Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1917, p. 1

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month. av, Juul `(2) That the salaries of Chef King and Constables Lambie and Sweeney be increasedj$10' per ran 1 I: I 1 1 77 itneys to he Taxed In answer tn Ald. Davis, Chair- man Lowe of the Light Committee said they were trying to get-. a- bout the town" at nights to see where, lights might be moved 1,0 advan t.ag'e.. 5-1`I'..,; Al_- I17 0 I` I\_,,,,, Iavvn v `un--avucuvm Has the W, & L. Comp. power to charge uswhat they like for hydran-t rental ?., asked Ald. Hors- eldu I understand the Council can demarxd that they pay over to us the surplus profits? N11... 1|l..-_,... 1111.- r1--_..`_':| \A u\ALl.-nun FLVJJIULV - claim the surplus over what is required for carrying on the bus- iness but I d know `what mar- gin is allowed the Comn. AIJ 'I T,.. I May0r~--The Counbil can` "'A1}i'. "I'ibVr's'ii is a slam at this Council and I don t think we should stand for it. Why .can t we pass a motion demand- ing the surplus? 1 I111..-` 1l5'-_,-._ 1\_. ---___r__. A LI._ -av uu; yuxnsl u The` Mayor-~-On_accou1ut of the cost of constructing the main to the hospital, the Comn. thinks the Town should`pay more. `I\......l.-_ I` A..... G--....l T`I .._.- _____ I Wbe}5{1' I:3;r`~3:+SV1`1~1`;t:P`I ;.11J.a s5ys' it will cost-$1700.` . . I19! . a n a Council are we anyway? The Hydro engineer told us we are entitled to the surplus and now the Comn. practically tells us that we don t amount to anything an.d they are going to load higher rates on us. It s time we found `out where we stand in this mat- ter. The Waterworks Dept. made $3795 prots H last year and yet they think they can tax us more. I).-un'l-..'-`n. 4;. An A...-.........- LI...` " X13: B}fvis:-"w'hat sort. of a` Replying to an enquiry, the Clerk statedthal,.t.he Tnwn paid the Dept. $3766 last year. Hy- drant. charges are $35 each for 87 hydrants and ' $30,each for 23, others. ` A I\ r: a .1- u.-.\,.-, T _ l+`ran'ce, May 8, l9'l7. Dear - Madam :-I have just been issued a pair of socks in the battalion. I looked inside and round a little note, and 1 see you are the maker of the socks. They t me very "well and I thank you very much for them. From N`o.`l32698 Pte. R. E. King, -- , . :l3th Bn., R.H.C., France. A very successful Knitting Tea was held Tuesday, May 29, at the home, of Mrs. John Clax_ ton. Proceeds were given to Collier `St. Day '- at Red Cross Rooms. T ru. tun \ ':Ei{' vir3't}"&"iZigiZ5mmassign notied -the Council that the lay- ing of the sewer on Ross St. as instructed would he proceeded with as soon as possible. T... `I! C|L:..1..`I.. ......1..,...A...I A ..u-uu-`ya, --..-~ wu- V .7 Mrs. J. F. Jackson received the following in answer to a note `sent in socks, shipped by Barrie Branc.h,- 'l`44>}4>-/K/A ll... 0 Int ! a0\.r\.I . . . u .1- Collier St. Church had charge of the Shop on Saturday, June 2. Net receipts,` $215.61. Included in thiswas the sum of $20 made from Miss,Booth s Red Cross Shoes. ` rs. u.- - The Soldierls. Aid will have charge on Saturday, June 9, and the following Saturday, the `Con- gregational and Reform Church- -9--....-saw Donations, Saturday, June 2- 7th Line, Utopia--$3. Ivy-7 doz. Vegg_s,~$1.80. 10th Line, Ivy ---3 lbs. butter, 1 qt. syrup,-1 pt. cream,- 2 doz`. eggs, 1'loaf bread, 1 doz. tarts, 1 doz. -cookies. Gruthrie--1 qt. cream, 2 bunches rhubarb. _ 6th,, Vespra-'-1 qt. cream. 7th, Vespra-1O eggs. Stroud, east-`-7 doz. eggs. v-.1 `Shop Committee this week :+-- Miss Lawrence, Mrs. A. Carson. NextTweek_:--MI's. Palling, Mrs. Shanacy. ' ou_1-__._-1-..- 1--__.-' n county W.G.T.U. [convention L I Barrie NV.G.T.U. ladies are an-. ticipating large gatherings at; their County Goneventi-on to be' held here next week, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 12; and 13, in Central Methodist Church. VIUILUL Llal. LvLuII|A\Junu `4lA\.ll-\/no | An exceptionally bright Apro-l gramme has been arranged for! each day. A feature of-the Con- vention is the address of Mrs. Gordon Wright, Dominion Presi- dent. Besides temperance and moral reform work, Mrs. Wright is an active patriotic worker and has been aeting._.president of the Red'Cross Society, London,~in the absence of Lady Beck. She has two sons at the front and an- other son, Capt \Vard Wright, has been wounded" and invalided home. Mrs, Wright is sure to have an. inspiring message for the patriotic workers here. rn....,..,J..-- N. nnnn ..-..-.. I-Inn | Death of Mrs. w. A. Lewis l` e - Mother : After a lingering illness, Min- unie Georgie Cr-ompton, wife of E. B. Crompton of Brantford, pass- ed away at the family residence, 92 Dutferin Ave.-, Monday even- ing. Mrs. Crompton was a na_ tive_ of Barrie, and the youngest daughter of the late. George Plaxton. She was a prominent member of Brant Ave. Methodist "Church and an active member of the Musical Club of. Brantford. `She is survived by her husband and threeichildren, Mrs. W. A. Lewis _of Barrie, Capt. Chas . ,-Crompton, M.D., and Miss Jessie Icrompton at home`; three sis- 'ters, Mrs. F. M. Smith and` Mrs. Talbot Torrance of Toronto, and Mrs.-H. S. Scott of London. Eng., at present in Brantford, and two ;brothers, C. W. Plaxton, Toron- to, and Dr. Otto G. Plaxton of `Parry Sound. `I"\_. T -_-__- __ 2.. `I'I.___.1.D.___..I L- .. , -v\z\.n;;\;- Lewis is in Brantford to- `day attending the funeral. it in a double boiler. Home Pasteurizatlon Those'who wish to be on the safe side and pasteurize the milk at home can easily do so. As soon as the milk comes in, place Bring it up to a temperature of from-140 to -160 degrees (using an ordinary dairy thermometer for testing the temperature) and keep it there from 20 to 30 minutes. It should not be heated over 160 degrees. After it is thus pas- teurized let it co-ol, place it in a ,sterilized sealer and put it on ice or in a cool cellar. cThl_i_s treatment should not affect the taste or cream rising. By follow- ing these directions any germs that may be in the milk are des- troyed. I. Iwu yvvununvn US.t,ickle protested at- srainst the herding and tethering of cattle on James St. At the regular meeting of the Royal Victoria Hospital Board on Tuesday, the report on the final exams. of the 1917 graduating class was presented and showed that this class has fully main- tained the high standard of effi_ cienoy set by previous graduates of this training school for nurses. All the five members of this year s class made over 83 per cent, the gold medal going to Miss Mac- Gregor whose standing was the highest. The other graduating nurses are Miss Boyd, Miss Me- Bride, Miss Wearing and Miss Hunter. ' .. v...v`-. -Arrangements were made for the customary graduation exer- cises, which will he held at the hospital on Monday, June 18, at 7.30 p.m. T1--. `IT 'l'l...__...'_ \I7.lI___ Rev. W. Harris Wallace was appointed to the Board, lling the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. McLeod. lvuvv .. -.-v..u\;v- `At the pxlesent. time there are thirty-th1'ee patients in the hos- pital. rnl... 1"r-.--- n.__.'..._:1.-.. __-..- :_ rIAu\4I4na The House Committee was in- structed to report at the next meeting on the advisability of installing elect-rie heating ap- pliances in the diet kitchens and also for the" sterilizers. Horse trading used to be one of the chief sources of income-- and amusement--for the gyp- sies, but judging from the band which visited town this week, these nomads -have found other things than the horse to interest them. Instead of lumbering schooners drawn by moth- eaten looking horses with several equines of varied size and color ambling along behind, these gyp- sies had ve new Ford motor vans. As usual, there were about a dozen dusky kids to the vehicle and the women sought to have palms crossed with silver in re- turn for which they.would fore- tell the future. Miss lI|acGregor Wins Medal Gypsies Use Motors \..lJ vuuuulu vu UIAIJIVQ K109 The Parks` Commission asked for the balance of the 1916 levy. $10 Monthly More for Police The Fire & Police Committee reported: IA\ f'I'!'l..._A .. 1.... I..-- nlntlu-.3... J u1JuJ. vuul u (1) That a by-law dening the duties of the police is_ unnec- tessary as these are set forth in the report of committee onjFe1. 13, 1907. ` t `/n\ rnx.._4 n..- ,...I....:..... -4 nIL._..4' ~11 I \JlL ullc . (3) That Contable Hagart be furnished with police uniform while on duty.- /I\ rnI....L 'I'\-.......`II 13...... 9 1.......J.... \VllllI/ uuJ 0' (4) `;I.h:1t Dougall Br-os. tender ($16) fmlinoleum in re hall be accepted`. 7111...; In n.........-..9... ....\..1.`..... ...-.,.I.. tau!-Ivy uvuo That 1'2_remen s rubher mats, :12 pairs of hip boots, 1 Bres- man distributing nozzle am`. I dozen taber spanners be pur- chased. ~ 91'! 7,.` The Finance Comnlittee rec- ommended that, the livery and cab licenses remam as at pre.-Tent and that-for autos for hire, a license fee of $25.00 for rs`; car and. $10.00 for each additinnnl .-:u'.._. /n\ rn|_,1 ..;- _..1_'-._ 1.- 1-1.-.. ..-. !DrUo\Jl.` IUI IJI'\/ll (lalI\ll'l'II.lI|rI ~ -|aav ` .(2) That no action be taken in request of H. Ardell for refund of poolroom license for mole not in 'use. 1n\ rI1L-L 11.,` '1-_-__ :.. . . _ . _ A uni`

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