Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1917, p. 12

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0d of mending broken china Thursdag}, lllay} 31 , 1911. 4- nu-no UL: ;vLU1lul1_y. Ewart, Arrmld has resumed his run on the Penetang mail train, after two weeks holiday in Cook-` stown, Hamilton and Chicago. \\7nlln..,.'r\...\:.....I.......,.I 1..-... -.....-._.I JII.|.uAI|ll:\/`ll. u.uu LllllUG5U- WVV':ila}3e'Cra.ighead has Inoved his family to Lindsay, where he n A.-. ....._.....__.__. u.. KJIII Mrs. Martin Baker, accompan- ied by her daughter Alice, went in New Lowell for the holiday, returning on` Monday. ' lrutvnnl Avnuvnlnl Ln . ...........__-.I L3- '"""' "`"""' .1 Miss Mary Small of Toronto is spending her holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Bothwell Block. - . The auxiliary was called out mu -S21t,urday evening` to Hillsdale, where there were four cars in the diI.ch.. -.Ha1'ry Jarmain came up ']`0rm_H,n last week-end. and ed llis family to the city on day. VIVI. . V `I Mrs. Robt. Cannon has mtur; ed hmne after` a short. hnli-day mm relatives in Caledon East. .. .u- U. uu_y. -Rev. B. and Miss '].`ayInr left on Tuesday for a short holiday in Hamilton and Toronto. Arthu1iBirkhead has returned hmne after spending a few days at ]r1glo,w00d with 1`elat.iv0s. I\Ir._ Jos. Patterson, went. tol Bracebridge on Monday to spend` a short, holiday with friends. ! '7|Ir_. I1,v . rw ;M1's. Sam Somers has gone ml London tnspend two weeks wit ` her sister, Mrs. Day. ' II... "D T) .,._ .1 1|l:.,_ vI\_ 1,, , 1,1: -Jun.-.;u.u u vnvna Jvula uunnulnxa. ,. 1-nos. lion:-ins, \ L % Phone: Office 183, Residence-359. \l .-. gnu; AAa\~\4J 1 `Mr. and Mrs. Burgess of Elm- -vale visited their son, E. Burgess, on the holiday. l -1 _.--.x__ 1-..- n_._.:_.... n--_.` u`. v -av-.u;uuJ- ---C`./et ready for Spring. Buy` yqur paints from W. A. Lowe & Son. Elizabeth St. Ayers andbMrs. Geo. Seymour spent three days in Buffalo last. week. uun; m;.l1ax1 -I."-;{1-r11,)n has cbmpleted: his course at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. ' { nr.. --. .1 nr...,. 1') . . . ~ . . Rt` A4` 12.`)... I `Lillian Bronton was in' Toronto and` Stouville last" week. ' ' /*1 I - L-` _..L-...._..A.J `Tom Booth of Meaford has moved to Innisfil St. V `Mrs. Chas. Lowe spent the holiday with-friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs._V. E. Knight mo- tored to Thox-nbury on Sunday. VUUD Be I Gartner has retxmnedl home after a short trip` to Des- er-onto. - R u at A 1 I`1_,.IL-,; I_A_._ DI'\Jll.l.l\Ji l Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Coulteb have ; gone to Edmonton for a month .s} holiday. 3 1\lI ...,~ A Ti` f`..n..-v4'nw.rI `nnn rmr\-r\(\ Al \1La.\AI.n_y a Mrs. A. E. Crawford has gone? to visit her `mother in ()1-illia for the summer. - , ' ` 4 I I \ ,1: 1` News from the .50, vv uuux. Lnuusua, Lanna, UM). We carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Pre- pared Roong. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done promptly. Consult us with your building. -Inna nan -_-`an Page Twelve PUTATUESCHEAPER SPECIAL QUOTATIONS for larger BROWN (`:1 CO. $4.00 per Bag A Car of Choice Westem% Potato for Planting or Table: Use % quantities. from mov- Mun- Ask for-`~.l|lnaI-d's 3:6 take no other. V _, . v - " * 1- I Prohahlzy. the largest price ever paid in t`h-is (part of the country for a sow (except for breeding purposes) was paid this week by E. T. Mcconkey to Wm.__Gaithcart. of Innisfil. The Efnimal, which was three years old, weighed 720 lbs. and brought $100.70. In my day I've boughta good team of horses for less than that, ' said Mr. Caithcart when telling The T Examiner ofhis sale. a . T I The Bgrrie Planing May] :1 &r\u\11:n n- vnl\1 IIAIAJU U!/Ll uu._yc. Mr. Fisher is doing his best to keep down the price of flour and feed and the quality of his mill s output is steadily` increasing his businessy Those not now using his our should give it a trial. Fisher- s Mill has agam reduced the price ' of 0u1*.$1 .O0 per bbl, this making a reduction of $1.80 in the last ten days. Thin 'l::..L._.. _- .1_:_._, \,"1 _-........,.. ........u..uu nu mu, \ll(1ll5C Hall and there _diSmissed. The death occurred in Fort William on May 32 of a former resident, of this place, Mrs. Mat- ilda Tricker, widow of Robert Tricker. After the death of her husband severalyears ago, `she went to live with her daughterin For William. The body was brought here last week and was interred in .the `Union Cemetery after service in the Burton Ave. Methodist, Church, conducted by Rev. C. W. Reynolds. Her dau- ghters, MrAs.AArthur Wellington and Mrs. G. Miles, accompanied by Mr. Miles, came here "for the funeral. ' _-_., .. V... .,. \g,|l\.I Llal/I/\_/ll\l\,4\.l |Jl:. \ IUUI - ge s Church for divine service. Bm., the Rev. E. B. Taylor, de-. livered a splendid sernmn on` "Pat,rioLism, after which the brethren marched `to the Orange t,l1eI'e4diSn1issed. - . T v- I The Sons of England held their annual r.:hu1-ch parade last, Sun.- day. Acgtompaniedv by the Or.- angemen, they marched through the ward and attended (ieor- n.~,J,. D1. .__...1_ Ms. Harry and Mrs. Will Bo- gardis accompzlnied their moth- er, Mrs. Jno. Cheetham, back to l\7Va11l)aI1sl1m1e last. week. Mrs. (3l1eet,l1am has been very ill but is slowly-1'ec0_ve1'ing. ~ ' nu No farmers e.\:cuI`si_ons are to he run to .Onl.:'1rio Agr_ieuH.ural College, (.iuelpl1, during June, .laA1'gely because railways are too busy vto spare the trains. 1 --{Maple Leaf paints and F10. glaze.` Nune better on the mar- lket. W. A. Lowe & Son. | A ... . . 'r\ A. E. Smith has sev`ercd his connection with the G.'I`.R. and has secured :1 posit.i0'n in Niag- am Falls, Ont. He moved his -fzunily 'l,he1`e lhis week. ` ` The Late Pte. Ernest Delaneiy " "1ia .5}iur;{6i{m;r"Jr ;;., BBBEE: Frames, Floor-ing, Ceiling, Mould- ings, Water Troughs, Tanks, etc. `X7n novwtv in o n In...-.... Lailway War%d.....} I`-'.anc'y "Price for a Pig. Flour Reduced V f the late Reeve. 1 VIILL UJ-LIVC JUCIJD GEU. With the death of Reeve Mc- Nabb` a unique gure has been removed from municipal politics. Eighty years of=ag`e, he was stur- dy- and stalwart, and few took and ten. Few municipal rulers enjoyed the honors of office or wore them more gracefully than To, serve the municipality was, to him a real ple-asur-e,'and in his election con- 5 tests he developed surprising and I unexpected strength. He served the town to the" best of hisabil- ity, and will not soon he forgot- ten,+-Orillia__ Times. .him to be-,over the threescore -vvvu nuns, uu uxuuuizy lllUl'IllIlg', May 21, following an il-lness with pneumonia. Mr. McNabhl had pre- viously served thetownas Dep- uty Reeve _in 1894, the year the first municipal building was commenced, when he was chair- man of `the market committee. The deceased was born in Islay, Scotland, and was .a son of the late Andrew McNabb:A He came to Canada when ten years of age, his parents settling near Beaver- ton. Mr. McNabh came to Orillia thirty--ve years ago. With Hm Anni}. mo n~~-- I-A Duncan McNabb, Reeve of the Town of Orillia for three years past, died at his home, 270 Mof- fatt St., on Monday morning, May 21. fOllOWinQ` QT] `iname nvH3- _ ._-\.`.\:-AK! "nu. url nlal/U1 , Mrs. Pp, Ness, Barrio. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Mo/Conkey mnt,01*ed to 0Iil:]ia last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Eddington and family motored from Toron- 1,0 and spent` over Sundaywith their niece, Mrs. Gibbons. Hogs re Lower Shepard paid $15.75 per cwt for t.he"car of hogs he ship- ped yesterday. - ILUDKIALJI/I `yo Miss Margaret, Barclay spent over the week-end with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. John" Barr-lmv. Miss Margaret, J. McC0nkey has returned home after spending "three months with her sister, ...-- _.,.. ...;uuu.a 111 JJI.?I'.U_) . Word was received lrsrcr. last , week with much sorrmv that We. Alvin Webb was seribuslv \\mu:1d- ed. ` Corner Sophia. and MafyaSt;el L; Il'.._.._-l.`;_..1-__-.__ -0 P1, I `l\ U Mr. and Mrs. H. McDnna|-'1 nf Toronto spent. over Sumhy \`vt,i1 Dr. and Mrs. Rogers. Yum... n..-A.-v . _. -_; LVLI -J. LIAJEUI Do -1.\4`r:-s:.. Green of Dunrialk at.- tended the funeral of her mu`.,i1(`-.1`, Mrs. Mm1tgmnm'v ' '|\/Finn `|III'........---A Tr ' Miss Laura Wright spent week with friends in Lerroy. \IY.......I _.._ May 28-Miss Mayne-2 lvlatllers of Toronto .-'-pent jovhr Sumlay with her cousin, Mi-5 Rowena Black-. Mxpand Mrs. Cameron and daughter Leona of spent the w:;eK__end with Mrs. Wm. Latimerf. ` 11: t - -- _- Children s `Day was observed in the Methodist Sunday*School last Sunday morning and will long be remembered by those who were present. The children, teachers and officers occupied the centre seatsvin the auditorium of the church and the choir. Rev. F. J. Dunlop talked to the children `on some of the difficult hills oflife and how toclimh them. Between fifteen and twenty of the scholars were received into church meme hership. At the close of the ser_ vice the picture of Mr. Richard. Power. Supt. of Thornton Sunday School, was unveiled. Mr. Power has._been Supt. of Thornton Sun- day School for thirty-three years and during that time has done much t.o mould the character of the young lives in the commum ity. Many` youngmen and women have gone out from the Sunday School better able to combat the temptations of life owing` to his srodly and consecrated example. The pastor of the church and Addison _McKen7.ietook the oeca- sion to express, on behalf of the teachers and officers, their an- nreciation of his great service to the community. Mr. l_3ower s. many friends j.oin in the wish that he may be spared many years to fill the important, position of Root; of Thornton Methodistl Sabbath School. A l Mrs. .-Iohhn Patterson Grassy Lake is here on -a visit td her daughter, Mrs. D. Stewart, IJLIKIBIIUCI, 7113. U: L . DJIJUVVGL ho, Next Sabbath evening the ser- vice in the Methodist Church will be taken by a representative of the Bible Society, 1. Congratulations to Miss M. E. -'Henry and Miss Mary Flet- cher on passing their recent ex- aminations `in the University of Toronto. " " Miss M. Simpson of Philadel- phia is home on a visit to her mother`, Mrs. Simpson, who at `time of writing, is still low. an x.-nu... Beeto-n Worl'd--Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Blair of Allandale visited friends in town Wednesday. Her mother, Mrs. Kirk, who spent the winter with her, returned to Bee- ton with them. U Miss Rose 'Ayerst is visiting` for a few weeks with Toront `friends. - J Covnzratulations to Mr. and; Mrs. T. W. Sharpe of Hamilton% on, the arrival of a daughter -(Evlyn Arloah). T . May 29--R~ev. F. J. Dunlop, Rev B. H. Somerville and J_; W. :Hen.ry spent: Monday and Tuesday" `in Toronto. ' 1 Mr. and4Mrs. Jas. Jamieson and Mrs. Teny attended the S. S. {Convention in` the Baxter Church `on M0nday.~ 0:-illia s Reeve is um BARRIE EXAMl Ayah snrunnnv monnmua wuonntou STROU D Dead l.a.t,1` WI l.`u1' M1`; and] -aaII.\AI1l4l Miss Katherine. Wales has re- turned to her home in Syracuse, N.Y., a.fter.spending four months with her sister, Mrs. W. Craig- head, Brock St, ' ' . 'I`I_.1_, IIV I-I an - -- la -5 t1` For the Hoilsokeepor `step towards" `pre-aming it and Press butter through an ord- Y011 Will Save tl'I`D0- . inary potato ricer as the first A clean and satisfactory meth_ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEEEEEEaggl I It Pays to Shop at Vickers my the front `a France--an xoiceer A ["7" My-rylna a `Z06-lh German hell. , , , --Photo by courtesy 0] 0. P. R. . loyal lngmeers Bud;-mg in the Eullrann. -.Phntn In nnnariomu ni 4U E""2`3".'>% EIJHIIPEAN .WAH % Shop at# Vickers %- L- % ItPays On the Western 1"ront- the man on the right remembers this piece of barbed wire enttnglement when he had to get through it in the early days of the Somme Battle at Ovilliers. ' V . T --Photo by courtesy of the 0. P. R. is `Z-'r11.'r;n}_r1"g-W31; _way freight, between Midland and Lindsay. T|.l :..,. I7,.4I.._,-.-M, 111 1, \v BIUHES A Great Sale of Ladies Waists and Dresses Beingmaniufacturers samples and over makes. Compriszng 250 Waists and`35 Dresses. Bought at a very low price and passed along to OUT 1701- rons on the same terms. FIRST COME . FIRST`-TC} > NONESENT 01v APPROVAL TERMS CASH F rida:'y and Saturday and Monday barbed. :.. LL- --..I_ Juan A? {ulna Qnnnvnn nofn of nwniigra FIRSTFCHOICE .933 -3 jv 10:55:11`;-a -_-Photo by courtesy of 9. P. R. Sam` uy '1;;,1;m;it'i.;;;a,; ";.`.:m{'.;. and use while hot. (`.u1vin `H. Hurst has secured a` position in a munition plant in Pet.:x`})0I`_) and went there on Sat.- urdny. ' T T M. J. Konny of Gravenhllrst has Il'l()\"8d into the house lately ucc.1mi<>,`i by W. Craighead on Brock St. ' b T

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