Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1917, p. 4

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v Rupture is not a tear or breach in the abdominal wall, as com- monly supposed, but it`i_s a stretching or dilation of_ ad nat- ural openinggsays J, Y. Egan, of 'l`oronl/0, the noted Rupture.Ap- pliance Specialist,-who. will visit Barrie, Barrie House, on Friday, June 15th. .:un___._a.....,.H no "hm nap!` J . .|.` u.ua._y U11 J. uuuuug - -H. L.- Dunning received a ship ! ment of three eGray-Dorts this week. 1-1_,I:___- I. _ . . A nnnnn | vv-Jun. , I A party-_of Indians have camp- Qed down at Robt. .G0le s bush and 'during their stay will make; has- kets. Yr - r-.-4--.. -9 rn nnnn ..nl l U]! . I Mrs. Fisher -of Toronto and Miss Taylor of Hamilton are vis- iting this week with Miss Jose- phine Jebb. ~n:-..n ...1 1\T,....4.-us Dnhinnnn nn IJIIILIU Ublruo Died, at Newton` Robinson, on Tuesday, June 5, Miss Ellen H. `McConnell. -0 n._1...,a-.-. `D.-.n4 1 lV1U\JUll_llU1lo Jos. Coleman of Caledon East spent the week-end with his bro- ther, David Coleman. `V I 111 1 'l1...`l..-- A `l7{.-IA T\n11rr`-JQ lblliil, LIGVIU uulplxluxxo I w. .1. Broley, A..Kidd, Douglas |Hoppor,-Otto Arnold and H. Sul- `livan attended the baseball itournament at `Creemore otn Monday. Douglas Hopper, Opo Arnold and A. Kidd played wlth the Alliston team. .F_`1rst and se- `cond money was dlvule-dRh:t_ween Alliston and Newton 0 mson teams, there being a tie of 6-6. n1.-- ItA.-.--,.... A4` "IV.-\nnnlrn rnnf l;Ui,1.lllD, bllclc IJKDIILB up ulu um. \I V. Chas.IIenson of'P0ronmoInot- ored to town on Saturday and re- turned on Sunday accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Henson. ..v _-_1_ 1:: 11....I:nn- A l1U1l~3Ull. W; Creswick, M. Burling, A. }ilroy and M. Creswick visited in Toronto over Sunday. _ -_A u...L Alrnnnl _ lu .I.l)l'UlllaU UVUI. Uu11uILJ. I I regret to report that Alfred; Ifxgham is very low, two trained` `nurses being in attendance. n41, A__._I.I A: f'l1n~n..n+n anon} 'll||l'EiUU UUIII5 Ill (J.lIl1LIl.l\AI.AalL\/un Otto Arnold of Toronto spent over the holiday with his parents. Miss Louise Banting is .visit- ing with friends in Toronto. 1..- rv-......4 l`|`P Ponnino-inn .I.lll-Ulagna .-nun-.- Midh_ursL .. .. ;. .. 9.07 p.m. Going South (to Toronto from ! Goldwater). I A .....-.n\ HIS _ll;Ul , 111] D. lJn.v1u uunu ...... .. , Herb. Arnold and family of Toronto spent the week-end at Jno. F1ynn s. an-_'_ , 11:..- `I\T..-.:ln in nnnnd U15 Wlbll Ixnunnuo nu ..u.u-...v Jas. Grant _. of Cannirigton spent, a few days this week with his `sister, Mrs. David Coleman, ___4 .1-.....,.:I-. .-.4`! duu. J.` 13 1111 a. Miss Alice Nevils is conned to her home `through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fraser of Ba].-rie_ spent. Sunday with the lat.ter ~~s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mar-ling. n-n. - rn._.......I.. G`-\ru1vAv\ 11} {ha lVl.l'lll15,. The Trench Shower `at the home of Mrs. Monkman was a `decided success. Many gifts of trench necessaries and comforts were received, and the proceeds amounted as follows: - Dona..- tions, $14.10: tea, $10.40. Ex-` penditures were: goods purchas-i `ed for boxes, $7.03: potage, $7.- 04; leaving a balance on hand of $10.43. 21 _ boxes have been mailed to the trenches and more will follow. Many thanks are due to the donors, theboys will ap~- preciate the generous offerings. A ...__._...A. 4-..! -0 . . . . A . . n A _ ~ nnrl. Ill. \J\JllJalA\.I I.Ill`J G I 4 . ; V L\]\;\J u--.,,...--c... A great deal ofuneasiness and worry to those having sons` or relatives at the front has been caused by the circulation of false reports, supposed to have come from the trenches, in many in- stances by people who have n3 near blood relative there. Woulai. it not be better to stop and thim before repeating reports that might worry the mothers, who are sacricing their sons for your protection`? The person ;who has not giyen very liberally lof his means and has no member of his family at the front should be the last one to cause worry. Place yourself in the position of the mothers, who are the pride of our vicinity, and stop amt. think. A \The 1iar!i-P!=1!Ii!IA'5?i11`1 _ _ , _ T In all countries. Ask for our 1NVEN~ E[`0R S ADVISER,which will be sent. 11133: 7 ]`.'EAI:ION & MARION. 364 University St`... Montral. (Sc;1:1;er Sophia and Maryvstree-;;= __,_ -1 ('V--I_ `I\._-.. \\ll Luv: -vvt,.-_w- v--.y_ _._..__., .- __ _... . Manufacturers of Sash, Doori. Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mould - ings, Water Troughs, Tanks, e1. M `Xfn nnnnvv in o4nn]r 0 love` I Cmaighurst I. ._ . . M4'djh-urst,. . ` . . . . i o 0 11153, VVa.hU1 .I.LUu.5uo, Lceuno, vi. - We carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and Dress<=se.L Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Pres. pared Roong. Wood Turning am Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done promptly. Consult us `with your buildin; TI-I08. ROGERS, Phone; Dfflce 183, Residence 359.. EPAINTING7: GOTO Vair s Dutch Parlour r TEA W" sovlm. oorrae not cuocoLA'r: TOMATO BOULLIOII SANDWICHES PIE nun cu: Lunches served, from 100 up. For sale every sauhl} or by special order. Q Automobile and Carriage I- - nvseuumau HOME MADE CAKES 19.-21 Dunlap St. FOR Craighurs_t`.. Midhurst .. .. . Essa .. .. .. 'HE Undenigned` has a r Paint Shop over Hux- tabIe s Guage, next the Wellington Hotel,where Inevin prepared to do High-clauv Painting of I IV-_ -o-v---vwv .. ..___._._ `AA .-utomobiles and Ca}- ll@.vu- ---:-v _,-__ ._ nngmenu now to have your Car or Buggy re- painted. ii IIIAILS CLOSE Barrio Post Ofco. Barrie R.M.D. 1--(Crown Hill, 0etc.)--12 o c1ock noon. Barrie R.M.D._ 2---(Grenfel)-12 o olock noon. 0 M`idhurst and Cund1es-B'etween 11.30 and 12.00 (as soon as Toronto mail is sorted). , Allandale-10.00 a.m. and 4.50 yollng Painswick--10.00 a.m. Toronto and Interm_edi_ate Sta- tions--7.15.and 4.50 p.m. North Bay and Intermediate Points--10.45 a.m. _North Bay--i0.!45 and 8 p.m. ' Meaford--10.00 am. and 7 pm. T Penetang---7 p.m. (closed mail). E1mvale--(G1osed mail) 7 pm. Hamilton and Intermediate points-7.15 and 5.00 pm.` `V NcTEAt `--Daily except Sunday. I--Daily except Monday. (---Daily except Saturday. TIME TABLE corrected May 29, 1911 street Letter collectlns J. I.) buy _I\Jvv .. .. .. ....12.06 am. t.. .. .. ...12.22 am". rst .. .. .. '..12.34 a.m. Through A Train` nn-1 nrn `From the June jam. _ The*"`~Cur_atrus as now used and approved will not only re- tain any case of rupture perfect- ly, affording immediate and com- plete comfort, but is intended to assist nature to close the open- ing in th_e shortest time known without an operation. This ap- pliance has received highest awards wherever=shown, produc- - ing results without harmful in. jections or other aids. Mr. Egan has testimonials from your own section for inspection. 11" inter- ested, call, he will be pleased to show _you same without charge. V To the S00 xiv 75.18 am, %'....5.3o a.m. . ..5.45 a.m. S00 (Arrive) . .3.30 'p.m'. . .3.43 pm. . .l;.00 p.m. 5.30 ` CHURCHILL The` W0me11 s*"Instit}1te met last wek at the home of`Wa1lace 'Sloan'_ VaI`1'd'e lected officers for an; other-year.` _'Mrs`. Lowe of Hes- peler was` present and `delivered .b an address. 1\ , 1\1;_1_.-._.I._._' `II ... on a\ -v\u|1I\` On.Wednesday,' May 30,-a pret- ty wedding took place at the 1n_anse, Rev. D,iA. McKenzie o`i- ciating. . The contracting parties were , Mr. Joseph Duncan . and Miss Christena May Goodfellow. After the ceremony the happy couple motored to Toronto and Hamilton and other places of in- _terest. A large circle of friends wish `them many years of pros- perity and happiness. `IA ..- 'II\`l..-... 7'I'1n;-IA 3:. t!~:r1~:`;!\l'h 111:5 [JUIIUJ auu llupyznxuuoo Mrs. Eben Todd is visiting with `friends in Barrie. _ LL, _-_...-_._--__- Atzvxsuu an; .-.auun--\.a The sympathy I31 the commun- ity is extended to `J. Morrls m the death of his Vvdaughter. The funeral, -V which was largely at- tended, took place on Saturday, June 2. The remains were in- terred in St. Peter's (Cemetery. Rev.`-Mr. Dew of Thornton con- ducted the service. `I.-- -,__.,..!__.L `No. . A V ' oA.M 461North Bay to Toronto. . 7.4: ; 42 Gravenhurstto Toronto ....1_. `We. A5 LIIAUUULI Ullu lav; vauuu . Barrie Presbytery has aDD.0int-' ed Rev. D. A. McKenzie a com- missioner! to the General Assem- hly of the Presbyterian Church which meets in Montrealthis week. During his absence Rev. Mr; Christie will occupy the pul- pit. '* - `ll ...-.4-.. `I7{Iln Dnixrn nwhn `I'|`I'I pun I ' A Master Willie Reive, who un- derwent an operation for appen- dicitis, is recovering nicely. '|l:..... III .-.ll n-4' 1\n'|nl-xinlnn in nun UIVIDJD, AD Lvvvvua nae An.I\4\I-at Miss Hall of Dobbinton is our new clerks'in the store of J. E._ Hodgson. ` 1" C1...'l`I.-.... `AAA Elna uuusauu. J. Sellman has rented Mrs. John Allan?s home, and moved there last week. _ % anznrrwoon. June\4--Seed'mg is almost a thing -of the past. . Crops look fairly well considering the cold and windy Spring. 11- 1.`I..:.... :- .. mnnrl tvnnn -Fnn -{ha Ll Wllluy Up; 111.5. If this is a good year for the potato crop the Barrie people may expect cheap spuds next fall as `there are large quantities being `planted -in this vicinity. rnl... nnnnnlnnna own a-offing plauuru. Lu bun: v;u.u.u_,. The aeroplanes are getting quite numerous. ' One can some- times count from fteen to twen- ty in the air. Business at Camp Borden is reported as being lively. i 111.. ...-...I `l\,l..n -1' T 'I'\nrnn-nr` hnvn uvcxy. Mr. and Mrs.'J,,J. Dumond have gone on a motor trip to Toronto and Oshawa to visit some near relatives, whom they haven t seen for a-number of years. 1-__1-A` l\.....:.-..r.,-Hun in 1U1 G. uuu.Iuu_; L1,; Ju Master Jodeif Besjardine home from Camp Borden assist his father on the farm. 'nl______-n An... A4` bblbb Illa IGUIIUI uu lulu ;-.4... Stanley Maxwell, son 0-f" I-`I. Maxwell of this place, has joined the Flying Corps at Camp Bor- den. /N, ,1,I____I -1` 7'I \A.a..-..nI>. uuvna 47 UrI'aveuuuraL w ;.u.u....-., (Monday-only) .. . . . . 7*./15 60'Meaford and - Penetang _ to Hamilton . . . . . . 7.50 395*Barrie to Meaford and Penetang . . . . . . . . 10.40 41"Toronto and Hamilton to North Bay .. .. ..11.05 DM UUU a Mrs. Goddard of Toronto was a visitor with Mrs, McCarthy, Sr. last week. - The following; Fis the work com- pl.eted by the Women s Red Cross Auxiliary for the past. six months:--13l,suiLs pyjamas, 70 grey annel shirts, 110 pairs of socks, 12 hospital shirts. rnL_' .I-..._A...-...,. "c1r\:\r|' {Ian noaf HUULD, 119 IIUDFIUGI 53:11:. uu The donations from ` 'the east. line of Ivy for Saturday, June 2, to "the; Barrie Red Cross Rooms" were 12% doz. eggs, 3 lbs. hut- ter, iqt. maple: syrup,` ipt. cream, ,1 doz. cookies, 1 doz. tarts, 1 large loaf bread, cash $3.05. ~ -1 1|-_.....1 L... 1......-. `1\lnnr-Int ! DI)nUvJo Do not forget to keep `Monday, Ju1y'2, for the Patriotic Picnic to be heldjin Victoria Park! Let every one plan to make this the best celebration` Dominion Day has ever had. On" Tuesday afternoon, May 29, a successful meeting of the Crown Hill.Auxiliary of the 01-0 Red" Cross Society was held at the home of Mrs`. S. J. Dunsmore. .Before the close of the meeting a `dainty lunch was served by Mrs. _ Dunsmore. -l TI--.1 (`Iguana nnun:f|! L11]. 5. _lo'Lll.1U|}|\.;n. \II The next Red Cross sewing meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jno. Pratt on Tuesday, June. 12, after which the regular monthly meeting of the Crown Hill Women's Institute will take place,when delegates `to the an- nual eonvention of the East Sim- coe Women s Institute in Or_illia will give their reports.-- BTI-I LIIIE, VESPIIA June 5.--S. A. Capt. Ritchie and Mrs. `Ritchie, Barrie, spent Tuesday "with Mrs. M. `Hick- 12.... .-. savv- 115- V . Rev. A. Shepherd, Angus, call- ed on old friends `in this vicinity, having attended. the 'social at Midhurst, on ' Monday evening. _ __._1 It..- In nnnnn n'gh 55 Toronto to M111skoka'Whar.fW' (Tues., Thurs. and Sat.)' 12.25 58 Muskoka Wharf to Toronto , I'IY__I 1.1__; \ 9 cnowri I-|IL'l._ 3 _JVuen.e 4. CRAIG]-IURsfT fJun_e 4.----A great number `of people attended the sale of farm stock, etc.,~ at John Jennett s' on A '1 ,1- :r\_..._.;... ...'...J `Allan U U11-C `i . Miss Gertrude Brown and_Miss Florence Glennie spent the be- ginning ofthe` week with the former s uncle, Mr. Beardsall, of Edgar. " - N j i '1`hos. Hill's illness resulted in an operation being performed last Wednesday at his home. He peeted. . IIT._._.`l L..- L A A m m A n n:11n:-I fl`? is doing as.well as could be ex- pup ucu. , Word has been received of the ` death of Isaac Hart, Sandy Lake, Man. He was about seventy-.sev- ` en years of age; His son, Lean- der Hart of Elmvale, and daughfi ter, Mrs. Archer of Elmvale, went over to look after the business. 4 `Another daughter, Mrs. Tennant, resides `in Orillia. Deceased had i been engaged in storekeeping and farming. " His wife prede- ceased him fiveyears. Joh Hart of Elmvale is a brother. _____.`I_...... LII. .I_'llI.lIVl.kl\..' J9 ll! .IJL,\)|lLl\lAI Miss Mary Higgins is working in Toronto. II I, .1 _______ I:l Ill .I.l)l. lJ11llUo Rain is badly needed,Vvery Iii- tl-e having fallen here this spring MANTVR . June 5.--Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Miss Beatrice Morris, whose remains were laid to rest in the Churchill Anglican cemetery. Her mother predeceased her about two months ago. Deep sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. _ -n_1_1._. :. 1.....`I: UAUUILUUU DU UIIU IJ\./I. unn v V: awn;----., . Miss Eleanor Ralston is holi- daying with her brother, Harvey Ralston. ' rrvl, ,_, , , -_- :_ ___l_..2...-.. .I.Iv(l:lD|l\Jl.lu Frank Thompson is suffering from an a.ttack~of paralysis. His friends hope [for an early recov- ery. fV.............l..l..L.-.-\.~' Jn Tan. 'l\11n Small-Ross 7.00 2.00 6.00 ` Ec_cles--Park 7.05 2.05 6 05 A Francis-Eli_zabet.h 7.10 2.10 6.40 Brock---Bradford 7.30 2.30 6.30 .Baldwin'-Town L. 7.40 2.40 6.40 Essa Rd-Main 7.45 2.45 6.45 Wil1 m-Burt'n Ave 7.50 2.50 6.50 Cumber-`d--Reid 7.55 2.55 6.55 Bradford'.Victoria 8.10 3.10 7.10 Tor.onto-EIizabeth 8.25 3.25 7.25 . Park-High . 8.30 3.30 7.30 'Bayeld-We11 _n 7.50` Owen--Grove 8.50 4.50 8.50 Wellington'-Peel 8.55" -4.55 8.55 Mu1caster-Pene g 9.05 5.05 9.05 Nelson---BlakQ_` 9.15 5.15 9-15 131ake-A--Rodne'y - 9.20 5 20 9.20 Blake--ADuckworth 9.25 5.25 9.25 '..-.u-1.'.. `D'niuH:u'7' O Q 5 3'0 0 Cl.Jn > ' Congratulations to Jos`. Dun, can and. Miss Teenie Goodfellow, `who were united in marriage on May 31. `II . .......I '||l .u. `LI flu-nn~n` Hnxrn LVLCIJ U1. Mr.oand Mrs. H. Grant have gone to reside in Toronto, where he has securedoa position-. 111.. -___I `nu ..- `l\ 1u':n,.... Al` TTl IIU IIGD DUUuluu'tb pun A u A u ; so Mr. and Mrs. D. Miller of Ut- opia spent a few days with the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Jacks. -r 1 I -_-_._ 1- I11-.. (I TIIIJIXD u . Lorne Jack has gone to _Toi`- Onto to Visit friends, UTOPIA June 4;%-The Seventh Line con- tributed $3.00 cash on Saturday to the Red Cross Rooms. -r-_1_ -1` '!\`r-...L--.. ......-nub LU liklu Lt-uu unuuu v.;.u Miss A. Jack o}WNant.'yr spent la t Week visiting her sister, Mrs. D. J. Miller. ,1 : ____. _`:L:_-..-.... Quite a number of our citizens attended the Memorial Service in the Anglican Church, Ivy, which was held jnhonor of Pte. W. J. Cunnings, who recently fell ght- ing in France. ' ! Allan Miller and Roy Bell spent the week-end with Orangeville friends. ' A ` 1-,. ___- i17__ .ll. IULLUDO A Japanese` student from Wy- cliffe College gave an interesting discourse onthe work of the Bible Society, in_ the Anglican Church on Sunday morning. In-_1r_ .1-.. _.-___ .._......,.L.~ nu qr-\t\I1 \JII\AA\Ina LILI. I\J\AAA\Auu`) --_v----_~c,. S. McMaster now sports a new Chevrolet.` ` ` Mr`; and lvlrg. Jtas. Graham of Edenvale visited at D. Kerr s on Sunday last. 1:..- x1r._...1,...- Inn Dnn U0 Luucnunu vv - lav --V- (M0n., wea.,'F{~i.) . 44'North Bay to Toronto.. 62"Meaford and Penetang Duuuay luau. " Mrs. Wanless, Mrs. Rainford and Messrs. W. Rainford and P. Donaldson motored from Barrie on Sunday last. mI _- `rr o....:n.. n..nn& n -fnvn Hove U11 Duuuay Law In * Mrs. H. Smith spent a few days last week in Barrie. There was a (good attendance ] at theput/ilic meeting of the W. -1 I. held in the Methodist Church ' at 'Stroud on May 31. 'Mrs. J. J. Lowe of Hespeler was the speak- j er sent by the Department and _ her plain, practical talk on the K _work and advantages of the In- stitute was listened to with much interest. Mrs. D. M. Stewart of 'Barrie, in sp.eaking of the Field. Comforts, told. of the many grateful letters` received from the boys, and while thanking the Institute for their help in the past urged them_ to continue their efforts, as the need is greater than ever. Misses Mabel Jacks, Joyce Carr and Mary Pat- terson added very much to the enjoyment V of the meeting by well rendered violin, piano and, vocal selections. The annual re- = ports showed a `very successful `year's work, and our aim is to i make the coming year still more SO.` V _ Strand Women's lnsltute Libra`) caretaker VIGO The representative of The Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morning in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. News items for Gookstown and adjacent country may he handed or phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. 39 finds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals, may be for- warded through `Mr. Thompson. ' June 6.--Ed. Duif of Toronto High class" millinery at low is spending" this week with prices can he had at Fisher's. friends in t0Wn- M1`. and Mrs. J.'D. Neilly re.- , \ 11r:|1...'.....,\... .-.4` 'l\Tnny , J -1!0:__',.l .--,-.....-J r\v\ '|\:I n-nrlnrr.` 1l'1t7l1u_B ll]. buvvu. Mrs.` (Dr.) Wilkinson of New- market. spent a few days last week with her sister, MI_`S. W. J. Broley. 1-1.. -...,a mt..- `D U Dnhinann .lJl. un:/_y . Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Robinson spent the week-end with friends at Newmarket. AII,A__ CV.I....--...~..t A-nrl .-In-.11 db .nGVv1ua.L nou- , Mrs. Albert Stewart and dau- ghters of Kapuskusing, New On- tario, spent last week. at W. J. Finlay s. 1 n--. xtr rI.......~.u:n'lr in nffonrlincr. ht svsvsnavo u .~..-_ V _ to Barrie .. .. .. .. 251`Barrie to Meaford and _ Penegangn .. .. .. 7.35 45'Toronto and Hamilton to Barrie.. .. .. .. .. 7.55 43 Barrie to Gravenhurst (Saturday only) .. .. ..8.00 /17TOI'0Y1tO to North Bay. . 8.45 - Tho Nationai" 9 Toronto to Winnipeg (Wed., Fri., Sun.) 1.10 am.` 10 Winnipeg to Toronto '1 -nvI\rrI`l".\ Tues., Th11I`S., Sat.) 10.35 am.` uxy. v . I ` W. L. Clark of Leamingtong` will hold meetings at the Meth-;~ odist Church during next week,``. and will `also speak at the three ` services on Sunday. 1 n--1__ -2 rn...........4.-. 1.` 1111(1) Do 1 ' Rev. W. Creswick is attending Synod this week. ' TIE.-...-.1m \`7n4nnr\nt\r\`.Q and 1 3 Dy .l1'Uu hula vvoun Men's Water-pI:0ofvSlickers and hat to match are for sale at Fisher- s. Buy a Slicker and keep; dry. . 3 1x7 1' F1].-...'ly n4` `I nnrnincrfnn` \J\4o v-_vvu \4-- .v_. `Pte. Bert I attended the f sin, the late 13 Saturday last. 1 .. I..... "f\"\`V |JG.|Il.ll.lJ(1J luau. _ John Monkman of Toronto spent the holidaywith his `sistergi Mrs. J. R. Couse. _ v - < I! .I,__ `I111-.. 1 Lvll. U. llao \JLI\.l\J\J| - A man from t e Hydro Elec-! tric Comn.` was in town last Wednesday and viewed the vill- age, so as to be able to give an estimate of the cost of installing the service here. Il _...._:..` ..I...-,...I.. ` IJIIU DUIVIUU uulu. I Miss Beatrice Morris, daugh-l ter of Geo. Morris, died at her home in Innisl 0n'Thursda.y last. The deceased was a.niece of Mrs. Thos. Parks and Mrs. Jas. Prince. nL_-__..'|.. L-.. .'L,-. UGD. J. 1 llluu. I The Anglican Church has its new ag---the- Union Jack with. the cross of St. George. { ious `accident happened on Sun- day afternoon. When a soldier and his_wife and baby were go- ing down the Sand Hillcin an automobile, the machine turned turtle and landed in the ditch. The man and baby were wedged underneath the car. Rev. W. Creswick was coming home from might have been a ser-. Pinkerton at the time and they had just. nicely passed him when the accident happened. -Mr. Cres- wick quickly went to the rescue, and was able to release them. Dr. Shier was summoned but found nothing serious the matter. The baby was slightly bruised and the "mother suffered a nervous shock. The car was broughtpin to the garage and was speedily put in- to shape; again. i _ ' ll..- "I"l'--A.-....a'.,- and o-`A11:-\oI\`nn nu anaugu _uuu;u Mrs; Hudson` and daughter and `Mrs. Habkirk and Mr. Stone, all._of Seaforth, visited at John R_,obi.n_son s this week. OANADIAN PAEIFIG RAILWAY TIME TABLE In Effect June 2, 1917 Going North (to Goldwater). ' ' A(Arri ve) Essa .. .. ....i1.40 a..m. Midhurst .. .. .. ..11.58 am. Craighurst .. .-.. ,..12.10 pm. tN-- _:'VI:5}_e;iv}7at1 rand family of Schoxnberg spent Sunday a"t Rus- se`ll` Chant1er s. ` V News OF coo1 .ookstoAwn~ Flour Mills KHAKI BRAND MANITOBA FLOUR WATER LILY BLENDED FLOUR MOSS ROSE PASTRY WHITE WHEAT FLOUR uJ\.lll\At~.] n ' Cooke of Toronto funeral of his cou- Beatrice Morris, on vManufacturers V of KXUIJD. Mrs. Harfy Draper of Toronto. 'gspent the week-end at Levi Hen- s0n s. ` `n' I. 7,, -4` rn.-..,\-.Ln nnrl J. D. ceived official word on Monday that their son, Pte. Earl Neilly, is missing. nu.-- m:,.I...-... 4n uioinnp ID IIJIDDILL6 - Mrs. Chas. Fisher is visiting with friends in Toronto this week Mr. King` of Toronto called on: W. J. Finlay on Tuesday." I --.,....:..... ..,.,....'.mA .~. chin Essa . . Midhurst . . Graighurst . .'

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