Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1917, p. 8

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The cost of advertising In th__ls` column ls ONE GENT PER WORD EACH INSERTIOII, wlth ,-a mini- mum charge of 15 cents. Terms cash. For Adlats of 25 words or Over, three "Insertions will be given` for the price-or two. ' I-[IN DS BROS. Talls on the Scales of % Dollars % and Cents Weigh O1 1r% Dry Gdods Better merchandise and can obtain elsewhere. These e `not only made the Sutcliffe S1 lfar but have made each of..c household thrift. V ` xsave your mohey on Men's Khaki sateen Military Shirts, with two sof_t collars, two poo- kets and two shoulder straps, _size.s 14'to 161%.. These are :_ big value $3.00. Special price ..<... .. .. . $2.25 ` THIS STORE VIIILL CLOSE WEDNESDAY AT 12.30 NO GLO0K DURING JULYAND AUGUST. SHOP IN THE MORNING ON TI-lESE`DAYS. menis Kh_aki Pants, with Belt L-oops, fine quality"; prices _ child:-en's Sax,` White and Cream, with stripe tops, `sizes 5 to 8-, special-price... .. .. . . .. ..25c. pair. Fine quality of Ladies"Boot. Laces, 60-inches long, `worth 150, special price . . ' .. .. .. .. ..'..10c. pair. _ Buy Soap now and save money, as it `is very scarce. You can buy it this week at old-prices. Sutcliffe s` Special Laundry Soap .. . .6 for 25. Taylor s Bath Soap, large cakes, worth 15c. today, special price.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..10c. Tayl0I"s Infants` Delight Soap 10c, 3 cakes for 25. . Water Glassfor preserving Eggs, put up by D. Mor- gt-on & Sons, large tins, special. . .. .. . . .. ..15c. tin. Petrolatum. l-lb. jars, special price.. .. .. ..15c. Petrolatiim, 4-02. bottles, special price.. .. ..10c. . '. . . . ..$1.65 and $2.00: BARBIE WANTii1D-Motor B,oat,_in ~ ex- change for` good building lot, size- 50x150. Apply, Lew Howe, . Lewiston, New York. 20-27 erchandise `bigger values than you where. two great principles have the Stores famous and popu- of.. our Stores the centre of VLadies' 'Dong0la Oxford Shoes, Mc-Pherson, worth to- day $5.00, spcial price. ..$2.50 Oxfords, with rubber heels` and day_$6.00, special. soles, sizes 2% to 6, worth to- sizes 31/: 31nd 4 only, big value today $4.00.'Special price $1.50 Ladjes Tan Russian Calf Ladies Tan Oxford Shoes, Ladies Shoes CLEANING AND" PRESSING - Your old suit and overcoat can be made to look like new by Harry Twiss; Owen-St. 8-tf TRENTON PHONE 145 . . . . . . . . . .3 lbs. for $1.20 9 . . . . . . . . . t` . . JV`, ...--3for25'c 3 pkgs. for 25 - - . - --2 for 25 ..`-.--3for25c . . . . ..3 fro{'2r5`c --.for |Oc 2for25c . . . . ..25c .V.....l5c . . . . ..ISc . . . . ..I8c . . . . ..I5c -$8.75 `CARPEN4 DO 1;)`: > HALL RAEIE FOR` SA [.E-' Solid oak, golden nish, English bev- elled mirror 18x24. First-`class condition. Apply at this o*l`fice-. . . ` 19-tf. lrjltn Hl|.l. R1 'rh'u:-sdaj H M`; GH. 11! ()l'(`., _. ldl-cw .Pz\"f_{-T`}v{ `Vmm Em} STANDING TIMBER FOR SALE ----Suitable for barn timber, lumber, shingle bolts, fence posts and pail timber. Large ...,.....ll .-...-A..\l.2l..'..,- am .;l":l|f1 Lilli; Wet M M. K1} `Uh FORD` nUNXt:bUT FOR SALE-- 1916 Model, only run 4000 miles. May be seen at Wm. Freek`s. W. G. How, Phone 393, Barrie. 22-tf BUILDING LOTS, FOR SALE -- 66 feet choicest, frontage -on William Street, T Allandale,v| Box M, Examiner and Satur-| day Morning. ` 10tfi RHODE ISLAND REDS- Eggs for hatching, from a pen of 8 good utility hens with a vigorous coekerel of splendid type from imported stock. Limited num- ber of settings at $1.00 for "13. J. A. MacLaren. 17-tf. FOR SALE--`-Montrose "Cottage, 88 Central, modern Clapperton St., Barrie. desirable property, conveniences, med- ium size. solid brick, stone foundation. Possession May 7th. Terms to suit "purchas- er. Apply Mrs. E. A.'Russell, 409 Markham St., Toronto FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET - On Bradford St., every conven- ience. Possession at once. `Ap- ply to D. C. Howard, 14 Mul- caster St. Phone 653. 22-tf WON LAYING CONTEST -- At the Stor-rs," Mountain Grove" and North American". Egg Laving Contests in 1916. White Wyandlottes `won against all comers. Should not this convince you`? My pure Regal Strain from .Martin s best pens are yours, at $1.00 per .13. A. F. A.'Ma1c'0mson, Phone 447, ` Barrie. Ont. . i6-tf EAVETROUGHIHNG -- Consult P. J. Moran, 58 Bayeld St. 12-tf. SNAP FOR QUICK SALE-- Cot- tage at Little Lake, including _ 14-foot boat, two ironbeds, mattress and springs, and general camping outt all in good condition. This outfit can be bought for $150.00 which is away below value of building alone. Don t delay if you want it. Apply to W. Bu- chanan, i21 Sophia St., Barrie, or 289 Markham St., Toronto. `18-tf -FOR SALE OR TO LET---Brick house on corner '5.) Sophia 'and.Eccles Street, all `. conveniences, including furn- ' ace, plumbing, gas for cooking f or lighting, electric light, large cistern, large attic, and beauti- ful lawn, with four fine young, apple trees. This property can ' be bought right or. can be leased, as the owner is movingto. the city. Apply on , premises 121 Sophia St. or`to W. Buchanan, 289 Markham St... Toronto. ' A 18-ti :: SEE .FITTING- `done `by p. J.l __ Moran. . ' _i_2-tfj f1.l.J11lD.|.Jl'\lJ 1 VV 111` J. .L'JLJ``1uL :/ Goods Store. Apply Powell .32 Co. ~ ' l _22-24 Utxnuuno nuu WANTED._ Apply 13'tI2f{31`5iiE St. % . . 13tf yuuuv uvAn.\.n yum-A u---.p.:uau .. or small quantities to purchaser. Also hardwood by the acre. Apply D.` J. Bar- clay, SLPOUCLA 6-tf l U L G l lo Prospects for _tho2.apple crop do not look any t oo`goo'd in.this. section. ~ ' -n-n.-'. 1I|_....l-_....` 'l\nn -nnn'.r D63) hluuc ...Baby_ 0aI-I-Iag;es`.--' Our `new line, Special value. See them atVDougall Bros. _ 1 _ T _-LI_-__ .`I.uau'r\r|I U-UV Azvuauaa :- V.-- Fine growing weathet" ndufing the past week has advanced veg- etation wonderfully. 111)` ____ SALESLADY WANTEETD-:-for Dry '` ' "` ` - - 1 I 1 .91 ._4I_- TN.`--A \JU\&IJa\Jl.n. vvvp-v-v--.-__v . High $011001 Entrance Exams. will bgin on June 20, in the old library building, Owen St. 7-- _A.: mi- -Maple Leaf pa'i"r;t_,_s `_a_1'1drFio- glaze. None betger on the mar- lket. W. A. Lowe & Son. _-.-.1 1.. LI... IACU. VV. IL. uuvvu us neg..- --Special attention paid to the repairing and renewing of water meters by Moffatt & Parr. Phone 531. % ed-25' New telephone directo ri`es were distributed thiseweek. The use of the telephone is steadily growing. ' `I- 4-3.: -1.` 11...! anuvv-:45. A garden party, in aid of Red lross, will be held at Albert F0rd s, Grenfel, on June 15. Ad- mission .30 and'15c. 1 22-23 J. 2W . Scott has added a large Ford motor truck to his cartage equipment. It 'willbe used mostly for the ice delivery. 1 Local seedsmen report `the biggest demand they have ever had for garden seeds, potatoes, corn and eld beans. V- -- -v---... __.._.. ---Miss Nell-i'ewShanahan has moved her dI"e.ss-_rnaking estab- l.ishm_entu to the rooms ' over Ca-'ot,her s Grocery Store. -18-23 SPREAD WFOUND -- On Monday, June 4, on R. R. No. 3,. Barrie. 1,, `Al'_'.`IL.-........A. `n I\ no 09 jFOU.ND---_On Tiffin St., on May ` `24, pearl pin. Enquire at this Office. - A ' 23-23 I ROOMERS WANTED -- Woxfld ,,I,l'_ _,L _. .~...\.~nn I:6ST,---On Friday, June 1, in Allandale, black and. tan hound ` ` Reward. ' Apply to Athol Mar- shall, Allandale. 23_23 BOARDERS % AND ROQMERS 1A11'rI1II\ A.._..I-- A0 {'11-unnlnffn LOST--On Shanty Bay mad or in Barrie, black.and yellow m0\t0'r rug. Reward. Please notify ,t.his cmffice. 23-23 OATS AND HAY WAN'IED--F.orV which I will payhighest mar- ket price for 2 or 3 loads of each. Jas. Cheesman, Flour and Feed, Box 59, Barrie. 23p RDRESSMAKER wants daily `sew- . ing in Barrie, or would go in Vcountry. Refer-er1ces Mrs. Hall, Shanty Bay. ' 23-25137 FARM FOR SALE-1OO acres, cleared, good buildings, lot 15. con. 5, Om. For further par- ticulars apply Mrs. .E. Living- stone, 9 Peel St. ' 23-tf STRAYED---A six months old V dark red bull calf, about the 24th of May. Any infot-ma_ti.on thankfully received by James` Coates, Guthrie -P. O. 23.23 FOR SALE--G0c3d driver, suit- able for lady, kind and gentle, in good conditiori} A bargain. H.' H. Otton. &VS_`on. - `23-23 F03 SALE---Good bred Shorthorn cow, milking strain, six years old, due early in July. C. Swin- I nerton, 14 North St. 22.24;) PASTURE TO` LET-Lot 7, con. 5, Vespra, _fit-st-class pasture, well wa`t.e1_`ed. Apply W. C. Richardson, Midhurst. 22-23. I.OST--ln Barrie. on Saturday, June 2, gold plated 157_th pin. `- Valued as keepsake. Finder please leave at. this office and receive reward. _ . 23-23 FOR SALE Pair of brick hous- es, Nos. 71 and 73 Mary St. Three replaces in each, with all conveniences, electric light and gas. Will sell one or both at a bargain if taken at once; Apply Robt. Miller, 73 Mary St., Barrie. 23-24 GASOLINE TANKS - All sizes,| galvanized ifon. P, J. Moran. 12-tf $25.00 A MONTH-t0 good Gen- eral Houseworker who is fond of children. Fare paid to Tb- ronto. Write `at once to Mrs. B. Barrick, 3 Glebe Rd., North A-----l- Of) Gil... FARM FOR SALE-`-150 acres of choice clay loam, situated half mile west of village of Thorn- ton. On this farm is a large brick house, large barn with `good stabling and hog pen un- derneath, frame horse stable, cement silo 30x11, implement house, two wells, -cistern, _choice orchard and `telephone. - uated to school, elevators, stock market, church and stores, and on the proposed hydro-electric line which ex- pects to be built this summer. Anyone intending purchasing` ticulars to W. J. G. Boake, Thornton. _ ` -23-26 This. farm is conveniently sit- - a farm should apply for_pa'r-. Uutxu 1, xxx: u.-1. ;v ... Apply Midhurst `P. 6." gJ\Ju;.a..u.u.-.- vv 4;.` ........, serve breakfast and Apply at 211 Elizabeth St.` 22_24p-tf. ..r..~. - -\ Fforonto. "2>.'.2 .rIi$ :7zL:i Rf} -;Look in our` window `this .week"for bargains never sold be- : . . . fare at these pr-xces. We also, rey tail and wholesale all lines` of tobaccos and cigars at the Very. best` prices. UNITED CIGAR OT`l1f\I)1.' bJ.I.\Jl.Iv-I_'Jg A Lihr-anry Institdte for this District will be held here, Mon- day, June 18. ..,....-......1.:..... .4` LI... `I ...n:..nI Q WRITE or phone M. E." Lennox, _ Stroud, teacher of piano and theory. 18-30 gaan.` `A T|rur Kilt. U \.II.L\J Av . A convention of the Innisl S. S.` Assocn. will be heldin Beth- esda church, 'June 20, afternoon . and evening. ` 01-....- ,...1.u.. L...1...........-...... 4.. `(IT 1' ` Ihll-Val `J V \J&LlI-LO I ' Some cattlebelonging to W. J. Gilks were noticed by Geo. Hag- arroaming the street contrary to by-law and it cost. their owner $3.00 and costs.~ WU-UV 1441.514 vuuuuo `---`The ladies are especially in- vited to T. B. Crothers store .(successor to Vair Grocery C.o..). this week, where Mrs. Bryant is demonstrating the Post Toasties cereal. ,. '9 23-23 _The old blacksmith . shop, north of Wolfenden s .marble works, Bayeld N, has been -sold by W. D. Minnikin __to J. H. McQuarry, who is tearing it down. and the lot, has been purchased by R. Wol- fenden. - . | -.-'~ .. . . ...- Harry` McCullough and Chas. Lowe- motored along Bayeld St. on May 24 somewhat faster than the_ town limit when Constable] Rayner `observed them. The P.M. assessed each of the motorists $3.00. and costs." an ~,<.-.vv- \n1a.n.\.A vuuuuo Under the patronage _of the Red Cross Society,_ the junior pupils of Miss Claxton are giving. a recital in Trinity Parish Hall on June 12, at A8 p.m. _ Tea and coffee will be served by the Sen- ior Pupils Club. ` r'`].... ,.l,\..... ,..._..l _.._._!,.I-.___ -1` -y.. -. war;-I \al.\A.I.ro 1`he store and residence of VVill and `Charles Sargent, of Bawlf, Alta._, were destroyed. by tire on May 10. The Sargent b1-others were formerly of Bar- rie. Although partially insured, they met with aheavy loss. A--- 1'.-_...\,.,...._ ;__:1.I..:_ _ _.--_-_. Any farmers Within a reason- able distance of Barrie who wish toatake summer boarders are re- quested to write particulars as to accommodation and rates to J. A. MacLaren, as some enquir- ies have already been .rece1ved. Beeton W0r'ld----Miss Josie Eb- erts died at, the House of Refuge on Wednesday of last._ week, aged 61 yeaxjs. Deceased came to the home "from Barrie seven years ago. The funeral was held on" Friday, interment being made in the Methodist cen`1eeLery. rI1I Repairs are now being made to the Mulcaster St. wharf. The main timbers are in good condi- tion-, but the planking resting up- on them was so rotten as to be entirely useless. The Town was fortunate that no accident oc- curred when the wharf was in such an unsafe'state. ; AILLA, , FOR SALE---Cutter, mantei clock; set of fire tongs, brushes, etc. Enquire 98 Mary St. 22-24 There is plenty of time yet to plant common .white beans. They thrive in any kind of soil and are excellent for food, green or ripe, reguire much less attention than potatoes and will keep for years. Try a few hills _in the spare spaces if. you still have any. IN, \ALl.LI'.AIL\J Cllllrljn Although theBoard of Works has made the lower end of Mul_ caster St. a dumping ground for the lthy sweepings elf the streets, F. VanPatte1- and M. D.I Cubit-Nich0ls were surfimoned for depositing less..ohje'otio11able rubbish on that street. Fines of $5.00 and $3.00 were imposed. 'l\l .f. 1" ..o-. .,,..,.,-..u. I --Miss Glenn of Glenn-Ghar_ les, Toronto, Canada s Hair Fa- shion Store. will be in Barrie Friday, June 15, Simooe House, with a full line of Ladies and Gentleman's Hair Goods. If you are not. satised with the ap- pearance of your hair, consult. Miss "Glenn. Free demonstration. n,, I19 1: - .,...v ..\-un I.A-\Il\Jll- Rev. W. H. Wallace was in Or- illia last. week attending a meet- ing of Baptists at which it was decided `to recommend to the an- nual meeting of the Northern Baptist Assocn. that the associ- ation be divided, the southern -portion, to include Burks Falls, Parry Sound and churches south of that line. a ...-uuu Lu "Mrs.VIiolwe of .Hespeler ad- dressed a meeting in the Police Court Room last Thursday `even; ing under the auspices of the W0. men s Institute. She gave some very interesting information re- garding the work the Institute has done inconnection with pro-- vidingsupplies and comforts for the Canadian soldiers. `I ... I,.-L _,,, - ..--./ \;-I.4IIIlI.Ar\AlI.I4ll OUl\JlUlDa In last week s Examiner a coal oil stove was advertised in the Adlet column; On Saturday the owner phoned that he had so many answers to this advertise- ment that he was `.`worried` to death. The Examiner- s big oil`. culation tells every time. Only one cent a word is the cost to use the popular A_dlet column. ` Z("A)vl7-ir`v1grl,oe,ngine trouble (wa- ter in the carburettor) an avia_ tor from Camp Borden was forc- ed to descend. in town, Tuesday evening, "landing in a hayeld on the McCarthy` farm, across the road from Wm.` Freek`s resi- dence. He made vs,everal.a.ttempts to rise but was compelled to phone to the Camp for a mech- anic. ` - T \n.n\JI A return showing the amount .that, has been? drawn in pay, separation allowances and ex- penses by members of the House of Commons while serving as members of the Canadian Exped- itionary Forces shows that Lt.- Col. J. A. Currie, member for North Simeoe, drew $6,234 pay, $1,830 separation allowance, $358 expenses. --The- Carey Shoe Co. an.- nounce their sale to end Satur- day, June 16. After that the store will be closed for a `few days during transfer of business to the new firm. We wish to thank the buying public of Barrie and surrounding country for their lib- eral patronage during this sale. Our aim was always to please the public and build up the lar_ gest shoe business that was ever done in Barrie. We hope we have succeeded in the formerand are sure we have in the latter. We wish the new rm, Mr. Hurl- burt, our genial manager, every success in taking over this well, built up Shoe Business and if courtesy and attention count for anything he will doubtless suc- .......-3 TO LET -,A large ,' furnished house. All modern conven- iences. Apply 135 Collier St... V . 21-23 taint`, um ceed. It` you have anything to sell, patronize the Adlet Column of The Ex_aminer. Some pe_rs'on may want what.` you have to `sell.- , 14 You should see our Navy Blue Serge Su_t.s, prices $22.00, $20.00, $18.00, `$}?3.00, $11.00. and get better stock than you will get later on. . Men s Tan Elk Working Boots, Bluchei` Cut, sizes 6 to 10, special price .. .. .. .. .. .,$4-.00 Buy Boots Now and { Save Money % Boys Kip Blucher Boots, sizes 1 to 5; special price. . .. ;.$3.25 With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon, redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices T A Sign of the Times and a mighty ne one to, lean against. Why not hang out_your Dollar Sign ?.--And keep it hung out against rainy days? ` ' Don't know how? Why here s. ten dollars you can nail down right away. V l ' Invest in _a FOR SALE--A Pony, harness and cutter, suitable for lady or children to drive. "Apply to Minesing, Phone 91. 14-23 _ and save `a ten-spot. No sacrice in quality or style. V Better come in today and inves- tigate. 's9_I_.o LINDSAY $155.0 Ask for Mlnard s and take no other. The Russians Are Back on the Firing Line " And we are sti1l`Firing Away at the High Cost of Living. 50 bags Granulated Sugar, per cwt - . - . - . . . - - - . - - - - - - . - . $8. This is a chance to secure your preserving sugar at the right price, 200 11,5. 31a.;k Tea, per 15. . . . .w . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 300 lbs. Black Tea, regular 50 per lb . - - - . - . - . lbs. $ Criscoe, regular 45, for.-. . . . .' . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . Jelly Powders, regular |0`c . - . . - - . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 for Ammonia . . . . . . . .. . . . . ..' . . . . . . . . . . pkgmfof Macaroni, reg. I Sc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . 2 Bonnie Bright. . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . for Dutch Cleanser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 for` Canned Pumpkin, reg. l5c . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .for Canned Beets, reg_ 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for Chow Chow Pickles, reg. 35c, for . . . . - - - . - . . . . . . . . . . . Chow Chow Pickles, reg. 20C, for . - . ~ - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Choice Mince Met, in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pfunes, reg_ 20, fof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prunes, reg. I8c, for . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ Copelangl Flour always in stock. try 1t. Best for `bread PROMPT `SERVICE FOR~SALE--1 crmplete set Pic- turesque Canada (36 numbers) Big bargain. See them at Ot- ton s Hardware Store. . 17-tfv

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