torontol visited in town on Tuesday. V.l|JJU\J\A -;.. u\I -- __ D. A. McNiVen \;zas' home: from} Toronto for a few days this week.; Mrs`. 'Laws0n of `Kingston is visiting her parents, Judge and `Mrs. Wismer. \ r1.1:1._.._ :. ..nAn:-Iinrr 0 Miss Ida Coliton is spending a month with her sister. Mrs. 0 . Reilly, at Oshawa. V mr..+ r n.....Annnn hoe crnnn hank |.lVl.l'b. VV IDIIIUI. . ` 1 1 Reilly, at. Usnawa. Mrs.,L. Prudence has gone back I to `Aurora after a month s holi-l day at S. Allward's. V A.n..---. 1\n,.r1.....~. Inna v-ofnvnorl` U21) db 0. Ixuwcuu a. ' Andrew Mccrae has returned` to town after visiting his son, V\`7rn. McCI'ae, Sunnidale. r V .- -1- cu..-....,..-.n Dnlle VVIII. LV1UUl aU, >Jul}11luu|\_r. I `Dr. `J. Kearns of Sturgeon Falls 1 is visiting his father, Peterl Kearns, who is quite ill. . E ..L-...l.,.,-...\ .:.-. .n 'T nnnnln .IXU'dal'll5, VVIIU ID \.{u|u,\_- 111.. l :H. G. Robertson is in Toronto; this week attending the COUIN3-ill of the College of Pharmacy. nL......l..-..4 Inna nn U1 hut: uunsuou u; .. .....,,- ---`-.,. Miss Birdie Rhmehart uh-as_re-! turned home from a two weeks ! visit with friends in Orillia. ' ` ,.{ '/"\.KvWU,LIvI`_| I. \ul-7'\Iv|\ . T `LFA,MoUJ."PLAYEK`../` .E1:1atyers-Paramount ` av" ' 1c ure. > ' .oo .- PARIAMOUNT` Prices: EVERYBODY 1 1c. F"ir st Shdw at 7.30. sharp

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